Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * iDMC the interactive Dynamical Model Calculator simulates and performs
 * graphical and numerical analysis of systems of differential and
 * difference equations.
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Marji Lines and Alfredo Medio.
 * Written by Daniele Pizzoni <>.
 * Extended by Alexei Grigoriev <>.
 * The software program was developed within a research project financed
 * by the Italian Ministry of Universities, the Universities of Udine and
 * Ca'Foscari of Venice, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any
 * later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
package org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.VariableDoubles;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.dlua.Lua;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.model.DifferentiableMap;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.model.InvertibleMap;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.model.ModelException;
import org.tsho.dmc2.core.model.SimpleMap;

public class ManifoldsRenderer implements DmcPlotRenderer {

    private DmcRenderablePlot plot;
    private DifferentiableMap model;

    // parameters

    private VariableDoubles nodeEsteem;
    private VariableDoubles parameters;
    private double epsilon;
    private Range lockoutHorRange;
    private Range lockoutVerRange;
    private int firstIteration;
    private int lastIteration;

    // options

    public static final byte TYPE_STABLE = 0x01;
    public static final byte TYPE_UNSTABLE = 0x02;
    public static final byte TYPE_RIGHT = 0x04;
    public static final byte TYPE_LEFT = 0x08;
    private byte type;


    private boolean stopped;

    // internal state

    private int state;
    private double[] node;
    private static final int MAX_NODE_CHECK_ITERATIONS = 50;

    public ManifoldsRenderer(final DifferentiableMap map, final DmcRenderablePlot plot) {

        this.model = map;
        this.plot = plot;

    public void initialize() {
        //throw new ModelException();

    public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems() {
        return null;

    public void render(final Graphics2D g2, final Rectangle2D dataArea, final PlotRenderingInfo info) {

        byte myType = type;
        if ((myType & TYPE_UNSTABLE) != 0) {
            if ((myType & TYPE_RIGHT) != 0) {
                renderManifold(false, true, g2, dataArea);
                if (state == STATE_STOPPED) {
                    myType = 0;
            if ((myType & TYPE_LEFT) != 0) {
                renderManifold(false, false, g2, dataArea);
                if (state == STATE_STOPPED) {
                    myType = 0;
        if ((myType & TYPE_STABLE) != 0) {
            if ((myType & TYPE_RIGHT) != 0) {
                renderManifold(true, true, g2, dataArea);
                if (state == STATE_STOPPED) {
                    myType = 0;
            if ((myType & TYPE_LEFT) != 0) {
                renderManifold(true, false, g2, dataArea);
                if (state == STATE_STOPPED) {
                    myType = 0;

        plot(g2, dataArea, node, true);

        if (state != STATE_STOPPED) {
            state = STATE_FINISHED;
        } else {
            state = STATE_STOPPED;

    private void renderManifold(final boolean stable, final boolean right, final Graphics2D g2,
            final Rectangle2D dataArea) {

        stopped = false;
        state = STATE_RUNNING;

        /* the unstable eigenvector */
        //double[] eigenvector = new double[2];
        Eigen e = new Eigen();

        /* the segment to iterate */
        double[] gamma0 = new double[2];
        double[] gamma1 = new double[2];

        // refine fixed point
        node = Lua.findCycles(model, parameters, 1, nodeEsteem, epsilon, MAX_NODE_CHECK_ITERATIONS,
                new double[model.getNVar()]);

        DiffEvaluator normalMap = new DiffEvaluator(model, VariableDoubles.toArray(parameters));

        if (!evaluateEigenvector(normalMap, node, e)) {
            throw new ModelException("Not a saddle point.");

        Evaluator map;
        if (stable) {
            // adjust eigenvectors to get right or left manifolds
            if ((right && e.vectorS[0] < 1) || (!right && e.vectorS[0] > 1)) {
                e.vectorS[0] *= -1;
                e.vectorS[1] *= -1;
            gamma0 = findGammaSegment(normalMap, node, e.vectorS, epsilon);

            map = new StraightEvaluator(((InvertibleMap) model).getInverse(), VariableDoubles.toArray(parameters));
            if (e.valueS < -1) {
                map = new SquareEvaluator(model, VariableDoubles.toArray(parameters));
        } else {
            if ((right && e.vectorU[0] < 1) || (!right && e.vectorU[0] > 1)) {
                e.vectorU[0] *= -1;
                e.vectorU[1] *= -1;
            gamma0 = findGammaSegment(normalMap, node, e.vectorU, epsilon);

            if (e.valueU < -1) {
                map = new SquareEvaluator(model, VariableDoubles.toArray(parameters));
            } else {
                map = new StraightEvaluator(model, VariableDoubles.toArray(parameters));

        map.evaluate(gamma0, gamma1);

        double[] gammaD = subVect(gamma1, gamma0);

        PowerEvaluator pEvaluator = new PowerEvaluator(map);

        for (int i = firstIteration; i <= lastIteration; i++) {
            double[] x = new double[2];
            double[] sk = new double[2];

            pEvaluator.evaluate(i, gamma0, x); // first point of iterated segment
            pEvaluator.evaluate(i, gamma1, sk); // last point of iterated segment

            plot(g2, dataArea, x, false);

            double sigma = epsilon;
            double delta = 1;
            double deltaStep = 0;
            double lastDelta = 0;
            do {
                if (stopped) {
                    state = STATE_STOPPED;

                double[] z = new double[2];
                double dist;

                pEvaluator.evaluate(i, addVect(gamma0, mulVect(delta, gammaD)), z);
                dist = norm(subVect(z, x));

                if (dist < sigma) {
                    x = z;
                    plot(g2, dataArea, x, false);

                    deltaStep = delta - lastDelta;
                    lastDelta = delta;

                    dist = norm(subVect(sk, x));
                    if (dist < sigma) {
                        if (delta < 1) {
                            plot(g2, dataArea, sk, false);
                    } else {
                        delta = Math.min(delta + 1.25 * deltaStep, 1);
                        dist = minDist(x);

                        if (dist > 0) {
                            sigma = Math.max(epsilon, 0.99 * dist);
                        } else {
                            sigma = epsilon;
                } else { // do not accept the computed point
                    delta = 0.5 * (delta + lastDelta);

            } while (true);

    private void plot(final Graphics2D g2, final Rectangle2D dataArea, final double[] v, final boolean big) {

        int x, y;
        x = (int) plot.getDomainAxis().valueToJava2D(v[0], dataArea, RectangleEdge.BOTTOM);

        y = (int) plot.getRangeAxis().valueToJava2D(v[1], dataArea, RectangleEdge.LEFT);

        if (big) {
            g2.fillRect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3);
        } else {
            g2.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);

    private double minDist(final double[] v) {

        double lockoutXMin = lockoutHorRange.getLowerBound();
        double lockoutXMax = lockoutHorRange.getUpperBound();
        double lockoutYMin = lockoutVerRange.getLowerBound();
        double lockoutYMax = lockoutVerRange.getUpperBound();

        double dx, dy;

        if (v[0] <= lockoutXMin) {
            if (v[1] <= lockoutYMin) { //7
                dx = lockoutXMin - v[0];
                dy = lockoutYMin - v[1];
                return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            } else if (v[1] <= lockoutYMax) { //4
                return lockoutXMin - v[0];
            } else {
                dx = lockoutXMin - v[0];
                dy = v[1] - lockoutYMax;
                return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        } else if (v[0] <= lockoutXMax) {
            if (v[1] <= lockoutYMin) { //8
                return lockoutYMin - v[1];
            } else if (v[1] <= lockoutYMax) { //5
                return 0;
            } else { //2
                return v[1] - lockoutYMax;
        } else {
            if (v[1] <= lockoutYMin) { //9
                dx = v[0] - lockoutXMax;
                dy = lockoutYMin - v[1];
                return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            } else if (v[1] <= lockoutYMax) { //6
                return v[0] - lockoutXMax;
            } else { //3
                dx = v[0] - lockoutXMax;
                dy = v[1] - lockoutYMax;
                return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

    private static class Eigen {
        public double valueU;
        public double valueS;
        public double[] vectorU = new double[2];
        public double[] vectorS = new double[2];

    private static boolean evaluateEigenvector(final DiffEvaluator evaluator, final double[] node, final Eigen e) {

        double[] result = new double[4];

        evaluator.evaluateJacobian(node, result);

        //        System.out.println("a = " + result[0]);
        //        System.out.println("b = " + result[1]);
        //        System.out.println("c = " + result[2]);
        //        System.out.println("d = " + result[3]);

        double trace = result[0] + result[3];
        double det = result[0] * result[3] - result[1] * result[2];
        double delta = trace * trace - 4 * det;

        //        System.out.println("trace = " + trace);
        //        System.out.println("determinant = " + det);
        //        System.out.println("discriminant = " + delta);

        if (delta < 0) {
            return false;

        double l1 = (trace + Math.sqrt(delta)) / 2;
        double l2 = (trace - Math.sqrt(delta)) / 2;

        //        System.out.println("l1 = " + l1);
        //        System.out.println("l2 = " + l2);

        if (Math.abs(l1) < 1 && Math.abs(l2) < 1 || Math.abs(l1) > 1 && Math.abs(l2) > 1) {
            return false;

        if (Math.abs(l1) < 1) {
            e.valueS = l1;
            e.valueU = l2;
        } else {
            e.valueS = l2;
            e.valueU = l1;

        /* eigenvectors */
        double norm;

        e.vectorS[0] = 1;
        e.vectorS[1] = (e.valueS - result[0]) / result[1];
        norm = Math.sqrt(e.vectorS[0] * e.vectorS[0] + e.vectorS[1] * e.vectorS[1]);
        e.vectorS[0] /= norm;
        e.vectorS[1] /= norm;

        e.vectorU[0] = 1;
        e.vectorU[1] = (e.valueU - result[0]) / result[1];
        norm = Math.sqrt(e.vectorU[0] * e.vectorU[0] + e.vectorU[1] * e.vectorU[1]);
        e.vectorU[0] /= norm;
        e.vectorU[1] /= norm;

        return true;

    private static double[] findGammaSegment(final DiffEvaluator evaluator,

            final double[] node, final double[] eigenvector, final double epsilon) {

        int counter = 0;

        double alpha = epsilon * 0.1;
        double distance = epsilon;

        //double[] n = VariableDoubles.toArray(nodeEsteem);
        double[] jn = new double[4];

        evaluator.evaluateJacobian(node, jn);

        double[] x = new double[2];
        double[] nl = new double[2];
        double[] l = new double[2];

        while (distance >= epsilon && counter++ < 50) {

            x[0] = node[0] + eigenvector[0] * alpha;
            x[1] = node[1] + eigenvector[1] * alpha;

            evaluator.evaluate(x, nl);

            // n + jn(y - n)
            l = addVect(node, applyMatrix(jn, subVect(x, node)));
            distance = norm(subVect(nl, l));

            alpha /= 2;

        System.out.println("distance: " + distance);
        System.out.println("count: " + counter);
        System.out.println("Initial point: " + x[0] + ", " + x[1]);
        System.out.println("Initial point image: " + nl[0] + ", " + nl[1]);

        return x;

    private static double norm(final double[] v) {
        return Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]);

    private static double[] mulVect(final double a, final double[] v) {
        double[] result = new double[2];
        result[0] = a * v[0];
        result[1] = a * v[1];
        return result;

    private static double[] addVect(final double[] a, final double[] b) {
        double[] result = new double[2];
        result[0] = a[0] + b[0];
        result[1] = a[1] + b[1];
        return result;

    private static double[] subVect(final double[] a, final double[] b) {
        double[] result = new double[2];
        result[0] = a[0] - b[0];
        result[1] = a[1] - b[1];
        return result;

    private static double[] applyMatrix(final double[] m, final double[] x) {
        double[] result = new double[2];
        result[0] = m[0] * x[0] + m[1] * x[1];
        result[1] = m[2] * x[0] + m[3] * x[1];
        return result;

    private interface Evaluator {
        void evaluate(double[] var, double[] result);
        //void evaluateJacobian(double[] x1, double[] result);

    private static class DiffEvaluator {
        private DifferentiableMap model;
        private double[] parameters;

        DiffEvaluator(final DifferentiableMap m, final double[] parameters) {

            this.model = m;
            this.parameters = parameters;

        public void evaluate(final double[] var, final double[] result) {
            model.evaluate(parameters, var, result);

        public void evaluateJacobian(final double[] x1, final double[] result) {
            model.evaluateJacobian(parameters, x1, result);

    private static class StraightEvaluator implements Evaluator {
        private SimpleMap evaluator;
        private double[] parameters;

        StraightEvaluator(final SimpleMap m, final double[] parameters) {
            this.evaluator = m;
            this.parameters = parameters;

        public void evaluate(final double[] var, final double[] result) {

            evaluator.evaluate(parameters, var, result);
            evaluator.evaluate(parameters, result, result);

    private static class SquareEvaluator implements Evaluator {
        private SimpleMap evaluator;
        private double[] parameters;

        SquareEvaluator(final SimpleMap m, final double[] parameters) {
            this.evaluator = m;
            this.parameters = parameters;

        public void evaluate(final double[] var, final double[] result) {

            evaluator.evaluate(parameters, var, result);
            evaluator.evaluate(parameters, result, result);

    private static class PowerEvaluator {
        private Evaluator evaluator;

        PowerEvaluator(final Evaluator m) {
            this.evaluator = m;

        public void evaluate(final int n, final double[] var, final double[] result) {

            evaluator.evaluate(var, result);
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
                evaluator.evaluate(result, result);

    public void initialize(byte type, VariableDoubles nodeEsteem, VariableDoubles parameters, double epsilon,
            Range lockoutHorRange, Range lockoutVerRange, int firstIteration, int lastIteration) {

        this.type = type;
        this.nodeEsteem = nodeEsteem;
        this.parameters = parameters;
        this.epsilon = epsilon;
        this.lockoutHorRange = lockoutHorRange;
        this.lockoutVerRange = lockoutVerRange;
        this.firstIteration = firstIteration;
        this.lastIteration = lastIteration;

    public void stop() {
        stopped = true;

    public int getState() {
        return state;

    public void setState(final int i) {
        state = i;