Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.studentsct; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.GroupConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.IgnoreStudentConflictsConstraint; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.RoomLocation; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.StudentSectioningLoader; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.StudentSectioningModel; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.AcademicAreaCode; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Choice; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.FreeTimeRequest; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Offering; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.RequestGroup; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.CourseReservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.CurriculumReservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.DummyReservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.GroupReservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.IndividualReservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.Reservation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.reservation.ReservationOverride; import org.hibernate.CacheMode; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.server.DayCode; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.server.Query; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.ReservationInterface.OverrideType; import org.unitime.timetable.model.AcademicAreaClassification; import org.unitime.timetable.model.AcademicClassification; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Assignment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassInstructor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassWaitList; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseDemand; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DatePattern; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DistributionObject; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DistributionPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExactTimeMins; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstrOfferingConfig; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstructionalOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.OverrideReservation; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PosMajor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Room; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SchedulingSubpart; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SectioningInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentAccomodation; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentClassEnrollment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentGroup; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentGroupReservation; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentSectioningStatus; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePatternModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TravelTime; import org.unitime.timetable.model.WaitList; import org.unitime.timetable.model.comparators.ClassComparator; import org.unitime.timetable.model.comparators.SchedulingSubpartComparator; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SessionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.StudentDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.status.db.DbFindEnrollmentInfoAction.DbStudentMatcher; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.LastLikeStudentCourseDemands; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.ProjectedStudentCourseDemands; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.StudentCourseDemands; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.StudentCourseDemands.WeightedStudentId; import org.unitime.timetable.util.DateUtils; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats; import org.unitime.timetable.util.NameFormat; import org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.DurationModel; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class StudentSectioningDatabaseLoader extends StudentSectioningLoader { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(StudentSectioningDatabaseLoader.class); private boolean iIncludeCourseDemands = true; private boolean iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments = false; private boolean iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs = false; private boolean iLoadStudentInfo = true; private String iInitiative = null; private String iTerm = null; private String iYear = null; private Long iSessionId = null; private long iMakeupAssignmentId = 0; private BitSet iFreeTimePattern = null; private Date iDatePatternFirstDate = null; private boolean iTweakLimits = false; private boolean iLoadSectioningInfos = false; private boolean iProjections = false; private boolean iFixWeights = true; private boolean iCheckForNoBatchStatus = true; private boolean iCheckEnabledForScheduling = true; private boolean iLoadRequestGroups = false; private String iRequestGroupRegExp = null; private Query iStudentQuery = null; private boolean iNoUnlimitedGroupReservations = false; private boolean iLinkedClassesMustBeUsed = false; private Progress iProgress = null; private StudentCourseDemands iStudentCourseDemands = null; private boolean iUseAmPm = true; private String iDatePatternFormat = null; public StudentSectioningDatabaseLoader(StudentSectioningModel model, org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment) { super(model, assignment); iIncludeCourseDemands = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeCourseDemands", iIncludeCourseDemands); iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments = model.getProperties() .getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeUseCommittedAssignments", iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments); iLoadStudentInfo = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.LoadStudentInfo", iLoadStudentInfo); iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs = model.getProperties() .getPropertyBoolean("Load.MakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs", iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs); iInitiative = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Initiative"); iYear = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Year"); iTerm = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Term"); iSessionId = model.getProperties().getPropertyLong("General.SessionId", null); iTweakLimits = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.TweakLimits", iTweakLimits); iLoadSectioningInfos = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.LoadSectioningInfos", iLoadSectioningInfos); iProgress = Progress.getInstance(getModel()); iFixWeights = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.FixWeights", iFixWeights); iCheckForNoBatchStatus = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.CheckForNoBatchStatus", iCheckForNoBatchStatus); iCheckEnabledForScheduling = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.CheckEnabledForScheduling", iCheckEnabledForScheduling); iLoadRequestGroups = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.RequestGroups", iLoadRequestGroups); iRequestGroupRegExp = model.getProperties().getProperty("Load.RequestGroupRegExp"); iDatePatternFormat = ApplicationProperty.DatePatternFormatUseDates.value(); iNoUnlimitedGroupReservations = model.getProperties() .getPropertyBoolean("Load.NoUnlimitedGroupReservations", iNoUnlimitedGroupReservations); iLinkedClassesMustBeUsed = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("LinkedClasses.mustBeUsed", false); try { String studentCourseDemandsClassName = getModel().getProperties().getProperty( "StudentSct.ProjectedCourseDemadsClass", LastLikeStudentCourseDemands.class.getName()); if (studentCourseDemandsClassName.indexOf(' ') >= 0) studentCourseDemandsClassName = studentCourseDemandsClassName.replace(" ", ""); if (studentCourseDemandsClassName.indexOf('.') < 0) studentCourseDemandsClassName = "org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula." + studentCourseDemandsClassName; Class studentCourseDemandsClass = Class.forName(studentCourseDemandsClassName); iStudentCourseDemands = (StudentCourseDemands) studentCourseDemandsClass .getConstructor(DataProperties.class).newInstance(getModel().getProperties());"Projected demands: " + getModel().getProperties().getProperty( "StudentSct.ProjectedCourseDemadsClass", LastLikeStudentCourseDemands.class.getName())); } catch (Exception e) { if (model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeLastLikeStudents", false)) { iStudentCourseDemands = new ProjectedStudentCourseDemands(model.getProperties());"Projected demands: Projected Student Course Demands"); } else {"Projected demands: None"); } } String query = model.getProperties().getProperty("Load.StudentQuery", null); if (query != null && !query.isEmpty()) { iStudentQuery = new Query(query);"Student filter: " + iStudentQuery); } iProjections = "Projection".equals(model.getProperties().getProperty("StudentSctBasic.Mode", "Initial")); iUseAmPm = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseAmPm", iUseAmPm); } public void load() { iProgress.setStatus("Loading input data ..."); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); hibSession.setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); hibSession.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); Session session = null; if (iSessionId != null) { session = SessionDAO.getInstance().get(iSessionId); if (session != null) { iYear = session.getAcademicYear(); iTerm = session.getAcademicTerm(); iInitiative = session.getAcademicInitiative(); getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Year", iYear); getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Term", iTerm); getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Initiative", iInitiative); } } else { session = Session.getSessionUsingInitiativeYearTerm(iInitiative, iYear, iTerm); if (session != null) { iSessionId = session.getUniqueId(); getModel().getProperties().setProperty("General.SessionId", String.valueOf(iSessionId)); } } if (session == null) throw new Exception("Session " + iInitiative + " " + iTerm + iYear + " not found!");"Loading data for " + iInitiative + " " + iTerm + iYear + "..."); if (getModel().getDistanceConflict() != null) TravelTime.populateTravelTimes(getModel().getDistanceConflict().getDistanceMetric(), iSessionId, hibSession); load(session, hibSession); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { iProgress.fatal("Unable to load sectioning problem, reason: " + e.getMessage(), e); sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); tx.rollback(); } finally { // here we need to close the session since this code may run in a separate thread if (hibSession != null && hibSession.isOpen()) hibSession.close(); } } private String getInstructorIds(Class_ clazz) { if (!clazz.isDisplayInstructor().booleanValue()) return null; String ret = null; TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(clazz.getClassInstructors()); for (Iterator i = ts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassInstructor ci = (ClassInstructor); if (!ci.isLead().booleanValue()) continue; if (ret == null) ret = ci.getInstructor().getUniqueId().toString(); else ret += ":" + ci.getInstructor().getUniqueId().toString(); } return ret; } private String getInstructorNames(Class_ clazz) { if (!clazz.isDisplayInstructor().booleanValue()) return null; String ret = null; TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(clazz.getClassInstructors()); for (Iterator i = ts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassInstructor ci = (ClassInstructor); if (!ci.isLead().booleanValue()) continue; if (ret == null) ret = ci.getInstructor().nameShort(); else ret += ":" + ci.getInstructor().nameShort(); } return ret; } public TimeLocation makeupTime(Class_ c) { DatePattern datePattern = c.effectiveDatePattern(); if (datePattern == null) { iProgress.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no date pattern set"); return null; } for (Iterator i = c.getEffectiveTimePreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { TimePref tp = (TimePref); TimePatternModel pattern = tp.getTimePatternModel(); if (pattern.isExactTime()) { DurationModel dm = c.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getDurationModel(); int minsPerMeeting = dm.getExactTimeMinutesPerMeeting(c.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), c.effectiveDatePattern(), pattern.getExactDays()); int length = ExactTimeMins.getNrSlotsPerMtg(minsPerMeeting); int breakTime = ExactTimeMins.getBreakTime(minsPerMeeting); return new TimeLocation(pattern.getExactDays(), pattern.getExactStartSlot(), length, PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral, 0, datePattern.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), breakTime); } else { for (int time = 0; time < pattern.getNrTimes(); time++) { for (int day = 0; day < pattern.getNrDays(); day++) { String pref = pattern.getPreference(day, time); if (pref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) { return new TimeLocation(pattern.getDayCode(day), pattern.getStartSlot(time), pattern.getSlotsPerMtg(), PreferenceLevel.prolog2int(pattern.getPreference(day, time)), pattern.getNormalizedPreference(day, time, 0.77), datePattern.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), pattern.getBreakTime()); } } } } } if (c.getEffectiveTimePreferences().isEmpty()) iProgress.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no time preference set"); else iProgress.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no required time set"); return null; } public Vector makeupRooms(Class_ c) { Vector rooms = new Vector(); for (Iterator i = c.getEffectiveRoomPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomPref rp = (RoomPref); if (!PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(rp.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) { iProgress.warn(" -- makup room for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": preference for " + rp.getRoom().getLabel() + " is not required"); continue; } Location room = (Location) rp.getRoom(); RoomLocation roomLocation = new RoomLocation(room.getUniqueId(), room.getLabel(), (room instanceof Room ? ((Room) room).getBuilding().getUniqueId() : null), 0, room.getCapacity().intValue(), room.getCoordinateX(), room.getCoordinateY(), room.isIgnoreTooFar().booleanValue(), null); rooms.addElement(roomLocation); } return rooms; } public Placement makeupPlacement(Class_ c) { TimeLocation time = makeupTime(c); if (time == null) return null; Vector rooms = makeupRooms(c); Vector times = new Vector(1); times.addElement(time); Lecture lecture = new Lecture(c.getUniqueId(), null, c.getSchedulingSubpart().getUniqueId(), c.getClassLabel(), times, rooms, rooms.size(), new Placement(null, time, rooms), 0, 0, 1.0); lecture.setNote(c.getNotes()); Placement p = (Placement) lecture.getInitialAssignment(); p.setAssignmentId(new Long(iMakeupAssignmentId++)); lecture.setBestAssignment(p, 0l); iProgress.trace("makup placement for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": " + p.getLongName(iUseAmPm)); return p; } private Offering loadOffering(InstructionalOffering io, Hashtable<Long, Course> courseTable, Hashtable<Long, Section> classTable) { if (io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().isEmpty()) { return null; } String courseName = io.getCourseName(); Offering offering = new Offering(io.getUniqueId().longValue(), courseName); for (Iterator<CourseOffering> i = io.getCourseOfferings().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CourseOffering co =; if (!co.isAllowStudentScheduling()) continue; int projected = (co.getProjectedDemand() == null ? 0 : co.getProjectedDemand().intValue()); boolean unlimited = false; int limit = 0; for (Iterator<InstrOfferingConfig> j = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig ioc =; if (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment()) unlimited = true; limit += ioc.getLimit(); } if (co.getReservation() != null) limit = co.getReservation(); if (limit >= 9999) unlimited = true; if (unlimited) limit = -1; Course course = new Course(co.getUniqueId(), co.getSubjectArea().getSubjectAreaAbbreviation(), co.getCourseNbr(), offering, limit, projected); if (co.getCredit() != null) course.setCredit(co.getCredit().creditAbbv() + "|" + co.getCredit().creditText()); courseTable.put(co.getUniqueId(), course); } Hashtable<Long, Section> class2section = new Hashtable<Long, Section>(); Hashtable<Long, Subpart> ss2subpart = new Hashtable<Long, Subpart>(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("000"); for (Iterator<InstrOfferingConfig> i = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig ioc =; int configLimit = (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment() ? -1 : ioc.getLimit()); if (configLimit >= 9999) configLimit = -1; Config config = new Config(ioc.getUniqueId(), configLimit, courseName + " [" + ioc.getName() + "]", offering); TreeSet<SchedulingSubpart> subparts = new TreeSet<SchedulingSubpart>(new SchedulingSubpartComparator()); subparts.addAll(ioc.getSchedulingSubparts()); for (SchedulingSubpart ss : subparts) { String sufix = ss.getSchedulingSubpartSuffix(); Subpart parentSubpart = (ss.getParentSubpart() == null ? null : (Subpart) ss2subpart.get(ss.getParentSubpart().getUniqueId())); if (ss.getParentSubpart() != null && parentSubpart == null) { iProgress.error("Subpart " + ss.getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + " has parent " + ss.getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + ", but the appropriate parent subpart is not loaded."); } Subpart subpart = new Subpart(ss.getUniqueId().longValue(), df.format(ss.getItype().getItype()) + sufix, ss.getItype().getAbbv().trim() + (ioc.getInstructionalMethod() == null ? "" : " (" + ioc.getInstructionalMethod().getLabel() + ")"), config, parentSubpart); subpart.setAllowOverlap(ss.isStudentAllowOverlap()); if (ss.getCredit() != null) subpart.setCredit(ss.getCredit().creditAbbv() + "|" + ss.getCredit().creditText()); ss2subpart.put(ss.getUniqueId(), subpart); for (Iterator<Class_> j = ss.getClasses().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Class_ c =; Section parentSection = (c.getParentClass() == null ? null : (Section) class2section.get(c.getParentClass().getUniqueId())); if (c.getParentClass() != null && parentSection == null) { iProgress.error("Class " + c.getClassLabel() + " has parent " + c.getClassLabel() + ", but the appropriate parent section is not loaded."); } Assignment a = c.getCommittedAssignment(); Placement p = null; if (iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs) { p = makeupPlacement(c); } else if (a != null) { p = a.getPlacement(); } if (p != null && p.getTimeLocation() != null) { p.getTimeLocation().setDatePattern(p.getTimeLocation().getDatePatternId(), datePatternName(a.getDatePattern(), p.getTimeLocation()), p.getTimeLocation().getWeekCode()); } int minLimit = c.getExpectedCapacity(); int maxLimit = c.getMaxExpectedCapacity(); int limit = maxLimit; if (minLimit < maxLimit && p != null) { int roomLimit = (int) Math .floor(p.getRoomSize() / (c.getRoomRatio() == null ? 1.0f : c.getRoomRatio())); // int roomLimit = Math.round((c.getRoomRatio() == null ? 1.0f : c.getRoomRatio()) * p.getRoomSize()); limit = Math.min(Math.max(minLimit, roomLimit), maxLimit); } if (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment() || limit >= 9999) limit = -1; if (iCheckEnabledForScheduling && !c.isEnabledForStudentScheduling()) limit = 0; Section section = new Section(c.getUniqueId().longValue(), limit, (c.getExternalUniqueId() == null ? c.getClassSuffix() == null ? c.getSectionNumberString() : c.getClassSuffix() : c.getExternalUniqueId()), subpart, p, getInstructorIds(c), getInstructorNames(c), parentSection); section.setCancelled(c.isCancelled()); class2section.put(c.getUniqueId(), section); classTable.put(c.getUniqueId(), section); } } } for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Reservation reservation : io.getReservations()) { Reservation r = null; if (reservation instanceof OverrideReservation) { List<Long> studentIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s : ((org.unitime.timetable.model.IndividualReservation) reservation) .getStudents()) studentIds.add(s.getUniqueId()); r = new ReservationOverride(reservation.getUniqueId(), offering, studentIds); OverrideType type = ((OverrideReservation) reservation).getOverrideType(); ((ReservationOverride) r).setMustBeUsed(type.isMustBeUsed()); ((ReservationOverride) r).setAllowOverlap(type.isAllowTimeConflict()); ((ReservationOverride) r).setCanAssignOverLimit(type.isAllowOverLimit()); } else if (reservation instanceof org.unitime.timetable.model.IndividualReservation) { List<Long> studentIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s : ((org.unitime.timetable.model.IndividualReservation) reservation) .getStudents()) studentIds.add(s.getUniqueId()); r = new IndividualReservation(reservation.getUniqueId(), offering, studentIds); r.setPriority(ApplicationProperty.ReservationPriorityIndividual.intValue()); r.setAllowOverlap(ApplicationProperty.ReservationAllowOverlapIndividual.isTrue()); r.setCanAssignOverLimit(ApplicationProperty.ReservationCanOverLimitIndividual.isTrue()); r.setMustBeUsed(ApplicationProperty.ReservationMustBeUsedIndividual.isTrue()); } else if (reservation instanceof StudentGroupReservation) { List<Long> studentIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s : ((StudentGroupReservation) reservation).getGroup() .getStudents()) studentIds.add(s.getUniqueId()); r = new GroupReservation(reservation.getUniqueId(), (reservation.getLimit() == null ? iNoUnlimitedGroupReservations ? studentIds.size() : -1.0 : reservation.getLimit()), offering, studentIds); r.setPriority(ApplicationProperty.ReservationPriorityGroup.intValue()); r.setAllowOverlap(ApplicationProperty.ReservationAllowOverlapGroup.isTrue()); r.setCanAssignOverLimit(ApplicationProperty.ReservationCanOverLimitGroup.isTrue()); r.setMustBeUsed(ApplicationProperty.ReservationMustBeUsedGroup.isTrue()); } else if (reservation instanceof org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumReservation) { org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumReservation cr = (org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumReservation) reservation; List<String> classifications = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AcademicClassification clasf : cr.getClassifications()) classifications.add(clasf.getCode()); List<String> majors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PosMajor major : cr.getMajors()) majors.add(major.getCode()); r = new CurriculumReservation(reservation.getUniqueId(), (reservation.getLimit() == null ? -1.0 : reservation.getLimit()), offering, cr.getArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), classifications, majors); r.setPriority(ApplicationProperty.ReservationPriorityCurriculum.intValue()); r.setAllowOverlap(ApplicationProperty.ReservationAllowOverlapCurriculum.isTrue()); r.setCanAssignOverLimit(ApplicationProperty.ReservationCanOverLimitCurriculum.isTrue()); r.setMustBeUsed(ApplicationProperty.ReservationMustBeUsedCurriculum.isTrue()); } else if (reservation instanceof org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseReservation) { CourseOffering co = ((org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseReservation) reservation).getCourse(); for (Course course : offering.getCourses()) { if (co.getUniqueId().equals(course.getId())) r = new CourseReservation(reservation.getUniqueId(), course); } r.setPriority(ApplicationProperty.ReservationPriorityCourse.intValue()); r.setAllowOverlap(ApplicationProperty.ReservationAllowOverlapCourse.isTrue()); r.setCanAssignOverLimit(ApplicationProperty.ReservationCanOverLimitCourse.isTrue()); r.setMustBeUsed(ApplicationProperty.ReservationMustBeUsedCourse.isTrue()); } if (r == null) { iProgress.warn("Failed to load reservation " + reservation.getUniqueId() + "."); continue; } r.setExpired(reservation.isExpired()); configs: for (InstrOfferingConfig ioc : reservation.getConfigurations()) { for (Config config : offering.getConfigs()) { if (ioc.getUniqueId().equals(config.getId())) { r.addConfig(config); continue configs; } } } classes: for (Class_ c : reservation.getClasses()) { for (Config config : offering.getConfigs()) { for (Subpart subpart : config.getSubparts()) { for (Section section : subpart.getSections()) { if (c.getUniqueId().equals(section.getId())) { r.addSection(section); continue classes; } } } } } } if (io.isByReservationOnly()) new DummyReservation(offering); return offering; } public void skipStudent(org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s, Hashtable<Long, Course> courseTable, Hashtable<Long, Section> classTable) { iProgress.debug("Skipping student " + s.getUniqueId() + " (id=" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ", name=" + NameFormat.defaultFormat().format(s) + ")"); // If the student is enrolled in some classes, decrease the space in these classes accordingly Map<Course, List<Section>> assignment = new HashMap<Course, List<Section>>(); for (StudentClassEnrollment enrollment : s.getClassEnrollments()) { Section section = classTable.get(enrollment.getClazz().getUniqueId()); Course course = courseTable.get(enrollment.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()); if (section == null || course == null) continue; List<Section> sections = assignment.get(course); if (sections == null) { sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); assignment.put(course, sections); // If there is space in the course, decrease it by one if (course.getLimit() > 0) course.setLimit(course.getLimit() - 1); // If there is space in the configuration, decrease it by one Config config = section.getSubpart().getConfig(); if (config.getLimit() > 0) { config.setLimit(config.getLimit() - 1); } } // If there is space in the section, decrease it by one if (section.getLimit() > 0) { section.setLimit(section.getLimit() - 1); } sections.add(section); } // For each offering the student is enrolled in for (Map.Entry<Course, List<Section>> entry : assignment.entrySet()) { Course course = entry.getKey(); List<Section> sections = entry.getValue(); // Look for a matching reservation Reservation reservation = null; for (Reservation r : course.getOffering().getReservations()) { // Skip reservations with no space that can be skipped if (r.getReservationLimit() >= 0.0 && r.getReservationLimit() < 1.0 && !r.mustBeUsed()) continue; // Check applicability boolean applicable = false; if (r instanceof GroupReservation) { applicable = ((GroupReservation) r).getStudentIds().contains(s.getUniqueId()); } else if (r instanceof IndividualReservation) { applicable = ((IndividualReservation) r).getStudentIds().contains(s.getUniqueId()); } else if (r instanceof CourseReservation) { applicable = course.equals(((CourseReservation) r).getCourse()); } else if (r instanceof CurriculumReservation) { CurriculumReservation c = (CurriculumReservation) r; aac: for (AcademicAreaClassification aac : s.getAcademicAreaClassifications()) { if (aac.getAcademicArea().equals(c.getAcademicArea())) { if (c.getClassifications().isEmpty() || c.getClassifications().contains(aac.getAcademicClassification().getCode())) { if (c.getMajors().isEmpty()) { applicable = true; break aac; } for (PosMajor major : aac.getAcademicArea().getPosMajors()) { if (s.getPosMajors().contains(major) && c.getMajors().contains(major.getCode())) { applicable = true; break aac; } } } } } } if (!applicable) continue; // If it does not need to be used, check if actually used if (!r.mustBeUsed()) { boolean included = true; for (Section section : sections) { if (!r.getConfigs().isEmpty() && !r.getConfigs().contains(section.getSubpart().getConfig())) { included = false; break; } Set<Section> sectionsThisSubpart = r.getSections(section.getSubpart()); if (sectionsThisSubpart != null && !sectionsThisSubpart.contains(section)) { included = false; break; } } if (!included) continue; } if (reservation == null || r.compareTo(getAssignment(), reservation) < 0) reservation = r; } // Update reservation if (reservation != null) { if (reservation instanceof GroupReservation) { GroupReservation g = (GroupReservation) reservation; g.getStudentIds().remove(s.getUniqueId()); if (g.getReservationLimit() >= 1.0) g.setReservationLimit(g.getReservationLimit() - 1.0); } else if (reservation instanceof IndividualReservation) { IndividualReservation i = (IndividualReservation) reservation; i.getStudentIds().remove(s.getUniqueId()); } else if (reservation instanceof CourseReservation) { // nothing to do here } else if (reservation instanceof CurriculumReservation) { CurriculumReservation c = (CurriculumReservation) reservation; if (c.getReservationLimit() >= 1.0) c.setReservationLimit(c.getReservationLimit() - 1.0); } } } // Update curriculum counts updateCurriculumCounts(s); } public Student loadStudent(org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s, Hashtable<Long, Course> courseTable, Hashtable<Long, Section> classTable) { // Check for nobatch sectioning status if (iCheckForNoBatchStatus && s.hasSectioningStatusOption(StudentSectioningStatus.Option.nobatch)) { skipStudent(s, courseTable, classTable); return null; } // Check student query, if present if (iStudentQuery != null && !iStudentQuery.match(new DbStudentMatcher(s))) { skipStudent(s, courseTable, classTable); return null; } NameFormat nameFormat = NameFormat .fromReference(ApplicationProperty.OnlineSchedulingStudentNameFormat.value()); iProgress.debug("Loading student " + s.getUniqueId() + " (id=" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ", name=" + nameFormat.format(s) + ")"); Student student = new Student(s.getUniqueId().longValue()); student.setExternalId(s.getExternalUniqueId()); student.setName(nameFormat.format(s)); student.setStatus(s.getSectioningStatus() == null ? null : s.getSectioningStatus().getReference()); if (iLoadStudentInfo) loadStudentInfo(student, s); TreeSet<CourseDemand> demands = new TreeSet<CourseDemand>(new Comparator<CourseDemand>() { public int compare(CourseDemand d1, CourseDemand d2) { if (d1.isAlternative() && !d2.isAlternative()) return 1; if (!d1.isAlternative() && d2.isAlternative()) return -1; int cmp = d1.getPriority().compareTo(d2.getPriority()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return d1.getUniqueId().compareTo(d2.getUniqueId()); } }); demands.addAll(s.getCourseDemands()); for (CourseDemand cd : demands) { if (cd.getFreeTime() != null) { TimeLocation ft = new TimeLocation(cd.getFreeTime().getDayCode(), cd.getFreeTime().getStartSlot(), cd.getFreeTime().getLength(), 0, 0, -1l, "", iFreeTimePattern, 0); new FreeTimeRequest(cd.getUniqueId(), cd.getPriority(), cd.isAlternative(), student, ft); } else if (!cd.getCourseRequests().isEmpty()) { Vector<Course> courses = new Vector<Course>(); HashSet<Choice> selChoices = new HashSet<Choice>(); HashSet<Choice> wlChoices = new HashSet<Choice>(); HashSet<Section> assignedSections = new HashSet<Section>(); Config assignedConfig = null; TreeSet<org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest> crs = new TreeSet<org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest>( new Comparator<org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest>() { public int compare(org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest r1, org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest r2) { return r1.getOrder().compareTo(r2.getOrder()); } }); crs.addAll(cd.getCourseRequests()); for (org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest cr : crs) { Course course = courseTable.get(cr.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()); if (course == null) { iProgress.warn("Student " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ") requests course " + cr.getCourseOffering().getCourseName() + " that is not loaded."); continue; } for (Iterator k = cr.getClassWaitLists().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { ClassWaitList cwl = (ClassWaitList); Section section = course.getOffering().getSection(cwl.getClazz().getUniqueId().longValue()); if (section != null) { if (cwl.getType().equals(ClassWaitList.TYPE_SELECTION)) selChoices.add(section.getChoice()); else if (cwl.getType().equals(ClassWaitList.TYPE_WAITLIST)) wlChoices.add(section.getChoice()); } } if (assignedConfig == null) { HashSet<Long> subparts = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Iterator<StudentClassEnrollment> i = cr.getClassEnrollments().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { StudentClassEnrollment enrl =; Section section = course.getOffering().getSection(enrl.getClazz().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) { if (getModel().isMPP()) selChoices.add(section.getChoice()); assignedSections.add(section); if (assignedConfig != null && assignedConfig.getId() != section.getSubpart().getConfig().getId()) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + course.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): classes from different configurations."); } assignedConfig = section.getSubpart().getConfig(); if (!subparts.add(section.getSubpart().getId())) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + course.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): two or more classes of the same subpart."); } } else { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + course.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): class " + enrl.getClazz().getClassLabel() + " not known."); } } } courses.addElement(course); } if (courses.isEmpty()) continue; CourseRequest request = new CourseRequest(cd.getUniqueId(), cd.getPriority(), cd.isAlternative(), student, courses, cd.isWaitlist(), cd.getTimestamp().getTime()); request.getSelectedChoices().addAll(selChoices); request.getWaitlistedChoices().addAll(wlChoices); if (assignedConfig != null && assignedSections.size() == assignedConfig.getSubparts().size()) { Enrollment enrollment = new Enrollment(request, 0, assignedConfig, assignedSections, getAssignment()); request.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); } if (assignedConfig != null && assignedSections.size() != assignedConfig.getSubparts().size()) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + request.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ") wrong number of classes (" + "has " + assignedSections.size() + ", expected " + assignedConfig.getSubparts().size() + ")."); } } } if (!s.getClassEnrollments().isEmpty() || !s.getWaitlists().isEmpty()) { TreeSet<Course> courses = new TreeSet<Course>(new Comparator<Course>() { public int compare(Course c1, Course c2) { return (c1.getSubjectArea() + " " + c1.getCourseNumber()) .compareTo(c2.getSubjectArea() + " " + c2.getCourseNumber()); } }); Map<Long, Long> timeStamp = new Hashtable<Long, Long>(); for (StudentClassEnrollment enrl : s.getClassEnrollments()) { if (enrl.getCourseRequest() != null) continue; // already loaded Course course = courseTable.get(enrl.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()); if (course == null) { iProgress.warn("Student " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ") requests course " + enrl.getCourseOffering().getCourseName() + " that is not loaded."); continue; } if (enrl.getTimestamp() != null) timeStamp.put(enrl.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId(), enrl.getTimestamp().getTime()); courses.add(course); } for (WaitList w : s.getWaitlists()) { Course course = courseTable.get(w.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()); if (course == null) { iProgress.warn("Student " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ") requests course " + w.getCourseOffering().getCourseName() + " that is not loaded."); continue; } if (w.getTimestamp() != null) timeStamp.put(w.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId(), w.getTimestamp().getTime()); courses.add(course); } int priority = 0; courses: for (Course course : courses) { Vector<Course> cx = new Vector<Course>(); cx.add(course); CourseRequest request = null; for (Request r : student.getRequests()) { if (r instanceof CourseRequest && getAssignment().getValue(r) == null && ((CourseRequest) r).getCourses().contains(course)) { request = (CourseRequest) r; break; } } if (request == null) { request = new CourseRequest(course.getId(), priority++, false, student, cx, true, timeStamp.get(course.getId())); } HashSet<Section> assignedSections = new HashSet<Section>(); Config assignedConfig = null; HashSet<Long> subparts = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Iterator<StudentClassEnrollment> i = s.getClassEnrollments().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { StudentClassEnrollment enrl =; if (course.getId() != enrl.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()) continue; Section section = course.getOffering().getSection(enrl.getClazz().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) { assignedSections.add(section); if (assignedConfig != null && assignedConfig.getId() != section.getSubpart().getConfig().getId()) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + request.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): classes from different configurations."); continue courses; } assignedConfig = section.getSubpart().getConfig(); if (!subparts.add(section.getSubpart().getId())) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + request.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): two or more classes of the same subpart."); continue courses; } } else { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + request.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): class " + enrl.getClazz().getClassLabel() + " not known."); Section x = classTable.get(enrl.getClazz().getUniqueId()); if (x != null) {" but a class with the same id is loaded, but under offering " + x.getSubpart().getConfig().getOffering().getName() + " (id is " + x.getSubpart().getConfig().getOffering().getId() + ", expected " + course.getOffering().getId() + ")"); } continue courses; } } if (assignedConfig != null && assignedSections.size() == assignedConfig.getSubparts().size()) { Enrollment enrollment = new Enrollment(request, 0, assignedConfig, assignedSections, getAssignment()); request.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); } if (assignedConfig != null && assignedSections.size() != assignedConfig.getSubparts().size()) { iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + request.getName() + " to " + nameFormat.format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + "): wrong number of classes (" + "has " + assignedSections.size() + ", expected " + assignedConfig.getSubparts().size() + ")."); } } } return student; } public void assignStudent(Student student) { for (Request r : student.getRequests()) { if (r.getInitialAssignment() != null && r.getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), r.getInitialAssignment()).isEmpty()) getAssignment().assign(0, r.getInitialAssignment()); } for (Request r : student.getRequests()) { if (r instanceof FreeTimeRequest) { FreeTimeRequest ft = (FreeTimeRequest) r; Enrollment enrollment = ft.createEnrollment(); if (r.getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), enrollment).isEmpty()) { ft.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); getAssignment().assign(0, enrollment); } } } } public void checkForConflicts(Student student) { for (Request r : student.getRequests()) { if (getAssignment().getValue(r) != null || r.getInitialAssignment() == null || !(r instanceof CourseRequest)) continue; if (r.getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), r.getInitialAssignment()).isEmpty()) { getAssignment().assign(0, r.getInitialAssignment()); continue; } CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r; Enrollment enrl = (Enrollment) r.getInitialAssignment(); org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s = (student.getId() >= 0 ? StudentDAO.getInstance().get(student.getId()) : null); iProgress.error("There is a problem assigning " + cr.getName() + " to " + (s == null ? student.getId() : NameFormat.defaultFormat().format(s) + " (" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ")")); boolean hasLimit = false, hasOverlap = false; for (Iterator<Section> i = enrl.getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Section section =; if (section.getTime() != null) { for (Request q : student.getRequests()) { Enrollment enrlx = getAssignment().getValue(q); if (enrlx == null || !(q instanceof CourseRequest)) continue; for (Iterator<Section> j = enrlx.getSections().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Section sectionx =; if (sectionx.getTime() == null) continue; if (sectionx.isOverlapping(section)) {" " + section.getSubpart().getName() + " " + section.getName() + " " + section.getTime().getLongName(iUseAmPm) + " overlaps with " + sectionx.getSubpart().getConfig().getOffering().getName() + " " + sectionx.getSubpart().getName() + " " + sectionx.getName() + " " + sectionx.getTime().getLongName(iUseAmPm)); hasOverlap = true; } } } } if (section.getLimit() >= 0 && section.getLimit() < 1 + section.getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size()) {" " + section.getSubpart().getName() + " " + section.getName() + (section.getTime() == null ? "" : " " + section.getTime().getLongName(iUseAmPm)) + " has no space available (limit is " + section.getLimit() + ")"); if (iTweakLimits) { section.setLimit(section.getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size() + 1); section.clearReservationCache();" limit increased to " + section.getLimit()); } hasLimit = true; }" " + section.getSubpart().getName() + " " + section.getName() + (section.getTime() == null ? "" : " " + section.getTime().getLongName(iUseAmPm))); } if (enrl.getConfig().getLimit() >= 0 && enrl.getConfig().getLimit() < 1 + enrl.getConfig().getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size()) {" config " + enrl.getConfig().getName() + " has no space available (limit is " + enrl.getConfig().getLimit() + ")"); if (iTweakLimits) { enrl.getConfig().setLimit(enrl.getConfig().getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size() + 1); enrl.getConfig().clearReservationCache();" limit increased to " + enrl.getConfig().getLimit()); } hasLimit = true; } if (enrl.getCourse() != null && enrl.getCourse().getLimit() >= 0 && enrl.getCourse().getLimit() < 1 + enrl.getCourse().getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size()) {" course " + enrl.getCourse().getName() + " has no space available (limit is " + enrl.getCourse().getLimit() + ")"); if (iTweakLimits) { enrl.getCourse().setLimit(enrl.getCourse().getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size() + 1);" limit increased to " + enrl.getCourse().getLimit()); } hasLimit = true; } if (!hasLimit && !hasOverlap) { for (Iterator<Enrollment> i = r.getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), r.getInitialAssignment()) .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Enrollment enrlx =; for (Iterator<Section> j = enrlx.getSections().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Section sectionx =; " conflicts with " + sectionx.getSubpart().getConfig().getOffering().getName() + " " + sectionx.getSubpart().getName() + " " + sectionx.getName() + (sectionx.getTime() == null ? "" : " " + sectionx.getTime().getLongName(iUseAmPm))); } if (enrlx.getRequest().getStudent().getId() != student.getId())" of a different student"); } } if (hasLimit && !hasOverlap && iTweakLimits && r.getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), r.getInitialAssignment()).isEmpty()) { getAssignment().assign(0, r.getInitialAssignment()); } } } private String curriculum(Student student) { return (student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications().isEmpty() ? "" : student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications().get(0).getArea() + ":" + student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications().get(0).getCode()) + ":" + (student.getMajors().isEmpty() ? "" : student.getMajors().get(0).getCode()); } private String curriculum(org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student) { String curriculum = ""; for (AcademicAreaClassification aac : student.getAcademicAreaClassifications()) { curriculum = aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation() + ":" + aac.getAcademicClassification().getCode(); for (PosMajor major : aac.getAcademicArea().getPosMajors()) { if (student.getPosMajors().contains(major)) { curriculum += ":" + major.getCode(); break; } } break; } return curriculum; } Map<Long, Map<String, Integer>> iCourse2Curricula2Weight = new Hashtable<Long, Map<String, Integer>>(); private void updateCurriculumCounts(Student student) { String curriculum = curriculum(student); for (Request request : student.getRequests()) { if (request instanceof CourseRequest) { Course course = (request.getInitialAssignment() != null ? request.getInitialAssignment().getCourse() : ((CourseRequest) request).getCourses().get(0)); Map<String, Integer> c2w = iCourse2Curricula2Weight.get(course.getId()); if (c2w == null) { c2w = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); iCourse2Curricula2Weight.put(course.getId(), c2w); } Integer cx = c2w.get(curriculum); c2w.put(curriculum, 1 + (cx == null ? 0 : cx)); } } } private void updateCurriculumCounts(org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student) { String curriculum = curriculum(student); Set<Long> courses = new HashSet<Long>(); for (StudentClassEnrollment enrollment : student.getClassEnrollments()) { Long courseId = enrollment.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId(); if (courses.add(courseId)) { Map<String, Integer> c2w = iCourse2Curricula2Weight.get(courseId); if (c2w == null) { c2w = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); iCourse2Curricula2Weight.put(courseId, c2w); } Integer cx = c2w.get(curriculum); c2w.put(curriculum, 1 + (cx == null ? 0 : cx)); } } demands: for (CourseDemand demand : student.getCourseDemands()) { org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest request = null; for (org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest r : demand.getCourseRequests()) { if (courses.contains(r.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId())) continue demands; if (request == null || r.getOrder() < request.getOrder()) request = r; } if (request != null) { Long courseId = request.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId(); courses.add(courseId); Map<String, Integer> c2w = iCourse2Curricula2Weight.get(courseId); if (c2w == null) { c2w = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); iCourse2Curricula2Weight.put(courseId, c2w); } Integer cx = c2w.get(curriculum); c2w.put(curriculum, 1 + (cx == null ? 0 : cx)); } } } private void fixWeights(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, Collection<Course> courses) { iProgress.setPhase("Computing projected request weights...", courses.size()); for (Course course : courses) { iProgress.incProgress(); Map<String, Integer> cur2real = iCourse2Curricula2Weight.get(course.getId()); if (cur2real != null) { Map<String, Double> cur2proj = new Hashtable<String, Double>(); for (CourseRequest request : course.getRequests()) { if (!request.getCourses().get(0).equals(course) || !request.getStudent().isDummy()) continue; Double proj = cur2proj.get(curriculum(request.getStudent())); cur2proj.put(curriculum(request.getStudent()), request.getWeight() + (proj == null ? 0.0 : proj)); } for (String cur : cur2proj.keySet()) { double proj = cur2proj.get(cur); Integer real = cur2real.get(cur); if (real == null) continue; iProgress .debug("Projected demands for course " + course.getName() + ": " + cur.replace(':', ' ') + " multiplies by " + (real >= proj ? 0.0 : (proj - real) / proj) + " (projected=" + proj + ", real=" + real + ")"); } for (CourseRequest request : course.getRequests()) { if (!request.getCourses().get(0).equals(course) || !request.getStudent().isDummy()) continue; double proj = cur2proj.get(curriculum(request.getStudent())); Integer real = cur2real.get(curriculum(request.getStudent())); if (real == null) continue; request.setWeight(request.getWeight() * (real >= proj ? 0.0 : (proj - real) / proj)); } } double nrStudents = 0.0; double nrLastLike = 0.0; int lastLikeCount = 0; for (CourseRequest request : course.getRequests()) { if (!request.getCourses().get(0).equals(course)) continue; nrStudents += request.getWeight(); if (request.getStudent().isDummy()) { nrLastLike += request.getWeight(); lastLikeCount++; } } double projected = course.getProjected(); double limit = course.getLimit(); if (limit >= 9999) limit = -1; int configLimit = 0; for (Config config : course.getOffering().getConfigs()) { if (config.getLimit() < 0 || config.getLimit() >= 9999) { configLimit = -1; break; } int cLimit = config.getLimit(); for (Subpart subpart : config.getSubparts()) { int subpartLimit = 0; for (Section section : subpart.getSections()) { if (section.getLimit() < 0 || section.getLimit() >= 9999) { subpartLimit = -1; break; } subpartLimit += section.getLimit(); } if (subpartLimit >= 0 && subpartLimit < cLimit) { cLimit = subpartLimit; } } configLimit += cLimit; } if (course.getOffering().getCourses().size() > 1) { int offeringLimit = 0; for (Course c : course.getOffering().getCourses()) { if (c.getLimit() < 0 || c.getLimit() >= 9999) { offeringLimit = -1; break; } offeringLimit += c.getLimit(); } if (configLimit >= 0 && configLimit < offeringLimit) limit = (limit * configLimit) / offeringLimit; else if (configLimit >= 0 && offeringLimit < 0) limit = configLimit / course.getOffering().getCourses().size(); } else { if (configLimit >= 0 && (configLimit < limit || limit < 0)) limit = configLimit; } if (limit < 0) { iProgress.debug("Course " + course.getName() + " is unlimited."); continue; } if (projected <= 0) {"No projected demand for course " + course.getName() + ", using course limit (" + Math.round(limit) + ")"); projected = limit; } else if (limit < projected) { if (!iProjections)"Projected number of students is over course limit for course " + course.getName() + " (" + Math.round(projected) + ">" + Math.round(limit) + ")"); projected = limit; } if (lastLikeCount <= 0) {"No projected course demands for course " + course.getName()); continue; } double weight = (nrLastLike <= 0 ? 0.0 : Math.max(0.0, projected - (nrStudents - nrLastLike)) / nrLastLike); iProgress.debug("Projected student weight for " + course.getName() + " is " + weight + " (projected=" + nrLastLike + ", real=" + (nrStudents - nrLastLike) + ", limit=" + projected + ")"); int left = 0; for (CourseRequest request : new ArrayList<CourseRequest>(course.getRequests())) { if (request.getStudent().isDummy()) { request.setWeight(weight * request.getWeight()); if (request.getWeight() <= 0.0) { Student student = request.getStudent(); getModel().removeVariable(request); student.getRequests().remove(request); for (Course c : request.getCourses()) c.getRequests().remove(request); if (student.getRequests().isEmpty()) getModel().removeStudent(student); } else { left++; } } } if (left <= 0)"No projected course demands needed for course " + course.getName()); } getModel().requestWeightsChanged(getAssignment()); } public void loadStudentInfo(Student student, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s) { for (Iterator i = s.getAcademicAreaClassifications().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { AcademicAreaClassification aac = (AcademicAreaClassification); student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications() .add(new AcademicAreaCode(aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), aac.getAcademicClassification().getCode())); for (Iterator j = aac.getAcademicArea().getPosMajors().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { PosMajor major = (PosMajor); if (s.getPosMajors().contains(major)) { student.getMajors().add(new AcademicAreaCode( aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), major.getCode())); } } } for (StudentGroup g : s.getGroups()) student.getMinors().add(new AcademicAreaCode("", g.getGroupAbbreviation())); for (StudentAccomodation a : s.getAccomodations()) student.getMinors().add(new AcademicAreaCode("A", a.getAbbreviation())); } public void loadRequestGroups(Student student, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s) { for (StudentGroup g : s.getGroups()) { if (iRequestGroupRegExp != null && !iRequestGroupRegExp.isEmpty() && !g.getGroupName().matches(iRequestGroupRegExp)) continue; for (Request r : student.getRequests()) { if (r instanceof CourseRequest) { CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r; Course course = cr.getCourses().get(0); RequestGroup group = null; for (RequestGroup rg : course.getRequestGroups()) { if (rg.getId() == g.getUniqueId()) { group = rg; break; } } if (group == null) group = new RequestGroup(g.getUniqueId(), g.getGroupName(), course); cr.addRequestGroup(group); } } } } public static BitSet getFreeTimeBitSet(Session session) { int startMonth = session.getPatternStartMonth(); int endMonth = session.getPatternEndMonth(); int size = DateUtils.getDayOfYear(0, endMonth + 1, session.getSessionStartYear()) - DateUtils.getDayOfYear(1, startMonth, session.getSessionStartYear()); BitSet ret = new BitSet(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) ret.set(i); return ret; } private String datePatternName(DatePattern dp, TimeLocation time) { if ("never".equals(iDatePatternFormat)) return dp.getName(); if ("extended".equals(iDatePatternFormat) && dp.getType() != DatePattern.sTypeExtended) return dp.getName(); if ("alternate".equals(iDatePatternFormat) && dp.getType() == DatePattern.sTypeAlternate) return dp.getName(); if (time.getWeekCode().isEmpty()) return time.getDatePatternName(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); cal.setLenient(true); cal.setTime(iDatePatternFirstDate); int idx = time.getWeekCode().nextSetBit(0); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, idx); Date first = null; while (idx < time.getWeekCode().size() && first == null) { if (time.getWeekCode().get(idx)) { int dow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); switch (dow) { case Calendar.MONDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.MON.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.TUESDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.TUE.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.WED.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.THURSDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.THU.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.FRIDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.FRI.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.SATURDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.SAT.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.SUNDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.SUN.getCode()) != 0) first = cal.getTime(); break; } } cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); idx++; } if (first == null) return time.getDatePatternName(); cal.setTime(iDatePatternFirstDate); idx = time.getWeekCode().length() - 1; cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, idx); Date last = null; while (idx >= 0 && last == null) { if (time.getWeekCode().get(idx)) { int dow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); switch (dow) { case Calendar.MONDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.MON.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.TUESDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.TUE.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.WED.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.THURSDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.THU.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.FRIDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.FRI.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.SATURDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.SAT.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; case Calendar.SUNDAY: if ((time.getDayCode() & DayCode.SUN.getCode()) != 0) last = cal.getTime(); break; } } cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); idx--; } if (last == null) return time.getDatePatternName(); Formats.Format<Date> dpf = Formats.getDateFormat(Formats.Pattern.DATE_PATTERN); return dpf.format(first) + (first.equals(last) ? "" : " - " + dpf.format(last)); } public static Date getDatePatternFirstDay(Session s) { return DateUtils.getDate(1, s.getPatternStartMonth(), s.getSessionStartYear()); } public static interface SectionProvider { public Section get(Long classId); } public static List<Collection<Section>> getSections(DistributionPref pref, SectionProvider classTable) { List<Collection<Section>> ret = new ArrayList<Collection<Section>>(); DistributionPref.Structure structure = pref.getStructure(); if (structure == null) structure = DistributionPref.Structure.AllClasses; if (structure == DistributionPref.Structure.Progressive) { int maxSize = 0; for (Iterator i = pref.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { DistributionObject distributionObject = (DistributionObject); if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof Class_) maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, 1); else if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, ((SchedulingSubpart) distributionObject.getPrefGroup()).getClasses().size()); } Set<Section> sections[] = new Set[maxSize]; for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) sections[i] = new HashSet<Section>(); List<DistributionObject> distributionObjects = new ArrayList<DistributionObject>( pref.getDistributionObjects()); Collections.sort(distributionObjects, new TimetableDatabaseLoader.ChildrenFirstDistributionObjectComparator()); for (DistributionObject distributionObject : distributionObjects) { if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof Class_) { Section section = classTable.get(distributionObject.getPrefGroup().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) for (int j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) sections[j].add(section); } else if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart) distributionObject.getPrefGroup(); List<Class_> classes = new ArrayList<Class_>(subpart.getClasses()); Collections.sort(classes, new ClassComparator(ClassComparator.COMPARE_BY_HIERARCHY)); for (int j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) { Section section = null; sections: for (Section s : sections[j]) { Section p = s.getParent(); while (p != null) { if (p.getSubpart().getId() == subpart.getUniqueId()) { section = s; break sections; } p = p.getParent(); } } if (section == null) section = classTable.get(classes.get(j % classes.size()).getUniqueId()); if (section != null) sections[j].add(section); } } } for (Set<Section> s : sections) ret.add(s); } else if (structure == DistributionPref.Structure.OneOfEach) { List<Section> sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); List<Integer> counts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Iterator i = pref.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { DistributionObject distributionObject = (DistributionObject); int count = 0; if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof Class_) { Section section = classTable.get(distributionObject.getPrefGroup().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) { sections.add(section); count++; } } else if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart) distributionObject.getPrefGroup(); List<Class_> classes = new ArrayList<Class_>(subpart.getClasses()); Collections.sort(classes, new ClassComparator(ClassComparator.COMPARE_BY_HIERARCHY)); for (Class_ clazz : classes) { Section section = classTable.get(clazz.getUniqueId()); if (section != null) { sections.add(section); count++; } } } if (count > 0) counts.add(count); } if (counts.size() > 1) { for (Enumeration<List<Section>> e = DistributionPref.permutations(sections, counts); e .hasMoreElements();) ret.add(e.nextElement()); } } else { List<Section> sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (Iterator i = pref.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { DistributionObject distributionObject = (DistributionObject); if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof Class_) { Section section = classTable.get(distributionObject.getPrefGroup().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) sections.add(section); } else if (distributionObject.getPrefGroup() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart) distributionObject.getPrefGroup(); List<Class_> classes = new ArrayList<Class_>(subpart.getClasses()); Collections.sort(classes, new ClassComparator(ClassComparator.COMPARE_BY_HIERARCHY)); for (Class_ clazz : classes) { Section section = classTable.get(clazz.getUniqueId()); if (section != null) sections.add(section); } } } if (structure == DistributionPref.Structure.Pairwise) { if (sections.size() >= 2) { for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < sections.size() - 1; idx1++) { Section s1 = sections.get(idx1); for (int idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < sections.size(); idx2++) { Section s2 = sections.get(idx2); Set<Section> s = new HashSet<Section>(); s.add(s1); s.add(s2); ret.add(s); } } } } else if (structure == DistributionPref.Structure.AllClasses) { ret.add(sections); } else { int grouping = 2; switch (structure) { case GroupsOfTwo: grouping = 2; break; case GroupsOfThree: grouping = 3; break; case GroupsOfFour: grouping = 4; break; case GroupsOfFive: grouping = 5; break; } List<Section> s = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (Section section : sections) { s.add(section); if (s.size() == grouping) { ret.add(s); s = new ArrayList<Section>(); } } if (s.size() >= 2) ret.add(new HashSet<Section>(s)); } } return ret; } public void load(Session session, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { iFreeTimePattern = getFreeTimeBitSet(session); iDatePatternFirstDate = getDatePatternFirstDay(session); Hashtable<Long, Course> courseTable = new Hashtable<Long, Course>(); final Hashtable<Long, Section> classTable = new Hashtable<Long, Section>(); List<InstructionalOffering> offerings = hibSession .createQuery("select distinct io from InstructionalOffering io " + "left join fetch io.courseOfferings as co " + "left join fetch io.instrOfferingConfigs as ioc " + "left join fetch ioc.schedulingSubparts as ss " + "left join fetch ss.classes as c " + "left join fetch io.reservations as r " + "where " + "io.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and io.notOffered = false and co.subjectArea.department.allowStudentScheduling = true") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading course offerings...", offerings.size()); for (InstructionalOffering io : offerings) { iProgress.incProgress(); Offering offering = loadOffering(io, courseTable, classTable); if (offering != null) getModel().addOffering(offering); } if (iIncludeCourseDemands || iProjections) { List students = hibSession.createQuery("select distinct s from Student s " + "left join fetch s.courseDemands as cd " + "left join fetch cd.courseRequests as cr " + "left join fetch cr.classWaitLists as cw " + "left join fetch s.classEnrollments as e " + "left join fetch s.waitlists as w " + (iLoadStudentInfo ? "left join fetch s.academicAreaClassifications as a left join fetch s.posMajors as mj left join fetch s.groups as g " : "") + "where s.session.uniqueId=:sessionId").setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()) .setFetchSize(1000).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading student requests...", students.size()); for (Iterator i = students.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student); iProgress.incProgress(); if (s.getCourseDemands().isEmpty() && s.getClassEnrollments().isEmpty() && s.getWaitlists().isEmpty()) continue; Student student = loadStudent(s, courseTable, classTable); if (student == null) continue; updateCurriculumCounts(student); if (iProjections) { // Decrease the limits accordingly for (Request request : student.getRequests()) { if (request.getInitialAssignment() != null && request.getInitialAssignment().isCourseRequest()) { Enrollment enrollment = request.getInitialAssignment(); if (enrollment.getConfig().getLimit() > 0) enrollment.getConfig().setLimit(enrollment.getConfig().getLimit() - 1); for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) if (section.getLimit() > 0) section.setLimit(section.getLimit() - 1); if (enrollment.getCourse() != null && enrollment.getCourse().getLimit() > 0) enrollment.getCourse().setLimit(enrollment.getCourse().getLimit() - 1); if (enrollment.getReservation() != null) { if (enrollment.getReservation() instanceof GroupReservation && enrollment.getReservation().getReservationLimit() >= 1.0) { ((GroupReservation) enrollment.getReservation()).getStudentIds() .remove(student.getId()); ((GroupReservation) enrollment.getReservation()).setReservationLimit( ((GroupReservation) enrollment.getReservation()).getReservationLimit() - 1.0); } else if (enrollment.getReservation() instanceof IndividualReservation) { ((IndividualReservation) enrollment.getReservation()).getStudentIds() .remove(student.getId()); } else if (enrollment.getReservation() instanceof CurriculumReservation && enrollment.getReservation().getReservationLimit() >= 1.0) { ((CurriculumReservation) enrollment.getReservation()).setReservationLimit( enrollment.getReservation().getReservationLimit() - 1.0); } } } if (request instanceof CourseRequest) { for (Course course : ((CourseRequest) request).getCourses()) { course.getRequests().remove(request); } } } } else { if (iLoadRequestGroups) loadRequestGroups(student, s); getModel().addStudent(student); // assignStudent(student); } } } List<DistributionPref> distPrefs = hibSession.createQuery( "select p from DistributionPref p, Department d where p.distributionType.reference in (:ref1, :ref2) and d.session.uniqueId = :sessionId" + " and p.owner = d and p.prefLevel.prefProlog = :pref") .setString("ref1", GroupConstraint.ConstraintType.LINKED_SECTIONS.reference()) .setString("ref2", IgnoreStudentConflictsConstraint.REFERENCE) .setString("pref", PreferenceLevel.sRequired).setLong("sessionId", iSessionId).list(); if (!distPrefs.isEmpty()) { iProgress.setPhase("Loading distribution preferences...", distPrefs.size()); SectionProvider p = new SectionProvider() { @Override public Section get(Long classId) { return classTable.get(classId); } }; for (DistributionPref pref : distPrefs) { iProgress.incProgress(); for (Collection<Section> sections : getSections(pref, p)) { if (GroupConstraint.ConstraintType.LINKED_SECTIONS.reference() .equals(pref.getDistributionType().getReference())) { getModel().addLinkedSections(iLinkedClassesMustBeUsed, sections); } else { for (Section s1 : sections) for (Section s2 : sections) if (!s1.equals(s2)) s1.addIgnoreConflictWith(s2.getId()); } } } } iProgress.setPhase("Assigning students...", getModel().getStudents().size()); for (Student student : getModel().getStudents()) { iProgress.incProgress(); assignStudent(student); } iProgress.setPhase("Checking for student conflicts...", getModel().getStudents().size()); for (Student student : getModel().getStudents()) { iProgress.incProgress(); checkForConflicts(student); } if (iStudentCourseDemands != null) { iStudentCourseDemands.init(hibSession, iProgress, SessionDAO.getInstance().get(iSessionId, hibSession), offerings); Hashtable<Long, Student> students = new Hashtable<Long, Student>(); Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> classAssignments = null; if (iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments && !iStudentCourseDemands.isMakingUpStudents()) { classAssignments = new Hashtable(); List enrollments = hibSession.createQuery( "select distinct se.studentId, se.clazz.uniqueId from StudentEnrollment se where " + "se.solution.commited=true and se.solution.owner.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading projected class assignments...", enrollments.size()); for (Iterator i = enrollments.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); iProgress.incProgress(); Long studentId = (Long) o[0]; Long classId = (Long) o[1]; Set<Long> classIds = classAssignments.get(studentId); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new HashSet<Long>(); classAssignments.put(studentId, classIds); } classIds.add(classId); } } iProgress.setPhase("Loading projected course requests...", offerings.size()); long requestId = -1; for (InstructionalOffering io : offerings) { iProgress.incProgress(); for (CourseOffering co : io.getCourseOfferings()) { Course course = courseTable.get(co.getUniqueId()); if (course == null) continue; Set<WeightedStudentId> demands = iStudentCourseDemands.getDemands(co); if (demands == null) continue; for (WeightedStudentId demand : demands) { Student student = (Student) students.get(demand.getStudentId()); if (student == null) { student = new Student(demand.getStudentId(), true); if (demand.getArea() != null && demand.getClasf() != null) student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications() .add(new AcademicAreaCode(demand.getArea(), demand.getClasf())); if (demand.getArea() != null && demand.getMajor() != null && !demand.getMajor().isEmpty()) for (String mj : demand.getMajor().split("\\|")) student.getMajors().add(new AcademicAreaCode(demand.getArea(), mj)); students.put(demand.getStudentId(), student); } List<Course> courses = new ArrayList<Course>(); courses.add(course); CourseRequest request = new CourseRequest(requestId--, 0, false, student, courses, false, null); request.setWeight(demand.getWeight()); if (classAssignments != null && !classAssignments.isEmpty()) { Set<Long> classIds = classAssignments.get(demand.getStudentId()); if (classIds != null) { enrollments: for (Enrollment enrollment : request.values(getAssignment())) { for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) if (!classIds.contains(section.getId())) continue enrollments; request.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); break; } } } } } } for (Student student : students.values()) { getModel().addStudent(student); assignStudent(student); } for (Student student : students.values()) { checkForConflicts(student); } if (iFixWeights) fixWeights(hibSession, courseTable.values()); getModel().createAssignmentContexts(getAssignment(), true); } /* if (iIncludeLastLikeStudents) { Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> classAssignments = null; if (iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments) { classAssignments = new Hashtable(); List enrollments = hibSession.createQuery("select distinct se.studentId, se.clazz.uniqueId from StudentEnrollment se where "+ "se.solution.commited=true and se.solution.owner.session.uniqueId=:sessionId"). setLong("sessionId",session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading last-like class assignments...", enrollments.size()); for (Iterator i=enrollments.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); iProgress.incProgress(); Long studentId = (Long)o[0]; Long classId = (Long)o[1]; Set<Long> classIds = classAssignments.get(studentId); if (classIds==null) { classIds = new HashSet<Long>(); classAssignments.put(studentId, classIds); } classIds.add(classId); } } Hashtable<Long, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student> students = new Hashtable<Long, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student>(); List enrollments = hibSession.createQuery( "select d, c.uniqueId from LastLikeCourseDemand d left join fetch d.student s, CourseOffering c left join c.demandOffering cx " + "where d.subjectArea.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and c.subjectArea.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and " + "((c.permId=null and d.subjectArea=c.subjectArea and d.courseNbr=c.courseNbr ) or "+ " (c.permId!=null and c.permId=d.coursePermId) or "+ " (cx.permId=null and d.subjectArea=cx.subjectArea and d.courseNbr=cx.courseNbr) or "+ " (cx.permId!=null and cx.permId=d.coursePermId)) "+ "order by s.uniqueId, d.priority, d.uniqueId"). setLong("sessionId",session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading last-like course requests...", enrollments.size()); Hashtable lastLikeStudentTable = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i=enrollments.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]);iProgress.incProgress(); LastLikeCourseDemand d = (LastLikeCourseDemand)o[0]; org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student)d.getStudent(); Long courseOfferingId = (Long)o[1]; if (s.getExternalUniqueId()!=null && loadedStudentIds.contains(s.getExternalUniqueId())) continue; loadLastLikeStudent(hibSession, d, s, courseOfferingId, lastLikeStudentTable, courseTable, classTable, classAssignments); students.put(s.getUniqueId(), s); } for (Enumeration e=lastLikeStudentTable.elements();e.hasMoreElements();) { Student student = (Student)e.nextElement(); getModel().addStudent(student); assignStudent(student, students.get(student.getId())); } } */ if (iLoadSectioningInfos) { List<SectioningInfo> infos = hibSession.createQuery( "select i from SectioningInfo i where i.clazz.schedulingSubpart.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.session.uniqueId = :sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", iSessionId).list(); iProgress.setPhase("Loading sectioning infos...", infos.size()); for (SectioningInfo info : infos) { iProgress.incProgress(); Section section = classTable.get(info.getClazz().getUniqueId()); if (section != null) { section.setSpaceExpected(info.getNbrExpectedStudents()); section.setSpaceHeld(info.getNbrHoldingStudents()); if (section.getLimit() >= 0 && (section.getLimit() - section.getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size()) <= section .getSpaceExpected())"Section " + section.getSubpart().getConfig().getOffering().getName() + " " + section.getSubpart().getName() + " " + section.getName() + " has high demand (limit: " + section.getLimit() + ", enrollment: " + section.getEnrollments(getAssignment()).size() + ", expected: " + section.getSpaceExpected() + ")"); } } } iProgress.setPhase("Done", 1); iProgress.incProgress(); } }