Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.rooms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.ToolBox; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.aria.AriaCheckBox; import; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.ImageLink; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.P; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTable; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader.AriaOperation; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader.HasColumnName; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader.Operation; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.command.client.GwtRpcService; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.command.client.GwtRpcServiceAsync; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtAriaMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtConstants; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtResources; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.AttachmentTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.DepartmentInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.ExamTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.FeatureInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.FeatureTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.GroupInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomDetailInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomPictureInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomPropertiesInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomPropertyInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomsColumn; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomsPageMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class RoomsTable extends UniTimeTable<RoomDetailInterface> { protected static final GwtMessages MESSAGES = GWT.create(GwtMessages.class); protected static final GwtAriaMessages ARIA = GWT.create(GwtAriaMessages.class); protected static final GwtResources RESOURCES = GWT.create(GwtResources.class); protected static final GwtConstants CONSTANTS = GWT.create(GwtConstants.class); protected static final GwtRpcServiceAsync RPC = GWT.create(GwtRpcService.class); private int iFlags = 0; private RoomsColumn iSortBy = null; private boolean iAsc = true; private RoomsPageMode iMode = null; private String iDepartment = null; private List<Operation> iSortOperations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); private List<Operation> iShowHideOperations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); private List<Operation> iDepartmentOperations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); private List<Operation> iOtherOperations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); private RoomPropertiesInterface iProperties = null; private boolean iSelectable; public RoomsTable(RoomsPageMode mode, boolean selectable) { setStyleName("unitime-Rooms"); iMode = mode; iSelectable = selectable; addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { final RoomsTable table = new RoomsTable(iMode); table.setProperties(iProperties); table.setDepartment(iDepartment); for (int i = 1; i < getRowCount(); i++) table.addRoom(getData(i)); table.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(1040, Unit.PX); // Move header row to thead Element headerRow = table.getRowFormatter().getElement(0); Element tableElement = table.getElement(); Element thead = DOM.createTHead(); tableElement.insertFirst(thead); headerRow.getParentElement().removeChild(headerRow); thead.appendChild(headerRow); ToolBox.print(new ToolBox.Page() { @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.pageRooms(); } @Override public String getUser() { return UniTimePageHeader.getInstance().getMiddle().getText(); } @Override public String getSession() { return UniTimePageHeader.getInstance().getRight().getText(); } @Override public Element getBody() { return table.getElement(); } }); } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.buttonPrint(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return getRowCount() > 1 && !iSelectable; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } }); } public RoomsTable(RoomsPageMode mode) { this(mode, false); } public RoomsTable(RoomsPageMode mode, RoomPropertiesInterface properties, boolean selectable) { this(mode, selectable); setProperties(properties); } public void setProperties(RoomPropertiesInterface properties) { iProperties = properties; super.clearTable(); List<UniTimeTableHeader> header = new ArrayList<UniTimeTableHeader>(); for (RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { int nrCells = getNbrCells(column); for (int idx = 0; idx < nrCells; idx++) { UniTimeTableHeader h = new UniTimeTableHeader(getColumnName(column, idx), getColumnAlignment(column, idx)); header.add(h); } } if (iSelectable) { header.get(0).addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; ch.setValue(true); } setSelected(row, true); } } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (!ch.getValue()) return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opSelectAll(); } }); header.get(0).addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; ch.setValue(false); } setSelected(row, false); } } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opClearSelection(); } }); } if (RoomCookie.getInstance().getFlags(iMode) == 0) { int flags = 0; for (RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { if (iMode.hasColumn(column)) { int nrCells = getNbrCells(column); int cellIdx = getCellIndex(column); for (int idx = 0; idx < nrCells; idx++) { flags += (1 << (cellIdx + idx)); } } } RoomCookie.getInstance().setFlags(iMode, flags); } addRow(null, header); iShowHideOperations.clear(); for (final RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { int nrCells = getNbrCells(column); int cellIdx = getCellIndex(column); for (int idx = 0; idx < nrCells; idx++) { final int colIdx = cellIdx + idx; final String cName = getColumnName(column, idx).replace("<br>", " "); UniTimeTableHeader h = header.get(colIdx); if (hasShowHideOperation(column)) { Operation op = new AriaOperation() { @Override public void execute() { boolean visible = isColumnVisible(colIdx); setColumnVisible(colIdx, !visible); RoomCookie.getInstance().set(iMode, colIdx, !visible); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return (iFlags & (1 << colIdx)) != 0; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { if (iSelectable && column == RoomsColumn.EXTERNAL_ID) return true; return false; } @Override public String getName() { return isColumnVisible(colIdx) ? MESSAGES.opHide(cName) : MESSAGES.opShow(cName); } @Override public String getAriaLabel() { return isColumnVisible(colIdx) ? ARIA.opHide(cName) : ARIA.opShow(cName); } }; iShowHideOperations.add(op); if (colIdx > 0) header.get(0).addOperation(op); RoomsColumn g = getShowHideGroup(column); if (g == null) { h.addOperation(op); } else { for (RoomsColumn c : RoomsColumn.values()) { if (g.equals(getShowHideGroup(c))) for (int i = 0; i < getNbrCells(c); i++) header.get(getCellIndex(c) + i).addOperation(op); } } } } } iDepartmentOperations.clear(); for (final DeptMode d : DeptMode.values()) { Operation op = new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { RoomCookie.getInstance().setDeptMode(d.ordinal()); refreshTable(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return getRowCount() > 0; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return d.ordinal() == 0; } @Override public String getName() { if (RoomCookie.getInstance().getDeptMode() == d.ordinal()) return MESSAGES.opUncheck(d.getName()); else return MESSAGES.opCheck(d.getName()); } }; iDepartmentOperations.add(op); for (RoomsColumn c : RoomsColumn.values()) { if (hasDepartmentOperation(c)) for (int i = 0; i < getNbrCells(c); i++) header.get(getCellIndex(c) + i).addOperation(op); } } iSortOperations.clear(); for (final RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { if (RoomsComparator.isApplicable(column)) { final UniTimeTableHeader h = header.get(getCellIndex(column)); Operation op = new SortOperation() { @Override public void execute() { if (column == iSortBy) { iAsc = !iAsc; } else { iSortBy = column; iAsc = true; } RoomCookie.getInstance().setSortRoomsBy(getSortBy()); sort(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return getRowCount() > 1 && h.isVisible(); } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opSortBy(getColumnName()); } @Override public String getColumnName() { return h.getHTML().replace("<br>", " "); } }; iSortOperations.add(op); h.addOperation(op); } } for (Operation op : getOtherOperations()) header.get(0).addOperation(op); for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(0); i++) getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, i, "unitime-ClickableTableHeader"); resetVisibility(); setSortBy(RoomCookie.getInstance().getRoomsSortBy()); setVisible(false); if (iSelectable) { setAllowSelection(true); addMouseClickListener(new MouseClickListener<RoomDetailInterface>() { @Override public void onMouseClick(TableEvent<RoomDetailInterface> event) { selectRoom(event.getRow(), isSelected(event.getRow())); } }); } } public String getColumnName(RoomsColumn column, int idx) { switch (column) { case NAME: return MESSAGES.colName(); case TYPE: return MESSAGES.colType(); case EXTERNAL_ID: return MESSAGES.colExternalId(); case CAPACITY: return MESSAGES.colCapacity(); case EXAM_CAPACITY: return MESSAGES.colExaminationCapacity(); case AREA: return MESSAGES.colArea(iProperties != null && iProperties.isRoomAreaInMetricUnits() ? CONSTANTS.roomAreaMetricUnitsShort() : CONSTANTS.roomAreaUnitsShort()); case COORDINATES: return MESSAGES.colCoordinates(); case DISTANCE_CHECK: return MESSAGES.colDistances(); case ROOM_CHECK: return MESSAGES.colRoomCheck(); case MAP: return MESSAGES.colMap(); case PICTURES: if (idx == 0) return MESSAGES.colPictures(); else return iProperties.getTableTypes().get(idx - 1).getAbbreviation(); case PREFERENCE: return MESSAGES.colPreference(); case AVAILABILITY: return MESSAGES.colAvailability(); case DEPARTMENTS: return MESSAGES.colDepartments(); case CONTROL_DEPT: return MESSAGES.colControl(); case EXAM_TYPES: return MESSAGES.colExamTypes(); case PERIOD_PREF: return MESSAGES.colPeriodPreferences(); case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: return MESSAGES.colEventDepartment(); case EVENT_STATUS: return MESSAGES.colEventStatus(); case EVENT_AVAILABILITY: return MESSAGES.colEventAvailability(); case EVENT_MESSAGE: return MESSAGES.colEventMessage(); case BREAK_TIME: return MESSAGES.colBreakTime(); case GROUPS: return MESSAGES.colGroups(); case FEATURES: if (idx == 0) return MESSAGES.colFeatures(); else return getFeatureType(idx - 1).getAbbreviation(); default: return; } } public void refreshTable() { for (int r = 1; r < getRowCount(); r++) { for (int c = 0; c < getCellCount(r); c++) { Widget w = getWidget(r, c); if (w instanceof HasRefresh) ((HasRefresh) w).refresh(); } } } protected HorizontalAlignmentConstant getColumnAlignment(RoomsColumn column, int idx) { switch (column) { case CAPACITY: case EXAM_CAPACITY: case AREA: return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; default: return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT; } } protected boolean hasShowHideOperation(RoomsColumn column) { switch (column) { case NAME: return false; default: return true; } } protected int getFlagOffset(RoomsColumn column) { switch (column) { case PICTURES: return countFeatureTypes(); default: return 0; } } protected boolean hasDepartmentOperation(RoomsColumn column) { switch (column) { case DEPARTMENTS: case CONTROL_DEPT: case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: return true; default: return false; } } protected RoomsColumn getShowHideGroup(RoomsColumn column) { switch (column) { case EXTERNAL_ID: case TYPE: return RoomsColumn.EXTERNAL_ID; case CAPACITY: case EXAM_CAPACITY: case AREA: case COORDINATES: case DISTANCE_CHECK: case ROOM_CHECK: return RoomsColumn.CAPACITY; case PREFERENCE: case AVAILABILITY: case DEPARTMENTS: case CONTROL_DEPT: return RoomsColumn.PREFERENCE; case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: case EVENT_AVAILABILITY: case EVENT_STATUS: case EVENT_MESSAGE: case BREAK_TIME: return RoomsColumn.EVENT_DEPARTMENT; case EXAM_TYPES: case PERIOD_PREF: return RoomsColumn.EXAM_TYPES; case PICTURES: return RoomsColumn.PICTURES; case FEATURES: return RoomsColumn.FEATURES; default: return null; } } protected boolean hasFeatureTypes() { return iProperties != null && iProperties.getFeatureTypes() != null && !iProperties.getFeatureTypes().isEmpty(); } protected int countFeatureTypes() { return iProperties == null ? 0 : iProperties.getFeatureTypes().size(); } protected FeatureTypeInterface getFeatureType(int index) { return iProperties.getFeatureTypes().get(index); } public List<Operation> getSortOperations() { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); for (Operation operation : iSortOperations) if (operation.isApplicable()) operations.add(operation); return operations; } public List<Operation> getShowHideOperations() { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); for (Operation operation : iShowHideOperations) if (operation.isApplicable()) operations.add(operation); return operations; } public boolean hasDepartmentOperations() { return isVisible(RoomsColumn.EVENT_DEPARTMENT) || isVisible(RoomsColumn.DEPARTMENTS) || isVisible(RoomsColumn.CONTROL_DEPT); } public boolean hasOrientationOperations() { return isVisible(RoomsColumn.AVAILABILITY) || isVisible(RoomsColumn.PERIOD_PREF) || isVisible(RoomsColumn.EVENT_AVAILABILITY); } public List<Operation> getDepartmentOperations() { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); for (Operation operation : iDepartmentOperations) if (operation.isApplicable()) operations.add(operation); return operations; } public List<Operation> getOtherOperations() { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>(); for (Operation operation : iOtherOperations) if (operation.isApplicable()) operations.add(operation); return operations; } public boolean hasSortBy() { return iSortBy != null; } public int getSortBy() { return iSortBy == null ? 0 : iAsc ? 1 + iSortBy.ordinal() : -1 - iSortBy.ordinal(); } public void setSortBy(int sortBy) { if (sortBy == 0) { iSortBy = null; iAsc = true; } else if (sortBy > 0) { iSortBy = RoomsColumn.values()[sortBy - 1]; iAsc = true; } else { iSortBy = RoomsColumn.values()[-1 - sortBy]; iAsc = false; } sort(); } protected void addOperation(Operation op) { iOtherOperations.add(op); } public void sort() { if (iSortBy == null) return; Comparator<RoomDetailInterface> rc = null; if (iSelectable && iSortBy == RoomsColumn.NAME) { rc = new Comparator<RoomDetailInterface>() { private Comparator<RoomDetailInterface> iRC = new RoomsComparator(iSortBy, true); @Override public int compare(RoomDetailInterface r1, RoomDetailInterface r2) { boolean s1 = isRoomSelected(r1), s2 = isRoomSelected(r2); if (s1 != s2) return s1 ? -1 : 1; return, r2); } }; } else { rc = new RoomsComparator(iSortBy, true); } UniTimeTableHeader header = getHeader(getCellIndex(iSortBy)); sort(header, rc, iAsc); } public void setDepartment(String department) { iDepartment = department; } protected int getNbrCells(RoomsColumn column) { switch (column) { case PICTURES: List<AttachmentTypeInterface> types = iProperties.getTableTypes(); return 1 + (types == null ? 0 : types.size()); case FEATURES: return 1 + iProperties.getFeatureTypes().size(); default: return 1; } } protected int getCellIndex(RoomsColumn column) { int ret = 0; for (RoomsColumn c : RoomsColumn.values()) if (c.ordinal() < column.ordinal()) ret += getNbrCells(c); return ret; } protected Widget getCell(final RoomDetailInterface room, final RoomsColumn column, final int idx) { if (iProperties == null || !iProperties.isCanSeeCourses()) { switch (column) { case ROOM_CHECK: if (iProperties != null && iProperties.isCanSeeEvents()) break; case DISTANCE_CHECK: case PREFERENCE: case AVAILABILITY: case DEPARTMENTS: case CONTROL_DEPT: return null; } } if (iProperties == null || !iProperties.isCanSeeExams()) { switch (column) { case EXAM_CAPACITY: case EXAM_TYPES: case PERIOD_PREF: return null; } } if (iProperties == null || !iProperties.isCanSeeEvents()) { switch (column) { case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: case EVENT_MESSAGE: case EVENT_AVAILABILITY: case EVENT_STATUS: case BREAK_TIME: return null; } } switch (column) { case NAME: if (iSelectable) { return new SelectableRoomNameCell(room); } else { return new RoomNameCell(room); } case EXTERNAL_ID: if (!room.hasExternalId()) return null; return new Label(room.getExternalId()); case TYPE: return new Label(room.getRoomType().getLabel()); case CAPACITY: if (room.getCapacity() == null) return null; return new IntegerCell(room.getCapacity()); case EXAM_CAPACITY: if (room.getExamCapacity() == null) return null; return new IntegerCell(room.getExamCapacity()); case AREA: if (room.getArea() == null) return null; return new RoomAreaCell(room.getArea()); case COORDINATES: if (!room.hasCoordinates()) return null; return new Label(MESSAGES.coordinates(room.getX(), room.getY())); case DISTANCE_CHECK: Image dc = new Image(!room.isIgnoreTooFar() ? RESOURCES.on() :; dc.setTitle(!room.isIgnoreTooFar() ? MESSAGES.infoDistanceCheckOn() : MESSAGES.infoDistanceCheckOff()); return dc; case ROOM_CHECK: Image rc = new Image(!room.isIgnoreRoomCheck() ? RESOURCES.on() :; rc.setTitle(!room.isIgnoreRoomCheck() ? MESSAGES.infoRoomCheckOn() : MESSAGES.infoRoomCheckOff()); return rc; case PREFERENCE: if (iDepartment != null) { for (DepartmentInterface department : room.getDepartments()) { if (iDepartment.equals(department.getDeptCode()) && department.getPreference() != null) { return new PreferenceCell(department); } } return null; } else { boolean hasPreferences = false; for (DepartmentInterface department : room.getDepartments()) if (department.getPreference() != null) { hasPreferences = true; break; } if (hasPreferences) return new PreferenceCell(room.getDepartments()); else return null; } case MAP: if (!room.hasMiniMapUrl()) return null; return new MapCell(room); case PICTURES: if (idx == 0) { return (room.hasPictures(null) ? new PicturesCell(room, null) : null); } else { AttachmentTypeInterface type = iProperties.getTableTypes().get(idx - 1); return (room.hasPictures(type) ? new PicturesCell(room, type) : null); } case AVAILABILITY: if (room.getAvailability() == null) return null; return new AvailabilityCell(room, false); case DEPARTMENTS: return new DepartmentCell(true, room.getDepartments(), room.getControlDepartment(), isAllDepartments(room)); case CONTROL_DEPT: return new DepartmentCell(true, room.getControlDepartment()); case EXAM_TYPES: return new ExamTypesCell(room.getUniqueId(), room.getExamTypes()); case PERIOD_PREF: if (room.getPeriodPreference() == null) return null; if (iDepartment != null && room.hasExamTypes()) for (ExamTypeInterface type : room.getExamTypes()) if (iDepartment.equals(type.getReference())) return new PeriodPreferenceCell(room, type); return null; case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: if (room.getEventDepartment() == null) return null; final DepartmentCell edc = new DepartmentCell(false, room.getEventDepartment()); if (room.isCanSeeEventAvailability()) { edc.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { RoomSharingHint.showHint(edc.getElement(), room.getUniqueId(), true); } }); edc.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { RoomSharingHint.hideHint(); } }); } return edc; case EVENT_STATUS: if (room.getEventStatus() != null || room.getDefaultEventStatus() != null) return new StatusCell(room.getEventStatus(), room.getDefaultEventStatus()); else return null; case EVENT_AVAILABILITY: if (room.getEventAvailability() == null) return null; return new AvailabilityCell(room, true); case EVENT_MESSAGE: if (room.hasEventNote() || room.hasDefaultEventNote()) return new NoteCell(room.getEventNote(), room.getDefaultEventNote()); else return null; case BREAK_TIME: if (room.getBreakTime() != null || room.getDefaultBreakTime() != null) return new BreakTimeCell(room.getBreakTime(), room.getDefaultBreakTime()); else return null; case GROUPS: if (room.getGroups().isEmpty()) return null; return new GroupsCell(room.getGroups()); case FEATURES: if (idx == 0) { List<FeatureInterface> features = room.getFeatures((Long) null); if (features.isEmpty()) return null; return new FeaturesCell(features); } else { FeatureTypeInterface type = getFeatureType(idx - 1); List<FeatureInterface> featuresOfType = room.getFeatures(type); if (featuresOfType.isEmpty()) return null; return new FeaturesCell(featuresOfType); } } return null; } public int addRoom(final RoomDetailInterface room) { List<Widget> widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); for (RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { int nbrCells = getNbrCells(column); for (int idx = 0; idx < nbrCells; idx++) { Widget cell = getCell(room, column, idx); if (cell == null) { cell = new P(); } else if (hasShowHideOperation(column)) { show(column, idx); } widgets.add(cell); } } int row = addRow(room, widgets); getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, "row"); for (int col = 0; col < getCellCount(row); col++) getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, col, "cell"); if (!isVisible()) setVisible(true); return row; } protected void resetVisibility() { for (RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { int nrCells = getNbrCells(column); int cellIdx = getCellIndex(column); for (int idx = 0; idx < nrCells; idx++) { final int colIdx = cellIdx + idx; setColumnVisible(colIdx, !hasShowHideOperation(column)); } } } protected void show(RoomsColumn column, int idx) { int colIdx = getCellIndex(column) + idx; if (RoomCookie.getInstance().get(iMode, colIdx) && !isColumnVisible(colIdx)) setColumnVisible(colIdx, true); int flag = (1 << colIdx); if ((iFlags & flag) == 0) iFlags += flag; } @Override public void clearTable(int headerRows) { super.clearTable(headerRows); resetVisibility(); iFlags = 0; setVisible(false); } public int getFlags() { return iFlags; } public boolean isVisible(RoomsColumn column) { return isColumnVisible(getCellIndex(column)); } public static class IntegerCell extends Label implements UniTimeTable.HasCellAlignment, UniTimeTable.HasColSpan, TakesValue<Integer> { public IntegerCell(Integer value) { super(); setValue(value); } @Override public void setValue(Integer value) { setText(value == null ? "" : value.toString()); } @Override public Integer getValue() { return getText().isEmpty() ? null : new Integer(getText()); } @Override public HorizontalAlignmentConstant getCellAlignment() { return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; } @Override public int getColSpan() { return 1; } } class RoomNameCell extends Label { RoomNameCell(final RoomDetailInterface room) { super(room.hasDisplayName() ? MESSAGES.label(room.getLabel(), room.getDisplayName()) : room.getLabel(), room.hasDisplayName()); addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { RoomHint.showHint(RoomNameCell.this.getElement(), room.getUniqueId(), room.getPrefix(), room.getProperty("distance", null), true); } }); addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { RoomHint.hideHint(); } }); if (iDepartment != null && iProperties != null && iProperties.isCanSeeCourses()) { for (DepartmentInterface d : room.getDepartments()) { if (iDepartment.equals(d.getDeptCode()) && d.getPreference() != null) { getElement().getStyle().setColor(d.getPreference().getColor()); room.setPrefix(d.getPreference().getName()); } } } } } class SelectableRoomNameCell extends AriaCheckBox { SelectableRoomNameCell(final RoomDetailInterface room) { addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { setSelected(getRow(room), event.getValue()); } }); setText(room.hasDisplayName() ? MESSAGES.label(room.getLabel(), room.getDisplayName()) : room.getLabel()); setWordWrap(room.hasDisplayName()); addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { RoomHint.showHint(SelectableRoomNameCell.this.getElement(), room.getUniqueId(), room.getPrefix(), room.getProperty("distance", null), true); } }); addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { RoomHint.hideHint(); } }); if (iDepartment != null && iProperties != null && iProperties.isCanSeeCourses()) { for (DepartmentInterface d : room.getDepartments()) { if (iDepartment.equals(d.getDeptCode()) && d.getPreference() != null) { getElement().getStyle().setColor(d.getPreference().getColor()); room.setPrefix(d.getPreference().getName()); } } } } } public static class RoomAreaCell extends HTML implements UniTimeTable.HasCellAlignment { public RoomAreaCell(Double value) { super(value == null ? "" : MESSAGES.roomArea(value)); } @Override public HorizontalAlignmentConstant getCellAlignment() { return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; } } public static class FeaturesCell extends P implements HasRefresh { Map<FeatureInterface, P> iFeatures = new HashMap<FeatureInterface, P>(); public FeaturesCell(List<? extends FeatureInterface> features) { super(); setStyleName("features"); for (FeatureInterface feature : features) { P p = new P("feature"); p.setText(feature.getLabel()); if (feature.getTitle() != null) p.setTitle(feature.getTitle()); if (feature.getDepartment() != null) { p.setText(feature.getLabel() + " (" + RoomsTable.toString(feature.getDepartment(), true) + ")"); if (feature.getDepartment().getColor() != null) p.getElement().getStyle().setColor(feature.getDepartment().getColor()); } iFeatures.put(feature, p); add(p); } } @Override public void refresh() { for (Map.Entry<FeatureInterface, P> e : iFeatures.entrySet()) { P p = e.getValue(); FeatureInterface feature = e.getKey(); if (feature.getDepartment() != null) p.setText(feature.getLabel() + " (" + RoomsTable.toString(feature.getDepartment(), true) + ")"); } } } public static class GroupsCell extends P implements HasRefresh { Map<GroupInterface, P> iGroups = new HashMap<GroupInterface, P>(); public GroupsCell(List<? extends GroupInterface> groups) { super(); setStyleName("groups"); for (GroupInterface group : groups) { P p = new P("group"); p.setText(group.getLabel()); if (group.getTitle() != null) p.setTitle(group.getTitle()); if (group.getDepartment() != null) { p.setText(group.getLabel() + " (" + RoomsTable.toString(group.getDepartment(), true) + ")"); if (group.getDepartment().getColor() != null) p.getElement().getStyle().setColor(group.getDepartment().getColor()); } iGroups.put(group, p); add(p); } } @Override public void refresh() { for (Map.Entry<GroupInterface, P> e : iGroups.entrySet()) { P p = e.getValue(); GroupInterface group = e.getKey(); if (group.getDepartment() != null) p.setText(group.getLabel() + " (" + RoomsTable.toString(group.getDepartment(), true) + ")"); } } } public static class NoteCell extends P { public NoteCell(String note, String defaultNote) { super("note"); if (note != null) { setHTML(note.replace("\\n", "<br>")); setTitle(note); } else if (defaultNote != null) { addStyleName("default"); setHTML(defaultNote.replace("\\n", "<br>")); setTitle(defaultNote); } } } public static class StatusCell extends P { public StatusCell(Integer status, Integer defaultStatus) { super("status"); if (status != null) { setHTML(CONSTANTS.eventStatusAbbv()[status]); setTitle(CONSTANTS.eventStatusName()[status]); } else if (defaultStatus != null) { addStyleName("default"); setText(CONSTANTS.eventStatusAbbv()[defaultStatus]); setTitle(CONSTANTS.eventStatusName()[defaultStatus]); } else { setHTML(CONSTANTS.eventStatusAbbv()[0]); setTitle(CONSTANTS.eventStatusName()[0]); } } } public static class BreakTimeCell extends P { public BreakTimeCell(Integer breakTime, Integer defaultBreakTime) { super("break"); if (breakTime != null) { if (breakTime != 0) setText(breakTime.toString()); } else if (defaultBreakTime != null) { addStyleName("default"); if (defaultBreakTime != 0) setText(defaultBreakTime.toString()); } } } public static String toString(DepartmentInterface d, boolean ext) { RoomCookie cookie = RoomCookie.getInstance(); switch (DeptMode.values()[cookie.getDeptMode()]) { case ABBV: return ext ? d.getExtAbbreviationWhenExist() : d.getAbbreviationOrCode(); case CODE: return d.getDeptCode(); case ABBV_NAME: return ext ? d.getExtAbbreviationWhenExist() + " - " + d.getExtLabelWhenExist() : d.getAbbreviationOrCode() + " - " + d.getLabel(); case CODE_NAME: return ext ? d.getDeptCode() + " - " + d.getExtLabelWhenExist() : d.getDeptCode() + " - " + d.getLabel(); case NAME: return ext ? d.getExtLabelWhenExist() : d.getLabel(); default: return d.getDeptCode(); } } public static class DepartmentCell extends P implements HasRefresh { boolean iExt; Map<DepartmentInterface, P> iP = new HashMap<DepartmentInterface, P>(); public DepartmentCell(boolean ext, DepartmentInterface... departments) { super("departments"); iExt = ext; for (DepartmentInterface department : departments) { if (department == null) continue; P p = new P("department"); p.setText(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt)); if (department.getTitle() != null) p.setTitle(department.getTitle()); if (department.getColor() != null) p.getElement().getStyle().setColor(department.getColor()); add(p); iP.put(department, p); } } public DepartmentCell(boolean ext, List<DepartmentInterface> departments, DepartmentInterface control, boolean all) { super("departments"); iExt = ext; if (all) { P p = new P("department", "all"); p.setText(MESSAGES.departmentsAllLabel()); p.setTitle(MESSAGES.departmentsAllTitle()); add(p); } else { for (DepartmentInterface department : departments) { P p = new P("department"); p.setText(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt)); if (department.getTitle() != null) p.setTitle(department.getTitle()); if (department.getColor() != null) p.getElement().getStyle().setColor(department.getColor()); if (department.equals(control)) p.addStyleName("control"); iP.put(department, p); add(p); } } } @Override public void refresh() { for (Map.Entry<DepartmentInterface, P> e : iP.entrySet()) e.getValue().setText(RoomsTable.toString(e.getKey(), iExt)); } } public static class PreferenceCell extends DepartmentCell { public PreferenceCell(List<DepartmentInterface> departments) { super(true); boolean abbv = RoomCookie.getInstance().getDeptMode() <= 1; for (DepartmentInterface department : departments) { if (department.getPreference() == null) continue; P p = new P("department"); if (abbv) { String prefAbbv = department.getPreference().getAbbv(); p.setText(MESSAGES.roomPreferenceShort(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt), prefAbbv == null ? department.getPreference().getName() : prefAbbv)); } else { p.setText(MESSAGES.roomPreference(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt), department.getPreference().getName())); } p.setTitle(department.getPreference().getName() + " " + department.getLabel()); p.getElement().getStyle().setColor(department.getPreference().getColor()); iP.put(department, p); add(p); } } public PreferenceCell(DepartmentInterface department) { super(true); setText(department.getPreference().getName()); setTitle(department.getPreference().getName() + " " + department.getLabel()); getElement().getStyle().setColor(department.getPreference().getColor()); } @Override public void refresh() { boolean abbv = RoomCookie.getInstance().getDeptMode() <= 1; for (Map.Entry<DepartmentInterface, P> e : iP.entrySet()) { DepartmentInterface department = e.getKey(); if (abbv) { String prefAbbv = department.getPreference().getAbbv(); e.getValue().setText(MESSAGES.roomPreferenceShort(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt), prefAbbv == null ? department.getPreference().getName() : prefAbbv)); } else { e.getValue().setText(MESSAGES.roomPreference(RoomsTable.toString(department, iExt), department.getPreference().getName())); } } } } public static class ExamTypesCell extends P { public ExamTypesCell(final Long roomId, List<ExamTypeInterface> examTypes) { super("exam-types"); for (final ExamTypeInterface examType : examTypes) { final P p = new P(examType.isFinal() ? "final" : "midterm"); p.setText(examType.getLabel()); p.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { PeriodPreferencesHint.showHint(p.getElement(), roomId, examType.getId()); } }); p.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { PeriodPreferencesHint.hideHint(); } }); add(p); } } } public static class RoomCell extends Label { public RoomCell(RoomPropertyInterface property) { super(property == null ? "" : property.getLabel()); if (property != null) { if (property.getTitle() != null) setTitle(property.getTitle()); if (property.getColor() != null) getElement().getStyle().setColor(property.getColor()); } } } public static class PictureCell extends Image { public PictureCell(RoomPictureInterface picture) { super(); setStyleName("picture"); setUrl(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "picture?id=" + picture.getUniqueId()); setTitle(picture.getName() + (picture.getPictureType() == null ? "" : " (" + picture.getPictureType().getLabel() + ")")); setAltText(picture.getName() + (picture.getPictureType() == null ? "" : " (" + picture.getPictureType().getAbbreviation() + ")")); } } public static class LinkCell extends ImageLink { LinkCell(RoomPictureInterface picture) { super(new Image(, GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "picture?id=" + picture.getUniqueId()); setStyleName("link"); setTitle(picture.getName() + (picture.getPictureType() == null ? "" : " (" + picture.getPictureType().getLabel() + ")")); setText(picture.getName() + (picture.getPictureType() == null ? "" : " (" + picture.getPictureType().getAbbreviation() + ")")); setTarget("_blank"); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) { event.stopPropagation(); } super.onBrowserEvent(event); } } public static class PicturesCell extends P { public PicturesCell(RoomDetailInterface room) { super("pictures"); if (room.hasTablePictures()) { for (RoomPictureInterface picture : room.getTablePictures()) add(picture.getPictureType() == null || picture.getPictureType().isImage() ? new PictureCell(picture) : new LinkCell(picture)); } } public PicturesCell(RoomDetailInterface room, AttachmentTypeInterface type) { super("pictures"); if (room.hasPictures(type)) { for (RoomPictureInterface picture : room.getPictures(type)) add(picture.getPictureType() == null || picture.getPictureType().isImage() ? new PictureCell(picture) : new LinkCell(picture)); } } } public static class MapCell extends Image { public MapCell(RoomDetailInterface room) { super(); if (room.hasMiniMapUrl()) { setStyleName("map"); setUrl(room.getMiniMapUrl()); setTitle(MESSAGES.titleRoomMap(room.getLabel())); } } } public static class AvailabilityCell extends P implements HasRefresh { private boolean iEvents; private RoomDetailInterface iRoom; public AvailabilityCell(RoomDetailInterface room, boolean events) { super("availability"); iRoom = room; iEvents = events; addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { RoomSharingHint.showHint(getElement(), iRoom.getUniqueId(), iEvents); } }); addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { RoomSharingHint.hideHint(); } }); refresh(); } @Override public void refresh() { clear(); setHTML(""); RoomCookie cookie = RoomCookie.getInstance(); if (iEvents) { if (cookie.isGridAsText()) { if (iRoom.getEventAvailability() != null) { P p = new P("text"); p.setHTML(iRoom.getEventAvailability()); add(p); } } else { Image availability = new Image(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "pattern?loc=" + iRoom.getUniqueId() + "&e=1&v=" + (cookie.areRoomsHorizontal() ? "0" : "1") + (cookie.hasMode() ? "&s=" + cookie.getMode() : "")); availability.setStyleName("grid"); add(availability); } } else { if (cookie.isGridAsText()) { if (iRoom.getAvailability() != null && !iRoom.getAvailability().isEmpty()) { P p = new P("text"); p.setHTML(iRoom.getAvailability()); add(p); } } else { Image availability = new Image(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "pattern?loc=" + iRoom.getUniqueId() + "&v=" + (cookie.areRoomsHorizontal() ? "0" : "1") + (cookie.hasMode() ? "&s=" + cookie.getMode() : "")); availability.setStyleName("grid"); add(availability); } if (iRoom.getRoomSharingNote() != null && !iRoom.getRoomSharingNote().isEmpty()) { P p = new P("note"); p.setHTML(iRoom.getRoomSharingNote()); p.setTitle(iRoom.getRoomSharingNote()); add(p); } } } } public static class PeriodPreferenceCell extends P implements HasRefresh { private RoomDetailInterface iRoom; private ExamTypeInterface iType; public PeriodPreferenceCell(RoomDetailInterface room, ExamTypeInterface type) { super("periodpref"); iRoom = room; iType = type; addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { PeriodPreferencesHint.showHint(getElement(), iRoom.getUniqueId(), iType.getId()); } }); addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { RoomSharingHint.hideHint(); } }); refresh(); } @Override public void refresh() { clear(); setHTML(""); RoomCookie cookie = RoomCookie.getInstance(); if (cookie.isGridAsText() || !iType.isFinal()) { if (iRoom.getPeriodPreference() != null) setHTML(iRoom.getPeriodPreference()); } else { add(new Image(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "pattern?loc=" + iRoom.getUniqueId() + "&xt=" + iType.getId() + "&v=" + (cookie.areRoomsHorizontal() ? "0" : "1") + (cookie.hasMode() ? "&s=" + cookie.getMode() : ""))); } } } public interface Check { public boolean isChecked(); } public static enum DeptMode { CODE(MESSAGES.fieldCode()), ABBV(MESSAGES.fieldAbbreviation()), NAME(MESSAGES.fieldName()), ABBV_NAME( MESSAGES.fieldAbbv() + " - " + MESSAGES.fieldName()), CODE_NAME( MESSAGES.fieldCode() + " - " + MESSAGES.fieldName()); private String iName; DeptMode(String name) { iName = name; } public String getName() { return iName; } } public static interface SortOperation extends Operation, HasColumnName { } public static interface HasRefresh { public void refresh(); } public RoomDetailInterface getRoom(Long roomId) { if (roomId == null) return null; for (int i = 1; i < getRowCount(); i++) { if (roomId.equals(getData(i).getUniqueId())) return getData(i); } return null; } public void scrollTo(Long roomId) { if (roomId == null) return; for (int i = 1; i < getRowCount(); i++) { if (roomId.equals(getData(i).getUniqueId())) { ToolBox.scrollToElement(getRowFormatter().getElement(i)); } } } public RoomDetailInterface getPrevious(Long roomId) { if (roomId == null) return null; for (int i = 2; i < getRowCount(); i++) { if (roomId.equals(getData(i).getUniqueId())) return getData(i - 1); } return null; } public RoomDetailInterface getNext(Long roomId) { if (roomId == null) return null; for (int i = 1; i < getRowCount() - 1; i++) { if (roomId.equals(getData(i).getUniqueId())) return getData(i + 1); } return null; } public Boolean isRoomSelected(int row) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { return ((CheckBox) w).getValue(); } else { return null; } } public boolean isRoomSelected(RoomDetailInterface room) { if (!iSelectable) return false; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { if (getData(row).getUniqueId().equals(room.getUniqueId())) return isRoomSelected(row); } return false; } public int getRow(RoomDetailInterface room) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) if (getData(row).getUniqueId().equals(room.getUniqueId())) return row; return -1; } public void selectRoom(RoomDetailInterface room, boolean value) { if (!iSelectable) return; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { if (getData(row).getUniqueId().equals(room.getUniqueId())) { selectRoom(row, value); break; } } } public void selectRoom(int row, boolean value) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { ((CheckBox) w).setValue(value); } } public CheckBox getRoomSelection(int row) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { return (CheckBox) w; } else { return null; } } public boolean isAllDepartments(RoomDetailInterface room) { return room.getDepartments().size() > 3 && iProperties.getNrDepartments() == room.getDepartments().size(); } }