Java tutorial
/* * #%L * unidle * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Lau * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.unidle.test; import; import; import com.maxmind.geoip2.DatabaseReader; import com.maxmind.geoip2.exception.GeoIp2Exception; import com.maxmind.geoip2.model.Omni; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import static; import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool; import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; public class LocationGenerator { private static final int THREADS = 12; private static final ExecutorService executorService; private static final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService; static { executorService = newFixedThreadPool(THREADS); scheduledExecutorService = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); } private static Predicate<Boolean> areTrue() { return new Predicate<Boolean>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Boolean input) { return input; } }; } private static void displayRecord(final Omni omni) { System.out.printf("%s -- %s; %s; %s; %s%n", omni.getTraits().getIpAddress(), omni.getContinent().getName(), omni.getCountry().getName(), omni.getMostSpecificSubdivision().getName(), omni.getCity().getName()); } public static void main(final String... args) throws Exception { final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations = locations(); scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ShutdownWatcher(locations), 15L, 15L, SECONDS); final DatabaseReader databaseReader = databaseReader(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) { final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(format("%d.%d.%d.0", i, j, k)); if (executorService.isShutdown() || executorService.isTerminated()) { return; } executorService.execute(new AddressChecker(databaseReader, address, locations)); } } } } private static DatabaseReader databaseReader() throws IOException { final File file = new ClassPathResource("/maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb").getFile(); return new DatabaseReader(file); } private static ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations() { final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(THREADS).makeMap(); for (KnownLocation location : KnownLocation.values()) { final String name = formatLocation(location.continent,, location.subdivision,; locations.put(name, !"".equals(location.address)); } return locations; } private static String formatLocation(final String continent, final String country, final String subdivision, final String city) { return format("%s:%s:%s:%s", continent == null || "".equals(continent) ? "XXX" : continent, country == null || "".equals(country) ? "XXX" : country, subdivision == null || "".equals(subdivision) ? "XXX" : subdivision, city == null || "".equals(city) ? "XXX" : city); } private static class AddressChecker implements Runnable { private final InetAddress address; private final DatabaseReader databaseReader; private final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations; public AddressChecker(final DatabaseReader databaseReader, final InetAddress address, final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations) { this.databaseReader = databaseReader; this.address = address; this.locations = locations; } @Override public void run() { final Omni omni; try { omni = databaseReader.omni(address); } catch (IOException | GeoIp2Exception e) { // Ignore return; } final String continentName = omni.getContinent().getName(); final String countryName = omni.getCountry().getName(); final String subdivisionName = omni.getMostSpecificSubdivision().getName(); final String cityName = omni.getCity().getName(); final String cityKey = formatLocation(continentName, countryName, subdivisionName, cityName); final String subdivisionKey = formatLocation(continentName, countryName, subdivisionName, null); final String countryKey = formatLocation(continentName, countryName, null, null); final String continentKey = formatLocation(continentName, null, null, null); final String globalKey = formatLocation(null, null, null, null); if (locations.containsKey(cityKey)) { if (!locations.get(cityKey)) { displayRecord(omni); locations.put(cityKey, TRUE); } } else if (locations.containsKey(subdivisionKey)) { if (!locations.get(subdivisionKey)) { displayRecord(omni); locations.put(subdivisionKey, TRUE); } } else if (locations.containsKey(countryKey)) { if (!locations.get(countryKey)) { displayRecord(omni); locations.put(countryKey, TRUE); } } else if (locations.containsKey(continentKey)) { if (!locations.get(continentKey)) { displayRecord(omni); locations.put(continentKey, TRUE); } } else if (locations.containsKey(globalKey)) { if (!locations.get(globalKey)) { displayRecord(omni); locations.put(globalKey, TRUE); } } } } private static class ShutdownWatcher implements Runnable { private final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations; public ShutdownWatcher(final ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> locations) { this.locations = locations; } @Override public void run() { System.err.println(locations); if (all(locations.values(), areTrue())) { executorService.shutdownNow(); scheduledExecutorService.shutdownNow(); } } } }