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 *  * Copyright 2010,
 *  *
 *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  *
 *  *
 *  *
 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  * limitations under the License.
package org.unitils.mock.core;

import org.unitils.core.util.ObjectToInjectHolder;
import org.unitils.mock.Mock;
import org.unitils.mock.annotation.MatchStatement;
import org.unitils.mock.argumentmatcher.ArgumentMatcherRepository;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.MatchingInvocationBuilder;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.MatchingInvocationHandler;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.impl.AssertInvokedInSequenceVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.impl.AssertInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.impl.AssertNotInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler;
import org.unitils.mock.core.matching.impl.BehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler;
import org.unitils.mock.mockbehavior.MockBehavior;
import org.unitils.mock.mockbehavior.impl.ExceptionThrowingMockBehavior;
import org.unitils.mock.mockbehavior.impl.ValueReturningMockBehavior;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.uncapitalize;
import static org.unitils.mock.core.proxy.ProxyFactory.createInitializedOrUninitializedInstanceOfType;
import static org.unitils.util.ReflectionUtils.getGenericType;

 * Implementation of a Mock.
 * @author Filip Neven
 * @author Tim Ducheyne
 * @author Kenny Claes
public class MockObject<T> implements Mock<T>, MockFactory, ObjectToInjectHolder<T> {

    /* The name of the mock (e.g. the name of the field) */
    protected String name;
    /* The class type that is mocked */
    protected Class<T> mockedType;
    protected MockProxy<T> mockProxy;

    /* Mock behaviors that are removed once they have been matched */
    protected BehaviorDefiningInvocations oneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations;
    /* Mock behaviors that can be matched and re-used for several invocation */
    protected BehaviorDefiningInvocations alwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations;
    /* Created chained mocks per mock name */
    protected Map<String, Mock<?>> chainedMocksPerName;

    /* The scenario that will record all observed invocations */
    protected static ThreadLocal<Scenario> scenarioThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Scenario>();

    protected static ThreadLocal<MatchingInvocationBuilder> matchingInvocationBuilderThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<MatchingInvocationBuilder>();

    public static Scenario getCurrentScenario() {
        return scenarioThreadLocal.get();

     * Creates a mock of the given type with un-capitalized type name + Mock as name, e.g. myServiceMock.
     * There is no .class literal for generic types. Therefore you need to pass the raw type when mocking generic types.
     * E.g. Mock&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; myMock = new MockObject("myMock", List.class, this);
     * If the mocked type does not correspond to the declared type, a ClassCastException will occur when the mock
     * is used.
     * @param mockedType The mock type that will be proxied, use the raw type when mocking generic types, not null
     * @param testObject The test object, not null
    public MockObject(Class<?> mockedType, Object testObject) {
        this(null, mockedType, testObject);

     * Creates a mock of the given type.
     * There is no .class literal for generic types. Therefore you need to pass the raw type when mocking generic types.
     * E.g. Mock&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; myMock = new MockObject("myMock", List.class, this);
     * If the mocked type does not correspond to the declared type, a ClassCastException will occur when the mock
     * is used.
     * If no name is given the un-capitalized type name + Mock is used, e.g. myServiceMock
     * @param name       The name of the mock, e.g. the field-name, null for the default
     * @param mockedType The mock type that will be proxied, use the raw type when mocking generic types, not null
     * @param testObject The test object, not null
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public MockObject(String name, Class<?> mockedType, Object testObject) {
        if (isBlank(name)) {
   = uncapitalize(mockedType.getSimpleName()) + "Mock";
        } else {
   = name;
        this.mockedType = (Class<T>) mockedType;
        this.oneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations = createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations();
        this.alwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations = createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations();
        this.chainedMocksPerName = new HashMap<String, Mock<?>>();

        Scenario scenario = getScenario(testObject);
        if (scenario.getTestObject() != testObject) {
        this.mockProxy = createMockProxy();

    // Implementation of the ObjectToInjectHolder interface. Implementing this interface makes sure that the 
    // proxy instance is injected instead of this object (which doesn't directly implement the mocked interface)

     * Returns the mock proxy instance. This is the object that must be injected if the field that it holds is
     * annotated with @InjectInto or one of it's equivalents.
     * @return The mock proxy instance, not null
    public T getObjectToInject() {
        return getMock();

     * @param field The field that declared this mock object, null if there is no field (or not known)
     * @return The type of the object to inject (i.e. the mocked type), not null.
    public Type getObjectToInjectType(Field field) {
        if (field == null) {
            return mockedType;
        return getGenericType(field);

    // Implementation of the Mock interfaces

     * Returns the mock proxy instance. This is the instance that can be used to perform the test.
     * You could for example inject it in the tested object. It will then perform the defined behavior and record
     * all observed method invocations so that assertions can be performed afterwards.
     * @return The proxy instance, not null
    public T getMock() {
        return mockProxy.getProxy();

     * @return the type of the mock, not null
    public Class<?> getMockedType() {
        return mockedType;

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.returns("aValue").method1();
     * <p/>
     * will return "aValue" when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed each time a match is found. So "aValue" will be returned
     * each time method1() is called. If you only want to return the value once, use the {@link #onceReturns} method.
     * @param returnValue The value to return
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T returns(Object returnValue) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ValueReturningMockBehavior(returnValue));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.raises(new MyException()).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will throw the given exception when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed each time a match is found. So the exception will be raised
     * each time method1() is called. If you only want to raise the exception once, use the {@link #onceRaises} method.
     * @param exception The exception to raise, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T raises(Throwable exception) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ExceptionThrowingMockBehavior(exception));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.raises(MyException.class).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will throw an instance of the given exception class when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed each time a match is found. So the exception will be raised
     * each time method1() is called. If you only want to raise the exception once, use the {@link #onceRaises} method.
     * @param exceptionClass The type of exception to raise, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T raises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass) {
        Throwable exception = createInitializedOrUninitializedInstanceOfType(exceptionClass);
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ExceptionThrowingMockBehavior(exception));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.performs(new MyMockBehavior()).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will execute the given mock behavior when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed each time a match is found. So the behavior will be executed
     * each time method1() is called. If you only want to execute the behavior once, use the {@link #oncePerforms} method.
     * @param mockBehavior The behavior to perform, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T performs(MockBehavior mockBehavior) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.returns("aValue").method1();
     * <p/>
     * will return "aValue" when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed only once. If method1() is invoked a second time, a different
     * behavior definition will be used (if defined) or a default value will be returned. If you want this
     * definition to be able to be matched multiple times, use the method {@link #returns} instead.
     * @param returnValue The value to return
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T onceReturns(Object returnValue) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ValueReturningMockBehavior(returnValue));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.raises(new MyException()).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will throw the given exception when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed only once. If method1() is invoked a second time, a different
     * behavior definition will be used (if defined) or a default value will be returned. If you want this
     * definition to be able to be matched multiple times, use the method {@link #raises} instead.
     * @param exception The exception to raise, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T onceRaises(Throwable exception) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ExceptionThrowingMockBehavior(exception));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises an instance of the given exception class when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.raises(new MyException()).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will throw an instance of the given exception class when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed only once. If method1() is invoked a second time, a different
     * behavior definition will be used (if defined) or a default value will be returned. If you want this
     * definition to be able to be matched multiple times, use the method {@link #raises} instead.
     * @param exceptionClass The type of exception to raise, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T onceRaises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass) {
        Throwable exception = createInitializedOrUninitializedInstanceOfType(exceptionClass);
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
                new ExceptionThrowingMockBehavior(exception));
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following
     * this call matches the observed behavior. E.g.
     * <p/>
     * mock.performs(new MyMockBehavior()).method1();
     * <p/>
     * will execute the given mock behavior when method1 is called.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this behavior is executed only once. If method1() is invoked a second time, a different
     * behavior definition will be used (if defined) or a default value will be returned. If you want this
     * definition to be able to be matched multiple times, use the method {@link #performs} instead.
     * @param mockBehavior The behavior to perform, not null
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T oncePerforms(MockBehavior mockBehavior) {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed
     * on this mock object during this test.
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T assertInvoked() {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAssertInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler();
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed
     * on this mock object during this test.
     * <p/>
     * If this method is used multiple times during the current test, the sequence of the observed method
     * calls has to be the same as the sequence of the calls to this method.
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T assertInvokedInSequence() {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAssertInvokedInSequenceVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler();
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Asserts that no invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed
     * on this mock object during this test.
     * @return The proxy instance that will record the method call, not null
    public T assertNotInvoked() {
        MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler = createAssertNotInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler();
        return startMatchingInvocation(matchingInvocationHandler);

     * Removes all behavior defined for this mock.
     * This will only remove the behavior, not the observed invocations for this mock.
    public void resetBehavior() {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public <M> Mock<M> createChainedMock(String name, Class<M> mockedType) {
        Mock<?> chainedMock = chainedMocksPerName.get(name);
        if (chainedMock != null) {
            return (Mock<M>) chainedMock;
        try {
            if (Void.class.equals(mockedType) || mockedType.isPrimitive() || mockedType.isArray()) {
                return null;
            chainedMock = new MockObject<M>(name, mockedType, getCurrentScenario().getTestObject());
            chainedMocksPerName.put(name, chainedMock);
            return (Mock<M>) chainedMock;

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return null;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    protected T startMatchingInvocation(MatchingInvocationHandler matchingInvocationHandler) {
        return getMatchingInvocationBuilder().startMatchingInvocation(name, mockedType, matchingInvocationHandler);

    protected synchronized MatchingInvocationBuilder getMatchingInvocationBuilder() {
        MatchingInvocationBuilder matchingInvocationBuilder = matchingInvocationBuilderThreadLocal.get();
        if (matchingInvocationBuilder == null) {
            matchingInvocationBuilder = createMatchingInvocationBuilder();
        return matchingInvocationBuilder;

    protected synchronized Scenario getScenario(Object testObject) {
        Scenario scenario = scenarioThreadLocal.get();
        if (scenario == null) {
            scenario = createScenario(testObject);
        return scenario;

    protected MockProxy<T> createMockProxy() {
        return new MockProxy<T>(name, mockedType, oneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations,
                alwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations, getCurrentScenario(), getMatchingInvocationBuilder());

    protected MatchingInvocationHandler createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
            MockBehavior mockBehavior) {
        return new BehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(mockBehavior,
                oneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations, this);

    protected MatchingInvocationHandler createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(
            MockBehavior mockBehavior) {
        return new BehaviorDefiningMatchingInvocationHandler(mockBehavior,
                alwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations, this);

    protected BehaviorDefiningInvocations createOneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations() {
        return new BehaviorDefiningInvocations(true);

    protected BehaviorDefiningInvocations createAlwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations() {
        return new BehaviorDefiningInvocations(false);

    protected MatchingInvocationHandler createAssertInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler() {
        return new AssertInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler(getCurrentScenario(), this);

    protected MatchingInvocationHandler createAssertInvokedInSequenceVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler() {
        return new AssertInvokedInSequenceVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler(getCurrentScenario(), this);

    protected MatchingInvocationHandler createAssertNotInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler() {
        return new AssertNotInvokedVerifyingMatchingInvocationHandler(getCurrentScenario(), this);

    protected Scenario createScenario(Object testObject) {
        return new Scenario(testObject);

    protected MatchingInvocationBuilder createMatchingInvocationBuilder() {
        return new MatchingInvocationBuilder();
