Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package org.vaadin.addon.googlepicker.auth;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.vaadin.annotations.JavaScript;
import com.vaadin.server.AbstractJavaScriptExtension;
import com.vaadin.ui.JavaScriptFunction;

import elemental.json.JsonArray;

 * @author se
@JavaScript({ "GoogleAuthorizer.js",
        "" })
public class GoogleAuthorizer extends AbstractJavaScriptExtension {

    public interface AuthorizationListener extends Serializable {

        void authorized(String scope, String accessToken);

    Map<String, AuthorizationListener> authListeners = new HashMap<String, AuthorizationListener>();

    public GoogleAuthorizer(String clientId) {

        getState().clientId = clientId;

        addFunction("onAuthorizeScope", new JavaScriptFunction() {

            public void call(JsonArray arguments) {
                String scopeString = arguments.getString(0);
                String accessToken = arguments.getString(1);
                String[] scopes = scopeString.split(" ");
                for (String scope : scopes) {
                    AuthorizationListener l = authListeners.get(scope);
                    if (l != null) {
                        l.authorized(scope, accessToken);


    protected GoogleAuthorizerState getState() {
        return (GoogleAuthorizerState) super.getState();

    public void authorize(String scope, AuthorizationListener listener) {
        authListeners.put(scope, listener);
        callFunction("authorizeScope", scope);
