Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.banner.dataexchange; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.unitime.banner.model.BannerSection; import org.unitime.timetable.ApplicationProperties; import org.unitime.timetable.dataexchange.BaseImport; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseDemand; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequestOption; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Student; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentClassEnrollment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentSectioningQueue; /** * @author says * */ public class BannerStudentEnrollmentMessage extends BaseImport { private static final String propertiesElementName = "properties"; private static final String rootElementName = "enterprise"; private static String expectedDataSource; private static String expectedSource; private String messageDateTime; private Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>> iUpdatedStudents = new Hashtable<Long, Set<Long>>(); @Override public void loadXml(Element rootElement) throws Exception { try { if (!rootElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(rootElementName)) { throw new Exception("Given XML is not a banner enterprise message."); } beginTransaction(); propertiesElement(rootElement.element(propertiesElementName)); membershipElements(rootElement); for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<Long>> entry : iUpdatedStudents.entrySet()) if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) StudentSectioningQueue.studentChanged(getHibSession(), null, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); rollbackTransaction(); throw e; } } private void propertiesElement(Element element) throws Exception { String datasource = element.elementTextTrim("datasource"); if (getExpectedDataSource() != null && !datasource.equalsIgnoreCase(getExpectedDataSource())) { throw new Exception("Datasource for message does not match expected datasource: " + datasource + ", expected: " + getExpectedDataSource()); } messageDateTime = element.elementTextTrim("datetime"); if (messageDateTime == null) { throw new Exception("Missing date stamp for this message."); } debug("Processing banner message from: " + datasource + " with a date time of " + messageDateTime); } private String sourceIdElement(Element sourceIdElement) throws Exception { if (sourceIdElement == null) { return (null); } String source = sourceIdElement.elementTextTrim("source"); if (getExpectedSource() != null && !getExpectedSource().equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { throw new Exception("Source for membership element does not match expected source: " + source + ", expected: " + getExpectedSource()); } return (sourceIdElement.elementTextTrim("id")); } private void membershipElements(Element rootElement) throws Exception { for (Element membershipElement : (List<Element>) rootElement.elements("membership")) { String crnTerm = sourceIdElement(membershipElement.element("sourceid")); if (crnTerm == null || crnTerm.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Membership element is missing the crn and term data."); } int dotIndex = crnTerm.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex <= 0) { throw new Exception("Membership element has badly formed crn and term data: " + crnTerm); } String crnStr = crnTerm.substring(0, dotIndex); String termCode = crnTerm.substring(dotIndex + 1, crnTerm.length()); Integer crn = null; try { crn = Integer.parseInt(crnStr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Membership element has a non-numeric crn: " + crnStr); } CourseOffering courseOffering = BannerSection.findCourseOfferingForCrnAndTermCode(crn, termCode); if (courseOffering == null) { error("Enrollments for CRN: " + crn.toString() + " not loaded. No UniTime course offering found to match CRN: " + crn.toString() + " in banner term: " + termCode); continue; } List classes = BannerSection.findAllClassesForCrnAndTermCode(crn, termCode); Session acadSession = courseOffering.getSubjectArea().getSession(); Set<Long> updatedStudents = iUpdatedStudents.get(acadSession.getUniqueId()); if (updatedStudents == null) { updatedStudents = new HashSet<Long>(); iUpdatedStudents.put(acadSession.getUniqueId(), updatedStudents); } memberElements(membershipElement, acadSession, courseOffering, classes, updatedStudents); flushIfNeeded(true); } } private void memberElements(Element membershipElement, Session acadSession, CourseOffering courseOffering, List classes, Set<Long> updatedStudents) throws Exception { for (Element memberElement : (List<Element>) membershipElement.elements("member")) { String id = sourceIdElement(memberElement.element("sourceid")); if (id == null || id.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Missing student id from member element."); } String idType = memberElement.elementTextTrim("idtype"); if (idType == null || !idType.equals("1")) { throw new Exception("Received invalid id type: " + id + " expected: 1."); } Student student = Student.findByExternalId(acadSession.getUniqueId(), id); Long studentId = null; if (student == null) { student = new Student(); student = new Student(); student.setSession(acadSession); student.setFirstName("Name"); student.setLastName("Unknown"); student.setExternalUniqueId(id); student.setFreeTimeCategory(new Integer(0)); student.setSchedulePreference(new Integer(0)); student.setClassEnrollments(new HashSet<StudentClassEnrollment>()); student.setCourseDemands(new HashSet<CourseDemand>()); studentId = (Long) getHibSession().save(student); } else { studentId = student.getUniqueId(); } Element roleElement = memberElement.element("role"); if (roleElement == null) { throw new Exception("Missing role element."); } String recStatus = getOptionalStringAttribute(roleElement, "recstatus"); if (recStatus != null && recStatus.equals("3")) { if (deleteEnrollment(student, courseOffering, classes)) { updatedStudents.add(studentId); } } else { if (addUpdateEnrollment(student, courseOffering, classes)) { updatedStudents.add(studentId); } } } } private Vector<StudentClassEnrollment> findStudentClassEnrollments(Student student, List classes) { Vector<StudentClassEnrollment> enrollments = new Vector<StudentClassEnrollment>(); if (student.getClassEnrollments() != null && !student.getClassEnrollments().isEmpty()) { for (Iterator cit = classes.iterator(); cit.hasNext();) { Class_ c = (Class_); StudentClassEnrollment sce = findStudentClassEnrollment(student, c); if (sce != null) { enrollments.add(sce); } } } return (enrollments); } private StudentClassEnrollment findStudentClassEnrollment(Student student, Class_ clazz) { StudentClassEnrollment studentClassEnrollment = null; if (student.getClassEnrollments() != null) { for (Iterator ceIt = student.getClassEnrollments().iterator(); ceIt.hasNext();) { StudentClassEnrollment sce = (StudentClassEnrollment); if (sce.getClazz().getUniqueId().equals(clazz.getUniqueId())) { studentClassEnrollment = sce; break; } } } return (studentClassEnrollment); } private boolean addUpdateEnrollment(Student student, CourseOffering courseOffering, List classes) { boolean changed = false; for (Iterator it = classes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Class_ c = (Class_); StudentClassEnrollment sce = findStudentClassEnrollment(student, c); if (sce == null) { changed = true; sce = new StudentClassEnrollment(); sce.setStudent(student); sce.setClazz(c); sce.setCourseOffering(courseOffering); sce.setTimestamp(new java.util.Date()); student.addToclassEnrollments(sce); } } // make sure all class enrollments have a course request filled in boolean fixCourseDemands = false; Set<CourseDemand> remaining = new HashSet<CourseDemand>(student.getCourseDemands()); enrollments: for (StudentClassEnrollment sce : student.getClassEnrollments()) { if (sce.getCourseRequest() != null) { // already set -> no change is needed remaining.remove(sce.getCourseRequest().getCourseDemand()); } else { for (CourseDemand d : student.getCourseDemands()) { for (CourseRequest r : d.getCourseRequests()) { if (r.getCourseOffering().equals(courseOffering)) { // not set, but there is one that can be used already sce.setCourseRequest(r); changed = true; continue enrollments; } } } // create a new request CourseDemand cd = new CourseDemand(); cd.setTimestamp(new java.util.Date()); cd.setCourseRequests(new HashSet<CourseRequest>()); cd.setStudent(student); student.addTocourseDemands(cd); cd.setAlternative(false); cd.setPriority(student.getCourseDemands().size() + 1); cd.setWaitlist(false); CourseRequest cr = new CourseRequest(); cd.getCourseRequests().add(cr); cr.setCourseDemand(cd); cr.setCourseRequestOptions(new HashSet<CourseRequestOption>()); cr.setAllowOverlap(false); cr.setCredit(0); cr.setOrder(0); cr.setCourseOffering(sce.getCourseOffering()); sce.setCourseRequest(cr); changed = true; fixCourseDemands = true; } } if (fixCourseDemands) { // removed unused course demands for (CourseDemand cd : remaining) { if (cd.getFreeTime() != null) getHibSession().delete(cd.getFreeTime()); for (CourseRequest cr : cd.getCourseRequests()) getHibSession().delete(cr); student.getCourseDemands().remove(cd); getHibSession().delete(cd); } // fix priorities int priority = 0; for (CourseDemand cd : new TreeSet<CourseDemand>(student.getCourseDemands())) { cd.setPriority(priority++); getHibSession().saveOrUpdate(cd); } } if (changed) { getHibSession().saveOrUpdate(student); } return changed; } private boolean deleteEnrollment(Student student, CourseOffering courseOffering, List classes) { boolean changed = false; Vector<StudentClassEnrollment> enrollments = findStudentClassEnrollments(student, classes); for (StudentClassEnrollment sce : enrollments) { changed = true; student.getClassEnrollments().remove(sce); getHibSession().delete(sce); } if (changed) { getHibSession().update(student); } return changed; } /** * @return the expectedDataSource */ public static String getExpectedDataSource() { if (expectedDataSource == null) { expectedDataSource = ApplicationProperties.getProperty("banner.messaging.expected.datasource", "Purdue University"); } return expectedDataSource; } /** * @return the expectedSource */ public static String getExpectedSource() { if (expectedSource == null) { expectedSource = ApplicationProperties.getProperty("banner.messaging.expected.source", "Purdue University"); } return expectedSource; } }