Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Konstantinos Tsakalozos * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the Licence); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an AS IS basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence. */ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.uoa.eolus.template; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.uoa.eolus.DirectoryException; import org.uoa.eolus.InternalErrorException; import org.uoa.nefeli.utils.HostInfo; public class Nest { private String repo; private String tempDir; private String kernel; private String initrd; private Map<String, List<HostInfo>> sitesinfo = new HashMap<String, List<HostInfo>>(); private Random rand = new Random(); public Nest(String repo, String tempDir, String kernel, String initrd) { this.repo = repo; // Creating directories just in case.... (new File(repo)).mkdirs(); this.tempDir = tempDir; this.kernel = kernel; this.initrd = initrd; } public List<String> getSiteConfigurations(String vMtemplateOwner, String vMclass) { System.out.println("Looking for Site depoyment description templates"); File dir = new File(repo + "/" + vMtemplateOwner + "/" + vMclass); System.out.println("Looking in directory: " + repo + "/" + vMtemplateOwner + "/" + vMclass); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith("Site-"); } }; return Arrays.asList(dir.list(filter)); } public File scheduleVM() { return null; } /** * Build up a OpenNebula specific template description File * @param VMTemplateClass The VM class to be used (currently this ignored) * @param ID The ID of the VM to be created * @param CPU CPU requirements * @param memSize Memory requirements * @param hostName The hostname of the physical system where we want the VM to be deployed * @return The file containing the OpenNebula template description * @throws DirectoryException */ public File matchVM(String user, String VMTemplateClass, String VMname, String hostName, int cores, int memSize, String[] nets) throws DirectoryException { File template = new File(tempDir + "/templateVM-" + VMname); String imagesPath = repo + "/" + VMTemplateClass; File dir = new File(imagesPath); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".img") && !name.startsWith("swap") && !name.equalsIgnoreCase("disk.img"); } }; String[] extraImages = dir.list(filter); try { FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(template); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write("" + "NAME = " + VMname + " \n" + "CPU = " + "0.1" + " \n" + "MEMORY = " + memSize + " \n" + "OS = [ \n" + " kernel = \"/boot/" + kernel + "\", \n" + " initrd = \"/boot/" + initrd + "\", \n" + " root = \"xvda2 ro\" ] \n" + "DISK = [ \n" + " type = \"swap\", \n" + " size = " + memSize + ", \n" + " target = \"xvda1\"] \n" + "DISK = [" + " source = \"" + repo + "/" + user + "/" + VMTemplateClass + "/disk.img\", \n" + " target = \"xvda2\", \n " + " readonly = \"no\" ] \n"); out.write("RAW = [ type=\"xen\", data=\"vcpus=" + cores + "\" ]"); if (extraImages != null) { for (int i = 0; i < extraImages.length; i++) { try { int j = getCounter(extraImages[i]); out.write("DISK = [" + " source = \"" + repo + "/" + user + "/" + VMTemplateClass + "/" + extraImages[i] + "\", \n" + " target = \"xvda" + j + "\", \n " + " readonly = \"no\" ] \n"); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("No disk index number extracted from " + extraImages[i]); } } } if (hostName != null) { String host = hostName.substring(0, hostName.indexOf('.')); out.write("REQUIREMENTS = \"HOSTNAME = \\\"" + host + "*\\\"\" \n"); } for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) { out.write("NIC = [ NETWORK = \"" + nets[i] + "\" ] \n"); } out.close(); fstream.close(); return template; } catch (Exception x) { throw new DirectoryException("Connot write ONE template file.", x); } } private int getCounter(String filename) throws Exception { int index = filename.lastIndexOf("."); index--; String strCounter = filename.substring(index, index + 1); return Integer.parseInt(strCounter); } public File matchVM(String user, String mclass, String mname, int cores, int memSize, String[] nets) throws DirectoryException { return matchVM(user, mclass, mname, null, cores, memSize, nets); } public void copyUserTemplate(String user, String template, String target, boolean move) throws DirectoryException { String cmd = "mv"; if (move) cmd = "mv " + repo + "/" + user + "/" + template + " " + repo + "/" + user + "/" + target + "; exit; \n"; else cmd = "cp -r " + repo + "/" + user + "/" + template + " " + repo + "/" + user + "/." + target + "; mv " + repo + "/" + user + "/." + target + " " + repo + "/" + user + "/" + target + "; exit; \n"; System.out.println("CMD: " + cmd); Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { Process child = run.exec("/bin/bash"); BufferedWriter outCommand = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(child.getOutputStream())); outCommand.write(cmd); outCommand.flush(); // InputStream out = child.getInputStream(); // InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(out); // BufferedReader output = new BufferedReader(isr); // InputStream err = child.getErrorStream(); // InputStreamReader eisr = new InputStreamReader(err); // BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(eisr); // System.out.println("Waiting for"); child.waitFor(); // String o = ""; // String s; // while ((s = output.readLine()) != null) { // o += s + "\n"; // } // System.out.println("stdout: " + o); // String e = ""; // s = error.readLine(); // First line is a warning: Warning: // // Permanently added 'XX.XX.XX.XX' (RSA) to // // the list of known hosts. // while ((s = error.readLine()) != null) { // e += s + "\n"; // } // System.out.println("stderr: " + e); if (child.exitValue() != 0) throw new InternalErrorException("Copy process failed."); else { System.out.println("Returning."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DirectoryException("Cannot execute rm command.", e); } } public void copyUserToUserTemplate(String fromuser, String touser, String template, String target, boolean move) throws DirectoryException { String cmd = "mv"; if (move) cmd = "mv " + repo + "/" + fromuser + "/" + template + " " + repo + "/" + touser + "/" + target + "; exit; \n"; else cmd = "cp -r " + repo + "/" + fromuser + "/" + template + " " + repo + "/" + touser + "/." + target + "; mv " + repo + "/" + touser + "/." + target + " " + repo + "/" + touser + "/" + target + "; exit; \n"; System.out.println("CMD: " + cmd); Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { Process child = run.exec("/bin/bash"); BufferedWriter outCommand = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(child.getOutputStream())); outCommand.write(cmd); outCommand.flush(); // child.waitFor(); // if (child.exitValue() != 0) // return false; // else } catch (Exception e) { throw new DirectoryException("Cannot execute cp/mv command.", e); } } public void removeUserTemplate(String user, String template) throws DirectoryException { String cmd = "rm -rf " + repo + "/" + user + "/" + template; System.out.println("CMD: " + cmd); Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { Process child = run.exec(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DirectoryException("Cannot execute rm command.", e); } } public String[] getAllUserTemplates(String user) { File dir = new File(repo + "/" + user); System.out.println("Looking in directory: " + repo + "/" + user); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return !name.startsWith("."); } }; return dir.list(filter); } public void createUser(String user) throws DirectoryException { boolean mkdir = (new File(repo + "/" + user)).mkdir(); if (!mkdir) { System.out.println("Template directory creation failed."); File d = new File(repo + "/" + user); if ((d == null) || (!d.isDirectory())) { throw new DirectoryException("Template directory creation failed"); } } } public void removeUser(String user) throws DirectoryException { deleteDir(new File(repo + "/" + user)); } public void deleteDir(File dir) throws DirectoryException { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { try { deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i])); } catch (DirectoryException x) { System.out.println("Cannot remove directory"); } } } // The directory is now empty so delete it boolean rmdir = dir.delete(); if (!rmdir) throw new DirectoryException("Cannot remove template directory " + dir.getName() + "."); } public String[] getAllUsersOfRepo() { File dir = new File(repo); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return !name.startsWith("."); } }; return dir.list(filter); } public File scheduleVMtoHost(String vMtemplateOwner, String vMclass, String vMname, String sitedesc, String host, Integer cores, Integer memSize, String[] nets) throws IOException, DirectoryException { File desc = new File(repo + "/" + vMtemplateOwner + "/" + vMclass + "/" + sitedesc); String vmdepdesc = FileUtils.readFileToString(desc); File template = new File(tempDir + "/templateVM-" + vMname); try { FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(template); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); vmdepdesc = vmdepdesc.replaceFirst("%%VMNAME%%", vMname); vmdepdesc = vmdepdesc.replace("%%MEMSIZE%%", "" + memSize); vmdepdesc = vmdepdesc.replace("%%REPOSITORY%%", repo + "/" + vMtemplateOwner + "/" + vMclass); vmdepdesc = vmdepdesc.replace("%%CORES%%", "" + cores); vmdepdesc += "\nREQUIREMENTS = \"HOSTNAME = \\\"" + host + "*\\\"\" \n"; for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) { vmdepdesc += "NIC = [ NETWORK = \"" + nets[i] + "\" ] \n"; } out.write(vmdepdesc); out.close(); fstream.close(); return template; } catch (Exception x) { throw new DirectoryException("Connot write ONE template file.", x); } } public void startNewVMScheduling() { sitesinfo.clear(); } public void loadHostInfo(String s, List<HostInfo> hi) { System.out.println("Candidate site: " + s); sitesinfo.put(s, hi); } public File newVMScheduling(String vMtemplateOwner, String vMclass, String vMname, Integer cores, Integer memSize, String[] nets) throws IOException, DirectoryException, InternalErrorException { while (sitesinfo.size() != 0) { int siteindex = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % sitesinfo.size(); Iterator<Entry<String, List<HostInfo>>> it = sitesinfo.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<String, List<HostInfo>> currentsite = null; for (int i = 0; i < siteindex + 1; i++) { currentsite =; } String sitename = currentsite.getKey(); sitesinfo.remove(sitename); List<HostInfo> hostinfo = currentsite.getValue(); while (hostinfo.size() != 0) { int hostindex = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % hostinfo.size(); HostInfo hi = hostinfo.get(hostindex); if (isEnough(hi, cores, memSize)) { return scheduleVMtoHost(vMtemplateOwner, vMclass, vMname, sitename,, cores, memSize, nets); } else { hostinfo.remove(hostindex); } } } throw new InternalErrorException("Connot schedule VM."); } private boolean isEnough(HostInfo hi, Integer cores, Integer memSize) { System.out.println("Comparing hi.Mem_free > memSize " + hi.Mem_free + " > " + memSize); if (hi.Mem_free > memSize * 1024) return true; return false; } }