Java tutorial
package org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.connectors.citySDK; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.LabelType; import org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.POILabel; import org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.Source; import org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.SourceCity; public class Collector { private Source source; private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log; public Collector(Source source) { this.source = source; log = Logger.getLogger(org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.connectors.citySDK.Collector.class); } public JSONArray getPOIArrayByCategory(Connection con, String category, String city, String bbox, Integer limit, Logger log) { if (log == null) log = Collector.log; JSONArray returnedPois = new JSONArray(); try { // get the corresponding category in the source String projectedCategory = getProjectedCategory(con, category, city, log); if ((projectedCategory == null) || (projectedCategory.isEmpty())) { log.error("Error. Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory(). No matching category in source " + source.getName() + " for category " + category); projectedCategory = " "; } else { //Check if there is one or more categories mapping (e.g, category 'shop' maps in OSM to several categories:mall, book_shop, supermarket,etc.) String[] projectedCategoryArray = projectedCategory.split(","); int cat_length = projectedCategoryArray.length; JSONArray selectedPois = new JSONArray(); if (cat_length > 1) { JSONObject listPois = new JSONObject(); //There are more than one category to map log.debug("Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory(). Category '" + category + "' maps to " + cat_length + " different categories. Building an aggregated JSON file"); for (int h = 0; h < cat_length; h++) { String current_projectedCategory = projectedCategoryArray[h]; log.debug("Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory(). ProjectedCategory " + h + ": " + current_projectedCategory); JSONObject listPois_aux = CommonUtils.getPOIListBySourceAndCategory(source.getUrlaccess(), source.getName(), current_projectedCategory, bbox, limit.toString(), city, log); if (h == 0) { //Take the first result and store it listPois = listPois_aux; selectedPois = listPois.getJSONArray("poi"); } else { //Append/Merge the new found POIs in listPois JSONArray array_aux = listPois_aux.getJSONArray("poi"); for (int g = 0; g < array_aux.length(); g++) { Object obj = array_aux.get(g); selectedPois.put(obj); } } } } else { log.debug("Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory(). Corresponding category for '" + category + "' in source " + source.getName() + " : " + projectedCategory); JSONObject listPois = CommonUtils.getPOIListBySourceAndCategory(source.getUrlaccess(), source.getName(), projectedCategory, bbox, limit.toString(), city, log); //Get the array of the retrieved object selectedPois = listPois.getJSONArray("poi"); } //TODO :this information may be stored for statistics after the fusion has taken place log.debug("Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory(). Length " + source.getName() + " : " + selectedPois.length()); returnedPois = cleanPOIJSONArray(con, selectedPois, projectedCategory, log); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory() :" + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Error Collector.getPOIArrayByCategory() :" + ex.getMessage()); } return returnedPois; } public ArrayList<JSONObject> getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(Connection con, String category, String city, String lat, String lon, String maxDistance, String name, String similarityPercentage, Logger log) { ArrayList<JSONObject> returnedPois = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); if (log == null) log = Collector.log; //We need to map the category in FE (e.g museum) to the category in the source looking at the categorymapping file try { String projectedCategory = getProjectedCategory(con, category, city, log); if ((projectedCategory == null) || (projectedCategory.isEmpty())) { log.error("Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(). No matching category in source " + source.getName() + " for category " + category); } else { //Check if there is one or more categories mapping (e.g, category shop maps to mall, book_shop, supermarket,etc. in OSM) String[] projectedCategoryArray = projectedCategory.split(","); int cat_length = projectedCategoryArray.length; ArrayList<JSONObject> selectedPois = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); if (cat_length > 1) { //There are more than one category to map log.debug("Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(). Category '" + category + "' maps to " + cat_length + " different categories. Building an aggregated JSON file"); for (int h = 0; h < cat_length; h++) { String current_projectedCategory = projectedCategoryArray[h]; log.debug("Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(). ProjectedCategory " + h + ": " + current_projectedCategory); ArrayList<JSONObject> selectedPois_aux = CommonUtils.getZonePOIs(source.getUrlaccess(), source.getName(), current_projectedCategory, lat, lon, maxDistance, name, similarityPercentage, city, log); if (h == 0) { selectedPois = selectedPois_aux; } else { //Append/Merge the new found POIs in selectedPois for (int g = 0; g < selectedPois_aux.size(); g++) { JSONObject obj = selectedPois_aux.get(g); selectedPois.add(obj); //TODO :this information may be stored for statistics after the fusion has taken place } } } } else { //There is only one category to search for log.debug("Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(). Corresponding category for '" + category + "' in source " + source.getName() + " : " + projectedCategory); selectedPois = CommonUtils.getZonePOIs(source.getUrlaccess(), source.getName(), projectedCategory, lat, lon, maxDistance, name, similarityPercentage, city, log); } //TODO :this information may be stored for statistics after the fusion has taken place log.debug("Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria(). Length selectedPois fulfilling the criteria " + source.getName() + " : " + selectedPois.size()); //We should delete those POIs that have been already inserted in the database returnedPois = cleanPOIArrayList(con, selectedPois, projectedCategory, log); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria() :" + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Error Collector.getZonePOIArrayByCriteria() :" + ex.getMessage()); } return returnedPois; } public JSONArray getImgPOIArrayByCategory(Connection con, String category, String city, String point_radius, Integer limit, Logger log) { JSONArray returnedPois = new JSONArray(); if (log == null) log = Collector.log; try { JSONObject listPois = CommonUtils.getImgPOIList(source.getUrlaccess(), category, point_radius, limit.toString(), city, log); //Get the array of the retrieved object returnedPois = listPois.getJSONArray("poi"); //We don't need to check for POIs already inserted } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error Collector.getImgPOIArrayByCategory() :" + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Error Collector.getImgPOIArrayByCategory() :" + ex.getMessage()); } return returnedPois; } //This method creates a POILabel object from the info stored in a JSON file (JSONArray) in a location given by 'index' //The POI has already been inserted in the DDBB and therefore the poi_id is known public POILabel getImgPOILabel(Connection con, Integer poi_id, JSONArray img_array, int index, Logger log) { if (log == null) log = Collector.log; POILabel label = new POILabel(); try { JSONObject img_poi = img_array.getJSONObject(index); //set POIid label.setPOIId(poi_id); //set TypeId 'image'. If it does not exist, create this LabelType LabelType image_type = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, "image", log); if (image_type == null) { Integer typeid = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, new LabelType("image"), log); label.setLabeltypeId(typeid); } else { label.setLabeltypeId(image_type.getId()); } //Set value. We check for term 'image' and its corresponding 'value' JSONArray object = new JSONArray(); object = img_poi.getJSONArray("link"); if (object.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < object.length(); i++) { JSONObject aux = object.getJSONObject(i); String term = (String) aux.get("term"); if (term.equalsIgnoreCase("image")) { String value = (String) aux.get("value"); label.setValue(value); } } } //set source Source source = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, "poiproxy", log); label.setSourceId(source.getId()); //set language. For the moment null label.setLanguage(null); //set license. For the moment null label.setLicenseId(null); //set updated Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat outputformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); String date = outputformat.format(cal.getTime()); java.util.Date date1 = outputformat.parse(date); java.sql.Date date2 = new java.sql.Date(date1.getTime()); label.setUpdated(date2); } catch (Exception ex) { //System.out.println("Collector.getImgPOILabel(): "+ex.getMessage()); log.warn("Collector.getImgPOILabel(): " + ex.getMessage()); return null; } return label; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////Utility methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getProjectedCategory(Connection con, String category, String city, Logger log) { //We need to map the category in FE (e.g museum) to the category in the source looking at the categorymapping file Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream input = null; if (log == null) log = Collector.log; try { String mappingfile = source.getCategorymapping(); String sourceName = source.getName(); /* //In the case of POIProxy, as special source, we should map to local content depending on the city if (sourceName.toLowerCase().contains("poiproxy")){ //we need to change the properties file name to match the local data mappingfile = mappingfile.substring(0,mappingfile.lastIndexOf("/")); mappingfile = mappingfile+"/poiproxy_local_"+city+".properties"; log.debug("Using POIProxy as source. Finding its local properties file given by the cityname "+city +" : "+mappingfile); } else log.debug("Using "+sourceName+" as source. Finding its properties file given by the cityname "+city +" : "+mappingfile); */ log.debug("Collector.getProjectedCategory(). Using " + sourceName + " as source. Finding its properties file given in: " + mappingfile); input = new FileInputStream(mappingfile); // load properties file prop.load(input); input.close(); // get the corresponding category in the source return prop.getProperty(category); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Collector.getProjectedCategory(): " + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Collector.getProjectedCategory(): " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } //This method removes all POIs that have already inserted in the database public JSONArray cleanPOIJSONArray(Connection con, JSONArray selectedPois, String projectedCategory, Logger log) { if (log == null) log = Collector.log; JSONArray returnedPois = new JSONArray(); try { //We should delete those POIs that have been already inserted in the database for (int k = 0; k < selectedPois.length(); k++) { JSONObject poi; //Get the POIs one by one poi = selectedPois.getJSONObject(k); //We need to be sure that POIS have an id, otherwise it will return an empty array of POIs int originalRefPos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi, "id", log); // POI has id if (originalRefPos != -1) { String originalRef = poi.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(originalRefPos).getString("value"); log.debug("Collector.cleanPOIJSONArray(). Checking if POI " + originalRef + " has already been inserted in the database"); boolean alreadyInserted = CommonUtils.CheckPOIAlreadyInserted(con, source.getId(), originalRef, projectedCategory, log); if (!alreadyInserted) { log.debug("Collector.cleanPOIJSONArray(). POI not inserted in DB. Adding to the JSONArray"); returnedPois.put(poi); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error. Collector.cleanPOIJSONArray(): " + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Error.Collector.cleanPOIJSONArray(): " + ex.getMessage()); } return returnedPois; } //This method removes all POIs that have already inserted in the database public ArrayList<JSONObject> cleanPOIArrayList(Connection con, ArrayList<JSONObject> selectedPois, String projectedCategory, Logger log) { if (log == null) log = Collector.log; ArrayList<JSONObject> returnedPois = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); try { for (int k = 0; k < selectedPois.size(); k++) { JSONObject poi; //Get the POIs one by one poi = (JSONObject) selectedPois.get(k); int originalRefPos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi, "id", log); // POI has id if (originalRefPos != -1) { String originalRef = poi.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(originalRefPos).getString("value"); //log.debug("Checking if POI has already been inserted in the database"); boolean alreadyInserted = CommonUtils.CheckPOIAlreadyInserted(con, source.getId(), originalRef, projectedCategory, log); if (!alreadyInserted) { //log.debug("POI not inserted. Adding to the JSONArray"); returnedPois.add(poi); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error.Collector.cleanPOIArrayList(): " + ex.getMessage()); log.error("Error.Collector.cleanPOIArrayList(): " + ex.getMessage()); } return returnedPois; } }