Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.jgroups; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import; import; import org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager; import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager; import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionMode; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.JChannel; import org.jgroups.SuspectedException; import org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher; import org.jgroups.blocks.locking.LockService; import org.jgroups.blocks.mux.MuxRpcDispatcher; import org.jgroups.util.Rsp; import org.jgroups.util.RspList; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao._RootDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.OnlineSectioningServer; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.OnlineSectioningServerContext; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.server.CheckMaster; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.server.CheckMaster.Master; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.SolverProxy; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class OnlineStudentSchedulingContainerRemote extends OnlineStudentSchedulingContainer implements ReplicatedSolverContainer<OnlineSectioningServer> { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(OnlineStudentSchedulingContainerRemote.class); private RpcDispatcher iDispatcher; private EmbeddedCacheManager iCacheManager = null; private LockService iLockService; public OnlineStudentSchedulingContainerRemote(JChannel channel, short scope) { iDispatcher = new MuxRpcDispatcher(scope, channel, null, null, this); iLockService = new LockService(channel); } @Override public RpcDispatcher getDispatcher() { return iDispatcher; } public LockService getLockService() { return iLockService; } @Override public void start() { super.start(); createCacheManagerIfNeeded(); } private synchronized void createCacheManagerIfNeeded() { if (iCacheManager == null && ApplicationProperty.OnlineSchedulingServerReplicated.isTrue()) { GlobalConfiguration global = GlobalConfigurationBuilder.defaultClusteredBuilder().transport() .addProperty("channelLookup", "org.unitime.commons.jgroups.SectioningChannelLookup") .clusterName("UniTime:sectioning").globalJmxStatistics() .cacheManagerName("OnlineSchedulingCacheManager").allowDuplicateDomains(true).disable().build(); Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.REPL_ASYNC).async() .useReplQueue(true).replQueueInterval(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).replQueueMaxElements(1000) .transaction().transactionMode(TransactionMode.TRANSACTIONAL).storeAsBinary().enable().build(); iCacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(global, config); } } @Override public void stop() { super.stop(); if (iCacheManager != null) { iCacheManager.stop(); iCacheManager = null; } } @Override public boolean hasMaster(String sessionId) { OnlineSectioningServer server = getInstance(Long.valueOf(sessionId)); return server != null && server.isMaster(); } @Override public boolean createRemoteSolver(String sessionId, DataProperties config, Address caller) { return super.createSolver(sessionId, config) != null; } @Override public Object invoke(String method, String sessionId, Class[] types, Object[] args) throws Exception { try { OnlineSectioningServer solver = iInstances.get(Long.valueOf(sessionId)); if ("exists".equals(method) && types.length == 0) return solver != null; if (solver == null) throw new Exception("Server " + sessionId + " does not exist."); return solver.getClass().getMethod(method, types).invoke(solver, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() != null && e.getTargetException() instanceof Exception) throw (Exception) e.getTargetException(); else throw e; } finally { _RootDAO.closeCurrentThreadSessions(); } } @Override public Object dispatch(Address address, String sessionId, Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception { try { return iDispatcher.callRemoteMethod(address, "invoke", new Object[] { method.getName(), sessionId, method.getParameterTypes(), args }, new Class[] { String.class, String.class, Class[].class, Object[].class }, SolverServerImplementation.sFirstResponse); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() != null && e.getTargetException() instanceof Exception) throw (Exception) e.getTargetException(); else throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if ("exists".equals(method.getName()) && e instanceof SuspectedException) return false; sLog.debug("Excution of " + method.getName() + " on server " + sessionId + " failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } } @Override public Object dispatch(Collection<Address> addresses, String sessionId, Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception { try { if (addresses.size() == 1) { return dispatch(ToolBox.random(addresses), sessionId, method, args); } else { Address address = ToolBox.random(addresses); CheckMaster ch = method.getAnnotation(CheckMaster.class); if (ch == null && "execute".equals(method.getName())) ch = args[0].getClass().getAnnotation(CheckMaster.class); RspList<Boolean> ret = iDispatcher.callRemoteMethods(addresses, "hasMaster", new Object[] { sessionId }, new Class[] { String.class }, SolverServerImplementation.sAllResponses); if (ch != null && ch.value() == Master.REQUIRED) { for (Rsp<Boolean> rsp : ret) { if (rsp != null && rsp.getValue()) { address = rsp.getSender(); break; } } } else { List<Address> slaves = new ArrayList<Address>(); for (Rsp<Boolean> rsp : ret) { if (rsp != null && !rsp.getValue()) { slaves.add(rsp.getSender()); } } if (!slaves.isEmpty()) address = ToolBox.random(slaves); } return dispatch(address, sessionId, method, args); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() != null && e.getTargetException() instanceof Exception) throw (Exception) e.getTargetException(); else throw e; } } @Override public OnlineSectioningServer createProxy(Address address, String user) { ServerInvocationHandler handler = new ServerInvocationHandler(address, user); OnlineSectioningServer px = (OnlineSectioningServer) Proxy.newProxyInstance( SolverProxy.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { OnlineSectioningServer.class, RemoteSolver.class, }, handler); return px; } @Override public OnlineSectioningServer createProxy(Collection<Address> addresses, String user) { ReplicatedServerInvocationHandler handler = new ReplicatedServerInvocationHandler(addresses, user); OnlineSectioningServer px = (OnlineSectioningServer) Proxy.newProxyInstance( SolverProxy.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { OnlineSectioningServer.class, RemoteSolver.class, }, handler); return px; } public class ServerInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { private Address iAddress; private String iUser; private ServerInvocationHandler(Address address, String user) { iAddress = address; iUser = user; } public String getHost() { return iAddress.toString(); } public String getUser() { return iUser; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { try { return getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes()).invoke(this, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } return dispatch(iAddress, iUser, method, args); } } public class ReplicatedServerInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { private Collection<Address> iAddresses; private String iUser; private ReplicatedServerInvocationHandler(Collection<Address> addresses, String user) { iAddresses = addresses; iUser = user; } public String getHost() { return iAddresses.toString(); } public String getUser() { return iUser; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { try { return getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes()).invoke(this, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } return dispatch(iAddresses, iUser, method, args); } } @Override public OnlineSectioningServerContext getServerContext(final Long academicSessionId) { return new OnlineSectioningServerContext() { @Override public Long getAcademicSessionId() { return academicSessionId; } @Override public boolean isWaitTillStarted() { return false; } @Override public EmbeddedCacheManager getCacheManager() { return OnlineStudentSchedulingContainerRemote.this.getCacheManager(); } @Override public LockService getLockService() { return iLockService; } }; } public EmbeddedCacheManager getCacheManager() { createCacheManagerIfNeeded(); return iCacheManager; } }