Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.instructor; import java.util.Date; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class InstructorCookie { private static InstructorCookie sInstance = null; private int iSortAttributesBy = 0; private int iSortInstructorsBy = 0; private int[] iSortTeachingRequestsBy = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }; private int[] iTeachingRequestsColumns = new int[] { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; private int iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy = 0; private int iTeachingAssignmentsColumns = 0xffff; private int iAssignmentChangesBase = 1; private int iSortAssignmentChangesBy = 0; private int iAssignmentChangesColumns = 0xffff; private boolean iShowTeachingRequests = false; private boolean iShowTeachingAssignments = false; private String[] iQuery = new String[] { "", "", "" }; private InstructorCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Instructor"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iSortAttributesBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortInstructorsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortTeachingRequestsBy = new int[] { Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]) }; iTeachingRequestsColumns = new int[] { Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]) }; iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iTeachingAssignmentsColumns = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iAssignmentChangesBase = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortAssignmentChangesBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iAssignmentChangesColumns = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iShowTeachingRequests = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iShowTeachingAssignments = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iQuery = new String[] { params[idx++], params[idx++], params[idx++] }; } } catch (Exception e) { } } public static InstructorCookie getInstance() { if (sInstance == null) sInstance = new InstructorCookie(); return sInstance; } private void save() { String cookie = iSortAttributesBy + "|" + iSortInstructorsBy + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[0] + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[1] + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[2] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[0] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[1] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[2] + "|" + iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy + "|" + iTeachingAssignmentsColumns + "|" + iAssignmentChangesBase + "|" + iSortAssignmentChangesBy + "|" + iAssignmentChangesColumns + "|" + (iShowTeachingRequests ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iShowTeachingAssignments ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iQuery[0] == null ? "" : iQuery[0]) + "|" + (iQuery[1] == null ? "" : iQuery[1]) + "|" + (iQuery[2] == null ? "" : iQuery[2]); Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Instructor", cookie, expires); } public int getSortAttributesBy() { return iSortAttributesBy; } public void setSortAttributesBy(int sortAttributesBy) { iSortAttributesBy = sortAttributesBy; save(); } public int getSortInstructorsBy() { return iSortInstructorsBy; } public void setSortInstructorsBy(int sortInstructorsBy) { iSortInstructorsBy = sortInstructorsBy; save(); } public int getSortTeachingRequestsBy(Boolean assigned) { return iSortTeachingRequestsBy[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1]; } public void setSortTeachingRequestsBy(Boolean assigned, int sortTeachingRequestsBy) { iSortTeachingRequestsBy[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] = sortTeachingRequestsBy; save(); } public int getTeachingRequestsColumns(Boolean assigned) { return iTeachingRequestsColumns[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1]; } public boolean isTeachingRequestsColumnVisible(Boolean assigned, int ordinal) { return (iTeachingRequestsColumns[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; } public void setTeachingRequestsColumnVisible(Boolean assigned, int ordinal, boolean visible) { boolean old = (iTeachingRequestsColumns[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; if (old != visible) { if (visible) iTeachingRequestsColumns[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] += (1 << ordinal); else iTeachingRequestsColumns[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] -= (1 << ordinal); } save(); } public int getSortTeachingAssignmentsBy() { return iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy; } public void setSortTeachingAssignmentsBy(int sortTeachingAssignmentsBy) { iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy = sortTeachingAssignmentsBy; save(); } public int getTeachingAssignmentsColumns() { return iTeachingAssignmentsColumns; } public boolean isTeachingAssignmentsColumnVisible(int ordinal) { return (iTeachingAssignmentsColumns & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; } public void setTeachingAssignmentsColumnVisible(int ordinal, boolean visible) { boolean old = (iTeachingAssignmentsColumns & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; if (old != visible) { if (visible) iTeachingAssignmentsColumns += (1 << ordinal); else iTeachingAssignmentsColumns -= (1 << ordinal); } save(); } public int getAssignmentChangesBase() { return iAssignmentChangesBase; } public void setAssignmentChangesBase(int assignmentChangesBase) { iAssignmentChangesBase = assignmentChangesBase; save(); } public int getSortAssignmentChangesBy() { return iSortAssignmentChangesBy; } public void setSortAssignmentChangesBy(int sortAssignmentChangesBy) { iSortAssignmentChangesBy = sortAssignmentChangesBy; save(); } public boolean isAssignmentChangesColumnVisible(int ordinal) { return (iAssignmentChangesColumns & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; } public void setAssignmentChangesColumnVisible(int ordinal, boolean visible) { boolean old = (iAssignmentChangesColumns & (1 << ordinal)) != 0; if (old != visible) { if (visible) iAssignmentChangesColumns += (1 << ordinal); else iAssignmentChangesColumns -= (1 << ordinal); } save(); } public boolean isShowTeachingRequests() { return iShowTeachingRequests; } public void setShowTeachingRequests(boolean showTeachingRequests) { iShowTeachingRequests = showTeachingRequests; save(); } public boolean isShowTeachingAssignments() { return iShowTeachingAssignments; } public void setShowTeachingAssignments(boolean showTeachingAssignments) { iShowTeachingAssignments = showTeachingAssignments; save(); } public String getQuery(Boolean assigned) { return iQuery[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1]; } public void setQuery(Boolean assigned, String query) { iQuery[assigned == null ? 2 : assigned ? 0 : 1] = query; save(); } }