Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.webutil.pdf; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.unitime.commons.Debug; import org.unitime.commons.web.htmlgen.TableStream; import org.unitime.timetable.ApplicationProperties; import org.unitime.timetable.form.EventListForm; import org.unitime.timetable.form.MeetingListForm; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Event; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExamEvent; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Meeting; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RelatedCourseInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Event.MultiMeeting; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ClassEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.CourseEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ExamEventDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfEventHandler; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfFont; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.WebEventTableBuilder; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; public class PdfEventTableBuilder extends WebEventTableBuilder { protected PdfWriter iWriter = null; protected Document iDocument = null; protected PdfPTable iPdfTable = null; protected Color iBgColor = Color.WHITE; protected boolean iUnderline = false; protected boolean iOverline = false; protected Color iTextColor = Color.BLACK; protected boolean iTextItalic = false; public PdfEventTableBuilder() { super(); } public int getMaxResults() { return 1500; } public PdfPCell createCell() { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorderColor(Color.BLACK); cell.setPadding(3); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBackgroundColor(iBgColor); if (iUnderline) cell.setBorderWidthBottom(1); if (iOverline) cell.setBorderWidthTop(0.5f); return cell; } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text) { addText(cell, text, false, iTextItalic, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, iTextColor, true); } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold, int orientation) { addText(cell, text, bold, iTextItalic, orientation, iTextColor, true); } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text, int orientation) { addText(cell, text, false, iTextItalic, orientation, iTextColor, true); } public void addText(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold, boolean italic, int orientation, Color color, boolean newLine) { if (text == null) return; if (cell.getPhrase() == null) { Chunk ch = new Chunk(text, PdfFont.getSmallFont(bold, italic, color)); cell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(ch)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(orientation); } else { cell.getPhrase() .add(new Chunk((newLine ? "\n" : "") + text, PdfFont.getSmallFont(bold, italic, color))); } } public float[] getWidths(boolean events, boolean mainContact) { if (events) { if (mainContact) return new float[] { 200, 90, 80, 100, 100, 120 }; else return new float[] { 200, 90, 80, 100, 100 }; } else { if (mainContact) return new float[] { 150, 85, 50, 50, 100, 110, 90, 80, 120, 75 }; return new float[] { 200, 85, 75, 50, 150, 100, 100, 100 }; } } protected void pdfBuildTableHeader(boolean events, boolean mainContact, int numEventsOrMeetings) { if (events) { PdfPCell c; if (numEventsOrMeetings > getMaxResults()) { c = createCell(); addText(c, "**Warning: More than " + getMaxResults() + " events match your search criteria. Only the first " + getMaxResults() + " events are displayed. Please, redefine the search criteria in your filter.", true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); c.setColspan(mainContact ? 6 : 5); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } iBgColor = new Color(224, 224, 224); //first line c = createCell(); addText(c, LABEL, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, ENROLLMENT, true, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, EVENT_CAPACITY, true, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, SPONSORING_ORG, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, EVENT_TYPE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); if (mainContact) { c = createCell(); addText(c, MAIN_CONTACT, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } //second line iBgColor = new Color(244, 244, 244); iUnderline = true; c = createCell(); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); c.setColspan(2); addText(c, MEETING_DATE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, MEETING_TIME, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, MEETING_LOCATION, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); if (mainContact) { c = createCell(); addText(c, APPROVED_DATE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } if (numEventsOrMeetings <= getMaxResults()) { iPdfTable.setHeaderRows(2); } else { iPdfTable.setHeaderRows(3); } } else { PdfPCell c; if (numEventsOrMeetings > getMaxResults()) { c = createCell(); addText(c, "**Warning: More than " + getMaxResults() + " meetings match your search criteria. Only the first " + getMaxResults() + " meetings are displayed. Please, redefine the search criteria in your filter.", true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); c.setColspan(mainContact ? 10 : 9); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } iBgColor = new Color(224, 224, 224); //first line iUnderline = true; c = createCell(); addText(c, LABEL, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, EVENT_TYPE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, (mainContact ? "Enrl." : ENROLLMENT), true, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, (mainContact ? "Cap." : EVENT_CAPACITY), true, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, SPONSORING_ORG, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, MEETING_DATE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, MEETING_TIME, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, MEETING_LOCATION, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); if (mainContact) { c = createCell(); addText(c, MAIN_CONTACT, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); c = createCell(); addText(c, APPROVED_DATE, true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); iPdfTable.addCell(c); } if (numEventsOrMeetings <= getMaxResults()) { iPdfTable.setHeaderRows(1); } else { iPdfTable.setHeaderRows(2); } } iBgColor = Color.WHITE; iUnderline = false; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildEventName(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, e.getEventName() == null ? "" : e.getEventName(), true, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildEventCapacity(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); int minCap = (e.getMinCapacity() == null ? -1 : e.getMinCapacity()); int maxCap = (e.getMaxCapacity() == null ? -1 : e.getMaxCapacity()); if (minCap == -1) { } else { if (maxCap != -1) { if (maxCap != minCap) { addText(cell, minCap + "-" + maxCap, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { addText(cell, String.valueOf(minCap), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } } } return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildEventEnrollment(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); if (Event.sEventTypeClass == e.getEventType()) { ClassEvent ce = new ClassEventDAO().get(Long.valueOf(e.getUniqueId())); if (ce.getClazz().getEnrollment() != null) { addText(cell, ce.getClazz().getEnrollment().toString(), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { addText(cell, "0", Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } } else if (Event.sEventTypeFinalExam == e.getEventType() || Event.sEventTypeMidtermExam == e.getEventType()) { ExamEvent ee = new ExamEventDAO().get(e.getUniqueId()); addText(cell, String.valueOf(ee.getExam().countStudents()), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (Event.sEventTypeCourse == e.getEventType()) { CourseEvent ce = new CourseEventDAO().get(e.getUniqueId()); int enrl = 0; for (RelatedCourseInfo rci : ce.getRelatedCourses()) enrl += rci.countStudents(); addText(cell, String.valueOf(enrl), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } return (cell); } private PdfPCell pdfBuildSponsoringOrg(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, e.getSponsoringOrganization() == null ? "" : e.getSponsoringOrganization().getName()); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildEventTypeAbbv(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, e.getEventTypeAbbv()); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildMainContactName(Event e) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); if (e.getMainContact() != null) addText(cell, (e.getMainContact().getLastName() == null ? "" : (e.getMainContact().getLastName() + ", ")) + (e.getMainContact().getFirstName() == null ? "" : e.getMainContact().getFirstName())); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildEmptyMeetingInfo() { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildDate(Meeting m) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, sDateFormat.format(m.getMeetingDate())); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildDate(MultiMeeting m) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingDate()); int y1 = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); c.setTime(m.getMeetings().last().getMeetingDate()); int y2 = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); addText(cell, m.getDays() + " " + (y1 == y2 ? sDateFormatM1 : sDateFormatM2) .format(m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingDate()) + " - " + sDateFormatM2.format(m.getMeetings().last().getMeetingDate())); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildTime(Meeting m) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, m.isAllDay() ? "All Day" : Constants .toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * m.getStartPeriod() + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN + (m.getStartOffset() == null ? 0 : m.getStartOffset())) + " - " + Constants.toTime( Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * m.getStopPeriod() + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN + (m.getStopOffset() == null ? 0 : m.getStopOffset()))); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildLocation(Meeting m) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, m.getLocation() == null ? "" : m.getLocation().getLabel()); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildApproved(Meeting m) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US); addText(cell, m.getApprovedDate() == null ? "" : df.format(m.getApprovedDate())); return cell; } private PdfPCell pdfBuildApproved(MultiMeeting mm) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US); Date approvalDate = null; //latest approval date for (Meeting m : mm.getMeetings()) if (approvalDate == null || approvalDate.compareTo(m.getApprovedDate()) < 0) approvalDate = m.getApprovedDate(); addText(cell, approvalDate == null ? "" : df.format(approvalDate)); return cell; } private void pdfAddEventsRowsToTable(Event e, boolean mainContact, TreeSet<MultiMeeting> meetings) { boolean allPast = true; for (MultiMeeting meeting : meetings) { if (!meeting.isPast()) { allPast = false; break; } } if (allPast) { iTextColor = Color.GRAY; iTextItalic = true; } iBgColor = new Color(223, 231, 242); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventName(e)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventEnrollment(e)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventCapacity(e)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildSponsoringOrg(e)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventTypeAbbv(e)); if (mainContact) iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildMainContactName(e)); iTextColor = Color.BLACK; iTextItalic = false; iBgColor = Color.WHITE; } private void pdfAddMeetingRowsToTable(MultiMeeting mm, boolean mainContact, boolean printOverlaps) { Meeting m = mm.getMeetings().first(); if (mm.isPast()) { iTextColor = Color.GRAY; iTextItalic = true; } else { if (m.isApproved()) { //bgColor = "#DDFFDD"; } else { iBgColor = new Color(255, 255, 221); } } iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEmptyMeetingInfo()); PdfPCell cell = mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? pdfBuildDate(m) : pdfBuildDate(mm); cell.setColspan(2); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildTime(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) iPdfTable.addCell(mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? pdfBuildApproved(m) : pdfBuildApproved(mm)); iTextColor = Color.BLACK; iTextItalic = false; iBgColor = Color.WHITE; if (printOverlaps) { TreeSet<Meeting> overlaps = new TreeSet(); for (Meeting mx : mm.getMeetings()) { overlaps.addAll(mx.getTimeRoomOverlaps()); } if (!overlaps.isEmpty()) { for (MultiMeeting o : Event.getMultiMeetings(overlaps)) pdfAddOverlappingMeetingToTable(o, mainContact); } } } private void pdfAddOverlappingMeetingToTable(MultiMeeting mm, boolean mainContact) { Meeting m = mm.getMeetings().first(); if (mm.isPast()) { iTextColor = Color.GRAY; iTextItalic = true; } iBgColor = new Color(255, 215, 215); PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, " Conf/w " + m.getEvent().getEventName() + " (" + m.getEvent().getEventTypeAbbv() + ")"); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); cell = (mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? pdfBuildDate(m) : pdfBuildDate(mm)); cell.setColspan(2); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildTime(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) iPdfTable.addCell(mm.getMeetings().size() == 1 ? pdfBuildApproved(m) : pdfBuildApproved(mm)); iTextColor = Color.BLACK; iTextItalic = false; iBgColor = Color.WHITE; } private void pdfAddMeetingRowsToTable(Meeting m, boolean mainContact, Event lastEvent, Date now, boolean line, boolean printOverlaps) { if (m.getStartTime().before(now)) { iTextColor = Color.GRAY; iTextItalic = true; } else { if (m.isApproved()) { //bgColor = "#DDFFDD"; } else { iBgColor = new Color(255, 255, 221); } } if (line && lastEvent != null && !lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { iOverline = true; } if (lastEvent != null && lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); } else { iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventName(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventTypeAbbv(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventEnrollment(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventCapacity(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildSponsoringOrg(m.getEvent())); } iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildDate(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildTime(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) { if (lastEvent != null && lastEvent.getUniqueId().equals(m.getEvent().getUniqueId())) { PdfPCell cell = createCell(); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); } else { iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildMainContactName(m.getEvent())); } iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildApproved(m)); } iTextColor = Color.BLACK; iTextItalic = false; iBgColor = Color.WHITE; iOverline = false; if (printOverlaps) { TreeSet<Meeting> overlaps = new TreeSet(m.getTimeRoomOverlaps()); if (!overlaps.isEmpty()) { for (Meeting o : overlaps) pdfAddOverlappingMeetingToTable(o, mainContact, now); } } } private void pdfAddOverlappingMeetingToTable(Meeting m, boolean mainContact, Date now) { if (m.getStartTime().before(now)) { iTextColor = Color.GRAY; iTextItalic = true; } iBgColor = new Color(255, 215, 215); PdfPCell cell = createCell(); addText(cell, " Conf/w " + (m.getEvent().getEventName() == null ? "" : m.getEvent().getEventName()) + " (" + m.getEvent().getEventTypeAbbv() + ")"); cell.setColspan(2); iPdfTable.addCell(cell); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventEnrollment(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildEventCapacity(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildSponsoringOrg(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildDate(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildTime(m)); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildLocation(m)); if (mainContact) { iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildMainContactName(m.getEvent())); iPdfTable.addCell(pdfBuildApproved(m)); } iTextColor = Color.BLACK; iTextItalic = false; iBgColor = Color.WHITE; } public File pdfTableForEvents(EventListForm form) { List events = loadEvents(form); if (events.isEmpty()) return null; boolean mainContact = form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager(); FileOutputStream out = null; try { File file = ApplicationProperties.getTempFile("events", "pdf"); iDocument = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 15, 15, 15, 30); out = new FileOutputStream(file); iWriter = PdfEventHandler.initFooter(iDocument, out);; iPdfTable = new PdfPTable(getWidths(true, mainContact)); iPdfTable.setWidthPercentage(100); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(0); iPdfTable.setSplitRows(false); pdfBuildTableHeader(true, mainContact, events.size()); for (Iterator it = events.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Event event = (Event); if (form.getMode() == EventListForm.sModeEvents4Approval) { boolean myApproval = false; for (Iterator j = event.getMeetings().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Meeting m = (Meeting); if (m.getApprovedDate() == null && m.getLocation() != null && form.getManagingDepartments() .contains(m.getLocation().getControllingDepartment())) { myApproval = true; break; } } if (!myApproval) continue; } TreeSet<MultiMeeting> meetings = event.getMultiMeetings(); pdfAddEventsRowsToTable(event, mainContact, meetings); for (MultiMeeting meeting : meetings) pdfAddMeetingRowsToTable(meeting, mainContact, form.getDispConflicts()); } iDocument.add(iPdfTable); iDocument.close(); return file; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); } finally { try { if (out != null) out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } public File pdfTableForMeetings(MeetingListForm form) { List meetings = loadMeetings(form); if (meetings.isEmpty()) return null; boolean mainContact = form.isAdmin() || form.isEventManager(); FileOutputStream out = null; try { File file = ApplicationProperties.getTempFile("meetings", "pdf"); float[] widths = getWidths(false, mainContact); iDocument = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate(), 15, 15, 15, 30); out = new FileOutputStream(file); iWriter = PdfEventHandler.initFooter(iDocument, out);; iPdfTable = new PdfPTable(widths); iPdfTable.setWidthPercentage(100); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3); iPdfTable.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(0); iPdfTable.setSplitRows(false); pdfBuildTableHeader(false, mainContact, meetings.size()); Event lastEvent = null; Date now = new Date(); boolean line = MeetingListForm.sOrderByName.equals(form.getOrderBy()); for (Iterator it = meetings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Meeting meeting = (Meeting); pdfAddMeetingRowsToTable(meeting, mainContact, lastEvent, now, line, form.getDispConflicts()); lastEvent = meeting.getEvent(); } iDocument.add(iPdfTable); iDocument.close(); return file; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); } finally { try { if (out != null) out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } protected TableStream initTable(JspWriter outputStream) { TableStream table = new TableStream(outputStream); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setBorder(0); table.setCellSpacing(0); table.setCellPadding(3); table.tableDefComplete(); return (table); } }