Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.NumberBox; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.SimpleForm; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.ServerDateTimeFormat; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeDialogBox; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeHeaderPanel; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTable; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.TimeSelector.TimeUtils; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader.AriaOperation; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeTableHeader.Operation; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtAriaMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtConstants; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.ApprovalStatus; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.ContactInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.EventFlag; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.EventType; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.MeetingConflictInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.MeetingInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.MultiMeetingInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.NoteInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.EventInterface.SessionMonth; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class EventMeetingTable extends UniTimeTable<EventMeetingTable.EventMeetingRow> implements HasValue<List<EventMeetingTable.EventMeetingRow>> { private static GwtAriaMessages ARIA = GWT.create(GwtAriaMessages.class); private static final GwtConstants CONSTANTS = GWT.create(GwtConstants.class); private static final GwtMessages MESSAGES = GWT.create(GwtMessages.class); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatApproval = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(CONSTANTS.eventDateFormat()); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatExpiration = ServerDateTimeFormat .getFormat(CONSTANTS.eventDateFormat()); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatShort = ServerDateTimeFormat .getFormat(CONSTANTS.eventDateFormatShort()); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatLong = ServerDateTimeFormat.getFormat(CONSTANTS.eventDateFormatLong()); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatMeeting = ServerDateTimeFormat .getFormat(CONSTANTS.meetingDateFormat()); private static DateTimeFormat sDateFormatAria = ServerDateTimeFormat .getFormat(CONSTANTS.dateSelectionDateFormat()); public static enum ModeFlag { ShowEventDetails, ShowMeetings, ShowOptionalColumns, MustShowApproval, AllowApproveAll, HideTitle, CanHideDuplicitiesForMeetings,; public int flag() { return 1 << ordinal(); } public boolean in(int flags) { return (flags & flag()) != 0; } public int set(int flags) { return (in(flags) ? flags : flags + flag()); } public int clear(int flags) { return (in(flags) ? flags - flag() : flags); } } public static enum Mode { ListOfEvents(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails, ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns, ModeFlag.CanHideDuplicitiesForMeetings), ListOfMeetings(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails, ModeFlag.ShowMeetings, ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns), MeetingsOfAnEvent( ModeFlag.ShowMeetings, ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns, ModeFlag.MustShowApproval, ModeFlag.AllowApproveAll, ModeFlag.HideTitle), ApprovalOfEvents( ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails, ModeFlag.MustShowApproval), ApprovalOfMeetings( ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails, ModeFlag.ShowMeetings, ModeFlag.MustShowApproval), ApprovalOfSingleEventMeetings( ModeFlag.ShowMeetings, ModeFlag.MustShowApproval); private int iFlags = 0; Mode(ModeFlag... flags) { for (ModeFlag flag : flags) iFlags = flag.set(iFlags); } public boolean hasFlag(ModeFlag flag) { return; } } public static enum OperationType { Approve, Reject, Inquire, AddMeetings, Cancel, Delete, Modify } private Mode iMode = null; private boolean iShowMainContact = false; private EventMeetingSortBy iSortBy = null; private boolean iAsc = true; private boolean iSelectable = true, iEditable = false; private Map<OperationType, Implementation> iImplementations = new HashMap<OperationType, Implementation>(); private MeetingFilter iMeetingFilter = null; private EventPropertiesProvider iPropertiesProvider = null; public EventMeetingTable(Mode mode, boolean selectable, EventPropertiesProvider properties) { setStyleName("unitime-EventMeetings"); iMode = mode; iSelectable = selectable; iPropertiesProvider = properties; if (getRowCount() > 0) clearTable(); List<UniTimeTableHeader> header = new ArrayList<UniTimeTableHeader>(); UniTimeTableHeader hTimes = new UniTimeTableHeader("⊗", HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); header.add(hTimes); hTimes.addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; ch.setValue(true); } } } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (!ch.getValue()) return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opSelectAll(); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; ch.setValue(getData(row).inConflict()); } } } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) if (getData(row).inConflict()) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opSelectAllConflicting(); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; ch.setValue(false); } } } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opClearSelection(); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { getOperation(OperationType.AddMeetings).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.AddMeetings, null); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return hasOperation(OperationType.AddMeetings); } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opAddMeetings(); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opDeleteSelectedMeetings() : MESSAGES.opDeleteNewMeetings()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow row) { return isEditable() && row.isCanDelete(); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event) { while (row + 1 < getRowCount() && getData(row + 1).hasParent()) removeRow(row + 1); if (getData(row).getMeeting().getId() == null) removeRow(row); else { MeetingInterface meeting = getData(row).getMeeting(); meeting.setApprovalStatus(ApprovalStatus.Deleted); meeting.setCanApprove(false); meeting.setCanCancel(false); meeting.setCanInquire(false); meeting.setCanEdit(false); meeting.setCanDelete(false); getRowFormatter().addStyleName(row, "deleted-row"); setWidget(row, 0, new HTML(" ")); HTML approval = (HTML) getWidget(row, getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn()); approval.setStyleName("deleted-meeting"); approval.setText(MESSAGES.approvalDeleted());, getValue()); } } @Override public void execute() { super.execute(); if (hasOperation(OperationType.Delete)) getOperation(OperationType.Delete).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Delete, null); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public boolean allMustMatch(boolean hasSelection) { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opInquireSelectedMeetings() : MESSAGES.opInquireAllMeetings()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow row) { return hasOperation(OperationType.Inquire) && row.isCanInquire(); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event) { } @Override public void execute() { getOperation(OperationType.Inquire).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Inquire, data()); } @Override public boolean allowNoSelection() { return getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.AllowApproveAll); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opApproveSelectedMeetings() : MESSAGES.opApproveAllMeetings()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow row) { return hasOperation(OperationType.Approve) && row.isCanApprove(); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event) { } @Override public void execute() { getOperation(OperationType.Approve).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Approve, data()); } @Override public boolean allowNoSelection() { return getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.AllowApproveAll); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { if (hasOperation(OperationType.Delete)) return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opCancelSelectedMeetingsNoPopup() : MESSAGES.opCancelAllMeetingsNoPopup()); else return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opCancelSelectedMeetings() : MESSAGES.opCancelAllMeetings()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow row) { return (hasOperation(OperationType.Cancel) && row.isCanCancel()) || (isEditable() && row.isCanCancel()); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event) { if (isEditable()) { while (row + 1 < getRowCount() && getData(row + 1).hasParent()) removeRow(row + 1); if (getData(row).getMeeting().getId() == null) removeRow(row); else { getData(row).getMeeting().setApprovalStatus(ApprovalStatus.Cancelled); getRowFormatter().addStyleName(row, "cancelled-row"); setWidget(row, 0, new HTML(" ")); HTML approval = (HTML) getWidget(row, getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn()); approval.setStyleName("cancelled-meeting"); approval.setText(MESSAGES.approvalCancelled());, getValue()); } } } @Override public void execute() { super.execute(); if (hasOperation(OperationType.Cancel)) getOperation(OperationType.Cancel).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Cancel, data()); } @Override public boolean allowNoSelection() { return getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.AllowApproveAll); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return (hasSelection() ? MESSAGES.opRejectSelectedMeetings() : MESSAGES.opRejectAllMeetings()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow row) { return hasOperation(OperationType.Reject) && row.isCanApprove(); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event) { } @Override public void execute() { getOperation(OperationType.Reject).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Reject, data()); } @Override public boolean allowNoSelection() { return getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.AllowApproveAll); } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public void execute() { getOperation(OperationType.Modify).execute(EventMeetingTable.this, OperationType.Modify, data()); } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opModifyMeetings(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { Integer start = null, end = null; boolean hasSelection = hasSelection(); if (hasSelection) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (!isApplicable(e)) return false; if (start == null) { start = e.getMeeting().getStartSlot(); end = e.getMeeting().getEndSlot(); } else if (start != e.getMeeting().getStartSlot() || end != e.getMeeting().getEndSlot()) return false; } } } return true; } else if (allowNoSelection()) { boolean canSelect = false; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (!isApplicable(e)) return false; if (start == null) { start = e.getMeeting().getStartSlot(); end = e.getMeeting().getEndSlot(); } else if (start != e.getMeeting().getStartSlot() || end != e.getMeeting().getEndSlot()) return false; canSelect = true; } } return canSelect; } else { return false; } } @Override public boolean allMustMatch(boolean hasSelection) { return true; } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow data) { return isEditable() && hasOperation(OperationType.Modify) && data.getMeeting() != null && (data.getMeeting().getId() == null || data.getMeeting().isCanDelete() || data.getMeeting().isCanCancel()); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow data) { } }); hTimes.addOperation(new EventMeetingOperation() { @Override public void execute() { Integer so = null, eo = null; boolean soSame = true, eoSame = true; for (EventMeetingRow r : data()) { MeetingInterface m = r.getMeeting(); if (so == null) so = m.getStartOffset(); else if (m.getStartOffset() != so) soSame = false; if (eo == null) eo = -m.getEndOffset(); else if (-m.getEndOffset() != eo) eoSame = false; } final UniTimeDialogBox dialog = new UniTimeDialogBox(true, false); SimpleForm simple = new SimpleForm(); simple.removeStyleName("unitime-NotPrintableBottomLine"); final NumberBox setupTime = new NumberBox(); if (soSame && so != null) setupTime.setValue(so); simple.addRow(MESSAGES.propSetupTime(), setupTime); final NumberBox teardownTime = new NumberBox(); if (eoSame && eo != null) teardownTime.setValue(eo); simple.addRow(MESSAGES.propTeardownTime(), teardownTime); UniTimeHeaderPanel footer = new UniTimeHeaderPanel(); footer.addButton("ok", MESSAGES.buttonOk(), 75, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int colSetup = getHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort()).getColumn(); int colTear = getHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort()).getColumn(); int colPubl = getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()).getColumn(); for (Integer row : rows()) { MeetingInterface meeting = getData(row).getMeeting(); if (setupTime.toInteger() != null) meeting.setStartOffset(setupTime.toInteger()); if (teardownTime.toInteger() != null) meeting.setEndOffset(-teardownTime.toInteger()); ((NumberCell) getWidget(row, colSetup)) .setText(String.valueOf(meeting.getStartOffset())); ((NumberCell) getWidget(row, colTear)).setText(String.valueOf(-meeting.getEndOffset())); ((Label) getWidget(row, colPubl)).setText(meeting.getMeetingTime(CONSTANTS)); } dialog.hide(); } }); footer.addButton("cancel", MESSAGES.buttonCancel(), 75, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { dialog.hide(); } }); simple.addBottomRow(footer); dialog.setWidget(simple); dialog.setText(MESSAGES.dlgChangeOffsets()); dialog.setEscapeToHide(true);; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opChangeOffsets(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow data) { return isEditable() && data.getMeeting() != null && (data.getMeeting().getId() == null || data.getMeeting().isCanEdit()); } @Override public void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow data) { } }); UniTimeTableHeader hName = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colName()); header.add(hName); UniTimeTableHeader hSection = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colSection(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hSection); UniTimeTableHeader hType = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colType()); header.add(hType); UniTimeTableHeader hTitle = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()); header.add(hTitle); UniTimeTableHeader hNote = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()); header.add(hNote); UniTimeTableHeader hDate = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colDate()); header.add(hDate); UniTimeTableHeader hTimePub = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()); header.add(hTimePub); UniTimeTableHeader hTimeAll = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()); header.add(hTimeAll); UniTimeTableHeader hTimeSetup = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hTimeSetup); UniTimeTableHeader hTimeTeardown = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hTimeTeardown); UniTimeTableHeader hLocation = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colLocation()); header.add(hLocation); UniTimeTableHeader hCapacity = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colCapacity(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hCapacity); UniTimeTableHeader hEnrollment = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colEnrollment(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hEnrollment); UniTimeTableHeader hLimit = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colLimit(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); header.add(hLimit); UniTimeTableHeader hSponsor = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colSponsorOrInstructor()); header.add(hSponsor); UniTimeTableHeader hContact = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()); header.add(hContact); UniTimeTableHeader hApproval = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()); header.add(hApproval); UniTimeTableHeader hLastChange = new UniTimeTableHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()); header.add(hLastChange); addRow(null, header); final Operation titleOp = addHideOperation(hTitle, EventFlag.SHOW_TITLE, new Check() { @Override public boolean isChecked() { return true; } }); final Operation noteOp = addHideOperation(hNote, EventFlag.SHOW_NOTE, new Check() { @Override public boolean isChecked() { return !titleOp.isApplicable(); } }); addHideOperation(hTimePub, EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME, new Check() { @Override public boolean isChecked() { return !titleOp.isApplicable() && !noteOp.isApplicable(); } }); addHideOperation(hTimeAll, EventFlag.SHOW_ALLOCATED_TIME); addHideOperation(hTimeSetup, EventFlag.SHOW_SETUP_TIME); addHideOperation(hTimeTeardown, EventFlag.SHOW_TEARDOWN_TIME); addHideOperation(hCapacity, EventFlag.SHOW_CAPACITY); addHideOperation(hEnrollment, EventFlag.SHOW_ENROLLMENT); addHideOperation(hLimit, EventFlag.SHOW_LIMIT); addHideOperation(hSponsor, EventFlag.SHOW_SPONSOR); addHideOperation(hContact, EventFlag.SHOW_MAIN_CONTACT); addHideOperation(hApproval, EventFlag.SHOW_APPROVAL); addHideOperation(hLastChange, EventFlag.SHOW_LAST_CHANGE); Operation hideDuplicitiesForMeetings = new AriaOperation() { @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return iMode.hasFlag(ModeFlag.CanHideDuplicitiesForMeetings); } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public void execute() { EventCookie.getInstance() .setHideDuplicitiesForMeetings(!EventCookie.getInstance().isHideDuplicitiesForMeetings()); int colDate = getHeader(MESSAGES.colDate()).getColumn(); int colApproval = getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn(); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data == null) continue; EventInterface event = data.getEvent(); String[] mtgs = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; String prevApproval = null; String[] prev = null; String prevSpan = null; String approval = ""; boolean globalUnavailability = event != null && event.getId() != null && event.getId() < 0 && event.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile; for (MultiMeetingInterface m : EventInterface.getMultiMeetings( data.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()), true, globalUnavailability ? null : iPropertiesProvider, event == null ? null : event.getType())) { String[] mtg = new String[] { m.isArrangeHours() ? event.hasMessage() ? event.getMessage() : CONSTANTS.arrangeHours() : (m.getDays(CONSTANTS) + " " + (m.getNrMeetings() == 1 ? sDateFormatLong.format(m.getFirstMeetingDate()) : sDateFormatShort.format(m.getFirstMeetingDate()) + " - " + sDateFormatLong.format(m.getLastMeetingDate()))), m.isArrangeHours() && event.hasMessage() ? CONSTANTS.arrangeHours() : m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingTime(CONSTANTS), m.getMeetings().first().getAllocatedTime(CONSTANTS), String.valueOf(m.getMeetings().first().getStartOffset()), String.valueOf(-m.getMeetings().first().getEndOffset()), m.getLocationNameWithHint(), (m.getMeetings().first().getLocation() == null ? "" : m.getMeetings().first().getLocation().hasSize() ? m.getMeetings().first().getLocation().getSize().toString() : MESSAGES.notApplicable()) }; if (!m.isArrangeHours() && !m.isPast()) { SessionMonth.Flag dateFlag = (globalUnavailability || iPropertiesProvider == null ? null : iPropertiesProvider.getDateFlag(event == null ? null : event.getType(), m.getFirstMeetingDate())); if (dateFlag != null) { switch (dateFlag) { case FINALS: mtg[0] = "<span class='finals' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintFinals() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case MIDTERMS: mtg[0] = "<span class='midterms' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintMidterms() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case BREAK: mtg[0] = "<span class='break' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintBreak() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case HOLIDAY: mtg[0] = "<span class='holiday' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintHoliday() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case WEEKEND: mtg[0] = "<span class='weekend' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintWeekend() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; } } } if (!m.isArrangeHours() && iPropertiesProvider != null && iPropertiesProvider.isTooEarly( m.getMeetings().first().getStartSlot(), m.getMeetings().first().getEndSlot())) { for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) mtg[i] = "<span class='early' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintTooEarly() + "\">" + mtg[i] + "</span>"; } String span = ""; if (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled) span = "cancelled-meeting"; else if (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected) span = "rejected-meeting"; else if (m.isPast()) span = "past-meeting"; for (int i = 0; i < mtgs.length; i++) { mtgs[i] += (mtgs[i].isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + (prev != null && span.equals(prevSpan) && prev[i == 6 ? i - 1 : i].equals(mtg[i == 6 ? i - 1 : i]) ? MESSAGES.repeatingSymbol() : (!span.isEmpty() ? "<span class='" + span + "'>" : "") + mtg[i] + (!span.isEmpty() ? "</span>" : "")); } String thisApproval = (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Approved ? sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? MESSAGES.approvalCancelled() : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? MESSAGES.approvalRejected() : ""); approval += (approval.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + (prev != null && span.equals(prevSpan) && prevApproval.equals(thisApproval) ? MESSAGES.repeatingSymbol() : (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Approved ? m.isPast() ? "<span class='past-meeting'>" + sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) + "</span>" : sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? "<span class='cancelled-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalCancelled() + "</span>" : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? "<span class='rejected-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalRejected() + "</span>" : event != null && event.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile ? "" : m.getFirstMeetingDate() == null ? "" : m.isPast() ? "<span class='not-approved-past'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApprovedPast() + "</span>" : event != null && event.getExpirationDate() != null ? "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalExpire( sDateFormatExpiration .format(event .getExpirationDate())) + "</span>" : "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApproved() + "</span>")); if (EventCookie.getInstance().isHideDuplicitiesForMeetings()) { prev = mtg; prevSpan = span; prevApproval = thisApproval; } } for (int i = 0; i < mtgs.length; i++) { if (i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 6) setWidget(row, colDate + i, new NumberCell(mtgs[i])); else setWidget(row, colDate + i, new HTML(mtgs[i], false)); } setWidget(row, colApproval, new HTML(approval == null ? "" : approval, false)); } } @Override public String getName() { return EventCookie.getInstance().isHideDuplicitiesForMeetings() ? MESSAGES.opUncheck(MESSAGES.opHideRepeatingInformation()) : MESSAGES.opCheck(MESSAGES.opHideRepeatingInformation()); } @Override public String getAriaLabel() { return EventCookie.getInstance().isHideDuplicitiesForMeetings() ? ARIA.opUncheck(MESSAGES.opHideRepeatingInformation()) : ARIA.opCheck(MESSAGES.opHideRepeatingInformation()); } }; hDate.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hTimePub.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hTimeAll.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hTimeSetup.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hTimeTeardown.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hLocation.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hCapacity.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); hApproval.addOperation(hideDuplicitiesForMeetings); addSortByOperation(hName, EventMeetingSortBy.NAME); addSortByOperation(hSection, EventMeetingSortBy.SECTION); addSortByOperation(hType, EventMeetingSortBy.TYPE); addSortByOperation(hTitle, EventMeetingSortBy.TITLE); addSortByOperation(hNote, EventMeetingSortBy.NOTE); addSortByOperation(hDate, EventMeetingSortBy.DATE); addSortByOperation(hTimePub, EventMeetingSortBy.PUBLISHED_TIME); addSortByOperation(hTimeAll, EventMeetingSortBy.ALLOCATED_TIME); addSortByOperation(hTimeSetup, EventMeetingSortBy.SETUP_TIME); addSortByOperation(hTimeTeardown, EventMeetingSortBy.TEARDOWN_TIME); addSortByOperation(hLocation, EventMeetingSortBy.LOCATION); addSortByOperation(hCapacity, EventMeetingSortBy.CAPACITY); addSortByOperation(hEnrollment, EventMeetingSortBy.ENROLLMENT); addSortByOperation(hLimit, EventMeetingSortBy.LIMIT); addSortByOperation(hSponsor, EventMeetingSortBy.SPONSOR); addSortByOperation(hContact, EventMeetingSortBy.MAIN_CONTACT); addSortByOperation(hApproval, EventMeetingSortBy.APPROVAL); addSortByOperation(hLastChange, EventMeetingSortBy.LAST_CHANGE); hTimes.addOperation(new AriaOperation() { @Override public void execute() { EventCookie.getInstance().setAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings( !EventCookie.getInstance().isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings()); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data.hasMeeting() && data.getMeeting().getId() == null && data.getMeeting().isCanApprove() && data.hasEvent() && (data.getEvent().getType() == EventType.Special || data.getEvent().getType() == EventType.Course)) { HTML approval = (HTML) getWidget(row, getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn()); if (EventCookie.getInstance().isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings()) { approval.setStyleName("new-approved-meeting"); approval.setText(MESSAGES.approvelNewApprovedMeeting()); } else { approval.setStyleName("new-meeting"); approval.setText(MESSAGES.approvalNewMeeting()); } } }, getValue()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data.hasMeeting() && data.getMeeting().getId() == null && data.getMeeting().isCanApprove() && data.hasEvent() && (data.getEvent().getType() == EventType.Special || data.getEvent().getType() == EventType.Course)) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public String getName() { return EventCookie.getInstance().isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings() ? MESSAGES.opUncheck(MESSAGES.opAutomaticApproval()) : MESSAGES.opCheck(MESSAGES.opAutomaticApproval()); } @Override public String getAriaLabel() { return EventCookie.getInstance().isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings() ? ARIA.opUncheck(MESSAGES.opAutomaticApproval()) : ARIA.opCheck(MESSAGES.opAutomaticApproval()); } }); for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(0); i++) getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, i, "unitime-ClickableTableHeaderNoBorderLine"); resetColumnVisibility(); } public Mode getMode() { return iMode; } public void setMode(Mode mode) { iMode = mode; } public void setSelectable(boolean selectable) { iSelectable = selectable; } public boolean isSelectable() { return iSelectable; } public void setEditable(boolean editable) { iEditable = editable; } public boolean isEditable() { return iEditable; } public MeetingFilter getMeetingFilter() { return iMeetingFilter; } public void setMeetingFilter(MeetingFilter filter) { iMeetingFilter = filter; } public void setShowMainContact(boolean show) { iShowMainContact = show; } public boolean isShowMainContact() { return iShowMainContact; } public void setOperation(OperationType operation, Implementation command) { if (command == null) iImplementations.remove(operation); else iImplementations.put(operation, command); } public Implementation getOperation(OperationType operation) { return iImplementations.get(operation); } public boolean hasOperation(OperationType operation) { return getOperation(operation) != null; } protected boolean isSelectable(EventMeetingRow data) { return (hasOperation(OperationType.Approve) && data.isCanApprove()) || (hasOperation(OperationType.Cancel) && data.isCanCancel() && (!getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails) || isShowMainContact())) || (hasOperation(OperationType.Inquire) && data.isCanInquire()) || (isEditable() && (data.isEditable() || data.isCanCancel() || data.isCanDelete())); } public void add(EventMeetingRow data) { if (!getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowMeetings) && data.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()).isEmpty()) return; List<Widget> row = new ArrayList<Widget>(); EventInterface event = data.getEvent(); MeetingInterface meeting = data.getMeeting(); MeetingConflictInterface conflict = (meeting instanceof MeetingConflictInterface ? (MeetingConflictInterface) meeting : null); if (conflict != null && conflict.getType() == EventType.Message && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) return; if (data.hasParent()) { if (conflict != null && conflict.getType() == EventType.Message) row.add(new CenterredCell(MESSAGES.signMessage())); else row.add(new CenterredCell(MESSAGES.signConflict())); } else if (!isSelectable()) { row.add(new HTML(MESSAGES.signSelected())); } else if (isSelectable(data)) { CheckBoxCell check = new CheckBoxCell(); check.setAriaLabel(data.toAriaString(getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails))); row.add(check); if (!isColumnVisible(0)) setColumnVisible(0, true); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (event != null && event.getType() != null) { if (event.hasCourseNames()) { List<String> name = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> section = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> title = new ArrayList<String>(); if (event.getType() == EventType.Course) { name.add(event.getName()); section.add(" "); } for (String cn : event.getCourseNames()) if (name.isEmpty()) { name.add(cn); } else if (event.getInstruction() != null || event.getType() == EventType.Course) { name.add("<span class='no-control'>" + cn + "</span>"); } else { name.add(cn); } if (event.hasExternalIds()) for (String ex : event.getExternalIds()) { if (section.isEmpty()) { section.add(ex); } else if (event.getInstruction() != null || event.getType() == EventType.Course) { section.add("<span class='no-control'>" + ex + "</span>"); } else { section.add(ex); } } else if (event.hasSectionNumber()) { section.clear(); section.add(event.getSectionNumber()); } if (event.hasCourseTitles()) { String last = null; for (String ct : event.getCourseTitles()) { if (last != null && !last.isEmpty() && last.equals(ct)) ct = ""; else last = ct; if (title.isEmpty()) { title.add(ct); } else if (event.getInstruction() != null || event.getType() == EventType.Course) { title.add("<span class='no-control'>" + ct + "</span>"); } else { title.add(ct); } } } row.add(new MultiLineCell(name)); row.add(new MultiLineNumberCell(section)); row.add(new Label(event.getInstruction() == null ? event.getType().getAbbreviation(CONSTANTS) : event.getInstruction(), false)); row.add(new MultiLineCell(title)); if (event.hasEventNote() && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { MultiLineCell note = new MultiLineCell(event.getEventNote("\n").split("\\n")); note.setTitle(event.getEventNote("\n")); note.addStyleName("note"); row.add(note); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (!section.isEmpty() && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_TITLE) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns) && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.HideTitle)) setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).getColumn(), true); if (!title.isEmpty() && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_TITLE) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns) && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.HideTitle)) setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()).getColumn(), true); if (event.hasEventNote() && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_NOTE) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns) && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.HideTitle)) setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn(), true); } else { row.add(new HTML(event.getName())); row.add(new HTML(" ")); row.add(new Label(event.getType().getAbbreviation(CONSTANTS), false)); row.add(new HTML(" ")); if (event.hasEventNote() && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { MultiLineCell note = new MultiLineCell(event.getEventNote("\n").split("\\n")); note.setTitle(event.getEventNote("\n")); note.addStyleName("note"); row.add(note); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (event.hasEventNote() && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_NOTE) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns) && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.HideTitle)) setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn(), true); } } else if (conflict != null) { row.add(new HTML(conflict.getName())); row.add(new HTML(" ")); row.add(new HTML(conflict.getType().getAbbreviation(CONSTANTS), false)); row.add(new HTML(" ")); row.add(new HTML(" ")); } else { row.add(new HTML()); row.add(new HTML()); row.add(new HTML()); row.add(new HTML()); row.add(new HTML()); } String approval = ""; boolean allCancelledOrRejected = false; if (meeting != null) { if (conflict != null && (conflict.getType() == EventType.Message || conflict.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile) && conflict.isAllDay() && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { row.add(new HTMLWithColSpan(conflict.getName(), true, 5)); row.get(row.size() - 1).addStyleName("indent"); } else { if (conflict != null && !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { row.add(new HTML( conflict.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile || conflict.getType() == EventType.Message ? conflict.getName() : MESSAGES.conflictWith(conflict.getName()), false)); row.get(row.size() - 1).addStyleName("indent"); } else { if (meeting.isArrangeHours()) { if (event.hasMessage()) row.add(new Label(event.getMessage())); else row.add(new Label(CONSTANTS.arrangeHours())); } else { Label meetingDate = new Label(sDateFormatMeeting.format(meeting.getMeetingDate()), false); SessionMonth.Flag dateFlag = (iPropertiesProvider == null ? null : iPropertiesProvider.getDateFlag(event == null ? null : event.getType(), meeting.getMeetingDate())); if (dateFlag != null) { switch (dateFlag) { case FINALS: meetingDate.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintFinals()); meetingDate.addStyleName("finals"); break; case BREAK: meetingDate.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintBreak()); meetingDate.addStyleName("break"); break; case HOLIDAY: meetingDate.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintHoliday()); meetingDate.addStyleName("holiday"); break; case WEEKEND: meetingDate.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintWeekend()); meetingDate.addStyleName("weekend"); break; case MIDTERMS: meetingDate.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintMidterms()); meetingDate.addStyleName("midterms"); break; } } row.add(meetingDate); } } Label meetingTime = new Label(meeting.getMeetingTime(CONSTANTS), false); Label allocatedTime = new Label(meeting.getAllocatedTime(CONSTANTS), false); if (!meeting.isArrangeHours() && iPropertiesProvider != null && iPropertiesProvider.isTooEarly(meeting.getStartSlot(), meeting.getEndSlot())) { meetingTime.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintTooEarly()); meetingTime.addStyleName("early"); allocatedTime.setTitle(MESSAGES.hintTooEarly()); allocatedTime.addStyleName("early"); } if (meeting.isArrangeHours() && event.hasMessage()) { meetingTime = new Label(CONSTANTS.arrangeHours(), false); } row.add(meetingTime); row.add(allocatedTime); row.add(new NumberCell(meeting.getStartOffset())); row.add(new NumberCell(-meeting.getEndOffset())); } if (meeting.getLocation() == null) { if (data.hasParent() && data.getParent().hasMeeting() && data.getParent().getMeeting().getLocation() != null) { row.add(new HTML(data.getParent().getMeeting().getLocationNameWithHint(), false)); row.add(new NumberCell( data.getParent().getMeeting().getLocation().getSize() == null ? MESSAGES.notApplicable() : data.getParent().getMeeting().getLocation().getSize().toString())); } else { row.add(new Label("")); row.add(new Label("")); } } else { row.add(new HTML(meeting.getLocationNameWithHint(), false)); row.add(new NumberCell(meeting.getLocation().getSize() == null ? MESSAGES.notApplicable() : meeting.getLocation().getSize().toString())); } if (meeting.isPast() || (data.hasParent() && data.getParent().hasMeeting() && data.getParent().getMeeting().isPast())) for (int i = row.size() - 7; i < row.size(); i++) row.get(i).addStyleName("past-meeting"); } else { String[] mtgs = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; String prevApproval = null; String[] prev = null; String prevSpan = null; allCancelledOrRejected = true; boolean globalUnavailability = event != null && event.getId() != null && event.getId() < 0 && event.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile; for (MultiMeetingInterface m : EventInterface.getMultiMeetings(data.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()), true, globalUnavailability ? null : iPropertiesProvider, event == null ? null : event.getType())) { String[] mtg = new String[] { m.isArrangeHours() ? (event.hasMessage() ? event.getMessage() : CONSTANTS.arrangeHours()) : (m.getDays(CONSTANTS) + " " + (m.getNrMeetings() == 1 ? sDateFormatLong.format(m.getFirstMeetingDate()) : sDateFormatShort.format(m.getFirstMeetingDate()) + " - " + sDateFormatLong.format(m.getLastMeetingDate()))), m.isArrangeHours() && event.hasMessage() ? CONSTANTS.arrangeHours() : m.getMeetings().first().getMeetingTime(CONSTANTS), m.getMeetings().first().getAllocatedTime(CONSTANTS), String.valueOf(m.getMeetings().first().getStartOffset()), String.valueOf(-m.getMeetings().first().getEndOffset()), m.getLocationNameWithHint(), (m.getMeetings().first().getLocation() == null ? "" : m.getMeetings().first().getLocation().hasSize() ? m.getMeetings().first().getLocation().getSize().toString() : MESSAGES.notApplicable()) }; if (!m.isArrangeHours() && !m.isPast()) { SessionMonth.Flag dateFlag = (globalUnavailability || iPropertiesProvider == null ? null : iPropertiesProvider.getDateFlag(event == null ? null : event.getType(), m.getFirstMeetingDate())); if (dateFlag != null) { switch (dateFlag) { case FINALS: mtg[0] = "<span class='finals' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintFinals() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case MIDTERMS: mtg[0] = "<span class='midterms' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintMidterms() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case BREAK: mtg[0] = "<span class='break' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintBreak() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case HOLIDAY: mtg[0] = "<span class='holiday' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintHoliday() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; case WEEKEND: mtg[0] = "<span class='weekend' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintWeekend() + "\">" + mtg[0] + "</span>"; break; } } } if (!m.isArrangeHours() && iPropertiesProvider != null && iPropertiesProvider .isTooEarly(m.getMeetings().first().getStartSlot(), m.getMeetings().first().getEndSlot())) { for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) mtg[i] = "<span class='early' title=\"" + MESSAGES.hintTooEarly() + "\">" + mtg[i] + "</span>"; } String span = ""; if (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled) span = "cancelled-meeting"; else if (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected) span = "rejected-meeting"; else if (m.isPast()) span = "past-meeting"; for (int i = 0; i < mtgs.length; i++) { mtgs[i] += (mtgs[i].isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + (prev != null && span.equals(prevSpan) && prev[i == 6 ? i - 1 : i].equals(mtg[i == 6 ? i - 1 : i]) ? MESSAGES.repeatingSymbol() : (!span.isEmpty() ? "<span class='" + span + "'>" : "") + mtg[i] + (!span.isEmpty() ? "</span>" : "")); } String thisApproval = (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Approved ? sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? MESSAGES.approvalCancelled() : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? MESSAGES.approvalRejected() : ""); approval += (approval.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + (prev != null && span.equals(prevSpan) && prevApproval.equals(thisApproval) ? MESSAGES.repeatingSymbol() : (m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Approved ? m.isPast() ? "<span class='past-meeting'>" + sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) + "</span>" : sDateFormatApproval.format(m.getApprovalDate()) : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? "<span class='cancelled-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalCancelled() + "</span>" : m.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? "<span class='rejected-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalRejected() + "</span>" : event != null && event.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile ? "" : m.getFirstMeetingDate() == null ? "" : m.isPast() ? "<span class='not-approved-past'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApprovedPast() + "</span>" : event != null && event.getExpirationDate() != null ? "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalExpire( sDateFormatExpiration .format(event .getExpirationDate())) + "</span>" : "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApproved() + "</span>")); if (EventCookie.getInstance().isHideDuplicitiesForMeetings()) { prev = mtg; prevSpan = span; prevApproval = thisApproval; } if (m.getApprovalStatus() != ApprovalStatus.Cancelled && m.getApprovalStatus() != ApprovalStatus.Rejected) allCancelledOrRejected = false; } for (int i = 0; i < mtgs.length; i++) { if (i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 6) row.add(new NumberCell(mtgs[i])); else row.add(new HTML(mtgs[i], false)); } } if (event != null && event.hasEnrollment()) { row.add(new NumberCell(event.getEnrollment().toString())); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (event != null && event.hasMaxCapacity()) { row.add(new NumberCell(event.getMaxCapacity().toString())); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (event != null && event.hasInstructors()) { if (getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ContactInterface instructor : event.getInstructors()) names.add(instructor.getName(MESSAGES)); row.add(new MultiLineCell(names)); } else { row.add(new HTML(event.getInstructorNames("<br>", MESSAGES), false)); } } else if (event != null && event.hasSponsor()) { row.add(new Label(event.getSponsor().getName())); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (event != null && iShowMainContact) { row.add(new HTML(event.hasContact() ? event.getContact().getName(MESSAGES) : " ")); if (!isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_MAIN_CONTACT) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns)) { switch (event.getType()) { case Course: case Special: setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()).getColumn(), true); } } } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (meeting != null) { boolean past = meeting.isPast() || (data.hasParent() && data.getParent().hasMeeting() && data.getParent().getMeeting().isPast()); row.add(new HTML(conflict != null && (conflict.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile || conflict.getType() == EventType.Message) ? "" : meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Deleted ? "<span class='deleted-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalDeleted() + "</span>" : meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? "<span class='cancelled-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalCancelled() + "</span>" : meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? "<span class='rejected-meeting'>" + MESSAGES.approvalRejected() + "</span>" : meeting.getMeetingDate() == null ? "" : meeting.getId() == null ? event != null && event.getType() == EventType.Unavailabile ? event.getId() != null && event.getId() < 0l ? "" : "<span class='new-meeting'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNewUnavailabiliyMeeting() + "</span>" : event != null && (event .getType() == EventType.Class || event.getType() == EventType.FinalExam || event.getType() == EventType.MidtermExam) ? "<span class='new-approved-meeting'>" + MESSAGES .approvelNewApprovedMeeting() + "</span>" : meeting.isCanApprove() && EventCookie .getInstance() .isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings() ? "<span class='new-approved-meeting'>" + MESSAGES .approvelNewApprovedMeeting() + "</span>" : "<span class='new-meeting'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNewMeeting() + "</span>" : meeting.isApproved() ? past ? "<span class='past-meeting'>" + sDateFormatApproval.format( meeting.getApprovalDate()) + "</span>" : sDateFormatApproval.format( meeting.getApprovalDate()) : past ? "<span class='not-approved-past'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApprovedPast() + "</span>" : event != null && event .getExpirationDate() != null ? "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalExpire( sDateFormatExpiration .format(event .getExpirationDate())) + "</span>" : "<span class='not-approved'>" + MESSAGES .approvalNotApproved() + "</span>")); } else { row.add(new HTML(approval == null ? "" : approval, false)); } if (event != null && event.getLastNote() != null && iShowMainContact) { NoteInterface note = event.getLastNote(); row.add(new Label(sDateFormatApproval.format(note.getDate()) + " " + note.getType().getName())); } else { row.add(new HTML(" ")); } if (!getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.MustShowApproval) && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn()) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_APPROVAL)) { if (event != null) switch (event.getType()) { case Course: case Special: setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn(), true); } } int rowNumber = addRow(data, row); if (meeting != null) getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Deleted ? "deleted-row" : meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Cancelled ? "cancelled-row" : meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Rejected ? "rejected-row" : "meeting-row"); else if (event != null) getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, allCancelledOrRejected ? "event-cancelled-row" : "event-row"); if (data.hasParent()) { row.get(1).addStyleName("indent"); if (conflict != null && conflict.getType() == EventType.Message) { getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, "message-row"); for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(rowNumber); i++) getCellFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, i, "message-cell"); } else { getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, "conflict-row"); for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(rowNumber); i++) getCellFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, i, "conflict-cell"); } } else if (meeting != null) { for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(rowNumber); i++) getCellFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, i, "meeting-cell"); } else if (event != null) { for (int i = 0; i < getCellCount(rowNumber); i++) getCellFormatter().addStyleName(rowNumber, i, "event-cell"); } if (!data.hasParent()) { if (meeting != null) { if (meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Pending || meeting.getApprovalStatus() == ApprovalStatus.Approved) { if (meeting.hasConflicts()) { for (MeetingConflictInterface cMeeting : meeting.getConflicts()) add(new EventMeetingRow(null, cMeeting, data)); } else if (event.hasConflicts()) { for (EventInterface cEvent : event.getConflicts()) { if (cEvent.hasMeetings()) for (MeetingInterface cMeeting : cEvent.getMeetings()) { if (meeting.inConflict(cMeeting)) add(new EventMeetingRow(cEvent, cMeeting, data)); } } } } } else if (event != null) { if (event.hasConflicts()) for (EventInterface cEvent : event.getConflicts()) add(new EventMeetingRow(cEvent, null, data)); } } } private Set<Integer> getEventColumns() { Set<Integer> cols = new HashSet<Integer>(); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colName()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colType()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colEnrollment()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLimit()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSponsorOrInstructor()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()).getColumn()); cols.add(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()).getColumn()); return cols; } public void resetColumnVisibility() { if (getRowCount() <= 1) { setColumnVisible(0, false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.MustShowApproval)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()).getColumn(), false); } setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colName()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colType()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)); if (getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowOptionalColumns)) { setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_ALLOCATED_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_SETUP_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_TEARDOWN_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLimit()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_LIMIT)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colEnrollment()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_ENROLLMENT)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colCapacity()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_CAPACITY)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSponsorOrInstructor()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_SPONSOR)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()).getColumn(), isShowMainContact() && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails) && EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_LAST_CHANGE)); } else { setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()).getColumn(), EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()).getColumn(), !EventCookie.getInstance().get(EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLimit()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colEnrollment()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colCapacity()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSponsorOrInstructor()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()).getColumn(), false); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).getColumn(), getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.MustShowApproval)); setColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()).getColumn(), false); } } public boolean hasSortBy() { return iSortBy != null; } public String getSortBy() { return iSortBy == null ? null : (iAsc ? "" : "-") + iSortBy.ordinal(); } public void setSortBy(String sortBy) { if (sortBy == null || sortBy.isEmpty()) { iSortBy = null; } else if (sortBy.startsWith("+")) { iAsc = true; iSortBy = EventMeetingSortBy.values()[Integer.parseInt(sortBy.substring(1))]; } else if (sortBy.startsWith("-")) { iAsc = false; iSortBy = EventMeetingSortBy.values()[Integer.parseInt(sortBy.substring(1))]; } else { iAsc = true; iSortBy = (sortBy == null ? null : EventMeetingSortBy.values()[Integer.parseInt(sortBy)]); } sort(); } protected void addSortByOperation(final UniTimeTableHeader header, final EventMeetingSortBy sortBy) { header.addOperation(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { if (header.getOrder() != null) iAsc = !header.getOrder(); else iAsc = true; iSortBy = sortBy; sort(); onSortByChanded(sortBy, iAsc); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return getRowCount() > 1; } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return true; } @Override public String getName() { return MESSAGES.opSortBy(header.getHTML()); } }); } protected void onSortByChanded(EventMeetingSortBy sortBy, boolean asc) { }; protected void onColumnShownOrHid(int eventCookieFlags) { } protected Operation addHideOperation(final UniTimeTableHeader header, final EventFlag flag) { return addHideOperation(header, flag, null); } protected Operation addHideOperation(final UniTimeTableHeader header, final EventFlag flag, final Check separator) { Operation op = new AriaOperation() { @Override public void execute() { boolean visible = isColumnVisible(header.getColumn()); setColumnVisible(header.getColumn(), !visible); EventCookie.getInstance().set(flag, !visible); if (flag == EventFlag.SHOW_ALLOCATED_TIME && visible) { UniTimeTableHeader other = getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()); if (!isColumnVisible(other.getColumn())) { setColumnVisible(other.getColumn(), true); EventCookie.getInstance().set(EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME, true); } } else if (flag == EventFlag.SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME && visible) { UniTimeTableHeader other = getHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()); if (!isColumnVisible(other.getColumn())) { setColumnVisible(other.getColumn(), true); EventCookie.getInstance().set(EventFlag.SHOW_ALLOCATED_TIME, true); } } onColumnShownOrHid(EventCookie.getInstance().getFlags()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { switch (flag) { case SHOW_MAIN_CONTACT: case SHOW_LAST_CHANGE: return iShowMainContact && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails); case SHOW_LIMIT: case SHOW_ENROLLMENT: case SHOW_SPONSOR: case SHOW_NOTE: return getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails); case SHOW_TITLE: return isColumnVisible(getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).getColumn()); case SHOW_APPROVAL: return !getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.MustShowApproval); default: return true; } } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return separator != null && separator.isChecked(); } @Override public String getName() { return isColumnVisible(header.getColumn()) ? MESSAGES.opHide(header.getHTML()) : MESSAGES.opShow(header.getHTML()); } @Override public String getAriaLabel() { return isColumnVisible(header.getColumn()) ? ARIA.opHide(header.getHTML()) : ARIA.opShow(header.getHTML()); } }; getHeader(null).addOperation(op); getHeader(MESSAGES.colName()).addOperation(ifNotSelectable(op)); switch (flag) { case SHOW_ALLOCATED_TIME: case SHOW_PUBLISHED_TIME: case SHOW_SETUP_TIME: case SHOW_TEARDOWN_TIME: getHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()).addOperation(op); getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()).addOperation(op); getHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort()).addOperation(op); getHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort()).addOperation(op); break; case SHOW_CAPACITY: case SHOW_LIMIT: case SHOW_ENROLLMENT: getHeader(MESSAGES.colLocation()).addOperation(op); header.addOperation(op); break; case SHOW_MAIN_CONTACT: case SHOW_LAST_CHANGE: getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).addOperation(op); header.addOperation(op); break; case SHOW_SPONSOR: getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()).addOperation(op); header.addOperation(op); break; case SHOW_TITLE: getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()).addOperation(op); getHeader(MESSAGES.colType()).addOperation(op); header.addOperation(op); break; default: header.addOperation(op); } return op; } private Operation ifNotSelectable(final Operation op) { return new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { op.execute(); } @Override public String getName() { return op.getName(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return op.isApplicable() && !isColumnVisible(getHeader(null).getColumn()); } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return op.hasSeparator(); } }; } public void sort() { if (iSortBy != null) { UniTimeTableHeader header = null; switch (iSortBy) { case NAME: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colName()); break; case SECTION: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colSection()); break; case TYPE: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colType()); break; case DATE: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colDate()); break; case PUBLISHED_TIME: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colPublishedTime()); break; case ALLOCATED_TIME: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colAllocatedTime()); break; case SETUP_TIME: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colSetupTimeShort()); break; case TEARDOWN_TIME: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colTeardownTimeShort()); break; case LOCATION: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colLocation()); break; case CAPACITY: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colCapacity()); break; case SPONSOR: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colSponsorOrInstructor()); break; case MAIN_CONTACT: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colMainContact()); break; case APPROVAL: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colApproval()); break; case LIMIT: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colLimit()); break; case ENROLLMENT: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colEnrollment()); break; case TITLE: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colTitle()); break; case NOTE: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colNote()); break; case LAST_CHANGE: header = getHeader(MESSAGES.colLastChange()); break; } sort(header, new Comparator<EventMeetingRow>() { @Override public int compare(EventMeetingRow o1, EventMeetingRow o2) { int cmp = compareRows(o1.hasParent() ? o1.getParent() : o1, o2.hasParent() ? o2.getParent() : o2); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return compareRows(o1.hasParent() ? o1 : null, o2.hasParent() ? o2 : null); } }, iAsc); } if (getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowMeetings) && getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowEventDetails)) { Long eventId = null, conflictId = null; Set<Integer> eventCols = getEventColumns(); int line = 0; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); EventMeetingRow next = (row + 1 < getRowCount() ? getData(row + 1) : null); boolean hasNext = (next != null && data.hasParent() == next.hasParent() && data.getEventId().equals(next.getEventId())); if (!data.hasParent()) { if (eventId == null || !eventId.equals(data.getEventId())) { line = 0; for (int col = 0; col < getCellCount(row); col++) getCellFormatter().addStyleName(row, col, "event-cell"); for (int col : eventCols) { Widget w = getWidget(row, col); if (w instanceof MultiLineCell) ((MultiLineCell) w).showLine(line, hasNext); else w.setVisible(true); } } else { for (int col = 0; col < getCellCount(row); col++) getCellFormatter().removeStyleName(row, col, "event-cell"); for (int col : eventCols) { Widget w = getWidget(row, col); if (w instanceof MultiLineCell) ((MultiLineCell) w).showLine(line, hasNext); else w.setVisible(false); } } } else { if (conflictId == null || !conflictId.equals(data.getEventId())) { line = 0; for (int col : eventCols) { Widget w = getWidget(row, col); if (w instanceof MultiLineCell) ((MultiLineCell) w).showLine(line, hasNext); else w.setVisible(true); } } else { for (int col : eventCols) { Widget w = getWidget(row, col); if (w instanceof MultiLineCell) ((MultiLineCell) w).showLine(line, hasNext); else w.setVisible(false); } } } eventId = (data.hasParent() ? null : data.getEventId()); conflictId = (data.hasParent() ? data.getEventId() : null); line++; } } } protected int compareRows(EventMeetingRow r1, EventMeetingRow r2) { // Null first if (r1 == null) return (r2 == null ? 0 : -1); if (r2 == null) return 1; // Compare event properties (if applicable) if (r1.hasEvent() && r2.hasEvent()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareEvents(r1.getEvent(), r2.getEvent(), iSortBy); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } // Compare meeting properties (if applicable) if (r1.hasMeeting() && r2.hasMeeting()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareMeetings(r1.getMeeting(), r2.getMeeting(), iSortBy); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } else { Iterator<MeetingInterface> i1 = r1.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()).iterator(), i2 = r2.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()).iterator(); while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareMeetings(,, iSortBy); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } } // Fallback 1 if (r1.hasEvent() && r2.hasEvent()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareFallback(r1.getEvent(), r2.getEvent()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } if (r1.hasMeeting() && r2.hasMeeting()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareFallback(r1.getMeeting(), r2.getMeeting()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } else { Iterator<MeetingInterface> i1 = r1.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()).iterator(), i2 = r2.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter()).iterator(); while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) { int cmp = EventComparator.compareFallback(,; if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } if (i1.hasNext() && !i2.hasNext()) return 1; if (!i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) return -1; } // Fallback 2 if (r1.hasMeeting() && r2.hasMeeting()) { return r1.getMeeting().compareTo(r2.getMeeting()); } else if (r1.hasEvent() && r2.hasEvent()) { return r1.getEvent().compareTo(r2.getEvent()); } else { return 0; } } protected abstract class EventMeetingOperation implements Operation { @Override public void execute() { if (hasSelection()) { for (int row = getRowCount() - 1; row >= 1; row--) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) execute(row, e); } } } } else if (allowNoSelection()) { for (int row = getRowCount() - 1; row >= 1; row--) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) execute(row, e); } } } } public boolean hasSelection() { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { boolean hasSelection = hasSelection(); boolean allMustMatch = allMustMatch(hasSelection); if (hasSelection) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) { if (!allMustMatch) return true; } else { if (allMustMatch) return false; } } } } return allMustMatch; } else if (allowNoSelection()) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) { if (!allMustMatch) return true; } else { if (allMustMatch) return false; } } } return allMustMatch; } else { return false; } } public List<EventMeetingRow> data() { List<EventMeetingRow> data = new ArrayList<EventMeetingRow>(); if (hasSelection()) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) data.add(e); } } } } else if (allowNoSelection()) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) data.add(e); } } } return data; } public List<Integer> rows() { List<Integer> rows = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (hasSelection()) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox ch = (CheckBox) w; if (ch.getValue()) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) rows.add(row); } } } } else if (allowNoSelection()) { for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { Widget w = getWidget(row, 0); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { EventMeetingRow e = getData(row); if (isApplicable(e)) rows.add(row); } } } return rows; } public boolean allMustMatch(boolean hasSelection) { return hasSelection; } public boolean allowNoSelection() { return true; } public abstract boolean isApplicable(EventMeetingRow event); public abstract void execute(int row, EventMeetingRow event); @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } } public EventInterface next(Long eventId) { boolean next = false; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (!data.hasParent()) { if (next && !eventId.equals(data.getEventId())) return data.getEvent(); else if (eventId.equals(data.getEvent().getId())) next = true; } } return null; } public EventInterface previous(Long eventId) { EventInterface prev = null; for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (!data.hasParent()) { if (eventId.equals(data.getEventId())) return prev; else prev = data.getEvent(); } } return null; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<List<EventMeetingRow>> handler) { return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } @Override public List<EventMeetingRow> getValue() { List<EventMeetingRow> value = new ArrayList<EventMeetingRow>(); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data != null && !data.hasParent()) value.add(data); } return value; } public List<MeetingInterface> getMeetings() { List<MeetingInterface> meetings = new ArrayList<MeetingInterface>(); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data != null && data.hasMeeting() && !data.hasParent()) meetings.add(data.getMeeting()); } return meetings; } public List<EventInterface> getEvents() { List<EventInterface> events = new ArrayList<EventInterface>(); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data != null && data.hasEvent() && !data.hasParent()) events.add(data.getEvent()); } return events; } public Map<EventInterface, List<MeetingInterface>> getEventMeetings() { Map<EventInterface, List<MeetingInterface>> event2meetings = new HashMap<EventInterface, List<MeetingInterface>>(); for (int row = 1; row < getRowCount(); row++) { EventMeetingRow data = getData(row); if (data == null || data.hasParent() || !data.hasEvent()) continue; List<MeetingInterface> meetings = event2meetings.get(data.getEvent()); if (meetings == null) { meetings = new ArrayList<MeetingInterface>(); event2meetings.put(data.getEvent(), meetings); } if (data.hasMeeting()) meetings.add(data.getMeeting()); else meetings.addAll(data.getMeetings(getMeetingFilter())); } return event2meetings; } @Override public void setValue(List<EventMeetingRow> value) { setValue(value, false); } @Override public void setValue(List<EventMeetingRow> value, boolean fireEvents) { clearTable(1); resetColumnVisibility(); if (value != null) for (EventMeetingRow row : value) add(row); sort(); if (fireEvents), value); } public void setEvents(Collection<EventInterface> events) { setEvents(events, false); } public void setEvents(Collection<EventInterface> events, boolean fireEvents) { List<EventMeetingRow> rows = new ArrayList<EventMeetingTable.EventMeetingRow>(); if (events != null) { for (EventInterface event : events) { if (getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowMeetings)) { for (MeetingInterface meeting : event.getMeetings()) if (getMeetingFilter() == null || !getMeetingFilter().filter(event, meeting)) rows.add(new EventMeetingRow(event, meeting)); } else { rows.add(new EventMeetingRow(event, null)); } } } setValue(rows, fireEvents); } public void setMeetings(EventInterface event, Collection<MeetingInterface> meetings) { setMeetings(event, meetings, false); } public void setMeetings(EventInterface event, Collection<MeetingInterface> meetings, boolean fireEvents) { List<EventMeetingRow> rows = new ArrayList<EventMeetingTable.EventMeetingRow>(); if (getMode().hasFlag(ModeFlag.ShowMeetings)) { for (MeetingInterface meeting : meetings) rows.add(new EventMeetingRow(event, meeting)); } else { rows.add(new EventMeetingRow(event, null)); } setValue(rows, fireEvents); } public static class EventMeetingRow { EventInterface iEvent; MeetingInterface iMeeting; EventMeetingRow iParent; EventMeetingRow(EventInterface event, MeetingInterface meeting, EventMeetingRow parent) { iEvent = event; iMeeting = meeting; iParent = parent; } EventMeetingRow(EventInterface event, MeetingInterface meeting) { this(event, meeting, null); } public boolean hasEvent() { return iEvent != null; } public EventInterface getEvent() { return iEvent; } public Long getEventId() { if (iEvent != null) return iEvent.getId(); if (iMeeting != null && iMeeting instanceof MeetingConflictInterface) return ((MeetingConflictInterface) iMeeting).getEventId(); return null; } public boolean hasMeeting() { return iMeeting != null; } public MeetingInterface getMeeting() { if (iMeeting != null && iMeeting.getId() == null) { if (EventCookie.getInstance().isAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings() && iMeeting.isCanApprove()) iMeeting.setApprovalStatus(ApprovalStatus.Approved); else iMeeting.setApprovalStatus(ApprovalStatus.Pending); } return iMeeting; } public boolean hasParent() { return iParent != null; } public EventMeetingRow getParent() { return iParent; } public boolean inConflict() { if (iMeeting != null && iMeeting.inConflict()) return true; if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasConflicts()) { if (iMeeting == null) return true; for (EventInterface conflict : iEvent.getConflicts()) { if (conflict.getType() == EventType.Message) continue; if (conflict.inConflict(iMeeting)) return true; } } return false; } public boolean isCanApprove() { if (iMeeting != null) return iMeeting.isCanApprove(); if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasMeetings()) for (MeetingInterface meeting : iEvent.getMeetings()) if (meeting.isCanApprove()) return true; return false; } public boolean isCanInquire() { if (iMeeting != null) return iMeeting.isCanInquire(); if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasMeetings()) for (MeetingInterface meeting : iEvent.getMeetings()) if (meeting.isCanInquire()) return true; return false; } public boolean isCanCancel() { if (iMeeting != null) return iMeeting.isCanCancel(); if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasMeetings()) for (MeetingInterface meeting : iEvent.getMeetings()) if (meeting.isCanCancel()) return true; return false; } public boolean isCanDelete() { if (iMeeting != null) return iMeeting.isCanDelete(); if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasMeetings()) for (MeetingInterface meeting : iEvent.getMeetings()) if (meeting.isCanDelete()) return true; return false; } public boolean isEditable() { return iMeeting != null && (iMeeting.getId() == null || iMeeting.isCanEdit()); } public List<MeetingInterface> getMeetings(MeetingFilter filter) { List<MeetingInterface> meetings = new ArrayList<MeetingInterface>(); if (iMeeting != null) { if (filter == null || !filter.filter(iParent == null ? iEvent : iParent.iEvent, iMeeting)) meetings.add(iMeeting); } else if (iEvent != null && iEvent.hasMeetings()) { for (MeetingInterface meeting : iEvent.getMeetings()) if (filter == null || !filter.filter(iParent == null ? iEvent : iParent.iEvent, meeting)) meetings.add(meeting); } return meetings; } public String toAriaString(boolean includeEventInfo) { String label = ""; if (includeEventInfo && hasEvent()) { label += (getEvent().getType() == null || getEvent().getType() == EventType.Unavailabile ? "" : getEvent().getType().getAbbreviation(CONSTANTS)); if (getEvent().getName() != null) label += " " + getEvent().getName(); } if (hasMeeting() && getMeeting().getMeetingDate() != null) { String room = "", hint = ""; if (getMeeting().getLocation() != null) { room = getMeeting().getLocation().getName(); if (getMeeting().getLocation().hasRoomType()) hint = getMeeting().getLocation().getRoomType(); } label += ARIA.dateTimeRoomSelection(sDateFormatAria.format(getMeeting().getMeetingDate()), TimeUtils.slot2aria(getMeeting().getStartSlot()), TimeUtils.slot2aria(getMeeting().getEndSlot()), room, hint); } return label; } } private static class MultiLineCell extends HTML { List<String> iValue; public MultiLineCell(List<String> value) { super(); setWordWrap(false); iValue = value; showLine(0, false); } public MultiLineCell(String... values) { super(); setWordWrap(false); iValue = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String value : values) iValue.add(value); showLine(0, false); } public void showLine(int line, boolean hasNext) { String html = (line >= 0 && line < iValue.size() ? iValue.get(line) : ""); if (!hasNext && line >= 0 && line + 1 < iValue.size()) { for (int i = line + 1; i < iValue.size(); i++) html += "<br>" + iValue.get(i); } setHTML(html); } } private static class MultiLineNumberCell extends MultiLineCell implements HasCellAlignment { public MultiLineNumberCell(List<String> value) { super(value); } @Override public HorizontalAlignmentConstant getCellAlignment() { return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; } } public interface MeetingFilter { public boolean filter(EventInterface event, MeetingInterface meeting); } public interface Implementation { public void execute(EventMeetingTable source, OperationType operation, List<EventMeetingRow> selection); } public interface Check { public boolean isChecked(); } public static class HTMLWithColSpan extends HTML implements UniTimeTable.HasColSpan { private int iColspan = 1; public HTMLWithColSpan(String html, boolean wordWrap, int colspan) { super(html, wordWrap); iColspan = colspan; } @Override public int getColSpan() { return iColspan; } } }