Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 - 3.5 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2013, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.model; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DistanceMetric; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.unitime.localization.impl.Localization; import org.unitime.localization.messages.CourseMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.defaults.ApplicationProperty; import org.unitime.timetable.model.base.BaseLocation; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.ExamLocationPrefDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.LocationDAO; import; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.exam.ui.ExamRoomInfo; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.RequiredTimeTable; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public abstract class Location extends BaseLocation implements Comparable { public static final CourseMessages MSG = Localization.create(CourseMessages.class); public static final String AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS_ATTR = "availableLocations"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /*[CONSTRUCTOR MARKER BEGIN]*/ public Location() { super(); } /** * Constructor for primary key */ public Location(java.lang.Long uniqueId) { super(uniqueId); } /*[CONSTRUCTOR MARKER END]*/ public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof Location)) return -1; if (this instanceof Room) { if (o instanceof Room) { Room r1 = (Room) this; Room r2 = (Room) o; int cmp = r1.getBuilding().compareTo(r2.getBuilding()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = r1.getRoomNumber().compareTo(r2.getRoomNumber()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return r1.getUniqueId().compareTo(r2.getUniqueId()); } else return -1; //rooms first } else if (this instanceof NonUniversityLocation) { if (o instanceof Room) { return 1; //rooms first } else if (o instanceof NonUniversityLocation) { NonUniversityLocation l1 = (NonUniversityLocation) this; NonUniversityLocation l2 = (NonUniversityLocation) o; int cmp = l1.getName().compareTo(l2.getName()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return l1.getUniqueId().compareTo(l2.getUniqueId()); } else return -1; //all the rest after } else { return (getUniqueId() == null ? new Long(-1) : getUniqueId()) .compareTo(((Location) o).getUniqueId() == null ? -1 : ((Location) o).getUniqueId()); } } public abstract String getLabel(); /** Room sharing table with all fields editable (for administrator) */ public RequiredTimeTable getRoomSharingTable() { return new RequiredTimeTable(new RoomSharingModel(this, null, null)); //all editable } public RequiredTimeTable getEventAvailabilityTable() { RoomSharingModel model = new RoomSharingModel(this, null, null); model.setEventAvailabilityPreference(getEventAvailability()); return new RequiredTimeTable(model); } /** Room sharing table with all fields editable (for administrator) * @param departments list of departments (or depatment ids) */ public RequiredTimeTable getRoomSharingTable(Collection departments) { return new RequiredTimeTable(new RoomSharingModel(this, null, departments)); //all editable } /** Room sharing table editable by the given manager * @param session current academic session * @param editingManager current timetabling manager (the one whose departments should be editable) * @param departments list of departments (or depatment ids) * */ public RequiredTimeTable getRoomSharingTable(UserContext editingUser, Collection departments) { return new RequiredTimeTable(getRoomSharingModel(editingUser, departments)); } /** Room sharing table editable by the given manager * @param session current academic session * @param editingManager current timetabling manager (the one whose departments should be editable) * */ public RequiredTimeTable getRoomSharingTable(UserContext editingUser) { return new RequiredTimeTable(getRoomSharingModel(editingUser, null)); } /** Room sharing model with all fields editable (for administrator) */ public RoomSharingModel getRoomSharingModel() { return new RoomSharingModel(this, null, null); } /** Room sharing model editable by the given manager * @param session current academic session * @param editingManager current timetabling manager (the one whose departments should be editable) * @param departments list of departments (or depatment ids) * */ public RoomSharingModel getRoomSharingModel(UserContext editingUser) { return getRoomSharingModel(editingUser, null); } /** Room sharing model editable by the given manager * @param session current academic session * @param editingManager current timetabling manager (the one whose departments should be editable) * */ public RoomSharingModel getRoomSharingModel(UserContext editingUser, Collection departments) { if (editingUser == null || editingUser.getCurrentAuthority() == null || editingUser.getCurrentAuthority().hasRight(Right.DepartmentIndependent)) return new RoomSharingModel(this, null, departments); Set<Long> editingDepartments = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Qualifiable dept : editingUser.getCurrentAuthority().getQualifiers("Department")) editingDepartments.add((Long) dept.getQualifierId()); //check whether one of the editing departments has control over the room for (Iterator i = getRoomDepts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomDept rd = (RoomDept); if (!rd.isControl().booleanValue()) continue; if (editingDepartments.contains(rd.getDepartment().getUniqueId())) return new RoomSharingModel(this, null, departments); } return new RoomSharingModel(this, editingDepartments, departments); } /** Room sharing model editable by the given manager * @param editingDepartmentIds editable departments (null if all) */ public RoomSharingModel getRoomSharingModel(Set editingDepartmentIds) { return getRoomSharingModel(editingDepartmentIds, null); } /** Room sharing model editable by the given manager * @param editingDepartmentIds editable departments (null if all) * @param departments list of departments (or depatment ids) */ public RoomSharingModel getRoomSharingModel(Set editingDepartmentIds, Collection departments) { return new RoomSharingModel(this, editingDepartmentIds, departments); } /** Save changes made in the room sharing model back to the room */ public void setRoomSharingModel(RoomSharingModel model) { if (model == null) { setPattern(null); setManagerIds(null); } else { setPattern(model.getPreferences()); setManagerIds(model.getManagerIds()); } } public void setRoomSharingTable(RequiredTimeTable table) { setRoomSharingModel((RoomSharingModel) table.getModel()); } /** * * @param roomGroup * @return */ public boolean hasGroup(RoomGroup roomGroup) { boolean b = false; for (Iterator it = getRoomGroups().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if (roomGroup.equals((RoomGroup) { b = true; break; } } return b; } public boolean hasGroup(Long roomGroup) { for (Iterator it = getRoomGroups().iterator(); it.hasNext();) if (roomGroup.equals(((RoomGroup) return true; return false; } /** * * @param roomDept * @return */ public boolean hasRoomDept(Department d) { boolean b = false; for (Iterator it = getRoomDepts().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { RoomDept rd = (RoomDept); if (rd.getDepartment().equals(d) && rd.getRoom().equals(this)) { b = true; break; } } return b; } /** * * @param roomFeature * @return */ public boolean hasFeature(RoomFeature roomFeature) { boolean b = false; for (Iterator it = getFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if (roomFeature.equals((RoomFeature) { b = true; break; } } return b; } public boolean hasFeature(Long roomFeature) { for (Iterator it = getFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) if (roomFeature.equals(((RoomFeature) return true; return false; } /** * * @param sisReference * @return * @throws SmasException */ public boolean hasGlobalFeature(String sisReference) { GlobalRoomFeature grf = GlobalRoomFeature.featureWithSisReference(getSession(), sisReference); if (grf == null) return false; return hasFeature(grf); } /** * * @param roomFeature */ public void addTofeatures(org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeature roomFeature) { if (null == getFeatures()) setFeatures(new java.util.HashSet()); getFeatures().add(roomFeature); } /** * remove feature from room * @param roomFeature */ public void removeFromfeatures(org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomFeature roomFeature) { if (null == getFeatures()) setFeatures(new java.util.HashSet()); getFeatures().remove(roomFeature); } /** * * @throws HibernateException */ public void saveOrUpdate() throws HibernateException { (new LocationDAO()).saveOrUpdate(this); } /** * * @return */ public TreeSet<GlobalRoomFeature> getGlobalRoomFeatures() { TreeSet<GlobalRoomFeature> grfs = new TreeSet<GlobalRoomFeature>(); for (RoomFeature rf : getFeatures()) if (rf instanceof GlobalRoomFeature) { grfs.add((GlobalRoomFeature) rf); } return grfs; } public TreeSet<RoomGroup> getGlobalRoomGroups() { TreeSet<RoomGroup> grgs = new TreeSet<RoomGroup>(); for (RoomGroup rg : getRoomGroups()) { if (rg.isGlobal()) grgs.add(rg); } return grgs; } /** * * @return */ public TreeSet<DepartmentRoomFeature> getDepartmentRoomFeatures() { TreeSet<DepartmentRoomFeature> drfs = new TreeSet<DepartmentRoomFeature>(); for (RoomFeature rf : getFeatures()) if (rf instanceof DepartmentRoomFeature) drfs.add((DepartmentRoomFeature) rf); return drfs; } /** * * @param department * @return */ public PreferenceLevel getRoomPreferenceLevel(Department department) { if (department == null) return PreferenceLevel.getPreferenceLevel(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral); for (Iterator i = department.getRoomPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomPref rp = (RoomPref); if (rp.getRoom().equals(this)) return rp.getPrefLevel(); } return PreferenceLevel.getPreferenceLevel(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral); } /** * * @param department * @return */ public RoomPref getRoomPreference(Department department) { for (Iterator i = department.getRoomPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomPref rp = (RoomPref); if (rp.getRoom().equals(this)) return rp; } return null; } public void removedFromDepartment(Department department, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { for (Iterator iter = getFeatures().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RoomFeature rf = (RoomFeature); if (!(rf instanceof DepartmentRoomFeature)) continue; DepartmentRoomFeature drf = (DepartmentRoomFeature) rf; if (department.equals(drf.getDepartment())) { drf.getRooms().remove(this); iter.remove(); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(drf); } } for (Iterator iter = getRoomGroups().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RoomGroup rg = (RoomGroup); if (rg.isGlobal().booleanValue()) continue; if (department.equals(rg.getDepartment())) { rg.getRooms().remove(this); iter.remove(); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(rg); } } for (Iterator iter = department.getPreferences().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Preference p = (Preference); if (p instanceof RoomPref && ((RoomPref) p).getRoom().equals(this)) { hibSession.delete(p); iter.remove(); } } hibSession.saveOrUpdate(department); List roomPrefs = hibSession .createQuery("select distinct rp from RoomPref rp where") .setInteger("locationId", getUniqueId().intValue()).list(); for (Iterator i = roomPrefs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomPref rp = (RoomPref); if (rp.getOwner() instanceof Class_) { Class_ c = (Class_) rp.getOwner(); if (department.equals(c.getManagingDept())) { c.getPreferences().remove(rp); hibSession.delete(rp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(c); } } if (rp.getOwner() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) { SchedulingSubpart s = (SchedulingSubpart) rp.getOwner(); if (department.equals(s.getManagingDept())) { s.getPreferences().remove(rp); hibSession.delete(rp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(s); } } if (rp.getOwner() instanceof DepartmentalInstructor) { DepartmentalInstructor d = (DepartmentalInstructor) rp.getOwner(); if (department.equals(d.getDepartment())) { d.getPreferences().remove(rp); hibSession.delete(rp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(d); } } } if (this instanceof Room) { Building bldg = ((Room) this).getBuilding(); List bldgPrefs = hibSession .createQuery("select distinct bp from BuildingPref bp where bp.building.uniqueId=:bldgId") .setInteger("bldgId", bldg.getUniqueId().intValue()).list(); for (Iterator i = bldgPrefs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BuildingPref bp = (BuildingPref); if (bp.getOwner() instanceof Class_) { Class_ c = (Class_) bp.getOwner(); if (!c.getAvailableBuildings().contains(bldg) && department.equals(c.getManagingDept())) { c.getPreferences().remove(bp); hibSession.delete(bp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(c); } } if (bp.getOwner() instanceof SchedulingSubpart) { SchedulingSubpart s = (SchedulingSubpart) bp.getOwner(); if (!s.getAvailableBuildings().contains(bldg) && department.equals(s.getManagingDept())) { s.getPreferences().remove(bp); hibSession.delete(bp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(s); } } if (bp.getOwner() instanceof DepartmentalInstructor) { DepartmentalInstructor d = (DepartmentalInstructor) bp.getOwner(); if (!d.getAvailableBuildings().contains(bldg) && department.equals(d.getDepartment())) { d.getPreferences().remove(bp); hibSession.delete(bp); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(d); } } } } } public double getDistance(Location other) { if (getUniqueId().equals(other.getUniqueId())) return 0.0; if (this instanceof Location && isIgnoreTooFar() != null && isIgnoreTooFar().booleanValue()) return 0.0; if (other instanceof Location && other.isIgnoreTooFar() != null && other.isIgnoreTooFar().booleanValue()) return 0.0; DistanceMetric m = new DistanceMetric( DistanceMetric.Ellipsoid.valueOf(ApplicationProperty.DistanceEllipsoid.value())); return m.getDistanceInMeters(getUniqueId(), getCoordinateX(), getCoordinateY(), other.getUniqueId(), other.getCoordinateX(), other.getCoordinateY()); } public Department getControllingDepartment() { for (Iterator i = getRoomDepts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomDept rd = (RoomDept); if (rd.isControl().booleanValue()) return rd.getDepartment(); } return null; } public abstract String getRoomTypeLabel(); public Hashtable<ExamPeriod, PreferenceLevel> getExamPreferences(ExamType examType) { return getExamPreferences(examType.getUniqueId()); } public Hashtable<ExamPeriod, PreferenceLevel> getExamPreferences(Long examTypeId) { Hashtable<ExamPeriod, PreferenceLevel> ret = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (examTypeId.equals(pref.getExamPeriod().getExamType().getUniqueId())) ret.put(pref.getExamPeriod(), pref.getPrefLevel()); } return ret; } public PreferenceLevel getExamPreference(ExamPeriod period) { for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (pref.getExamPeriod().equals(period)) return pref.getPrefLevel(); } return PreferenceLevel.getPreferenceLevel(PreferenceLevel.sNeutral); } public void clearExamPreferences(ExamType examType) { clearExamPreferences(examType.getUniqueId()); } public void clearExamPreferences(Long examTypeId) { if (getExamPreferences() == null) setExamPreferences(new HashSet()); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (examTypeId.equals(pref.getExamPeriod().getExamType().getUniqueId())) { new ExamLocationPrefDAO().getSession().delete(pref); i.remove(); } } } public void setExamPreference(ExamPeriod period, PreferenceLevel preference) { if (getExamPreferences() == null) setExamPreferences(new HashSet()); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (pref.getExamPeriod().equals(period)) { if (PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(preference.getPrefProlog())) { new ExamLocationPrefDAO().getSession().delete(pref); i.remove(); } else { pref.setPrefLevel(preference); new ExamLocationPrefDAO().getSession().update(pref); } return; } } if (PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(preference.getPrefProlog())) return; ExamLocationPref pref = new ExamLocationPref(); pref.setExamPeriod(period); pref.setPrefLevel(preference); pref.setLocation(this); getExamPreferences().add(pref); new ExamLocationPrefDAO().getSession().save(pref); } public void addExamPreference(ExamPeriod period, PreferenceLevel preference) { if (PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(preference.getPrefProlog())) return; ExamLocationPref pref = new ExamLocationPref(); pref.setExamPeriod(period); pref.setPrefLevel(preference); pref.setLocation(this); getExamPreferences().add(pref); new ExamLocationPrefDAO().getSession().save(pref); } public String getExamPreferencesHtml(ExamType examType) { if (examType.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(getSession(), examType); epx.load(this); return epx.toString(true).replaceAll(", ", "<br>"); } StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (!examType.equals(pref.getExamPeriod().getExamType())) continue; ret.append("<span style='color:" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + ";'>" + pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefName() + " " + pref.getExamPeriod().getName() + "</span>"); } return ret.toString(); } public String getExamPreferencesAbbreviationHtml(ExamType examType) { if (examType.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(getSession(), examType); epx.load(this); return epx.toString(true).replaceAll(", ", "<br>"); } StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (!examType.equals(pref.getExamPeriod().getExamType())) continue; if (ret.length() > 0) { ret.append("<br>"); } ret.append("<span title='" + pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefName() + " " + pref.getExamPeriod().getName() + "' style='color:" + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + ";'>" + pref.getExamPeriod().getAbbreviation() + "</span>"); } return ret.toString(); } public String getExamPreferencesAbbreviation(ExamType examType) { if (examType.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(getSession(), examType); epx.load(this); return epx.toString(false).replaceAll(", ", "\n"); } StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator i = getExamPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExamLocationPref pref = (ExamLocationPref); if (!examType.equals(pref.getExamPeriod().getExamType())) continue; if (ret.length() > 0) ret.append("\n"); ret.append(PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.getExamPeriod().getAbbreviation()); } return ret.toString(); } public static TreeSet findAllExamLocations(Long sessionId, ExamType examType) { return findAllExamLocations(sessionId, examType == null ? null : examType.getUniqueId()); } public static TreeSet findAllExamLocations(Long sessionId, Long examTypeId) { if (examTypeId == null) { return new TreeSet((new LocationDAO()).getSession().createQuery( "select room from Location as room where room.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and room.examTypes is not empty") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setCacheable(true).list()); } else { return new TreeSet((new LocationDAO()).getSession().createQuery( "select room from Location as room inner join room.examTypes as type where room.session.uniqueId = :sessionId and type.uniqueId = :typeId") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setLong("typeId", examTypeId).setCacheable(true).list()); } } public static TreeSet findNotAvailableExamLocations(Long periodId) { return new TreeSet((new LocationDAO()).getSession().createQuery( "select distinct r from Exam x inner join x.assignedRooms r where x.assignedPeriod.uniqueId=:periodId") .setLong("periodId", periodId).setCacheable(true).list()); } public static Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> findExamLocationTable(Long periodId) { Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> table = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = (new LocationDAO()).getSession().createQuery( "select distinct r.uniqueId, x.uniqueId from Exam x inner join x.assignedRooms r where x.assignedPeriod.uniqueId=:periodId") .setLong("periodId", periodId).setCacheable(true).list().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); Set<Long> exams = table.get((Long) o[0]); if (exams == null) { exams = new HashSet<Long>(); table.put((Long) o[0], exams); } exams.add((Long) o[1]); } return table; } public Collection<Assignment> getCommitedAssignments() { return new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select a from Assignment a inner join a.rooms r where " + "a.solution.commited=true and r.uniqueId=:locationId") .setLong("locationId", getUniqueId()).setCacheable(true).list(); } public static TreeSet findAllAvailableExamLocations(ExamPeriod period) { TreeSet locations = findAllExamLocations(period.getSession().getUniqueId(), period.getExamType()); locations.removeAll(findNotAvailableExamLocations(period.getUniqueId())); return locations; } public static double getDistance(Collection rooms1, Collection rooms2) { if (rooms1 == null || rooms1.isEmpty() || rooms2 == null || rooms2.isEmpty()) return 0; double maxDistance = 0; for (Iterator i1 = rooms1.iterator(); i1.hasNext();) { Object o1 =; Location r1 = null; if (o1 instanceof ExamRoomInfo) r1 = ((ExamRoomInfo) o1).getLocation(); else r1 = (Location) o1; for (Iterator i2 = rooms2.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) { Object o2 =; Location r2 = null; if (o2 instanceof ExamRoomInfo) r2 = ((ExamRoomInfo) o2).getLocation(); else r2 = (Location) o2; maxDistance = Math.max(maxDistance, r1.getDistance(r2)); } } return maxDistance; } public List<Exam> getExams(Long periodId) { return new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select x from Exam x inner join x.assignedRooms r where " + "x.assignedPeriod.uniqueId=:periodId and r.uniqueId=:locationId") .setLong("periodId", periodId).setLong("locationId", getUniqueId()).setCacheable(true).list(); } public boolean isExamEnabled(ExamType examType) { return getExamTypes() != null && getExamTypes().contains(examType); } public boolean isExamEnabled(Long examTypeId) { if (getExamTypes() == null) return false; for (ExamType type : getExamTypes()) if (type.getUniqueId().equals(examTypeId)) return true; return false; } public boolean hasFinalExamsEnabled() { for (ExamType type : getExamTypes()) if (type.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeFinal) return true; return false; } public boolean hasMidtermExamsEnabled() { for (ExamType type : getExamTypes()) if (type.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) return true; return false; } public boolean hasAnyExamsEnabled() { return getExamTypes() != null && !getExamTypes().isEmpty(); } public void setExamEnabled(ExamType examType, boolean enabled) { if (getExamTypes() == null) setExamTypes(new HashSet<ExamType>()); if (enabled) getExamTypes().add(examType); else getExamTypes().remove(examType); } public static List<Location> findAll(Long sessionId) { return (List<Location>) new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select l from Location l where l.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setCacheable(true).list(); } public static List<Location> findAllEventRooms(Long departmentId) { return (List<Location>) new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select l from Location l where l.eventDepartment.uniqueId=:departmentId") .setLong("departmentId", departmentId).setCacheable(true).list(); } public static List<Room> findAllRooms(Long sessionId) { return (List<Room>) new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select l from Room l where l.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setCacheable(true).list(); } public static List<NonUniversityLocation> findAllNonUniversityLocations(Long sessionId) { return (List<NonUniversityLocation>) new LocationDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select l from NonUniversityLocation l where l.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setCacheable(true).list(); } public abstract RoomType getRoomType(); public abstract void setRoomType(RoomType roomType); public static Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> findClassLocationTable(Long sessionId, int startSlot, int length, Vector<Date> dates) { Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> table = new Hashtable(); String datesStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) datesStr += ", "; datesStr += ":date" + i; } Query q = LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select distinct r.uniqueId, e.clazz.uniqueId from " + "ClassEvent e inner join e.meetings m, Location r where " + "r.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and r.permanentId=m.locationPermanentId and " + // link Location r with Meeting m "m.stopPeriod>:startSlot and :endSlot>m.startPeriod and " + // meeting time within given time period "m.meetingDate in (" + datesStr + ")") .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setInteger("startSlot", startSlot) .setInteger("endSlot", startSlot + length); for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { q.setDate("date" + i, dates.elementAt(i)); } for (Iterator i = q.setCacheable(true).list().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); Set<Long> ids = table.get((Long) o[0]); if (ids == null) { ids = new HashSet<Long>(); table.put((Long) o[0], ids); } ids.add((Long) o[1]); } return table; } public Set<Long> findClassLocationTable(int startSlot, int length, Vector<Date> dates) { String datesStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) datesStr += ", "; datesStr += ":date" + i; } Query q = LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select distinct e.clazz.uniqueId from " + "ClassEvent e inner join e.meetings m where " + "m.locationPermanentId=:permanentId and " + "m.stopPeriod>:startSlot and :endSlot>m.startPeriod and " + // meeting time within given time period "m.meetingDate in (" + datesStr + ")") // and date .setLong("permanentId", getPermanentId()).setInteger("startSlot", startSlot) .setInteger("endSlot", startSlot + length); for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { q.setDate("date" + i, dates.elementAt(i)); } return new HashSet<Long>(q.setCacheable(true).list()); } public static Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> findClassLocationTable(Long sessionId, Set<Long> permanentIds, int startSlot, int length, Vector<Date> dates) { if (permanentIds.isEmpty() || dates.isEmpty()) return new Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>>(); EventDateMapping.Class2EventDateMap class2eventMap = EventDateMapping.getMapping(sessionId); String datesStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) datesStr += ", "; datesStr += ":date" + i; } Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> table = new Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>>(); Iterator<Long> permanentIdIterator = permanentIds.iterator(); while (permanentIdIterator.hasNext()) { String permIds = ""; Long permanentId; int cntPermIds = 0; while (permanentIdIterator.hasNext() && cntPermIds < 1000) { permanentId =; if (permIds.length() > 0) permIds += ","; permIds += permanentId; cntPermIds++; } Query q = LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select distinct m.locationPermanentId, e.clazz.uniqueId from " + "ClassEvent e inner join e.meetings m where " + "m.locationPermanentId in (" + permIds + ") and " + "m.stopPeriod>:startSlot and :endSlot>m.startPeriod and " + // meeting time within given time period "m.meetingDate in (" + datesStr + ")") // and date .setInteger("startSlot", startSlot).setInteger("endSlot", startSlot + length); for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { q.setDate("date" + i, class2eventMap.getEventDate(dates.elementAt(i))); } for (Iterator i = q.setCacheable(true).list().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); Set<Long> ids = table.get((Long) o[0]); if (ids == null) { ids = new HashSet<Long>(); table.put((Long) o[0], ids); } ids.add((Long) o[1]); } } return table; } public static Hashtable<Long, Set<Event>> findEventTable(Long sessionId, Set<Long> permanentIds, int startSlot, int length, Vector<Date> dates) { if (permanentIds.isEmpty() || dates.isEmpty()) return new Hashtable<Long, Set<Event>>(); EventDateMapping.Class2EventDateMap class2eventMap = EventDateMapping.getMapping(sessionId); String datesStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) datesStr += ", "; datesStr += ":date" + i; } Hashtable<Long, Set<Event>> table = new Hashtable<Long, Set<Event>>(); Iterator<Long> permanentIdIterator = permanentIds.iterator(); while (permanentIdIterator.hasNext()) { String permIds = ""; Long permanentId; int cntPermIds = 0; while (permanentIdIterator.hasNext() && cntPermIds < 1000) { permanentId =; if (permIds.length() > 0) permIds += ","; permIds += permanentId; cntPermIds++; } Query q = LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select distinct m.locationPermanentId, e from " + "Event e inner join e.meetings m where " + "e.class!=ClassEvent and " + "m.locationPermanentId in (" + permIds + ") and " + "m.stopPeriod>:startSlot and :endSlot>m.startPeriod and " + // meeting time within given time period "m.meetingDate in (" + datesStr + ") and m.approvalStatus = 1") // and date .setInteger("startSlot", startSlot).setInteger("endSlot", startSlot + length); for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { q.setDate("date" + i, class2eventMap.getEventDate(dates.elementAt(i))); } for (Iterator i = q.setCacheable(true).list().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); Set<Event> events = table.get((Long) o[0]); if (events == null) { events = new HashSet<Event>(); table.put((Long) o[0], events); } events.add((Event) o[1]); } } return table; } @Deprecated public String getHtmlHint() { return getHtmlHint(null); } @Deprecated public String getHtmlHint(String preference) { try { if (!Hibernate.isPropertyInitialized(this, "roomType") || !Hibernate.isInitialized(getRoomType())) { return LocationDAO.getInstance().get(getUniqueId()).getHtmlHintImpl(preference); } else { return getHtmlHintImpl(preference); } } catch (LazyInitializationException e) { return LocationDAO.getInstance().get(getUniqueId()).getHtmlHintImpl(preference); } } @Deprecated private String getHtmlHintImpl(String preference) { String hint = (preference == null ? "" : preference + " ") + getLabel() + (getDisplayName() == null ? " (" + getRoomTypeLabel() + ")" : " (" + getDisplayName() + ")"); String minimap = ApplicationProperty.RoomHintMinimapUrl.value(); if (minimap != null && getCoordinateX() != null && getCoordinateY() != null) { hint += "<br><img src=\\'" + minimap.replace("%x", getCoordinateX().toString()).replace("%y", getCoordinateY().toString()) .replace("%n", getLabel()) .replace("%i", getExternalUniqueId() == null ? "" : getExternalUniqueId()) + "\\' border=\\'0\\' style=\\'border: 1px solid #9CB0CE;\\'/>"; } hint += "<table width=\\'300px;\\'>"; hint += "<tr><td>Capacity:</td><td width=\\'99%\\'>" + getCapacity(); if (getExamCapacity() != null && getExamCapacity() > 0 && !getExamCapacity().equals(getCapacity()) && !getExamTypes().isEmpty()) { String type = (getExamTypes().size() == 1 ? getExamTypes().iterator().next().getLabel().toLowerCase() + " " : ""); hint += " (" + getExamCapacity() + " for " + type + "examinations)"; } hint += "</td></tr>"; if (getArea() != null) { hint += "<tr><td>" + MSG.propertyRoomArea() + "</td><td width=\\'99%\\'>" + new DecimalFormat(ApplicationProperty.RoomAreaUnitsFormat.value()).format(getArea()) + " " + MSG.roomAreaUnitsShort() + "</td></tr>"; } Map<String, String> features = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (GlobalRoomFeature f : getGlobalRoomFeatures()) { String type = (f.getFeatureType() == null ? "Features" : f.getFeatureType().getReference()); String featuresThisType = features.get(type); if (featuresThisType == null) { featuresThisType = ""; } else { featuresThisType += ", "; } featuresThisType += f.getLabel(); features.put(type, featuresThisType); } for (String type : new TreeSet<String>(features.keySet())) hint += "<tr><td>" + type + ":</td><td>" + features.get(type) + "</td></tr>"; String groups = ""; for (RoomGroup g : getGlobalRoomGroups()) { if (!groups.isEmpty()) groups += ", "; groups += g.getName(); } if (!groups.isEmpty()) hint += "<tr><td>Groups:</td><td>" + groups + "</td></tr>"; hint += "<tr><td>Events:</td><td><i>" + (getEventDepartment() == null ? "No Event Department" : getEffectiveEventStatus().toString()) + "</i></td></tr>"; String message = getEventMessage(); if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) hint += "<tr><td colspan=\\'2\\'>" + message.replace("'", "\\'") + "</td></tr>"; hint += "</table>"; return hint; } public String getLabelWithHint() { return "<span onmouseover=\"showGwtRoomHint(this, '" + getUniqueId() + "');\" onmouseout=\"hideGwtRoomHint();\">" + getLabel() + "</span>"; } public boolean isUsed() { Number nrMeetings = (Number) LocationDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select count(m) from Meeting m, Location l where " + "l.uniqueId = :locId and m.locationPermanentId = l.permanentId " + "and m.meetingDate >= l.session.eventBeginDate and m.meetingDate <= l.session.eventEndDate") // and m.approvedDate is not null .setLong("locId", getUniqueId()).setCacheable(true).uniqueResult(); return nrMeetings.intValue() > 0; } public int getEffectiveBreakTime() { if (getBreakTime() != null) return getBreakTime(); if (getEventDepartment() == null) return ApplicationProperty.RoomDefaultBreakTime.intValue(getRoomType().getReference()); else return getRoomType().getOption(getEventDepartment()).getBreakTime(); } public RoomTypeOption.Status getEffectiveEventStatus() { if (getEventStatus() != null) return RoomTypeOption.Status.values()[getEventStatus()]; if (getEventDepartment() == null) return RoomTypeOption.Status.NoEventManagement; else return getRoomType().getOption(getEventDepartment()).getEventStatus(); } public String getEventMessage() { if (getNote() != null && !getNote().isEmpty()) return getNote(); if (getEventDepartment() == null) return null; else return getRoomType().getOption(getEventDepartment()).getMessage(); } public String getLabelWithCapacity() { return (getCapacity() == null ? getLabel() : MSG.labelLocationLabelWithCapacity(getLabel(), getCapacity())); } public String getLabelWithExamCapacity() { return (getExamCapacity() == null ? getLabelWithCapacity() : MSG.labelLocationLabelWithCapacity(getLabel(), getExamCapacity())); } @Override public String getPattern() { String pattern = super.getPattern(); if (pattern != null && pattern.length() == 336) { // Old format (1 character per half-hour) -> convert to 1 character per slot StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 2016; i++) p.append(pattern.charAt(i / 6)); return p.toString(); } return pattern; } public abstract Set<? extends LocationPicture> getPictures(); }