Java tutorial
/* * UniTime 3.2 (University Timetabling Application) * Copyright (C) 2010, UniTime LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.gwt.server; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.unitime.commons.Debug; import org.unitime.commons.hibernate.util.HibernateUtil; import org.unitime.commons.web.Web; import org.unitime.localization.impl.Localization; import org.unitime.localization.messages.PageNames; import org.unitime.timetable.ApplicationProperties; import org.unitime.timetable.action.PersonalizedExamReportAction; import org.unitime.timetable.form.ListSolutionsForm; import; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.MenuException; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.MenuInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Department; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Roles; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SavedHQL; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SolverGroup; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimetableManager; import org.unitime.timetable.model.UserData; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SessionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SolverGroupDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.StudentDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.onlinesectioning.OnlineSectioningService; import; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.SolverProxy; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.exam.ExamSolverProxy; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.service.SolverService; import org.unitime.timetable.solver.studentsct.StudentSolverProxy; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; import org.unitime.timetable.util.RoomAvailability; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ @Service("menu.gwt") public class MenuServlet implements MenuService { private static Logger sLog = Logger.getLogger(MenuServlet.class); private static Element iRoot = null; private static PageNames sPageNames = Localization.create(PageNames.class); public MenuServlet() { try { String menu = ApplicationProperties.getProperty("", "menu.xml"); Document document = null; URL menuUrl = ApplicationProperties.class.getClassLoader().getResource(menu); SAXReader sax = new SAXReader(); sax.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() { public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { if (publicId.equals("-//UniTime//UniTime Menu DTD/EN")) { return new InputSource( ApplicationProperties.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("menu.dtd")); } return null; } }); if (menuUrl != null) {"Reading menu from " + URLDecoder.decode(menuUrl.getPath(), "UTF-8") + " ..."); document =; } else if (new File(menu).exists()) {"Reading menu from " + menu + " ..."); document = File(menu)); } if (document == null) throw new ServletException("Unable to create menu, reason: resource " + menu + " not found."); if (!"unitime-menu".equals(document.getRootElement().getName())) throw new ServletException("Menu has an unknown format."); iRoot = document.getRootElement(); String customMenu = ApplicationProperties.getProperty("", "menu-custom.xml"); Document customDocument = null; URL customMenuUrl = ApplicationProperties.class.getClassLoader().getResource(customMenu); if (customMenuUrl != null) { "Reading custom menu from " + URLDecoder.decode(customMenuUrl.getPath(), "UTF-8") + " ..."); customDocument =; } else if (new File(customMenu).exists()) {"Reading custom menu from " + customMenu + " ..."); customDocument = File(customMenu)); } if (customDocument != null) { merge(iRoot, customDocument.getRootElement()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize, reason: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private @Autowired SessionContext sessionContext; private SessionContext getSessionContext() { return sessionContext; } private void merge(Element menu, Element custom) { if ("remove".equals(custom.getName())) { menu.getParent().remove(menu); return; } for (Iterator<Attribute> i = custom.attributeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Attribute a =; menu.addAttribute(a.getName(), a.getValue()); } for (Iterator<Element> i = custom.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element e =; if ("parameter".equals(e.getName())) { for (Iterator<Element> j = menu.elementIterator("parameter"); j.hasNext();) { menu.remove(; } menu.add(e.createCopy()); continue; } if ("condition".equals(e.getName())) { menu.add(e.createCopy()); continue; } if ("new-condition".equals(e.getName())) { for (Iterator<Element> j = menu.elementIterator("condition"); j.hasNext();) { menu.remove(; } Element f = e.createCopy(); f.setName("condition"); menu.add(f); continue; } String name = e.attributeValue("name"); Element x = null; if (name != null) { for (Iterator<Element> j = menu.elementIterator(); j.hasNext();) { Element f =; if (name.equals(f.attributeValue("name"))) { x = f; break; } } } if (x != null) { merge(x, e); } else { int pos = Integer.parseInt(e.attributeValue("position", "-1")); if (pos >= 0) { List<Element> after = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Iterator<Element> j = menu.elementIterator(); j.hasNext();) { Element f =; if ("condition".equals(f.getName())) continue; if (pos > 0) { pos--; } else { after.add(f); menu.remove(f); } } menu.add(e.createCopy()); for (Element f : after) menu.add(f); } else menu.add(e.createCopy()); } } } public List<MenuInterface> getMenu() throws MenuException { try { org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { List<MenuInterface> menu = new ArrayList<MenuInterface>(); if (iRoot == null) throw new MenuException("menu is not configured properly"); UserInfo user = new UserInfo(getSessionContext()); for (Iterator<Element> i = iRoot.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element element =; MenuInterface m = getMenu(user, element); if (m != null) menu.add(m); } if (menu.isEmpty()) throw new MenuException("no menu"); return menu; } finally { hibSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } private MenuInterface getMenu(UserInfo user, Element menuElement) { try { MenuInterface menu = new MenuInterface(); String name = menuElement.attributeValue("name"); String localizedName = (name == null ? null : sPageNames.translateMessage( name.trim().replace(' ', '_').replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(':', '_'), null)); menu.setName(localizedName == null ? name : localizedName); menu.setTitle(menuElement.attributeValue("title")); menu.setTarget(menuElement.attributeValue("target")); menu.setPage(menuElement.attributeValue("page")); menu.setHash(menuElement.attributeValue("hash")); String type = menuElement.attributeValue("type"); if ("gwt".equals(type)) menu.setGWT(true); if ("property".equals(type) && menu.getPage() != null) { menu.setPage(ApplicationProperties.getProperty(menu.getPage())); if (menu.getPage() == null) return null; } for (Iterator<Element> i = menuElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element element =; if ("condition".equals(element.getName())) { if (!check(user, element)) return null; } else if ("parameter".equals(element.getName())) { menu.addParameter(element.attributeValue("name"), element.attributeValue("value", element.getText())); } else { MenuInterface m = getMenu(user, element); if (m != null) menu.addSubMenu(m); } } return menu; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private boolean check(UserInfo userInfo, Element conditionElement) { String cond = conditionElement.getName(); if ("and".equals(cond) || "condition".equals(cond)) { for (Iterator<Element> i = conditionElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element element =; if (!check(userInfo, element)) return false; } return true; } else if ("or".equals(cond)) { for (Iterator<Element> i = conditionElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element element =; if (check(userInfo, element)) return true; } return false; } else if ("not".equals(cond)) { for (Iterator<Element> i = conditionElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element element =; if (check(userInfo, element)) return false; } return true; } else if ("isAuthenticated".equals(cond)) { return userInfo.getUser() != null; } else if ("hasRole".equals(cond)) { UserContext user = userInfo.getUser(); if (user == null) return false; String role = conditionElement.attributeValue("name"); if (role == null) return user.getCurrentRole() != null; // has any role return role.equalsIgnoreCase(user.getCurrentRole()); } else if ("propertyEquals".equals(cond)) { return conditionElement.attributeValue("value", "true").equalsIgnoreCase( ApplicationProperties.getProperty(conditionElement.attributeValue("name", "dummy"), conditionElement.attributeValue("defaultValue", "false"))); } else if ("hasProperty".equals(cond)) { return ApplicationProperties.getProperty(conditionElement.attributeValue("name", "dummy")) != null; } else if ("hasPermission".equals(cond)) { Right right = Right.valueOf(conditionElement.attributeValue("name")); return (right == null ? false : sessionContext.hasPermission(null, conditionElement.attributeValue("target"), right)); } else if ("hasRight".equals(cond)) { String right = conditionElement.attributeValue("name", "unknown"); if ("canSeeEvents".equals(right)) { return userInfo.getUser() != null && TimetableManager.canSeeEvents(userInfo.getUser()); } else if ("hasRoomAvailability".equals(right)) { return RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null; } else if ("hasPersonalReport".equals(right)) { return userInfo.getUser() != null && PersonalizedExamReportAction.hasPersonalReport(userInfo.getUser().getExternalUserId()); } else if ("isChameleon".equals(right)) { return getSessionContext().isAuthenticated() && (getSessionContext().hasPermission(Right.Chameleon) || getSessionContext().getUser() instanceof UserContext.Chameleon); } else if ("isSectioningEnabled".equals(right)) { return OnlineSectioningService.isEnabled(); } else if ("isStudent".equals(right)) { return userInfo != null && userInfo.isStudent(); } else if ("isInstructor".equals(right)) { return userInfo != null && userInfo.isInstructor(); } else if ("isRegistrationEnabled".equals(right)) { return OnlineSectioningService.isRegistrationEnabled(); } else { UserContext user = userInfo.getUser(); if (user == null) return false; TimetableManager manager = userInfo.getManager(); if (manager == null) return false; Session session = userInfo.getSession(); if (session == null) return false; if ("canSeeCourses".equals(right)) { return manager.canSeeCourses(session, user); } else if ("canSeeTimetable".equals(right)) { return sessionContext.hasPermission(Right.ClassAssignments); } else if ("canDoTimetable".equals(right)) { return sessionContext.hasPermission(Right.CourseTimetabling); } else if ("hasASolverGroup".equals(right)) { return manager.hasASolverGroup(session, user); } else if ("canSectionStudents".equals(right)) { return manager.canSectionStudents(session, user); } else if ("canSeeExams".equals(right)) { return sessionContext.hasPermission(Right.Examinations); } else if ("canTimetableExams".equals(right)) { return manager.canTimetableExams(session, user); } else if ("canAudit".equals(right)) { return manager.canAudit(session, user); } else if ("hasCourseReports".equals(right)) { return SavedHQL.hasQueries(SavedHQL.Flag.APPEARANCE_COURSES, Roles.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(user.getCurrentRole())); } else if ("hasExamReports".equals(right)) { return SavedHQL.hasQueries(SavedHQL.Flag.APPEARANCE_EXAMS, Roles.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(user.getCurrentRole())); } else if ("hasEventReports".equals(right)) { return SavedHQL.hasQueries(SavedHQL.Flag.APPEARANCE_EVENTS, Roles.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(user.getCurrentRole())); } else if ("hasStudentReports".equals(right)) { return SavedHQL.hasQueries(SavedHQL.Flag.APPEARANCE_SECTIONING, Roles.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(user.getCurrentRole())); } } sLog.warn("Unknown right " + right + "."); return true; } sLog.warn("Unknown condition " + cond + "."); return true; } public static class UserInfo { UserContext iUser = null; Session iSession = null; TimetableManager iManager = null; public UserInfo(SessionContext context) { iUser = context.getUser(); if (iUser != null) { Long sessionId = iUser.getCurrentAcademicSessionId(); if (sessionId != null) iSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().get(sessionId); iManager = TimetableManager.findByExternalId(iUser.getExternalUserId()); } } public UserContext getUser() { return iUser; } public Session getSession() { return iSession; } public TimetableManager getManager() { return iManager; } public boolean isStudent() { if (getUser() == null) return false; return ((Number) StudentDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery("select count(s) from Student s where " + "s.externalUniqueId = :uid") .setString("uid", getUser().getExternalUserId()).setCacheable(true).uniqueResult()) .intValue() > 0; } public boolean isInstructor() { if (getUser() == null) return false; return ((Number) StudentDAO.getInstance().getSession() .createQuery( "select count(s) from DepartmentalInstructor s where " + "s.externalUniqueId = :uid") .setString("uid", getUser().getExternalUserId()).setCacheable(true).uniqueResult()) .intValue() > 0; } } public HashMap<String, String> getUserInfo() throws MenuException { try { HashMap<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { UserInfo user = new UserInfo(getSessionContext()); if (user.getUser() == null) return null; String userName = Constants.toInitialCase(user.getUser().getName(), "-".toCharArray()); ret.put("0Name", userName); String dept = ""; TimetableManager manager = user.getManager(); if (manager != null) { for (Iterator i = manager.getDepartments().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Department d = (Department); if (d.getSessionId().equals(user.getSession().getUniqueId())) { if (dept.length() > 0) dept += ","; dept += "<span title='" + d.getHtmlTitle() + "'>" + d.getShortLabel() + "</span>"; } } } else { if (user.getManager() != null) for (Department department : user.getManager().getDepartments()) if (department.getSession().equals(user.getSession())) dept += (dept.isEmpty() ? "" : ",") + department.getDeptCode(); } ret.put("1Dept", dept); String role = user.getUser().getCurrentRole(); if (role == null) role = "No Role"; ret.put("2Role", role); if (user.getUser() != null && (Roles.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(user.getUser().getCurrentRole()) || user.getUser() instanceof UserContext.Chameleon)) ret.put("Chameleon", ""); } finally { hibSession.close(); } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public HashMap<String, String> getSessionInfo() throws MenuException { try { HashMap<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { UserInfo user = new UserInfo(getSessionContext()); if (user.getSession() == null) return null; ret.put("0Session", user.getSession().getLabel()); ret.put("1Status", user.getSession().getStatusType().getLabel()); ret.put("2Database", HibernateUtil.getDatabaseName()); } finally { hibSession.close(); } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public String getVersion() throws MenuException { return "Version " + Constants.getVersion() + " built on " + Constants.getReleaseDate(); } private String getName(String puid) { return getName(TimetableManager.findByExternalId(puid)); } private String getName(TimetableManager mgr) { if (mgr == null) return null; return mgr.getShortName(); } private String getName(SolverGroup gr) { if (gr == null) return null; return gr.getAbbv(); } @Autowired SolverService<SolverProxy> courseTimetablingSolverService; @Autowired SolverService<ExamSolverProxy> examinationSolverService; @Autowired SolverService<StudentSolverProxy> studentSectioningSolverService; public HashMap<String, String> getSolverInfo(boolean includeSolutionInfo) throws MenuException { try { HashMap<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { SolverProxy solver = courseTimetablingSolverService.getSolver(); ExamSolverProxy examSolver = examinationSolverService.getSolver(); StudentSolverProxy studentSolver = studentSectioningSolverService.getSolver(); Map progress = (studentSolver != null ? studentSolver.getProgress() : examSolver != null ? examSolver.getProgress() : solver != null ? solver.getProgress() : null); if (progress == null) return null; DataProperties properties = (studentSolver != null ? studentSolver.getProperties() : examSolver != null ? examSolver.getProperties() : solver.getProperties()); String progressStatus = (String) progress.get("STATUS"); String progressPhase = (String) progress.get("PHASE"); long progressCur = ((Long) progress.get("PROGRESS")).longValue(); long progressMax = ((Long) progress.get("MAX_PROGRESS")).longValue(); String version = (String) progress.get("VERSION"); if (version == null || "-1".equals(version)) version = "N/A"; double progressPercent = 100.0 * ((double) (progressCur < progressMax ? progressCur : progressMax)) / ((double) progressMax); String runnerName = getName(properties.getProperty("General.OwnerPuid", "N/A")); Long[] solverGroupId = properties.getPropertyLongArry("General.SolverGroupId", null); String ownerName = ""; if (solverGroupId != null) { for (int i = 0; i < solverGroupId.length; i++) { if (i > 0) ownerName += " & "; ownerName += getName((new SolverGroupDAO()).get(solverGroupId[i])); } } if (examSolver != null) ownerName = Exam.sExamTypes[examSolver.getExamType()]; if (ownerName == null || ownerName.length() == 0) ownerName = "N/A"; if (ownerName.equals("N/A")) ownerName = runnerName; if (runnerName.equals("N/A")) runnerName = ownerName; if (!ownerName.equals(runnerName)) ownerName = runnerName + " as " + ownerName; if (ownerName.length() > 50) ownerName = ownerName.substring(0, 47) + "..."; ret.put("0Type", (studentSolver != null ? "Student Sectioning Solver" : examSolver != null ? "Examinations Solver" : "Course Timetabling Solver")); ret.put("4Owner", ownerName); ret.put("5Host", (studentSolver != null ? studentSolver.getHostLabel() : examSolver != null ? examSolver.getHostLabel() : solver.getHostLabel())); ret.put("1Solver", progressStatus); ret.put("2Phase", progressPhase); if (progressMax > 0) ret.put("3Progress", (progressCur < progressMax ? progressCur : progressMax) + " of " + progressMax + " (" + Web.format(progressPercent) + "%)"); ret.put("7Version", version); ret.put("6Session", SessionDAO.getInstance() .get(properties.getPropertyLong("General.SessionId", null)).getLabel()); if (includeSolutionInfo) { Map<String, String> info = null; if (solver != null) { info = solver.statusSolutionInfo(); } else if (examSolver != null) { info = examSolver.statusSolutionInfo(); } else if (studentSolver != null) { info = studentSolver.statusSolutionInfo(); } if (info != null) { TreeSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(new ListSolutionsForm.InfoComparator()); keys.addAll(info.keySet()); int idx = 0; for (String key : keys) { ret.put((char) ('A' + idx) + key, (String) info.get(key)); idx++; } } } } finally { hibSession.close(); } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { sLog.warn("Unable to get solver info: " + e.getMessage()); if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public String[] getHelpPageAndLocalizedTitle(String title) throws MenuException { String name = title.trim().replace(' ', '_').replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(':', '_'); String help = null; if ("true".equals(ApplicationProperties.getProperty("", "true")) && ApplicationProperties.getProperty("") != null) { help = ApplicationProperties.getProperty("") + name; } return new String[] { help, sPageNames.translateMessage(name, title) }; } public String getUserData(String property) throws MenuException { try { UserContext user = getSessionContext().getUser(); if (user == null) return null; org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { return UserData.getProperty(user.getExternalUserId(), property); } finally { hibSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public Boolean setUserData(String property, String value) throws MenuException { try { UserContext user = getSessionContext().getUser(); if (user == null) return null; org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { UserData.setProperty(user.getExternalUserId(), property, value); return null; } finally { hibSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public HashMap<String, String> getUserData(Collection<String> property) throws MenuException { try { UserContext user = getSessionContext().getUser(); if (user == null) return null; org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { return UserData.getProperties(user.getExternalUserId(), property); } finally { hibSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } public Boolean setUserData(List<String[]> property2value) throws MenuException { try { UserContext user = getSessionContext().getUser(); if (user == null) return null; org.hibernate.Session hibSession = SessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); try { for (String[] p : property2value) UserData.setProperty(user.getExternalUserId(), p[0], p[1]); return null; } finally { hibSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof MenuException) throw (MenuException) e; throw new MenuException(e.getMessage()); } } }