Java tutorial
/* * ==================================================================== * * License: GNU General Public License * * Note: Original work copyright to respective authors * * This file is part of Blended (c) 2009-2010 University of Valladolid.. * * Blended is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Blended is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * Module developed at the University of Valladolid * * , * * Designed and directed by Juan Pablo de Castro with * the effort of many other students of telecommunication * engineering. * This module is provides as-is without any * guarantee. Use it as your own risk. * * @author Juan Pablo de Castro * @author Jesus Rodilana * @author Mara Jess Verd * @author Luisa Regueras * @author Elena Verd * * @license GNU Public License * @package blended ***********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * Module developed at the University of Valladolid * Designed and directed by Juan Pablo de Castro with * the effort of many other students of telecommunciation * engineering this module is provides as-is without any * guarantee. Use it as your own risk. * * @author Juan Pablo de Castro and Miguel Baraja Campesino and many others. * @license GNU Public License * @package blended ***********************************************************************/ package org.uva.itast.blended.omr; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.uva.itast.blended.omr.align.AlignMarkDetector; import org.uva.itast.blended.omr.align.AlignMarkHoughDetector; import org.uva.itast.blended.omr.pages.PageImage; import org.uva.itast.blended.omr.pages.PagesCollection; import org.uva.itast.blended.omr.pages.ZippedImageFilePage; public class OMRProcessor { public static final String IMAGE_TYPES_REG_EXPR = ".*\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|pdf)"; /** * Logger for this class */ private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(OMRProcessor.class); // valor en pxeles de la altura de la imgen con la que se trabajara public static final int _PAGE_HEIGHT_PIXELS = (int) (2404); // valor en pxeles de la anchura de la imgen con la que se trabajara public static final int _PAGE_WIDTH_PIXELS = (int) (1700); private String arg; private char flag; private boolean vflag = false; // fichero o directorio a procesar private String inputPath; // directorio donde se alojaran los resultados private String outputdir; // identificador que se utilizar para marcar los ficheros private String userid; // identificador que contiene el nmero de documento que corresponde con una // actividad o cuestionario de // Moodle. El ltimo carcter recoge el nmero de pgina en caso de haber // ms de una, pgina @Deprecated private String activitycodeFieldName; // fichero con la descripcin de las marcas private String definitionfile; // bandera para la opcin de alineado private boolean autoalign = false; // bandera para la opcin de alineado private boolean medianfilter = false; // marcador para el campo obligatorio -d private boolean dflag = false; // plantilla para almacenar las pginas y los campos de definition file Map<String, OMRTemplate> templates = new HashMap<String, OMRTemplate>(); private OMRTemplate selectedTemplate; /** * @return the template */ public Map<String, OMRTemplate> getTemplates() { return templates; } /** * gets the last selected template * @return */ public OMRTemplate getActiveTemplate() { return selectedTemplate; } /** * Many parts of OMR uses the field {@link #selectedTemplate} through {@link #getActiveTemplate()} * hence it is needed to mark the default template with this method * @param id * @return */ public OMRTemplate selectTemplate(String id) { selectedTemplate = templates.get(id); return selectTemplate(selectedTemplate); } public OMRTemplate selectTemplate(OMRTemplate template) { this.selectedTemplate = template; return template; } /** * @param template the template to set */ protected void addTemplate(OMRTemplate template) { templates.put(template.getTemplateID(), template); } /** * Constructor TestManipulation sin parmetros. */ public OMRProcessor() { } /** * Load templates from a directory of Zip file * @param path * @throws IOException */ public void loadTemplate(String path) throws IOException { OMRTemplate template = new OMRTemplate(path); // se crea la plantilla segn el addTemplate(template); selectTemplate(template); } public void initTemplates() throws IOException { String templatePath = this.getDefinitionfile(); File path = new File(templatePath); if ((path.isFile() && path.getName().endsWith(".zip")) || path.isDirectory()) { loadTemplateCollection(templatePath); } else { loadTemplate(templatePath); } } public void loadTemplateCollection(String path) throws ZipException, IOException { File file = new File(path); List<InputStream> contents = obtainInputStreamsFromPath(file, ".*\\.fields"); // read contents of templates for (InputStream inputStream : contents) { OMRTemplate template = new OMRTemplate(inputStream); if (template.getTemplateID() != null) addTemplate(template); else logger.error("Template with bad ID found!!" + inputStream); } } /** * @param file * @return * @throws ZipException * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private List<InputStream> obtainInputStreamsFromPath(File file, String regExpr) throws ZipException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { List<InputStream> contents; if (file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(file); contents = inputStreamsFromZip(zip, regExpr); } else { File[] filelist = obtainFileList(file, regExpr); contents = new ArrayList<InputStream>(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { contents.add(new FileInputStream(filelist[i])); } } return contents; } static final String CMD_USAGE = "Command line usage: command [-a] [-f] [-i inputdir][-o outputdir] [-id1 USERID] -d [definitionfiles]\n" + " -i path with the images to be processed. Can be a file, a multipage PDF, directory with images or a Zip with images.\n" + " -d path with the template definition files to be processed. Can be a file, a directory or a Zip with files with .fields extension. Al template definitions must share the same TEMPLATEFIELD field.\n" + " -a try to align the page using the Align[FRAME] field\n" + " -f filter the images with a median filter to remove dithering or noise\n" + " -id1 name of the field used to compose the output file names with the TEMPLATEFIELD detected value.\n"; /** *Process command line arguments as stated in {@link #CMD_USAGE} and configure the processor: * {@value #CMD_USAGE} *@see #CMD_USAGE */ public void readCommandLine(String[] args) { int i = 0, j; // first argument may be the command. Ignore it if (!args[i].startsWith("-")) { i++; } // detectamos todas las opciones (smbolo "-" delante) while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) { vflag = true; arg = args[i++]; // opciones que requieren argumentos // opcin -i if (arg.equals("-i")) { if (i < args.length) setInputPath(args[i++]); else System.err.println("-i need a path"); if (vflag) ; } // opcin -o else if (arg.equals("-o")) { if (i < args.length) setOutputdir(args[i++]); else System.err.println("-o need a path"); if (vflag) ; } // opcin -id1 else if (arg.equals("-id1")) { if (i < args.length) setUserid(args[i++]); else System.err.println("-id1 need an USERID"); if (vflag) ; } // opcin -id2 else if (arg.equals("-id2")) { System.err.println("warning -id2 deprecated. Value ignored."); if (i < args.length) setActivitycodeFieldName(args[i++]); else System.err.println("-id2 need an TEMPLATEID"); if (vflag) ; } // opcin -d else if (arg.equals("-d")) { if (i < args.length) setDefinitionfile(args[i++]); else System.err.println("-d need a path to definition files"); if (vflag) { // System.out.println("DefinitionFile = " + definitionfile); dflag = true; } } // opciones que no requieren argumentos (flags) else { for (j = 1; j < arg.length(); j++) { flag = arg.charAt(j); switch (flag) { case 'a': if (vflag) setAutoalign(true); break; // Opcin medianfilter case 'f': if (vflag) setMedianFilter(true); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Check command line: invalid option " + flag); } } } } // si hay ms parmetros se muestra un texto de error if (i < args.length || dflag == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: " + args[0] + " [-i inputdir] [-o outputdir] [-id1 USERID] [-id2 ACTIVITYCODE] [-a] -d definitionfile"); } else { logger.debug("leerLineaComandos(String[]) Command-Line OK- args=" + args); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Devuelve el path de entrada * * @return inputdir */ public String getInputPath() { return inputPath; } /** * Marca el valor del path de entrada * * @param inputdir */ private void setInputPath(String inputdir) { this.inputPath = inputdir; } /** * Devuelve el path de salida * * @return outputdir */ public String getOutputdir() { return outputdir; } /** * Marca el valor del path de salida * * @param outputdir */ public void setOutputdir(String outputdir) { this.outputdir = outputdir; } /** * Devuelve el UserID * * @return userid */ public String getUserid() { return userid; } /** * Marca el valor del UserID * * @param userid */ private void setUserid(String userid) { this.userid = userid; } /** * Devuelve el ActivityCode * * @return */ public String getFieldValue(String fieldName) { return getActiveTemplate().getPage(1).getFields().get(fieldName).getValue(); } /** * Marca el identificador del campo del ActivityCode * fixed to OMRUtils.TEMPLATEID_FIELDNAME * @deprecated * @param activitycodeFieldName */ @Deprecated private void setActivitycodeFieldName(String activitycodeFieldName) { this.activitycodeFieldName = activitycodeFieldName; } /** * Devuelve el nombre del archivo de definicin de marcas * * @return definitionfile */ public String getDefinitionfile() { return definitionfile; } /** * Marca el nombre del archivo de definicin de marcas * * @param definitionfile */ private void setDefinitionfile(String definitionfile) { this.definitionfile = definitionfile; } /** * Devuelve true o false en funcin de si la opcin autoalign esta activada * o no * * @return autoalign */ public boolean isAutoalign() { return autoalign; } /** * Marca true o false en funcin de si la opcin autoalign esta activada o * no * * @param autoalign */ private void setAutoalign(boolean autoalign) { this.autoalign = autoalign; } /** * Devuelve true o false en funcin de si la opcin medianfilter esta * activada o no * * @return medianfilter */ public boolean isMedianFilter() { return medianfilter; } /** * Marca true o false en funcin de si la opcin medianfilter esta activada * o no * * @param medianfilter */ public void setMedianFilter(boolean medianfilter) { this.medianfilter = medianfilter; } /** * Mtodo para escribir todos los valores de un campo, el parmetro key * indicara el nombre del campo * * @param key */ public void writeFieldValues(String key) { Hashtable<String, Field> campos = getActiveTemplate().getPage(1).getFields(); Field campo = (Field) campos.get(key); System.out.println("Nombre : " + campo.getName()); System.out.println("Numero de Pgina : " + campo.getNumPag()); System.out.println("Tipo : " + campo.getTipo()); System.out.println("Coordenadas : " + campo.getBBox()); } /** * Mtodo para leer todas las pginas que haya en inputpath * * @param inputPath * @return {@link Vector} with {@link File} that was not processed (with errors) * @throws IOException * @throws ZipException */ public Vector<PageImage> processPath(String inputPath) throws ZipException, IOException { PagesCollection pages; File dir = new File(inputPath); // obtenecin de la lista de ficheros a procesar if (!dir.isDirectory() && inputPath.endsWith(".zip")) { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(dir); pages = getPageCollection(zip, selectZipEntries(zip, IMAGE_TYPES_REG_EXPR)); } else { File[] files = obtainFileList(dir, IMAGE_TYPES_REG_EXPR); pages = getPageCollection(files); } // procesar ficheros return processPages(pages); } protected PagesCollection getPageCollection(ZipFile zip, List<ZipEntry> selectedZipEntries) { PagesCollection pages = new PagesCollection(); for (ZipEntry entry : selectedZipEntries) { pages.addPage(new ZippedImageFilePage(zip, entry)); } return pages; } /** * Process a collection of pages * * @param files * @throws IOException * @return {@link Vector} with Files not processed */ public Vector<PageImage> processPages(PagesCollection pages) { Vector<PageImage> errors = new Vector<PageImage>(); int count = 1; for (PageImage pageImage : pages) { OMRTemplate template = null; File templateResultsFile = null; long taskStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Start processing pageImage " + count++ + "/" + pages.getNumPages() + "(" //$NON-NLS-1$ + pageImage.getName() + ")"); } template = OMRUtils.findBestSuitedTemplate(this, pageImage, getTemplates(), medianfilter); selectTemplate(template); // se procesa la pgina OMRUtils.processPage(this, pageImage, isAutoalign(), isMedianFilter(), outputdir, template); // se salvan los resultados en archivo templateResultsFile = OMRUtils.saveOMRResults(pageImage.getName(), outputdir, template, OMRUtils.TEMPLATEID_FIELDNAME, userid); // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) // pageImage.outputWorkingPage(outputdir); } catch (Exception e) { // report files with errors logger.error("processPages - Can't process page=" + pageImage.toString(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ errors.add(pageImage); } finally { try { File markedImageFile = pageImage.outputMarkedPage(outputdir); logScanResults(template, pageImage, markedImageFile, templateResultsFile); pageImage.freeMemory();"Page " + pageImage + " processed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - taskStart) //$NON-NLS-1$ + " ms."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error while logging results", e); } } } return errors; } // [Job] // Start=1232931221 // End = 1234343240 // SourceFile=/tmp/moodle/documents/scan1.pdf // PageIndex=1 // OutputImagePath=/usr/share/temp/ourputs/omr_result_034235.jpg // ResultCode=ok // activitycode=202 // pagenumber=1 // ParsedResults=/tmp/moodle/results/omrresults[202].txt /** * @throws FileNotFoundException * */ private void logScanResults(OMRTemplate template, PageImage pageImg, File markedImageFile, File templateResultsFile) throws FileNotFoundException { String filePageName = pageImg.getName(); /** * Template may be undetected */ String detectedTemplateId = (template == null) ? "Undetected" : template.getSelectedPage().getFields().get(OMRUtils.TEMPLATEID_FIELDNAME).getValue(); String activityId = (template == null) ? "Undetected" : detectedTemplateId.substring(0, detectedTemplateId.length() - 1); // crop page number int pagenum = template == null ? -1 : template.getSelectedPageNumber(); File logfile = new File(getOutputdir(), "log.txt"); // Append to file log.txt PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(logfile, true)); out.println("[Job]"); out.println("SourceFile=" + filePageName); out.println("PageIndex=" + pagenum); out.println("OutputImagePath=" + markedImageFile.getAbsolutePath()); out.println("ActivityCode=" + activityId); out.println("ParsedResults=" + templateResultsFile); out.println("Timestamp=" + DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date())); out.close(); } /** * @param files * @return */ private PagesCollection getPageCollection(File[] files) { PagesCollection pages = new PagesCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { try { pages.addFile(files[i]); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } } return pages; } /** * Mtodo que obtiene toda la lista de ficheros dada por dir, s dir es un * fichero obtiene dicho fichero * * @param path * @return */ private File[] obtainFileList(File path, final String regExp) { File[] files; // almacenamos en un array de File[] los path de los // ficheros if (path.isDirectory()) { files = path.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { name.toLowerCase(); // se convierte el nombre a minsculas return name.matches(regExp); } }); } else { files = new File[] { path }; } return files; } /** * * @param path * @return * @throws ZipException * @throws IOException */ public static List<InputStream> inputStreamsFromZip(ZipFile zipFile, String regExpr) throws ZipException, IOException { List<InputStream> files = new ArrayList<InputStream>(); List<ZipEntry> selectedEntries = selectZipEntries(zipFile, regExpr); for (ZipEntry zipEntr : selectedEntries) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.debug("filesFromZip(File) - ZipEntry zipEntry=" + zipEntr); //$NON-NLS-1$ } files.add(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntr)); } return files; } /** * @param zipFile * @param regExpr * @return */ protected static List<ZipEntry> selectZipEntries(ZipFile zipFile, String regExpr) { Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); List<ZipEntry> selectedEntries = new ArrayList<ZipEntry>(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement(); if (!zipEntry.isDirectory() && zipEntry.getName().matches(regExpr)) { selectedEntries.add(zipEntry); } } return selectedEntries; } public AlignMarkDetector getAlignMarkDetector() { return new AlignMarkHoughDetector(this.selectedTemplate, this); } }