Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.colleague.model; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.unitime.colleague.model.base.BaseColleagueSession; import org.unitime.colleague.model.dao.ColleagueSessionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstrOfferingConfig; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstructionalOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SchedulingSubpart; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SubjectArea; import org.unitime.timetable.model.comparators.SchedulingSubpartComparator; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.Class_DAO; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.InstructionalOfferingDAO; /** * * @author says * */ public class ColleagueSession extends BaseColleagueSession { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /*[CONSTRUCTOR MARKER BEGIN]*/ public ColleagueSession() { super(); } /** * Constructor for primary key */ public ColleagueSession(java.lang.Long uniqueId) { super(uniqueId); } /*[CONSTRUCTOR MARKER END]*/ public static ColleagueSession findColleagueSessionForSession(Session acadSession, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { if (acadSession == null) { return (null); } return (findColleagueSessionForSession(acadSession.getUniqueId(), hibSession)); } public static ColleagueSession findColleagueSessionForSession(Long acadSessionId, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { if (acadSessionId == null) { return (null); } org.hibernate.Session querySession = hibSession; if (querySession == null) { querySession = ColleagueSessionDAO.getInstance().getSession(); } return ((ColleagueSession) querySession .createQuery("from ColleagueSession cs where cs.session.uniqueId = :sessionId") .setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL).setLong("sessionId", acadSessionId.longValue()).setCacheable(true) .uniqueResult()); } public static boolean shouldGenerateColleagueDataFieldsForSession(Session acadSession, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { return (shouldGenerateColleagueDataFieldsForSession(acadSession.getUniqueId(), hibSession)); } public static boolean shouldGenerateColleagueDataFieldsForSession(Long acadSessionId, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { if (acadSessionId == null) { return (false); } ColleagueSession cs = findColleagueSessionForSession(acadSessionId, hibSession); if (cs == null) { return (false); } return (!cs.isLoadingOfferingsFile()); } public static boolean shouldCreateColleagueDataForSession(Session acadSession, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { return (shouldCreateColleagueDataForSession(acadSession.getUniqueId(), hibSession)); } public static boolean shouldCreateColleagueDataForSession(Long acadSessionId, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { if (acadSessionId == null) { return (false); } org.hibernate.Session querySession = hibSession; if (querySession == null) { querySession = Class_DAO.getInstance().getSession(); } ColleagueSession cs = findColleagueSessionForSession(acadSessionId, hibSession); if (cs == null) { return (false); } return (cs.isStoreDataForColleague()); } public static boolean shouldSendDataToColleagueForSession(Session acadSession, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { return (shouldSendDataToColleagueForSession(acadSession.getUniqueId(), hibSession)); } public static boolean shouldSendDataToColleagueForSession(Long acadSessionId, org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { if (acadSessionId == null) { return (false); } ColleagueSession cs = findColleagueSessionForSession(acadSessionId, hibSession); if (cs == null) { return (false); } return (cs.isStoreDataForColleague() && cs.isSendDataToColleague() && !cs.isLoadingOfferingsFile()); } public static List getAllSessions() { ColleagueSessionDAO csDao = new ColleagueSessionDAO(); List l = csDao.getSession().createQuery("from ColleagueSession").list(); if (l == null) { l = new Vector(); } return (l); } public static ColleagueSession getColleagueSessionById(Long id) { ColleagueSessionDAO csDao = new ColleagueSessionDAO(); return (csDao.get(id)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<InstructionalOffering> getAllControllingInstructionalOfferingsForSubjectArea( SubjectArea subjectArea) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select co.instructionalOffering ") .append("from SubjectArea sa inner join sa.courseOfferings as co ") .append("where sa.uniqueId = :subjectAreaId ").append(" and co.isControl = true"); ; String instructionalOfferingQuery = sb.toString(); InstructionalOfferingDAO ioDao = new InstructionalOfferingDAO(); return ((List<InstructionalOffering>) ioDao.getQuery(instructionalOfferingQuery) .setLong("subjectAreaId", subjectArea.getUniqueId().longValue()).list()); } public void assignSectionNumbersToAllSectionsForSession() { InstructionalOfferingDAO ioDao = new InstructionalOfferingDAO(); for (SubjectArea sa : this.getSession().getSubjectAreas()) { for (InstructionalOffering io : getAllControllingInstructionalOfferingsForSubjectArea(sa)) { for (InstrOfferingConfig ioc : io.getInstrOfferingConfigs()) { for (SchedulingSubpart ss : ioc.getSchedulingSubparts()) { for (Class_ c : ss.getClasses()) { for (ColleagueSection cs : ColleagueSection.findColleagueSectionsForClass(c, ioDao.getSession())) { if (cs.getSectionIndex() == null) { try { cs.assignNewSectionIndex(ioDao.getSession()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } } } public void generateColleagueSectionsForSession() { SchedulingSubpartComparator ssc = new SchedulingSubpartComparator(); InstructionalOfferingDAO ioDao = new InstructionalOfferingDAO(); for (SubjectArea sa : this.getSession().getSubjectAreas()) { for (InstructionalOffering io : getAllControllingInstructionalOfferingsForSubjectArea(sa)) { for (InstrOfferingConfig ioc : io.getInstrOfferingConfigs()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TreeSet<SchedulingSubpart> subparts = new TreeSet<SchedulingSubpart>(ssc); subparts.addAll(ioc.getSchedulingSubparts()); for (SchedulingSubpart ss : subparts) { for (Class_ c : ss.getClasses()) { for (CourseOffering co : io.getCourseOfferings()) { ColleagueSection cs = ColleagueSection .findColleagueSectionForClassAndCourseOffering(c, co, ioDao.getSession()); if (cs == null) { if (c.getParentClass() != null) { if (c.getParentClass().getSchedulingSubpart().getItype().getItype() .equals(c.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype().getItype())) { ColleagueSection pcs = ColleagueSection .findColleagueSectionForClassAndCourseOffering( c.getParentClass(), co, ioDao.getSession()); if (pcs != null) { pcs.addClass(c, ioDao.getSession()); ioDao.getSession().update(pcs); } else { ColleagueSection.addColleagueSectionFor(co, c, ioDao.getSession()); } } else { ColleagueSection.addColleagueSectionFor(co, c, ioDao.getSession()); } } else { ColleagueSection.addColleagueSectionFor(co, c, ioDao.getSession()); } } } } } } } } } }