Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.context.AssignmentConstraintContext; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.context.ModelWithContext; import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionListener; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class CurModel extends ModelWithContext<CurVariable, CurValue, CurModel.CurModelContext> { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(CurModel.class); private static DecimalFormat sDF = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); private List<CurStudent> iStudents = new ArrayList<CurStudent>(); private Map<Long, CurCourse> iCourses = new Hashtable<Long, CurCourse>(); private List<CurCourse> iSwapableCourses = new ArrayList<CurCourse>(); private CurStudentLimit iStudentLimit = null; private double iMinStudentWeight = Float.MAX_VALUE, iMaxStudentWeight = 0.0, iTotalStudentWeight = 0.0; private double iBestAssignedWeight = 0.0, iMaxAssignedWeight = 0.0; public CurModel(Collection<CurStudent> students) { for (CurStudent student : students) student.setModel(this); iStudents.addAll(students); iStudentLimit = new CurStudentLimit(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) { iMinStudentWeight = Math.min(iMinStudentWeight, student.getWeight()); iMaxStudentWeight = Math.max(iMaxStudentWeight, student.getWeight()); iTotalStudentWeight += student.getWeight(); } } public double getMinStudentWidth() { return iMinStudentWeight; } public double getMaxStudentWidth() { return iMaxStudentWeight; } public void addCourse(Long courseId, String courseName, double size, Double priority) { CurCourse course = new CurCourse(this, courseId, courseName, Math.min(iStudents.size(), (int) Math.round(size / getMinStudentWidth())), size, priority); iCourses.put(courseId, course); if (course.getNrStudents() < iStudents.size()) iSwapableCourses.add(course); iMaxAssignedWeight += course.getOriginalMaxSize(); } public void setTargetShare(Long c1, Long c2, double share, boolean round) { CurCourse course1 = iCourses.get(c1); CurCourse course2 = iCourses.get(c2); double ub = Math.min(course1.getOriginalMaxSize(), course2.getOriginalMaxSize()); double lb = Math.max(0, course1.getOriginalMaxSize() + course2.getOriginalMaxSize() - iTotalStudentWeight); double ts = Math.max(lb, Math.min(ub, share)); if (ts != share) sLog.debug("Target share between " + course1.getCourseName() + " and " + course2.getCourseName() + " changed to " + ts + " (was: " + share + ", lb:" + lb + ", ub:" + ub + ")"); course1.setTargetShare(c2, round ? Math.round(ts) : ts); course2.setTargetShare(c1, round ? Math.round(ts) : ts); } protected void setTargetShareNoAdjustments(Long c1, Long c2, double share) { CurCourse course1 = iCourses.get(c1); CurCourse course2 = iCourses.get(c2); course1.setTargetShare(c2, share); course2.setTargetShare(c1, share); } public void setStudentLimits() { double nrStudentCourses = 0; for (CurCourse course : getCourses()) { nrStudentCourses += course.getOriginalMaxSize(); } double studentWeight = 0; for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) { studentWeight += student.getWeight(); } double avg = nrStudentCourses / studentWeight; int maxLimit = 1 + (int) Math.ceil(avg); int minLimit = (int) Math.floor(avg) - 1; sLog.debug("Student course limit <" + minLimit + "," + maxLimit + ">"); iStudentLimit = new CurStudentLimit(minLimit, maxLimit); addGlobalConstraint(iStudentLimit); } public CurStudentLimit getStudentLimit() { return iStudentLimit; } public Collection<CurCourse> getCourses() { return iCourses.values(); } public CurCourse getCourse(Long courseId) { return iCourses.get(courseId); } public List<CurStudent> getStudents() { return iStudents; } public List<CurCourse> getSwapCourses() { return iSwapableCourses; } @Override public Map<String, String> getInfo(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { Map<String, String> ret = super.getInfo(assignment); ret.put("Students", String.valueOf(getStudents().size())); ret.put("Courses", String.valueOf(getCourses().size())); double avgEnrollment = ((double) variables().size()) / getCourses().size(); double rmsEnrollment = 0.0; for (CurCourse c1 : getCourses()) rmsEnrollment += (c1.getNrStudents() - avgEnrollment) * (c1.getNrStudents() - avgEnrollment); ret.put("Course size", sDF.format(avgEnrollment) + " " + sDF.format(Math.sqrt(rmsEnrollment / getCourses().size()))); int totalCourses = 0; for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) totalCourses += student.getCourses(assignment).size(); double avgCourses = ((double) totalCourses) / getStudents().size(); double rmsCourses = 0.0; for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) rmsCourses += (student.getCourses(assignment).size() - avgCourses) * (student.getCourses(assignment).size() - avgCourses); ret.put("Courses per student", sDF.format(avgCourses) + " " + sDF.format(Math.sqrt(rmsCourses / getStudents().size())) + " (limit: " + getStudentLimit().getMinLimit() + " .. " + getStudentLimit().getMaxLimit() + ")"); int totalShare = 0; double totalError = 0; double rmsError = 0.0; int pairs = 0; for (CurCourse c1 : getCourses()) for (CurCourse c2 : getCourses()) if (c1.getCourseId() < c2.getCourseId()) { double share = c1.share(assignment, c2); double target = c1.getTargetShare(c2.getCourseId()); totalError += Math.abs(share - target); rmsError += (share - target) * (share - target); pairs++; totalShare += share; } ret.put("Errors", sDF.format(totalError) + " (" + sDF.format(100.0 * totalError / totalShare) + "% of total share, avg: " + sDF.format(((double) totalError) / pairs) + ", rms: " + sDF.format(Math.sqrt(rmsError / pairs)) + ")"); ret.put("Assigned Student Weight", sDF.format(getContext(assignment).getAssignedWeight()) + "/" + sDF.format(getMaxWeight())); double totalStudentWeight = 0; for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) { totalStudentWeight += student.getWeight(); } double avgStudentWeight = totalStudentWeight / getStudents().size(); double rmsStudentWeight = 0; for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) { rmsStudentWeight += (student.getWeight() - avgStudentWeight) * (student.getWeight() - avgStudentWeight); } ret.put("Student Weight", sDF.format(getMinStudentWidth()) + " .. " + sDF.format(getMaxStudentWidth()) + " (avg: " + sDF.format(avgStudentWeight) + ", rms: " + sDF.format(Math.sqrt(rmsStudentWeight / getStudents().size())) + ")"); return ret; } public double getTotalValue(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { double value = 0; for (CurCourse c1 : iCourses.values()) for (CurCourse c2 : iCourses.values()) if (c1.getCourseId() < c2.getCourseId()) value += c1.penalty(assignment, c2); return value; } public double getMaxWeight() { return iMaxAssignedWeight; } public double getBestWeight() { return iBestAssignedWeight; } @Override public void saveBest(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { super.saveBest(assignment); iBestAssignedWeight = getContext(assignment).getAssignedWeight(); } @Override public void clearBest() { super.clearBest(); iBestAssignedWeight = 0.0; } public String toString(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { return assignedVariables(assignment).size() + "/" + variables().size() + " V:" + sDF.format(getTotalValue(assignment)) + " A:" + sDF.format(getContext(assignment).getAssignedWeight()) + "/" + sDF.format(getMaxWeight()); } public void ifs(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties cfg = new org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties(); cfg.setProperty("Termination.Class", "org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurTermination"); cfg.setProperty("Termination.StopWhenComplete", "false"); cfg.setProperty("Termination.TimeOut", "60"); cfg.setProperty("Termination.MaxIdle", "1000"); cfg.setProperty("Comparator.Class", "org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurComparator"); cfg.setProperty("Variable.Class", "org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurVariableSelection"); cfg.setProperty("Value.Class", "org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurValueSelection"); cfg.setProperty("General.SaveBestUnassigned", "-1"); Solver<CurVariable, CurValue> solver = new Solver<CurVariable, CurValue>(cfg); solver.setInitalSolution(new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment)); solver.currentSolution().addSolutionListener(new SolutionListener<CurVariable, CurValue>() { @Override public void solutionUpdated(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution) { } @Override public void getInfo(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution, Map<String, String> info, Collection<CurVariable> variables) { } @Override public void getInfo(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution, Map<String, String> info) { } @Override public void bestSaved(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution) { sLog.debug(((CurModel) solution.getModel()).toString(solution.getAssignment()) + ", i:" + solution.getIteration()); } @Override public void bestRestored(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution) { } @Override public void bestCleared(Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution) { } }); solver.start(); try { solver.getSolverThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = solver.lastSolution(); solution.restoreBest(); sLog.debug("Best solution found after " + solution.getBestTime() + " seconds (" + solution.getBestIteration() + " iterations)."); sLog.debug("Number of assigned variables is " + solution.getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables()); sLog.debug("Total value of the solution is " + solution.getModel().getTotalValue(solution.getAssignment())); } public void saveAsXml(Element root, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { List<Long> courses = new ArrayList<Long>(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.##########", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); for (CurCourse course : getCourses()) { Element courseElement = root.addElement("course"); courseElement.addAttribute("id", course.getCourseId().toString()); courseElement.addAttribute("name", course.getCourseName()); courseElement.addAttribute("limit", df.format(course.getOriginalMaxSize())); if (course.getPriority() != null) courseElement.addAttribute("priority", course.getPriority().toString()); if (!courses.isEmpty()) { String share = ""; for (Long other : courses) { share += (share.isEmpty() ? "" : ",") + df.format(course.getTargetShare(other)); } courseElement.addAttribute("share", share); } courses.add(course.getCourseId()); } for (CurStudent student : getStudents()) { Element studentElement = root.addElement("student"); studentElement.addAttribute("id", student.getStudentId().toString()); if (student.getWeight() != 1.0) studentElement.addAttribute("weight", df.format(student.getWeight())); String courseIds = ""; for (CurCourse course : student.getCourses(assignment)) { courseIds += (courseIds.isEmpty() ? "" : ",") + course.getCourseId(); } studentElement.setText(courseIds); } } public static Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> loadFromXml(Element root) { List<Element> studentElements = root.elements("student"); List<CurStudent> students = new ArrayList<CurStudent>(); for (Element studentElement : studentElements) { students.add(new CurStudent(Long.valueOf(studentElement.attributeValue("id")), Float.parseFloat(studentElement.attributeValue("weight", "1.0")))); } CurModel m = new CurModel(students); Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> a = new DefaultSingleAssignment<CurVariable, CurValue>(); List<Long> courses = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Iterator<Element> i = root.elementIterator("course"); i.hasNext();) { Element courseElement =; Long courseId = Long.valueOf(courseElement.attributeValue("id")); String courseName = courseElement.attributeValue("name"); double size = Float.parseFloat(courseElement.attributeValue("limit")); String priority = courseElement.attributeValue("priority"); m.addCourse(courseId, courseName, size, priority == null ? null : Double.valueOf(priority)); if (!courses.isEmpty()) { String share[] = courseElement.attributeValue("share").split(","); for (int j = 0; j < courses.size(); j++) m.setTargetShareNoAdjustments(courseId, courses.get(j), Float.parseFloat(share[j])); } courses.add(courseId); } int idx = 0; for (Element studentElement : studentElements) { CurStudent student = students.get(idx++); String courseIds = studentElement.getText(); if (courseIds != null && !courseIds.isEmpty()) { for (String courseId : courseIds.split(",")) { CurCourse course = m.getCourse(Long.valueOf(courseId)); CurVariable var = null; for (CurVariable v : course.variables()) if (a.getValue(v) == null) { var = v; break; } a.assign(0, new CurValue(var, student)); } } } return new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(m, a); } public void naive(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { int maxIdle = cfg.getPropertyInt("Curriculum.Naive.MaxIdle", 1000); sLog.debug(" -- running naive"); int idle = 0, it = 0; double best = getTotalValue(assignment); CurStudentSwap sw = new CurStudentSwap(cfg); Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment); while (!getSwapCourses().isEmpty() && idle < maxIdle) { Neighbour<CurVariable, CurValue> n = sw.selectNeighbour(solution); if (n == null) break; double value = n.value(assignment); if (value < 0.0) { idle = 0; n.assign(assignment, it); } else if (value == 0.0) { n.assign(assignment, it); } if (getTotalValue(assignment) < best) { best = getTotalValue(assignment); sLog.debug(" -- best value: " + toString(assignment)); } it++; idle++; } sLog.debug(" -- final value: " + toString(assignment)); } public void hc(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { int maxIdle = cfg.getPropertyInt("Curriculum.HC.MaxIdle", 1000); sLog.debug(" -- running hill climber"); int it = 0, idle = 0; double total = getTotalValue(assignment); double best = total; CurHillClimber hc = new CurHillClimber(cfg); Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment); while (idle < maxIdle) { Neighbour<CurVariable, CurValue> n = hc.selectNeighbour(solution); if (n == null) break; if (nrUnassignedVariables(assignment) == 0 && n.value(assignment) >= -1e7f) break; total += n.value(assignment); n.assign(assignment, it); if (total < best) { best = total; idle = 0; sLog.debug(" -- best value: " + toString(assignment)); } else { idle++; } it++; } // cfg.setProperty("Curriculum.HC.Iters", String.valueOf(it)); // cfg.setProperty("Curriculum.HC.Value", String.valueOf(getTotalValue(assignment))); sLog.debug(" -- final value: " + toString(assignment)); } public void deluge(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { double f = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Curriculum.Deluge.Factor", 0.999999); double ub = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Curriculum.Deluge.UpperBound", 1.25); double lb = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Curriculum.Deluge.LowerBound", 0.75); sLog.debug(" -- running great deluge"); int it = 0; double total = getTotalValue(assignment); double bound = ub * total; double best = getTotalValue(assignment); CurStudentSwap sw = new CurStudentSwap(cfg); Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment); saveBest(assignment); while (!getSwapCourses().isEmpty() && bound > lb * total && total > 0) { Neighbour<CurVariable, CurValue> n = sw.selectNeighbour(solution); if (n != null) { double value = n.value(assignment); if (value <= 0.0 || total + value < bound) { n.assign(assignment, it); if (total + value < best) { best = total + value; saveBest(assignment); sLog.debug(" -- best value: " + toString(assignment) + ", bound: " + bound); } total += value; } } bound *= f; it++; } // cfg.setProperty("Curriculum.Deluge.Iters", String.valueOf(it)); restoreBest(assignment); // cfg.setProperty("Curriculum.Deluge.Value", String.valueOf(getTotalValue(assignment))); sLog.debug(" -- final value: " + toString(assignment)); } public void fast(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { int maxIdle = cfg.getPropertyInt("Curriculum.Fast.MaxIdle", 1000); sLog.debug(" -- running fast"); int idle = 0, it = 0; double total = getTotalValue(assignment); double best = total; CurSimpleMove m = new CurSimpleMove(cfg); Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment); while (idle < maxIdle) { Neighbour<CurVariable, CurValue> n = m.selectNeighbour(solution); if (n != null) { double value = n.value(assignment); if (value < 0.0) { idle = 0; n.assign(assignment, it); total += value; } else if (value == 0.0) { n.assign(assignment, it); } } if (total < best) { best = total; sLog.debug(" -- best value: " + toString(assignment)); } it++; idle++; } sLog.debug(" -- final value: " + toString(assignment)); } public DataProperties solve(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { return solve(new DataProperties(), assignment); } public DataProperties solve(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { if (cfg == null) cfg = new DataProperties(); sLog.debug(" -- setting up the solver"); CurVariableSelection var = new CurVariableSelection(cfg); CurValueSelection vs = new CurValueSelection(cfg); Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> solution = new Solution<CurVariable, CurValue>(this, assignment); sLog.debug(" -- creating initial assignment"); boolean precise = cfg.getPropertyBoolean("Curriculum.Initial.PreciseSelection", true); while (nrUnassignedVariables(assignment) > 0) { CurVariable course = var.selectVariable(solution); if (course.getCourse().isComplete(assignment)) { sLog.debug(" -- all complete"); break; } CurValue student = (precise ? vs.selectValueSlow(solution, course) : vs.selectValueFast(solution, course)); if (student == null) { sLog.debug(" -- no student for " + course.getCourse().getCourseName()); break; } assignment.assign(solution.getIteration(), student); } for (CurCourse course : getCourses()) { if (!course.isComplete(assignment)) { sLog.debug(" -- incomplete " + course.getCourseName() + ": " + getCourse(course.getCourseId()).getStudents(assignment) + " (" + course.getSize(assignment) + "/" + course.getOriginalMaxSize() + ")"); } } // cfg.setProperty("Curriculum.Initial.Value", String.valueOf(getTotalValue(assignment))); sLog.debug(" -- initial value: " + toString(assignment)); for (String phase : cfg.getProperty("Curriculum.Phases", "HC,Deluge").split(",")) { if ("hc".equalsIgnoreCase(phase)) hc(cfg, assignment); else if ("fast".equalsIgnoreCase(phase)) fast(cfg, assignment); else if ("deluge".equalsIgnoreCase(phase)) deluge(cfg, assignment); else if ("naive".equalsIgnoreCase(phase)) naive(cfg, assignment); else sLog.warn("Phase " + phase + " is not known"); } return cfg; } public boolean isSameModel(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof CurModel)) return false; CurModel m = (CurModel) o; if (getStudents().size() != m.getStudents().size()) return false; if (getStudentLimit().getMaxLimit() != m.getStudentLimit().getMaxLimit()) return false; if (getStudentLimit().getMinLimit() != m.getStudentLimit().getMinLimit()) return false; if (getMinStudentWidth() != m.getMinStudentWidth()) return false; if (getCourses().size() != m.getCourses().size()) return false; students: for (CurStudent s : getStudents()) { if (s.getStudentId() == null || s.getStudentId() < 0) continue; for (CurStudent z : m.getStudents()) { if (z.getStudentId().equals(s.getStudentId()) && z.getWeight() == s.getWeight()) continue students; } return false; } students: for (CurStudent s : m.getStudents()) { if (s.getStudentId() == null || s.getStudentId() < 0) continue; for (CurStudent z : getStudents()) { if (z.getStudentId().equals(s.getStudentId()) && z.getWeight() == s.getWeight()) continue students; } return false; } for (int idx = 0; idx < getStudents().size(); idx++) { CurStudent s = getStudents().get(idx); if (s.getStudentId() != null && s.getStudentId() >= 0) continue; if (s.getWeight() != m.getStudents().get(idx).getWeight()) { return false; } } for (CurCourse c1 : getCourses()) { CurCourse x1 = m.getCourse(c1.getCourseId()); if (x1 == null || x1.getNrStudents() != c1.getNrStudents() || !equals(x1.getPriority(), c1.getPriority())) return false; for (CurCourse c2 : getCourses()) if (c1.getCourseId() < c2.getCourseId() && Math .abs(c1.getTargetShare(c2.getCourseId()) - x1.getTargetShare(c2.getCourseId())) > 0.001) return false; } return true; } public static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2) { return (o1 == null ? o2 == null : o1.equals(o2)); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG); List<CurStudent> students = new ArrayList<CurStudent>(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) students.add(new CurStudent(new Long(1 + i), (i < 10 ? 0.5f : 2f))); CurModel m = new CurModel(students); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) m.addCourse((long) i, "C" + i, 2 * i, null); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j <= 10; j++) m.setTargetShare((long) i, (long) j, i, false); m.setStudentLimits(); Document d0 = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> a = new DefaultSingleAssignment<CurVariable, CurValue>(); m.saveAsXml(d0.addElement("curriculum"), a);;"Loaded: " + ToolBox.dict2string(m.getInfo(a), 2)); m.solve(a);"Solution: " + ToolBox.dict2string(m.getInfo(a), 2)); Document d1 = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); m.saveAsXml(d1.addElement("curriculum"), a);; Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> x = loadFromXml(d1.getRootElement());"Reloaded: " + ToolBox.dict2string(x.getInfo(), 2)); TreeSet<CurCourse> courses = new TreeSet<CurCourse>(new Comparator<CurCourse>() { public int compare(CurCourse c1, CurCourse c2) { int cmp = c1.getCourseName().compareTo(c2.getCourseName()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return c1.getCourseId().compareTo(c2.getCourseId()); } }); courses.addAll(m.getCourses()); int penalty = 0; for (CurCourse course : courses) { + ": " + m.getCourse(course.getCourseId()).getStudents(a) + " (" + course.getSize(a) + "/" + course.getOriginalMaxSize() + ")"); for (CurCourse other : courses) { if (other.getCourseId() <= course.getCourseId()) continue; double share = course.share(a, other); double target = course.getTargetShare(other.getCourseId());" " + other.getCourseName() + ": share=" + share + ", target=" + target + ", penalty=" + Math.abs(target - share)); penalty += Math.abs(target - share); } }"Total penalty: " + penalty); Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); m.saveAsXml(doc.addElement("curriculum"), a); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/Users/muller/solution.xml"); (new XMLWriter(fos, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint())).write(doc); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public class CurModelContext implements AssignmentConstraintContext<CurVariable, CurValue> { private double iAssignedWeight = 0.0; public CurModelContext(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { for (CurVariable var : variables()) { CurValue val = assignment.getValue(var); if (val != null) assigned(assignment, val); } } @Override public void assigned(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment, CurValue value) { iAssignedWeight += value.getStudent().getWeight(); } @Override public void unassigned(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment, CurValue value) { iAssignedWeight -= value.getStudent().getWeight(); } public double getAssignedWeight() { return iAssignedWeight; } } @Override public CurModelContext createAssignmentContext(Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> assignment) { return new CurModelContext(assignment); } }