Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment; import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment; import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Constraint; import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.IdGenerator; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Curriculum; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumClassification; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumCourse; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CurriculumCourseGroup; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstructionalOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PosMajor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Student; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.CurriculaCourseDemands.CurriculumCourseGroupsProvider; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.CurriculaCourseDemands.DefaultCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.CurriculaCourseDemands.TableCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurCourse; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurModel; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurStudent; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurValue; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.curricula.students.CurVariable; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class CurriculaLastLikeCourseDemands implements StudentCourseDemands { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(CurriculaLastLikeCourseDemands.class); private ProjectedStudentCourseDemands iProjectedDemands; private IdGenerator iLastStudentId = new IdGenerator(); private Hashtable<Long, Set<WeightedStudentId>> iDemands = new Hashtable<Long, Set<WeightedStudentId>>(); private Hashtable<Long, Set<WeightedCourseOffering>> iStudentRequests = new Hashtable<Long, Set<WeightedCourseOffering>>(); private Hashtable<String, Set<String>> iLoadedCurricula = new Hashtable<String, Set<String>>(); private Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Long, Double>> iEnrollmentPriorities = new Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Long, Double>>(); private HashSet<Long> iCheckedCourses = new HashSet<Long>(); private boolean iIncludeOtherStudents = true; private boolean iIncludeOtherCourses = true; private boolean iSetStudentCourseLimits = false; private CurriculumEnrollmentPriorityProvider iEnrollmentPriorityProvider = null; private DataProperties iProperties = null; public CurriculaLastLikeCourseDemands(DataProperties config) { iProperties = config; iProjectedDemands = new ProjectedStudentCourseDemands(config); iIncludeOtherStudents = config.getPropertyBoolean("CurriculaCourseDemands.IncludeOtherStudents", iIncludeOtherStudents); iIncludeOtherCourses = config.getPropertyBoolean("CurriculaCourseDemands.IncludeOtherCourses", config.getPropertyBoolean("CurriculaCourseDemands.IncludeOtherStudents", iIncludeOtherCourses)); iSetStudentCourseLimits = config.getPropertyBoolean("CurriculaCourseDemands.SetStudentCourseLimits", iSetStudentCourseLimits); iEnrollmentPriorityProvider = new DefaultCurriculumEnrollmentPriorityProvider(config); if (config.getProperty("CurriculaCourseDemands.CurriculumEnrollmentPriorityProvider") != null) { try { iEnrollmentPriorityProvider = (CurriculumEnrollmentPriorityProvider) Class .forName(config.getProperty("CurriculaCourseDemands.CurriculumEnrollmentPriorityProvider")) .getConstructor(DataProperties.class).newInstance(config); } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error("Failed to use custom enrollment priority provider: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } @Override public void init(Session hibSession, Progress progress, org.unitime.timetable.model.Session session, Collection<InstructionalOffering> offerings) { iProjectedDemands.init(hibSession, progress, session, offerings); List<Curriculum> curricula = null; if (offerings != null && offerings.size() <= 1000) { String courses = ""; int nrCourses = 0; for (InstructionalOffering offering : offerings) for (CourseOffering course : offering.getCourseOfferings()) { if (!courses.isEmpty()) courses += ","; courses += course.getUniqueId(); nrCourses++; } if (nrCourses > 0 && nrCourses <= 1000) { Set<Curriculum> curriculaSet = new HashSet<Curriculum>(hibSession.createQuery( "select distinct c from CurriculumCourse cc inner join cc.classification.curriculum c where " + "c.academicArea.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and cc.course.uniqueId in (" + courses + ")") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId()).list()); // include children curricula curriculaSet.addAll(hibSession.createQuery( "select distinct d from CurriculumCourse cc inner join cc.classification.curriculum c, Curriculum d " + "where c.academicArea = d.academicArea and d.multipleMajors = true and size(c.majors) <= 1 and size(c.majors) < size(d.majors) and " + "(select count(m) from Curriculum x inner join x.majors m where x.uniqueId = c.uniqueId and m not in elements(d.majors)) = 0 and " + "c.academicArea.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and cc.course.uniqueId in (" + courses + ")") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId()).list()); // include parent curricula curriculaSet.addAll(hibSession.createQuery( "select distinct d from CurriculumCourse cc inner join cc.classification.curriculum c, Curriculum d " + "where c.multipleMajors = true and size(c.majors) >= 1 and size(c.majors) > size(d.majors) and c.academicArea = d.academicArea and " + "(select count(m) from Curriculum x inner join x.majors m where x.uniqueId = d.uniqueId and m not in elements(c.majors)) = 0 and " + "c.academicArea.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and cc.course.uniqueId in (" + courses + ")") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId()).list()); curricula = new ArrayList<Curriculum>(curriculaSet); } } if (curricula == null) { curricula = hibSession .createQuery("select c from Curriculum c where c.academicArea.session.uniqueId = :sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId()).list(); } List<Initialization> inits = new ArrayList<Initialization>(); for (Curriculum curriculum : curricula) { for (CurriculumClassification clasf : curriculum.getClassifications()) { if (clasf.getNrStudents() > 0) { List<CurriculumClassification> templates = new ArrayList<CurriculumClassification>(); if (curriculum.isMultipleMajors()) for (Curriculum parent : curricula) if (parent.isTemplateFor(curriculum)) { for (CurriculumClassification parentClasf : parent.getClassifications()) { if (parentClasf.getAcademicClassification() .equals(clasf.getAcademicClassification())) templates.add(parentClasf); } } inits.add(new Initialization(clasf, templates, loadLastLikeStudents(hibSession, clasf))); } } } new ParallelInitialization("Loading curricula", iProperties.getPropertyInt("CurriculaCourseDemands.NrThreads", 1), inits).execute(hibSession, progress); } private Map<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>> loadLastLikeStudents(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, CurriculumClassification cc) { List<Object[]> lines = null; String select = "distinct co, s"; String from = "CourseOffering co, LastLikeCourseDemand x inner join x.student s inner join s.academicAreaClassifications a"; String where = "x.subjectArea.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and a.academicArea.academicAreaAbbreviation = :acadAbbv and a.academicClassification.code = :clasfCode " + " and co.subjectArea.uniqueId = x.subjectArea.uniqueId and ((x.coursePermId is not null and co.permId=x.coursePermId) or (x.coursePermId is null and co.courseNbr=x.courseNbr))"; if (cc.getCurriculum().getMajors().isEmpty()) { // students with no major lines = hibSession .createQuery("select " + select + " from " + from + " where " + where + (cc.getCurriculum().isMultipleMajors() ? " and s.posMajors is empty" : "")) .setLong("sessionId", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getSessionId()) .setString("acadAbbv", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation()) .setString("clasfCode", cc.getAcademicClassification().getCode()).setCacheable(true).list(); } else if (!cc.getCurriculum().isMultipleMajors() || cc.getCurriculum().getMajors().size() == 1) { List<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PosMajor major : cc.getCurriculum().getMajors()) codes.add(major.getCode()); // students with one major lines = hibSession .createQuery("select " + select + " from " + from + " inner join s.posMajors m where " + where + " and m.code in :majorCodes") .setLong("sessionId", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getSessionId()) .setString("acadAbbv", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation()) .setString("clasfCode", cc.getAcademicClassification().getCode()) .setParameterList("majorCodes", codes).setCacheable(true).list(); } else { // students with multiple majors Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); int idx = 1; for (PosMajor major : cc.getCurriculum().getMajors()) { from += " inner join s.posMajors m" + idx; where += " and m" + idx + ".code = :m" + idx; params.put("m" + idx, major.getCode()); idx++; } org.hibernate.Query q = hibSession.createQuery("select " + select + " from " + from + " where " + where) .setLong("sessionId", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getSessionId()) .setString("acadAbbv", cc.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation()) .setString("clasfCode", cc.getAcademicClassification().getCode()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : params.entrySet()) q.setString(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); lines = q.setCacheable(true).list(); } Map<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>> course2ll = new HashMap<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>>(); for (Object[] o : lines) { CourseOffering course = (CourseOffering) o[0]; Student student = (Student) o[1]; WeightedStudentId studentId = new WeightedStudentId(student, iProjectedDemands); studentId.setCurriculum(cc.getCurriculum().getAbbv()); Set<WeightedStudentId> students = course2ll.get(course); if (students == null) { students = new HashSet<WeightedStudentId>(); course2ll.put(course, students); } students.add(studentId); } return course2ll; } protected String getCacheName() { return "curriculum-lastlike-demands"; } protected void computeTargetShare(CurriculumClassification clasf, Collection<CurriculumCourse> courses, CurriculumCourseGroupsProvider course2groups, CurModel model) { for (CurriculumCourse c1 : courses) { double x1 = clasf.getNrStudents() * c1.getPercShare(); Set<CurriculumCourse>[] group = new HashSet[] { new HashSet<CurriculumCourse>(), new HashSet<CurriculumCourse>() }; Queue<CurriculumCourse> queue = new LinkedList<CurriculumCourse>(); queue.add(c1); Set<CurriculumCourseGroup> done = new HashSet<CurriculumCourseGroup>(); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { CurriculumCourse c = queue.poll(); for (CurriculumCourseGroup g : course2groups.getGroups(c)) if (done.add(g)) for (CurriculumCourse x : courses) if (!x.equals(c) && !x.equals(c1) && course2groups.getGroups(x).contains(g) && group[group[0].contains(c) ? 0 : g.getType()].add(x)) queue.add(x); } for (CurriculumCourse c2 : courses) { double x2 = clasf.getNrStudents() * c2.getPercShare(); if (c1.getUniqueId() >= c2.getUniqueId()) continue; double share = 0; Set<WeightedStudentId> s1 = iProjectedDemands.getDemands(c1.getCourse()); Set<WeightedStudentId> s2 = iProjectedDemands.getDemands(c2.getCourse()); double sharedStudents = 0, lastLike = 0; if (s1 != null && !s1.isEmpty() && s2 != null && !s2.isEmpty()) { for (WeightedStudentId s : s1) { if (s.match(clasf)) { lastLike += s.getWeight(); if (s2.contains(s)) sharedStudents += s.getWeight(); } } } if (lastLike > 0) { double requested = c1.getPercShare() * clasf.getNrStudents(); share = (requested / lastLike) * sharedStudents; } else { share = c1.getPercShare() * c2.getPercShare() * clasf.getNrStudents(); } boolean opt = group[0].contains(c2); boolean req = !opt && group[1].contains(c2); model.setTargetShare(c1.getCourse().getUniqueId(), c2.getCourse().getUniqueId(), opt ? 0.0 : req ? Math.min(x1, x2) : share, false); } } } @Override public Set<WeightedCourseOffering> getCourses(Long studentId) { Set<WeightedCourseOffering> courses = iStudentRequests.get(studentId); if (iIncludeOtherStudents && studentId >= 0 && courses == null) return iProjectedDemands.getCourses(studentId); return iStudentRequests.get(studentId); } @Override public Set<WeightedStudentId> getDemands(CourseOffering course) { if (iDemands.isEmpty()) return iProjectedDemands.getDemands(course); Set<WeightedStudentId> demands = iDemands.get(course.getUniqueId()); if (!iIncludeOtherStudents) return demands; if (demands == null) { demands = new HashSet<WeightedStudentId>(); iDemands.put(course.getUniqueId(), demands); } if (iCheckedCourses.add(course.getUniqueId())) { int was = demands.size(); Set<WeightedStudentId> other = iProjectedDemands.getDemands(course); if (other == null) { sLog.debug(course.getCourseName() + " has no students."); } else { if (iLoadedCurricula == null || iLoadedCurricula.isEmpty()) { demands.addAll(other); } else { other: for (WeightedStudentId student : other) { // if (student.getAreas().isEmpty()) continue; // ignore students w/o academic area for (AreaCode area : student.getAreas()) { Set<String> majors = iLoadedCurricula.get(area.getArea()); if (majors != null && (majors.contains("") || student.match(area.getArea(), majors))) continue other; // all majors or match } demands.add(student); } } if (demands.size() > was) sLog.debug(course.getCourseName() + " has " + (demands.size() - was) + " other students (besides of the " + was + " curriculum students)."); } } return demands; } @Override public boolean canUseStudentClassEnrollmentsAsSolution() { return false; } @Override public boolean isMakingUpStudents() { return false; // most students should be last-like students } @Override public boolean isWeightStudentsToFillUpOffering() { return false; } @Override public Double getEnrollmentPriority(Long studentId, Long courseId) { Hashtable<Long, Double> priorities = iEnrollmentPriorities.get(studentId); return (priorities == null ? null : priorities.get(courseId)); } public class Initialization implements ParallelInitialization.Task { private CurriculumClassification iClassification; private List<CurriculumClassification> iTemplates; private boolean iUpdateClassification = false; private Map<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>> iLastLikeStudents; private CurModel iModel; private Hashtable<Long, CourseOffering> iCourses; private List<CurStudent> iCurStudents; private Hashtable<WeightedStudentId, Set<CourseOffering>> iStudents; private List<WeightedStudentId> iMadeUpStudents; private Hashtable<Long, WeightedStudentId> iStudentIds; private Assignment<CurVariable, CurValue> iAssignment; public Initialization(CurriculumClassification classification, List<CurriculumClassification> templates, Map<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>> lastLikeStudents) { iClassification = classification; iLastLikeStudents = lastLikeStudents; iTemplates = templates; } @Override public void setup(org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { sLog.debug("Processing " + iClassification.getCurriculum().getAbbv() + " " + iClassification.getName() + " ... (" + iClassification.getNrStudents() + " students, " + iClassification.getCourses().size() + " iCourses)"); iStudents = new Hashtable<WeightedStudentId, Set<CourseOffering>>(); if (iLastLikeStudents != null) { for (Map.Entry<CourseOffering, Set<WeightedStudentId>> entry : iLastLikeStudents.entrySet()) { for (WeightedStudentId student : entry.getValue()) { Set<CourseOffering> courses = iStudents.get(student); if (courses == null) { courses = new HashSet<CourseOffering>(); iStudents.put(student, courses); } courses.add(entry.getKey()); } } } float totalWeight = 0; for (WeightedStudentId student : iStudents.keySet()) totalWeight += student.getWeight(); sLog.debug(" last-like students: " + totalWeight + ", target: " + iClassification.getNrStudents()); iMadeUpStudents = new ArrayList<StudentCourseDemands.WeightedStudentId>(); if (2 * totalWeight < iClassification.getNrStudents()) { // students are less than 1/2 of the requested size -> make up some students int studentsToMakeUp = Math.round(iClassification.getNrStudents() - totalWeight); sLog.debug(" making up " + studentsToMakeUp + " students"); String majors = ""; for (PosMajor major : iClassification.getCurriculum().getMajors()) { if (!majors.isEmpty()) majors += "|"; majors += major.getCode(); } for (int i = 0; i < studentsToMakeUp; i++) { WeightedStudentId student = new WeightedStudentId(-iLastStudentId.newId(), iClassification); iStudents.put(student, new HashSet<CourseOffering>()); iMadeUpStudents.add(student); } } else { // change weights to fit the requested size float factor = iClassification.getNrStudents() / totalWeight; sLog.debug(" changing student weight " + factor + " times"); for (WeightedStudentId student : iStudents.keySet()) student.setWeight(student.getWeight() * factor); } Collection<CurriculumCourse> courses = null; CurriculumCourseGroupsProvider course2groups = null; if (iTemplates == null || iTemplates.isEmpty()) { courses = iClassification.getCourses(); course2groups = new DefaultCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider(); } else { Map<Long, CurriculumCourse> curriculumCourses = new HashMap<Long, CurriculumCourse>(); course2groups = new TableCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider(); // Populate with templates (if a course is present two or more times, maximize percent share for (CurriculumClassification template : iTemplates) { for (CurriculumCourse course : template.getCourses()) { CurriculumCourse prev = curriculumCourses.get(course.getCourse().getUniqueId()); if (prev == null || prev.getPercShare() < course.getPercShare()) curriculumCourses.put(course.getCourse().getUniqueId(), course); ((TableCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider) course2groups).add(course); } } // Override with courses on the curriculum for (CurriculumCourse course : iClassification.getCourses()) { curriculumCourses.put(course.getCourse().getUniqueId(), course); ((TableCurriculumCourseGroupsProvider) course2groups).add(course); } courses = curriculumCourses.values(); } // Setup model iCurStudents = new ArrayList<CurStudent>(); iStudentIds = new Hashtable<Long, WeightedStudentId>(); int idx = 0; for (WeightedStudentId student : iStudents.keySet()) { iCurStudents.add(new CurStudent(student.getStudentId() < 0 ? -(++idx) : student.getStudentId(), student.getWeight())); iStudentIds.put(student.getStudentId() < 0 ? -idx : student.getStudentId(), student); } iModel = new CurModel(iCurStudents); iCourses = new Hashtable<Long, CourseOffering>(); for (CurriculumCourse course : courses) { iModel.addCourse(course.getCourse().getUniqueId(), course.getCourse().getCourseName(), iClassification.getNrStudents() * course.getPercShare(), iEnrollmentPriorityProvider.getEnrollmentPriority(course, course2groups)); iCourses.put(course.getCourse().getUniqueId(), course.getCourse()); } computeTargetShare(iClassification, courses, course2groups, iModel); if (iSetStudentCourseLimits) iModel.setStudentLimits(); // Load model from cache (if exists) Solution<CurVariable, CurValue> cachedSolution = null; iAssignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<CurVariable, CurValue>(); Document cachedXml = iClassification.getStudentsDocument(); Element cache = (cachedXml == null ? null : cachedXml.getRootElement()); if (cache != null && cache.getName().equals(getCacheName())) { cachedSolution = CurModel.loadFromXml(cache); if (iSetStudentCourseLimits) ((CurModel) cachedSolution.getModel()).setStudentLimits(); } // Check the cached model if (cachedSolution != null && ((CurModel) cachedSolution.getModel()).isSameModel(iModel)) { // Reuse sLog.debug(" using cached model..."); iModel = ((CurModel) cachedSolution.getModel()); iAssignment = cachedSolution.getAssignment(); } else { // initial iAssignment for (CurStudent student : iCurStudents) { for (CourseOffering course : iStudents.get(iStudentIds.get(student.getStudentId()))) { CurCourse curCourse = iModel.getCourse(course.getUniqueId()); if (curCourse == null) continue; CurVariable var = null; for (CurVariable v : curCourse.variables()) if (iAssignment.getValue(v) == null) { var = v; break; } if (var != null) { CurValue val = new CurValue(var, student); if (!iModel.inConflict(iAssignment, val)) iAssignment.assign(0, val); else { sLog.debug("Unable to assign " + student + " to " + var); Map<Constraint<CurVariable, CurValue>, Set<CurValue>> conf = iModel .conflictConstraints(iAssignment, val); for (Map.Entry<Constraint<CurVariable, CurValue>, Set<CurValue>> entry : conf .entrySet()) { sLog.debug(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue()); } } } else { sLog.debug("No variable for " + student + " to " + curCourse); } } } iUpdateClassification = true; } } public void execute() { if (iUpdateClassification) { // Solve model sLog.debug("Initial: " + iModel.getInfo(iAssignment)); iModel.solve(iProperties, iAssignment); sLog.debug("Final: " + iModel.getInfo(iAssignment)); } } @Override public void teardown(Session hibSession) { if (iUpdateClassification) { // Save into the cache Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); iModel.saveAsXml(doc.addElement(getCacheName()), iAssignment); // sLog.debug("Model:\n" + doc.asXML()); iClassification.setStudentsDocument(doc); hibSession.update(iClassification); } // Save results int idx = 0; for (CurStudent s : iModel.getStudents()) { WeightedStudentId student = null; if (s.getStudentId() < 0) { student = iMadeUpStudents.get(idx++); } else { student = iStudentIds.get(s.getStudentId()); } Set<WeightedCourseOffering> studentCourses = new HashSet<WeightedCourseOffering>(); iStudentRequests.put(student.getStudentId(), studentCourses); Hashtable<Long, Double> priorities = new Hashtable<Long, Double>(); iEnrollmentPriorities.put(student.getStudentId(), priorities); for (CurCourse course : s.getCourses(iAssignment)) { CourseOffering co = iCourses.get(course.getCourseId()); if (course.getPriority() != null) priorities.put(co.getUniqueId(), course.getPriority()); Set<WeightedStudentId> courseStudents = iDemands.get(co.getUniqueId()); if (courseStudents == null) { courseStudents = new HashSet<WeightedStudentId>(); iDemands.put(co.getUniqueId(), courseStudents); } courseStudents.add(student); studentCourses.add(new WeightedCourseOffering(co, student.getWeight())); } if (iIncludeOtherCourses) { // include courses of the student that are not in the curriculum for (CourseOffering co : iStudents.get(iStudentIds.get(s.getStudentId()))) { CurCourse curCourse = iModel.getCourse(co.getUniqueId()); if (curCourse == null) { Set<WeightedStudentId> courseStudents = iDemands.get(co.getUniqueId()); if (courseStudents == null) { courseStudents = new HashSet<WeightedStudentId>(); iDemands.put(co.getUniqueId(), courseStudents); } courseStudents.add(student); studentCourses.add(new WeightedCourseOffering(co, student.getWeight())); } } } } // Update loaded curricula Set<String> majors = iLoadedCurricula .get(iClassification.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation()); if (majors == null) { majors = new HashSet<String>(); iLoadedCurricula.put( iClassification.getCurriculum().getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), majors); } if (iClassification.getCurriculum().getMajors().isEmpty()) { majors.add(""); } else { for (PosMajor mj : iClassification.getCurriculum().getMajors()) majors.add(mj.getCode()); } } } }