Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 ios-driver committers. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.uiautomation.ios.IOSCapabilities; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.UIADriver; import org.uiautomation.ios.UIAModels.UIARect; import org.uiautomation.ios.communication.WebDriverLikeCommand; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.DOMContext; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.ServerSideSession; import org.uiautomation.ios.webInspector.DOM.DOM; import org.uiautomation.ios.webInspector.DOM.RemoteObject; import org.uiautomation.ios.webInspector.DOM.RemoteObjectArray; import org.uiautomation.ios.webInspector.DOM.RemoteWebElement; public class WebInspector { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebInspector.class.getName()); private final ServerSideSession session; private final DebugProtocol protocol; public final UIADriver nativeDriver; private int width = -1; private static final Long defaultPageLoadTimeoutInMs = 30000L; public RemoteWebElement getDocument() throws Exception { DOMContext context = session.getContext().getDOMContext(); RemoteWebElement result = context.getDocument(); if (result == null) { result = retrieveDocumentAndCheckReady(); RemoteWebElement window = getMainWindow(); context.setCurrentFrame(null, result, window); } return result; } private RemoteWebElement retrieveDocumentAndCheckReady() { RemoteWebElement element; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try { element = retrieveDocument(); return element; } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Workaround in DOMContext, the given document is corrupted, nodeId "); } } // return element; } private RemoteWebElement retrieveDocument() throws Exception { JSONObject result = protocol.sendCommand(DOM.getDocument()); JSONObject root = result.getJSONObject("root"); RemoteWebElement rme = new RemoteWebElement(new NodeId(root.getInt("nodeId")), session); return rme; } public RemoteObject findPosition(RemoteObject el) throws Exception { String f = "(function(arg) { " + "var el = this;" + "var _x = 0; " + "var _y = 0;" + "while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) ) {" + " _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;" + " _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;" + " el = el.offsetParent;" + "};" + "var res = { top: _y, left: _x , width: this.offsetWidth , height: this.offsetHeight };" + "return res;" + "})"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); JSONArray args = new JSONArray(); args.put(new JSONObject().put("value", el.getId())); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", el.getId()).put("functionDeclaration", f) .put("arguments", args).put("returnByValue", false)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); return cast(response); } public WebInspector(UIADriver nativeDriver, String bundleId, ServerSideSession session) throws Exception { this.nativeDriver = nativeDriver; this.session = session; protocol = new DebugProtocol(session.getContext().getDOMContext(), bundleId, session); enablePageEvent(); } public DebugProtocol getProtocol() { return protocol; } public int getNativePageWidth() throws Exception { if (width == -1) { IOSCapabilities caps = nativeDriver.getCapabilities(); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) caps.getRawCapabilities().get("rect"); UIARect rect = new UIARect(json); width = rect.getWidth(); } return width; } public RemoteObject resolveNode(NodeId id) throws JSONException, Exception { JSONObject result = protocol.sendCommand(DOM.resolveNode(id)); try { JSONObject remoteObject = result.getJSONObject("object"); // RemoteObject res = new RemoteObject(remoteObject.getString("objectId"), // session); // return res; return null; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("WebInspector.resolveNode() " + result.toString(2)); return null; } } public void highlightNode(NodeId id) throws JSONException, Exception { JSONObject result = protocol.sendCommand(DOM.highlightNode(id)); } public Iterable<RemoteObject> getAllIFrames() throws JSONException, Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", "document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');") .put("returnByValue", false)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); return cast(response); } public int getInnerWidth() throws JSONException, Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", "document.body.clientWidth;")); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); return (Integer) cast(response); } public RemoteWebElement getMainWindow() throws JSONException, Exception { /*JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", "window;")); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); RemoteObject ro = cast(response); if (ro == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("cannot find window"); } else { return ro.getWebElement(); }*/ return new RemoteWebElement(new NodeId(0), session); } // TODO freynaud fix the element swapping. public Object executeScript(String script, JSONArray args) throws Exception { RemoteWebElement document = getDocument(); RemoteWebElement window = session.getContext().getDOMContext().getWindow(); JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); JSONArray arguments = new JSONArray(); int nbParam = args.length(); for (int i = 0; i < nbParam; i++) { Object arg = args.get(i); if (arg instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject jsonArg = (JSONObject) arg; if (jsonArg.optInt("ELEMENT") > 0) { RemoteWebElement rwep = new RemoteWebElement(new NodeId(jsonArg.optInt("ELEMENT")), session); arguments.put(new JSONObject().put("objectId", rwep.getRemoteObject().getId())); } } else if (arg instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray jsonArr = (JSONArray) arg; // maybe by executing some JS returning the array, and using that result // as a param ? throw new WebDriverException("no support argument = array."); } else { arguments.put(new JSONObject().put("value", arg)); } } if (!session.getContext().getDOMContext().isOnMainFrame()) { arguments.put(new JSONObject().put("objectId", document.getRemoteObject().getId())); arguments.put(new JSONObject().put("objectId", window.getRemoteObject().getId())); script = script.replace(" document", " arguments[" + nbParam + "]"); script = script.replace(" window", " arguments[" + (nbParam + 1) + "]"); } cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", document.getRemoteObject().getId()) .put("functionDeclaration", "(function() { " + script + "})").put("arguments", arguments) .put("returnByValue", false)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); checkForJSErrors(response); Object o = cast(response); return o; } public Dimension getSize() throws Exception { String f = "(function(element) { var result = " + Atoms.getSize() + "();" + "var res = " + Atoms.stringify() + "(result);" + "return res; })"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", getDocument().getRemoteObject().getId()) .put("functionDeclaration", f).put("returnByValue", false)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); String s = cast(response); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(s); Dimension dim = new Dimension(o.getInt("width"), o.getInt("height")); return dim; } private void checkForJSErrors(JSONObject response) throws Exception { // {"result":{"description":"TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'arguments[0][0].tagName')","objectId":"{\"injectedScriptId\":2,\"id\":7}","className":"Error","type":"object"},"wasThrown":true} if (response.optBoolean("wasThrown")) { JSONObject details = response.getJSONObject("result"); String desc = details.optString("description"); throw new WebDriverException("JS error :" + desc); } } public void stop() { protocol.stop(); } public String getPageTitle() throws Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", "document.title;").put("returnByValue", true)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); return cast(response); } public RemoteWebElement findElementByXpath(String xpath) throws Exception { String f = "var f=" + Atoms.findByXpath() + ";f('" + xpath + "',document);"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); JSONArray args = new JSONArray(); args.put(new JSONObject().put("value", xpath)); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", f).put("returnByValue", false)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); RemoteObject ro = cast(response); return ro.getWebElement(); } public String getPageURL() throws Exception { RemoteWebElement document = getDocument(); String f = "(function(arg) { var url=this.URL;return url;})"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); JSONArray args = new JSONArray(); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", document.getRemoteObject().getId()) .put("functionDeclaration", f).put("arguments", args).put("returnByValue", true)); JSONObject response = getProtocol().sendCommand(cmd); return cast(response); } public void get(String url) throws Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Page.navigate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("url", url)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); } public void enablePageEvent() throws Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Page.enable"); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); } public <T> T cast(JSONObject response) throws Exception { JSONObject body = response.has("result") ? response.getJSONObject("result") : response.getJSONObject("object"); if (body == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsting " + response); } return cast_(body); } private <T> T cast_(JSONObject body) throws Exception { List<String> primitives = new ArrayList<String>(); primitives.add("boolean"); primitives.add("number"); primitives.add("string"); String type = body.getString("type"); // handle null return if ("undefined".equals(type)) { return (T) null; } // handle primitive types. if (primitives.contains(type)) { // primitive type. Object value = body.get("value"); return (T) value; } // handle objects if ("object".equals(type)) { if (body.has("value") && body.isNull("value")) { return (T) null; } if ("array".equals(body.optString("subtype"))) { RemoteObject array = new RemoteObject(body.getString("objectId"), session); RemoteObjectArray a = new RemoteObjectArray(array); ArrayList<Object> res = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object ro : a) { res.add(ro); } return (T) res; } if (body.has("objectId")) { if ("node".equals(body.optString("subtype")) || "Window".equals(body.optString("className"))) { return (T) new RemoteObject(body.getString("objectId"), session); } else { RemoteObject ro = new RemoteObject(body.getString("objectId"), session); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(ro.stringify()); return (T) o; } } return (T) new RemoteObject(body.getString("objectId"), session); } throw new RuntimeException("NI " + body); } public void waitForPageToLoad() { long timeout = (Long) session.configure(WebDriverLikeCommand.URL).opt("page load", defaultPageLoadTimeoutInMs); if (timeout < 0) { timeout = defaultPageLoadTimeoutInMs; } session.getContext().getDOMContext().waitForPageToLoad(timeout); } public void back() throws Exception { RemoteWebElement document = getDocument(); String f = "(function(arg) { var f=" + Atoms.back() + "(arg);})"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); JSONArray args = new JSONArray(); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", document.getRemoteObject().getId()) .put("functionDeclaration", f).put("arguments", args).put("returnByValue", true)); JSONObject response = getProtocol().sendCommand(cmd); cast(response); } public void refresh() throws Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Page.reload"); JSONObject response = getProtocol().sendCommand(cmd); } public void forward() throws Exception { RemoteWebElement document = getDocument(); String f = "(function(arg) { var f=" + Atoms.forward() + "(arg);})"; JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.callFunctionOn"); JSONArray args = new JSONArray(); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("objectId", document.getRemoteObject().getId()) .put("functionDeclaration", f).put("arguments", args).put("returnByValue", true)); JSONObject response = getProtocol().sendCommand(cmd); cast(response); } public String getHTMLSource() throws Exception { JSONObject cmd = new JSONObject(); cmd.put("method", "Runtime.evaluate"); cmd.put("params", new JSONObject().put("expression", "document.documentElement.outerHTML;") .put("returnByValue", true)); JSONObject response = protocol.sendCommand(cmd); return cast(response); } }