Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 RobotsByTheC. All rights reserved. * * Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code must * be accompanied by the BSD license file in the root directory of the project. */ package; import org.opencv.core.Mat; /** * Vision processor that runs the algorithm in a separate thread. This alows the * camera to stream as fast as possible. * * @author Ben Wolsieffer */ public abstract class ThreadedVisionProcessor extends VisionProcessor { private final boolean runInBackground; /** * @param runInBackground if false, do not enable background thread for * debugging */ public ThreadedVisionProcessor(final boolean runInBackground) { this.runInBackground = runInBackground; if (runInBackground) { new Thread(new ProcessingThread()).start(); } } private class ProcessingThread implements Runnable { private final Mat localImage = new Mat(); @Override public void run() { while (true) { boolean localNewImage = false; synchronized (image) { try { image.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (newImage) { newImage = false; localNewImage = true; image.copyTo(localImage); } } if (localNewImage) { backgroundProcess(localImage); } } } } private volatile boolean newImage; private final Mat image = new Mat(); /** * @param image */ @Override public final void process(Mat image) { preProcess(image); if (runInBackground) { // Copy the image for the processing thread synchronized (this.image) { image.copyTo(this.image); newImage = true; this.image.notify(); } } else { backgroundProcess(image); } postProcess(image); } /** * Do the processing of the image in a separate thread. * * @param image the image to process */ public abstract void backgroundProcess(Mat image); /** * Processing that happens in the streaming thread before the image is * handed to the background thread. * * @param image the image to process */ public abstract void preProcess(Mat image); /** * Processing that happens in the streaming thread after the image is handed * to the background thread. * * @param image the image to process */ public abstract void postProcess(Mat image); }