Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 - Tyl Consulting s.a.s. * * Authors: Edoardo Vacchi * Contributors: Marco Pancotti, Daniele Zonca * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import org.tylproject.vaadin.addon.datanav.DataNavigation; import org.tylproject.vaadin.addon.fieldbinder.FieldBinder; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * A window that wraps a {@link SearchForm} */ public class SearchWindow extends Window implements SearchDialog { final SearchForm searchForm; final Map<Object, SearchPattern> propertyIdToPatterns = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final VerticalLayout rootLayout = new VerticalLayout(); final Label spacer = new Label(); final Button btnApply = new Button("Apply"); final Button btnClear = new Button("Clear"); final Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); final HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(spacer, btnApply, btnClear, btnCancel); public SearchWindow(final SearchForm searchForm) { this.searchForm = searchForm; searchForm.setSizeUndefined(); this.setContent(rootLayout); setClosable(false); setModal(true); setDraggable(false); setResizable(false); rootLayout.setMargin(true); btnApply.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); buttonLayout.addStyleName(ValoTheme.WINDOW_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR); buttonLayout.setSizeFull(); buttonLayout.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1f); rootLayout.addComponents(searchForm, buttonLayout); btnApply.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { apply(); } }); btnClear.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { clear(); } }); btnCancel.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { cancel(); } }); } public SearchWindow(FieldBinder<?> fieldBinder) { this(new SearchForm(fieldBinder)); callFindEventOnWindowClosed(fieldBinder.getNavigation()); } private DataNavigation closeListenerNavigation; private Window.CloseListener closeListener; /** * Set to automatically invoke navigation.find() when the apply() button is clicked */ public SearchWindow callFindEventOnWindowClosed(final DataNavigation navigation) { // if same as previous, prevent enqueueing twice if (closeListenerNavigation == navigation) return this; // if not the first time, remove old listener if (closeListenerNavigation != null) { this.removeCloseListener(this.closeListener); } this.closeListenerNavigation = navigation; this.closeListener = new Window.CloseListener() { @Override public void windowClose(Window.CloseEvent e) { navigation.find(); } }; this.addCloseListener(closeListener); return this; } public SearchForm getSearchForm() { return searchForm; } @Override public void show() { restorePatternsIntoFields(); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(this); } @Override public void cancel() { restorePatternsIntoFields(); close(); } private void restorePatternsIntoFields() { for (Map.Entry<Object, SearchPatternField<?, ?>> e : searchForm.getSearchFieldManager() .getPropertyIdToSearchPatternField().entrySet()) { final SearchPattern searchPattern = propertyIdToPatterns.get(e.getKey()); if (searchPattern == null) { e.getValue().setValue(null); } else { SearchPatternField spf = e.getValue(); spf.setValue(searchPattern.getObjectPattern()); } } } @Override public void apply() { backupPatternsFromFields(); close(); } private void backupPatternsFromFields() { propertyIdToPatterns.clear(); for (Map.Entry<Object, SearchPatternField<?, ?>> e : searchForm.getSearchFieldManager() .getPropertyIdToSearchPatternField().entrySet()) { propertyIdToPatterns.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getPatternFromValue()); } } @Override public void clear() { getSearchForm().getSearchFieldManager().clear(); } @Override public Collection<SearchPattern> getSearchPatterns() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getSearchForm().getPatternsFromValues().values()); } private static final Method SEARCH_WINDOW_APPLY_METHOD; static { try { SEARCH_WINDOW_APPLY_METHOD = ApplyListener.class.getDeclaredMethod("searchWindowApply", new Class[] { ApplyEvent.class }); } catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { // This should never happen throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Internal error, window close method not found"); } } protected void fireApply() { fireEvent(new SearchWindow.ApplyEvent(this)); } public static class ApplyEvent extends Component.Event { /** * * @param source */ public ApplyEvent(Component source) { super(source); } /** * Gets the Window. * * @return the window. */ public SearchWindow getSearchWindow() { return (SearchWindow) getSource(); } } /** * */ public interface ApplyListener extends Serializable { /** * */ public void searchWindowApply(ApplyEvent e); } /** * Adds a CloseListener to the window. */ public void addApplyListener(ApplyListener listener) { addListener(ApplyEvent.class, listener, SEARCH_WINDOW_APPLY_METHOD); } /** * Removes the CloseListener from the window. * * <p> * For more information on CloseListeners see {@link CloseListener}. * </p> * * @param listener * the CloseListener to remove. */ public void removeApplyListener(ApplyListener listener) { removeListener(ApplyEvent.class, listener, SEARCH_WINDOW_APPLY_METHOD); } }