Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Henri Kerola * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.animation.Animatable; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.fill.Fill; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.gradient.Gradient; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.impl.SVGImpl; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.impl.util.SVGUtil; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.stroke.Stroke; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.stroke.Stroke.LineCap; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.stroke.Stroke.LineJoin; import org.vaadin.addon.gwtgraphics.client.transform.MatrixTransform; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An abstract base class for drawing objects the DrawingArea can contain. * * @author Henri Kerola */ public abstract class VectorObject extends Widget implements HasClickHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers, HasDoubleClickHandlers, Animatable { protected static final SVGImpl impl = GWT.create(SVGImpl.class); protected static enum FillType { SOLID, GRADIENT } protected Widget parent; protected Map<String, String> properties; protected Stroke stroke; protected Fill fill; protected FillType fillType; protected Gradient fillGradient; protected MatrixTransform transform; protected double width, height; protected double posX, posY; protected double scaleX, scaleY; protected double rotation; protected boolean transformDirty; public VectorObject() { setElement(impl.createElement(getType())); properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); stroke = new Stroke("black"); fill = new Fill("white"); fillType = FillType.SOLID; fillGradient = null; posX = 0; posY = 0; scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; width = -1; height = -1; transformDirty = true; } protected MatrixTransform getTransform() { if (transformDirty) { double rot = Math.toRadians(rotation); double ca = Math.cos(rot); double sa = Math.sin(rot); double a = (scaleX * ca); double b = -(scaleY * sa); double c = (scaleX * sa); double d = (scaleY * ca); double tx = posX; double ty = posY; if (transform == null) { transform = new MatrixTransform(a, b, c, d, tx, ty); } else { transform.set(a, b, c, d, tx, ty); } transformDirty = false; } return transform; } protected SVGImpl getImpl() { return impl; } protected abstract Class<? extends VectorObject> getType(); /** * Get SVG name of the element that this VectorObject represents * * @return a string like 'line' or 'rect' */ protected abstract String getSVGElementName(); public void setStroke(Stroke s) { if (s != null) { stroke = s; } } public Stroke getStroke() { return stroke; } public void setFill(Fill f) { fillType = FillType.SOLID; fill = f; fillGradient = null; } public void setFill(Gradient g) { fillType = FillType.GRADIENT; fillGradient = g; fill = null; } public FillType getFillType() { return fillType; } public Gradient getGradientFill() { return fillGradient; } public Fill getFill() { return fill; } /** * Re-create the attributes of this VectorObject * * TODO: make sure this is used everywhere it can be */ public void redraw() { Element e = getElement(); MatrixTransform transform = getTransform(); for (String property : properties.keySet()) { String value = properties.get(property); if ("xlink:href".equals(property)) { SVGUtil.setAttributeNS("", e, property, value); } else { e.setAttribute(property, value); } } if (fillType == FillType.SOLID) { String[] fillAttrs = fill.toSVGString().split(" "); for (String a : fillAttrs) { String[] parts = a.split("=\""); String name = parts[0]; String value = parts[1].substring(0, parts[1].indexOf("\"")); e.setAttribute(name, value); } } else if (fillType == FillType.GRADIENT) { e.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + fillGradient.getId() + ")"); } else { // wtf?! assert false : "this should not happen"; } if (stroke != null) { e.setAttribute("stroke", stroke.getColor()); e.setAttribute("stroke-width", Double.toString(stroke.getLineWidth())); e.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", Double.toString(stroke.getOpacity())); e.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", Double.toString(stroke.getMiterLimit())); LineCap cap = stroke.getLineCap(); if (cap != null) { e.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", cap.toString().toLowerCase()); } LineJoin join = stroke.getLineJoin(); if (join != null) { e.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", join.toString().toLowerCase()); } List<Double> dashes = stroke.getDashArray(); if (!dashes.isEmpty()) { String str = Double.toString(dashes.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < dashes.size(); i++) { str += ','; str += dashes.get(i); } e.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", str); if (stroke.getDashOffset() != 0.0) { e.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", Double.toString(stroke.getDashOffset())); } } } if (width > -1) { e.setAttribute("width", "" + width); } if (height > -1) { e.setAttribute("height", "" + height); } e.setAttribute("transform", transform.toSVGString()); } public String getProperty(String pname) { return getProperty(pname, null); } public double getPropertyDouble(String pname) { return getPropertyDouble(pname, 0.0); } public double getPropertyDouble(String pname, double defaultValue) { String p = getProperty(pname, null); if (p != null) { return Double.parseDouble(p); } return defaultValue; } public String getProperty(String pname, String defaultValue) { String value = properties.get(pname); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return value; } public void setProperty(String pname, String pvalue) { if (pvalue == null || pvalue.isEmpty()) { properties.remove(pname); } else { properties.put(pname, pvalue); } } public void setProperty(String pname, double pvalue) { setPropertyDouble(pname, pvalue); } @Override public void setPropertyDouble(String property, double value) { property = property.toLowerCase(); GWT.log("set Property Double called in vector object" + property + " " + value); if ("x".equals(property)) { setX((int) value); } else if ("y".equals(property)) { setY((int) value); } else if ("fillopacity".equals(property)) { getFill().setOpacity(value); } else if ("strokeopacity".equals(property)) { getStroke().setOpacity(value); } else if ("strokewidth".equals(property)) { getStroke().setLineWidth(value); } else if ("rotation".equals(property)) { setRotation(value); } else { setProperty(property, String.valueOf(value)); } } public void setSize(double width, double height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public void setX(double x) { posX = x; transformDirty = true; } public void setY(double y) { posY = y; transformDirty = true; } public void setPosition(double x, double y) { posX = x; posY = y; transformDirty = true; } public double getX() { return posX; } public double getY() { return posY; } public void setScale(double sx, double sy) { scaleX = sx; scaleY = sy; transformDirty = true; } public double getScaleX() { return scaleX; } public double getScaleY() { return scaleY; } public double getRotation() { return rotation; } public void setRotation(double degree) { rotation = degree; transformDirty = true; } @Override public Widget getParent() { return parent; } // TODO, XXX: override failure - someone please investigate public void setParent(Widget parent) { Widget oldParent = this.parent; if (parent == null) { if (oldParent != null && oldParent.isAttached()) { onDetach(); assert !isAttached() : "Failure of " + this.getClass().getName() + " to call super.onDetach()"; } this.parent = null; } else { if (oldParent != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set a new parent without first clearing the old parent"); } this.parent = parent; if (parent.isAttached()) { onAttach(); assert isAttached() : "Failure of " + this.getClass().getName() + " to call super.onAttach()"; } } } @Override public void setStyleName(String style) { getImpl().setStyleName(getElement(), style); } @Override public void setHeight(String height) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("VectorObject doesn't support setHeight"); } @Override public void setWidth(String width) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("VectorObject doesn't support setWidth"); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler) */ public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addDoubleClickHandler(DoubleClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, DoubleClickEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseDownHandler(MouseDownHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseDownEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseUpHandler(MouseUpHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseUpEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseOutHandler(MouseOutHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOutEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseOverHandler(MouseOverHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOverEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseMoveHandler(MouseMoveHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public HandlerRegistration addMouseWheelHandler(MouseWheelHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseWheelEvent.getType()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); getImpl().onAttach(getElement(), isAttached()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @Override protected void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); } }