Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.export.solver; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.unitime.localization.impl.Localization; import org.unitime.timetable.export.ExportHelper; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.command.server.GwtRpcImplementation; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtConstants; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.FilterInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridBackground; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridCell; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridFilterRequest; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridFilterResponse; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridModel; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridRequest; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.TimetableGridInterface.TimetableGridResponse; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats.Format; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfEventHandler; import org.unitime.timetable.util.PdfFont; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.ColumnText; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ @Service("org.unitime.timetable.export.Exporter:timetable.pdf") public class ExportTimetablePDF extends TableExporter { protected static final GwtConstants CONSTANTS = Localization.create(GwtConstants.class); protected static final GwtMessages MESSAGES = Localization.create(GwtMessages.class); protected static Format<Date> sDateFormatMeeting = Formats.getDateFormat(Formats.Pattern.TIMETABLE_GRID_DATE); protected static Format<Number> sUtilizationFormat = Formats .getConcurrentNumberFormat(Formats.Pattern.UTILIZATION); protected static int sHeaderWidth = 100; protected static int sLineHeight = 13; @Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Override public String reference() { return "timetable.pdf"; } @Override public void export(ExportHelper helper) throws IOException { GwtRpcImplementation<TimetableGridFilterRequest, TimetableGridFilterResponse> filterService = (GwtRpcImplementation<TimetableGridFilterRequest, TimetableGridFilterResponse>) applicationContext .getBean(TimetableGridFilterRequest.class.getName()); TimetableGridFilterResponse filter = filterService.execute(new TimetableGridFilterRequest(), helper.getSessionContext()); fillInFilter(filter, helper); GwtRpcImplementation<TimetableGridRequest, TimetableGridResponse> service = (GwtRpcImplementation<TimetableGridRequest, TimetableGridResponse>) applicationContext .getBean(TimetableGridRequest.class.getName()); TimetableGridRequest request = new TimetableGridRequest(); request.setFilter(filter); TimetableGridResponse response = service.execute(request, helper.getSessionContext()); printTables(filter, response, helper); } protected void printTables(FilterInterface filter, TimetableGridResponse response, ExportHelper helper) throws IOException { helper.setup("application/pdf", reference(), true); try { Document document = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, helper.getOutputStream()); writer.setPageEvent(new PdfEventHandler()); int index = 0; int margin = 50; int width = 1000; for (TimetableGridModel model : response.getModels()) width = Math.max(width, pageWidth(filter, model, response.getWeekOffset())); int displayMode = Integer.valueOf(filter.getParameterValue("dispMode", "0")); int height = (displayMode == 2 ? (2 * margin + width) * 22 / 17 - 2 * margin : (2 * margin + width) * 17 / 22 - 2 * margin); for (TimetableGridModel model : response.getModels()) height = Math.max(height, pageHeight(filter, model, response.getWeekOffset(), true)); document.setPageSize(new Rectangle(width + 2 * margin, height + 2 * margin)); document.setMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin);; int used = 0; if (Integer.valueOf(filter.getParameterValue("dispMode", "0")) == 0) { boolean hasDay[] = { true, true, true, true, true, false, false }; String days = filter.getParameterValue("days"); if (days != null && days.length() == 7 && days.indexOf('1') >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) hasDay[i] = (days.charAt(i) == '1'); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (!hasDay[i]) continue; String d = ""; for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) d += (i == j ? "1" : "0"); filter.getParameter("days").setValue(d); boolean first = true; for (TimetableGridModel model : response.getModels()) { if (used > 0 && pageHeight(filter, model, response.getWeekOffset(), first) > height - used) { document.newPage(); used = 0; } TimetableGrid tg = new TimetableGrid(filter, model, index++, width, response.getWeekOffset(), used == 0 || first); PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent(); tg.print(canvas, margin, margin + used, height + 2 * margin, null); used += tg.getHeight(); first = false; } used += 25; } } else { for (TimetableGridModel model : response.getModels()) { if (used > 0 && pageHeight(filter, model, response.getWeekOffset(), false) > height - used) { document.newPage(); used = 0; } TimetableGrid tg = new TimetableGrid(filter, model, index++, width, response.getWeekOffset(), used == 0); PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent(); tg.print(canvas, margin, margin + used, height + 2 * margin, null); used += tg.getHeight() + 25; } } if (document != null) document.close(); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } } protected static class P { private Integer iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom, iWidth, iHeight; private String iText, iStyle; private boolean iItalics = false; private String iColor, iBgColor; private List<P> iContent = new ArrayList<P>(); public P(String style) { iStyle = style; } public void setWidth(int width) { iWidth = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { iHeight = height; } public void setSize(int width, int height) { setWidth(width); setHeight(height); } public void setText(String text) { iText = text; } public void setLeft(int left) { iLeft = left; } public void setRight(int right) { iRight = right; } public void setBottom(int bottom) { iBottom = bottom; } public void setTop(int top) { iTop = top; } public void setColor(String color) { iColor = color; } public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { iBgColor = color; } public void setItalics(boolean italics) { iItalics = italics; } public void add(P p) { iContent.add(p); } public void add(P p, int left, int top) { p.iTop = top; p.iLeft = left; iContent.add(p); } public int getLeft() { if (iLeft != null) return iLeft; if (iRight != null) return getWidth() - iRight; return 0; } public int getTop() { if (iTop != null) return iTop; if (iBottom != null) return getHeight() - iBottom; return 0; } public int getWidth() { if (iWidth != null) return iWidth; int width = 0; for (P p : iContent) { int w = p.getLeft() + p.getWidth(); if (w > width) width = w; } return width; } public int getHeight() { if (iHeight != null) return iHeight; int height = 0; for (P p : iContent) { int h = p.getTop() + p.getHeight(); if (h > height) height = h; } return height; } public boolean hasText() { return iText != null && !iText.isEmpty(); } public String getText() { return iText; } public String getStyle() { return iStyle; } public boolean isStyle(String... style) { for (String s : style) { if (s.equals(iStyle)) return true; } return false; } protected void print(PdfContentByte canvas, int x, int y, int pageHeight, P parent) throws DocumentException { if (isStyle("unitime-TimetableGrid")) { setHeight(getHeight() - 2); setWidth(getWidth() - 1); } if (isStyle("vertical-separator")) { setHeight(parent.getHeight()); setHeight(getHeight() - 1); } if (isStyle("horizontal-separator")) { setWidth(parent.getWidth()); setWidth(getWidth() - 1); } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop()), x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight() - 1)); if (parent != null && parent.isStyle("meeting")) { rect.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); } if (iBgColor != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("rgb\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(iBgColor); if (m.matches()) { rect.setBackgroundColor(new Color(Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(; } } if (parent != null && parent.isStyle("meeting")) { if (parent.iBgColor != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("rgb\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(parent.iBgColor); if (m.matches()) { Color color = new Color(Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(; if (isStyle("header")) rect.setBackgroundColor(color.darker()); else rect.setBackgroundColor(color); } } else { Color color = new Color(240, 240, 240); if (isStyle("header")) rect.setBackgroundColor(color.darker()); else rect.setBackgroundColor(color); } } if (rect.getBackgroundColor() != null) canvas.rectangle(rect); if (hasText()) { boolean bold = isStyle("grid-name", "horizontal-header", "vertical-header"); if (isStyle("header") && parent.isStyle("meeting")) bold = true; boolean italics = iItalics; int alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; Font font = PdfFont.getSmallFont(bold, italics); if (iColor != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("rgb\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(iColor); if (m.matches()) { font.setColor(new Color(Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(; } } int idx = 0; for (String line : getText().split("\\n")) { Phrase p = new Phrase(line, font); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(canvas); ct.setSimpleColumn(p, x + getLeft() + 2, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + 2 + sLineHeight * idx), x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 4, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + 2 + sLineHeight * idx + 15f), 8f, alignment); ct.go(); idx++; } } if (isStyle("footer") && parent.isStyle("meeting")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.BLACK); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight() - 1)); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight() - 1)); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } if (isStyle("header") && parent.isStyle("meeting")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.BLACK); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } if (isStyle("vertical-separator")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.GRAY); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } if (isStyle("horizontal-separator")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.GRAY); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } if (isStyle("header-interval")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.GRAY); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } if (isStyle("unitime-TimetableGrid")) { canvas.setColorStroke(Color.GRAY); canvas.moveTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft() + getWidth() - 1, pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.lineTo(x + getLeft(), pageHeight - (y + getTop() + getHeight())); canvas.closePathStroke(); } for (P p : iContent) { p.print(canvas, x + getLeft(), y + getTop(), pageHeight, this); } } } protected static class TimetableGrid extends P { private List<Meeting> iMeetings = new ArrayList<Meeting>(); private List<Background> iBackbrounds = new ArrayList<Background>(); private int iCellWidth; public TimetableGrid(FilterInterface filter, final TimetableGridModel model, int index, int pageWidth, int weekOffset, boolean showHeader) { super("unitime-TimetableGrid"); int displayMode = Integer.valueOf(filter.getParameterValue("dispMode", "0")); boolean hasDay[] = { true, true, true, true, true, false, false }; String days = filter.getParameterValue("days"); int nrDays = 0; if (days != null && days.length() == 7 && days.indexOf('1') >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (days.charAt(i) == '1') { hasDay[i] = true; nrDays++; } else { hasDay[i] = false; } } int nrTimes = 20; int startSlot = 90; int step = 6; String[] times = filter.getParameterValue("times", "90|222|6").split("\\|"); if (times != null && times.length == 3) { startSlot = Integer.parseInt(times[0]); step = Integer.parseInt(times[2]); nrTimes = (Integer.parseInt(times[1]) - startSlot) / step; } int endSlot = startSlot + step * nrTimes; boolean showPreferences = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showPreferences")); boolean showInstructors = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showInstructors")); boolean showTimes = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showTimes")); boolean showRoom = !"0".equals(filter.getParameterValue("resource")); boolean showDate = "-100".equals(filter.getParameterValue("weeks")); String comment = getComment(model); if (displayMode == 0) { int headerLines = (showHeader ? 1 : 0); int nrLines = 0; int[] dayIndex = new int[7]; int x = 0; int[] dayLines = new int[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; dayLines[d] = model.getNrLines(d, 2); if (hasDay[d] && nrLines < dayLines[d]) nrLines = dayLines[d]; dayIndex[d] = x; if (hasDay[d]) x++; } iCellWidth = (pageWidth - sHeaderWidth) / (nrDays * nrTimes); if (iCellWidth < 50) iCellWidth = 50; setSize(sHeaderWidth + (nrDays * nrTimes) * iCellWidth + 2 * nrDays, (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 1); if (headerLines > 0) { P name = new P("grid-name"); name.setSize(sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (!hasDay[d]) continue; name.setText(CONSTANTS.longDays()[d]); break; } add(name); } P verticalHeader = new P("vertical-header"); verticalHeader.setSize(sHeaderWidth, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); add(verticalHeader, 0, headerLines * sLineHeight); P panel = new P("timetable-panel"); panel.setSize((nrDays * nrTimes) * iCellWidth + 2 * nrDays, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); if (headerLines > 0) { P horizontalHeader = new P("horizontal-header"); horizontalHeader.setSize((nrDays * nrTimes) * iCellWidth + 2 * nrDays, headerLines * sLineHeight); add(horizontalHeader, sHeaderWidth, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (!hasDay[d]) continue; for (int t = 0; t < nrTimes; t++) { int j = dayIndex[d] * nrTimes + t; P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(iCellWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); hi.setText(slot2time(startSlot + t * step)); horizontalHeader.add(hi, j * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d], 0); if (t == 0 && dayIndex[d] > 0) { P vs = new P("vertical-double-separator"); panel.add(vs, j * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d] - 2, 0); P vs2 = new P("vertical-double-separator"); horizontalHeader.add(vs2, j * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d] - 2, 0); } else { P vs = new P("vertical-separator"); panel.add(vs, j * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d], 0); } } } P lastVShead = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVShead.setRight(0); lastVShead.setTop(0); horizontalHeader.add(lastVShead); } else { for (int d = 0; d < 7; d++) { if (!hasDay[d]) continue; for (int t = 0; t < nrTimes; t++) { int i = dayIndex[d] * nrTimes + t; if (t == 0 && dayIndex[d] > 0) { P vs = new P("vertical-double-separator"); panel.add(vs, i * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d] - 2, 0); } else { P vs = new P("vertical-separator"); panel.add(vs, i * iCellWidth + 2 * dayIndex[d], 0); } } } } add(panel, sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); P lastVSpan = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVSpan.setRight(0); lastVSpan.setTop(0); panel.add(lastVSpan); P hs = new P("horizontal-separator"); panel.add(hs, 0, 0); final P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(sHeaderWidth, nrLines * sLineHeight); hi.setText(model.getName() + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? "\n" + comment : "")); if (model.hasNameColor()) hi.setColor(model.getNameColor()); verticalHeader.add(hi, 0, 0); P lastHSpan = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHSpan.setLeft(0); lastHSpan.setBottom(0); panel.add(lastHSpan); P lastHShead = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHShead.setLeft(0); lastHShead.setBottom(0); verticalHeader.add(lastHShead); for (TimetableGridBackground cell : model.getBackgrounds()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Background b = new Background(cell); iBackbrounds.add(b); b.setHeight(nrLines * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; b.setWidth(stop * iCellWidth / step - start * iCellWidth / step); panel.add(b, dayIndex[cell.getDay()] * nrTimes * iCellWidth + (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step + 2 * dayIndex[cell.getDay()], 0); } for (TimetableGridCell cell : model.getCells()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Meeting m = new Meeting(cell, showRoom, showInstructors, showTimes, showPreferences, showDate); iMeetings.add(m); int lines = cell.getNrLines(); if (dayLines[cell.getDay()] < nrLines && (cell.getIndex() + cell.getNrLines() == dayLines[cell.getDay()])) { lines += nrLines - dayLines[cell.getDay()]; } m.setHeight(1 + lines * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; m.setWidth( 1 + (stop - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step - (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step); panel.add( m, dayIndex[cell.getDay()] * nrTimes * iCellWidth + (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step + 2 * dayIndex[cell.getDay()], cell.getIndex() * sLineHeight); } } else if (displayMode == 1) { int nrLines = 0; int[] dayIndex = new int[8]; int[] toDayIdx = new int[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; dayIndex[i] = nrLines; toDayIdx[d] = i; if (hasDay[d]) nrLines += model.getNrLines(d, 2); } dayIndex[7] = nrLines; int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); iCellWidth = (pageWidth - sHeaderWidth) / nrTimes; setSize(sHeaderWidth + nrTimes * iCellWidth + 2, (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 2); final P name = new P("grid-name"); name.setSize(sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); name.setText(model.getName() + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? "\n" + comment : "")); if (model.hasNameColor()) name.setColor(model.getNameColor()); add(name); P verticalHeader = new P("vertical-header"); verticalHeader.setSize(sHeaderWidth, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); add(verticalHeader, 0, headerLines * sLineHeight); P horizontalHeader = new P("horizontal-header"); horizontalHeader.setSize(nrTimes * iCellWidth + 1, headerLines * sLineHeight); add(horizontalHeader, sHeaderWidth, 0); P panel = new P("timetable-panel"); panel.setSize(nrTimes * iCellWidth + 1, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); add(panel, sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < nrTimes; i++) { P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(iCellWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); hi.setText(slot2time(startSlot + i * step)); horizontalHeader.add(hi, i * iCellWidth, 0); P vs = new P("vertical-separator"); panel.add(vs, i * iCellWidth, 0); } P lastVSpan = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVSpan.setRight(0); lastVSpan.setTop(0); panel.add(lastVSpan); P lastVShead = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVShead.setRight(0); lastVShead.setTop(0); horizontalHeader.add(lastVShead); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (!hasDay[d]) continue; P hs = new P("horizontal-separator"); panel.add(hs, 0, sLineHeight * dayIndex[i]); P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(sHeaderWidth, (dayIndex[1 + i] - dayIndex[i]) * sLineHeight); hi.setText(CONSTANTS.longDays()[d]); verticalHeader.add(hi, 0, sLineHeight * dayIndex[i]); } P lastHSpan = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHSpan.setLeft(0); lastHSpan.setBottom(0); panel.add(lastHSpan); P lastHShead = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHShead.setLeft(0); lastHShead.setBottom(0); verticalHeader.add(lastHShead); for (TimetableGridBackground cell : model.getBackgrounds()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Background b = new Background(cell); iBackbrounds.add(b); int i = toDayIdx[cell.getDay()]; b.setHeight((dayIndex[i + 1] - dayIndex[i]) * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; b.setWidth(stop * iCellWidth / step - start * iCellWidth / step); panel.add(b, (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step, dayIndex[i] * sLineHeight); } for (TimetableGridCell cell : model.getCells()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Meeting m = new Meeting(cell, showRoom, showInstructors, showTimes, showPreferences, showDate); iMeetings.add(m); m.setHeight(1 + cell.getNrLines() * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; m.setWidth( 1 + (stop - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step - (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step); panel.add(m, (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step, (dayIndex[toDayIdx[cell.getDay()]] + cell.getIndex()) * sLineHeight); } } else if (displayMode == 2) { int nrColumns = 0; int[] colIndex = new int[8]; int[] toDayIdx = new int[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; colIndex[i] = nrColumns; toDayIdx[d] = i; if (hasDay[d]) nrColumns += model.getNrLines(d, 1); } colIndex[7] = nrColumns; int linesPerTime = 2; int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); iCellWidth = (pageWidth - sHeaderWidth) / nrColumns; setSize(sHeaderWidth + nrColumns * iCellWidth + 2, (headerLines + linesPerTime * nrTimes) * sLineHeight + 2); final P name = new P("grid-name"); name.setSize(sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); name.setText(model.getName() + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? "\n" + comment : "")); if (model.hasNameColor()) name.setColor(model.getNameColor()); add(name); P verticalHeader = new P("vertical-header"); verticalHeader.setSize(sHeaderWidth, linesPerTime * nrTimes * sLineHeight + 1); add(verticalHeader, 0, headerLines * sLineHeight); P horizontalHeader = new P("horizontal-header"); horizontalHeader.setSize(nrColumns * iCellWidth + 1, headerLines * sLineHeight); add(horizontalHeader, sHeaderWidth, 0); P panel = new P("timetable-panel"); panel.setSize(nrColumns * iCellWidth + 1, linesPerTime * nrTimes * sLineHeight + 1); add(panel, sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (!hasDay[d]) continue; P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(iCellWidth * model.getNrLines(d, 1), headerLines * sLineHeight); hi.setText(CONSTANTS.longDays()[d]); horizontalHeader.add(hi, colIndex[i] * iCellWidth, 0); P vs = new P("vertical-separator"); panel.add(vs, colIndex[i] * iCellWidth, 0); } P lastVSpan = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVSpan.setRight(0); lastVSpan.setTop(0); panel.add(lastVSpan); P lastVShead = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVShead.setRight(0); lastVShead.setTop(0); horizontalHeader.add(lastVShead); for (int i = 0; i < nrTimes; i++) { P hs = new P("horizontal-separator"); panel.add(hs, 0, sLineHeight * linesPerTime * i); P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(sHeaderWidth, linesPerTime * sLineHeight); hi.setText(slot2time(startSlot + step * i)); verticalHeader.add(hi, 0, sLineHeight * linesPerTime * i); } P lastHSpan = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHSpan.setLeft(0); lastHSpan.setBottom(0); panel.add(lastHSpan); P lastHShead = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHShead.setLeft(0); lastHShead.setBottom(0); verticalHeader.add(lastHShead); for (TimetableGridBackground cell : model.getBackgrounds()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Background b = new Background(cell); iBackbrounds.add(b); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; b.setHeight( stop * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step - start * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step); int i = toDayIdx[cell.getDay()]; b.setWidth((colIndex[1 + i] - colIndex[i]) * iCellWidth); panel.add(b, colIndex[i] * iCellWidth, (start - startSlot) * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step); } for (TimetableGridCell cell : model.getCells()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; Meeting m = new Meeting(cell, showRoom, showInstructors, showTimes, showPreferences, showDate); iMeetings.add(m); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; m.setHeight(1 + (stop - startSlot) * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step - (start - startSlot) * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step); m.setWidth(1 + iCellWidth * cell.getNrLines()); panel.add(m, (colIndex[toDayIdx[cell.getDay()]] + cell.getIndex()) * iCellWidth, (start - startSlot) * sLineHeight * linesPerTime / step); } } else if (displayMode == 3) { int nrLines = 0; int[] dayIndex = new int[366]; for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { dayIndex[d] = nrLines; int date = d + model.getFirstSessionDay(); if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; int day = d % 7; if (hasDay[day] && model.hasDate(day, date)) { nrLines += model.getNrDateLines(day, date, 2); } } dayIndex[365] = nrLines; int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); iCellWidth = (pageWidth - sHeaderWidth) / nrTimes; setSize(sHeaderWidth + nrTimes * iCellWidth + 2, (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 2); final P name = new P("grid-name"); name.setSize(sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); name.setText(model.getName() + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? "\n" + comment : "")); if (model.hasNameColor()) name.setColor(model.getNameColor()); add(name); P verticalHeader = new P("vertical-header"); verticalHeader.setSize(sHeaderWidth, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); add(verticalHeader, 0, headerLines * sLineHeight); P horizontalHeader = new P("horizontal-header"); horizontalHeader.setSize(nrTimes * iCellWidth + 1, headerLines * sLineHeight); add(horizontalHeader, sHeaderWidth, 0); P panel = new P("timetable-panel"); panel.setSize(nrTimes * iCellWidth + 1, nrLines * sLineHeight + 1); add(panel, sHeaderWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < nrTimes; i++) { P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(iCellWidth, headerLines * sLineHeight); hi.setText(slot2time(startSlot + i * step)); horizontalHeader.add(hi, i * iCellWidth, 0); P vs = new P("vertical-separator"); panel.add(vs, i * iCellWidth, 0); } P lastVSpan = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVSpan.setRight(0); lastVSpan.setTop(0); panel.add(lastVSpan); P lastVShead = new P("vertical-separator"); lastVShead.setRight(0); lastVShead.setTop(0); horizontalHeader.add(lastVShead); for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { int date = d + model.getFirstSessionDay(); if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; int day = d % 7; if (!hasDay[day] || !model.hasDate(day, date)) continue; P hs = new P("horizontal-separator"); panel.add(hs, 0, sLineHeight * dayIndex[d]); P hi = new P("header-interval"); hi.setSize(sHeaderWidth, (dayIndex[1 + d] - dayIndex[d]) * sLineHeight); hi.setText(sDateFormatMeeting.format(getDate(model.getFirstDate(), d))); verticalHeader.add(hi, 0, sLineHeight * dayIndex[d]); } P lastHSpan = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHSpan.setLeft(0); lastHSpan.setBottom(0); panel.add(lastHSpan); P lastHShead = new P("horizontal-separator"); lastHShead.setLeft(0); lastHShead.setBottom(0); verticalHeader.add(lastHShead); for (TimetableGridBackground cell : model.getBackgrounds()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { int date = d + model.getFirstSessionDay(); int day = d % 7; if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; if (cell.getDay() == day) { Background b = new Background(cell); iBackbrounds.add(b); b.setHeight((dayIndex[1 + d] - dayIndex[d]) * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; b.setWidth(stop * iCellWidth / step - start * iCellWidth / step); panel.add(b, (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step, dayIndex[d] * sLineHeight); } } } for (TimetableGridCell cell : model.getCells()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { int date = d + model.getFirstSessionDay(); if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; int day = d % 7; if (cell.getDay() == day && cell.hasDate(date)) { Meeting m = new Meeting(cell, showRoom, showInstructors, showTimes, showPreferences, showDate); iMeetings.add(m); m.setHeight(1 + cell.getNrLines(date) * sLineHeight); int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; m.setWidth(1 + (stop - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step - (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step); panel.add(m, (start - startSlot) * iCellWidth / step, (dayIndex[d] + cell.getIndex(date)) * sLineHeight); } } } } } } protected static float textWidth(Font font, TimetableGridCell cell, boolean showRoom, boolean showInstructor, boolean showTime, boolean showPreference, boolean showDate) { float width = 0; if (cell.getNrNames() > 0) { for (String name : cell.getNames()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(name, font.getSize())); } if (showTime && cell.hasTime()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(cell.getTime(), font.getSize())); if (showDate && cell.hasDate()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(cell.getDate(), font.getSize())); if (showRoom && cell.getNrRooms() > 0) for (String room : cell.getRooms()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(room, font.getSize())); if (showInstructor && cell.getNrInstructors() > 0) for (String instructor : cell.getInstructors()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(instructor, font.getSize())); if (showPreference && cell.hasPreference()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont() .getWidthPoint(cell.getPreference().replaceAll("\\<[^>]*>", ""), font.getSize())); return width; } protected int pageWidth(FilterInterface filter, final TimetableGridModel model, int weekOffset) { int displayMode = Integer.valueOf(filter.getParameterValue("dispMode", "0")); boolean hasDay[] = { true, true, true, true, true, false, false }; String days = filter.getParameterValue("days"); if (days != null && days.length() == 7 && days.indexOf('1') >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (days.charAt(i) == '1') { hasDay[i] = true; } else { hasDay[i] = false; } } int nrTimes = 20; int startSlot = 90; int step = 6; String[] times = filter.getParameterValue("times", "90|222|6").split("\\|"); if (times != null && times.length == 3) { startSlot = Integer.parseInt(times[0]); step = Integer.parseInt(times[2]); nrTimes = (Integer.parseInt(times[1]) - startSlot) / step; } int endSlot = startSlot + step * nrTimes; boolean showPreferences = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showPreferences")); boolean showInstructors = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showInstructors")); boolean showTimes = "1".equals(filter.getParameterValue("showTimes")); boolean showRoom = !"0".equals(filter.getParameterValue("resource")); boolean showDate = "-100".equals(filter.getParameterValue("weeks")); Font font = PdfFont.getSmallFont(); int nrColumns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (hasDay[d]) nrColumns += model.getNrLines(d, 1); } float widthPerSlot = 50f / step; float widthPerColumn = 50f; for (TimetableGridCell cell : model.getCells()) { if (!hasDay[cell.getDay()]) continue; if (cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength() <= startSlot) continue; if (cell.getSlot() >= startSlot + step * nrTimes) continue; float textWidth = textWidth(font, cell, showRoom, showInstructors, showTimes, showPreferences, showDate) + 10f; int start = cell.getSlot(); int stop = cell.getSlot() + cell.getLength(); if (start < startSlot) start = startSlot; if (stop > endSlot) stop = endSlot; widthPerSlot = Math.max(widthPerSlot, textWidth / (stop - start)); widthPerColumn = Math.max(widthPerColumn, textWidth); } if (displayMode == 0) { return Math.round(sHeaderWidth + step * nrTimes * widthPerSlot); } else if (displayMode == 2) { return Math.round(sHeaderWidth + nrColumns * widthPerColumn); } else { return Math.min(1500, Math.round(sHeaderWidth + step * nrTimes * widthPerSlot)); } } protected int pageHeight(FilterInterface filter, final TimetableGridModel model, int weekOffset, boolean showHeader) { int displayMode = Integer.valueOf(filter.getParameterValue("dispMode", "0")); boolean hasDay[] = { true, true, true, true, true, false, false }; String days = filter.getParameterValue("days"); if (days != null && days.length() == 7 && days.indexOf('1') >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (days.charAt(i) == '1') { hasDay[i] = true; } else { hasDay[i] = false; } } int nrTimes = 20; int startSlot = 90; int step = 6; String[] times = filter.getParameterValue("times", "90|222|6").split("\\|"); if (times != null && times.length == 3) { startSlot = Integer.parseInt(times[0]); step = Integer.parseInt(times[2]); nrTimes = (Integer.parseInt(times[1]) - startSlot) / step; } String comment = getComment(model); if (displayMode == 0) { int headerLines = (showHeader ? 1 : 0); int nrLines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; int dayLines = model.getNrLines(d, 2); if (hasDay[d] && nrLines < dayLines) nrLines = dayLines; } return (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 1; } else if (displayMode == 1) { int nrLines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int d = (i + weekOffset) % 7; if (hasDay[d]) nrLines += model.getNrLines(d, 2); } int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); return (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 2; } else if (displayMode == 2) { int linesPerTime = 2; int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); return (headerLines + linesPerTime * nrTimes) * sLineHeight + 2; } else if (displayMode == 3) { int nrLines = 0; for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { int date = d + model.getFirstSessionDay(); if (model.getFirstDay() >= 0 && (date < model.getFirstDay() || date > model.getFirstDay() + 6)) continue; int day = d % 7; if (hasDay[day] && model.hasDate(day, date)) { nrLines += model.getNrDateLines(day, date, 2); } } int headerLines = 1 + (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); return (headerLines + nrLines) * sLineHeight + 2; } return 0; } protected static class Meeting extends P { private TimetableGridCell iCell; private P iHeader, iFooter; private Meeting(TimetableGridCell cell, boolean showRoom, boolean showInstructor, boolean showTime, boolean showPreference, boolean showDate) { super("meeting"); iCell = cell; if (cell.hasBackground()) setBackgroundColor(cell.getBackground()); iHeader = new P("header"); iHeader.setHeight(sLineHeight * cell.getNrNames()); iHeader.setText(cell.getName("\n")); if (cell.isItalics()) iHeader.setItalics(true); add(iHeader, 0, 0); iFooter = new P("footer"); String notes = ""; if (showTime && cell.hasTime()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + cell.getTime(); if (showDate && cell.hasDate()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + cell.getDate(); if (showRoom && cell.getNrRooms() > 0) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + cell.getRoom("\n"); if (showInstructor && cell.getNrInstructors() > 0) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + cell.getInstructor("\n"); if (showPreference && cell.hasPreference()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + cell.getPreference().replaceAll("\\<[^>]*>", ""); iFooter.setText(notes); add(iFooter, 0, iHeader.getHeight()); // setText(cell.getName("\n") + "\n" + notes); } @Override public void setHeight(int height) { super.setHeight(height); iFooter.setHeight(height - iHeader.getHeight()); } @Override public void setWidth(int width) { super.setWidth(width); iHeader.setWidth(width); iFooter.setWidth(width); } public TimetableGridCell getCell() { return iCell; } } protected static class Background extends P { private TimetableGridBackground iBackground; public Background(TimetableGridBackground background) { super("background"); iBackground = background; if (background.hasBackground()) setBackgroundColor(background.getBackground()); } public TimetableGridBackground getBackground() { return iBackground; } } protected static String getComment(TimetableGridModel model) { if (model.getResourceType() == 0) { return "(" + model.getSize() + ", " + sUtilizationFormat.format(model.getUtilization()) + ")"; } else if (model.getResourceType() >= 2) { return "(" + model.getSize() + ")"; } else { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected static Date getDate(Date firstDate, int date) { Date ret = new Date(firstDate.getTime()); ret.setDate(ret.getDate() + date); return ret; } public static String slot2time(int slot) { if (CONSTANTS.useAmPm()) { if (slot == 0) return CONSTANTS.timeMidnight(); if (slot == 144) return CONSTANTS.timeNoon(); if (slot == 288) return CONSTANTS.timeMidnightEnd(); } int h = slot / 12; int m = 5 * (slot % 12); if (CONSTANTS.useAmPm()) return (h > 12 ? h - 12 : h) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + " " + (h == 24 ? CONSTANTS.timeAm() : h >= 12 ? CONSTANTS.timePm() : CONSTANTS.timeAm()); else return h + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m; } }