Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 ios-driver committers. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.uiautomation.ios.wkrdp.model; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.uiautomation.ios.IOSCapabilities; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.UIAElement; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.UIAScrollView; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.UIAWebView; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.AndCriteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.Criteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.LabelCriteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.NameCriteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.OrCriteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.predicate.TypeCriteria; import org.uiautomation.ios.client.uiamodels.impl.RemoteIOSDriver; import org.uiautomation.ios.communication.device.DeviceType; import org.uiautomation.ios.context.BaseWebInspector; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.ServerSideSession; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.application.ContentResult; import org.uiautomation.ios.utils.XPath2Engine; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class RemoteWebNativeBackedElement extends RemoteWebElement { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RemoteWebNativeBackedElement.class.getName()); private final ServerSideSession session; private final RemoteIOSDriver nativeDriver; private final List<Character> specialKeys = new ArrayList<Character>() { { this.add(Keys.DELETE.toString().charAt(0)); this.add(Keys.ENTER.toString().charAt(0)); this.add(Keys.RETURN.toString().charAt(0)); this.add(Keys.SHIFT.toString().charAt(0)); } }; public RemoteWebNativeBackedElement(NodeId id, BaseWebInspector inspector, ServerSideSession session) { super(id, inspector); this.session = session; this.nativeDriver = session.getNativeDriver(); } private static String normalizeDateValue(String value) { // convert MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD int sep1 = value.indexOf('/'); int sep2 = value.lastIndexOf('/'); if (sep1 == -1 || sep2 == -1) return value; String mm = value.substring(0, sep1); String dd = value.substring(sep1 + 1, sep2); String yyyy = value.substring(sep2 + 1); return yyyy + '-' + to2CharDateDigit(mm) + '-' + to2CharDateDigit(dd); } private static String to2CharDateDigit(String text) { return (text.length() == 1) ? '0' + text : text; } private boolean isSafari() { return session.getApplication().isSafari(); } public void nativeClick() { if ("option".equalsIgnoreCase(getTagName())) { click(); } else { try { ((JavascriptExecutor) nativeDriver).executeScript(getNativeElementClickOnIt()); getInspector().checkForPageLoad(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } } } @Override public Point getLocation() throws Exception { // web stuff. //scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); Point po = findPosition(); Dimension dim = getInspector().getSize(); int webPageWidth = getInspector().getInnerWidth(); if (dim.getWidth() != webPageWidth) { log.fine("BUG : dim.getWidth()!=webPageWidth"); } Criteria c = new TypeCriteria(UIAWebView.class); String json = c.stringify().toString(); StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("var root = UIAutomation.cache.get('1');"); script.append("var webview = root.element(-1," + json + ");"); script.append("var webviewSize = webview.rect();"); script.append("var ratio = webviewSize.size.width / " + dim.getWidth() + ";"); int top = po.getY(); int left = po.getX(); script.append("var top = (" + top + "*ratio )+1;"); script.append("var left = (" + left + "*ratio)+1;"); script.append("var x = left;"); boolean ipad = session.getCapabilities().getDevice() == DeviceType.ipad; if (isSafari()) { if (ipad) { // for ipad, the adress bar h is fixed @ 96px. script.append("var y = top+96;"); } else { List<ContentResult> results = session.getApplication().getCurrentDictionary() .getPotentialMatches("Address"); if (results.size() != 1) { log.warning("translation returned " + results.size()); } ContentResult result = results.get(0); String addressL10ned = result.getL10nFormatted(); Criteria c2 = new AndCriteria(new TypeCriteria(UIAElement.class), new NameCriteria(addressL10ned), new LabelCriteria(addressL10ned)); script.append("var addressBar = root.element(-1," + c2.stringify().toString() + ");"); script.append("var addressBarSize = addressBar.rect();"); script.append("var delta = addressBarSize.origin.y +39;"); script.append("if (delta<20){delta=20;};"); script.append("var y = top+delta;"); } } else { Criteria wv = new TypeCriteria(UIAScrollView.class); script.append("var webview = root.element(-1," + wv.stringify().toString() + ");"); script.append("var size = webview.rect();"); script.append("var offsetY = size.origin.y;"); // UIAWebView.y script.append("var y = top+offsetY;"); //script.append("var y = top+64;"); } script.append("return new Array(parseInt(x), parseInt(y));"); Object response = ((JavascriptExecutor) nativeDriver).executeScript(String.valueOf(script)); int x = ((ArrayList<Long>) response).get(0).intValue(); int y = ((ArrayList<Long>) response).get(1).intValue(); return new Point(x, y); } private String getNativeElementClickOnIt() throws Exception { // web stuff. scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); Point location = getLocation(); String script = "UIATarget.localTarget().tap({'x':x_coord,'y':y_coord});"; script = script.replace("x_coord", String.valueOf(location.getX())).replace("y_coord", String.valueOf(location.getY())); return script; } private String getKeyboardTypeStringSegement(String value) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("keyboard.typeString('"); // got to love java... // first replacing a \ (backslash) with \\ (double backslash) // and then ' (single quote) with \' (backslash, single quote) script.append(value.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("'", "\\\\'")); script.append("');"); return script.toString(); } private String getReferenceToTapByXpath(XPath2Engine xPath2Engine, String xpath) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("UIAutomation.cache.get("); script.append((String) xPath2Engine.findElementByXpath(xpath).get("ELEMENT")); script.append(", false).tap();"); return script.toString(); } // TODO freynaud use keyboard.js bot.Keyboard.prototype.moveCursor = function(element) private String getNativeElementClickOnItAndTypeUsingKeyboardScript(String value) throws Exception { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("var keyboard = UIAutomation.cache.get('1').keyboard();"); Boolean keyboardResigned = false; StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(); XPath2Engine xpathEngine = null; for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { int idx = specialKeys.indexOf(value.charAt(i)); if (idx >= 0) { if (xpathEngine == null) { xpathEngine = XPath2Engine.getXpath2Engine(nativeDriver); } if (current.length() > 0) { script.append(getKeyboardTypeStringSegement(current.toString())); current = new StringBuilder(); } switch (idx) { case 0: // DELETE // TODO, i don't like this xpath... should find the key in a better way // (like keyboard.shift) script.append(getReferenceToTapByXpath(xpathEngine, "//UIAKeyboard/UIAKey[" + (nativeDriver.getCapabilities().getDevice() == DeviceType.ipad ? "11]" : "last()-3]"))); break; case 1: case 2: // ENTER / RETURN // TODO another smelly xpath. script.append(getReferenceToTapByXpath(xpathEngine, "//UIAKeyboard/UIAButton[" + (nativeDriver.getCapabilities().getDevice() == DeviceType.ipad ? "1]" : "2]"))); keyboardResigned = true; break; case 3: // SHIFT script.append("keyboard.shift();"); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Special key found in the list but not taken care of??"); } } else { current.append(value.charAt(i)); } } if (current.length() > 0) { script.append(getKeyboardTypeStringSegement(current.toString())); } if (!keyboardResigned) { script.append("keyboard.hide();"); } return script.toString(); } public void setValueNative(String value) throws Exception { String type = getAttribute("type"); if ("date".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { value = normalizeDateValue(value); setValueAtoms(value); return; } // iphone on telephone inputs only shows the keypad keyboard. if ("tel".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && nativeDriver.getCapabilities().getDevice() == DeviceType.iphone) { value = replaceLettersWithNumbersKeypad(value, (String) nativeDriver.getCapabilities().getCapability(IOSCapabilities.LOCALE)); } ((JavascriptExecutor) nativeDriver).executeScript(getNativeElementClickOnIt()); Thread.sleep(750); setCursorAtTheEnd(); ((JavascriptExecutor) nativeDriver) .executeScript(getNativeElementClickOnItAndTypeUsingKeyboardScript(value)); } // TODO actually handle more locales private String replaceLettersWithNumbersKeypad(String str, String locale) { if (locale.toLowerCase().startsWith("en")) { return str.replaceAll("[AaBbCc]", "2").replaceAll("[DdEeFf]", "3").replaceAll("[GgHhIi]", "4") .replaceAll("[JjKkLl]", "5").replaceAll("[MmNnOo]", "6").replaceAll("[PpQqRrSs]", "7") .replaceAll("[TtUuVv]", "8").replaceAll("[WwXxYyZz]", "9").replaceAll("-", ""); } return str.replaceAll("-", ""); } }