Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.exam.ui; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.MinMaxPreferenceCombination; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.PreferenceCombination; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.SumPreferenceCombination; import org.unitime.commons.Debug; import org.unitime.commons.web.WebTable; import org.unitime.timetable.form.ExamInfoForm; import org.unitime.timetable.interfaces.RoomAvailabilityInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.interfaces.RoomAvailabilityInterface.TimeBlock; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Building; import org.unitime.timetable.model.BuildingPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExamPeriod; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExamType; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Room; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeature; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeaturePref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomGroupPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ExamDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.LocationDAO; import; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.exam.ExamSolverProxy; import org.unitime.timetable.util.RoomAvailability; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class ExamInfoModel implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6594424808143469141L; private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(ExamInfoModel.class); private transient ExamSolverProxy iSolver = null; private ExamInfo iExam = null; private ExamInfoForm iForm = null; private ExamProposedChange iChange = null; private Collection<ExamAssignmentInfo> iPeriods = null; private Vector<ExamRoomInfo> iRooms = null; private int iPeriodTableOrd = 0; private String iManagerExternalId = null; private ExamConflictStatisticsInfo iCbs = null; private ExamSuggestionsInfo iSuggestions = null; public void setSolver(ExamSolverProxy solver) { iSolver = solver; } public ExamSolverProxy getSolver() { return iSolver; } public void clear(UserContext user) { iExam = null; iChange = null; iRooms = null; iPeriods = null; iManagerExternalId = (user == null ? null : user.getExternalUserId()); } public ExamInfo getExam() { return iExam; } public ExamAssignmentInfo getExamOldAssignment() { if (iExam instanceof ExamAssignmentInfo) return (ExamAssignmentInfo) iExam; return null; } public ExamAssignmentInfo getExamAssignment() { if (iChange != null && iChange.getConflict(iExam) != null) return null; if (iExam instanceof ExamAssignmentInfo) return (ExamAssignmentInfo) iExam; return null; } public boolean isExamAssigned() { return getExamAssignment() != null && getExamAssignment().getPeriodId() != null; } public void update() throws Exception { iSuggestions = null; if (iChange == null) return; if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { iChange = getSolver().update(iChange); } else { Vector<ExamAssignment> assignments = new Vector(iChange.getAssignments()); Hashtable<Long, ExamAssignment> table = iChange.getAssignmentTable(); iChange.getAssignments().clear(); for (ExamAssignment assignment : assignments) { iChange.getAssignments().add(new ExamAssignmentInfo(assignment.getExam(), assignment.getPeriod(), assignment.getRooms(), table)); } iChange.getConflicts().clear(); for (ExamAssignment assignment : new Vector<ExamAssignment>(iChange.getAssignments())) { if (assignment.getRooms() != null) { for (ExamRoomInfo room : assignment.getRooms()) { Set<Long> canShareRoom = (assignment.getRooms().size() == 1 ? getCanShareRoomExams(assignment.getExamId()) : new HashSet<Long>()); int size = assignment.getNrStudents(); if (!canShareRoom.isEmpty()) { for (ExamAssignment other : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (!other.equals(assignment) && other.getPeriodId().equals(assignment.getPeriodId()) && assignment.getRooms().equals(other.getRooms())) size += other.getNrStudents(); } if (size > room.getCapacity(assignment)) { if (!getExam().equals(assignment)) { iChange.getAssignments().remove(assignment); iChange.getConflicts().add(new ExamAssignment(assignment.getExam())); } continue; } } for (Exam x : room.getLocation().getExams(assignment.getPeriodId())) { if (iChange.getCurrent(x.getUniqueId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(x.getUniqueId()) == null) { if (canShareRoom.contains(x.getUniqueId())) { if (size + x.getSize() <= room.getCapacity(assignment)) size += x.getSize(); else iChange.getConflicts().add(new ExamAssignment(x)); } else { iChange.getConflicts().add(new ExamAssignment(x)); } } } } } } } } public String assign() { if (iChange == null) return "Nothing to assign.";"About to be assigned: " + iChange); if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { String message = null; for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getConflicts()) { String m = getSolver().unassign(assignment); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; } for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (iChange.getInitial(assignment) != null) { String m = getSolver().unassign(iChange.getInitial(assignment)); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; } } for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { String m = getSolver().assign(assignment); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; } return message; } else { org.hibernate.Session hibSession = new ExamDAO().getSession(); String message = null; for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getConflicts()) { String m = assignment.getExam(hibSession).unassign(iManagerExternalId, hibSession); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; } for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { try { String m = assignment.getExam(hibSession).assign(getAssignmentInfo(assignment), iManagerExternalId, hibSession); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; } catch (Exception e) { message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + "Assignment of " + assignment.getExamName() + " to " + assignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + assignment.getRoomsName(", ") + " failed, reason: " + e.getMessage(); } } return message; } } public boolean getCanAssign() { if (iChange == null) return false; for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) if (!assignment.isValid()) return false; return true; } public String getAssignConfirm() { if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { return "Are you sure?"; } else { return "The selected assignment will be done directly in the database. Are you sure?"; } } public void setForm(ExamInfoForm form) { iForm = form; } public void setExam(Exam exam) { iPeriods = null; iRooms = null; iCbs = null; iSuggestions = null; if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(exam.getExamType().getUniqueId())) { iExam = getSolver().getAssignmentInfo(exam.getUniqueId()); if (iExam == null) iExam = getSolver().getInfo(exam.getUniqueId()); if (iExam == null) iExam = new ExamInfo(exam); } else { if (exam.getAssignedPeriod() != null) iExam = new ExamAssignmentInfo(exam); else iExam = new ExamInfo(exam); } if (iChange != null) { iChange.setSelected(exam.getUniqueId()); /* for (Iterator<ExamAssignmentInfo> i=iChange.getAssignments().iterator();i.hasNext();) { ExamAssignmentInfo a =; if (!a.isValid()) i.remove(); } */ } if (iExam.getMaxRooms() > 0) { iForm.setMinRoomSize(String.valueOf(iExam.getNrStudents())); iForm.setMaxRoomSize(null); } iForm.setRoomFilter(null); iForm.setDepth(2); iForm.setTimeout(5000); } public ExamAssignmentInfo getAssignmentInfo(ExamAssignment assignment) throws Exception { if (assignment instanceof ExamAssignmentInfo) return (ExamAssignmentInfo) assignment; if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { return getSolver().getAssignment(assignment.getExamId(), assignment.getPeriodId(), assignment.getRoomIds()); } else { if (iChange != null) return new ExamAssignmentInfo(assignment.getExam(), assignment.getPeriod(), assignment.getRooms(), iChange.getAssignmentTable()); else return new ExamAssignmentInfo(assignment.getExam(), assignment.getPeriod(), assignment.getRooms()); } } public ExamAssignmentInfo getSelectedAssignment() throws Exception { if (iChange == null) return null; for (ExamAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) if (assignment.getExamId().equals(iExam.getExamId())) return getAssignmentInfo(assignment); return null; } public void setPeriod(long periodId) throws Exception { iRooms = null; if (iChange == null) iChange = new ExamProposedChange(); for (ExamAssignmentInfo period : getPeriods()) { if (periodId == period.getPeriodId()) { iChange.addChange(period, getExamOldAssignment()); } } if (iChange.isEmpty()) iChange = null; update(); } public void delete(long examId) throws Exception { if (iChange == null) return; for (Iterator<ExamAssignmentInfo> i = iChange.getAssignments().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamAssignmentInfo x = (ExamAssignmentInfo); if (x.getExamId().equals(examId)) i.remove(); } update(); } public void setRooms(String rooms) throws Exception { if (iChange == null) iChange = new ExamProposedChange(); ExamAssignmentInfo assignment = iChange.getCurrent(iExam); if (assignment == null && isExamAssigned()) { for (ExamAssignmentInfo period : getPeriods()) { if (getExamOldAssignment().getPeriodId().equals(period.getPeriodId())) { assignment = period; break; } } } if (assignment == null) return; if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { Vector<Long> assignedRooms = new Vector(); for (StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(rooms, ":"); stk.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = stk.nextToken(); if (token.trim().length() == 0) continue; assignedRooms.add(Long.valueOf(token.substring(0, token.indexOf('@')))); } assignment = getSolver().getAssignment(getExam().getExamId(), assignment.getPeriodId(), assignedRooms); } else { TreeSet<ExamRoomInfo> assignedRooms = new TreeSet(); for (StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(rooms, ":"); stk.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = stk.nextToken(); if (token.trim().length() == 0) continue; Long roomId = Long.valueOf(token.substring(0, token.indexOf('@'))); ExamRoomInfo room = null; for (ExamRoomInfo r : getRooms()) { if (r.getLocationId().equals(roomId)) { room = r; break; } } if (room != null) assignedRooms.add(room); } assignment = new ExamAssignmentInfo(getExam().getExam(), assignment.getPeriod(), assignedRooms, iChange.getAssignmentTable()); } iChange.addChange(assignment, getExamOldAssignment()); if (iChange.isEmpty()) iChange = null; update(); } public void setSuggestion(int idx) { if (iSuggestions == null || iSuggestions.getSuggestions() == null || iSuggestions.getSuggestions().size() <= idx) return; iChange = iSuggestions.getSuggestions().elementAt(idx); } public void apply(HttpServletRequest request, ExamInfoForm form) { if (request.getParameter("pord") != null) iPeriodTableOrd = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pord")); iForm = form; } public void refreshRooms() { iRooms = null; } public void refreshSuggestions() { iSuggestions = null; } public static String dc2html(boolean html, int conf, int diff) { String ret = (conf <= 0 ? "" : html ? "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("P") + "'>" + conf + "</font>" : String.valueOf(conf)); if (html && diff < 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("R") + "'> (" + diff + ")</font>"; if (html && diff > 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("P") + "'> (+" + diff + ")</font>"; if (!html && diff < 0) ret += " (" + diff + ")"; if (!html && diff > 0) ret += " (+" + diff + ")"; return ret; } public static String m2d2html(boolean html, int conf, int diff) { String ret = (conf <= 0 ? "" : html ? "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("2") + "'>" + conf + "</font>" : String.valueOf(conf)); if (html && diff < 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("-2") + "'> (" + diff + ")</font>"; if (html && diff > 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("2") + "'> (+" + diff + ")</font>"; if (!html && diff < 0) ret += " (" + diff + ")"; if (!html && diff > 0) ret += " (+" + diff + ")"; return ret; } public static String btb2html(boolean html, int conf, int diff, int dconf, int ddiff) { String ret = (conf <= 0 ? "" : html ? "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("1") + "'>" + conf + "</font>" : String.valueOf(conf)); if (html) { if (diff < 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("-1") + "'> (" + diff + "</font>"; else if (diff > 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("1") + "'> (+" + diff + "</font>"; else if (ddiff != 0) ret += " (" + String.valueOf(diff); if (ddiff < 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("-1") + "'> d:" + ddiff + "</font>"; if (ddiff > 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("1") + "'> d:+" + ddiff + "</font>"; if (diff < 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("-1") + "'>)</font>"; else if (diff > 0) ret += "<font color='" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color("1") + "'>)</font>"; else if (ddiff != 0) ret += ")"; } else { if (diff < 0) ret += " (" + diff; else if (diff > 0) ret += " (+" + diff; else if (ddiff != 0) ret += " (" + String.valueOf(diff); if (ddiff < 0) ret += " d:" + ddiff; if (ddiff > 0) ret += " d:+" + ddiff; if (diff < 0) ret += ")"; else if (diff > 0) ret += ")"; else if (ddiff != 0) ret += ")"; } return ret; } public String getPeriodsTable() { try { WebTable table = new WebTable(8, "Available Periods for " + getExam().getExamName(), "" + new Date().getTime(), new String[] { "Available<br>Period", "Violated<br>Distributions", "Student<br>Direct", "Student<br>> 2 A Day", "Student<br>Back-To-Back", "Instructor<br>Direct", "Instructor<br>> 2 A Day", "Instructor<br>Back-To-Back" }, new String[] { "left", "left", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right" }, new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true }); ExamAssignmentInfo current = getExamAssignment(); for (ExamAssignmentInfo period : getPeriods()) { boolean initial = (getExamOldAssignment() != null && getExamOldAssignment().getPeriodId() != null && getExamOldAssignment().getPeriodId().equals(period.getPeriodId())); WebTable.WebTableLine line = table.addLine( "onClick=\"displayLoading();document.location='" + period.getPeriodId() + "&noCacheTS=" + new Date().getTime() + "';\"", new String[] { (initial ? "<u>" : "") + period.getPeriodAbbreviationWithPref() + (initial ? "</u>" : ""), period.getDistributionConflictsHtml("<br>"), dc2html(true, period.getNrDirectConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrDirectConflicts() - current.getNrDirectConflicts())), m2d2html(true, period.getNrMoreThanTwoConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrMoreThanTwoConflicts() - current.getNrMoreThanTwoConflicts())), btb2html(true, period.getNrBackToBackConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrBackToBackConflicts() - current.getNrBackToBackConflicts()), period.getNrDistanceBackToBackConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrDistanceBackToBackConflicts() - current.getNrDistanceBackToBackConflicts())), dc2html(true, period.getNrInstructorDirectConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrInstructorDirectConflicts() - current.getNrInstructorDirectConflicts())), m2d2html(true, period.getNrInstructorMoreThanTwoConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrInstructorMoreThanTwoConflicts() - current.getNrInstructorMoreThanTwoConflicts())), btb2html(true, period.getNrInstructorBackToBackConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrInstructorBackToBackConflicts() - current.getNrInstructorBackToBackConflicts()), period.getNrInstructorDistanceBackToBackConflicts(), (current == null ? 0 : period.getNrInstructorDistanceBackToBackConflicts() - current.getNrInstructorDistanceBackToBackConflicts())) }, new Comparable[] { period.getPeriodOrd(), period.getDistributionConflictsList(":"), period.getNrDirectConflicts(), period.getNrMoreThanTwoConflicts(), period.getNrBackToBackConflicts(), period.getNrInstructorDirectConflicts(), period.getNrInstructorMoreThanTwoConflicts(), period.getNrInstructorBackToBackConflicts() }); ExamAssignment examAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iExam)); if ((isExamAssigned() || examAssignment != null) && period.getPeriodId() .equals((examAssignment == null ? getExamAssignment() : examAssignment).getPeriodId())) { line.setBgColor("rgb(168,187,225)"); } } return table.printTable(iPeriodTableOrd); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); return null; } } public Collection<ExamAssignmentInfo> getPeriods() { if (iPeriods == null) { if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { iPeriods = getSolver().getPeriods(getExam().getExamId(), iChange); } else { try { Hashtable<Long, Set<Exam>> studentExams = getExam().getExam().getStudentExams(); iPeriods = new Vector<ExamAssignmentInfo>(); for (Iterator i = ExamPeriod .findAll(getExam().getExam().getSession().getUniqueId(), getExam().getExamTypeId()) .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamPeriod period = (ExamPeriod); try { iPeriods.add(new ExamAssignmentInfo(getExam().getExam(), period, null, studentExams, (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getAssignmentTable()))); } catch (Exception e) { if (!"Given period is prohibited.".equals(e.getMessage()) && !"Given period is two short.".equals(e.getMessage())) Debug.error(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); } } } return iPeriods; } public TreeSet findAllExamLocations(Long sessionId, Long examTypeId) { String a = "", b = ""; if (iForm.getRoomFeatures() != null && iForm.getRoomFeatures().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomFeatures().length; i++) { a += ", GlobalRoomFeature f" + i; b += " and f" + i + ".uniqueId=" + iForm.getRoomFeatures()[i] + " and f" + i + " in elements(r.features)"; } } if (iForm.getRoomGroups() != null && iForm.getRoomGroups().length > 0) { b += " and ("; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomGroups().length; i++) { if (i > 0) b += " or"; a += ", RoomGroup g" + i; b += " (g" + i + ".uniqueId=" + iForm.getRoomGroups()[i] + " and g" + i + " in elements(r.roomGroups))"; } b += ")"; } if (iForm.getRoomTypes() != null && iForm.getRoomTypes().length > 0) { b += " and r.roomType.uniqueId in ("; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomTypes().length; i++) { if (i > 0) b += ","; b += iForm.getRoomTypes()[i]; } b += ")"; } return new TreeSet((new LocationDAO()).getSession() .createQuery("select r from Location r inner join r.examTypes x " + a + " where r.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and x.uniqueId = :examTypeId " + b) .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setLong("examTypeId", examTypeId).setCacheable(true).list()); } protected void filterRooms() { rooms: for (Iterator<ExamRoomInfo> i1 = iRooms.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { ExamRoomInfo r =; if (iForm.getRoomTypes() != null && iForm.getRoomTypes().length > 0) { boolean ok = false; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomTypes().length; i++) if (r.getLocation().getRoomType().getUniqueId().equals(iForm.getRoomTypes()[i])) { ok = true; break; } if (!ok) { i1.remove(); continue rooms; } } if (iForm.getRoomFeatures() != null && iForm.getRoomFeatures().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomFeatures().length; i++) if (!r.getLocation().hasFeature(iForm.getRoomFeatures()[i])) { i1.remove(); continue rooms; } } if (iForm.getRoomGroups() != null && iForm.getRoomGroups().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomGroups().length; i++) if (r.getLocation().hasGroup(iForm.getRoomGroups()[i])) continue rooms; i1.remove(); } } } protected Set<Long> getCanShareRoomExams(Long examId) { return new HashSet<Long>(ExamDAO.getInstance().getSession().createQuery( "select o.prefGroup.uniqueId from DistributionPref p inner join p.distributionObjects x inner join p.distributionObjects o " + "where p.distributionType.reference = :shareType and x.prefGroup.uniqueId = :examId and x.prefGroup != o.prefGroup") .setString("shareType", "EX_SHARE_ROOM").setLong("examId", examId).setCacheable(true).list()); } protected Vector<ExamRoomInfo> findRooms(ExamPeriod period, int minRoomSize, int maxRoomSize, String filter, boolean allowConflicts) { Vector<ExamRoomInfo> rooms = new Vector<ExamRoomInfo>(); boolean reqRoom = false; boolean reqBldg = false; boolean reqGroup = false; Exam exam = getExam().getExam(new ExamDAO().getSession()); Set<Long> canShareRoom = getCanShareRoomExams(getExam().getExamId()); Set groupPrefs = exam.getPreferences(RoomGroupPref.class); Set roomPrefs = exam.getPreferences(RoomPref.class); Set bldgPrefs = exam.getPreferences(BuildingPref.class); Set featurePrefs = exam.getPreferences(RoomFeaturePref.class); TreeSet locations = findAllExamLocations(period.getSession().getUniqueId(), period.getExamType().getUniqueId()); Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> locationTable = Location.findExamLocationTable(period.getUniqueId()); if (getExamAssignment() != null) { if (getExamAssignment().getPeriod().equals(period) && getExamAssignment().getRooms() != null) for (ExamRoomInfo room : getExamAssignment().getRooms()) { Set<Long> exams = locationTable.get(room.getLocationId()); if (exams != null) exams.remove(getExam().getExamId()); } } if (iChange != null) { for (ExamAssignment conflict : iChange.getConflicts()) { if (conflict.getPeriod().equals(period) && conflict.getRooms() != null) for (ExamRoomInfo room : conflict.getRooms()) { Set<Long> exams = locationTable.get(room.getLocationId()); if (exams != null) exams.remove(conflict.getExamId()); } } for (ExamAssignment current : iChange.getAssignments()) { ExamAssignment initial = iChange.getInitial(current); if (initial != null && initial.getPeriod().equals(period) && initial.getRooms() != null) for (ExamRoomInfo room : initial.getRooms()) { Set<Long> exams = locationTable.get(room.getLocationId()); if (exams != null) exams.remove(initial.getExamId()); } } for (ExamAssignment current : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (!iExam.getExamId().equals(current.getExamId()) && current.getPeriod().equals(period) && current.getRooms() != null) for (ExamRoomInfo room : current.getRooms()) { Set<Long> exams = locationTable.get(room.getLocationId()); if (exams == null) { exams = new HashSet<Long>(); locationTable.put(room.getLocationId(), exams); } exams.add(current.getExamId()); } } } rooms: for (Iterator i1 = locations.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { Location room = (Location); boolean shouldNotBeUsed = PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged .equals(room.getExamPreference(period).getPrefProlog()); boolean add = true; PreferenceCombination pref = new SumPreferenceCombination(); // --- group preference ---------- PreferenceCombination groupPref = PreferenceCombination.getDefault(); for (Iterator i2 = groupPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomGroupPref p = (RoomGroupPref); if (p.getRoomGroup().getRooms().contains(room)) groupPref.addPreferenceProlog(p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()); } if (groupPref.getPreferenceProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited)) add = false; if (reqGroup && !groupPref.getPreferenceProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) add = false; if (!reqGroup && (groupPref.getPreferenceProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired))) { reqGroup = true; rooms.clear(); } if (!groupPref.getPreferenceProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && !groupPref.getPreferenceProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(groupPref.getPreferenceProlog()); // --- room preference ------------ String roomPref = room.getExamPreference(period).getPrefProlog(); for (Iterator i2 = roomPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomPref p = (RoomPref); if (room.equals(p.getRoom())) { roomPref = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); shouldNotBeUsed = false; break; } } if (roomPref != null && roomPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited)) add = false; if (reqRoom && (roomPref == null || !roomPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired))) add = false; if (!reqRoom && (roomPref != null && roomPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired))) { reqRoom = true; rooms.clear(); } if (roomPref != null && !roomPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && !roomPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(roomPref); // --- building preference ------------ Building bldg = (room instanceof Room ? ((Room) room).getBuilding() : null); String bldgPref = null; for (Iterator i2 = bldgPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { BuildingPref p = (BuildingPref); if (bldg != null && bldg.equals(p.getBuilding())) { bldgPref = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); break; } } if (bldgPref != null && bldgPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited)) add = false; if (reqBldg && (bldgPref == null || !bldgPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired))) add = false; if (!reqBldg && (bldgPref != null && bldgPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired))) { reqBldg = true; rooms.clear(); } if (bldgPref != null && !bldgPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && !bldgPref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(bldgPref); // --- room features preference -------- boolean acceptableFeatures = true; PreferenceCombination featurePref = new MinMaxPreferenceCombination(); for (Iterator i2 = featurePrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomFeaturePref roomFeaturePref = (RoomFeaturePref); RoomFeature feature = roomFeaturePref.getRoomFeature(); String p = roomFeaturePref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); boolean hasFeature = feature.getRooms().contains(room); if (p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && hasFeature) { acceptableFeatures = false; } if (p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired) && !hasFeature) { acceptableFeatures = false; } if (p != null && hasFeature && !p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && !p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) featurePref.addPreferenceProlog(p); } pref.addPreferenceInt(featurePref.getPreferenceInt()); if (!acceptableFeatures) add = false; if (!add || shouldNotBeUsed) continue; Set<Long> exams = locationTable.get(room.getUniqueId()); boolean roomConflict = false; if (exams != null && !exams.isEmpty()) { for (Long other : exams) { if (!canShareRoom.contains(other)) { roomConflict = true; if (!allowConflicts) continue rooms; if (iChange != null && iChange.getCurrent(other) != null) continue rooms; } } } int cap = (getExam().getSeatingType() == Exam.sSeatingTypeExam ? room.getExamCapacity() : room.getCapacity()); if (minRoomSize >= 0 && cap < minRoomSize) continue; if (maxRoomSize >= 0 && cap > maxRoomSize) continue; if (PreferenceLevel.sProhibited.equals(room.getExamPreference(period).getPrefProlog())) continue; if (!match(room.getLabel(), filter)) continue; if (RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null) { Collection<TimeBlock> times = RoomAvailability.getInstance().getRoomAvailability(room.getUniqueId(), period.getStartTime(), period.getEndTime(), period.getExamType().getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeFinal ? RoomAvailabilityInterface.sFinalExamType : RoomAvailabilityInterface.sMidtermExamType); if (times != null) for (TimeBlock time : times) { if (period.overlap(time)) {"Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not avaiable due to " + time); continue rooms; } } } rooms.add(new ExamRoomInfo(room, (roomConflict ? 1000 : 0) + pref.getPreferenceInt())); } return rooms; } public String getRoomTable() { try { Vector<ExamRoomInfo> rooms = getRooms(); ExamAssignment examAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iExam)); Collection<ExamRoomInfo> assigned = (examAssignment != null ? examAssignment.getRooms() : isExamAssigned() ? getExamAssignment().getRooms() : null); Collection<ExamRoomInfo> original = (getExamOldAssignment() != null ? getExamOldAssignment().getRooms() : null); if (rooms == null || rooms.isEmpty()) return ""; Collections.sort(rooms, new Comparator<ExamRoomInfo>() { public int compare(ExamRoomInfo r1, ExamRoomInfo r2) { int cmp = 0; if (ExamInfoForm.sRoomOrdNameAsc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } else if (ExamInfoForm.sRoomOrdNameDesc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp = -r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } else if (ExamInfoForm.sRoomOrdSizeAsc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp =, r2.getCapacity(getExam())); } else if (ExamInfoForm.sRoomOrdSizeDesc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp =, r2.getCapacity(getExam())); } else { cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); ; if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return r1.getLocationId().compareTo(r2.getLocationId()); } }); String ret = ""; ret += "<script language='javascript'>"; ret += "function roomOver(source, id) { "; ret += " document.getElementById('r'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += "'hand';'pointer';"; ret += "}"; ret += "var sCap = -1;"; ret += "var sRooms = '"; if (assigned != null && assigned.size() > 0) { for (ExamRoomInfo room : assigned) { ret += ":" + room.getLocationId() + "@" + room.getCapacity(getExam()); } } ret += "';"; ret += "var sNrRooms = " + (assigned != null ? assigned.size() : 0) + ";"; ret += "function roomSelected(id) {"; ret += " return sRooms.indexOf(':'+id+'@')>=0;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function roomOut(id) { "; ret += " var bg = 'transparent';"; ret += " if (roomSelected(id)) bg='rgb(168,187,225)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('r'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function roomClick(source, id, cap) { "; ret += " if (sCap<0) {"; ret += " sCap = 0; sRooms=''; sNrRooms=0;"; if (assigned != null && assigned.size() > 0) { for (ExamRoomInfo room : assigned) ret += " roomOut(" + room.getLocationId() + ");"; } ret += " }"; ret += " var i = sRooms.indexOf(':'+id+'@');"; ret += " if (i>=0) {"; ret += " var j = sRooms.indexOf(':',i+1);"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms.substring(0, i)+(j>=0?sRooms.substring(j):'');"; ret += " sCap -= cap; sNrRooms--;"; ret += " } else {"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms + ':' + id + '@' + cap;"; ret += " sCap += cap; sNrRooms++;"; ret += " if (sNrRooms>" + getExam().getMaxRooms() + ") {"; ret += " var fid = sRooms.substring(1, sRooms.indexOf('@'));"; ret += " var fcap = sRooms.substring(sRooms.indexOf('@')+1, sRooms.indexOf(':',1));"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms.substring(sRooms.indexOf(':',1));"; ret += " sCap -= fcap; sNrRooms--; roomOut(fid);"; ret += " };"; ret += " }"; ret += " roomOut(id);"; ret += " if (sCap>=" + getExam().getNrStudents() + ") {displayLoading(); document.location=''+sRooms+'&noCacheTS=" + new Date().getTime() + "';}"; ret += " var c = document.getElementById('roomCapacityCounter');"; ret += " if (c!=null) c.innerHTML = (sCap<" + getExam().getNrStudents() + "?'<font color=\"red\">'+sCap+'</font>':''+sCap);"; ret += "}"; ret += "</script>"; ret += "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"; int idx = 0; int step = 6; for (ExamRoomInfo room : rooms) { if ((idx % step) == 0) { if (idx > 0) ret += "</tr>"; ret += "<tr>"; } String style = ""; if (assigned != null && assigned.contains(room)) style += "background-color:rgb(168,187,225);"; if (original != null && original.contains(room)) style += "text-decoration:underline;"; String mouse = "onMouseOver=\"roomOver(this," + room.getLocationId() + ");\" " + "onMouseOut=\"roomOut(" + room.getLocationId() + ");\" " + "onClick=\"roomClick(this," + room.getLocationId() + "," + room.getCapacity(getExam()) + ");\""; ret += "<td nowrap id='r" + room.getLocationId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + room.toString() + "</td>"; if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td id='c" + room.getLocationId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + room.getCapacity(getExam()) + "</td>"; idx++; } while ((idx % step) != 0) { ret += "<td colspan='2'> </td>"; idx++; } ret += "</tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } } public Vector<ExamRoomInfo> getRooms() { if (getExam().getMaxRooms() == 0) return null; int minRoomSize = -1; try { minRoomSize = (iForm.getMinRoomSize() == null || iForm.getMinRoomSize().length() == 0 ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(iForm.getMinRoomSize().trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } int maxRoomSize = -1; try { maxRoomSize = (iForm.getMaxRoomSize() == null || iForm.getMaxRoomSize().length() == 0 ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(iForm.getMaxRoomSize().trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (getSelectedAssignment() == null && !isExamAssigned()) return null; if (iRooms == null) { if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { iRooms = getSolver().getRooms(getExam().getExamId(), getSelectedAssignment() != null ? getSelectedAssignment().getPeriodId() : getExamAssignment().getPeriodId(), iChange, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize, iForm.getRoomFilter(), iForm.getAllowRoomConflict()); filterRooms(); } else { iRooms = findRooms( getSelectedAssignment() != null ? getSelectedAssignment().getPeriod() : getExamAssignment().getPeriod(), minRoomSize, maxRoomSize, iForm.getRoomFilter(), iForm.getAllowRoomConflict()); } } return iRooms; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } public int getRoomSize() { ExamAssignment examAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iExam)); if (examAssignment != null) return examAssignment.getRoomSize(); if (isExamAssigned()) return getExamAssignment().getRoomSize(); return 0; } public ExamProposedChange getChange() { if (iChange == null || iChange.getAssignments().isEmpty()) return null; return iChange; } public static boolean match(String name, String filter) { if (filter == null || filter.trim().length() == 0) return true; String n = name.toUpperCase(); StringTokenizer stk1 = new StringTokenizer(filter.toUpperCase(), ";"); while (stk1.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer stk2 = new StringTokenizer(stk1.nextToken(), " ,"); boolean match = true; while (match && stk2.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = stk2.nextToken().trim(); if (token.length() == 0) continue; if (token.indexOf('*') >= 0 || token.indexOf('?') >= 0) { try { String tokenRegExp = "\\s+" + token.replaceAll("\\.", "\\.").replaceAll("\\?", ".+").replaceAll("\\*", ".*") + "\\s"; if (!Pattern.compile(tokenRegExp).matcher(" " + n + " ").find()) match = false; } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { match = false; } } else if (n.indexOf(token) < 0) match = false; } if (match) return true; } return false; } public ExamConflictStatisticsInfo getCbs() { if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { if (iCbs == null) iCbs = getSolver().getCbsInfo(iExam.getExamId()); return iCbs; } return null; } public ExamSuggestionsInfo getSuggestions() { if (getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId())) { if (iSuggestions == null) { try { iSuggestions = getSolver().getSuggestions(iExam.getExamId(), iChange, iForm.getFilter(), iForm.getDepth(), iForm.getLimit(), iForm.getTimeout()); } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return iSuggestions; } return null; } public boolean getCanComputeSuggestions() { return getSolver() != null && getSolver().getExamTypeId().equals(getExam().getExamTypeId()); } public String getSuggestionTable() { ExamSuggestionsInfo suggestions = getSuggestions(); if (suggestions == null) return null; String ret = "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='100%'>"; if (suggestions.getSuggestions() != null && !suggestions.getSuggestions().isEmpty()) { ret += "<tr>"; ret += "<td><i>Value</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Examination</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Period Change</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Room Change</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Direct</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>>2 A Day</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>BTB</i></td>"; ret += "</tr>"; int idx = 0; for (ExamProposedChange suggestion : suggestions.getSuggestions()) { ret += suggestion.getHtmlLine(idx++); } } ret += "<tr><td colspan='7'><i>" + suggestions.getMessage() + "</i></td></tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } public boolean isSuggestionsTimeoutReached() { ExamSuggestionsInfo suggestions = getSuggestions(); if (suggestions == null) return false; return suggestions.getTimeoutReached(); } }