Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.coursett.TimetableXMLLoader; import org.cpsolver.coursett.TimetableXMLSaver; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.ClassLimitConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.DepartmentSpreadConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.GroupConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.InstructorConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.RoomConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.SpreadConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.RoomLocation; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimetableModel; import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics; import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.Extension; import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Constraint; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solver.ParallelSolver; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.CSVFile; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Callback; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ProgressWriter; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.CSVFile.CSVField; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.type.LongType; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.server.Query; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.server.Query.TermMatcher; import org.unitime.timetable.interfaces.RoomAvailabilityInterface.TimeBlock; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Assignment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Department; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DepartmentalInstructor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomType; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Solution; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SolverGroup; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SubjectArea; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePattern; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.DatePatternDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.DepartmentDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.DepartmentalInstructorDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.LocationDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.RoomTypeDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SolutionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SolverGroupDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.TimePatternDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.interactive.ClassAssignmentDetails; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.interactive.Hint; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.interactive.Suggestion; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.interactive.Suggestions; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.interactive.SuggestionsModel; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.remote.BackupFileFilter; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.AssignmentPreferenceInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.ConflictStatisticsInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.DeptBalancingReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.DiscouragedInstructorBtbReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.PerturbationReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.PropertiesInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.RoomReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.SameSubpartBalancingReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.SolverUnassignedClassesModel; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.StudentConflictsReport; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.ViolatedDistrPreferencesReport; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.timegrid.SolverGridModel; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.timegrid.TimetableGridContext; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.timegrid.TimetableGridModel; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class TimetableSolver extends ParallelSolver<Lecture, Placement> implements SolverProxy { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(TimetableSolver.class); private boolean iWorking = false; private Date iLoadedDate = null; private int iDebugLevel = Progress.MSGLEVEL_INFO; private Vector iAssignmentRecords = new Vector(); private Vector iBestAssignmentRecords = new Vector(); private ConflictStatisticsInfo iCbsInfo = null; private CommitedClassAssignmentProxy iCommitedClassAssignmentProxy = null; private long iLastTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); private boolean iIsPassivated = false; private Map iProgressBeforePassivation = null; private PropertiesInfo iGlobalInfoBeforePassivation = null; private Map<String, String> iCurrentSolutionInfoBeforePassivation = null; private Map<String, String> iBestSolutionInfoBeforePassivation = null; private File iPassivationFolder = null; private String iPassivationPuid = null; private Thread iWorkThread = null; private SolverDisposeListener iSolverDisposeListener; public TimetableSolver(DataProperties properties, SolverDisposeListener solverDisposeListener) { super(properties); iCommitedClassAssignmentProxy = new CommitedClassAssignmentProxy(); iSolverDisposeListener = solverDisposeListener; } public Date getLoadedDate() { if (iLoadedDate == null && !isPassivated()) { List<Progress.Message> log = Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).getLog(); if (log != null && !log.isEmpty()) { iLoadedDate = log.get(0).getDate(); } } return iLoadedDate; } public org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution<Lecture, Placement> currentSolution() { activateIfNeeded(); return super.currentSolution(); } public void start() { activateIfNeeded(); iCbsInfo = null; super.start(); } public String getLog() { return Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).getHtmlLog(iDebugLevel, true); } public String getLog(int level, boolean includeDate) { return Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).getHtmlLog(level, includeDate); } public String getLog(int level, boolean includeDate, String fromStage) { return Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).getHtmlLog(level, includeDate, fromStage); } public String getNote() { return getProperties().getProperty("General.Note"); } public void setNote(String note) { getProperties().setProperty("General.Note", note); } public void setDebugLevel(int level) { iDebugLevel = level; } public int getDebugLevel() { return iDebugLevel; } public boolean isWorking() { if (isRunning()) return true; return iWorking; } public void restoreBest() { iAssignmentRecords = new Vector(iBestAssignmentRecords); currentSolution().restoreBest(); } public void saveBest() { iBestAssignmentRecords = new Vector(iAssignmentRecords); currentSolution().saveBest(); } public Map getProgress() { if (isPassivated()) return iProgressBeforePassivation; try { Hashtable ret = new Hashtable(); Progress p = Progress.getInstance(super.currentSolution().getModel()); ret.put("STATUS", p.getStatus()); ret.put("PHASE", p.getPhase()); ret.put("PROGRESS", new Long(p.getProgress())); ret.put("MAX_PROGRESS", new Long(p.getProgressMax())); ret.put("VERSION", Constants.getVersion()); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } public void finalSectioning() { iWorkThread = new FinalSectioning(); iWorkThread.start(); } public class FinalSectioning extends Thread { public void run() { setName("FinalSectioning"); iWorking = true; try { ((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()).switchStudents(currentSolution().getAssignment()); //new EnrollmentCheck((TimetableModel)currentSolution().getModel()).checkStudentEnrollments(Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel())); } finally { iWorking = false; Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); } afterFinalSectioning(); } } public void dispose() { disposeNoInherit(true); } private void disposeNoInherit(boolean unregister) { super.dispose(); iAssignmentRecords.clear(); iBestAssignmentRecords.clear(); iCbsInfo = null; if (currentSolution() != null && currentSolution().getModel() != null) Progress.removeInstance(currentSolution().getModel()); setInitalSolution((org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution) null); if (unregister && iSolverDisposeListener != null) iSolverDisposeListener.onDispose(); } protected void onFinish() { super.onFinish(); try { iWorking = true; if (currentSolution().getBestInfo() != null) currentSolution().restoreBest(); if (getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.SwitchStudents", true)) { ((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()).switchStudents(currentSolution().getAssignment()); currentSolution().saveBest(); } if (currentSolution().getBestInfo() != null && getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.Save", false)) { TimetableDatabaseSaver saver = new TimetableDatabaseSaver(this); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try {; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } int repeat = getProperties().getPropertyInt("Test.Repeat", 0); if (repeat > 0) { getProperties().setProperty("Test.Repeat", String.valueOf(repeat - 1)); getProperties().remove("General.SolutionId"); load(getProperties()); return; } if (getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.Unload", false)) { dispose(); } else { Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); } } finally { iWorking = false; } } protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); if (currentSolution().getBestInfo() != null) currentSolution().restoreBest(); } public void save(boolean createNewSolution, boolean commitSolution) { iWorking = true; getProperties().setProperty("General.CreateNewSolution", (createNewSolution ? "true" : "false")); if (createNewSolution) getProperties().remove("General.SolutionId"); getProperties().setProperty("General.CommitSolution", (commitSolution ? "true" : "false")); TimetableDatabaseSaver saver = new TimetableDatabaseSaver(this); saver.setCallback(getSavingDoneCallback()); iWorkThread = new Thread(saver); iWorkThread.setPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY); iWorkThread.start(); } public void load(DataProperties properties) { iAssignmentRecords.clear(); iBestAssignmentRecords.clear(); iCbsInfo = null; sLog.debug("History cleared"); setProperties(properties); TimetableModel model = new TimetableModel(getProperties()); Progress.getInstance(model).addProgressListener(new ProgressWriter(System.out)); iWorking = true; setInitalSolution(model); initSolver(); TimetableDatabaseLoader loader = new TimetableDatabaseLoader(model, currentSolution().getAssignment()); loader.setCallback(getLoadingDoneCallback()); iWorkThread = new Thread(loader); iWorkThread.setPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY); iWorkThread.start(); } public void reload(DataProperties properties) { if (currentSolution() == null || currentSolution().getModel() == null) { load(properties); return; } Callback callBack = getReloadingDoneCallback(); setProperties(properties); TimetableModel model = new TimetableModel(getProperties()); iWorking = true; Progress.changeInstance(currentSolution().getModel(), model); setInitalSolution(model); initSolver(); TimetableDatabaseLoader loader = new TimetableDatabaseLoader(model, currentSolution().getAssignment()); loader.setCallback(callBack); iWorkThread = new Thread(loader); iWorkThread.start(); } public Callback getLoadingDoneCallback() { return new LoadingDoneCallback(); } public Callback getReloadingDoneCallback() { return new ReloadingDoneCallback(); } public Callback getSavingDoneCallback() { return new SavingDoneCallback(); } protected void afterSave() { } protected void afterLoad() { } protected void afterFinalSectioning() { } protected boolean useAmPm() { return getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseAmPm", true); } public class ReloadingDoneCallback implements Callback { Hashtable iCurrentAssignmentTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable iBestAssignmentTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable iInitialAssignmentTable = new Hashtable(); String iSolutionId = null; Progress iProgress = null; public ReloadingDoneCallback() { iSolutionId = getProperties().getProperty("General.SolutionId"); for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { Placement current = currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); if (current != null) iCurrentAssignmentTable.put(lecture.getClassId(), current); if (lecture.getBestAssignment() != null) iBestAssignmentTable.put(lecture.getClassId(), lecture.getBestAssignment()); if (lecture.getInitialAssignment() != null) iInitialAssignmentTable.put(lecture.getClassId(), lecture.getInitialAssignment()); } } private Lecture getLecture(Long classId) { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (lecture.getClassId().equals(classId)) return lecture; } return null; } private Placement getPlacement(Lecture lecture, Placement placement) { TimeLocation time = null; for (TimeLocation t : lecture.timeLocations()) { if (placement.getTimeLocation().equals(t)) { time = t; break; } } if (time == null) { iProgress.warn("WARNING: Time " + placement.getTimeLocation().getLongName(useAmPm()) + " is no longer valid for class " + lecture.getName()); return null; } Vector rooms = new Vector(); for (RoomLocation r : lecture.roomLocations()) { if (placement.isMultiRoom() && placement.getRoomLocations().contains(r)) { rooms.add(r); } if (!placement.isMultiRoom() && placement.getRoomLocation().equals(r)) { rooms.add(r); break; } } if (rooms.size() != lecture.getNrRooms()) { iProgress.warn("WARNING: Room(s) " + (placement.isMultiRoom() ? placement.getRoomLocations().toString() : placement.getRoomLocation().getName()) + " are no longer valid for class " + lecture.getName()); return null; } return new Placement(lecture, time, rooms); } private void assign(Placement placement) { ((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()).weaken(currentSolution().getAssignment(), placement); if (placement.isValid()) { Map<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>, Set<Placement>> conflictConstraints = currentSolution() .getModel().conflictConstraints(currentSolution().getAssignment(), placement); if (conflictConstraints.isEmpty()) { currentSolution().getAssignment().assign(0, placement); } else { iProgress.warn("Unable to assign " + placement.variable().getName() + " ← " + placement.getLongName(useAmPm())); iProgress.warn(" Reason:"); for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : conflictConstraints.keySet()) { Collection vals = (Collection) conflictConstraints.get(c); for (Iterator j = vals.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Placement v = (Placement); iProgress.warn(" " + v.variable().getName() + " = " + v.getLongName(useAmPm())); } iProgress.debug(" in constraint " + c); } } } else { Lecture lecture = placement.variable(); String reason = ""; for (InstructorConstraint ic : lecture.getInstructorConstraints()) { if (!ic.isAvailable(lecture, placement)) reason += "<br> instructor " + ic.getName() + " not available"; } if (lecture.getNrRooms() > 0) { if (placement.isMultiRoom()) { for (RoomLocation roomLocation : placement.getRoomLocations()) { if (!roomLocation.getRoomConstraint().isAvailable(lecture, placement.getTimeLocation(), lecture.getScheduler())) reason += "<br> room " + roomLocation.getName() + " not available"; } } else { if (!placement.getRoomLocation().getRoomConstraint().isAvailable(lecture, placement.getTimeLocation(), lecture.getScheduler())) reason += "<br> room " + placement.getRoomLocation().getName() + " not available"; } } Map<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>, Set<Placement>> conflictConstraints = currentSolution() .getModel().conflictConstraints(currentSolution().getAssignment(), placement); if (!conflictConstraints.isEmpty()) { for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : conflictConstraints.keySet()) { Set<Placement> vals = conflictConstraints.get(c); for (Placement p : vals) { Lecture l = p.variable(); if (l.isCommitted()) reason += "<br> conflict with committed assignment " + l.getName() + " = " + p.getLongName(useAmPm()) + " (in constraint " + c + ")"; if (p.equals(placement)) reason += "<br> constraint " + c; } } } iProgress.warn("Unable to assign " + lecture.getName() + " ← " + placement.getLongName(useAmPm()) + (reason.length() == 0 ? "." : ":" + reason)); } } private void unassignAll() { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) currentSolution().getAssignment().unassign(0, lecture); } public void execute() { iProgress = Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()); if (!iBestAssignmentTable.isEmpty()) { iProgress.setPhase("Creating best assignment ...", iBestAssignmentTable.size()); unassignAll(); for (Iterator i = iBestAssignmentTable.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); iProgress.incProgress(); Lecture lecture = getLecture((Long) entry.getKey()); if (lecture == null) continue; Placement placement = getPlacement(lecture, (Placement) entry.getValue()); if (placement != null) assign(placement); } currentSolution().saveBest(); } if (!iInitialAssignmentTable.isEmpty()) { iProgress.setPhase("Creating initial assignment ...", iInitialAssignmentTable.size()); for (Iterator i = iInitialAssignmentTable.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); iProgress.incProgress(); Lecture lecture = getLecture((Long) entry.getKey()); if (lecture == null) continue; Placement placement = getPlacement(lecture, (Placement) entry.getValue()); if (placement != null) lecture.setInitialAssignment(placement); } } if (!iCurrentAssignmentTable.isEmpty()) { iProgress.setPhase("Creating current assignment ...", iCurrentAssignmentTable.size()); unassignAll(); for (Iterator i = iCurrentAssignmentTable.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); iProgress.incProgress(); Lecture lecture = getLecture((Long) entry.getKey()); if (lecture == null) continue; Placement placement = getPlacement(lecture, (Placement) entry.getValue()); if (placement != null) assign(placement); } } iCurrentAssignmentTable.clear(); iBestAssignmentRecords.clear(); iInitialAssignmentTable.clear(); iProgress = null; if (iSolutionId != null) getProperties().setProperty("General.SolutionId", iSolutionId); iLoadedDate = new Date(); iWorking = false; afterLoad(); Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); } } public class LoadingDoneCallback implements Callback { public void execute() { iLoadedDate = new Date(); iWorking = false; afterLoad(); Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); if (getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.StartSolver", false)) start(); } } public class SavingDoneCallback implements Callback { public void execute() { iWorking = false; afterSave(); Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); } } public PropertiesInfo getGlobalInfo() { if (isPassivated()) return iGlobalInfoBeforePassivation; Map<String, String> info = null; Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { info = super.currentSolution().getBestInfo(); if (info == null) info = super.currentSolution().getInfo(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } PropertiesInfo globalInfo = new PropertiesInfo(); for (Iterator i1 = info.entrySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue().toString(); globalInfo.setProperty(key, value); } return globalInfo; } public ConflictStatisticsInfo getCbsInfo() { ConflictStatistics cbs = null; for (Extension ext : getExtensions()) { if (ext instanceof ConflictStatistics) { cbs = (ConflictStatistics) ext; break; } } if (cbs == null || cbs.getNoGoods().isEmpty()) { if (iCbsInfo != null) return iCbsInfo; return null; } ConflictStatisticsInfo info = new ConflictStatisticsInfo(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { info.load(this, cbs); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return info; } public ConflictStatisticsInfo getCbsInfo(Long classId) { ConflictStatistics cbs = null; for (Extension ext : getExtensions()) { if (ext instanceof ConflictStatistics) { cbs = (ConflictStatistics) ext; break; } } if (cbs == null || cbs.getNoGoods().isEmpty()) { if (iCbsInfo != null) return iCbsInfo; return null; } ConflictStatisticsInfo info = new ConflictStatisticsInfo(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { info.load(this, cbs, classId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return info; } public SolverUnassignedClassesModel getUnassignedClassesModel(String prefix) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SolverUnassignedClassesModel(this, prefix); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private boolean match(Query q, final String name) { return q == null || q.match(new TermMatcher() { @Override public boolean match(String attr, String term) { if (term.isEmpty()) return true; if (attr == null) { term: for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(term, " ,"); s.hasMoreTokens();) { String termToken = s.nextToken(); for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(name, " ,"); t.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = t.nextToken(); if (token.toLowerCase().startsWith(termToken.toLowerCase())) continue term; } return false; } return true; } else if ("regex".equals(attr) || "regexp".equals(attr) || "re".equals(attr)) { return name.matches(term); } else if ("find".equals(attr)) { return name.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } return false; } }); } private static enum Size { eq, lt, gt, le, ge }; private boolean match(Query q, final RoomConstraint rc) { return q == null || q.match(new TermMatcher() { @Override public boolean match(String attr, String term) { if (term.isEmpty()) return true; if (attr == null) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(rc.getName(), " ,"); s.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = s.nextToken(); if (term.equalsIgnoreCase(token)) return true; } } else if ("regex".equals(attr) || "regexp".equals(attr) || "re".equals(attr)) { return rc.getName().matches(term); } else if ("find".equals(attr)) { return rc.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } else if ("type".equals(attr) && rc.getType() != null) { RoomType type = RoomTypeDAO.getInstance().get(rc.getType()); return type != null && (term.equalsIgnoreCase(type.getReference()) || term.equalsIgnoreCase(type.getLabel())); } else if ("size".equals(attr)) { int min = 0, max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Size prefix = Size.eq; String number = term; if (number.startsWith("<=")) { prefix = Size.le; number = number.substring(2); } else if (number.startsWith(">=")) { prefix =; number = number.substring(2); } else if (number.startsWith("<")) { prefix =; number = number.substring(1); } else if (number.startsWith(">")) { prefix =; number = number.substring(1); } else if (number.startsWith("=")) { prefix = Size.eq; number = number.substring(1); } try { int a = Integer.parseInt(number); switch (prefix) { case eq: min = max = a; break; // = a case le: max = a; break; // <= a case ge: min = a; break; // >= a case lt: max = a - 1; break; // < a case gt: min = a + 1; break; // > a } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (term.contains("..")) { try { String a = term.substring(0, term.indexOf('.')); String b = term.substring(term.indexOf("..") + 2); min = Integer.parseInt(a); max = Integer.parseInt(b); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } return min <= rc.getCapacity() && rc.getCapacity() <= max; } return false; } }); } public Vector getTimetableGridTables(TimetableGridContext context) { Vector models = new Vector(); Query q = (context.getFilter() == null ? null : new Query(context.getFilter())); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel(); switch (context.getResourceType()) { case TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeRoom: for (RoomConstraint rc : model.getRoomConstraints()) { if (!match(q, rc)) continue; models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, rc, context)); } break; case TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeInstructor: for (InstructorConstraint ic : model.getInstructorConstraints()) { if (!match(q, ic.getName())) continue; models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, ic, context)); } break; case TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeDepartment: for (DepartmentSpreadConstraint dc : model.getDepartmentSpreadConstraints()) { if (!match(q, dc.getName())) continue; models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, dc, context)); } if (model.getDepartmentSpreadConstraints().isEmpty()) { org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment = currentSolution() .getAssignment(); Map<Department, Set<Long>> dept2class = new HashMap<Department, Set<Long>>(); for (Object[] pair : (List<Object[]>) DepartmentDAO.getInstance().getSession().createQuery( "select c.controllingDept, c.uniqueId from Class_ c where c.managingDept.solverGroup.uniqueId in :solverGroupIds") .setParameterList("solverGroupIds", getOwnerId(), new LongType()).list()) { Department dept = (Department) pair[0]; Long classId = (Long) pair[1]; Set<Long> classIds = dept2class.get(dept); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new HashSet<Long>(); dept2class.put(dept, classIds); } classIds.add(classId); } for (Department d : new TreeSet<Department>(dept2class.keySet())) { if (!match(q, d.getShortLabel())) continue; Set<Long> classIds = dept2class.get(d); int size = 0; List<Placement> placements = new ArrayList<Placement>(); for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (classIds.contains(lecture.getClassId())) { size++; Placement placement = assignment.getValue(lecture); if (placement != null) placements.add(placement); } } if (size > 0) models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeDepartment, d.getUniqueId(), d.getShortLabel(), size, placements, context)); } } break; case TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeCurriculum: Hashtable<String, List<Student>> curricula = new Hashtable<String, List<Student>>(); boolean hasCurricula = false; HashSet<String> ignore = new HashSet<String>(), tested = new HashSet<String>(); for (Student student : model.getAllStudents()) { if (student.getCurriculum() != null && student.getAcademicClassification() != null) { if (!hasCurricula) { curricula.clear(); hasCurricula = true; } String c = student.getCurriculum() + " " + student.getAcademicClassification(); if (tested.add(c) && !match(q, c)) ignore.add(c); if (ignore.contains(c)) continue; List<Student> students = curricula.get(c); if (students == null) { students = new ArrayList<Student>(); curricula.put(c, students); } students.add(student); } else if (!hasCurricula && student.getAcademicArea() != null && student.getAcademicClassification() != null) { String c = student.getAcademicArea() + (student.getMajor() == null ? "" : " " + student.getMajor()) + " " + student.getAcademicClassification(); if (tested.add(c) && !match(q, c)) ignore.add(c); if (ignore.contains(c)) continue; List<Student> students = curricula.get(c); if (students == null) { students = new ArrayList<Student>(); curricula.put(c, students); } students.add(student); } } for (Map.Entry<String, List<Student>> curriculum : curricula.entrySet()) { models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, curriculum.getKey(), curriculum.getValue(), context)); } break; case TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeSubjectArea: org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment = currentSolution() .getAssignment(); Map<SubjectArea, Set<Long>> sa2class = new HashMap<SubjectArea, Set<Long>>(); for (Object[] pair : (List<Object[]>) DepartmentDAO.getInstance().getSession().createQuery( "select co.subjectArea, c.uniqueId from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where co.isControl = true and c.managingDept.solverGroup.uniqueId in :solverGroupIds") .setParameterList("solverGroupIds", getOwnerId(), new LongType()).list()) { SubjectArea sa = (SubjectArea) pair[0]; Long classId = (Long) pair[1]; Set<Long> classIds = sa2class.get(sa); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new HashSet<Long>(); sa2class.put(sa, classIds); } classIds.add(classId); } for (SubjectArea sa : new TreeSet<SubjectArea>(sa2class.keySet())) { if (!match(q, sa.getSubjectAreaAbbreviation())) continue; Set<Long> classIds = sa2class.get(sa); int size = 0; List<Placement> placements = new ArrayList<Placement>(); for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (classIds.contains(lecture.getClassId())) { size++; Placement placement = assignment.getValue(lecture); if (placement != null) placements.add(placement); } } if (size > 0) models.add(new SolverGridModel(this, TimetableGridModel.sResourceTypeSubjectArea, sa.getUniqueId(), sa.getSubjectAreaAbbreviation(), size, placements, context)); } break; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return models; } public ClassAssignmentDetails getClassAssignmentDetails(Long classId, boolean includeConstraints) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel(); for (Lecture lecture : model.variables()) { if (lecture.getClassId().equals(classId)) return new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, includeConstraints); } return null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public Suggestions getSuggestions(SuggestionsModel model) { if (iWorking) return null; Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().writeLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new Suggestions(this, model); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public AssignmentPreferenceInfo getInfo(Hint hint) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return hint.getInfo(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public String getNotValidReason(Hint hint) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return hint.getNotValidReason(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void assign(Collection hints) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().writeLock(); lock.lock(); try { Hashtable initialAssignments = new Hashtable(); for (Placement placement : currentSolution().getAssignment().assignedValues()) { initialAssignments.put(placement.variable(), placement); } AssignmentRecord record = new AssignmentRecord(this); for (Iterator i = hints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hint hint = (Hint); Placement p = hint.getPlacement((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()); if (p != null) { Placement ini = (Placement) initialAssignments.get(p.variable()); record.add(ini, p); Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()) .info(p.variable().getName() + ": " + (ini == null ? "not assigned" : ini.getLongName(useAmPm())) + " → " + p.getLongName(useAmPm())); if (ini != null) currentSolution().getAssignment().unassign(0, p.variable()); } else if (hint.getDays() == 0) { Lecture lecture = null; for (Lecture l : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) if (l.getClassId().equals(hint.getClassId())) { lecture = l; } if (lecture != null && !lecture.isCommitted()) currentSolution().getAssignment().unassign(0, lecture); } } for (Iterator i = hints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hint hint = (Hint); Placement p = hint.getPlacement((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()); if (p != null) currentSolution().getAssignment().assign(0, p); } for (Lecture lec : currentSolution().getModel() .unassignedVariables(currentSolution().getAssignment())) { Placement p = (Placement) initialAssignments.get(lec); if (p != null) { record.add(p, null); Progress.getInstance(currentSolution().getModel()).info( p.variable().getName() + ": " + p.getLongName(useAmPm()) + " → not assigned"); } } record.done(); iAssignmentRecords.addElement(record); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public Hashtable conflictInfo(Collection hints) { Hashtable conflictTable = new Hashtable(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { HashSet done = new HashSet(); for (Iterator i = hints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hint hint = (Hint); Placement p = hint.getPlacement((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()); if (p == null) continue; for (Constraint constraint : p.variable().hardConstraints()) { HashSet conflicts = new HashSet(); constraint.computeConflicts(currentSolution().getAssignment(), p, conflicts); if (conflicts != null && !conflicts.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator j = conflicts.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Placement conflict = (Placement); Hint confHint = new Hint(this, conflict); if (done.contains(confHint)) continue; if (!conflictTable.containsKey(confHint)) { String name = constraint.getName(); if (constraint instanceof RoomConstraint) { name = "Room " + constraint.getName(); } else if (constraint instanceof InstructorConstraint) { name = "Instructor " + constraint.getName(); } else if (constraint instanceof GroupConstraint) { name = "Distribution " + constraint.getName(); } else if (constraint instanceof DepartmentSpreadConstraint) { name = "Balancing of department " + constraint.getName(); } else if (constraint instanceof SpreadConstraint) { name = "Same subpart spread " + constraint.getName(); } else if (constraint instanceof ClassLimitConstraint) { name = "Class limit " + constraint.getName(); } conflictTable.put(confHint, name); } } } } done.add(hint); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return conflictTable; } public Map<String, String> currentSolutionInfo() { if (isPassivated()) return iCurrentSolutionInfoBeforePassivation; Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return super.currentSolution().getExtendedInfo(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public Map<String, String> bestSolutionInfo() { if (isPassivated()) return iBestSolutionInfoBeforePassivation; Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return super.currentSolution().getBestInfo(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void setProperties(DataProperties properties) { activateIfNeeded(); this.getProperties().putAll(properties); } public boolean backup(File folder, String puid) { folder.mkdirs(); if (currentSolution() == null) return false; Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { TimetableXMLSaver saver = new TimetableXMLSaver(this); File outXmlFile = new File(folder, puid + BackupFileFilter.sXmlExtension); File outPropertiesFile = new File(folder, puid + BackupFileFilter.sPropertiesExtension); try {; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(outPropertiesFile); getProperties().store(fos, "Backup file"); fos.flush(); fos.close(); fos = null; } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); if (outXmlFile.exists()) outXmlFile.delete(); if (outPropertiesFile.exists()) outPropertiesFile.delete(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return false; } public boolean restore(File folder, String puid) { return restore(folder, puid, false); } public boolean restore(File folder, String puid, boolean removeFiles) { iAssignmentRecords.clear(); iBestAssignmentRecords.clear(); iCbsInfo = null; sLog.debug("restore(folder=" + folder + ",puid=" + puid + ")"); File inXmlFile = new File(folder, puid + BackupFileFilter.sXmlExtension); File inPropertiesFile = new File(folder, puid + BackupFileFilter.sPropertiesExtension); TimetableModel model = null; try { if (isRunning()) stopSolver(); this.disposeNoInherit(false); FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(inPropertiesFile); getProperties().load(fis); } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } model = new TimetableModel(getProperties()); Progress.getInstance(model).addProgressListener(new ProgressWriter(System.out)); setInitalSolution(model); initSolver(); TimetableXMLLoader loader = new TimetableXMLLoader(model, currentSolution().getAssignment()); loader.setSolver(this); loader.setInputFile(inXmlFile); loader.load(currentSolution()); loader.setSolver(null); Progress.getInstance(model).setStatus("Awaiting commands ..."); if (removeFiles) { inXmlFile.delete(); inPropertiesFile.delete(); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); if (model != null) Progress.removeInstance(model); } return false; } public Long[] getOwnerId() { return getProperties().getPropertyLongArry("General.SolverGroupId", null); } private HashSet iDepartmentIds = null; public Set getDepartmentIds() { if (iDepartmentIds != null) return iDepartmentIds; iDepartmentIds = new HashSet(); Long ownerId[] = getOwnerId(); for (int i = 0; i < ownerId.length; i++) { SolverGroup sg = (new SolverGroupDAO()).get(ownerId[i]); for (Iterator j = sg.getDepartments().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { iDepartmentIds.add(((Department); } } return iDepartmentIds; } public Assignment getAssignment(Class_ clazz) throws Exception { Department dept = clazz.getManagingDept(); if (dept != null && getDepartmentIds().contains(dept.getUniqueId())) return getAssignment(clazz.getUniqueId()); return iCommitedClassAssignmentProxy.getAssignment(clazz); } public Assignment getAssignment(Long classId) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { Lecture lecture = null; for (Lecture l : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (l.getClassId().equals(classId)) { lecture = l; break; } } if (lecture == null) return null; Placement placement = (Placement) currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); if (placement == null) return null; Assignment assignment = new Assignment(); assignment.setClassName(lecture.getName()); assignment.setDays(new Integer(placement.getTimeLocation().getDayCode())); assignment.setStartSlot(new Integer(placement.getTimeLocation().getStartSlot())); if (placement.getTimeLocation().getDatePatternId() != null) { assignment.setDatePattern( DatePatternDAO.getInstance().get(placement.getTimeLocation().getDatePatternId())); } assignment.setSlotsPerMtg(placement.getTimeLocation().getLength()); assignment.setBreakTime(placement.getTimeLocation().getBreakTime()); HashSet rooms = new HashSet(); if (placement.isMultiRoom()) { for (RoomLocation r : placement.getRoomLocations()) { Location room = (new LocationDAO()).get(r.getId()); if (room != null) rooms.add(room); } } else { Location room = (new LocationDAO()).get(placement.getRoomLocation().getId()); if (room != null) rooms.add(room); } assignment.setRooms(rooms); TimePattern pattern = (new TimePatternDAO()).get(placement.getTimeLocation().getTimePatternId()); assignment.setTimePattern(pattern); HashSet instructors = new HashSet(); for (InstructorConstraint ic : lecture.getInstructorConstraints()) { DepartmentalInstructor instructor = null; if (ic.getResourceId() != null) { instructor = (new DepartmentalInstructorDAO()).get(ic.getResourceId()); } if (instructor != null) instructors.add(instructor); } assignment.setInstructors(instructors); return assignment; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public AssignmentPreferenceInfo getAssignmentInfo(Class_ clazz) throws Exception { Department dept = clazz.getManagingDept(); if (dept != null && getDepartmentIds().contains(dept.getUniqueId())) return getAssignmentInfo(clazz.getUniqueId()); return iCommitedClassAssignmentProxy.getAssignmentInfo(clazz); } public AssignmentPreferenceInfo getAssignmentInfo(Long classId) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { Lecture lecture = null; for (Lecture l : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (l.getClassId().equals(classId)) { lecture = l; break; } } if (lecture == null) return null; Placement placement = (Placement) currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); if (placement == null) return null; return new AssignmentPreferenceInfo(this, placement); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public Hashtable getAssignmentTable(Collection classesOrClassIds) throws Exception { Hashtable assignments = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = classesOrClassIds.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object classOrClassId =; if (classOrClassId instanceof Object[]) classOrClassId = ((Object[]) classOrClassId)[0]; Assignment assignment = (classOrClassId instanceof Class_ ? getAssignment((Class_) classOrClassId) : getAssignment((Long) classOrClassId)); if (assignment != null) assignments.put(classOrClassId instanceof Class_ ? ((Class_) classOrClassId).getUniqueId() : (Long) classOrClassId, assignment); } return assignments; } public Hashtable getAssignmentTable2(Collection classesOrClassIds) throws Exception { return getAssignmentTable(classesOrClassIds); } public Hashtable getAssignmentInfoTable(Collection classesOrClassIds) throws Exception { Hashtable infos = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = classesOrClassIds.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object classOrClassId =; if (classOrClassId instanceof Object[]) classOrClassId = ((Object[]) classOrClassId)[0]; AssignmentPreferenceInfo info = (classOrClassId instanceof Class_ ? getAssignmentInfo((Class_) classOrClassId) : getAssignmentInfo((Long) classOrClassId)); if (info != null) infos.put(classOrClassId instanceof Class_ ? ((Class_) classOrClassId).getUniqueId() : (Long) classOrClassId, info); } return infos; } public Hashtable getAssignmentInfoTable2(Collection classesOrClassIds) throws Exception { return getAssignmentInfoTable(classesOrClassIds); } public Vector getAssignmentRecords() { return iAssignmentRecords; } public Vector getChangesToInitial() { Vector ret = new Vector(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (!ToolBox.equals(lecture.getInitialAssignment(), currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture))) { RecordedAssignment a = new RecordedAssignment(this, (Placement) lecture.getInitialAssignment(), currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture)); if (lecture.getInitialAssignment() != null) { a.getBefore().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, (Placement) lecture.getInitialAssignment(), false)); } if (currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture) != null) { a.getAfter().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); } ret.addElement(a); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return ret; } public Vector getAssignedClasses() { Vector ret = new Vector(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getAssignment().assignedVariables()) { ret.addElement(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return ret; } public Vector getAssignedClasses(String prefix) { Vector ret = new Vector(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getAssignment().assignedVariables()) { if (prefix == null || lecture.getName().startsWith(prefix)) ret.addElement(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return ret; } public Vector getChangesToBest() { Vector ret = new Vector(); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { Placement placement = currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); if (!ToolBox.equals(lecture.getBestAssignment(), placement)) { RecordedAssignment a = new RecordedAssignment(this, (Placement) lecture.getBestAssignment(), placement); if (lecture.getBestAssignment() != null) { a.getBefore().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, (Placement) lecture.getBestAssignment(), false)); } if (placement != null) { a.getAfter().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); } ret.addElement(a); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return ret; } public Vector getChangesToSolution(Long solutionId) throws Exception { return getChangesToSolution(solutionId, false); } public Vector getChangesToSolution(Long solutionId, boolean closeSession) throws Exception { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { Session hibSession = (new SolutionDAO()).getSession(); Transaction tx = null; Vector ret = new Vector(); try { tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); Solution solution = (new SolutionDAO()).get(solutionId, hibSession); if (solution == null) return null; Long ownerId = solution.getOwner().getUniqueId(); Long[] ownerIds = getOwnerId(); boolean sameOwner = false; for (int i = 0; i < ownerIds.length; i++) if (ownerId.equals(ownerIds[i])) { sameOwner = true; break; } if (!sameOwner) return null; HashSet ids = new HashSet(); for (Iterator i = solution.getAssignments().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Assignment assignment = (Assignment); Lecture lecture = null; for (Lecture l : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { if (l.getClassId().equals(assignment.getClassId())) { lecture = l; break; } } ids.add(assignment.getClassId()); Placement placement = (lecture == null ? null : currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture)); if (lecture == null || placement == null) { RecordedAssignment a = new RecordedAssignment(this, assignment.getPlacement(), null); a.getBefore().setDetails( new ClassAssignmentDetails(solution, assignment, false, hibSession, null)); ret.addElement(a); } else { if (placement.equals(assignment.getPlacement())) continue; RecordedAssignment a = new RecordedAssignment(this, assignment.getPlacement(), placement); a.getBefore().setDetails( new ClassAssignmentDetails(solution, assignment, false, hibSession, null)); a.getAfter().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); ret.addElement(a); } } for (Lecture lecture : currentSolution().getModel().variables()) { Placement placement = currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); if (ids.contains(lecture.getClassId()) || placement == null) continue; if (!ownerId.equals(lecture.getSolverGroupId())) continue; RecordedAssignment a = new RecordedAssignment(this, null, placement); a.getAfter().setDetails(new ClassAssignmentDetails(this, lecture, false)); ret.addElement(a); } if (tx != null) tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw e; } finally { //here we still need to close the session since it can be called by the remote solver as well if (closeSession && hibSession != null && hibSession.isOpen()) hibSession.close(); } return ret; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static class AssignmentRecord implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient Solver iSolver; private Date iTimeStamp = new Date(); private Suggestion iBefore = null, iAfter = null; private Vector iAssignments = new Vector(); public AssignmentRecord() { } public AssignmentRecord(Solver solver) { iSolver = solver; iBefore = new Suggestion(iSolver); } public void done() { iAfter = new Suggestion(iSolver); } public void add(Placement before, Placement after) { iAssignments.add(new RecordedAssignment(iSolver, before, after)); } public Date getTimeStamp() { return iTimeStamp; } public Suggestion getBefore() { return iBefore; } public Suggestion getAfter() { return iAfter; } public Vector getAssignments() { return iAssignments; } public String toString() { return "Record{TS=" + iTimeStamp + ", before=" + iBefore + ", after=" + iAfter + ", assignments=" + iAssignments.size() + "}"; } public void toXml(Element element) throws Exception { if (iTimeStamp != null) element.addAttribute("timeStamp", String.valueOf(iTimeStamp.getTime())); if (iBefore != null) iBefore.toXml(element.addElement("before")); if (iAfter != null) iAfter.toXml(element.addElement("after")); if (iAssignments != null) { for (Enumeration e = iAssignments.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { RecordedAssignment ra = (RecordedAssignment) e.nextElement(); ra.toXml(element.addElement("assignment")); } } } public static AssignmentRecord fromXml(Element element) throws Exception { AssignmentRecord r = new AssignmentRecord(); if (element.attributeValue("timeStamp") != null) r.iTimeStamp = new Date(Long.parseLong(element.attributeValue("timeStamp"))); if (element.element("before") != null) r.iBefore = Suggestion.fromXml(element.element("before")); if (element.element("after") != null) r.iAfter = Suggestion.fromXml(element.element("after")); for (Iterator i = element.elementIterator("assignment"); i.hasNext();) { r.iAssignments.add(RecordedAssignment.fromXml((Element); } return r; } } public static class RecordedAssignment implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Hint iBefore = null, iAfter = null; public RecordedAssignment(Solver solver, Placement before, Placement after) { if (before != null) iBefore = new Hint(solver, before, false); if (after != null) iAfter = new Hint(solver, after, false); } public RecordedAssignment(Hint before, Hint after) { iBefore = before; iAfter = after; } public Hint getBefore() { return iBefore; } public Hint getAfter() { return iAfter; } public void toXml(Element element) { if (iBefore != null) iBefore.toXml(element.addElement("before")); if (iAfter != null) iAfter.toXml(element.addElement("after")); } public static RecordedAssignment fromXml(Element element) { Hint before = null, after = null; if (element.element("before") != null) { before = Hint.fromXml(element.element("before")); } if (element.element("after") != null) { after = Hint.fromXml(element.element("after")); } return new RecordedAssignment(before, after); } } public RoomReport getRoomReport(BitSet sessionDays, int startDayDayOfWeek, Long roomType, Float nrWeeks) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new RoomReport(this, sessionDays, startDayDayOfWeek, roomType, nrWeeks); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public DeptBalancingReport getDeptBalancingReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new DeptBalancingReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public ViolatedDistrPreferencesReport getViolatedDistrPreferencesReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new ViolatedDistrPreferencesReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public DiscouragedInstructorBtbReport getDiscouragedInstructorBtbReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new DiscouragedInstructorBtbReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public StudentConflictsReport getStudentConflictsReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new StudentConflictsReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public SameSubpartBalancingReport getSameSubpartBalancingReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new SameSubpartBalancingReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public PerturbationReport getPerturbationReport() { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { return new PerturbationReport(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void load(Element element) { try { iAssignmentRecords.clear(); iBestAssignmentRecords.clear(); Element assignmentRecords = element.element("assignmentRecords"); if (assignmentRecords != null) { for (Iterator i = assignmentRecords.elementIterator("record"); i.hasNext();) { iAssignmentRecords.add(AssignmentRecord.fromXml((Element); } } Element bestAssignmentRecords = element.element("bestAssignmentRecords"); if (bestAssignmentRecords != null) { for (Iterator i = bestAssignmentRecords.elementIterator("record"); i.hasNext();) { iBestAssignmentRecords.add(AssignmentRecord.fromXml((Element); } } if (element.element("cbsInfo") != null) { iCbsInfo = new ConflictStatisticsInfo(); iCbsInfo.load(element.element("cbsInfo")); } } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error("Unable to load solver-related data, reson:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void save(Element element) { try { if (!iAssignmentRecords.isEmpty()) { Element assignmentRecords = element.addElement("assignmentRecords"); for (Enumeration e = iAssignmentRecords.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { AssignmentRecord r = (AssignmentRecord) e.nextElement(); r.toXml(assignmentRecords.addElement("record")); } } if (!iBestAssignmentRecords.isEmpty()) { Element bestAssignmentRecords = element.addElement("bestAssignmentRecords"); for (Enumeration e = iBestAssignmentRecords.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { AssignmentRecord r = (AssignmentRecord) e.nextElement(); r.toXml(bestAssignmentRecords.addElement("record")); } } ConflictStatisticsInfo cbsInfo = getCbsInfo(); if (cbsInfo != null)"cbsInfo")); } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error("Unable to save solver-related data, reson:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } public CSVFile export(boolean useAmPm) { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { CSVFile file = new CSVFile(); file.setSeparator(","); file.setQuotationMark("\""); file.setHeader(new CSVField[] { new CSVField("COURSE"), new CSVField("ITYPE"), new CSVField("SECTION"), new CSVField("SUFFIX"), new CSVField("DATE_PATTERN"), new CSVField("DAY"), new CSVField("START_TIME"), new CSVField("END_TIME"), new CSVField("ROOM"), new CSVField("INSTRUCTOR") }); Vector lectures = new Vector(currentSolution().getModel().variables()); Collections.sort(lectures); for (Iterator i = lectures.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Lecture lecture = (Lecture); Placement placement = currentSolution().getAssignment().getValue(lecture); String name = lecture.getName(); String itype = ""; String section = ""; if (name.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { section = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1); name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(' ')).trim(); } String suffix = ""; while (section.charAt(section.length() - 1) >= 'a' && section.charAt(section.length() - 1) <= 'z') { suffix = section.charAt(section.length() - 1) + suffix; section = section.substring(0, section.length() - 1); } if (name.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { itype = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1); name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(' ')).trim(); } try { Integer.parseInt(itype); itype = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1) + " " + itype; name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(' ')).trim(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } file.addLine(new CSVField[] { new CSVField(name), new CSVField(itype), new CSVField(section), new CSVField(suffix), new CSVField(placement == null ? "" : placement.getTimeLocation().getDatePatternName()), new CSVField(placement == null ? "" : placement.getTimeLocation().getDayHeader()), new CSVField( placement == null ? "" : placement.getTimeLocation().getStartTimeHeader(useAmPm)), new CSVField( placement == null ? "" : placement.getTimeLocation().getEndTimeHeader(useAmPm)), new CSVField(placement == null ? "" : placement.getRoomName(",")), new CSVField(lecture.getInstructorName() == null ? "" : lecture.getInstructorName()) }); } return file; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public synchronized boolean isPassivated() { return iIsPassivated; } public synchronized long timeFromLastUsed() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - iLastTimeStamp; } public synchronized boolean activateIfNeeded() { iLastTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!isPassivated()) return false; sLog.debug("<activate " + iPassivationPuid + ">"); iIsPassivated = false; System.gc(); sLog.debug(" -- memory usage before activation:" + org.unitime.commons.Debug.getMem()); restore(iPassivationFolder, iPassivationPuid, true); System.gc(); sLog.debug(" -- memory usage after activation:" + org.unitime.commons.Debug.getMem()); return true; } public synchronized boolean passivate(File folder, String puid) { if (isPassivated() || super.currentSolution() == null || super.currentSolution().getModel() == null) return false; sLog.debug("<passivate " + puid + ">"); System.gc(); sLog.debug(" -- memory usage before passivation:" + org.unitime.commons.Debug.getMem()); iProgressBeforePassivation = getProgress(); if (iProgressBeforePassivation != null) iProgressBeforePassivation.put("STATUS", "Pasivated"); iGlobalInfoBeforePassivation = getGlobalInfo(); iCurrentSolutionInfoBeforePassivation = currentSolutionInfo(); iBestSolutionInfoBeforePassivation = bestSolutionInfo(); iPassivationFolder = folder; iPassivationPuid = puid; backup(iPassivationFolder, iPassivationPuid); disposeNoInherit(false); System.gc(); sLog.debug(" -- memory usage after passivation:" + org.unitime.commons.Debug.getMem()); iIsPassivated = true; return true; } public synchronized boolean passivateIfNeeded(File folder, String puid) { long inactiveTimeToPassivate = 60000l * ApplicationProperty.SolverPasivationTime.intValue(); if (isPassivated() || inactiveTimeToPassivate <= 0 || timeFromLastUsed() < inactiveTimeToPassivate || isWorking()) return false; return passivate(folder, puid); } public Date getLastUsed() { return new Date(iLastTimeStamp); } public byte[] exportXml() throws Exception { Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { File temp = File.createTempFile( "course-" + getProperties().getProperty("General.SolverGroupId", "").replace(',', '-'), ".xml"); File conv = null; boolean anonymize = ApplicationProperty.SolverXMLExportNames.isFalse(); boolean idconv = ApplicationProperty.SolverXMLExportConvertIds.isTrue(); if (anonymize) { getProperties().setProperty("Xml.ConvertIds", idconv ? "true" : "false"); getProperties().setProperty("Xml.ShowNames", "false"); if (idconv) { conv = File.createTempFile( "idconv-" + getProperties().getProperty("General.SolverGroupId", "").replace(',', '-'), ".xml"); getProperties().setProperty("Xml.IdConv", conv.getPath()); Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); document.addElement("id-convertor"); FileOutputStream cos = new FileOutputStream(conv); (new XMLWriter(cos, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint())).write(document); cos.flush(); cos.close(); } } TimetableXMLSaver saver = new TimetableXMLSaver(this); ByteArrayOutputStream ret = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try {; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(temp); byte[] buf = new byte[16 * 1024]; int read = 0; while ((read =, 0, buf.length)) > 0) ret.write(buf, 0, read); ret.flush(); ret.close(); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); } temp.delete(); if (conv != null) conv.delete(); if (anonymize) { getProperties().setProperty("Xml.ConvertIds", "false"); getProperties().setProperty("Xml.ShowNames", "true"); getProperties().remove("Xml.IdConv"); } return ret.toByteArray(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void interrupt() { try { if (iSolverThread != null) { iStop = true; if (iSolverThread.isAlive() && !iSolverThread.isInterrupted()) iSolverThread.interrupt(); } if (iWorkThread != null && iWorkThread.isAlive() && !iWorkThread.isInterrupted()) { iWorkThread.interrupt(); } } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error("Unable to interrupt the solver, reason: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public Map<String, String> statusSolutionInfo() { if (isPassivated()) return (iBestSolutionInfoBeforePassivation == null ? iCurrentSolutionInfoBeforePassivation : iBestSolutionInfoBeforePassivation); Lock lock = currentSolution().getLock().readLock(); lock.lock(); try { Map<String, String> info = super.currentSolution().getBestInfo(); try { org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution = getWorkingSolution(); if (info == null || getSolutionComparator().isBetterThanBestSolution(solution)) info = solution.getModel().getInfo(solution.getAssignment()); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { } return info; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static interface SolverDisposeListener { public void onDispose(); } public Object exec(Object[] cmd) throws Exception { Class[] types = new Class[(cmd.length - 2) / 2]; Object[] args = new Object[(cmd.length - 2) / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i] = (Class) cmd[2 * i + 2]; args[i] = cmd[2 * i + 3]; } return getClass().getMethod((String) cmd[0], types).invoke(this, args); } public String getHost() { return "local"; } public String getUser() { return getProperties().getProperty("General.OwnerPuid"); } @Override public boolean hasFinalSectioning() { return ((TimetableModel) currentSolution().getModel()).getStudentSectioning().hasFinalSectioning(); } @Override public boolean hasConflicts(Long offeringId) throws Exception { return false; } @Override public Set<Assignment> getConflicts(Long classId) throws Exception { return null; } @Override public Set<TimeBlock> getConflictingTimeBlocks(Long classId) throws Exception { return null; } }