Java tutorial
//============================================================================= // Copyright 2006-2013 Daniel W. Dyer // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //============================================================================= package org.uncommons.reportng; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import org.testng.IClass; import org.testng.IResultMap; import org.testng.ISuite; import org.testng.ISuiteResult; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.Reporter; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; /** * Enhanced HTML reporter for TestNG that uses Velocity templates to generate its * output. * @author Daniel Dyer */ public class HTMLReporter extends AbstractReporter { private static final String FRAMES_PROPERTY = "org.uncommons.reportng.frames"; private static final String ONLY_FAILURES_PROPERTY = "org.uncommons.reportng.failures-only"; private static final String TEMPLATES_PATH = "org/uncommons/reportng/templates/html/"; private static final String INDEX_FILE = "index.html"; private static final String SUITES_FILE = "suites.html"; private static final String OVERVIEW_FILE = "overview.html"; private static final String GROUPS_FILE = "groups.html"; private static final String RESULTS_FILE = "results.html"; private static final String OUTPUT_FILE = "output.html"; private static final String CUSTOM_STYLE_FILE = "custom.css"; private static final String SUITE_KEY = "suite"; private static final String SUITES_KEY = "suites"; private static final String GROUPS_KEY = "groups"; private static final String RESULT_KEY = "result"; private static final String FAILED_CONFIG_KEY = "failedConfigurations"; private static final String SKIPPED_CONFIG_KEY = "skippedConfigurations"; private static final String FAILED_TESTS_KEY = "failedTests"; private static final String SKIPPED_TESTS_KEY = "skippedTests"; private static final String PASSED_TESTS_KEY = "passedTests"; private static final String ONLY_FAILURES_KEY = "onlyReportFailures"; private static final String REPORT_DIRECTORY = "html"; private static final Comparator<ITestNGMethod> METHOD_COMPARATOR = new TestMethodComparator(); private static final Comparator<ITestResult> RESULT_COMPARATOR = new TestResultComparator(); private static final Comparator<IClass> CLASS_COMPARATOR = new TestClassComparator(); public HTMLReporter() { super(TEMPLATES_PATH); } /** * Generates a set of HTML files that contain data about the outcome of * the specified test suites. * @param suites Data about the test runs. * @param outputDirectoryName The directory in which to create the report. */ public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectoryName) { removeEmptyDirectories(new File(outputDirectoryName)); boolean useFrames = System.getProperty(FRAMES_PROPERTY, "true").equals("true"); boolean onlyFailures = System.getProperty(ONLY_FAILURES_PROPERTY, "false").equals("true"); File outputDirectory = new File(outputDirectoryName, REPORT_DIRECTORY); outputDirectory.mkdirs(); try { if (useFrames) { createFrameset(outputDirectory); } createOverview(suites, outputDirectory, !useFrames, onlyFailures); createSuiteList(suites, outputDirectory, onlyFailures); createGroups(suites, outputDirectory); createResults(suites, outputDirectory, onlyFailures); createLog(outputDirectory, onlyFailures); copyResources(outputDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ReportNGException("Failed generating HTML report.", ex); } } /** * Create the index file that sets up the frameset. * @param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s). */ private void createFrameset(File outputDirectory) throws Exception { VelocityContext context = createContext(); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, INDEX_FILE), INDEX_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } private void createOverview(List<ISuite> suites, File outputDirectory, boolean isIndex, boolean onlyFailures) throws Exception { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(SUITES_KEY, suites); context.put(ONLY_FAILURES_KEY, onlyFailures); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, isIndex ? INDEX_FILE : OVERVIEW_FILE), OVERVIEW_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } /** * Create the navigation frame. * @param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s). */ private void createSuiteList(List<ISuite> suites, File outputDirectory, boolean onlyFailures) throws Exception { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(SUITES_KEY, suites); context.put(ONLY_FAILURES_KEY, onlyFailures); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, SUITES_FILE), SUITES_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } /** * Generate a results file for each test in each suite. * @param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s). */ private void createResults(List<ISuite> suites, File outputDirectory, boolean onlyShowFailures) throws Exception { int index = 1; for (ISuite suite : suites) { int index2 = 1; for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values()) { boolean failuresExist = result.getTestContext().getFailedTests().size() > 0 || result.getTestContext().getFailedConfigurations().size() > 0; if (!onlyShowFailures || failuresExist) { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(RESULT_KEY, result); context.put(FAILED_CONFIG_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getFailedConfigurations())); context.put(SKIPPED_CONFIG_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getSkippedConfigurations())); context.put(FAILED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getFailedTests())); context.put(SKIPPED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getSkippedTests())); context.put(PASSED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getPassedTests())); String fileName = String.format("suite%d_test%d_%s", index, index2, RESULTS_FILE); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, fileName), RESULTS_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } ++index2; } ++index; } } /** * Group test methods by class and sort alphabetically. */ private SortedMap<IClass, List<ITestResult>> sortByTestClass(IResultMap results) { SortedMap<IClass, List<ITestResult>> sortedResults = new TreeMap<IClass, List<ITestResult>>( CLASS_COMPARATOR); for (ITestResult result : results.getAllResults()) { List<ITestResult> resultsForClass = sortedResults.get(result.getTestClass()); if (resultsForClass == null) { resultsForClass = new ArrayList<ITestResult>(); sortedResults.put(result.getTestClass(), resultsForClass); } int index = Collections.binarySearch(resultsForClass, result, RESULT_COMPARATOR); if (index < 0) { index = Math.abs(index + 1); } resultsForClass.add(index, result); } return sortedResults; } /** * Generate a groups list for each suite. * @param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s). */ private void createGroups(List<ISuite> suites, File outputDirectory) throws Exception { int index = 1; for (ISuite suite : suites) { SortedMap<String, SortedSet<ITestNGMethod>> groups = sortGroups(suite.getMethodsByGroups()); if (!groups.isEmpty()) { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(SUITE_KEY, suite); context.put(GROUPS_KEY, groups); String fileName = String.format("suite%d_%s", index, GROUPS_FILE); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, fileName), GROUPS_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } ++index; } } /** * Generate a groups list for each suite. * @param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s). */ private void createLog(File outputDirectory, boolean onlyFailures) throws Exception { if (!Reporter.getOutput().isEmpty()) { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(ONLY_FAILURES_KEY, onlyFailures); generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, OUTPUT_FILE), OUTPUT_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } } /** * Sorts groups alphabetically and also sorts methods within groups alphabetically * (class name first, then method name). Also eliminates duplicate entries. */ private SortedMap<String, SortedSet<ITestNGMethod>> sortGroups(Map<String, Collection<ITestNGMethod>> groups) { SortedMap<String, SortedSet<ITestNGMethod>> sortedGroups = new TreeMap<String, SortedSet<ITestNGMethod>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<ITestNGMethod>> entry : groups.entrySet()) { SortedSet<ITestNGMethod> methods = new TreeSet<ITestNGMethod>(METHOD_COMPARATOR); methods.addAll(entry.getValue()); sortedGroups.put(entry.getKey(), methods); } return sortedGroups; } /** * Reads the CSS and JavaScript files from the JAR file and writes them to * the output directory. * @param outputDirectory Where to put the resources. * @throws If the resources can't be read or written. */ private void copyResources(File outputDirectory) throws IOException { copyClasspathResource(outputDirectory, "reportng.css", "reportng.css"); copyClasspathResource(outputDirectory, "reportng.js", "reportng.js"); //copyClasspathResource(outputDirectory, "AI-logo.png", "ai_logo.png"); //copyFile(outputDirectory, new File("src/main/resources/img/AI-logo.png"), "ai_logo.png"); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File("src/main/resources/img/AI-logo.png"), outputDirectory); // If there is a custom stylesheet, copy that. File customStylesheet = META.getStylesheetPath(); if (customStylesheet != null) { if (customStylesheet.exists()) { copyFile(outputDirectory, customStylesheet, CUSTOM_STYLE_FILE); } else { // If not found, try to read the file as a resource on the classpath // useful when reportng is called by a jarred up library InputStream stream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(customStylesheet.getPath()); if (stream != null) { copyStream(outputDirectory, stream, CUSTOM_STYLE_FILE); } } } } }