Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 - 3.5 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2013, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.model; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.unitime.commons.Debug; import org.unitime.commons.hibernate.util.HibernateUtil; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.model.base.BaseSession; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ExamDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SessionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.OnlineSectioningLog; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.OnlineSectioningServer; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.updates.ReloadOfferingAction; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.service.SolverServerService; import org.unitime.timetable.spring.SpringApplicationContextHolder; import org.unitime.timetable.util.DateUtils; import org.unitime.timetable.util.ReferenceList; /** * @hibernate.class table="SESSIONS" schema = "TIMETABLE" * * @author Tomas Muller, Stephanie Schluttenhofer, Zuzana Mullerova */ public class Session extends BaseSession implements Comparable, Qualifiable { public static final int sHolidayTypeNone = 0; public static final int sHolidayTypeHoliday = 1; public static final int sHolidayTypeBreak = 2; public static String[] sHolidayTypeNames = new String[] { "No Holiday", "Holiday", "(Spring/October/Thanksgiving) Break" }; public static String[] sHolidayTypeColors = new String[] { "rgb(240,240,240)", "rgb(200,30,20)", "rgb(240,50,240)" }; private static final long serialVersionUID = 3691040980400813366L; /* * @return all sessions */ public static TreeSet<Session> getAllSessions() throws HibernateException { TreeSet<Session> ret = new TreeSet<Session>(); for (Session session : SessionDAO.getInstance().findAll()) { if (session.getStatusType() != null && !session.getStatusType().isTestSession()) ret.add(session); } return ret; } /** * @param id * @return * @throws HibernateException */ public static Session getSessionById(Long id) throws HibernateException { return (new SessionDAO()).get(id); } private static void deleteObjects(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, String objectName, Iterator idIterator) { StringBuffer ids = new StringBuffer(); int idx = 0; while (idIterator.hasNext()) { ids.append(; idx++; if (idx == 100) { hibSession.createQuery("delete " + objectName + " as x where x.uniqueId in (" + ids + ")") .executeUpdate(); ids = new StringBuffer(); idx = 0; } else if (idIterator.hasNext()) { ids.append(","); } } if (idx > 0) hibSession.createQuery("delete " + objectName + " as x where x.uniqueId in (" + ids + ")") .executeUpdate(); } /** * @param id * @throws HibernateException */ public static void deleteSessionById(Long id) throws HibernateException { org.hibernate.Session hibSession = new SessionDAO().getSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); for (Iterator i = hibSession.createQuery("from Location where session.uniqueId = :sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", id).iterate(); i.hasNext();) { Location loc = (Location); loc.getFeatures().clear(); loc.getRoomGroups().clear(); hibSession.update(loc); } /* for (Iterator i=hibSession.createQuery("from Exam where session.uniqueId=:sessionId").setLong("sessionId", id).iterate();i.hasNext();) { Exam x = (Exam); for (Iterator j=x.getConflicts().iterator();j.hasNext();) { ExamConflict conf = (ExamConflict); hibSession.delete(conf); j.remove(); } hibSession.update(x); } */ hibSession.flush(); hibSession.createQuery( "delete DistributionPref p where p.owner in (select s from Session s where s.uniqueId=:sessionId)") .setLong("sessionId", id).executeUpdate(); hibSession.createQuery("delete InstructionalOffering o where o.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", id).executeUpdate(); hibSession.createQuery("delete Department d where d.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", id).executeUpdate(); hibSession.createQuery("delete Session s where s.uniqueId=:sessionId").setLong("sessionId", id) .executeUpdate(); String[] a = { "DistributionPref", "RoomPref", "RoomGroupPref", "RoomFeaturePref", "BuildingPref", "TimePref", "DatePatternPref", "ExamPeriodPref" }; for (String str : a) { hibSession.createQuery("delete " + str + " p where owner not in (from PreferenceGroup)") .executeUpdate(); } deleteObjects(hibSession, "ExamConflict", hibSession .createQuery("select x.uniqueId from ExamConflict x where x.exams is empty").iterate()); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { try { if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) tx.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { } throw e; } HibernateUtil.clearCache(); } public void saveOrUpdate() throws HibernateException { (new SessionDAO()).saveOrUpdate(this); } public String getAcademicYearTerm() { return (getAcademicYear() + getAcademicTerm()); } /** * @return Returns the term. */ public String getTermLabel() { return this.getAcademicTerm(); } /** * @return Returns the label. */ public String getLabel() { return getAcademicTerm() + " " + getAcademicYear() + " (" + getAcademicInitiative() + ")"; } public String getReference() { return getAcademicTerm() + getAcademicYear() + getAcademicInitiative(); } public String toString() { return this.getLabel(); } /** * @return Returns the year the session begins. */ public int getSessionStartYear() { if (getSessionBeginDateTime() != null) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); c.setTime(getSessionBeginDateTime()); return c.get(Calendar.YEAR); } return Integer.parseInt(this.getAcademicYear()); } /** * @return Returns the year. */ public static int getYear(String acadYrTerm) { return Integer.parseInt(acadYrTerm.substring(0, 4)); } /** * @param bldgUniqueId * @return */ public Building building(String bldgUniqueId) { // TODO make faster for (Iterator it = this.getBuildings().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Building bldg = (Building); if (bldg.getExternalUniqueId().equals(bldgUniqueId)) { return bldg; } } return null; } public String academicInitiativeDisplayString() { return this.getAcademicInitiative(); } public String statusDisplayString() { return getStatusType().getLabel(); } /** * @return Returns the sessionStatusMap. */ public static ReferenceList getSessionStatusList(boolean includeTestSessions) { ReferenceList ref = new ReferenceList(); ref.addAll(DepartmentStatusType.findAllForSession(includeTestSessions)); return ref; } public static Session getSessionUsingInitiativeYearTerm(String academicInitiative, String academicYear, String academicTerm) { Session s = null; StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(); SessionDAO sdao = new SessionDAO(); queryString.append(" from Session as s where s.academicInitiative = '" + academicInitiative + "' "); queryString.append(" and s.academicYear = '" + academicYear + "' "); queryString.append(" and s.academicTerm = '" + academicTerm + "' "); Query q = sdao.getQuery(queryString.toString()); if (q.list().size() == 1) { s = (Session) q.list().iterator().next(); } return (s); } public Session getLastLikeSession() { String lastYr = new Integer(this.getSessionStartYear() - 1).toString(); return getSessionUsingInitiativeYearTerm(this.getAcademicInitiative(), lastYr, getAcademicTerm()); } public Session getNextLikeSession() { String nextYr = new Integer(this.getSessionStartYear() + 1).toString(); return getSessionUsingInitiativeYearTerm(this.getAcademicInitiative(), nextYr, getAcademicTerm()); } public String loadInstrAndCrsOffering() throws Exception { return ("done"); } public Long getSessionId() { return (this.getUniqueId()); } public void setSessionId(Long sessionId) { this.setUniqueId(sessionId); } public String htmlLabel() { return (this.getLabel()); } public Date earliestSessionRelatedDate() { return (getEventBeginDate() != null && getEventBeginDate().before(getSessionBeginDateTime()) ? getEventBeginDate() : getSessionBeginDateTime()); } public Date latestSessionRelatedDate() { return (getEventEndDate() != null && getEventEndDate().after(getSessionEndDateTime()) ? getEventEndDate() : getSessionEndDateTime()); } public int getStartMonth() { return DateUtils.getStartMonth(earliestSessionRelatedDate(), getSessionStartYear(), ApplicationProperty.SessionNrExcessDays.intValue()); } public int getEndMonth() { return DateUtils.getEndMonth(latestSessionRelatedDate(), getSessionStartYear(), ApplicationProperty.SessionNrExcessDays.intValue()); } public int getPatternStartMonth() { return getStartMonth() - ApplicationProperty.DatePatternNrExessMonth.intValue(); } public int getPatternEndMonth() { return getEndMonth() + ApplicationProperty.DatePatternNrExessMonth.intValue(); } public int getDayOfYear(int day, int month) { return DateUtils.getDayOfYear(day, month, getSessionStartYear()); } public int getHoliday(int day, int month) { return getHoliday(day, month, getSessionStartYear(), getStartMonth(), getHolidays()); } public static int getHoliday(int day, int month, int year, int startMonth, String holidays) { try { if (holidays == null) return sHolidayTypeNone; int idx = DateUtils.getDayOfYear(day, month, year) - DateUtils.getDayOfYear(1, startMonth, year); if (idx < 0 || idx >= holidays.length()) return sHolidayTypeNone; return (int) (holidays.charAt(idx) - '0'); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return sHolidayTypeNone; } } public String getHolidaysHtml() { return getHolidaysHtml(true); } public String getHolidaysHtml(boolean editable) { return getHolidaysHtml(getSessionBeginDateTime(), getSessionEndDateTime(), getClassesEndDateTime(), getExamBeginDate(), getEventBeginDate(), getEventEndDate(), getSessionStartYear(), getHolidays(), editable, EventDateMapping.getMapping(getUniqueId())); } public static String getHolidaysHtml(Date sessionBeginTime, Date sessionEndTime, Date classesEndTime, Date examBeginTime, Date eventBeginTime, Date eventEndTime, int acadYear, String holidays, boolean editable, EventDateMapping.Class2EventDateMap class2eventDateMap) { StringBuffer prefTable = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer prefNames = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer prefColors = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < sHolidayTypeNames.length; i++) { prefTable.append((i == 0 ? "" : ",") + "'" + i + "'"); prefNames.append((i == 0 ? "" : ",") + "'" + sHolidayTypeNames[i] + "'"); prefColors.append((i == 0 ? "" : ",") + "'" + sHolidayTypeColors[i] + "'"); } StringBuffer holidayArray = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer borderArray = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer colorArray = new StringBuffer(); Calendar sessionBeginDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); sessionBeginDate.setTime(sessionBeginTime); Calendar sessionEndDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); sessionEndDate.setTime(sessionEndTime); Calendar classesEndDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); classesEndDate.setTime(classesEndTime); Calendar examBeginDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); if (examBeginTime != null) examBeginDate.setTime(examBeginTime); Calendar eventBeginDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); if (eventBeginTime != null) eventBeginDate.setTime(eventBeginTime); Calendar eventEndDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); if (eventEndTime != null) eventEndDate.setTime(eventEndTime); int startMonth = DateUtils .getStartMonth(eventBeginTime != null && eventBeginTime.before(sessionBeginTime) ? eventBeginTime : sessionBeginTime, acadYear, ApplicationProperty.SessionNrExcessDays.intValue()); int endMonth = DateUtils.getEndMonth( eventEndTime != null && eventEndTime.after(sessionEndTime) ? eventEndTime : sessionEndTime, acadYear, ApplicationProperty.SessionNrExcessDays.intValue()); for (int m = startMonth; m <= endMonth; m++) { int yr = DateUtils.calculateActualYear(m, acadYear); if (m != startMonth) { holidayArray.append(","); borderArray.append(","); colorArray.append(","); } holidayArray.append("["); borderArray.append("["); colorArray.append("["); int daysOfMonth = DateUtils.getNrDaysOfMonth(m, acadYear); for (int d = 1; d <= daysOfMonth; d++) { if (d > 1) { holidayArray.append(","); borderArray.append(","); colorArray.append(","); } holidayArray.append("'" + getHoliday(d, m, acadYear, startMonth, holidays) + "'"); String color = "null"; if (class2eventDateMap != null) { if (class2eventDateMap.hasClassDate(DateUtils.getDate(d, m, acadYear))) { color = "'#c0c'"; } else if (class2eventDateMap.hasEventDate(DateUtils.getDate(d, m, acadYear))) { color = "'#0cc'"; } } colorArray.append(color); if (d == sessionBeginDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == sessionBeginDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == sessionBeginDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'#660000 2px solid'"); else if (d == sessionEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == sessionEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == sessionEndDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'#333399 2px solid'"); else if (d == classesEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == classesEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == classesEndDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'#339933 2px solid'"); else if (d == examBeginDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == examBeginDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == examBeginDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'#999933 2px solid'"); else if (d == eventBeginDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == eventBeginDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == eventBeginDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'yellow 2px solid'"); else if (d == eventEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && (m % 12) == eventEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) && yr == eventEndDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) borderArray.append("'red 2px solid'"); else borderArray.append("null"); } holidayArray.append("]"); borderArray.append("]"); colorArray.append("]"); } StringBuffer table = new StringBuffer(); table.append("<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='scripts/datepatt.js'></script>"); table.append("<script language='JavaScript'>"); table.append("calGenerate2(" + acadYear + "," + startMonth + "," + endMonth + "," + "[" + holidayArray + "]," + "[" + prefTable + "]," + "[" + prefNames + "]," + "[" + prefColors + "]," + "'" + sHolidayTypeNone + "'," + "[" + borderArray + "],[" + colorArray + "]," + editable + "," + editable + ");"); table.append("</script>"); return table.toString(); } public void setHolidays(String holidays) { super.setHolidays(holidays); } public void setHolidays(HttpServletRequest request) { int startMonth = getStartMonth(); int endMonth = getEndMonth(); Calendar startCal = Calendar.getInstance(); startCal.setTime(earliestSessionRelatedDate()); int startYear = getSessionStartYear(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int m = startMonth; m <= endMonth; m++) { int year = DateUtils.calculateActualYear(m, startYear); int daysOfMonth = DateUtils.getNrDaysOfMonth(m, startYear); for (int d = 1; d <= daysOfMonth; d++) { String holiday = request.getParameter("cal_val_" + year + "_" + ((12 + m) % 12) + "_" + d); sb.append(holiday == null ? String.valueOf(sHolidayTypeNone) : holiday); } } setHolidays(sb.toString()); } public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof Session)) return -1; Session s = (Session) o; int cmp = getAcademicInitiative().compareTo(s.getAcademicInitiative()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = getSessionBeginDateTime().compareTo(s.getSessionBeginDateTime()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return (getUniqueId() == null ? new Long(-1) : getUniqueId()) .compareTo(s.getUniqueId() == null ? -1 : s.getUniqueId()); } public DatePattern getDefaultDatePatternNotNull() { DatePattern dp = super.getDefaultDatePattern(); if (dp == null) { dp = DatePattern.findByName(this, "Full Term"); } return dp; } public int getNrWeeks() { Calendar sessionBeginDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); sessionBeginDate.setTime(getSessionBeginDateTime()); Calendar sessionEndDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); sessionEndDate.setTime(getSessionEndDateTime()); int beginDay = getDayOfYear(sessionBeginDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), sessionBeginDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) - getDayOfYear(1, getStartMonth()); int endDay = getDayOfYear(sessionEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), sessionEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) - getDayOfYear(1, getStartMonth()); int nrDays = 0; for (int i = beginDay; i <= endDay; i++) { if (getHolidays() == null || i >= getHolidays().length() || (getHolidays().charAt(i) - '0') == sHolidayTypeNone) nrDays++; } nrDays -= 7; return (6 + nrDays) / 7; } public int getExamBeginOffset() { return (int) Math.round((getSessionBeginDateTime().getTime() - getExamBeginDate().getTime()) / 86.4e6); } public String getBorder(int day, int month) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); cal.setTime(getSessionBeginDateTime()); if (day == cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && ((12 + month) % 12) == cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) return "'blue 2px solid'"; cal.setTime(getClassesEndDateTime()); if (day == cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && ((12 + month) % 12) == cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) return "'blue 2px solid'"; if (getExamBeginDate() != null) { cal.setTime(getExamBeginDate()); if (day == cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && ((12 + month) % 12) == cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) return "'green 2px solid'"; } int holiday = getHoliday(day, month); if (holiday != Session.sHolidayTypeNone) return "'" + Session.sHolidayTypeColors[holiday] + " 2px solid'"; return "null"; } public String getColorArray() { EventDateMapping.Class2EventDateMap class2EventDateMap = EventDateMapping.getMapping(getUniqueId()); int startMonth = getSession().getPatternStartMonth(); int endMonth = getSession().getPatternEndMonth(); int year = getSession().getSessionStartYear(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("["); for (int m = startMonth; m <= endMonth; m++) { if (m != startMonth) sb.append(","); sb.append("["); int daysOfMonth = DateUtils.getNrDaysOfMonth(m, year); for (int d = 1; d <= daysOfMonth; d++) { if (d > 1) sb.append(","); String color = "null"; if (class2EventDateMap != null) { if (class2EventDateMap.hasClassDate(DateUtils.getDate(d, m, year))) { color = "'#c0c'"; } else if (class2EventDateMap.hasEventDate(DateUtils.getDate(d, m, year))) { color = "'#0cc'"; } } sb.append(color); } sb.append("]"); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** Return distance of the given date outside the session start/end date (in milliseconds) */ public long getDistance(Date date) { if (date.compareTo(getEventBeginDate()) < 0) //before session return getEventBeginDate().getTime() - date.getTime(); if (date.compareTo(getEventEndDate()) > 0) //after session return date.getTime() - getEventEndDate().getTime(); return 0; //inside session } public boolean hasStudentSchedule() { return hasStudentSchedule(getUniqueId()); } public static boolean hasStudentSchedule(Long sessionId) { return ((Number) new ExamDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select count(x) from StudentClassEnrollment x " + "where x.student.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).uniqueResult()).longValue() > 0; } private OnlineSectioningServer getInstance() { if (getUniqueId() == null) return null; return ((SolverServerService) SpringApplicationContextHolder.getBean("solverServerService")) .getOnlineStudentSchedulingContainer().getSolver(getUniqueId().toString()); } public Collection<Long> getLockedOfferings() { if (!getStatusType().canLockOfferings()) return null; OnlineSectioningServer server = getInstance(); return (server == null || !server.isReady() ? null : server.getLockedOfferings()); } public boolean isOfferingLocked(Long offeringId) { if (!getStatusType().canLockOfferings()) return false; OnlineSectioningServer server = getInstance(); return server != null && server.isOfferingLocked(offeringId); } public void lockOffering(Long offeringId) { if (getStatusType().canLockOfferings()) { OnlineSectioningServer server = getInstance(); if (server != null) server.lockOffering(offeringId); } } public void unlockOffering(InstructionalOffering offering, UserContext user) { OnlineSectioningServer server = getInstance(); if (server != null) { server.execute(server.createAction(ReloadOfferingAction.class).forOfferings(offering.getUniqueId()), (user == null ? null : OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.newBuilder().setExternalId(user.getExternalUserId()) .setName(user.getName()).setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.EntityType.MANAGER) .build())); server.unlockOffering(offering.getUniqueId()); } try { SessionFactory hibSessionFactory = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession().getSessionFactory(); hibSessionFactory.getCache().evictEntity(InstructionalOffering.class, offering.getUniqueId()); for (CourseOffering course : offering.getCourseOfferings()) hibSessionFactory.getCache().evictEntity(CourseOffering.class, course.getUniqueId()); for (InstrOfferingConfig config : offering.getInstrOfferingConfigs()) for (SchedulingSubpart subpart : config.getSchedulingSubparts()) for (Class_ clazz : subpart.getClasses()) hibSessionFactory.getCache().evictEntity(Class_.class, clazz.getUniqueId()); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("Failed to evict cache: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public Session getSession() { return this; } @Override public Serializable getQualifierId() { return getUniqueId(); } @Override public String getQualifierType() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } @Override public String getQualifierReference() { return getReference(); } @Override public String getQualifierLabel() { return getLabel(); } @Override public Department getDepartment() { return null; } }