Java tutorial
/* This file is part of "it's electric": software for storing and viewing home energy monitoring data Copyright (C) 2009--2012 Robert R. Tupelo-Schneck <> "it's electric" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. "it's electric" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with "it's electric", as legal/COPYING-agpl.txt. If not, see <>. */ package org.tupelo_schneck.electric; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.tupelo_schneck.electric.current_cost.CurrentCostImporter; import; public class Options extends org.apache.commons.cli.Options { private static final String ITS_ELECTRIC_PROPERTIES = ""; Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Options.class); public static final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; static { System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime", "true"); // The following allows you can access an https URL without having the certificate in the truststore TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { @Override public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } @Override public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } } }; // Install the all-trusting trust manager try { SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() { @Override public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }); } catch (Exception e) { } } public String dbFilename = null; public String gatewayURL = "http://TED5000"; public String username = null; public String password = null; public String serverLogFilename; public byte mtus = 1; public int importOverlap = 8; public int importInterval = 4; // seconds public int longImportInterval = 5 * 60; public int numDataPoints = 1000; public int maxDataPoints = 5000; public int port = 8081; public boolean voltage = false; public long voltAmpereImportIntervalMS = 0; public int kvaThreads = 0; public boolean tedOptions; public boolean record = true; public boolean serve = true; public boolean ccOptions; public String ccPortName; public int ccMaxSensor = 0; public boolean ccSumClamps = true; public int ccNumberOfClamps = 3; public TimeZone recordTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); public TimeZone serveTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); public boolean export = false; public int startTime; public int endTime; public int resolution; public boolean exportByMTU = true; public int deleteUntil; @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Options() { Option optionFile = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("config-file") .withDescription("file to read config options from").hasArg().withArgName("arg").create(); this.addOption(optionFile); Option noServeOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("no-serve") .withDescription("if present, do not serve Google Visualization data").hasOptionalArg() .withArgName(null).create(); this.addOption(noServeOpt); Option noRecordOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("no-record") .withDescription("if present, do not record data from TED").hasOptionalArg().withArgName(null) .create(); this.addOption(noRecordOpt); Option exportOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("export").withDescription( "export CSV for existing data from <start> to <end> of resolution <res>; implies --no-serve --no-record") .hasArgs(3).withArgName("start> <end> <res").withValueSeparator(' ').create(); this.addOption(exportOpt); Option exportStyleOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("export-style").withDescription( "if 'timestamp', export data is one line per timestamp; otherwise one line per timestamp/mtu pair") .hasArg().create(); this.addOption(exportStyleOpt); this.addOption("d", "database-directory", true, "database directory (required)"); this.addOption("p", "port", true, "port served by datasource server (\"none\" same as --no-serve; default 8081)"); this.addOption("m", "mtus", true, "number of MTUs (default 1)"); this.addOption("g", "gateway-url", true, "URL of TED 5000 gateway (\"none\" same as --no-record; default http://TED5000)"); this.addOption("u", "username", true, "username for password-protected TED gateway (will prompt for password; default none)"); this.addOption("n", "num-points", true, "target number of data points returned over the zoom region (default 1000)"); this.addOption("x", "max-points", true, "number of data points beyond which server will not go (default 5000)"); this.addOption("l", "server-log", true, "server request log filename; include string \"yyyy_mm_dd\" for automatic rollover; or use \"stderr\" (default no log)"); this.addOption("i", "import-interval", true, "seconds between imports of data, or 0 for only hour-long imports (default 4)"); this.addOption("o", "import-overlap", true, "extra seconds imported each time for good measure (default 8)"); this.addOption("e", "long-import-interval", true, "seconds between imports of whole hours, or 0 for only short imports (default 300)"); Option voltageOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("voltage") .withDescription("whether to include voltage data (default no)").hasOptionalArg().withArgName(null) .create("v"); this.addOption(voltageOpt); Option kvaOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("volt-ampere-import-interval") .withDescription( "seconds between polls for kVA data (accepts decimal values; default 0 means no kVA data)") .withArgName(null) // save space in help text .hasArg().create("k"); this.addOption(kvaOpt); Option kvaThreadsOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("volt-ampere-threads") .withDescription("number of threads for polling kVA (default 0 means share short import thread)") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(kvaThreadsOpt); Option timeZoneOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("record-time-zone").withDescription( "time zone for TED Gateway as ISO8601 offset or tz/zoneinfo name (default use time zone of its-electric install)") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(timeZoneOpt); timeZoneOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("serve-time-zone").withDescription( "time zone for data service output as ISO8601 offset or tz/zoneinfo name (default use time zone of its-electric install)") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(timeZoneOpt); timeZoneOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("time-zone") .withDescription("convenience parameter combining serve-time-zone and record-time-zone") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(timeZoneOpt); timeZoneOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("ted-no-dst") .withDescription( "convenience parameter; if set, record-time-zone is set to serve-time-zone with no DST") .hasOptionalArg().withArgName(null).create(); this.addOption(timeZoneOpt); Option deleteUntilOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("delete-until") .withDescription( "if present, delete all entries in database up to this time; confirmation required") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(deleteUntilOpt); Option ccListSerialPortsOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cc-list-serial-ports") .withDescription("Current Cost: list all serial ports and exit").create(); this.addOption(ccListSerialPortsOpt); Option ccPortNameOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cc-port-name") .withDescription("Current Cost: port name; required for Current Cost use").withArgName("arg") .hasArg().create(); this.addOption(ccPortNameOpt); Option ccMaxSensorOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cc-max-sensor") .withDescription("Current Cost: highest sensor number recorded (default 0)").withArgName("arg") .hasArg().create(); this.addOption(ccMaxSensorOpt); Option ccSeparateClampsOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cc-separate-clamps") .withDescription("Current Cost: if present, have separate readings for each clamp").hasOptionalArg() .withArgName(null).create(); this.addOption(ccSeparateClampsOpt); Option ccNumClampsOpt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cc-num-clamps").withDescription( "Current Cost: if cc-separate-clamps, how many clamps to record for each sensor (default 3)") .withArgName("arg").hasArg().create(); this.addOption(ccNumClampsOpt); this.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this help text"); } private boolean optionalBoolean(OptionWrapper cmd, String long_param, String short_param, boolean defaultVal) { String val = cmd.getOptionValue(long_param, short_param); if (val == null) return !defaultVal; else { val = val.toLowerCase(); if ("yes".equals(val) || "true".equals(val)) { return true; } if ("no".equals(val) || "false".equals(val)) { return false; } throw new NumberFormatException("expecting true/false or yes/no for " + val); } } private static class FileConfig { Properties props = new Properties(); FileConfig(String fileName) throws IOException { props.load(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), "UTF-8"))); } boolean hasOption(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { longOpt = (longOpt == null ? "" : longOpt); shortOpt = (shortOpt == null ? "" : shortOpt); return props.containsKey(longOpt) || props.containsKey(shortOpt); } String getOptionValue(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { if (!hasOption(longOpt, shortOpt)) return null; longOpt = (longOpt == null ? "" : longOpt); shortOpt = (shortOpt == null ? "" : shortOpt); String optionValue = null; optionValue = props.getProperty(longOpt); if (optionValue != null && !optionValue.equals("")) return optionValue.trim(); optionValue = props.getProperty(shortOpt); if (optionValue != null && !optionValue.equals("")) return optionValue.trim(); return null; } } private class OptionWrapper { private final CommandLine cmd; private final FileConfig config; OptionWrapper(CommandLine cmd, FileConfig config) { this.cmd = cmd; this.config = config; } private boolean cmdHasOption(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { return (cmd.hasOption(longOpt) || cmd.hasOption(shortOpt)); } private boolean configHasOption(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { return ((config != null) ? config.hasOption(longOpt, shortOpt) : false); } boolean hasOption(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { longOpt = (longOpt == null ? "" : longOpt); shortOpt = (shortOpt == null ? "" : shortOpt); return cmdHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt) || configHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt); } String getOptionValue(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { String optionValue = null; longOpt = (longOpt == null ? "" : longOpt); shortOpt = (shortOpt == null ? "" : shortOpt); Option option = !longOpt.equals("") ? Options.this.getOption(longOpt) : Options.this.getOption(shortOpt); if (cmdHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt)) { optionValue = cmd.getOptionValue(longOpt); if (optionValue == null) optionValue = cmd.getOptionValue(shortOpt); } else if (configHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt)) { optionValue = config.getOptionValue(longOpt, shortOpt); if (optionValue == null && option.hasArg() && !option.hasOptionalArg()) { throw new NumberFormatException(longOpt + "/" + shortOpt + " requires mandatory argument"); } if (optionValue != null && !option.hasArg() && !option.hasOptionalArg()) { throw new NumberFormatException(longOpt + "/" + shortOpt + " does not have argument"); } } return optionValue; } String[] getOptionValues(String longOpt, String shortOpt) { String[] optionValues = null; longOpt = (longOpt == null ? "" : longOpt); shortOpt = (shortOpt == null ? "" : shortOpt); Option option = !longOpt.equals("") ? Options.this.getOption(longOpt) : Options.this.getOption(shortOpt); if (cmdHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt)) { optionValues = cmd.getOptionValues(longOpt); if (optionValues == null) optionValues = cmd.getOptionValues(shortOpt); } else if (configHasOption(longOpt, shortOpt)) { String optionValue = config.getOptionValue(longOpt, shortOpt); if (optionValue == null && (option.hasArgs() || option.hasArg())) { throw new NumberFormatException(longOpt + "/" + shortOpt + " requires mandatory argument"); } if (optionValue != null && !option.hasArgs() && !option.hasOptionalArg() && !option.hasArg()) { throw new NumberFormatException(longOpt + "/" + shortOpt + " does require an argument"); } if (optionValue != null) { char argSeparator = option.getValueSeparator(); String argSeparatorRegex; if (argSeparator == ' ') argSeparatorRegex = "\\s++"; else argSeparatorRegex = Pattern.quote(String.valueOf(argSeparator)); optionValues = optionValue.split(argSeparatorRegex); } if (option.hasArgs() && (optionValues == null || optionValues.length != option.getArgs())) { throw new NumberFormatException( longOpt + "/" + shortOpt + " requires " + option.getArgs() + " mandatory arguments"); } } return optionValues; } } /** Returns true if program should continue */ public boolean parseOptions(String[] args) throws IOException { // create the parser CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; FileConfig config = null; OptionWrapper options = null; boolean showUsageAndExit = false; boolean listSerialPortsAndExit = false; boolean hasDbFilename = true; try { // parse the command line arguments cmd = parser.parse(this, args); } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); showUsageAndExit = true; } if (cmd == null) { showUsageAndExit = true; } else { try { if (cmd.hasOption("config-file")) { String optionFileName = cmd.getOptionValue("config-file"); try { config = new FileConfig(optionFileName); } catch (IOException exp) { System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); showUsageAndExit = true; } } options = new OptionWrapper(cmd, config); hasDbFilename = true; if (options.hasOption("database-directory", "d")) { dbFilename = options.getOptionValue("database-directory", "d"); } else if (cmd.getArgs().length == 1) { dbFilename = cmd.getArgs()[0]; } else { hasDbFilename = false; } if (config == null && hasDbFilename) { File defaultConfigFile = new File(dbFilename, ITS_ELECTRIC_PROPERTIES); if (defaultConfigFile.exists()) { try { config = new FileConfig(defaultConfigFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException exp) { System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); showUsageAndExit = true; } options = new OptionWrapper(cmd, config); } } if (options.hasOption("no-serve", null)) { serve = !optionalBoolean(options, "no-serve", null, false); } if (options.hasOption("no-record", null)) { record = !optionalBoolean(options, "no-record", null, false); } boolean recordChanged = false; boolean serveChanged = false; if (options.hasOption("time-zone", null)) { String input = options.getOptionValue("time-zone", null); input = convertISO8601TimeZone(input); recordTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(input); serveTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(input); recordChanged = true; serveChanged = true; } if (options.hasOption("serve-time-zone", null)) { String input = options.getOptionValue("serve-time-zone", null); input = convertISO8601TimeZone(input); serveTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(input); serveChanged = true; } if (options.hasOption("ted-no-dst", null)) { if (optionalBoolean(options, "ted-no-dst", null, false)) { int offset = serveTimeZone.getRawOffset(); boolean negative = offset < 0; if (negative) offset = -offset; int hours = offset / 3600000; offset = offset - 3600000 * hours; int minutes = offset / 60000; String input = "GMT" + (negative ? "-" : "+") + (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes; recordTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(input); recordChanged = true; } } if (options.hasOption("record-time-zone", null)) { String input = options.getOptionValue("record-time-zone", null); input = convertISO8601TimeZone(input); recordTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(input); recordChanged = true; } if (recordChanged)"Record Time Zone: " + TimeZone.getCanonicalID(recordTimeZone.getID()) + ", " + recordTimeZone.getDisplayName()); if (serveChanged)"Serve Time Zone: " + TimeZone.getCanonicalID(serveTimeZone.getID()) + ", " + serveTimeZone.getDisplayName()); if (options.hasOption("export", null)) { serve = false; record = false; export = true; String[] vals = options.getOptionValues("export", null); startTime = Util.timestampFromUserInput(vals[0], false, serveTimeZone); endTime = Util.timestampFromUserInput(vals[1], true, serveTimeZone); resolution = Integer.parseInt(vals[2]); } if (options.hasOption("export-style", null)) { exportByMTU = !options.getOptionValue("export-style", null).trim().toLowerCase() .equals("timestamp"); } if (options.hasOption("delete-until", null)) { deleteUntil = Util.timestampFromUserInput(options.getOptionValue("delete-until", null), false, serveTimeZone); } if (options.hasOption("port", "p")) { String val = options.getOptionValue("port", "p"); if (val.equals("none")) { serve = false; } else { port = Integer.parseInt(val); if (port <= 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } } if (options.hasOption("gateway-url", "g")) { tedOptions = true; gatewayURL = options.getOptionValue("gateway-url", "g"); if (gatewayURL.equals("none")) record = false; } if (options.hasOption("mtus", "m")) { tedOptions = true; mtus = Byte.parseByte(options.getOptionValue("mtus", "m")); if (mtus <= 0 || mtus > 4) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("username", "u")) { tedOptions = true; username = options.getOptionValue("username", "u"); } if (options.hasOption("num-points", "n")) { numDataPoints = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("num-points", "n")); if (numDataPoints <= 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("max-points", "x")) { maxDataPoints = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("max-points", "x")); if (maxDataPoints <= 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("import-interval", "i")) { tedOptions = true; importInterval = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("import-interval", "i")); if (importInterval < 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("import-overlap", "o")) { tedOptions = true; importOverlap = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("import-overlap", "o")); if (importOverlap < 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("long-import-interval", "e")) { tedOptions = true; longImportInterval = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("long-import-interval", "e")); if (longImportInterval < 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("server-log", "l")) { serverLogFilename = options.getOptionValue("server-log", "l"); } if (options.hasOption("voltage", "v")) { tedOptions = true; voltage = optionalBoolean(options, "voltage", "v", false); } if (options.hasOption("volt-ampere-import-interval", "k")) { tedOptions = true; double value = Double.parseDouble(options.getOptionValue("volt-ampere-import-interval", "k")); voltAmpereImportIntervalMS = (long) (1000 * value); if (voltAmpereImportIntervalMS < 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("volt-ampere-threads", null)) { tedOptions = true; kvaThreads = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("volt-ampere-threads", null)); if (kvaThreads < 0) showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("cc-port-name", null)) { ccOptions = true; ccPortName = options.getOptionValue("cc-port-name", null); } if (options.hasOption("cc-max-sensor", null)) { ccOptions = true; ccMaxSensor = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("cc-max-sensor", null)); } if (options.hasOption("cc-separate-clamps", null)) { ccOptions = true; ccSumClamps = !optionalBoolean(options, "cc-separate-clamps", null, false); } if (options.hasOption("cc-num-clamps", null)) { ccOptions = true; ccNumberOfClamps = Integer.parseInt(options.getOptionValue("cc-num-clamps", null)); } if (options.hasOption("help", "h")) { showUsageAndExit = true; } if (options.hasOption("cc-list-serial-ports", null)) { listSerialPortsAndExit = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); showUsageAndExit = true; } } if (!hasDbFilename && !listSerialPortsAndExit) { showUsageAndExit = true; } else if (!serve && !record && !export && deleteUntil == 0 && !listSerialPortsAndExit) { showUsageAndExit = true; } if (ccOptions && tedOptions) { System.out.println("Cannot combine TED and Current Cost options."); showUsageAndExit = true; } else if (ccOptions && ccPortName == null) { System.out.println("Current Cost use requires --cc-port-name."); showUsageAndExit = true; } if (showUsageAndExit) { showUsage(); return false; } else if (listSerialPortsAndExit) { CurrentCostImporter.printSerialPortNames(); return false; } else { if (record && username != null) { readAndProcessPassword(); } confirmDeleteUntil(); return true; } } private void showUsage() { StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append("\n"); header.append("The \"it's electric\" Java program is designed to perform two simultaneous\n"); header.append("activities:\n"); header.append("(1) it records data from TED into a permanent database; and\n"); header.append("(2) it serves data from the database in Google Visualization API format.\n"); header.append("Additionally, the program can\n"); header.append("(3) export data from the database in CSV format.\n"); header.append("\n"); header.append("To export data, use: java -jar its-electric-*.jar -d <database-directory>\n"); header.append(" --export <start> <end> <resolution>\n"); header.append("\n"); header.append("You can specify to only record data using option --no-serve (e.g. for an\n"); header.append("unattended setup) and to only serve data using option --no-record (e.g. with a\n"); header.append("static copy of an its-electric database).\n"); header.append("\n"); header.append("Options -d (specifying the database directory) and -m (specifying the number of\n"); header.append("MTUs) are important for both recording and serving. Option -g (the TED Gateway\n"); header.append("URL) and options -v and -k (which determine whether to record voltage and\n"); header.append("volt-amperes) are important for recording. Option -p (the port on which to\n"); header.append("serve) is important for serving. Other options are generally minor.\n"); header.append("\n"); header.append("Options (-d is REQUIRED):"); HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(System.out); writer.println("usage: java -jar its-electric-*.jar [options]"); writer.println(header.toString()); help.printOptions(writer, 80, this, 0, 0); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } private void readAndProcessPassword() throws IOException { System.err.print("Please enter password for username '" + username + "': "); password = Options.reader.readLine(); Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray()); } }); } private void confirmDeleteUntil() { if (deleteUntil > 1230000000) { boolean doit; System.err.print( "Irrevocably delete all data up to " + Util.dateString(deleteUntil) + "? (yes/no [no]) "); try { String input = Options.reader.readLine(); doit = input != null && input.toLowerCase().trim().equals("yes"); } catch (IOException e) { doit = false; } if (!doit) deleteUntil = 0; } } private String convertISO8601TimeZone(String input) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("([+-]\\d{2}):?+(\\d{2})").matcher(input); if (m.matches()) { input = "GMT" + +; } return input; } }