Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 ios-driver committers. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.uiautomation.ios.context.BaseWebInspector; import org.uiautomation.ios.context.WebInspector; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.DOMContext; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.RealDevice; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.ServerSideSession; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.configuration.Configuration; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.command.Network; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.command.Page; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.internal.RealDeviceProtocolImpl; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.internal.SimulatorProtocolImpl; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.internal.WebKitRemoteDebugProtocol; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.internal.WebKitSyncronizer; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.message.WebkitApplication; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.message.WebkitDevice; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.message.WebkitPage; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.model.NodeId; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.model.RemoteWebElement; import org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.model.RemoteWebNativeBackedElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class RemoteIOSWebDriver { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RemoteIOSWebDriver driver = new RemoteIOSWebDriver(null); //driver.connect(uiCatalog); driver.switchTo(driver.getPages().get(0)); driver.get(""); RemoteWebElement body = driver.findElementByCssSelector("body"); driver.get(""); body = driver.findElementByCssSelector("body"); driver.stop(); driver = new RemoteIOSWebDriver(null); //driver.connect(uiCatalog); driver.switchTo(driver.getPages().get(0)); driver.get(""); body = driver.findElementByCssSelector("body"); driver.get(""); body = driver.findElementByCssSelector("body"); } static String safari = ""; static String uiCatalog = "com.yourcompany.UICatalog"; //private SimulatorSession simulator; //private Object usbProtocol; private String bundleId; private WebKitRemoteDebugProtocol protocol; private WebkitDevice device; private List<WebkitApplication> applications = new ArrayList<WebkitApplication>(); private final ServerSideSession session; private final String connectionKey; private BaseWebInspector currentInspector; private Map<Integer, BaseWebInspector> inspectors = new HashMap<Integer, BaseWebInspector>(); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RemoteIOSWebDriver.class.getName()); private List<WebkitPage> pages = new ArrayList<WebkitPage>(); private final List<WebInspector> created = new ArrayList<WebInspector>(); private final WebKitSyncronizer sync; public RemoteIOSWebDriver(ServerSideSession session, ResponseFinder... finders) { this.session = session; connectionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); sync = new WebKitSyncronizer(this); MessageListener notification = new WebKitNotificationListener(this, sync, session); if (session.getDevice() instanceof RealDevice) { if (!Configuration.BETA_FEATURE) {; } protocol = new RealDeviceProtocolImpl(notification, finders); } else { protocol = new SimulatorProtocolImpl(notification, finders); } protocol.register(); sync.waitForSimToRegister(); sync.waitForSimToSendApps(); if (applications.size() == 1) { connect(applications.get(0).getBundleId()); } else { log.warning("session created but application size=" + applications.size()); } } public void setPages(List<WebkitPage> pages) { this.pages = ImmutableList.copyOf(pages); } public List<WebkitPage> getPages() { return pages; } /*public boolean isConnected() { log.fine("Applications " + applications.size()); return !applications.isEmpty(); }*/ public void start() { protocol.start(); } public void stop() { protocol.stop(); } public RemoteWebElement createElement(String reference) { int pageId = Integer.parseInt(reference.split("_")[0]); int nodeId = Integer.parseInt(reference.split("_")[1]); if (currentInspector.getPageIdentifier() != pageId) { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("Node " + nodeId + "is stale.It might still exist, but the " + "window with focus has changed."); } if (session != null) { return new RemoteWebNativeBackedElement(new NodeId(nodeId), currentInspector, session); } else { return new RemoteWebElement(new NodeId(nodeId), currentInspector); } } public void connect(String bundleId) { List<WebkitApplication> knownApps = getApplications(); for (WebkitApplication app : knownApps) { if (bundleId.equals(app.getBundleId())) { this.bundleId = bundleId; protocol.connect(bundleId); sync.waitForSimToSendPages(); switchTo(getPages().get(0)); if (getPages().size() > 1) { log.warning("Application started, but already have " + getPages().size() + " webviews. Connecting to the first one."); } return; } } throw new WebDriverException(bundleId + " not in the list " + knownApps + ".Either it's not started, or it has no webview to connect to."); } public synchronized void setApplications(List<WebkitApplication> applications) { this.applications = applications; } // TODO freynaud return a copy. public synchronized List<WebkitApplication> getApplications() { return applications; } public void switchTo(String pageId) { for (WebkitPage p : getPages()) { if ((p.getPageId() + "").equals(pageId)) { switchTo(p); return; } } throw new WebDriverException("no such page " + pageId); } public void switchTo(WebkitPage page) { currentInspector = connect(page); inspectors.put(page.getPageId(), currentInspector); } private BaseWebInspector connect(WebkitPage webkitPage) { for (WebkitPage page : getPages()) { if (page.equals(webkitPage)) { WebInspector inspector = new WebInspector(null, webkitPage.getPageId(), protocol, bundleId, connectionKey, session); protocol.attachToPage(page.getPageId()); inspector.sendCommand(Page.enablePageEvent()); inspector.sendCommand(Network.enable()); boolean ok = created.add(inspector); if (ok) { protocol.addListener(inspector); } return inspector; } } throw new WebDriverException("Cannot connect to page " + webkitPage + ".Cannot find it."); } public void waitForPageToLoad() { //currentInspector.waitForPageToLoad(); } /*public RemoteWebElement getDocument() { return currentInspector.getDocument(); }*/ public void get(String url) { currentInspector.get(url); } public List<Cookie> getCookies() { return currentInspector.getCookies(); } public void deleteCookie(String name, String domain) { currentInspector.deleteCookie(name, domain); } public String getCurrentUrl() { try { return currentInspector.getCurrentUrl(); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. return null; } } public String getTitle() { return currentInspector.getTitle(); } public int getCurrentPageID() { return currentInspector.getPageIdentifier(); } public List<RemoteWebElement> findElements(By by) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public RemoteWebElement findElement(By by) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public RemoteWebElement findElementByCssSelector(String cssSelector) throws Exception { return currentInspector.findElementByCSSSelector(cssSelector); } public List<RemoteWebElement> findElementsByCssSelector(String cssSelector) { return currentInspector.findElementsByCSSSelector(cssSelector); } public String getPageSource() { return currentInspector.getPageSource(); } public Dimension getSize() throws Exception { return currentInspector.getSize(); } public void close() { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void quit() { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public List<WebkitPage> getWindowHandles() { return getPages(); } public String getWindowHandle() { return "" + currentInspector.getPageIdentifier(); } public int getWindowHandleIndex() { int pageId = currentInspector.getPageIdentifier(); for (WebkitPage p : getPages()) { if (p.getPageId() == pageId) { return getPages().indexOf(p); } } throw new WebDriverException("Cannot find current page."); } public int getWindowHandleIndexDifference(String pageId) { // first, sort pages. List<WebkitPage> pages = getPages(); int currentIndex = -1; for (WebkitPage p : pages) { if (p.getPageId() == currentInspector.getPageIdentifier()) { currentIndex = pages.indexOf(p); } } int destination = -1; for (WebkitPage p : pages) { if ((p.getPageId() + "").equals(pageId)) { if (p.isITunesAd()) { log.warning("Trying to switch to an ad. You will need to be on the correct page already to do " + "that.If you're not, random error will occur."); return 0; } else { destination = pages.indexOf(p); } } } return destination - currentIndex; } public WebDriver.TargetLocator switchTo() { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void back() throws JSONException { currentInspector.back(); } public void forward() { try { currentInspector.forward(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } public void refresh() { try { currentInspector.refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } public WebDriver.Options manage() { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public Object executeScript(String script, JSONArray args) { return currentInspector.executeScript(script, args); } public Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } // TODO remove. public RemoteWebElement getDocument() { return currentInspector.getDocument(); } public boolean isLoading() { return !currentInspector.isReady(); } public DOMContext getContext() { return currentInspector.getContext(); } public String getLoadedFlag() { return currentInspector.getLoadedFlag(); } public synchronized void setDevice(WebkitDevice device) { this.device = device; } public synchronized WebkitDevice getDevice() { return device; } }