Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.solver.course.ui; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.coursett.Constants; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.MinMaxPreferenceCombination; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.PreferenceCombination; import org.cpsolver.coursett.preference.SumPreferenceCombination; import org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.form.ClassInfoForm; import org.unitime.timetable.form.ClassInfoForm.RoomBase; import org.unitime.timetable.interfaces.RoomAvailabilityInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.interfaces.RoomAvailabilityInterface.TimeBlock; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Assignment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Building; import org.unitime.timetable.model.BuildingPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassInstructor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DatePattern; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DatePatternPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Department; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DepartmentalInstructor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Event; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExactTimeMins; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Room; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeature; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeaturePref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomGroupPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomSharingModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SchedulingSubpart; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentSectioningQueue; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePatternModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.Class_DAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.LocationDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SessionDAO; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.course.ui.ClassAssignmentInfo.StudentConflict; import org.unitime.timetable.util.DefaultRoomAvailabilityService; import org.unitime.timetable.util.RoomAvailability; import org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.DurationModel; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class ClassInfoModel implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1373805772613891251L; private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(ClassInfoModel.class); private ClassInfo iClass = null; private ClassInfoForm iForm = null; private ClassProposedChange iChange = null; private Collection<ClassAssignment> iDates = null; private Collection<ClassAssignment> iTimes = null; private Vector<ClassRoomInfo> iRooms = null; private boolean iShowStudentConflicts = ApplicationProperty.ClassAssignmentShowStudentConflicts.isTrue(); private boolean iUnassignConflictingAssignments = false; private transient SessionContext iContext = null; public void clear(String userId) { iClass = null; iChange = null; iRooms = null; iDates = null; iTimes = null; iUnassignConflictingAssignments = false; } public ClassInfo getClazz() { return iClass; } public ClassAssignmentInfo getClassOldAssignment() { if (iClass instanceof ClassAssignmentInfo) return (ClassAssignmentInfo) iClass; return null; } public ClassAssignmentInfo getClassAssignment() { if (iChange != null && iChange.getConflict(iClass) != null) return null; if (iClass instanceof ClassAssignmentInfo) return (ClassAssignmentInfo) iClass; return null; } public boolean isClassAssigned() { return getClassAssignment() != null && getClassAssignment().getTime() != null; } public ClassDateInfo getAssignedDate() { try { ClassAssignmentInfo info = getSelectedAssignment(); if (info != null && info.hasDate()) return info.getDate(); } catch (Exception e) { } DatePattern dp = getClazz().getClazz().effectiveDatePattern(); if (dp == null) return null; if (dp.getType() != DatePattern.sTypeAlternate) { return new ClassDateInfo(dp.getUniqueId(), getClazz().getClassId(), dp.getName(), dp.getPatternBitSet(), PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral); } return null; } public void update() throws Exception { if (iChange == null) return; Vector<ClassAssignment> assignments = new Vector(iChange.getAssignments()); Hashtable<Long, ClassAssignment> table = iChange.getAssignmentTable(); iUnassignConflictingAssignments = !iForm.getKeepConflictingAssignments(); iChange.getAssignments().clear(); for (ClassAssignment assignment : assignments) { iChange.getAssignments().add(new ClassAssignmentInfo(assignment.getClazz(), assignment.getTime(), assignment.getDate(), assignment.getRooms(), table)); } if (assignments.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<ClassAssignment> i = iChange.getConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassAssignment assignment =; if (!assignment.getClassId().equals(getClazz().getClassId())) i.remove(); } } else { iChange.getConflicts().clear(); } for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { // Skip incomplete assignments (that have no time assigned yet) if (!assignment.hasTime()) continue; // Check for room conflicts if (iUnassignConflictingAssignments) { if (assignment.getRooms() != null) for (ClassRoomInfo room : assignment.getRooms()) { if (!room.isIgnoreRoomChecks()) { for (Assignment a : room.getLocation().getCommitedAssignments()) { if (a.getClazz().isCancelled()) continue; if (assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a)) && !a.getClazz().canShareRoom(assignment.getClazz())) { if (iChange.getCurrent(a.getClassId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(a.getClassId()) == null) iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } } } // Check for instructor conflicts if (assignment.getInstructors() != null) for (ClassInstructorInfo instructor : assignment.getInstructors()) { if (!instructor.isLead()) continue; // check all departmental instructors with the same external id for (DepartmentalInstructor di : DepartmentalInstructor .getAllForInstructor(instructor.getInstructor().getInstructor())) { for (ClassInstructor ci : di.getClasses()) { if (ci.equals(instructor.getInstructor())) continue; Assignment a = ci.getClassInstructing().getCommittedAssignment(); if (a == null || a.getClazz().isCancelled()) continue; if (assignment.getTime() != null && assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a)) && !a.getClazz().canShareInstructor(assignment.getClazz())) { if (iChange.getCurrent(a.getClassId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(a.getClassId()) == null) iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } } /* // Potential speed-up #1) only check the current department instructors for (ClassInstructor ci : instructor.getInstructor().getInstructor().getClasses()) { if (ci.equals(instructor.getInstructor())) continue; Assignment a = ci.getClassInstructing().getCommittedAssignment(); if (a == null) continue; if (assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a))) { if (iChange.getCurrent(a.getClassId())==null && iChange.getConflict(a.getClassId())==null) iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } */ /* // Potential speed-up #2) use instructor assignments from the solution for (Assignment a : instructor.getInstructor().getInstructor().getCommitedAssignments()) { if (assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a))) { if (iChange.getCurrent(a.getClassId())==null && iChange.getConflict(a.getClassId())==null) iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } */ } } // Check the course structure for conflicts Class_ clazz = assignment.getClazz(Class_DAO.getInstance().getSession()); // a) all parents Class_ parent = clazz.getParentClass(); while (parent != null) { if (iChange.getCurrent(parent.getUniqueId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(parent.getUniqueId()) == null) { Assignment a = parent.getCommittedAssignment(); if (a != null && !a.getClazz().isCancelled() && assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a))) { iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } parent = parent.getParentClass(); } // b) all children Queue<Class_> children = new LinkedList(); try { children.addAll(clazz.getChildClasses()); } catch (LazyInitializationException e) { sLog.error("This should never happen."); Class_ c = Class_DAO.getInstance().get(assignment.getClassId()); children.addAll(c.getChildClasses()); } Class_ child = null; while ((child = children.poll()) != null) { if (iChange.getCurrent(child.getUniqueId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(child.getUniqueId()) == null) { Assignment a = child.getCommittedAssignment(); if (a != null && !a.getClazz().isCancelled() && assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a))) { iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } if (!child.getChildClasses().isEmpty()) children.addAll(child.getChildClasses()); } // c) all single-class subparts for (Iterator i = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getSchedulingSubparts() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { SchedulingSubpart ss = (SchedulingSubpart); if (ss.getClasses().size() == 1) { child = (Class_) ss.getClasses().iterator().next(); if (iChange.getCurrent(child.getUniqueId()) == null && iChange.getConflict(child.getUniqueId()) == null) { Assignment a = child.getCommittedAssignment(); if (a != null && !a.getClazz().isCancelled() && assignment.getTime().overlaps(new ClassTimeInfo(a))) { iChange.getConflicts().add(new ClassAssignment(a)); } } if (!child.getChildClasses().isEmpty()) children.addAll(child.getChildClasses()); } } //TODO: Check for other HARD conflicts (e.g., distribution constraints) } } public String assign(SessionContext context) { if (iChange == null) return "Nothing to assign."; if (ApplicationProperty.ClassAssignmentAllowUnassignments.isFalse() && !iChange.getConflicts().isEmpty()) return "It is not allowed to keep a class unassigned.";"About to be assigned: " + iChange); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = Class_DAO.getInstance().getSession(); String message = null; Map<Long, List<Long>> touchedOfferingIds = new Hashtable<Long, List<Long>>(); for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getConflicts()) { try { Class_ clazz = assignment.getClazz(hibSession); String m = clazz.unassignCommited(context.getUser(), hibSession); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; Long offeringId = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getInstructionalOffering() .getUniqueId(); List<Long> classIds = touchedOfferingIds.get(offeringId); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); touchedOfferingIds.put(offeringId, classIds); } classIds.add(clazz.getUniqueId()); } catch (Exception e) { message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + "Unassignment of " + assignment.getClassName() + " failed, reason: " + e.getMessage(); } } for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { try { Class_ clazz = assignment.getClazz(hibSession); String m = clazz.assignCommited(getAssignmentInfo(assignment), context.getUser(), hibSession); if (m != null) message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + m; Long offeringId = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getInstructionalOffering() .getUniqueId(); List<Long> classIds = touchedOfferingIds.get(offeringId); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); touchedOfferingIds.put(offeringId, classIds); } classIds.add(clazz.getUniqueId()); } catch (Exception e) { message = (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + "Assignment of " + assignment.getClassName() + " to " + assignment.getTime().getName() + " " + assignment.getRoomNames(", ") + " failed, reason: " + e.getMessage(); } } Long sessionId = context.getUser().getCurrentAcademicSessionId(); Session session = SessionDAO.getInstance().get(sessionId, hibSession); if (!session.getStatusType().isTestSession()) { if (session.getStatusType().canOnlineSectionStudents()) { List<Long> unlockedOfferings = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Long offeringId : touchedOfferingIds.keySet()) if (!session.isOfferingLocked(offeringId)) unlockedOfferings.add(offeringId); if (!unlockedOfferings.isEmpty()) StudentSectioningQueue.offeringChanged(hibSession, context.getUser(), sessionId, unlockedOfferings); } else if (session.getStatusType().canSectionAssistStudents()) { for (Map.Entry<Long, List<Long>> entry : touchedOfferingIds.entrySet()) { if (!session.isOfferingLocked(entry.getKey())) StudentSectioningQueue.classAssignmentChanged(hibSession, context.getUser(), sessionId, entry.getValue()); } } } hibSession.flush(); return message; } public boolean getCanAssign() { if (iChange == null) return false; for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (!assignment.isValid()) return false; if (!getSessionContext().hasPermission(assignment.getClazz(), Right.ClassAssignment)) return false; } for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getConflicts()) { if (!getSessionContext().hasPermission(assignment.getClazz(), Right.ClassAssignment)) return false; } if (ApplicationProperty.ClassAssignmentAllowUnassignments.isFalse() && !iChange.getConflicts().isEmpty()) return false; return true; } public String getAssignConfirm() { return "The selected assignment will be done directly in the database. Are you sure?"; } public void setForm(ClassInfoForm form) { iForm = form; } public void setClazz(Class_ clazz) { iDates = null; iTimes = null; iRooms = null; if (clazz.getCommittedAssignment() != null) iClass = new ClassAssignmentInfo(clazz.getCommittedAssignment()); else iClass = new ClassInfo(clazz); if (iChange != null) { iChange.setSelected(clazz.getUniqueId()); /* for (Iterator<ClassAssignmentInfo> i=iChange.getAssignments().iterator();i.hasNext();) { ClassAssignmentInfo a =; if (!a.isValid()) i.remove(); } */ } if (clazz.getNbrRooms() > 0) { iForm.setMinRoomSize(String.valueOf(clazz.getMinRoomLimit())); iForm.setMaxRoomSize(null); } iForm.setRoomFilter(null); } public ClassAssignmentInfo getAssignmentInfo(ClassAssignment assignment) throws Exception { if (assignment instanceof ClassAssignmentInfo) return (ClassAssignmentInfo) assignment; if (iChange != null) return new ClassAssignmentInfo(assignment.getClazz(), assignment.getTime(), assignment.getDate(), assignment.getRooms(), iChange.getAssignmentTable()); else return new ClassAssignmentInfo(assignment.getClazz(), assignment.getTime(), assignment.getDate(), assignment.getRooms()); } public ClassAssignmentInfo getSelectedAssignment() throws Exception { if (iChange == null) return null; for (ClassAssignment assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) if (assignment.getClassId().equals(iClass.getClassId())) return getAssignmentInfo(assignment); return null; } public void setDate(String dateId) throws Exception { iRooms = null; iTimes = null; if (iChange == null) iChange = new ClassProposedChange(); Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(); DurationModel dm = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getDurationModel(); ClassTimeInfo time = (getSelectedAssignment() == null ? null : getSelectedAssignment().getTime()); Collection<ClassRoomInfo> rooms = (getSelectedAssignment() == null ? null : getSelectedAssignment().getRooms()); for (ClassAssignment date : getDates()) { if (dateId.equals(date.getDateId())) { List<Date> dates = (time == null || !date.hasDate() ? null : dm.getDates(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), date.getDate().getDatePattern(), time.getDayCode(), time.getMinutesPerMeeting())); iChange.addChange(new ClassAssignmentInfo(getClazz().getClazz(), (time == null ? null : new ClassTimeInfo(time, date.getDate(), dates)), date.getDate(), rooms, iChange.getAssignmentTable()), getClassOldAssignment()); } } if (iChange.isEmpty()) iChange = null; update(); } public void setTime(String timeId) throws Exception { iRooms = null; if (iChange == null) iChange = new ClassProposedChange(); for (ClassAssignment time : getAllTimes()) { if (timeId.equals(time.getTimeId())) { iChange.addChange(new ClassAssignmentInfo(getClazz().getClazz(), time.getTime(), time.getDate(), null, iChange.getAssignmentTable()), getClassOldAssignment()); } } if ("-1".equals(timeId)) { iChange.addChange( new ClassAssignmentInfo(getClazz().getClazz(), null, null, null, iChange.getAssignmentTable()), getClassOldAssignment()); } if (iChange.isEmpty()) iChange = null; update(); } public void delete(long classId) throws Exception { if (iChange == null) return; for (Iterator<ClassAssignmentInfo> i = iChange.getAssignments().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassAssignmentInfo x = (ClassAssignmentInfo); if (x.getClassId().equals(classId)) i.remove(); } update(); } public void setRooms(String rooms) throws Exception { if (iChange == null) iChange = new ClassProposedChange(); ClassAssignment assignment = iChange.getCurrent(iClass); if (assignment == null && isClassAssigned()) { for (ClassAssignment time : getAllTimes()) { if (getClassOldAssignment().getTimeId().equals(time.getTimeId())) { assignment = time; break; } } } if (assignment == null) return; TreeSet<ClassRoomInfo> assignedRooms = new TreeSet(); for (StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(rooms, ":"); stk.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = stk.nextToken(); if (token.trim().length() == 0) continue; Long roomId = Long.valueOf(token.substring(0, token.indexOf('@'))); ClassRoomInfo room = null; for (ClassRoomInfo r : getRooms()) { if (r.getLocationId().equals(roomId)) { room = r; break; } } if (room != null) assignedRooms.add(room); } iChange.addChange(new ClassAssignmentInfo(getClazz().getClazz(), assignment.getTime(), assignment.getDate(), assignedRooms, iChange.getAssignmentTable()), getClassOldAssignment()); if (iChange.isEmpty()) iChange = null; update(); } public void apply(HttpServletRequest request, ClassInfoForm form) { iForm = form; } public void refreshRooms() { iRooms = null; } public String getDatesTable() { try { String ret = ""; ret += "<script language='javascript'>"; ret += "function dateOver(source, id) { "; ret += " document.getElementById('d'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += " document.getElementById('dc'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += "'hand';'pointer';"; ret += "}"; ret += "function dateOut(id) { "; ret += " var bg = 'transparent';"; ClassAssignment classAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iClass)); if (classAssignment != null && classAssignment.hasDate()) ret += " if (id=='" + classAssignment.getDateId() + "') bg='rgb(168,187,225)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('d'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += " document.getElementById('dc'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function dateClick(source, id) { "; ret += " displayLoading();"; ret += " document.location=''+id+'&noCacheTS=" + new Date().getTime() + "';"; ret += "}"; ret += "</script>"; ret += "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"; int idx = 0; int step = 5; for (ClassAssignment date : getDates()) { boolean initial = (getClassOldAssignment() != null && getClassOldAssignment().getDateId() != null && getClassOldAssignment().getDateId().equals(date.getDateId())); if ((idx % step) == 0) { if (idx > 0) ret += "</tr>"; ret += "<tr>"; } String style = ""; if (classAssignment != null && date.getDateId().equals(classAssignment.getDateId())) style += "background-color:rgb(168,187,225);"; if (initial) style += "text-decoration:underline;"; String mouse = "onMouseOver=\"dateOver(this,'" + date.getDateId() + "');\" " + "onMouseOut=\"dateOut('" + date.getDateId() + "');\" " + "onClick=\"dateClick(this,'" + date.getDateId() + "');\""; if (iShowStudentConflicts) { ret += "<td nowrap id='d" + date.getDateId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + date.getDateNameHtml() + "</td>"; if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td id='dc" + date.getDateId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + (date instanceof ClassAssignmentInfo ? String.valueOf(((ClassAssignmentInfo) date).getNrStudentCounflicts()) : "") + "</td>"; } else { if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td nowrap id='d" + date.getDateId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + date.getDateNameHtml() + "</td>"; } idx++; } while ((idx % step) != 0) { if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += "<td colspan='2'> </td>"; else ret += "<td> </td>"; idx++; } ret += "</tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } catch (Exception e) { iForm.setMessage(e.getMessage()); sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } } public String getTimesTable() { try { String ret = ""; ret += "<script language='javascript'>"; ret += "function timeOver(source, id) { "; ret += " document.getElementById('t'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += "'hand';'pointer';"; ret += "}"; ret += "function timeOut(id) { "; ret += " var bg = 'transparent';"; ClassAssignment classAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iClass)); if (classAssignment != null && classAssignment.hasTime()) ret += " if (id=='" + classAssignment.getTimeId() + "') bg='rgb(168,187,225)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('t'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function timeClick(source, id) { "; ret += " displayLoading();"; ret += " document.location=''+id+'&noCacheTS=" + new Date().getTime() + "';"; ret += "}"; ret += "</script>"; ret += "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"; int idx = 0; int step = 5; for (ClassAssignment time : getTimes()) { boolean initial = (getClassOldAssignment() != null && getClassOldAssignment().getTimeId() != null && getClassOldAssignment().getTimeId().equals(time.getTimeId())); if ((idx % step) == 0) { if (idx > 0) ret += "</tr>"; ret += "<tr>"; } String style = ""; if (classAssignment != null && time.getTimeId().equals(classAssignment.getTimeId())) style += "background-color:rgb(168,187,225);"; if (initial) style += "text-decoration:underline;"; String mouse = "onMouseOver=\"timeOver(this,'" + time.getTimeId() + "');\" " + "onMouseOut=\"timeOut('" + time.getTimeId() + "');\" " + "onClick=\"timeClick(this,'" + time.getTimeId() + "');\""; if (iShowStudentConflicts) { ret += "<td nowrap id='t" + time.getTimeId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + time.getTime().getLongNameHtml() + "</td>"; if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td id='c" + time.getTimeId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + ((ClassAssignmentInfo) time).getNrStudentCounflicts() + "</td>"; } else { if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td nowrap id='t" + time.getTimeId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + time.getTime().getLongNameHtml() + "</td>"; } idx++; } if (classAssignment != null) { if ((idx % step) == 0) { if (idx > 0) ret += "</tr>"; ret += "<tr>"; } String style = "font-style:italic; color:#c81e14;"; String mouse = "onMouseOver=\"timeOver(this,'-1');\" " + "onMouseOut=\"timeOut('-1');\" " + "onClick=\"timeClick(this,'-1');\""; if (iShowStudentConflicts) { ret += "<td nowrap id='t-1' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">not-assigned</td>"; if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td id='c-1' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + "></td>"; } else { if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td nowrap id='t-1' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">not-assigned</td>"; } idx++; } while ((idx % step) != 0) { if (iShowStudentConflicts) ret += "<td colspan='2'> </td>"; else ret += "<td> </td>"; idx++; } ret += "</tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } catch (Exception e) { iForm.setMessage(e.getMessage()); sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } /* try { WebTable table = new WebTable(8, "Available Times for "+getClazz().getClassName(), "", new String[] {"Time"}, new String[] {"left"}, new boolean[] { true}); ClassAssignmentInfo current = getClassAssignment(); for (ClassAssignmentInfo time : getTimes()) { boolean initial = (getClassOldAssignment()!=null && getClassOldAssignment().getTimeId()!=null && getClassOldAssignment().getTimeId().equals(time.getTimeId())); WebTable.WebTableLine line = table.addLine( "onClick=\"displayLoading();document.location='"+time.getTimeId()+"';\"", new String[] { (initial?"<u>":"")+time.getTime().getLongNameHtml()+(initial?"</u>":"") }, new Comparable[] { time.getTime() }); ClassAssignment ClassAssignment = (iChange==null?null:iChange.getCurrent(iClass)); if ((isClassAssigned() || ClassAssignment!=null) && time.getTimeId().equals((ClassAssignment==null?getClassAssignment():ClassAssignment).getTimeId())) { line.setBgColor("rgb(168,187,225)"); } } return table.printTable(iTimesTableOrd); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); return null; } */ } public TreeSet<StudentConflict> getStudentConflicts() { TreeSet<StudentConflict> ret = new TreeSet(); if (iChange != null) { HashSet<String> ids = new HashSet(); for (ClassAssignmentInfo assignment : iChange.getAssignments()) { for (StudentConflict conf : assignment.getStudentConflicts()) { String id = (assignment.getClassId().compareTo(conf.getOtherClass().getClassId()) < 0 ? assignment.getClassId() + ":" + conf.getOtherClass().getClassId() : conf.getOtherClass().getClassId() + ":" + assignment.getClassId()); if (ids.add(id)) ret.add(conf); } } } else if (getClassAssignment() != null) { ret.addAll(getClassAssignment().getStudentConflicts()); } return ret; } public String getStudentConflictTable() { String ret = "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"; ret += "<tr>"; ret += "<td><i>Students</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Class</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Date</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Time</i></td>"; ret += "<td><i>Room</i></td>"; ret += "</tr>"; boolean empty = true; for (StudentConflict conf : getStudentConflicts()) { ret += conf.toHtml2(); empty = false; } if (empty) ret += "<tr><td colspan='5'><i>There are no student conflicts.</i></td></tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } public boolean getShowDates() { return getDates().size() > 1; } public Collection<ClassAssignment> getDates() { if (iDates == null) { iDates = new Vector<ClassAssignment>(); Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(); DatePattern datePattern = clazz.effectiveDatePattern(); if (datePattern == null) { iForm.setMessage("Class " + getClazz().getClassName() + " has no date pattern selected."); return iTimes; } ClassTimeInfo time = (getClassAssignment() == null ? null : getClassAssignment().getTime()); if (datePattern.getType() == DatePattern.sTypePatternSet) { Set<DatePatternPref> datePatternPrefs = (Set<DatePatternPref>) clazz .effectivePreferences(DatePatternPref.class); boolean hasReq = false; for (DatePatternPref p : datePatternPrefs) { if (PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) { hasReq = true; break; } } for (DatePattern child : datePattern.findChildren()) { String pr = PreferenceLevel.sNeutral; for (DatePatternPref p : datePatternPrefs) { if (p.getDatePattern().equals(child)) pr = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); } int prVal = 0; if (!PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(pr) && !PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(pr)) { prVal = PreferenceLevel.prolog2int(pr); } if (hasReq && !PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(pr)) prVal += 100; if (PreferenceLevel.sProhibited.equals(pr)) prVal += 100; if (iShowStudentConflicts && time != null) { iDates.add(new ClassAssignmentInfo(clazz, time, new ClassDateInfo(child.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), child.getName(), child.getPatternBitSet(), prVal), null)); } else { iDates.add(new ClassAssignment(clazz, null, new ClassDateInfo(child.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), child.getName(), child.getPatternBitSet(), prVal), null)); } } } else { if (iShowStudentConflicts && time != null) { iDates.add(new ClassAssignmentInfo(clazz, time, new ClassDateInfo(datePattern.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral), null)); } else { iDates.add(new ClassAssignment(clazz, null, new ClassDateInfo(datePattern.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral), null)); } } } return iDates; } public Collection<ClassAssignment> getTimes() { if (iTimes == null) { Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(); Set timePrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(TimePref.class); if (timePrefs.isEmpty()) { iForm.setMessage("Class " + getClazz().getClassName() + " has no time pattern selected."); return iTimes; } ClassDateInfo date = getAssignedDate(); if (date == null) { Collection<ClassAssignment> dates = getDates(); if (dates != null && !dates.isEmpty()) date = dates.iterator().next().getDate(); } if (date == null) { iForm.setMessage("Class " + getClazz().getClassName() + " has no date pattern selected."); return iTimes; } iTimes = getTimes(date); if (iTimes.isEmpty()) iForm.setMessage("Class " + getClazz().getClassName() + " has no available time."); } return iTimes; } public Collection<ClassAssignment> getAllTimes() { Vector<ClassAssignment> times = new Vector<ClassAssignment>(); Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(); DatePattern datePattern = clazz.effectiveDatePattern(); if (datePattern == null) return times; if (datePattern.getType() == DatePattern.sTypePatternSet) { Set<DatePatternPref> datePatternPrefs = (Set<DatePatternPref>) clazz .effectivePreferences(DatePatternPref.class); boolean hasReq = false; for (DatePatternPref p : datePatternPrefs) { if (PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) { hasReq = true; break; } } for (DatePattern child : datePattern.findChildren()) { String pr = PreferenceLevel.sNeutral; for (DatePatternPref p : datePatternPrefs) { if (p.getDatePattern().equals(child)) pr = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); } int prVal = 0; if (!PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(pr) && !PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(pr)) { prVal = PreferenceLevel.prolog2int(pr); } if (hasReq && !PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(pr)) prVal += 100; if (PreferenceLevel.sProhibited.equals(pr)) prVal += 100; times.addAll(getTimes(new ClassDateInfo(child.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), child.getName(), child.getPatternBitSet(), prVal))); } } else { times.addAll(getTimes(new ClassDateInfo(datePattern.getUniqueId(), clazz.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral))); } return times; } public Collection<ClassAssignment> getTimes(ClassDateInfo date) { Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(); DatePattern datePattern = date.getDatePattern(); Vector<ClassAssignment> times = new Vector<ClassAssignment>(); boolean onlyReq = false; Set timePrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(TimePref.class); for (Iterator i1 = timePrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { TimePref timePref = (TimePref); TimePatternModel pattern = timePref.getTimePatternModel(); if (pattern.isExactTime() || pattern.countPreferences(PreferenceLevel.sRequired) > 0) onlyReq = true; } if (onlyReq) { sLog.debug("Class " + getClazz().getClassName() + " has required times"); } DurationModel dm = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getDurationModel(); for (Iterator i1 = timePrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { TimePref timePref = (TimePref); TimePatternModel pattern = timePref.getTimePatternModel(); if (pattern.isExactTime()) { int minsPerMeeting = dm.getExactTimeMinutesPerMeeting( clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), datePattern, pattern.getExactDays()); int length = ExactTimeMins.getNrSlotsPerMtg(minsPerMeeting); int breakTime = ExactTimeMins.getBreakTime(minsPerMeeting); List<Date> dates = dm.getDates(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), datePattern, pattern.getExactDays(), minsPerMeeting); ClassTimeInfo time = new ClassTimeInfo(clazz.getUniqueId(), pattern.getExactDays(), pattern.getExactStartSlot(), length, minsPerMeeting, PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral, timePref.getTimePattern(), date, breakTime, dates); if (iShowStudentConflicts) times.add(new ClassAssignmentInfo(clazz, time, date, null, (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getAssignmentTable()))); else times.add(new ClassAssignment(clazz, time, date, null)); continue; } for (int time = 0; time < pattern.getNrTimes(); time++) { times: for (int day = 0; day < pattern.getNrDays(); day++) { if (!dm.isValidSelection(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), datePattern, timePref.getTimePattern(), pattern.getDayCode(day))) continue; String pref = pattern.getPreference(day, time); if (onlyReq && !pref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) { pref = PreferenceLevel.sProhibited; } List<Date> dates = dm.getDates(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), datePattern, pattern.getDayCode(day), timePref.getTimePattern().getMinPerMtg()); ClassTimeInfo loc = new ClassTimeInfo(clazz.getUniqueId(), pattern.getDayCode(day), pattern.getStartSlot(time), pattern.getSlotsPerMtg(), timePref.getTimePattern().getMinPerMtg(), PreferenceLevel.prolog2int(pref), timePref.getTimePattern(), date, pattern.getBreakTime(), dates); if (iChange != null) { for (ClassAssignment current : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (!current.getClassId().equals(getClazz().getClassId())) { boolean canConflict = false; if (current.getParents().contains(getClazz().getClassId())) canConflict = true; if (getClazz().getParents().contains(current.getClassId())) canConflict = true; if (current.getConfligId().equals(getClazz().getConfligId()) && current.isSingleClass()) canConflict = true; if (current.shareInstructor(getClazz())) canConflict = true; if (canConflict && loc.overlaps(current.getTime())) continue times; } } } if (iShowStudentConflicts) times.add(new ClassAssignmentInfo(clazz, loc, date, null, (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getAssignmentTable()))); else times.add(new ClassAssignment(clazz, loc, date, null)); } } } return times; } Hashtable<Long, Hashtable> iRoomPreferences = new Hashtable(); private PreferenceLevel getRoomPreference(Department department, Long locationId) { Hashtable roomPreferencesThisDept = iRoomPreferences.get(department.getUniqueId()); if (roomPreferencesThisDept == null) { roomPreferencesThisDept = new Hashtable(); iRoomPreferences.put(department.getUniqueId(), roomPreferencesThisDept); for (Iterator k = department.getPreferences(RoomPref.class).iterator(); k.hasNext();) { RoomPref pref = (RoomPref); roomPreferencesThisDept.put(pref.getRoom().getUniqueId(), pref.getPrefLevel()); } } return (PreferenceLevel) roomPreferencesThisDept.get(locationId); } protected List findAllRooms(Long sessionId, boolean roomDepts) { String a = "", b = ""; if (iForm.getRoomFeatures() != null && iForm.getRoomFeatures().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomFeatures().length; i++) { a += ", GlobalRoomFeature f" + i; b += " and f" + i + ".uniqueId=" + iForm.getRoomFeatures()[i] + " and f" + i + " in elements(r.features)"; } } if (iForm.getRoomGroups() != null && iForm.getRoomGroups().length > 0) { b += " and ("; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomGroups().length; i++) { if (i > 0) b += " or"; a += ", RoomGroup g" + i; b += " (g" + i + ".uniqueId=" + iForm.getRoomGroups()[i] + " and g" + i + " in elements(r.roomGroups))"; } b += ")"; } if (iForm.getRoomTypes() != null && iForm.getRoomTypes().length > 0) { b += " and r.roomType.uniqueId in ("; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomTypes().length; i++) { if (i > 0) b += ","; b += iForm.getRoomTypes()[i]; } b += ")"; } String query = null; if (roomDepts) { query = "select distinct r from Location r inner join r.roomDepts rd " + a + " where r.session.uniqueId = :sessionId " + b; } else { query = "select r from Location r " + a + " where r.session.uniqueId = :sessionId " + b; } return LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession().createQuery(query).setLong("sessionId", sessionId) .setCacheable(true).list(); } protected Vector<ClassRoomInfo> findRooms(ClassTimeInfo period, int minRoomSize, int maxRoomSize, String filter, boolean allowConflicts, RoomBase showAllRooms) { Vector<ClassRoomInfo> rooms = new Vector<ClassRoomInfo>(); Class_ clazz = getClazz().getClazz(Class_DAO.getInstance().getSession()); int nrRooms = (clazz.getNbrRooms() == null ? 1 : clazz.getNbrRooms().intValue()); iRoomPreferences.clear(); Set groupPrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(RoomGroupPref.class); Set roomPrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(RoomPref.class); Set bldgPrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(BuildingPref.class); Set featurePrefs = clazz.effectivePreferences(RoomFeaturePref.class); if (nrRooms > 0) { int minClassLimit = clazz.getExpectedCapacity().intValue(); int maxClassLimit = clazz.getMaxExpectedCapacity().intValue(); if (maxClassLimit < minClassLimit) maxClassLimit = minClassLimit; float room2limitRatio = clazz.getRoomRatio().floatValue(); int roomCapacity = Math.round(minClassLimit <= 0 ? room2limitRatio : room2limitRatio * minClassLimit); //TODO: Use parameters from the default solver configuration int discouragedCapacity = (int) Math.round(0.99 * roomCapacity); int stronglyDiscouragedCapacity = (int) Math.round(0.98 * roomCapacity); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Date today = cal.getTime(); Date[] bounds = DatePattern.getBounds(clazz.getSessionId()); Set availRooms = clazz.getAvailableRooms(); rooms: for (Iterator i1 = availRooms.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { Location room = (Location); if (iForm.getRoomTypes() != null && iForm.getRoomTypes().length > 0) { boolean ok = false; for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomTypes().length; i++) if (room.getRoomType().getUniqueId().equals(iForm.getRoomTypes()[i])) { ok = true; break; } if (!ok) { i1.remove(); continue rooms; } } if (iForm.getRoomFeatures() != null && iForm.getRoomFeatures().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomFeatures().length; i++) if (!room.hasFeature(iForm.getRoomFeatures()[i])) { i1.remove(); continue rooms; } } if (iForm.getRoomGroups() != null && iForm.getRoomGroups().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iForm.getRoomGroups().length; i++) if (room.hasGroup(iForm.getRoomGroups()[i])) continue rooms; i1.remove(); } } Set allRooms = availRooms; if (showAllRooms != RoomBase.Departmental) { allRooms = new TreeSet(availRooms); allRooms.addAll( findAllRooms(getClazz().getClazz().getSessionId(), showAllRooms == RoomBase.Timetabling)); } Long departmentId = getClazz().getClazz().getManagingDept().getUniqueId(); Hashtable<Location, Integer> filteredRooms = new Hashtable(); Set<Long> permIds = new HashSet(); rooms: for (Iterator i1 = allRooms.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { Location room = (Location); boolean add = true; if (minRoomSize >= 0 && room.getCapacity() < minRoomSize) continue; if (maxRoomSize >= 0 && room.getCapacity() > maxRoomSize) continue; if (!match(room.getLabel(), filter)) continue; PreferenceCombination pref = new SumPreferenceCombination(); if (showAllRooms != RoomBase.Departmental && !availRooms.contains(room)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); RoomSharingModel sharingModel = room.getRoomSharingModel(); if (sharingModel != null) { sharing: for (int d = 0; d < Constants.NR_DAYS; d++) { if ((Constants.DAY_CODES[d] & period.getDayCode()) == 0) continue; int startTime = period.getStartSlot(); int endTime = (period.getStartSlot() + period.getLength() - 1); for (int t = startTime; t <= endTime; t++) { Long px = Long.valueOf(sharingModel.getPreference(d, t)); if (px.equals(RoomSharingModel.sNotAvailablePref)) { if (showAllRooms != RoomBase.Departmental) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); break sharing; } else { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to the room sharing preferences."); continue rooms; } } if (px.equals(RoomSharingModel.sFreeForAllPref)) continue; if (departmentId != null && !departmentId.equals(px)) { if (showAllRooms != RoomBase.Departmental) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); break sharing; } else { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to the room sharing preferences."); continue rooms; } } } } } // --- group preference ---------- PreferenceCombination groupPref = PreferenceCombination.getDefault(); boolean reqGroup = false; for (Iterator i2 = groupPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomGroupPref p = (RoomGroupPref); if (p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) reqGroup = true; if (p.getRoomGroup().getRooms().contains(room)) groupPref.addPreferenceProlog(p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()); } if (reqGroup) { if (!PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(groupPref.getPreferenceProlog())) pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); } else { pref.addPreferenceProlog(groupPref.getPreferenceProlog()); } // --- room preference ------------ String roomPref = null; PreferenceLevel roomPreference = getRoomPreference(clazz.getManagingDept(), room.getUniqueId()); if (roomPreference != null) { roomPref = roomPreference.getPrefProlog(); } boolean reqRoom = false; for (Iterator i2 = roomPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomPref p = (RoomPref); if (p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) reqRoom = true; if (room.equals(p.getRoom())) roomPref = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); } if (reqRoom) { if (!PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(roomPref)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); } else if (roomPref != null) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(roomPref); } // --- building preference ------------ Building bldg = (room instanceof Room ? ((Room) room).getBuilding() : null); boolean reqBldg = false; String bldgPref = null; for (Iterator i2 = bldgPrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { BuildingPref p = (BuildingPref); if (p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog().equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) reqBldg = true; if (bldg != null && bldg.equals(p.getBuilding())) bldgPref = p.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); } if (reqBldg) { if (!PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(bldgPref)) pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); } else if (bldgPref != null) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(bldgPref); } // --- room features preference -------- boolean acceptableFeatures = true; PreferenceCombination featurePref = new MinMaxPreferenceCombination(); for (Iterator i2 = featurePrefs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { RoomFeaturePref roomFeaturePref = (RoomFeaturePref); RoomFeature feature = roomFeaturePref.getRoomFeature(); String p = roomFeaturePref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog(); boolean hasFeature = feature.getRooms().contains(room); if (p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && hasFeature) { acceptableFeatures = false; } if (p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired) && !hasFeature) { acceptableFeatures = false; } if (p != null && hasFeature && !p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited) && !p.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) featurePref.addPreferenceProlog(p); } pref.addPreferenceInt(featurePref.getPreferenceInt()); if (!acceptableFeatures) pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sProhibited); // --- room size ----------------- if (room.getCapacity().intValue() < stronglyDiscouragedCapacity) { pref.addPreferenceInt(1000); } else if (room.getCapacity().intValue() < discouragedCapacity) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sStronglyDiscouraged); } else if (room.getCapacity().intValue() < roomCapacity) { pref.addPreferenceProlog(PreferenceLevel.sDiscouraged); } int prefInt = pref.getPreferenceInt(); if (!add) continue; filteredRooms.put(room, prefInt); permIds.add(room.getPermanentId()); } boolean changePast = ApplicationProperty.ClassAssignmentChangePastMeetings.isTrue(); boolean ignorePast = ApplicationProperty.ClassAssignmentIgnorePastMeetings.isTrue(); List<Date> datesToCheck = null; if (ignorePast || !changePast) { datesToCheck = new ArrayList<Date>(); for (Date aDate : period.getDates()) { if (aDate.compareTo(today) > 0) datesToCheck.add(aDate); } } else { datesToCheck = period.getDates(); } Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> room2classIds = Location.findClassLocationTable(clazz.getSessionId(), permIds, period.getStartSlot(), period.getLength(), changePast ? period.getDates() : datesToCheck); Hashtable<Long, Set<Event>> room2events = null; if (RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null && RoomAvailability.getInstance() instanceof DefaultRoomAvailabilityService) { room2events = Location.findEventTable(clazz.getSessionId(), permIds, period.getStartSlot(), period.getLength(), datesToCheck); } rooms: for (Map.Entry<Location, Integer> entry : filteredRooms.entrySet()) { Location room = entry.getKey(); int prefInt = entry.getValue(); String note = null; Set<Long> classIds = room2classIds.get(room.getPermanentId()); if (classIds == null) classIds = new HashSet(); // Fix the location table with the current assignment if (getClassAssignment() != null && getClassAssignment().hasRoom(room.getUniqueId()) && getClassAssignment().getTime().overlaps(period)) classIds.remove(getClassAssignment().getClassId()); if (iChange != null) { for (ClassAssignment conflict : iChange.getConflicts()) { if (conflict.hasRoom(room.getUniqueId()) && conflict.getTime().overlaps(period)) classIds.remove(conflict.getClassId()); } for (ClassAssignment current : iChange.getAssignments()) { ClassAssignment initial = iChange.getInitial(current); if (initial != null && initial.hasRoom(room.getUniqueId()) && initial.getTime().overlaps(period)) classIds.remove(initial.getClassId()); } for (ClassAssignment current : iChange.getAssignments()) { if (!getClazz().getClassId().equals(current.getClassId()) && current.hasRoom(room.getUniqueId()) && current.getTime().overlaps(period)) classIds.add(current.getClassId()); } } if (!allowConflicts && classIds != null && !classIds.isEmpty()) { for (Long classId : classIds) { if (!clazz.canShareRoom(classId)) { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to the class " + Class_DAO.getInstance().get(classId).getClassLabel() + "."); continue rooms; } } } if (allowConflicts && classIds != null && !classIds.isEmpty()) { for (Long classId : classIds) { if (!clazz.canShareRoom(classId)) { prefInt += 10000; note = "Conflicts with " + Class_DAO.getInstance().get(classId).getClassLabel(); break; } } } if (classIds != null && iChange != null) { for (Long classId : classIds) { if (iChange.getCurrent(classId) != null && !clazz.canShareRoom(classId)) { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to the class " + Class_DAO.getInstance().get(classId).getClassLabel() + "."); continue rooms; } } } if (room2events != null) { Set<Event> conflicts = room2events.get(room.getPermanentId()); if (conflicts != null && !conflicts.isEmpty()) { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to " + conflicts);"Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to " + conflicts); continue rooms; } } else if (RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null) { Collection<TimeBlock> times = RoomAvailability.getInstance().getRoomAvailability( room.getUniqueId(), bounds[0], bounds[1], RoomAvailabilityInterface.sClassType); if (times != null && !times.isEmpty()) { Collection<TimeBlock> timesToCheck = null; if (!changePast || ignorePast) { timesToCheck = new Vector(); for (TimeBlock time : times) { if (!time.getEndTime().before(today)) timesToCheck.add(time); } } else { timesToCheck = times; } TimeBlock time = period.overlaps(timesToCheck); if (time != null) { if (room.getLabel().equals(filter)) iForm.setMessage("Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to " + time);"Room " + room.getLabel() + " is not available for " + period.getLongName() + " due to " + time); continue rooms; } } } rooms.addElement(new ClassRoomInfo(room, prefInt, note)); } } return rooms; } public String getRoomTable() { try { Vector<ClassRoomInfo> rooms = getRooms(); ClassAssignment ClassAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iClass)); Collection<ClassRoomInfo> assigned = (ClassAssignment != null ? ClassAssignment.getRooms() : isClassAssigned() ? getClassAssignment().getRooms() : null); Collection<ClassRoomInfo> original = (getClassOldAssignment() != null ? getClassOldAssignment().getRooms() : null); if (rooms == null || rooms.isEmpty()) return ""; Collections.sort(rooms, new Comparator<ClassRoomInfo>() { public int compare(ClassRoomInfo r1, ClassRoomInfo r2) { int cmp = 0; if (ClassInfoForm.sRoomOrdNameAsc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } else if (ClassInfoForm.sRoomOrdNameDesc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp = -r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } else if (ClassInfoForm.sRoomOrdSizeAsc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp =, r2.getCapacity()); } else if (ClassInfoForm.sRoomOrdSizeDesc.equals(iForm.getRoomOrder())) { cmp =, r2.getCapacity()); } else { cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); ; if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return r1.getLocationId().compareTo(r2.getLocationId()); } }); String ret = ""; ret += "<script language='javascript'>"; ret += "function roomOver(source, id) { "; ret += " document.getElementById('r'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor='rgb(223,231,242)';"; ret += "'hand';'pointer';"; ret += "}"; ret += "var sCap = -1;"; ret += "var sRooms = '"; if (assigned != null && assigned.size() > 0) { for (ClassRoomInfo room : assigned) { ret += ":" + room.getLocationId() + "@" + room.getCapacity(); } } ret += "';"; ret += "var sNrRooms = " + (assigned != null ? assigned.size() : 0) + ";"; ret += "function roomSelected(id) {"; ret += " return sRooms.indexOf(':'+id+'@')>=0;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function roomOut(id) { "; ret += " var bg = 'transparent';"; ret += " if (roomSelected(id)) bg='rgb(168,187,225)';"; ret += " document.getElementById('r'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += " document.getElementById('c'+id).style.backgroundColor=bg;"; ret += "}"; ret += "function roomClick(source, id, cap) { "; ret += " if (sCap<0) {"; ret += " sCap = 0; sRooms=''; sNrRooms=0;"; if (assigned != null && assigned.size() > 0) { for (ClassRoomInfo room : assigned) ret += " roomOut(" + room.getLocationId() + ");"; } ret += " }"; ret += " var i = sRooms.indexOf(':'+id+'@');"; ret += " if (i>=0) {"; ret += " var j = sRooms.indexOf(':',i+1);"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms.substring(0, i)+(j>=0?sRooms.substring(j):'');"; ret += " sCap -= cap; sNrRooms--;"; ret += " } else {"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms + ':' + id + '@' + cap;"; ret += " sCap += cap; sNrRooms++;"; ret += " if (sNrRooms>" + getClazz().getNumberOfRooms() + ") {"; ret += " var fid = sRooms.substring(1, sRooms.indexOf('@'));"; ret += " var fcap = sRooms.substring(sRooms.indexOf('@')+1, sRooms.indexOf(':',1));"; ret += " sRooms = sRooms.substring(sRooms.indexOf(':',1));"; ret += " sCap -= fcap; sNrRooms--; roomOut(fid);"; ret += " };"; ret += " }"; ret += " roomOut(id);"; ret += " if (sNrRooms==" + getClazz().getNumberOfRooms() + ") {displayLoading(); document.location=''+sRooms+'&noCacheTS=" + new Date().getTime() + "';}"; ret += " var c = document.getElementById('roomCapacityCounter');"; ret += " if (c!=null) c.innerHTML = (sCap<" + getClazz().getClassLimit() + "?'<font color=\"red\">'+sCap+'</font>':''+sCap);"; ret += "}"; ret += "</script>"; ret += "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"; int idx = 0; int step = 6; for (ClassRoomInfo room : rooms) { if ((idx % step) == 0) { if (idx > 0) ret += "</tr>"; ret += "<tr>"; } String style = ""; if (assigned != null && assigned.contains(room)) style += "background-color:rgb(168,187,225);"; if (original != null && original.contains(room)) style += "text-decoration:underline;"; String mouse = "onMouseOver=\"roomOver(this," + room.getLocationId() + ");\" " + "onMouseOut=\"roomOut(" + room.getLocationId() + ");\" " + "onClick=\"roomClick(this," + room.getLocationId() + "," + room.getCapacity() + ");\""; ret += "<td nowrap id='r" + room.getLocationId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + room.toString() + "</td>"; if ((idx % step) < step - 1) style += "border-right: #646464 1px dashed;"; ret += "<td id='c" + room.getLocationId() + "' " + (style.length() > 0 ? "style='" + style + "' " : "") + mouse + ">" + room.getCapacity() + "</td>"; idx++; } while ((idx % step) != 0) { ret += "<td colspan='2'> </td>"; idx++; } ret += "</tr>"; ret += "</table>"; return ret; } catch (Exception e) { iForm.setMessage(e.getMessage()); sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } } public Vector<ClassRoomInfo> getRooms() { ClassTimeInfo time = null; try { time = (getSelectedAssignment() != null ? getSelectedAssignment().getTime() : getClassAssignment().getTime()); } catch (Exception e) { } if (time == null) return null; // if (getClazz().getClassLimit()==0) return null; int minRoomSize = -1; try { minRoomSize = (iForm.getMinRoomSize() == null || iForm.getMinRoomSize().length() == 0 ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(iForm.getMinRoomSize().trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } int maxRoomSize = -1; try { maxRoomSize = (iForm.getMaxRoomSize() == null || iForm.getMaxRoomSize().length() == 0 ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(iForm.getMaxRoomSize().trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (getSelectedAssignment() == null && !isClassAssigned()) return null; if (iRooms == null) { iRooms = findRooms(time, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize, iForm.getRoomFilter(), iForm.getAllowRoomConflict(), iForm.getRoomBaseEnum()); } return iRooms; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } public int getRoomSize() { ClassAssignment classAssignment = (iChange == null ? null : iChange.getCurrent(iClass)); if (classAssignment != null) return classAssignment.getRoomSize(); if (isClassAssigned()) return getClassAssignment().getRoomSize(); return 0; } public ClassProposedChange getChange() { if (iChange == null || iChange.isEmpty()) return null; return iChange; } public boolean isHasChange() { return iChange != null && !iChange.isEmpty(); } public String getChangeHtmlTable() { if (iChange == null || iChange.isEmpty()) return null; return iChange.getHtmlTable(getSessionContext()); } public static boolean match(String name, String filter) { if (filter == null || filter.trim().length() == 0) return true; String n = name.toUpperCase(); StringTokenizer stk1 = new StringTokenizer(filter.toUpperCase(), ";"); while (stk1.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer stk2 = new StringTokenizer(stk1.nextToken(), " ,"); boolean match = true; while (match && stk2.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = stk2.nextToken().trim(); if (token.length() == 0) continue; if (token.indexOf('*') >= 0 || token.indexOf('?') >= 0) { try { String tokenRegExp = "\\s+" + token.replaceAll("\\.", "\\.").replaceAll("\\?", ".+").replaceAll("\\*", ".*") + "\\s"; if (!Pattern.compile(tokenRegExp).matcher(" " + n + " ").find()) match = false; } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { match = false; } } else if (n.indexOf(token) < 0) match = false; } if (match) return true; } return false; } public boolean isKeepConflictingAssignments() { return !iUnassignConflictingAssignments; } public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context) { iContext = context; } public SessionContext getSessionContext() { return iContext; } }