Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.uberfire.client.workbench.widgets.dnd; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragContext; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.VetoDragException; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.drop.DropController; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.CoordinateArea; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.CoordinateLocation; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.Location; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.WidgetArea; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.uberfire.client.resources.WorkbenchResources; import org.uberfire.workbench.model.Position; /** * A pop-up "compass" widget that appears centralised on it's parent Drop Target * and permits drop events on the compass points. */ public class CompassWidget extends PopupPanel implements DropController { private static CompassWidget instance; private static Element dropTargetHighlight; private final Image northWidget = new Image(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.images().compassNorth()); private final Image southWidget = new Image(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.images().compassSouth()); private final Image eastWidget = new Image(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.images().compassEast()); private final Image westWidget = new Image(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.images().compassWest()); private final Image centreWidget = new Image(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.images().compassCentre()); private final FlexTable container = new FlexTable(); private Position dropTargetPosition = Position.NONE; public static CompassWidget getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new CompassWidget(); } return instance; } private CompassWidget() { super(); this.setStyleName(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.CSS().dropTargetCompass()); this.container.setCellPadding(0); this.container.setCellSpacing(0); //Setup drop indicator if (dropTargetHighlight == null) { dropTargetHighlight = Document.get().createDivElement(); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setPosition(Style.Position.ABSOLUTE); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); dropTargetHighlight.setClassName(WorkbenchResources.INSTANCE.CSS().dropTargetHighlight()); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setMargin(0, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setPadding(0, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setBorderWidth(0, Unit.PX); Document.get().getBody().appendChild(dropTargetHighlight); } //Setup Compass images northWidget.getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(0.75); southWidget.getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(0.75); eastWidget.getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(0.75); westWidget.getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(0.75); container.setWidget(0, 1, northWidget); container.setWidget(1, 0, westWidget); container.setWidget(1, 1, centreWidget); container.setWidget(1, 2, eastWidget); container.setWidget(2, 1, southWidget); setWidget(container); } @Override public void onEnter(DragContext context) { show(context); } @Override public void onLeave(DragContext context) { hide(); } @Override public void onMove(DragContext context) { final Location l = new CoordinateLocation(context.mouseX, context.mouseY); final WidgetArea northWidgetArea = new WidgetArea(northWidget, null); final WidgetArea southWidgetArea = new WidgetArea(southWidget, null); final WidgetArea eastWidgetArea = new WidgetArea(eastWidget, null); final WidgetArea westWidgetArea = new WidgetArea(westWidget, null); final WidgetArea centreWidgetArea = new WidgetArea(centreWidget, null); Position p = Position.NONE; if (northWidgetArea.intersects(l)) { p = Position.NORTH; } else if (southWidgetArea.intersects(l)) { p = Position.SOUTH; } else if (eastWidgetArea.intersects(l)) { p = Position.EAST; } else if (westWidgetArea.intersects(l)) { p = Position.WEST; } else if (centreWidgetArea.intersects(l)) { p = Position.SELF; } if (p != dropTargetPosition) { dropTargetPosition = p; showDropTarget(context, p); } } public Position getDropPosition() { return this.dropTargetPosition; } @Override public Widget getDropTarget() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void onDrop(DragContext context) { this.dropTargetPosition = Position.NONE; hideDropTarget(); } @Override public void onPreviewDrop(DragContext context) throws VetoDragException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private void show(final DragContext context) { //Get centre of DropTarget final Widget dropTargetParent = context.dropController.getDropTarget(); int cxmin = dropTargetParent.getElement().getAbsoluteLeft(); int cymin = dropTargetParent.getElement().getAbsoluteTop(); int cxmax = dropTargetParent.getElement().getAbsoluteRight(); int cymax = dropTargetParent.getElement().getAbsoluteBottom(); final CoordinateArea ca = new CoordinateArea(cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax); //Display Compass if not already visible if (!isAttached()) { setPopupPositionAndShow(new PositionCallback() { @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { setPopupPosition(ca.getCenter().getLeft() - (offsetWidth / 2), ca.getCenter().getTop() - (offsetHeight / 2)); } }); } else { setPopupPosition(ca.getCenter().getLeft() - (getOffsetWidth() / 2), ca.getCenter().getTop() - (getOffsetHeight() / 2)); } } private void showDropTarget(final DragContext context, final Position p) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; final Widget dropTargetParent = context.dropController.getDropTarget(); switch (p) { case SELF: x = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteTop(); width = dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth(); height = dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight(); showDropTarget(x, y, width, height); break; case NORTH: x = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteTop(); width = dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth(); height = (int) (dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight() * 0.50); showDropTarget(x, y, width, height); break; case SOUTH: x = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteLeft(); height = (int) (dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight() * 0.50); y = dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight() + dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteTop() - height; width = dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth(); showDropTarget(x, y, width, height); break; case EAST: width = (int) (dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth() * 0.50); x = dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth() + dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteLeft() - width; y = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteTop(); height = dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight(); showDropTarget(x, y, width, height); break; case WEST: x = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = dropTargetParent.getAbsoluteTop(); width = (int) (dropTargetParent.getOffsetWidth() * 0.50); height = dropTargetParent.getOffsetHeight(); showDropTarget(x, y, width, height); break; default: hideDropTarget(); } } private void showDropTarget(int x, int y, int width, int height) { dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setLeft(x, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setWidth(width, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setTop(y, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setHeight(height, Unit.PX); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.VISIBLE); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.BLOCK); } private void hideDropTarget() { dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); dropTargetHighlight.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); dropTargetPosition = Position.NONE; } }