Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.unitime.localization.impl.Localization; import org.unitime.localization.messages.SecurityMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.UserProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Department; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SolverGroup; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SubjectArea; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao._RootDAO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ @Service("unitimePermissionCheck") public class UniTimePermissionCheck implements PermissionCheck, InitializingBean { protected static SecurityMessages MSG = Localization.create(SecurityMessages.class); private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(UniTimePermissionCheck.class); @Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Autowired PermissionDepartment permissionDepartment; @Autowired PermissionSession permissionSession; @Override public void checkPermission(UserContext user, Serializable targetId, String targetType, Right right) throws AccessDeniedException { if (user == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthentication(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); if (user.getCurrentAuthority() == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthority(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); if (right == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noRight()); if (!user.getCurrentAuthority().hasRight(right)) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.missingRight(right.toString())); if (targetType == null && right.hasType()) targetType = right.type().getSimpleName(); if (targetType == null) return; if (targetId != null && targetId instanceof Collection) { for (Serializable id : (Collection<Serializable>) targetId) checkPermission(user, id, targetType, right); return; } if (targetId != null && targetId.getClass().isArray()) { for (Serializable id : (Serializable[]) targetId) checkPermission(user, id, targetType, right); return; } try { String className = targetType; if (className.indexOf('.') < 0) className = "org.unitime.timetable.model." + className; // Special cases if (targetId == null && Session.class.getName().equals(className)) targetId = user.getCurrentAcademicSessionId(); if (targetId == null && Department.class.getName().equals(className)) { AccessDeniedException firstDenial = null; for (Department d : Department.getUserDepartments(user)) { try { checkPermission(user, d, right); return; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { if (firstDenial == null) firstDenial = e; } } if (firstDenial != null) throw firstDenial; throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noDepartment(right.toString())); } if (targetId == null && SubjectArea.class.getName().equals(className)) { AccessDeniedException firstDenial = null; for (SubjectArea sa : SubjectArea.getUserSubjectAreas(user)) { try { checkPermission(user, sa, right); return; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { if (firstDenial == null) firstDenial = e; } } if (firstDenial != null) throw firstDenial; throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noSubject(right.toString())); } if (targetId == null && SolverGroup.class.getName().equals(className)) { AccessDeniedException firstDenial = null; for (SolverGroup g : SolverGroup.getUserSolverGroups(user)) { try { checkPermission(user, g, right); return; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { if (firstDenial == null) firstDenial = e; } } if (firstDenial != null) throw firstDenial; throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noSolverGroup(right.toString())); } if (targetId == null) { throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noDomainObject(right.toString(), targetType)); } if (targetId instanceof Qualifiable) { Qualifiable q = (Qualifiable) targetId; if (targetType == null || targetType.equals(q.getQualifierType())) { checkPermission(user, q.getQualifierId(), q.getQualifierType(), right); return; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException( MSG.wrongDomainObject(right.toString(), q.getQualifierType(), targetType)); } } if (targetId instanceof String && Department.class.getName().equals(className)) { Department dept = Department.findByDeptCode((String) targetId, user.getCurrentAcademicSessionId()); if (dept != null) { checkPermission(user, dept, right); return; } } if (targetId instanceof String) { try { targetId = Long.valueOf((String) targetId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (!(targetId instanceof Long)) { try { targetId = (Serializable) targetId.getClass().getMethod("getUniqueId").invoke(targetId); } catch (Exception e) { } try { targetId = (Serializable) targetId.getClass().getMethod("getId").invoke(targetId); } catch (Exception e) { } } Object domainObject = new _RootDAO().getSession().get(Class.forName(className), targetId); if (domainObject == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.domainObjectNotExists(right.toString(), targetType)); checkPermission(user, domainObject, right); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AccessDeniedException( MSG.permissionCheckFailedException(right.toString(), targetType, e.getMessage())); } } @Override public void checkPermission(UserContext user, Object domainObject, Right right) throws AccessDeniedException { if (user == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthentication(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); if (user.getCurrentAuthority() == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthority(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); if (right == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noRight()); if (!user.getCurrentAuthority().hasRight(right)) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.missingRight(right.toString())); if (domainObject == null) return; if (domainObject instanceof Collection) { for (Object o : (Collection<?>) domainObject) checkPermission(user, o, right); return; } if (domainObject.getClass().isArray()) { for (Object o : (Object[]) domainObject) checkPermission(user, o, right); return; } if (right.hasType() && !right.type().isInstance(domainObject)) { if (domainObject instanceof Qualifiable) { checkPermission(user, ((Qualifiable) domainObject).getQualifierId(), ((Qualifiable) domainObject).getQualifierType(), right); return; } if (domainObject instanceof Long) { checkPermission(user, (Long) domainObject, right.type().getSimpleName(), right); return; } throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.wrongDomainObject(right.toString(), domainObject.getClass().getSimpleName(), right.type().getSimpleName())); } try { Permission<?> perm = (Permission<?>) applicationContext.getBean("permission" +, Permission.class); if (perm != null && perm.type().isInstance(domainObject)) { if ((Boolean) perm.getClass().getMethod("check", UserContext.class, perm.type()).invoke(perm, user, domainObject)) { return; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException( MSG.permissionCheckFailed(right.toString(), domainObject.toString())); } } } catch (BeansException e) { } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AccessDeniedException( MSG.permissionCheckFailedException(right.toString(), domainObject.toString(), e.getMessage())); } if (domainObject instanceof Session) { if (permissionSession.check(user, (Session) domainObject)) { return; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.sessionCheckFailed(right.toString(), domainObject.toString())); } } if (domainObject instanceof Department) { if (permissionDepartment.check(user, (Department) domainObject)) { return; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException( MSG.departmentCheckFailed(right.toString(), domainObject.toString())); } } } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { for (Right r : Right.values()) { try { if (r.hasType()) { try { Permission<?> p = (Permission<?>) applicationContext.getBean("permission" +; if (p == null) { sLog.warn("No permission found for " + r + " (" + r.type().getSimpleName() + ")."); } else if (!r.type().equals(p.type())) { sLog.warn("Permission " + r + " (" + r.type().getSimpleName() + ") has a wrong type (" + p.type().getSimpleName() + ")."); } } catch (BeansException e) { sLog.warn("Failed to find a permission " + r + " (" + r.type().getSimpleName() + "): " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { sLog.error("Failed to check permission " + r + " (" + r.type().getSimpleName() + "): " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } @Override public void checkPermissionAnyAuthority(UserContext user, Serializable targetId, String targetType, Right right, Qualifiable... filter) throws AccessDeniedException { if (user == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthentication(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); AccessDeniedException ret = null; authorities: for (UserAuthority authority : user.getAuthorities()) { for (Qualifiable q : filter) if (!authority.hasQualifier(q)) continue authorities; try { checkPermission(new UserContextWrapper(user, authority), targetId, targetType, right); return; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { if (ret == null) ret = e; } } throw (ret != null ? ret : new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noMatchingAuthority(right.toString()))); } @Override public void checkPermissionAnyAuthority(UserContext user, Object targetObject, Right right, Qualifiable... filter) throws AccessDeniedException { if (user == null) throw new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noAuthentication(right == null ? "NULL" : right.toString())); AccessDeniedException ret = null; authorities: for (UserAuthority authority : user.getAuthorities()) { for (Qualifiable q : filter) if (!authority.hasQualifier(q)) continue authorities; try { checkPermission(new UserContextWrapper(user, authority), targetObject, right); return; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { if (ret == null) ret = e; } } throw (ret != null ? ret : new AccessDeniedException(MSG.noMatchingAuthority(right.toString()))); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(UserContext user, Serializable targetId, String targetType, Right right) { if (user == null || user.getCurrentAuthority() == null) return false; if (right == null || !user.getCurrentAuthority().hasRight(right)) return false; if (targetType == null && right.hasType()) targetType = right.type().getSimpleName(); if (targetType == null) return true; if (targetId != null && targetId instanceof Collection) { for (Serializable id : (Collection<Serializable>) targetId) if (!hasPermission(user, id, targetType, right)) return false; return true; } if (targetId != null && targetId.getClass().isArray()) { for (Serializable id : (Serializable[]) targetId) if (!hasPermission(user, id, targetType, right)) return false; return true; } try { String className = targetType; if (className.indexOf('.') < 0) className = "org.unitime.timetable.model." + className; // Special cases if (targetId == null && Session.class.getName().equals(className)) targetId = user.getCurrentAcademicSessionId(); if (targetId == null && Department.class.getName().equals(className)) { for (Department d : Department.getUserDepartments(user)) if (hasPermission(user, d, right)) return true; return false; } if (targetId == null && SubjectArea.class.getName().equals(className)) { for (SubjectArea sa : SubjectArea.getUserSubjectAreas(user)) if (hasPermission(user, sa, right)) return true; return false; } if (targetId == null && SolverGroup.class.getName().equals(className)) { for (SolverGroup g : SolverGroup.getUserSolverGroups(user)) if (hasPermission(user, g, right)) return true; return false; } if (targetId == null) return false; if (targetId instanceof Qualifiable) { Qualifiable q = (Qualifiable) targetId; if (targetType == null || targetType.equals(q.getQualifierType())) return hasPermission(user, q.getQualifierId(), q.getQualifierType(), right); else return false; } if (targetId instanceof String && Department.class.getName().equals(className)) { Department dept = Department.findByDeptCode((String) targetId, user.getCurrentAcademicSessionId()); if (dept != null) return hasPermission(user, dept, right); } if (targetId instanceof String) { try { targetId = Long.valueOf((String) targetId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (!(targetId instanceof Long)) { try { targetId = (Serializable) targetId.getClass().getMethod("getUniqueId").invoke(targetId); } catch (Exception e) { } try { targetId = (Serializable) targetId.getClass().getMethod("getId").invoke(targetId); } catch (Exception e) { } } Object domainObject = new _RootDAO().getSession().get(Class.forName(className), targetId); if (domainObject == null) return false; return hasPermission(user, domainObject, right); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public boolean hasPermission(UserContext user, Object domainObject, Right right) { if (user == null || user.getCurrentAuthority() == null) return false; if (right == null || !user.getCurrentAuthority().hasRight(right)) return false; if (domainObject == null) return true; if (domainObject instanceof Collection) { for (Object o : (Collection<?>) domainObject) if (!hasPermission(user, o, right)) return false; return true; } if (domainObject.getClass().isArray()) { for (Object o : (Object[]) domainObject) if (!hasPermission(user, o, right)) return false; return true; } if (right.hasType() && !right.type().isInstance(domainObject)) { if (domainObject instanceof Qualifiable) { return hasPermission(user, ((Qualifiable) domainObject).getQualifierId(), ((Qualifiable) domainObject).getQualifierType(), right); } if (domainObject instanceof Long) { return hasPermission(user, (Long) domainObject, right.type().getSimpleName(), right); } return false; } try { Permission<?> perm = (Permission<?>) applicationContext.getBean("permission" +, Permission.class); if (perm != null && perm.type().isInstance(domainObject)) return (Boolean) perm.getClass().getMethod("check", UserContext.class, perm.type()).invoke(perm, user, domainObject); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } if (domainObject instanceof Session) return permissionSession.check(user, (Session) domainObject); if (domainObject instanceof Department) return permissionDepartment.check(user, (Department) domainObject); return true; } @Override public boolean hasPermissionAnyAuthority(UserContext user, Serializable targetId, String targetType, Right right, Qualifiable... filter) { if (user == null) return false; authorities: for (UserAuthority authority : user.getAuthorities()) { for (Qualifiable q : filter) if (!authority.hasQualifier(q)) continue authorities; if (hasPermission(new UserContextWrapper(user, authority), targetId, targetType, right)) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean hasPermissionAnyAuthority(UserContext user, Object targetObject, Right right, Qualifiable... filter) throws AccessDeniedException { if (user == null) return false; authorities: for (UserAuthority authority : user.getAuthorities()) { for (Qualifiable q : filter) if (!authority.hasQualifier(q)) continue authorities; if (hasPermission(new UserContextWrapper(user, authority), targetObject, right)) return true; } return false; } public static class UserContextWrapper implements UserContext { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; UserAuthority iAuthority; UserContext iContext; public UserContextWrapper(UserContext context, UserAuthority authority) { iContext = context; iAuthority = authority; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return iContext.isEnabled(); } @Override public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() { return iContext.isCredentialsNonExpired(); } @Override public boolean isAccountNonLocked() { return iContext.isAccountNonLocked(); } @Override public boolean isAccountNonExpired() { return iContext.isAccountNonExpired(); } @Override public String getUsername() { return iContext.getUsername(); } @Override public String getPassword() { return iContext.getPassword(); } @Override public void setProperty(UserProperty property, String value) { iContext.setProperty(property, value); } @Override public void setProperty(String key, String value) { iContext.setProperty(key, value); } @Override public void setCurrentAuthority(UserAuthority authority) { iAuthority = authority; } @Override public boolean hasRole(String role) { return iContext.hasRole(role); } @Override public boolean hasDepartment(Long departmentId) { return iAuthority.hasQualifier(new SimpleQualifier(Department.class.getSimpleName(), departmentId)); } @Override public boolean hasAuthority(String authority) { return iContext.hasAuthority(authority); } @Override public boolean hasAuthority(String role, Long uniqueId) { return iContext.hasAuthority(role, uniqueId); } @Override public boolean hasAuthority(UserAuthority authority) { return iContext.hasAuthority(authority); } @Override public String getProperty(UserProperty property) { return iContext.getProperty(property); } @Override public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) { return iContext.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } @Override public String getProperty(String key) { return iContext.getProperty(key); } @Override public Map<String, String> getProperties() { return iContext.getProperties(); } @Override public String getName() { return iContext.getName(); } @Override public String getExternalUserId() { return iContext.getExternalUserId(); } @Override public String getEmail() { return iContext.getEmail(); } @Override public UserAuthority getCurrentAuthority() { return iAuthority; } @Override public Long getCurrentAcademicSessionId() { return (Long) (iAuthority.getAcademicSession() == null ? null : iAuthority.getAcademicSession().getQualifierId()); } @Override public UserAuthority getAuthority(String authority) { return iContext.getAuthority(authority); } @Override public UserAuthority getAuthority(String role, Long uniqueId) { return iContext.getAuthority(role, uniqueId); } @Override public List<? extends UserAuthority> getAuthorities(String role, Qualifiable... filter) { return iContext.getAuthorities(role, filter); } @Override public Collection<? extends UserAuthority> getAuthorities() { return iContext.getAuthorities(); } @Override public String getTrueExternalUserId() { return iContext.getTrueExternalUserId(); } @Override public String getTrueName() { return iContext.getTrueName(); } } }