Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 - 3.5 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2013, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.webutil.timegrid; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfEventHandler; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfFont; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class PdfTimetableGridTable { protected static Formats.Format<Date> sDF = Formats.getDateFormat(Formats.Pattern.DATE_EVENT_SHORT); private TimetableGridTable iTable = null; private PdfWriter iWriter = null; private Document iDocument = null; private PdfPTable iPdfTable = null; private int iDay = 0; protected PdfTimetableGridTable(TimetableGridTable table) { iTable = table; } public static void export2Pdf(TimetableGridTable table, OutputStream out) throws Exception { PdfTimetableGridTable x = new PdfTimetableGridTable(table); x.export(out); } public void export(OutputStream out) throws Exception { int nrCols = getNrColumns(); iDocument = (iTable.isDispModePerWeekVertical() ? new Document(new Rectangle(60.0f + 7.0f * nrCols, 60.0f + 9.3f * nrCols), 30, 30, 30, 30) : new Document(new Rectangle(60.0f + 10.0f * nrCols, 60.0f + 7.5f * nrCols), 30, 30, 30, 30)); iWriter = PdfEventHandler.initFooter(iDocument, out);; if (iTable.isDispModeInRow()) { for (iDay = iTable.startDay(); iDay <= iTable.endDay(); iDay++) { int rowNumber = 0; for (Enumeration e = iTable.models().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); rowNumber++) { printToPdf((TimetableGridModel) e.nextElement(), rowNumber); } flushTable(); } } else { int rowNumber = 0; for (Enumeration e = iTable.models().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); rowNumber++) { printToPdf((TimetableGridModel) e.nextElement(), rowNumber); } } printLegend(); iDocument.close(); } public int getNrColumns() { return 12 + (1 + iTable.lastSlot() - iTable.firstSlot()); /* int nrCols = (iTable.isDispModePerWeekVertical()?1:12); if (iTable.isDispModePerWeekVertical()) { for (int day=iTable.startDay(); day<=iTable.endDay(); day++) nrCols++; } else {//isDispModeInRow() || isDispModePerWeekVertical() for (int day=iTable.startDay();(iTable.isDispModeInRow() && day<=iTable.endDay()) || (iTable.isDispModePerWeek() && day==iTable.startDay());day++) { for (int slot=iTable.firstSlot();slot<=iTable.lastSlot();slot+=iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) { nrCols+=iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod(); } } } return nrCols; */ } private static Color sBorderColor = new Color(100, 100, 100); public PdfPCell createCell() { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorderColor(sBorderColor); cell.setPadding(3); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidthTop(1); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(1); cell.setBorderWidthLeft(1); cell.setBorderWidthRight(1); return cell; } public PdfPCell createCellNoBorder() { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorderColor(sBorderColor); cell.setPadding(3); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); return cell; } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text) { if (text == null) return; addText(cell, text, false); } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold) { if (text == null) return; if (text.indexOf("<span") >= 0) text = text.replaceAll("</span>", "").replaceAll("<span .*>", ""); if (cell.getPhrase() == null) { cell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(text, PdfFont.getSmallFont(bold))); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); } else { cell.getPhrase().add(new Chunk("\n" + text, PdfFont.getSmallFont(bold))); } } public void addTextVertical(PdfPCell cell, String text) throws Exception { if (text == null) return; addTextVertical(cell, text, false); } public void addTextVertical(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold) throws Exception { if (text == null) return; if (text.indexOf("<span") >= 0) text = text.replaceAll("</span>", "").replaceAll("<span .*>", ""); Font font = PdfFont.getFont(bold); BaseFont bf = font.getBaseFont(); float width = bf.getWidthPoint(text, font.getSize()); PdfTemplate template = iWriter.getDirectContent().createTemplate(2 * font.getSize() + 4, width); template.beginText(); template.setColorFill(Color.BLACK); template.setFontAndSize(bf, font.getSize()); template.setTextMatrix(0, 2); template.showText(text); template.endText(); template.setWidth(width); template.setHeight(font.getSize() + 2); //make an Image object from the template Image img = Image.getInstance(template); img.setRotationDegrees(270); //embed the image in a Chunk Chunk ck = new Chunk(img, 0, 0); if (cell.getPhrase() == null) { cell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(ck)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { cell.getPhrase().add(ck); } } public void printHeader(TimetableGridModel model, int rowNumber) throws Exception { if (iTable.isDispModePerWeekVertical()) { for (int slot = iTable.lastSlot(); slot >= iTable.firstSlot(); slot -= iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) { int time = (slot - iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod() + 1) * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN; PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setColspan(iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()); if (slot < iTable.lastSlot()) c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); addTextVertical(c, Constants.toTime(time), true); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setColspan(12); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); addTextVertical(c, model.getName() + (model.getSize() > 0 ? " (" + model.getSize() + ")" : ""), true); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setColspan(12); if (iTable.isDispModeInRow()) addText(c, Constants.DAY_NAME[iDay], true); else addText(c, model.getName() + (model.getSize() > 0 ? " (" + model.getSize() + ")" : ""), true); iPdfTable.addCell(c); for (int slot = iTable.firstSlot(); slot <= iTable.lastSlot(); slot += iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) { int time = slot * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN; c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); c.setColspan(iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()); addText(c, Constants.toTime(time), true); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } } iPdfTable.setHeaderRows(1); } private Color getColor(String rgbColor) { StringTokenizer x = new StringTokenizer( rgbColor.substring("rgb(".length(), rgbColor.length() - ")".length()), ","); return new Color(Integer.parseInt(x.nextToken()), Integer.parseInt(x.nextToken()), Integer.parseInt(x.nextToken())); } private void createTable() { iPdfTable = new PdfPTable(getNrColumns()); iPdfTable.setWidthPercentage(100); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(1); iPdfTable.setSplitRows(false); iPdfTable.setSpacingBefore(10); if (iTable.isDispModePerWeek()) { iPdfTable.setKeepTogether(true); } } private void flushTable() throws Exception { iDocument.add(iPdfTable); } public void printToPdf(TimetableGridModel model, int rowNumber) throws Exception { model.clearRendered(); if (iTable.isDispModePerWeek()) { createTable(); printHeader(model, 0); } else { if (rowNumber == 0) { createTable(); printHeader(model, 0); } } if (iTable.isDispModeInRow()) { int maxIdx = model.getMaxIdxForDay(iDay, iTable.firstSlot(), iTable.lastSlot()); for (int idx = 0; idx <= maxIdx; idx++) { PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); if (idx == 0) addText(c, model.getName() + (model.getSize() > 0 ? " (" + model.getSize() + ")" : ""), true); c.setBorderWidthBottom(idx == maxIdx ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(12); iPdfTable.addCell(c); for (int slot = iTable.firstSlot(); slot <= iTable.lastSlot(); slot++) { int slotsToEnd = iTable.lastSlot() - slot + 1; TimetableGridCell cell = model.getCell(iDay, slot, idx); int length = (cell == null ? 1 : cell.getLength() + cell.getSlot() - slot); int colSpan = (cell == null ? 1 : Math.min(length, slotsToEnd)); if (cell == null) { String bgColor = model.getBackground(iDay, slot); if (bgColor == null && !model.isAvailable(iDay, slot)) bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable; c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthBottom( idx == maxIdx ? 1 : model.getCell(iDay, slot, idx + 1) != null ? 1 : 0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); boolean eod = (slot == iTable.lastSlot()); boolean in = !eod && model.getCell(iDay, slot + 1, idx) == null && ((slot + 1 - iTable.firstSlot()) % iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) != 0; c.setBorderWidthRight(eod || !in ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(colSpan); if (bgColor != null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { String bgColor = cell.getBackground(); if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (!model.isAvailable(iDay, slot + i)) { bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailableButAssigned; break; } } c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); c.setColspan(colSpan); c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); addText(c, cell.getName()); if (iTable.getShowTimes()) addText(c, cell.getTime()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom) addText(c, cell.getRoomName()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeInstructor && iTable.getShowInstructors() && !cell.getInstructor().isEmpty()) addText(c, cell.getInstructor()); if (iTable.getShowComments()) addText(c, cell.getShortCommentNoColors() == null ? null : cell.getShortCommentNoColors()); if (iTable.getWeek() == -100 && cell.hasDays() && !cell.getDays().equals(iTable.getDefaultDatePatternName())) addText(c, cell.getDays()); iPdfTable.addCell(c); slot += length - 1; } } } } else if (iTable.isDispModePerWeekHorizontal()) { for (int day = iTable.startDay(); day <= iTable.endDay(); day++) { int maxIdx = model.getMaxIdxForDay(day, iTable.firstSlot(), iTable.lastSlot()); for (int idx = 0; idx <= maxIdx; idx++) { PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); if (idx == 0) addText(c, Constants.DAY_NAME[day], true); c.setBorderWidthBottom(idx == maxIdx ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(12); iPdfTable.addCell(c); for (int slot = iTable.firstSlot(); slot <= iTable.lastSlot(); slot++) { int slotsToEnd = iTable.lastSlot() - slot + 1; TimetableGridCell cell = model.getCell(day, slot, idx); int length = (cell == null ? 1 : cell.getLength() + cell.getSlot() - slot); int colSpan = (cell == null ? 1 : Math.min(length, slotsToEnd)); if (cell == null) { String bgColor = model.getBackground(day, slot); if (bgColor == null && !model.isAvailable(day, slot)) bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable; c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthBottom( idx == maxIdx ? 1 : model.getCell(day, slot, idx + 1) != null ? 1 : 0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); boolean eod = (slot == iTable.lastSlot()); boolean in = !eod && model.getCell(day, slot + 1, idx) == null && ((slot + 1 - iTable.firstSlot()) % iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) != 0; c.setBorderWidthRight(eod || !in ? 1 : 0); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { String bgColor = cell.getBackground(); if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (!model.isAvailable(day, slot + i)) { bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailableButAssigned; break; } } c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); c.setColspan(colSpan); if (bgColor != null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); addText(c, cell.getName()); if (iTable.getShowTimes()) addText(c, cell.getTime()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom) addText(c, cell.getRoomName()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeInstructor && iTable.getShowInstructors() && !cell.getInstructor().isEmpty()) addText(c, cell.getInstructor()); if (iTable.getShowComments()) addText(c, cell.getShortCommentNoColors() == null ? null : cell.getShortCommentNoColors()); if (iTable.getWeek() == -100 && cell.hasDays() && !cell.getDays().equals(iTable.getDefaultDatePatternName())) addText(c, cell.getDays()); iPdfTable.addCell(c); slot += length - 1; } } } } } else if (iTable.isDispModeWeekByWeekHorizontal()) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); cal.setTime(iTable.iFirstDate); for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { if (d > 0) cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); int date = d + iTable.iFirstDay; if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; int day = d % 7; if (day < iTable.startDay() || day > iTable.endDay()) continue; boolean hasClasses = false; for (int slot = iTable.firstSlot(); slot <= iTable.lastSlot(); slot++) { if (model.getCell(day, slot, 0, date) != null) { hasClasses = true; break; } } if (!hasClasses) continue; int maxIdx = model.getMaxIdxForDay(day, iTable.firstSlot(), iTable.lastSlot(), date); for (int idx = 0; idx <= maxIdx; idx++) { PdfPCell c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); if (idx == 0) addText(c, Constants.DAY_NAME[day] + " " + sDF.format(cal.getTime()), true); c.setBorderWidthBottom(idx == maxIdx ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(12); iPdfTable.addCell(c); for (int slot = iTable.firstSlot(); slot <= iTable.lastSlot(); slot++) { int slotsToEnd = iTable.lastSlot() - slot + 1; TimetableGridCell cell = model.getCell(day, slot, idx, date); int length = (cell == null ? 1 : cell.getLength() + cell.getSlot() - slot); int colSpan = (cell == null ? 1 : Math.min(length, slotsToEnd)); if (cell == null) { String bgColor = model.getBackground(day, slot); if (bgColor == null && !model.isAvailable(day, slot)) bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable; c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthBottom( idx == maxIdx ? 1 : model.getCell(day, slot, idx + 1, date) != null ? 1 : 0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); boolean eod = (slot == iTable.lastSlot()); boolean in = !eod && model.getCell(day, slot + 1, idx, date) == null && ((slot + 1 - iTable.firstSlot()) % iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) != 0; c.setBorderWidthRight(eod || !in ? 1 : 0); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { String bgColor = cell.getBackground(); if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (!model.isAvailable(day, slot + i)) { bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailableButAssigned; break; } } c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); c.setColspan(colSpan); if (bgColor != null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); addText(c, cell.getName()); if (iTable.getShowTimes()) addText(c, cell.getTime()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom) addText(c, cell.getRoomName()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeInstructor && iTable.getShowInstructors() && !cell.getInstructor().isEmpty()) addText(c, cell.getInstructor()); if (iTable.getShowComments()) addText(c, cell.getShortCommentNoColors() == null ? null : cell.getShortCommentNoColors()); iPdfTable.addCell(c); slot += length - 1; } } } } } else { //isDispModePerWeekVertical for (int day = iTable.startDay(); day <= iTable.endDay(); day++) { int maxIdx = model.getMaxIdxForDay(day, iTable.firstSlot(), iTable.lastSlot()); for (int idx = 0; idx <= maxIdx; idx++) { PdfPCell c = null; for (int slot = iTable.lastSlot(); slot >= iTable.firstSlot(); slot--) { int slotsToEnd = slot + 1 - iTable.firstSlot(); TimetableGridCell cell = model.getCell(day, slot, idx); int length = (cell == null ? 1 : 1 + slot - cell.getSlot()); int colSpan = (cell == null ? 1 : Math.min(length, slotsToEnd)); if (cell == null) { String bgColor = model.getBackground(day, slot); if (bgColor == null && !model.isAvailable(day, slot)) bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable; c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setMinimumHeight(100f); c.setBorderWidthBottom( idx == maxIdx ? 1 : model.getCell(day, slot, idx + 1) != null ? 1 : 0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(slot == iTable.lastSlot() ? 1 : 0); boolean eod = (slot == iTable.firstSlot()); boolean in = !eod && model.getCell(day, slot - 1, idx) == null && ((slot - iTable.firstSlot()) % iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) != 0; c.setBorderWidthRight(eod || !in ? 1 : 0); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { String bgColor = cell.getBackground(); if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (!model.isAvailable(day, slot - i)) { bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailableButAssigned; break; } } c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(slot == iTable.lastSlot() ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(colSpan); if (bgColor != null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); if (iTable.getWeek() == -100 && cell.hasDays() && !cell.getDays().equals(iTable.getDefaultDatePatternName())) addTextVertical(c, cell.getDays()); if (iTable.getShowTimes()) addText(c, cell.getTime()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom) addTextVertical(c, cell.getRoomName()); if (iTable.getResourceType() != TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeInstructor && iTable.getShowInstructors() && !cell.getInstructor().isEmpty()) addTextVertical(c, cell.getInstructor()); if (iTable.getShowComments()) addTextVertical(c, cell.getShortCommentNoColors() == null ? null : cell.getShortCommentNoColors()); addTextVertical(c, cell.getName()); iPdfTable.addCell(c); slot -= length - 1; } } c = createCell(); c.setBorderWidthTop(0); c.setBorderWidthLeft(0); if (idx == 0) addTextVertical(c, Constants.DAY_NAME[day], true); c.setBorderWidthBottom(idx == maxIdx ? 1 : 0); c.setColspan(12); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } } /* int step = iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod(); for (int slot=iTable.firstSlot();slot<=iTable.lastSlot();slot+=step) { int time = slot * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN; int slotsToEnd = iTable.lastSlot()-slot+1; if ((slot%iTable.nrSlotsPerPeriod()) == 0) { c = createCell("TimetableHeadCell"+(slot==iTable.firstSlot()?"":"In")+"Vertical"); addText(c, Constants.toTime(time), true); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { c = createCell("TimetableHeadCellInVertical"); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } for (int day=iTable.startDay();day<=iTable.endDay();day++) { int maxIdx = model.getMaxIdxForDay(day,iTable.firstSlot(),iTable.lastSlot()); for (int idx=0;idx<=maxIdx;idx++) { TimetableGridCell cell = model.getCell(day,slot, idx); if (model.isRendered(day,slot,idx)) continue; int rowSpan = (cell==null?1:Math.min(cell.getLength()+cell.getSlot()-slot,slotsToEnd)); int colSpan = (iTable.getResourceType()==TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeDepartment && cell!=null?1:model.getDepth(day,slot,idx,maxIdx,rowSpan)); model.setRendered(day,slot,idx,colSpan,rowSpan); int rowSpanDivStep = (int)Math.ceil(((double)rowSpan)/step); if (cell==null) { String bgColor = model.getBackground(day,slot); if (bgColor==null && !model.isAvailable(day,slot)) bgColor=TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable; boolean eol = (day==iTable.endDay() && (idx+colSpan-1)==maxIdx); c = createCell("TimetableCell"+(slot==iTable.firstSlot()?"":"In")+"Vertical"+(eol?"EOL":"")); c.setColspan(colSpan); //c.setRowspan(rowSpanDivStep); if (bgColor!=null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } else { String bgColor = cell.getBackground(); if (iTable.getBgMode()==TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { for (int i=0;i<cell.getLength();i++) if (!model.isAvailable(day,slot+i)) { bgColor = TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailableButAssigned; break; } } boolean eol = (day==iTable.endDay()); c = createCell("TimetableCell"+(slot==iTable.firstSlot()?"":"In")+"Vertical" + (eol?"EOL":"")); c.setColspan(colSpan); //c.setRowspan(rowSpanDivStep); if (bgColor!=null) c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(bgColor)); addText(c, cell.getName()); if (iTable.getResourceType()!=TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom) addText(c, cell.getRoomName()); if (iTable.getShowComments()) addText(c, cell.getShortComment()==null?"":cell.getShortComment()); if (iTable.getWeek()==-100 && cell.hasDays() && !cell.getDays().equals(iTable.getDefaultDatePatternName())) addText(c, cell.getDays()); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } } } } */ } if (iTable.isDispModePerWeek()) { flushTable(); } } private void addLegendRow(String color, String text) { PdfPCell c = createCellNoBorder(); c.setBorderWidth(1); c.setBackgroundColor(getColor(color)); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCellNoBorder(); addText(c, " " + text); c.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } public void printLegend() throws Exception { iPdfTable = new PdfPTable(2); iPdfTable.setWidths(new float[] { 10f, 200f }); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(1); iPdfTable.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.setSplitRows(false); iPdfTable.setSpacingBefore(10); iPdfTable.setKeepTogether(true); if (iTable.getBgMode() != TimetableGridModel.sBgModeNone) { PdfPCell c = createCellNoBorder(); c.setColspan(2); addText(c, "Assigned classes:"); c.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeTimePref) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sRequired), "Required time"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyPreferred), "Strongly preferred time"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sPreferred), "Preferred time"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No time preference"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Discouraged time"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Strongly discouraged time"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Prohibited time"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeRoomPref) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sRequired), "Required room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyPreferred), "Strongly preferred room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sPreferred), "Preferred room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No room preference"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Discouraged room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Strongly discouraged room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Prohibited room"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeStudentConf) { for (int nrConflicts = 0; nrConflicts <= 15; nrConflicts++) { String color = TimetableGridCell.conflicts2color(nrConflicts); addLegendRow(color, "" + nrConflicts + " " + (nrConflicts == 15 ? "or more " : "") + "student conflicts"); } } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeInstructorBtbPref) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No instructor back-to-back preference (distance=0)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Discouraged back-to-back (0<distance<=5)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Strongly discouraged back-to-back (5<distance<=20)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Prohibited back-to-back (20<distance)"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeDistributionConstPref) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No violated constraint(distance=0)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Discouraged/preferred constraint violated"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Strongly discouraged/preferred constraint violated"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Required/prohibited constraint violated"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModePerturbations) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyPreferred), "No change"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No initial assignment"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Room changed"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Time changed"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Both time and room changed"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModePerturbationPenalty) { for (int nrConflicts = 0; nrConflicts <= 15; nrConflicts++) { String color = TimetableGridCell.conflicts2color(nrConflicts); addLegendRow(color, "" + (nrConflicts == 0 ? "Zero perturbation penalty" : nrConflicts == 15 ? "Perturbation penalty above 15" : "Perturbation penalty below or equal to " + nrConflicts) + ""); } } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeHardConflicts) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sRequired), "Required time and room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyPreferred), "Can be moved in room with no hard conflict"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sPreferred), "Can be moved in room (but there is a hard conflict), can be moved in time with no conflict"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "Can be moved in room (but there is a hard conflict)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Can be moved in time with no hard conflict, cannot be moved in room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Can be moved in time (but there is a hard conflict), cannot be moved in room"); } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeDepartmentalBalancing) { for (int nrConflicts = 0; nrConflicts <= 3; nrConflicts++) { String color = TimetableGridCell.conflicts2colorFast(nrConflicts); addLegendRow(color, "" + (nrConflicts == 0 ? "Zero penalty" : nrConflicts == 3 ? "Penalty equal or above 3" : "Penalty equal to " + nrConflicts) + ""); } } else if (iTable.getBgMode() == TimetableGridModel.sBgModeTooBigRooms) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sRequired), "Assigned room is smaller than room limit of a class"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "Assigned room is not more than 25% bigger than the smallest avaialable room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Assigned room is not more than 50% bigger than the smallest avaialable room"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Assigned room is more than 50% bigger than the smallest avaialable room"); } PdfPCell c = createCellNoBorder(); c.setColspan(2); addText(c, "Free times:"); c.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.sBgColorNotAvailable, "Time not available"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral), "No preference"); if (iTable.getShowUselessTimes()) { addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged), "Standard (MWF or TTh) time pattern is broken (time cannot be used for MW, WF, MF or TTh class)"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged), "Useless half-hour"); addLegendRow(TimetableGridCell.pref2color(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited), "Useless half-hour and broken standard time pattern"); } if (iTable.isDispModePerWeekVertical()) iDocument.newPage(); iDocument.add(iPdfTable); } }