Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.export.rooms; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.unitime.timetable.export.ExportHelper; import org.unitime.timetable.export.PDFPrinter; import org.unitime.timetable.export.PDFPrinter.A; import org.unitime.timetable.export.PDFPrinter.F; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.AttachmentTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.DepartmentInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.ExamTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.FeatureInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.FeatureTypeInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.GroupInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomDetailInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomPictureInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomsColumn; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExamType; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PeriodPreferenceModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomPicture; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.LocationDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.RoomPictureDAO; import; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Constants; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats; import org.unitime.timetable.webutil.RequiredTimeTable; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ @Service("org.unitime.timetable.export.Exporter:rooms.pdf") public class RoomsExportPDF extends RoomsExporter { @Override public String reference() { return "rooms.pdf"; } @Override protected void print(ExportHelper helper, List<RoomDetailInterface> rooms, ExportContext context) throws IOException { helper.getSessionContext().checkPermission(Right.RoomsExportPdf); List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (RoomsColumn column : RoomsColumn.values()) { int nrCells = getNbrCells(column, context); for (int idx = 0; idx < nrCells; idx++) { Column c = new Column(column, idx); if (isColumnVisible(c, context)) columns.add(c); } } PDFPrinter printer = new PDFPrinter(helper.getOutputStream(), false); helper.setup(printer.getContentType(), reference(), false); String[] header = new String[columns.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) header[i] = getColumnName(columns.get(i), context).replace("<br>", "\n"); printer.printHeader(header); printer.flush(); for (RoomDetailInterface room : rooms) { A[] row = new A[columns.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) row[i] = getCell(room, columns.get(i), context); printer.printLine(row); printer.flush(); } printer.close(); } @Override protected boolean isColumnVisible(Column column, ExportContext context) { switch (column.getColumn()) { case PICTURES: if (column.getIndex() > 0 && !context.getPictureTypes().get(column.getIndex() - 1).isImage()) return false; } return super.isColumnVisible(column, context); } protected A getCell(RoomDetailInterface room, Column column, ExportContext context) { switch (column.getColumn()) { case NAME: A a = new A(room.hasDisplayName() ? MESSAGES.label(room.getLabel(), room.getDisplayName()) : room.getLabel()); for (DepartmentInterface d : room.getDepartments()) if (d.getDeptCode().equals(context.getDepartment()) && d.getPreference() != null) a.setColor(d.getPreference().getColor()); return a; case EXTERNAL_ID: return new A(room.hasExternalId() ? room.getExternalId() : ""); case TYPE: return new A(room.getRoomType().getLabel()); case CAPACITY: return new A(room.getCapacity() == null ? "0" : room.getCapacity().toString()).right(); case EXAM_CAPACITY: return new A(room.getExamCapacity() == null ? "" : room.getExamCapacity().toString()).right(); case AREA: return new A(room.getArea() == null ? "" : context.getAreaFormat().format(room.getArea())).right(); case COORDINATES: return new A( room.hasCoordinates() ? context.getCoordinateFormat().format(room.getX()) + "," + context.getCoordinateFormat().format(room.getY()) : ""); case ROOM_CHECK: return new A(room.isIgnoreRoomCheck() ? MESSAGES.exportFalse() : MESSAGES.exportTrue()); case DISTANCE_CHECK: return new A(room.isIgnoreTooFar() ? MESSAGES.exportFalse() : MESSAGES.exportTrue()); case PREFERENCE: if (!room.hasDepartments()) return new A(); a = new A(); for (DepartmentInterface d : room.getDepartments()) { if (d.getPreference() == null) continue; a.add(new A(d.getPreference().getAbbv() + " " + context.dept2string(d, true)) .color(d.getPreference().getColor())); } return a; case MAP: if (room.hasMiniMapUrl()) { try { Image image = Image.getInstance(new URL(room.getMiniMapUrl())); image.scaleToFit(150f, 100f); image.setBorder(Rectangle.BOX); image.setBorderWidth(1f); image.setBorderColor(new Color(Integer.parseInt("9CB0CE", 16))); return new A(image); } catch (Exception e) { return new A(); } } else { return new A(); } case PICTURES: AttachmentTypeInterface type = (column.getIndex() == 0 ? null : context.getPictureTypes().get(column.getIndex() - 1)); if (room.hasPictures(type)) { a = new A(); for (RoomPictureInterface picture : room.getPictures(type)) { RoomPicture rp = RoomPictureDAO.getInstance().get(picture.getUniqueId()); if (rp != null) { try { Image image = Image.getInstance(rp.getDataFile()); image.scaleToFit(150f, 100f); image.setBorder(Rectangle.BOX); image.setBorderWidth(1f); image.setBorderColor(new Color(Integer.parseInt("9CB0CE", 16))); a.add(new A(image)); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return a; } else { return new A(); } case AVAILABILITY: return availability(room, false, context); case DEPARTMENTS: if (!room.hasDepartments()) return new A(); if (context.isAllDepartments(room.getDepartments())) return new A(MESSAGES.departmentsAllLabel()).set(F.ITALIC); a = new A(); for (DepartmentInterface d : room.getDepartments()) { A b = new A(context.dept2string(d, true)).color(d.getColor()); if (d.equals(room.getControlDepartment())) b.underline(); a.add(b); } return a; case CONTROL_DEPT: return new A(context.dept2string(room.getControlDepartment(), true)) .color(room.getControlDepartment() == null ? null : room.getControlDepartment().getColor()); case EXAM_TYPES: if (!room.hasExamTypes()) return new A(); a = new A(); for (ExamTypeInterface t : room.getExamTypes()) { a.add(new A(t.getLabel())); } return a; case PERIOD_PREF: return periodPreferences(room, context); case EVENT_DEPARTMENT: return new A(context.dept2string(room.getEventDepartment(), false)) .color(room.getEventDepartment() == null ? null : room.getEventDepartment().getColor()); case EVENT_STATUS: return room.getEventStatus() != null ? new A(CONSTANTS.eventStatusAbbv()[room.getEventStatus()]) : room.getDefaultEventStatus() != null ? new A(CONSTANTS.eventStatusAbbv()[room.getDefaultEventStatus()]).italic() : new A(); case EVENT_AVAILABILITY: return availability(room, true, context); case EVENT_MESSAGE: return room.getEventNote() != null ? new A(room.getEventNote()) : new A(room.getDefaultEventNote()).italic(); case BREAK_TIME: return room.getBreakTime() != null ? new A(room.getBreakTime().toString()) : room.getDefaultBreakTime() != null ? new A(room.getDefaultBreakTime().toString()).italic() : new A(); case GROUPS: if (!room.hasGroups()) return new A(); a = new A(); for (GroupInterface g : room.getGroups()) { a.add(new A(g.getLabel() + (g.getDepartment() == null ? "" : " (" + context.dept2string(g.getDepartment(), true) + ")")) .color(g.getDepartment() == null ? null : g.getDepartment().getColor())); } return a; case FEATURES: if (column.getIndex() == 0) return features(room.getFeatures(), null, context); else return features(room.getFeatures(), context.getRoomFeatureTypes().get(column.getIndex() - 1), context); default: return null; } } protected A availability(RoomDetailInterface room, boolean events, ExportContext context) { A ret = null; if (context.isGridAsText()) { ret = new A(events ? room.getEventAvailability() : room.getAvailability()); } else { Location location = LocationDAO.getInstance().get(room.getUniqueId()); RequiredTimeTable rtt = (events ? location.getEventAvailabilityTable() : location.getRoomSharingTable()); rtt.getModel().setDefaultSelection(context.getMode()); ret = new A(rtt.createBufferedImage(context.isVertical(), false)); } if (!events && room.getRoomSharingNote() != null) ret.add(new A(room.getRoomSharingNote())); //else if (events && (room.hasEventNote() || room.hasDefaultEventNote())) // ret.add(new A(room.hasEventNote() ? room.getEventNote() : room.getDefaultEventNote())); return ret; } protected A periodPreferences(RoomDetailInterface room, ExportContext context) { Location location = LocationDAO.getInstance().get(room.getUniqueId()); for (ExamType type : location.getExamTypes()) if (type.getReference().equals(context.getDepartment())) { if (type.getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { return new PDFMidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(location, type).toA(); } else { PDFPeriodPreferenceModel px = new PDFPeriodPreferenceModel(location, type); if (context.isGridAsText()) return px.toA(); else return new A(new RequiredTimeTable(px).createBufferedImage(true, false)); } } return new A(); } protected A features(Collection<FeatureInterface> features, FeatureTypeInterface type, ExportContext context) { if (features == null || features.isEmpty()) return new A(); A a = new A(); for (FeatureInterface f : features) { if (type == null && f.getType() == null) a.add(new A(f.getLabel())); if (type != null && type.equals(f.getType())) { if (f.getDepartment() != null) a.add(new A(f.getLabel() + " (" + context.dept2string(f.getDepartment(), true) + ")") .color(f.getDepartment().getColor())); else a.add(new A(f.getLabel())); } } return a; } static class PDFMidtermPeriodPreferenceModel extends MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel { PDFMidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(Location location, ExamType type) { super(location.getSession(), type); load(location); } List<A> toA(int fDate, int lDate, Hashtable<Integer, String> prefs) { Formats.Format<Date> df = Formats.getDateFormat(Formats.Pattern.DATE_EXAM_PERIOD); String dates = df.format(getDate(fDate)) + (fDate == lDate ? "" : " - " + df.format(getDate(lDate))); String lastPref = null; int fStart = -1, lStart = -1; List<A> ret = new ArrayList<A>(); for (int start : iStarts) { String pref = prefs.get(start); if (pref == null) continue; if (lastPref == null) { lastPref = pref; fStart = start; } else if (!pref.equals(lastPref)) { if (iLocation && PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(lastPref)) { // } else if (!iLocation && PreferenceLevel.sProhibited.equals(lastPref)) { // } else { String startTime = Constants .toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * fStart + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN); String endTime = Constants.toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * (lStart + iLength.get(lStart)) + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN); ret.add(new A(PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(lastPref) + " " + dates + " " + (iStarts.size() == 2 ? fStart == iStarts.first() ? "Early" : "Late" : startTime) + (fStart == lStart ? "" : " - " + endTime)) .color(PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(lastPref))); } lastPref = pref; fStart = start; } lStart = start; } if (lastPref != null) { if (iLocation && PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(lastPref)) { // } else if (!iLocation && PreferenceLevel.sProhibited.equals(lastPref)) { // } else { String startTime = Constants .toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * fStart + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN); String endTime = Constants.toTime(Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN * (lStart + iLength.get(lStart)) + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN); if (fStart == iStarts.first()) { ret.add(new A(PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(lastPref) + " " + dates) .color(PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(lastPref))); } else { ret.add(new A(PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(lastPref) + " " + dates + " " + (iStarts.size() == 2 ? fStart == iStarts.first() ? "Early" : "Late" : startTime) + (fStart == lStart ? "" : " - " + endTime)) .color(PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(lastPref))); } } } return ret; } A toA() { if (iStarts.isEmpty()) return new A(); A ret = new A(); Hashtable<Integer, String> fPref = null; int fDate = -1, lDate = -1; for (Integer date : iDates) { Hashtable<Integer, String> pref = iPreferences.get(date); if (fPref == null) { fPref = pref; fDate = date; } else if (!fPref.equals(pref)) { for (A b : toA(fDate, lDate, fPref)) ret.add(b); fPref = pref; fDate = date; } lDate = date; } if (fPref != null) { for (A b : toA(fDate, lDate, fPref)) ret.add(b); } return ret; } } class PDFPeriodPreferenceModel extends PeriodPreferenceModel { PDFPeriodPreferenceModel(Location location, ExamType type) { super(location.getSession(), type.getUniqueId()); load(location); } A toA() { A ret = new A(); for (int d = 0; d < getNrDays(); d++) { String pref = null; int a = 0, b = 0; for (int t = 0; t < getNrTimes(); t++) { String p = getPreference(d, t); if (pref == null || !pref.equals(p)) { if (pref != null && !"@".equals(pref) && !PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(pref)) { ret.add(new A( PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref) + " " + getDayHeader(d).replace("<br>", " ") + " " + getStartTime(a) + " - " + getEndTime(b)) .color(PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref))); } pref = p; a = b = t; } else { b = t; } } if (pref != null && !"@".equals(pref) && !PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(pref)) { ret.add(new A(PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref) + " " + getDayHeader(d).replace("<br>", " ") + " " + getStartTime(a) + " - " + getEndTime(b)) .color(PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref))); } } return ret; } } }