Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 ios-driver committers. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.remoteWebkitProtocol; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.uiautomation.ios.context.BaseWebInspector; import org.uiautomation.ios.context.WebInspector; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.EventListener; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.ResponseFinder; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.SimulatorProtocolImpl; import; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.ApplicationConnectedMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.ApplicationDataMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.ApplicationSentListingMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.IOSMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.ReportConnectedApplicationsMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.ReportSetupMessage; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.WebkitApplication; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.WebkitDevice; import org.uiautomation.ios.mobileSafari.message.WebkitPage; import org.uiautomation.ios.server.ServerSideSession; import org.uiautomation.ios.webInspector.DOM.Page; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class SimulatorSession { private SimulatorProtocolImpl simulatorProtocol; private WebkitDevice device; private List<WebkitApplication> applications; private List<WebkitPage> pages = new ArrayList<WebkitPage>(); private String bundleId; private Lock simLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Condition simRegistered = simLock.newCondition(); private Condition simSentApps = simLock.newCondition(); private Condition simSentPages = simLock.newCondition(); private final List<WebInspector> created = new ArrayList<WebInspector>(); private final String connectionKey; public SimulatorSession(ResponseFinder... finders) { connectionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); simulatorProtocol = new SimulatorProtocolImpl(new DefaultMessageListener(this), finders); simulatorProtocol.sendSetConnectionKey(connectionKey); waitForSimToRegister(); waitForSimToSendApps(); } public void stop() { simulatorProtocol.stop(); } public void connect(String bundleId) { List<WebkitApplication> knownApps = getApplications(); for (WebkitApplication app : knownApps) { if (bundleId.equals(app.getBundleId())) { this.bundleId = bundleId; simulatorProtocol.sendConnectToApplication(connectionKey, bundleId); waitForSimToSendPages(); return; } } throw new WebDriverException(bundleId + " not in the list " + knownApps + ".Either it's not started, or it has no webview to connect to."); } private void waitForSimToSendPages() { try { simLock.lock(); if (pages != null && pages.size() > 0) { return; } simSentPages.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WebDriverException("InterruptedException before getting the pages."); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } public boolean isConnected() { return !applications.isEmpty(); } private void waitForSimToRegister() { try { simLock.lock(); if (device != null) { return; } simRegistered.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WebDriverException("InterruptedException while waiting for the simulator to respond."); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } void signalSimSentPages() { try { simLock.lock(); simSentPages.signal(); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } void signalSimRegistered() { try { simLock.lock(); simRegistered.signal(); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } private void waitForSimToSendApps() { try { simLock.lock(); if (applications != null) { return; } simSentApps.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WebDriverException("InterruptedException while waiting for the simulator to send its apps."); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } void signalSimSentApps() { try { simLock.lock(); simSentApps.signal(); } finally { simLock.unlock(); } } public synchronized void setDevice(WebkitDevice device) { this.device = device; } public synchronized WebkitDevice getDevice() { return device; } public synchronized void setApplications(List<WebkitApplication> applications) { this.applications = applications; } // TODO freynaud return a copy. public synchronized List<WebkitApplication> getApplications() { return applications; } public void setPages(List<WebkitPage> pages) { this.pages = pages; } public List<WebkitPage> getPages() { return pages; } public BaseWebInspector connect(WebkitPage webkitPage, ServerSideSession session) { for (WebkitPage page : getPages()) { if (page.equals(webkitPage)) { WebInspector inspector = new WebInspector(null, webkitPage.getPageId(), simulatorProtocol, bundleId, connectionKey, session); // TODO move to webinspector simulatorProtocol.sendSetConnectionKey(connectionKey); simulatorProtocol.sendConnectToApplication(connectionKey, bundleId); simulatorProtocol.sendSenderKey(connectionKey, bundleId, inspector.getSenderKey(), "" + page.getPageId()); inspector.sendCommand(Page.enablePageEvent()); boolean ok = created.add(inspector); if (ok) { simulatorProtocol.addListener(inspector); } return inspector; } } throw new WebDriverException("Cannot connect to page " + webkitPage + ".Cannot find it."); } } class DefaultMessageListener implements MessageListener, EventListener { private final SimulatorSession simulator; public DefaultMessageListener(SimulatorSession simulator) { this.simulator = simulator; } @Override public void onMessage(IOSMessage message) { if (message instanceof ReportSetupMessage) { ReportSetupMessage m = (ReportSetupMessage) message; simulator.setDevice(m.getDevice()); simulator.signalSimRegistered(); } if (message instanceof ReportConnectedApplicationsMessage) { ReportConnectedApplicationsMessage m = (ReportConnectedApplicationsMessage) message; simulator.setApplications(m.getApplications()); simulator.signalSimSentApps(); } if (message instanceof ApplicationSentListingMessage) { ApplicationSentListingMessage m = (ApplicationSentListingMessage) message; simulator.setPages(m.getPages()); simulator.signalSimSentPages(); // } if (message instanceof ApplicationDataMessage) { //System.out.println(message); } if (message instanceof ApplicationConnectedMessage) { ApplicationConnectedMessage m = (ApplicationConnectedMessage) message; List<WebkitApplication> apps = new ArrayList<WebkitApplication>(); apps.add(m.getApplication()); simulator.setApplications(apps); simulator.signalSimSentApps(); } //System.err.println(message); } @Override public void onPageLoad() { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public void domHasChanged(Event event) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public void frameDied(JSONObject message) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public void setWindowHandles(List<WebkitPage> handles) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } }