Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 ULYSSIS VZW * * This file is part of i++. * * i++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation. No other versions apply. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ package org.ulyssis.ipp.ui.widgets; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.ItemDataRole; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.Orientation; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.TextFormat; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WAbstractItemModel; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WContainerWidget; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WLineEdit; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WMenu; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WModelIndex; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WProgressBar; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WPushButton; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WSpinBox; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WStackedWidget; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WString; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WTemplate; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WWidget; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.Axis; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.ChartType; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.SeriesType; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.WCartesianChart; import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.WDataSeries; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.ulyssis.ipp.TagId; import org.ulyssis.ipp.config.Config; import org.ulyssis.ipp.config.Team; import org.ulyssis.ipp.control.commands.AddTagCommand; import org.ulyssis.ipp.control.commands.CorrectionCommand; import org.ulyssis.ipp.control.commands.RemoveTagCommand; import org.ulyssis.ipp.processor.Database; import org.ulyssis.ipp.publisher.Score; import org.ulyssis.ipp.snapshot.Snapshot; import org.ulyssis.ipp.snapshot.Event; import org.ulyssis.ipp.snapshot.TagSeenEvent; import org.ulyssis.ipp.ui.UIApplication; import org.ulyssis.ipp.ui.state.SharedState; import org.ulyssis.ipp.utils.Serialization; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import javax.xml.crypto.Data; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.*; public class TeamPanel extends CollapsablePanel { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(TeamPanel.class); private final Team team; private final WTemplate barContent; private final WContainerWidget content; private final WMenu menu; private final WStackedWidget stack; private final WContainerWidget chartContainer; private final WTemplate tagsView; private final WTemplate correctionsView; private final WContainerWidget tagsTable; private final WLineEdit addTagEdit; private final WPushButton addTagButton; private final WSpinBox correctionSpinner; private final WPushButton addCorrection; private final WProgressBar projectedProgress; private final WProgressBar actualProgress; private UIApplication application; private final SharedState sharedState; private final List<WCartesianChart> charts = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<EventsModel> itemModels = new ArrayList<>(); private Optional<Snapshot> latestSnapshot = Optional.empty(); private final Config config; private static final class EventsModel extends WAbstractItemModel { private List<TagSeenEvent> events = Collections.emptyList(); private Instant oneHourAgo =, ChronoUnit.HOURS); public void setEvents(Instant oneHourAgo, List<TagSeenEvent> events) { this.oneHourAgo = oneHourAgo; = events; this.reset(); } @Override public int getColumnCount(WModelIndex parent) { return 2; } @Override public int getRowCount(WModelIndex parent) { int res = Math.max(0, events.size() - 1); return res; } @Override public WModelIndex getParent(WModelIndex wModelIndex) { return null; } @Override public Object getData(WModelIndex index, int role) { if (events.size() < 2) { LOG.error("Events size is wrong!"); return null; } if (role == ItemDataRole.DisplayRole) { if (index.getRow() >= events.size() - 1 || index.getColumn() >= 2) { LOG.error("Returning null!"); return null; } if (index.getColumn() == 0) { return -events.size() + 1 + index.getRow(); } else if (index.getColumn() == 1) { double res = Duration .between(events.get(index.getRow()).getTime(), events.get(index.getRow() + 1).getTime()) .toMillis() / 1000D; return res; } } return null; } @Override public WModelIndex getIndex(int row, int col, WModelIndex wModelIndex) { return createIndex(row, col, null); } } private final SharedState.SnapshotScoreListener scoreListener = this::processNewScore; private void processNewScore(Snapshot snapshot, Score score, boolean newSnapshot) { updateTags(snapshot); latestSnapshot = Optional.of(snapshot); try { barContent.bindInt("rounds", snapshot.getTeamStates().getNbLapsForTeam(team.getTeamNb())); int i = 0; for (Score.Team team : score.getTeams()) { if (team.getNb() == { break; } i++; } int ranking = i + 1; barContent.bindInt("pos", ranking); score.getTeams().stream().filter(team -> team.getNb() == .ifPresent(scoreTeam -> { snapshot.getTeamStates().getStateForTeam( -> { double pos = teamState.getLastTagSeenEvent() .map(ev -> config.getReader(ev.getReaderId()).getPosition()).orElse(0.0); actualProgress.setValue(pos / config.getTrackLength()); projectedProgress.setValue(scoreTeam.getPosition()); if (scoreTeam.getNonLimitedPosition() > 1.0) { double alpha = (scoreTeam.getNonLimitedPosition() - 1.0) * 4; // TODO: Use the alpha to indicate how severe the delay is } if (getState() == State.Extended && newSnapshot && menu.getCurrentIndex() == 0) { updateCharts(); } }); }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception", e); } } private Set<TagId> oldTags = new HashSet<>(); private void updateTags(Snapshot snapshot) { Set<TagId> newTags = new HashSet<>(); snapshot.getTeamTagMap().getTagToTeam().forEach((tag, teamNb) -> { if (team.getTeamNb() == teamNb) { newTags.add(tag); } }); if (!newTags.equals(oldTags)) { oldTags = newTags; tagsTable.clear(); for (TagId tag : newTags) { WTemplate tagsTableItem = new WTemplate("tags-table-item")); tagsTableItem.bindString("tag-id", tag.toString()); final WPushButton removeTagButton = new WPushButton("Remove"); tagsTableItem.bindWidget("remove-button", removeTagButton); removeTagButton.clicked().addListener(this, () -> removeTag(tag, removeTagButton)); tagsTable.addWidget(tagsTableItem); } } } private void removeTag(TagId tag, WPushButton removeButton) { sharedState.getCommandDispatcher().sendAsync(new RemoveTagCommand(tag, team.getTeamNb())); } // TODO: This shouldn't be entirely based on the latest snapshot... also, share this info! private void updateCharts() { Instant now =; Instant anHourAgo = now.minus(Duration.ofHours(1L)); try (Connection connection = Database.createConnection(EnumSet.of(Database.ConnectionFlags.READ_ONLY))) { List<Event> events = Event.loadFrom(connection, anHourAgo); if (events.size() == 0) { LOG.warn("No events"); return; } Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.loadForEvent(connection, events.get(0)).get(); // If it's not there, this is a fatal error List<Optional<Instant>> eventTimes = new ArrayList<>(); List<List<TagSeenEvent>> eventLists = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < config.getNbReaders(); i++) { eventTimes.add(Optional.empty()); eventLists.add(new ArrayList<>()); } for (int i = 1; i < events.size(); ++i) { Event event = events.get(i); snapshot = event.apply(snapshot); if (event instanceof TagSeenEvent && !event.isRemoved()) { // TODO(Roel): Well, we can't actually remove it, right? final TagSeenEvent tagSeenEvent = (TagSeenEvent) event; Optional<Integer> teamNb = snapshot.getTeamTagMap().tagToTeam(tagSeenEvent.getTag()); if (teamNb.isPresent() && teamNb.get().equals(team.getTeamNb())) { // TODO(Roel): This hack is kind of dirty. In fact, all of this // code is kind of dirty. if (eventTimes.get(tagSeenEvent.getReaderId()).isPresent()) { if (Duration.between(eventTimes.get(tagSeenEvent.getReaderId()).get(), event.getTime()) .toMillis() <= 30_000) { continue; } } eventTimes.get(tagSeenEvent.getReaderId()).ifPresent(lastTime -> { try { eventLists.get(tagSeenEvent.getReaderId()).add(tagSeenEvent); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception", e); } }); eventTimes.set(tagSeenEvent.getReaderId(), Optional.of(event.getTime())); } } } for (int i = 0; i < config.getNbReaders(); i++) { List<TagSeenEvent> eventList = eventLists.get(i); List<TagSeenEvent> shortenedEventList = new ArrayList<>(); if (eventList.size() > 40) { for (int j = eventList.size() - 40; j < eventList.size(); j++) { shortenedEventList.add(eventList.get(j)); } } else { shortenedEventList = eventList; } itemModels.get(i).setEvents(anHourAgo, shortenedEventList); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Couldn't fetch events", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error processing events", e); } } public TeamPanel(Team team) { this(team, null); } public TeamPanel(Team team, WContainerWidget parent) { super(parent); = team; application = UIApplication.getInstance(); config = Config.getCurrentConfig(); sharedState = application.getSharedState(); barContent = new WTemplate("team-bar")); content = new WContainerWidget(); stack = new WStackedWidget(); stack.addStyleClass("teams-stack"); menu = new WMenu(stack, Orientation.Horizontal); menu.addStyleClass("teams-menu"); chartContainer = new WContainerWidget(); chartContainer.addStyleClass("teams-charts"); tagsView = new WTemplate("tags-view")); tagsView.addStyleClass("tags-view"); correctionsView = new WTemplate("corrections-view")); correctionsView.addStyleClass("corrections-view"); menu.addItem("Charts", chartContainer); menu.addItem("Tags", tagsView); menu.addItem("Corrections", correctionsView); content.addWidget(menu); content.addWidget(stack); barContent.bindInt("nb", team.getTeamNb()); barContent.bindString("name", team.getName(), TextFormat.PlainText); barContent.bindInt("pos", team.getTeamNb()); barContent.bindInt("rounds", 0); projectedProgress = new WProgressBar(); projectedProgress.setStyleClass("projected-progress"); projectedProgress.setMinimum(0.0); projectedProgress.setMaximum(1.0); barContent.bindWidget("projected-progress", projectedProgress); actualProgress = new WProgressBar(); actualProgress.setStyleClass("actual-progress"); actualProgress.setMinimum(0.0); actualProgress.setMaximum(1.0); barContent.bindWidget("actual-progress", actualProgress); for (int i = 0; i < config.getNbReaders(); i++) { WCartesianChart readerChart = new WCartesianChart(ChartType.ScatterPlot, chartContainer); readerChart.addStyleClass("reader-chart"); EventsModel itemModel = new EventsModel(); readerChart.setModel(itemModel); WDataSeries series = new WDataSeries(1, SeriesType.BarSeries); readerChart.addSeries(series); readerChart.resize(300, 200); readerChart.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).setRange(-40, 0); readerChart.getAxis(Axis.YAxis).setMinimum(0); readerChart.setXSeriesColumn(0); readerChart.setAutoLayoutEnabled(true); charts.add(readerChart); itemModels.add(itemModel); } tagsTable = new WContainerWidget(); tagsView.bindWidget("tags-table", tagsTable); addTagEdit = new WLineEdit(); tagsView.bindWidget("add-tag-id", addTagEdit); addTagButton = new WPushButton("Add"); tagsView.bindWidget("add-tag-button", addTagButton); addTagButton.clicked().addListener(this, this::addTag); correctionSpinner = new WSpinBox(); correctionSpinner.setMinimum(-2000); correctionSpinner.setMaximum(2000); correctionsView.bindWidget("correction-spinner", correctionSpinner); addCorrection = new WPushButton("Commit"); correctionsView.bindWidget("commit-button", addCorrection); addCorrection.clicked().addListener(this, this::performCorrection); sharedState.addScoreListener(application, scoreListener); } private void addTag() { String tagIdString = addTagEdit.getText(); addTagEdit.setText(""); try { TagId tag = new TagId(tagIdString); sharedState.getCommandDispatcher().sendAsync(new AddTagCommand(tag, team.getTeamNb())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO: Handle decoding exception! } } private void performCorrection() { int correction = correctionSpinner.getValue(); correctionSpinner.setValue(0); sharedState.getCommandDispatcher().sendAsync(new CorrectionCommand(team.getTeamNb(), correction)); } @Override public void remove() { sharedState.removeScoreListener(application, scoreListener); super.remove(); } @Override protected WWidget barContentWidget() { return barContent; } @Override protected WWidget contentWidget() { return content; } @Override protected void toggleOpenClosed() { super.toggleOpenClosed(); if (latestSnapshot.isPresent()) { updateCharts(); } } }