Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 RobotsByTheC. All rights reserved. * * Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code must * be accompanied by the BSD license file in the root directory of the project. */ package org.usfirst.frc.team2084.neuralnetwork; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CompassPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import; import; import; /** * @author ben */ public class RobotHeadingTest implements Test { public static final double MAX_ERROR = 5; /** * A robot "simulation", used to test the unsupervised learning ability. */ private static class Robot { public static final double MAX_ACCELERATION = 5; public static final double TIME_STEP = 0.05; public static final double MAX_SPEED = 50; public double speed = 0; public double heading = 0; public void rotate(double power) { speed += power * TIME_STEP * MAX_ACCELERATION; if (speed > MAX_SPEED) { speed = MAX_SPEED; } else if (speed < -MAX_SPEED) { speed = -MAX_SPEED; } heading += speed * TIME_STEP * MAX_SPEED; } } private volatile boolean running = false; private volatile Thread thread; /** * */ @Override public void run() { try { final DefaultValueDataset headingData = new DefaultValueDataset(0); final DefaultValueDataset desiredHeadingData = new DefaultValueDataset(0); final CompassPlot headingPlot = new CompassPlot(); headingPlot.addDataset(headingData); headingPlot.addDataset(desiredHeadingData); final JFreeChart headingChart = new JFreeChart("Heading", headingPlot); final XYSeries headingTimeSeries = new XYSeries("Heading"); final XYSeriesCollection headingTimeData = new XYSeriesCollection(); headingTimeData.addSeries(headingTimeSeries); final JFreeChart headingTimeChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Heading vs. Time", "Time", "Heading", headingTimeData, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); final XYSeries errorTimeSeries = new XYSeries("Error"); final XYSeriesCollection errorTimeData = new XYSeriesCollection(); errorTimeData.addSeries(errorTimeSeries); final JFreeChart errorTimeChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Error vs. Time", "Time", "Error", errorTimeData, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Charts"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); final Container content = frame.getContentPane(); content.setLayout(new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); final JPanel chartPanel = new JPanel(); chartPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); content.add(chartPanel); final ChartPanel headingPanel = new ChartPanel(headingChart); chartPanel.add(headingPanel); final ChartPanel headingTimePanel = new ChartPanel(headingTimeChart); chartPanel.add(headingTimePanel); final ChartPanel errorTimePanel = new ChartPanel(errorTimeChart); chartPanel.add(errorTimePanel); final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); content.add(buttonPanel); final JButton startButton = new JButton("Start"); final JButton stopButton = new JButton("Stop"); startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stop(); startButton.setEnabled(false); stopButton.setEnabled(true); start(headingData, desiredHeadingData, headingTimeSeries, errorTimeSeries); } }); buttonPanel.add(startButton); stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stop(); startButton.setEnabled(true); stopButton.setEnabled(false); } }); stopButton.setEnabled(false); buttonPanel.add(stopButton); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void start(DefaultValueDataset headingData, DefaultValueDataset desiredHeadingData, XYSeries headingTimeSeries, XYSeries errorTimeSeries) { try { thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Robot robot = new Robot(); // Load the robot network characteristics from a file Data data = new Data(new File("data/robot.txt")); Network network = data.getNetwork(); double time = 0; double error = 1; // Pick a random desired heading double desired = Math.random(); System.out.println("Trying to rotate to heading: " + desired); desiredHeadingData.setValue(desired); headingTimeSeries.clear(); errorTimeSeries.clear(); do { // Feed forward the heading error network.feedForward(desired - robot.heading); // Rotate the robot at the speed given by the // output of last hidden layer double speed = network.getLayer(network.getTotalLayers() - 2)[0].getOutputValue(); robot.rotate(speed); // Apply that rotation speed for a certain // amount of time Thread.sleep((int) (Robot.TIME_STEP * 1000)); time += Robot.TIME_STEP; // Set the output neuron to the new heading // error. This is the kind of weird part, // because it tricks the back-propagation // algorithm into minimizing the difference // between the real and desired headings. network.setLayerOutputs(network.getTotalLayers() - 1, desired - robot.heading); // Back-propagate to adjust weights to minimize // error network.backPropagation(0); error = network.getRecentAverageError(); // System.out.println("Speed: " + speed); // System.out.println("Heading: " + // robot.heading); headingData.setValue(robot.heading * 180); headingTimeSeries.add(time, robot.heading); errorTimeSeries.add(time, error); // System.out.println("Error: " + error + "\n"); } while (running); System.out.println("===================="); System.out.println("Success!"); System.out.println("Final error: " + error); System.out.println("===================="); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); running = true; thread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void stop() { running = false; if (thread != null) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } private static void pause() { System.out.println("Press any key to continue..."); try {; } catch (Exception e) { } } }