Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.webutil; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.unitime.commons.hibernate.util.HibernateUtil; import org.unitime.commons.web.htmlgen.TableCell; import org.unitime.commons.web.htmlgen.TableHeaderCell; import org.unitime.commons.web.htmlgen.TableRow; import org.unitime.commons.web.htmlgen.TableStream; import org.unitime.timetable.form.EventListForm; import org.unitime.timetable.form.MeetingListForm; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Event; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExamEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Meeting; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RelatedCourseInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Event.MultiMeeting; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ClassEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.CourseEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.EventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ExamEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; public class WebEventTableBuilder { public static SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MM/dd, yyyy", Locale.US); //public static SimpleDateFormat sDateFormatDay = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE", Locale.US); public static SimpleDateFormat sDateFormatM1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd", Locale.US); public static SimpleDateFormat sDateFormatM2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd, yyyy", Locale.US); //Colors protected static String indent = " "; protected static String oddRowBGColor = "#f1f3f9"; protected static String oddRowMouseOverBGColor = "#8EACD0"; protected static String evenRowMouseOverBGColor = "#8EACD0"; protected String disabledColor = "gray"; protected static String formName = "eventListForm"; protected static String LABEL = "Name"; protected static String EMPTY = " "; public static final String EVENT_CAPACITY = "Attend/Limit"; public static final String ENROLLMENT = "Enrollment"; public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "Type"; public static final String MAIN_CONTACT = "Main Contact"; public static final String SPONSORING_ORG = "Sponsoring Org"; public static final String MEETING_DATE = "Date"; public static final String MEETING_TIME = "Time"; public static final String MEETING_LOCATION = "Location"; public static final String APPROVED_DATE = "Approved"; public int getMaxResults() { return 100; } public WebEventTableBuilder() { super(); } protected String getRowMouseOver(boolean isHeaderRow, boolean isControl) { return ("'" + (isHeaderRow ? oddRowMouseOverBGColor : evenRowMouseOverBGColor) + "';'" + (isControl ? "hand" : "default") + "';'" + (isControl ? "pointer" : "default") + "';"); } protected String getRowMouseOut(String color) { return ("'" + (color == null ? "transparent" : color) + "';"); } protected TableRow initRow(boolean isHeaderRow) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); if (isHeaderRow) { row.setBgColor(oddRowBGColor); } return (row); } protected TableHeaderCell headerCell(String content, int rowSpan, int colSpan) { TableHeaderCell cell = new TableHeaderCell(); cell.setRowSpan(rowSpan); cell.setColSpan(colSpan); cell.setAlign("left"); cell.setValign("bottom"); cell.addContent("<font size=\"-1\">"); cell.addContent(content); cell.addContent("</font>"); cell.setStyleClass("WebTableHeader"); return (cell); } protected TableHeaderCell headerCell(String content, int rowSpan, int colSpan, boolean firstRow) { TableHeaderCell cell = headerCell(content, rowSpan, colSpan); cell.setStyleClass("WebTableHeader" + (firstRow ? "FirstRow" : "SecondRow")); return (cell); } private TableCell initCell(boolean isEditable, String onClick, int cols) { return (initCell(isEditable, onClick, cols, false)); } private TableCell initCell(boolean isEditable, String onClick, int cols, boolean nowrap) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.setValign("top"); if (cols > 1) { cell.setColSpan(cols); } if (nowrap) { cell.setNoWrap(true); } if (onClick != null && onClick.length() > 0) { cell.setOnClick(onClick); } if (!isEditable) { cell.addContent("<font color=" + disabledColor + ">"); } return (cell); } private void endCell(TableCell cell, boolean isEditable) { if (!isEditable) { cell.addContent("</font>"); } } protected TableCell initNormalCell(String text, boolean isEditable) { return (initColSpanCell(text, isEditable, 1)); } private TableCell initColSpanCell(String text, boolean isEditable, int cols) { TableCell cell = initCell(isEditable, null, cols); cell.addContent(text); endCell(cell, isEditable); return (cell); } protected void buildTableHeader(TableStream table, boolean mainContact) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableRow row2 = new TableRow(); TableHeaderCell cell = null; cell = this.headerCell(LABEL, 1, 1, true); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(EMPTY, 1, 1, false); row2.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(ENROLLMENT, 1, 1, true); cell.setAlign("right"); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(EVENT_CAPACITY + " ", 1, 1, true); cell.setAlign("right"); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_DATE, 1, 2, false); row2.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(SPONSORING_ORG, 1, 1, true); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_TIME, 1, 1, false); row2.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(EVENT_TYPE, 1, 1, true); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_LOCATION, 1, 1, false); row2.addContent(cell); if (mainContact) { cell = this.headerCell(MAIN_CONTACT, 1, 1, true); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(APPROVED_DATE, 1, 1, false); row2.addContent(cell); } table.addContent(row); table.addContent(row2); } protected void buildMeetingTableHeader(TableStream table, boolean mainContact) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableHeaderCell cell = null; cell = this.headerCell(LABEL, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(EVENT_TYPE, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(ENROLLMENT, 1, 1); cell.setAlign("right"); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(EVENT_CAPACITY, 1, 1); cell.setAlign("right"); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(SPONSORING_ORG, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_DATE, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_TIME, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(MEETING_LOCATION, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); if (mainContact) { cell = this.headerCell(MAIN_CONTACT, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); cell = this.headerCell(APPROVED_DATE, 1, 1); row.addContent(cell); } table.addContent(row); } private String subjectOnClickAction(Long eventId) { return ("document.location='" + eventId + "';"); } private TableCell buildEventName(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent("<a name='A" + e.getUniqueId() + "' style='color:black;'>" + (e.getEventName() == null ? " " : "<b>" + e.getEventName() + "</b>") + "</a>"); this.endCell(cell, true); return (cell); } private TableCell buildEventCapacity(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); int minCap = (e.getMinCapacity() == null ? -1 : e.getMinCapacity()); int maxCap = (e.getMaxCapacity() == null ? -1 : e.getMaxCapacity()); if (minCap == -1) { cell.addContent(" "); } else { if (maxCap != -1) { if (maxCap != minCap) { cell.addContent(minCap + "-" + maxCap + " "); } else { cell.addContent(minCap + " "); } } cell.setAlign("right"); } // this.endCell(cell, true); return (cell); } private TableCell buildEventEnrollment(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); if (Event.sEventTypeClass == e.getEventType()) { ClassEvent ce = new ClassEventDAO().get(Long.valueOf(e.getUniqueId())); if (ce.getClazz().getEnrollment() != null) { cell.addContent(ce.getClazz().getEnrollment().toString()); } else { cell.addContent("0"); } } else if (Event.sEventTypeFinalExam == e.getEventType() || Event.sEventTypeMidtermExam == e.getEventType()) { ExamEvent ee = new ExamEventDAO().get(e.getUniqueId()); cell.addContent(String.valueOf(ee.getExam().countStudents())); } else if (Event.sEventTypeCourse == e.getEventType()) { CourseEvent ce = new CourseEventDAO().get(e.getUniqueId()); int enrl = 0; for (RelatedCourseInfo rci : ce.getRelatedCourses()) enrl += rci.countStudents(); cell.addContent(String.valueOf(enrl)); } else { cell.addContent(" "); } cell.setAlign("right"); this.endCell(cell, true); return (cell); } private TableCell buildSponsoringOrg(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(e.getSponsoringOrganization() == null ? " " : e.getSponsoringOrganization().getName()); return (cell); } private TableCell buildEventType(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(e.getEventTypeLabel()); return (cell); } private TableCell buildEventTypeAbbv(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(e.getEventTypeAbbv()); return (cell); } private TableCell buildMainContactName(Event e) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); if (e.getMainContact() != null) cell.addContent((e.getMainContact().getLastName() == null ? " " : (e.getMainContact().getLastName() + ", ")) + (e.getMainContact().getFirstName() == null ? "" : e.getMainContact().getFirstName())); else cell.addContent(" "); return (cell); } private TableCell buildEmptyMeetingInfo() { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(" "); return (cell); } private TableCell buildDate(Meeting m) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(sDateFormat.format(m.getMeetingDate())); /* +" <font color='gray'><i>(" +sDateFormatDay.format(m.getMeetingDate()) +")</i></font>"); //date cannot be null*/ return (cell); } private TableCell buildDate(MultiMeeting m) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingDate()); int y1 = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); c.setTime(m.getMeetings().last().getMeetingDate()); int y2 = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); cell.addContent(m.getDays() + " " + (y1 == y2 ? sDateFormatM1 : sDateFormatM2).format(m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingDate()) + " - " + sDateFormatM2.format(m.getMeetings().last().getMeetingDate())); return (cell); } private TableCell buildTime(Meeting m) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(m.isAllDay() ? "All Day" : Constants .toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * m.getStartPeriod() + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN + (m.getStartOffset() == null ? 0 : m.getStartOffset())) + " - " + Constants.toTime( Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * m.getStopPeriod() + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN + (m.getStopOffset() == null ? 0 : m.getStopOffset()))); return (cell); } private TableCell buildLocation(Meeting m) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(m.getLocation() == null ? " " : m.getLocation().getLabelWithHint()); return (cell); } private TableCell buildApproved(Meeting m) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US); cell.addContent(m.getApprovedDate() == null ? " " : df.format(m.getApprovedDate())); return (cell); } private TableCell buildApproved(MultiMeeting mm) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US); Date approvalDate = null; //latest approval date for (Meeting m : mm.getMeetings()) if (approvalDate == null || approvalDate.compareTo(m.getApprovedDate()) < 0) approvalDate = m.getApprovedDate(); cell.addContent(approvalDate == null ? " " : df.format(approvalDate)); return (cell); } private void addEventsRowsToTable(TableStream table, Event e, boolean mainContact, TreeSet<MultiMeeting> meetings) { TableRow row = (this.initRow(true)); row.setOnMouseOver(this.getRowMouseOver(true, true)); row.setOnMouseOut(this.getRowMouseOut(oddRowBGColor)); row.setOnClick(subjectOnClickAction(e.getUniqueId())); row.addContent(buildEventName(e)); row.addContent(buildEventEnrollment(e)); row.addContent(buildEventCapacity(e)); row.addContent(buildSponsoringOrg(e)); row.addContent(buildEventType(e)); if (mainContact) row.addContent(buildMainContactName(e)); boolean allPast = true; for (MultiMeeting meeting : meetings) { if (!meeting.isPast()) { allPast = false; break; } } if (allPast) row.setStyle("font-style:italic;color:gray;"); table.addContent(row); } private void addMeetingRowsToTable(TableStream table, MultiMeeting mm, boolean mainContact, boolean printOverlaps) { Meeting m = mm.getMeetings().first(); TableRow row = (this.initRow(false)); row.setOnMouseOver(this.getRowMouseOver(false, true)); row.setOnClick(subjectOnClickAction(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())); row.addContent(buildEmptyMeetingInfo()); TableCell cell = (mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? buildDate(m) : buildDate(mm)); cell.setColSpan(2); row.addContent(cell); row.addContent(buildTime(m)); row.addContent(buildLocation(m)); String bgColor = null; if (mainContact) row.addContent(mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? buildApproved(m) : buildApproved(mm)); if (mm.isPast()) { row.setStyle("font-style:italic;color:gray;"); } else { if (m.isApproved()) { //bgColor = "#DDFFDD"; } else { bgColor = "#FFFFDD"; } } row.setBgColor(bgColor); row.setOnMouseOut(getRowMouseOut(bgColor)); table.addContent(row); if (printOverlaps) { TreeSet<Meeting> overlaps = new TreeSet(); for (Meeting mx : mm.getMeetings()) { overlaps.addAll(mx.getTimeRoomOverlaps()); } if (!overlaps.isEmpty()) { for (MultiMeeting o : Event.getMultiMeetings(overlaps)) addOverlappingMeetingToTable(table, o, mainContact); } } } private void addOverlappingMeetingToTable(TableStream table, MultiMeeting mm, boolean mainContact) { Meeting m = mm.getMeetings().first(); TableRow row = (this.initRow(false)); row.setOnMouseOver(this.getRowMouseOver(false, true)); row.setOnClick(subjectOnClickAction(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())); TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(" Conf/w " + m.getEvent().getEventName() + " (" + m.getEvent().getEventTypeAbbv() + ")"); row.addContent(cell); TableCell dateCell = (mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? buildDate(m) : buildDate(mm)); dateCell.setColSpan(2); row.addContent(dateCell); row.addContent(buildTime(m)); row.addContent(buildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) row.addContent(mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? buildApproved(m) : buildApproved(mm)); if (mm.isPast()) { row.setStyle("font-style:italic;color:gray;"); } row.setBgColor("#FFD7D7"); row.setOnMouseOut(getRowMouseOut("#FFD7D7")); table.addContent(row); } private void addMeetingRowsToTable(TableStream table, Meeting m, boolean mainContact, Event lastEvent, Date now, boolean line, boolean printOverlaps) { TableRow row = (this.initRow(false)); row.setOnMouseOver(this.getRowMouseOver(false, true)); row.setOnClick(subjectOnClickAction(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())); if (lastEvent != null && lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(" "); row.addContent(cell); row.addContent(cell); row.addContent(cell); row.addContent(cell); row.addContent(cell); } else { row.addContent(buildEventName(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildEventTypeAbbv(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildEventEnrollment(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildEventCapacity(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildSponsoringOrg(m.getEvent())); } row.addContent(buildDate(m)); row.addContent(buildTime(m)); row.addContent(buildLocation(m)); String bgColor = null; if (mainContact) { if (lastEvent != null && lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 1, true); cell.addContent(" "); row.addContent(cell); } else { row.addContent(buildMainContactName(m.getEvent())); } row.addContent(buildApproved(m)); } if (m.getStartTime().before(now)) { row.setStyle("font-style:italic;color:gray;"); } else { if (m.isApproved()) { //bgColor = "#DDFFDD"; } else { bgColor = "#FFFFDD"; } } row.setBgColor(bgColor); row.setOnMouseOut(getRowMouseOut(bgColor)); if (line && lastEvent != null && !lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { for (Iterator i = row.getContents().iterator(); i.hasNext();) ((TableCell)"border-top: 1px dashed #9CB0CE;"); } table.addContent(row); if (printOverlaps) { TreeSet<Meeting> overlaps = new TreeSet(m.getTimeRoomOverlaps()); if (!overlaps.isEmpty()) { for (Meeting o : overlaps) addOverlappingMeetingToTable(table, o, mainContact, now); } } } private void addOverlappingMeetingToTable(TableStream table, Meeting m, boolean mainContact, Date now) { TableRow row = (this.initRow(false)); row.setOnMouseOver(this.getRowMouseOver(false, true)); row.setOnClick(subjectOnClickAction(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())); TableCell cell = this.initCell(true, null, 2, true); cell.addContent(" Conf/w " + (m.getEvent().getEventName() == null ? "" : m.getEvent().getEventName()) + " (" + m.getEvent().getEventTypeAbbv() + ")"); this.endCell(cell, true); row.addContent(cell); //row.addContent(buildEventTypeAbbv(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildEventEnrollment(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildEventCapacity(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildSponsoringOrg(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildDate(m)); row.addContent(buildTime(m)); row.addContent(buildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) { row.addContent(buildMainContactName(m.getEvent())); row.addContent(buildApproved(m)); } if (m.getStartTime().before(now)) { row.setStyle("font-style:italic;color:gray;"); } row.setBgColor("#FFD7D7"); row.setOnMouseOut(getRowMouseOut("#FFD7D7")); table.addContent(row); } protected List loadEvents(EventListForm form) { boolean conf = (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeAllConflictingEvents); String query = "select distinct e from Event e inner join e.meetings m where e.class in ("; if (conf) { query = "select distinct e from Event e inner join e.meetings m, Meeting mx where " + "mx.uniqueId!=m.uniqueId and m.meetingDate=mx.meetingDate and m.startPeriod < mx.stopPeriod and m.stopPeriod > mx.startPeriod and " + "m.locationPermanentId = mx.locationPermanentId and e.class in ("; } for (int i = 0; i < form.getEventTypes().length; i++) { if (i > 0) query += ","; switch (form.getEventTypes()[i].intValue()) { case Event.sEventTypeClass: query += "ClassEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeFinalExam: query += "FinalExamEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeMidtermExam: query += "MidtermExamEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeCourse: query += "CourseEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeSpecial: query += "SpecialEvent"; break; } //query += form.getEventTypes()[i]; } query += ")"; if (form.getEventNameSubstring() != null && form.getEventNameSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and upper(e.eventName) like :eventNameSubstring"; } if (form.getEventDateFrom() != null && form.getEventDateFrom().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and m.meetingDate>=:eventDateFrom"; } if (form.getEventDateTo() != null && form.getEventDateTo().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and m.meetingDate<=:eventDateTo"; } if (form.getEventMainContactSubstring() != null && form.getEventMainContactSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(form.getEventMainContactSubstring().trim(), ", "); s .hasMoreTokens();) { String token = s.nextToken().toUpperCase(); query += " and (upper(e.mainContact.firstName) like '%" + token + "%' or upper(e.mainContact.middleName) like '%" + token + "%' or upper(e.mainContact.lastName) like '%" + token + "%')"; } } switch (form.getMode()) { case EventListForm.sModeMyEvents: query += " and e.mainContact.externalUniqueId = :userId"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllApprovedEvents: query += " and m.approvedDate is not null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllEventsWaitingApproval: query += " and m.approvedDate is null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval: query += " and m.approvedDate is null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllEvents: break; } if (form.getSponsoringOrganization() != null && form.getSponsoringOrganization() >= 0) { query += " and e.sponsoringOrganization.uniqueId=:sponsorOrgId"; } if (form.getStartTime() >= 0) { query += " and m.stopPeriod > " + form.getStartTime(); } if (form.getStopTime() >= 0) { query += " and m.startPeriod < " + form.getStopTime(); } if (form.isDayMon() || form.isDayTue() || form.isDayWed() || form.isDayThu() || form.isDayFri() || form.isDaySat() || form.isDaySun()) { String dow = ""; if (form.isDayMon()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "2"; } if (form.isDayTue()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "3"; } if (form.isDayWed()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "4"; } if (form.isDayThu()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "5"; } if (form.isDayFri()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "6"; } if (form.isDaySat()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "7"; } if (form.isDaySun()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "1"; } if (dow.indexOf(',') >= 0) query += " and " + HibernateUtil.dayOfWeek("m.meetingDate") + " in (" + dow + ")"; else query += " and " + HibernateUtil.dayOfWeek("m.meetingDate") + " = " + dow; } query += " order by e.eventName, e.uniqueId"; Query hibQuery = new EventDAO().getSession().createQuery(query); hibQuery.setFetchSize(getMaxResults() + 1); if (form.getMode() != EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) hibQuery.setMaxResults(getMaxResults() + 1); if (form.getEventNameSubstring() != null && form.getEventNameSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { hibQuery.setString("eventNameSubstring", "%" + form.getEventNameSubstring().toUpperCase().trim() + "%"); } if (form.getEventDateFrom() != null && form.getEventDateFrom().trim().length() > 0) { try { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateFrom", new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(form.getEventDateFrom())); } catch (ParseException ex) { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateFrom", new Date()); } } if (form.getEventDateTo() != null && form.getEventDateTo().trim().length() > 0) { try { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateTo", new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(form.getEventDateTo())); } catch (ParseException ex) { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateTo", new Date()); } } if (form.getSponsoringOrganization() != null && form.getSponsoringOrganization() >= 0) { hibQuery.setLong("sponsorOrgId", form.getSponsoringOrganization()); } switch (form.getMode()) { case EventListForm.sModeMyEvents: hibQuery.setString("userId", form.getUserId()); break; case EventListForm.sModeAllApprovedEvents: case EventListForm.sModeAllEventsWaitingApproval: case EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval: break; } return hibQuery.setCacheable(true).list(); } public void htmlTableForEvents(HttpSession httpSession, EventListForm form, JspWriter outputStream) { List events = loadEvents(form); int numberOfEvents = events.size(); TableStream eventsTable = this.initTable(outputStream); if (numberOfEvents > getMaxResults() && form.getMode() != EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = initCell(true, null, 5, false); cell.addContent("Warning: There are more than " + getMaxResults() + " events matching your search criteria. Only the first " + getMaxResults() + " events are displayed. Please, redefine the search criteria in your filter."); cell.setStyle("padding-bottom:10px;color:red;font-weight:bold;"); row.addContent(cell); eventsTable.addContent(row); } if (numberOfEvents == 0) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = initCell(true, null, 5, false); cell.addContent("No events matching the search criteria were found."); cell.setStyle("padding-bottom:10px;color:red;font-weight:bold;"); row.addContent(cell); eventsTable.addContent(row); } else buildTableHeader(eventsTable, form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager()); ArrayList eventIds = new ArrayList(); int idx = 0; for (Iterator it = events.iterator(); it.hasNext(); idx++) { Event event = (Event); if (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) { boolean myApproval = false; for (Iterator j = event.getMeetings().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Meeting m = (Meeting); if (m.getApprovedDate() == null && m.getLocation() != null && form.getManagingDepartments().contains(m.getLocation().getControllingDepartment())) { myApproval = true; break; } } if (!myApproval) continue; } else if (idx == getMaxResults()) break; eventIds.add(event.getUniqueId()); TreeSet<MultiMeeting> meetings = event.getMultiMeetings(); addEventsRowsToTable(eventsTable, event, form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager(), meetings); for (MultiMeeting meeting : meetings) addMeetingRowsToTable(eventsTable, meeting, form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager(), form.getDispConflicts()); } eventsTable.tableComplete(); Navigation.set(httpSession, Navigation.sInstructionalOfferingLevel, eventIds); } protected boolean match(String filter, String name) { if (filter == null || filter.trim().length() == 0) return true; String n = (name == null ? "" : name).toUpperCase(); StringTokenizer stk1 = new StringTokenizer(filter.toUpperCase(), ";"); while (stk1.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer stk2 = new StringTokenizer(stk1.nextToken(), " ,"); boolean match = true; while (match && stk2.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = stk2.nextToken().trim(); if (token.length() == 0) continue; if (token.indexOf('*') >= 0 || token.indexOf('?') >= 0) { try { String tokenRegExp = "\\s+" + token.replaceAll("\\.", "\\.").replaceAll("\\?", ".+").replaceAll("\\*", ".*") + "\\s"; if (!Pattern.compile(tokenRegExp).matcher(" " + n + " ").find()) match = false; } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { match = false; } } else if (n.indexOf(token) < 0) match = false; } if (match) return true; } return false; } protected List<Meeting> loadMeetings(MeetingListForm form) { boolean conf = (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeAllConflictingEvents); String query = "select m from Event e inner join e.meetings m where e.class in ("; if (conf) { query = "select m from Event e inner join e.meetings m, Meeting mx where " + "mx.uniqueId!=m.uniqueId and m.meetingDate=mx.meetingDate and m.startPeriod < mx.stopPeriod and m.stopPeriod > mx.startPeriod and " + "m.locationPermanentId = mx.locationPermanentId and e.class in ("; } for (int i = 0; i < form.getEventTypes().length; i++) { if (i > 0) query += ","; switch (form.getEventTypes()[i].intValue()) { case Event.sEventTypeClass: query += "ClassEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeFinalExam: query += "FinalExamEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeMidtermExam: query += "MidtermExamEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeCourse: query += "CourseEvent"; break; case Event.sEventTypeSpecial: query += "SpecialEvent"; break; } //query += form.getEventTypes()[i]; } query += ")"; if (form.getEventNameSubstring() != null && form.getEventNameSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and upper(e.eventName) like :eventNameSubstring"; } if (form.getEventDateFrom() != null && form.getEventDateFrom().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and m.meetingDate>=:eventDateFrom"; } if (form.getEventDateTo() != null && form.getEventDateTo().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and m.meetingDate<=:eventDateTo"; } if (form.getEventMainContactSubstring() != null && form.getEventMainContactSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(form.getEventMainContactSubstring().trim(), ", "); s .hasMoreTokens();) { String token = s.nextToken().toUpperCase(); query += " and (upper(e.mainContact.firstName) like '%" + token + "%' or upper(e.mainContact.middleName) like '%" + token + "%' or upper(e.mainContact.lastName) like '%" + token + "%')"; } } if (form.getLocation() != null && form.getLocation().trim().length() > 0) { query += " and (" + "(select count(r) from Room as r where r.permanentId = m.locationPermanentId and upper(r.building.abbreviation) like :bldgSubstr and upper(r.roomNumber) like :roomSubstr) > 0 or " + "(select count(nul) from NonUniversityLocation as nul where nul.permanentId = m.locationPermanentId and upper( like :nameStr) > 0) "; } switch (form.getMode()) { case EventListForm.sModeMyEvents: query += " and e.mainContact.externalUniqueId = :userId"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllApprovedEvents: query += " and m.approvedDate is not null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllEventsWaitingApproval: query += " and m.approvedDate is null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval: query += " and m.approvedDate is null"; break; case EventListForm.sModeAllEvents: break; } if (form.getSponsoringOrganization() != null && form.getSponsoringOrganization() >= 0) { query += " and e.sponsoringOrganization.uniqueId=:sponsorOrgId"; } if (form.getStartTime() >= 0) { query += " and m.stopPeriod > " + form.getStartTime(); } if (form.getStopTime() >= 0) { query += " and m.startPeriod < " + form.getStopTime(); } if (form.isDayMon() || form.isDayTue() || form.isDayWed() || form.isDayThu() || form.isDayFri() || form.isDaySat() || form.isDaySun()) { String dow = ""; if (form.isDayMon()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "2"; } if (form.isDayTue()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "3"; } if (form.isDayWed()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "4"; } if (form.isDayThu()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "5"; } if (form.isDayFri()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "6"; } if (form.isDaySat()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "7"; } if (form.isDaySun()) { if (!dow.isEmpty()) dow += ","; dow += "1"; } if (dow.indexOf(',') >= 0) query += " and " + HibernateUtil.dayOfWeek("m.meetingDate") + " in (" + dow + ")"; else query += " and " + HibernateUtil.dayOfWeek("m.meetingDate") + " = " + dow; } Query hibQuery = new EventDAO().getSession().createQuery(query); hibQuery.setFetchSize(getMaxResults() + 1); if (form.getMode() != EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) hibQuery.setMaxResults(getMaxResults() + 1); if (form.getEventNameSubstring() != null && form.getEventNameSubstring().trim().length() > 0) { hibQuery.setString("eventNameSubstring", "%" + form.getEventNameSubstring().toUpperCase().trim() + "%"); } if (form.getEventDateFrom() != null && form.getEventDateFrom().trim().length() > 0) { try { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateFrom", new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(form.getEventDateFrom())); } catch (ParseException ex) { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateFrom", new Date()); } } if (form.getEventDateTo() != null && form.getEventDateTo().trim().length() > 0) { try { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateTo", new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(form.getEventDateTo())); } catch (ParseException ex) { hibQuery.setDate("eventDateTo", new Date()); } } if (form.getSponsoringOrganization() != null && form.getSponsoringOrganization() >= 0) { hibQuery.setLong("sponsorOrgId", form.getSponsoringOrganization()); } if (form.getLocation() != null && form.getLocation().trim().length() > 0) { String bldgSubstr = null; String roomSubstr = null; String nameStr = "%" + form.getLocation().toUpperCase() + "%"; int indexOfFirstSpace = form.getLocation().indexOf(' '); if (indexOfFirstSpace == 0) { bldgSubstr = "%"; roomSubstr = "%" + form.getLocation().substring(0, indexOfFirstSpace).toUpperCase() + "%"; } else if (indexOfFirstSpace < 0) { bldgSubstr = "%" + form.getLocation().toUpperCase() + "%"; roomSubstr = "%"; } else { bldgSubstr = "%" + form.getLocation().substring(0, indexOfFirstSpace).toUpperCase() + "%"; if (indexOfFirstSpace == form.getLocation().length() - 1) { roomSubstr = "%"; } else { roomSubstr = "%" + form.getLocation() .substring(indexOfFirstSpace + 1, form.getLocation().length()).toUpperCase() + "%"; } } hibQuery.setString("bldgSubstr", bldgSubstr); hibQuery.setString("roomSubstr", roomSubstr); hibQuery.setString("nameStr", nameStr); } switch (form.getMode()) { case EventListForm.sModeMyEvents: hibQuery.setString("userId", form.getUserId()); break; case EventListForm.sModeAllApprovedEvents: case EventListForm.sModeAllEventsWaitingApproval: case EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval: break; } List meetings = hibQuery.setCacheable(true).list(); if (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval || (form.getLocation() != null && form.getLocation().trim().length() > 0)) { for (Iterator it = meetings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Meeting meeting = (Meeting); if (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) { if (meeting.getApprovedDate() != null || meeting.getLocation() == null || !form .getManagingDepartments().contains(meeting.getLocation().getControllingDepartment())) { it.remove(); continue; } } if (meeting.getLocation() == null || !match(form.getLocation(), meeting.getLocation().getLabel())) { it.remove(); continue; } } } Comparator<Meeting> cmp = null; if (MeetingListForm.sOrderByName.equals(form.getOrderBy())) { cmp = new Comparator<Meeting>() { public int compare(Meeting m1, Meeting m2) { int cmp = m1.getEvent().getEventName().compareToIgnoreCase(m2.getEvent().getEventName()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = m1.getEvent().getUniqueId().compareTo(m2.getEvent().getUniqueId()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return m1.compareTo(m2); } }; } else if (MeetingListForm.sOrderByLocation.equals(form.getOrderBy())) { cmp = new Comparator<Meeting>() { public int compare(Meeting m1, Meeting m2) { String l1 = (m1.getLocation() == null ? "" : m1.getLocation().getLabel()); String l2 = (m2.getLocation() == null ? "" : m2.getLocation().getLabel()); int cmp = l1.compareToIgnoreCase(l2); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return m1.compareTo(m2); } }; } else if (MeetingListForm.sOrderByTime.equals(form.getOrderBy())) { cmp = new Comparator<Meeting>() { public int compare(Meeting m1, Meeting m2) { return m1.compareTo(m2); } }; } if (cmp != null) Collections.sort(meetings, cmp); return meetings; } public void htmlTableForMeetings(HttpSession httpSession, MeetingListForm form, JspWriter outputStream) { List meetings = loadMeetings(form); int numberOfMeetings = meetings.size(); TableStream eventsTable = this.initTable(outputStream); if (numberOfMeetings > getMaxResults() && form.getMode() != EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = initCell(true, null, 5, false); cell.addContent("Warning: There are more than " + getMaxResults() + " meetings matching your search criteria. Only the first " + getMaxResults() + " meetings are displayed. Please, redefine the search criteria in your filter."); cell.setStyle("padding-bottom:10px;color:red;font-weight:bold;"); row.addContent(cell); eventsTable.addContent(row); } if (numberOfMeetings == 0) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = initCell(true, null, 5, false); cell.addContent("No meetings matching the search criteria were found."); cell.setStyle("padding-bottom:10px;color:red;font-weight:bold;"); row.addContent(cell); eventsTable.addContent(row); } else buildMeetingTableHeader(eventsTable, form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager()); int idx = 0; HashSet<Long> eventIdsHash = new HashSet(); Event lastEvent = null; Date now = new Date(); boolean line = MeetingListForm.sOrderByName.equals(form.getOrderBy()); ArrayList eventIds = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = meetings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); idx++) { Meeting meeting = (Meeting); if (idx == getMaxResults()) break; if (eventIdsHash.add(meeting.getEvent().getUniqueId())) eventIds.add(meeting.getEvent().getUniqueId()); addMeetingRowsToTable(eventsTable, meeting, form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager(), lastEvent, now, line, form.getDispConflicts()); lastEvent = meeting.getEvent(); } eventsTable.tableComplete(); Navigation.set(httpSession, Navigation.sInstructionalOfferingLevel, eventIds); } protected TableStream initTable(JspWriter outputStream) { TableStream table = new TableStream(outputStream); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setBorder(0); table.setCellSpacing(0); table.setCellPadding(3); table.tableDefComplete(); return (table); } }