Java tutorial
/* * iDMC the interactive Dynamical Model Calculator simulates and performs * graphical and numerical analysis of systems of differential and * difference equations. * * CopiedDisplayright (C) 2004 Marji Lines and Alfredo Medio. * * Written by Daniele Pizzoni <>. * Extended by Alexei Grigoriev <>. * * * * The software program was developed within a research project financed * by the Italian Ministry of Universities, the Universities of Udine and * Ca'Foscari of Venice, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. */ package org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.Vector; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo; import org.tsho.dmc2.core.model.DifferentiableMap; import org.tsho.dmc2.managers.AbstractManager; import org.tsho.dmc2.ui.absorbingArea.AbsorbingAreaComponent; import org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.jfree.DmcChartPanel; //import; public class AbsorbingAreaRenderer implements DmcPlotRenderer { private DmcRenderablePlot plot; private DifferentiableMap map; private int type; // parameters private double[] parameters; private int iterations; private int transients; private double epsilon; // flags private boolean stopped; // internal state private int state; private int[] grid; private int[] gridBackup; private int gridWidth; private int gridHeight; private double xEpsilon; private double yEpsilon; private ImplicitDeterminant det; private boolean criticalSetFound = false; private boolean chooseSegmentsSet = false; private boolean plotAttractorSet = false; private boolean hideAttractorSet = false; private boolean iterateChosenSegmentsSet = false; private boolean justClearedSet = false; private boolean notYetRendered = true; //as a result of zooming or pressing Start button private boolean findCriticalSetAgain = false; //In present version always false private boolean zooming = false; //the private variables below are needed for choosing segments functionality private boolean mouseClicked; private int xClicked; private int yClicked; private int segmentsIteratesCount; private AbsorbingAreaComponent plotComponent; private BufferedImage image; //delay needed in the interactive mode in order not to waste machine cycles on running inside loops private int delay = 100; //colors int attractorColor = 15553; public AbsorbingAreaRenderer(final DifferentiableMap map, final DmcRenderablePlot plot, final AbsorbingAreaComponent plotComponent) { type = 0;//currently the only type present = map; this.plot = plot; this.plotComponent = plotComponent; this.segmentsIteratesCount = 0; } public void initialize() { this.stopped = false; //at present version, disable zooming permanently AbstractManager manager = plotComponent.getManager(); ((DmcChartPanel) manager.getChartPanel()).disableZooming(); ((DmcChartPanel) manager.getChartPanel()).setManager(manager); } public void render(final Graphics2D g2, final Rectangle2D dataArea, final PlotRenderingInfo info) { state = STATE_RUNNING; gridWidth = (int) dataArea.getWidth(); gridHeight = (int) dataArea.getHeight(); //imageX,imageY correspond to point(0,0) int imageX = (int) dataArea.getX() + 1; int imageY = (int) dataArea.getY() + 1; DataBufferInt dataBuffer; image = new BufferedImage(gridWidth, gridHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster(); grid = ((DataBufferInt) raster.getDataBuffer()).getData(); ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); ValueAxis rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(); xEpsilon = Math.abs((domainAxis.getUpperBound() - domainAxis.getLowerBound()) / (double) gridWidth); yEpsilon = Math.abs((rangeAxis.getUpperBound() - rangeAxis.getLowerBound()) / (double) gridHeight); int numPoints = gridHeight * gridWidth; int index = 0; int rate = numPoints / 100; if (justClearedSet) { if (criticalSetFound) { this.clearDisplay(); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } justClearedSet = false; return; } if (!notYetRendered) { plotCopiedDisplay(); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } notYetRendered = false; if (criticalSetFound && !findCriticalSetAgain) { if (this.chooseSegmentsSet) chooseSegments(g2, image, imageX, imageY); if (this.plotAttractorSet) plotAttractor(g2, image, imageX, imageY); if (this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet) iterateChosenSegments(g2, image, imageX, imageY); if (this.hideAttractorSet) hideAttractor(g2, image, imageX, imageY); } else { this.disableAllActionsExceptStop(); det = new AbsorbingAreaRenderer.ImplicitDeterminant(gridWidth, gridHeight, epsilon, g2, image, imageX, imageY); gridBackup = new int[grid.length]; copyDisplay(); criticalSetFound = true; findCriticalSetAgain = false; g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); this.enableAllActionsExceptStop(); } } public boolean getNotYetRendered() { return notYetRendered; } public void copyDisplay() { IntBuffer buffer = IntBuffer.allocate(grid.length); buffer.put(grid); buffer.flip(); buffer.get(gridBackup); } public void plotCopiedDisplay() { IntBuffer buffer = IntBuffer.allocate(grid.length); buffer.put(gridBackup); buffer.flip(); buffer.get(grid); } public void delayExecution() { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(delay); } catch (Exception e) { } } public void chooseSegments(Graphics2D g2, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { boolean atLeastOneSegmentEntered = false; disableAllActionsExceptStop(); det.clearSegments(); this.segmentsIteratesCount = 0; mouseClicked = false; while (!stopped) { while (!mouseClicked && !stopped) { delayExecution(); } if (stopped) break; mouseClicked = false; //else a mouse was clicked, and its coordinates (not Point coordinates) are stored in xClicked,yClicked. This click chooses a segment Point p = new Point(); p.set(xClicked - imageX, yClicked - imageY); Segment s = det.getSegment(p); //color the segment with color -100000, say. det.plotSegment(s, -100000); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); //here the left point of the segment is chosen. If a point is clicked whose projection to the x-axis does not belong to the //projection of the segment, the leftmost point of the segment is chosen automatically. If stopped, the segment is stored as it is. while (!mouseClicked && !stopped) { delayExecution(); } if (stopped) { //store segment det.addSegmentToIterate(s); break; } mouseClicked = false; int xlc = xClicked - imageX; if (xlc < s.xl) xlc = s.xl; if (xlc > s.xr) xlc = s.xr; det.plotSegment(s, -10000);//color the segment in the original color det.plotSegment(s, -100000, xlc, s.xr); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); //here the left point of the segment is chosen. If a point is clicked whose projection to the x-axis does not belong to the //projection of the segment, the rightmost point of the segment is chosen automatically. If stopped, the segment is stored with user chosen leftmost point. while (!mouseClicked && !stopped) { delayExecution(); } if (stopped) { //store segment Segment s1 = new Segment(xlc, s.xr, s.branchIndex); det.addSegmentToIterate(s1); break; } mouseClicked = false; int xrc = xClicked - imageX; if (xrc < s.xl) xrc = s.xl; if (xrc > s.xr) xrc = s.xr; det.plotSegment(s, -10000);//color the segment in the original color det.plotSegment(s, -100000, xlc, xrc); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); if (xlc <= xrc) { Segment s2 = new Segment(xlc, xrc, s.branchIndex); det.addSegmentToIterate(s2); } } stopped = false; this.enableAllActionsExceptStop(); } public void iterateChosenSegments(Graphics2D g2, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { if (det.getSegments().size() != 0) { plotCopiedDisplay(); disableAllActionsExceptStop(); segmentsIteratesCount++; iterateCurve(segmentsIteratesCount, g2, image, imageX, imageY); plotComponent.getIterateChosenSegmentsAction().setEnabled(true); copyDisplay(); enableAllActionsExceptStop(); } } public void plotAttractor(Graphics2D g2, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { //provisional disableAllActionsExceptStop(); mouseClicked = false; while (!stopped) { while (!stopped && !mouseClicked) { delayExecution(); } if (stopped) { break; } mouseClicked = false; //mouse was clicked. Plot attractor starting from this point Point p = new Point(); p.set(xClicked - imageX, yClicked - imageY); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { if (i > transients) { if (getGridState(p) == 0) setGridState(p, attractorColor); } if (stopped) { stopped = false;//only plotting the attractor was stopped break; } iterate(p); index++; if (index == 1000) { index = 0; g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } } g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } copyDisplay(); stopped = false; enableAllActionsExceptStop(); mouseClicked = false; } public void hideAttractor(Graphics2D g2, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { this.disableAllActionsExceptStop(); plotCopiedDisplay(); Point p = new Point(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { p.set(i, j); if (getGridState(p) == attractorColor) setGridState(p, 0); } index++; if (index == 1000) { index = 0; g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } if (stopped) break; } g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); copyDisplay(); stopped = false; enableAllActionsExceptStop(); } public void clearDisplay() { this.disableAllActions(); Point p = new Point(); for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { p.set(i, j); setGridState(p, 0); } if (stopped) break; } copyDisplay(); this.enableAllActionsExceptStop(); stopped = false; } public void setMouseClicked(boolean flag) { mouseClicked = flag; } public void setFindCriticalSetAgain(boolean flag) { findCriticalSetAgain = flag; } public void setXClicked(int value) { xClicked = value; } public void setYClicked(int value) { yClicked = value; } private void disableAllActions() { plotComponent.getPlotCriticalSetAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getStopAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getClearAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getIterateChosenSegmentsAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getChooseSegmentsAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getHideAttractorAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getPlotAttractorAction().setEnabled(false); } private void disableAllActionsExceptStop() { plotComponent.getPlotCriticalSetAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getStopAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getClearAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getIterateChosenSegmentsAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getChooseSegmentsAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getHideAttractorAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getPlotAttractorAction().setEnabled(false); } private void enableAllActionsExceptStop() { plotComponent.getPlotCriticalSetAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getStopAction().setEnabled(false); plotComponent.getClearAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getIterateChosenSegmentsAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getChooseSegmentsAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getHideAttractorAction().setEnabled(true); plotComponent.getPlotAttractorAction().setEnabled(true); stopped = false; } private double evaluateDeterminant(Point point) { double[] jacobian = new double[4]; map.evaluateJacobian(parameters, point.real(), jacobian); return jacobian[0] * jacobian[3] - jacobian[1] * jacobian[2]; } /* returns false on error */ private void iterate(Point point) { double[] result = new double[2]; map.evaluate(parameters, point.real, result); point.set(result[0], result[1]); } private void iterate(Point point, int k) { for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { iterate(point); } } private void setGridState(Point point, int state) { if (point.isInsideBounds()) grid[point.locX() + point.locY() * gridWidth] = state; } private int getGridState(Point point) { return grid[point.locX() + point.locY() * gridWidth]; } private class Point { double[] real = new double[2]; int[] location = new int[2]; Point() { } void set(Point p) { real[0] = p.realX(); real[1] = p.realY(); location[0] = p.locX(); location[1] = p.locY(); } void scale(double f) { real[0] = real[0] * f; real[1] = real[1] * f; adjust(); } void add(Point p) { real[0] = real[0] + p.real[0]; real[1] = real[1] + p.real[1]; adjust(); } //fixes the screen coords of the point if the display was changed void adjust() { location[0] = xLocation(real[0]); location[1] = yLocation(real[1]); } void set(double x, double y) { real[0] = x; real[1] = y; location[0] = xLocation(x); location[1] = yLocation(y); } void set(int x, int y) { location[0] = x; location[1] = y; real[0] = xValue(x); real[1] = yValue(y); } double realX() { return real[0]; } double realY() { return real[1]; } double[] real() { return real; } int locX() { return location[0]; } int locY() { return location[1]; } int[] location() { return location; } boolean isInsideBounds() { if (location[0] > gridWidth - 1 || location[0] < 0 || location[1] > gridHeight - 1 || location[1] < 0) { return false; } return true; } boolean isInfinite() { Double a0 = new Double(real[0]); Double a1 = new Double(real[1]); if (a0.isInfinite() || a1.isInfinite() || a0.isNaN() || a1.isNaN()) return true; else return false; } } private int xLocation(double val) { return (int) ((val - plot.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound()) / xEpsilon); } private int yLocation(double val) { return (int) (-(val - plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperBound()) / yEpsilon); } //point coordinates w.r.t. state variables private double xValue(int x) { return ((double) x * xEpsilon) - xEpsilon / 2 + plot.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound(); } private double yValue(int y) { return plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperBound() - ((double) y * yEpsilon) + yEpsilon / 2; } private int pixelDistance(Point p1, Point p2) { int xd = Math.abs(p1.location[0] - p2.location[0]); int yd = Math.abs(p1.location[1] - p2.location[1]); if (xd < yd) return yd; else return xd; } public void initialize(final double[] parameters, final double epsilon, final int iterations, final int transients) { this.parameters = parameters; this.iterations = iterations; this.transients = transients; this.epsilon = epsilon; } public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems() { return null; } public void stop() { stopped = true; } public int getState() { return state; } public void setState(int i) { state = i; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } //needed for samples public int getType() { return type; } private Point parameterizedCurvePoint(double t) { Point p = det.getPoint(t); return p; } private void iterateCurve(int k, Graphics2D g, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { double delta = 0.00001;//should be taken from GUI double deltaUpperBound = 0.001; double deltaLowerBound = 0.000001; int index = 0; double t = 0; double t1 = 0; double tnext; Point prevPoint = parameterizedCurvePoint(t); Point nextPoint; iterate(prevPoint, k); if (prevPoint.isInsideBounds()) setGridState(prevPoint, -20000 * k); while (t < 1) { double delta1 = delta; boolean isDeltaFound = false; boolean isPreviousDistanceTooSmall = false; //boolean ignoreDistanceTooSmall=false; if (prevPoint.isInsideBounds()) { while (!isDeltaFound && delta1 < deltaUpperBound && delta1 > deltaLowerBound) { t1 = t + delta1; nextPoint = parameterizedCurvePoint(t1); iterate(nextPoint, k); if (pixelDistance(prevPoint, nextPoint) == 0) { delta1 = delta1 * 2; isPreviousDistanceTooSmall = true; } else { if (pixelDistance(prevPoint, nextPoint) > 1 && isPreviousDistanceTooSmall) { delta1 = delta1 / 2; isDeltaFound = true; } else { if (pixelDistance(prevPoint, nextPoint) > 1 && !isPreviousDistanceTooSmall) { delta1 = delta1 / 2; } else { if (pixelDistance(prevPoint, nextPoint) <= 1) { isDeltaFound = true; } } } } if (stopped) break; } } if (stopped) break; t = t + delta1; nextPoint = parameterizedCurvePoint(t); iterate(nextPoint, k); prevPoint.set(nextPoint); if (nextPoint.isInsideBounds()) setGridState(nextPoint, -20000 * k); g.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } } //private class which is responsible for computing the critical locus (computed as an implicit function) private class ImplicitDeterminant { private Vector sections; private Vector jumps; private Vector segments; private int gridWidth, gridHeight; private Graphics2D g2; private BufferedImage image; private int imageX; private int imageY; ImplicitDeterminant(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, double epsilon, Graphics2D g2, BufferedImage image, int imageX, int imageY) { this.g2 = g2; this.image = image; this.imageX = imageX; this.imageY = imageY; sections = new Vector(gridWidth); segments = new Vector(); Point p = new Point(); this.gridWidth = gridWidth; this.gridHeight = gridHeight; for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { if (stopped) break; p.set(i, 0); Section s = new Section(p.realX(), epsilon); this.plotSection(s, -10000); sections.addElement(s); } int previousCount = ((Section) sections.elementAt(0)).branches.size(); int currentCount; jumps = new Vector(); for (int i = 1; i < gridWidth; i++) { if (stopped) break; currentCount = ((Section) sections.elementAt(i)).branches.size(); if (currentCount != previousCount) jumps.addElement(new Integer(i)); previousCount = currentCount; } } void clearSegments() { segments.clear(); } void chooseAllSegments() { clearSegments(); int xl = 0; int xr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jumps.size(); i++) { xr = ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(i)).intValue() - 1; for (int j = 0; j < ((Section) sections.elementAt(xr)).branches.size(); j++) { Segment s = new Segment(xl, xr, j); segments.addElement(s); } xl = xr + 1; } if (xl < gridWidth) { xr = gridWidth - 1; for (int j = 0; j < ((Section) sections.elementAt(xr)).branches.size(); j++) { Segment s = new Segment(xl, xr, j); segments.addElement(s); } } } //state is probably the color RGB value void plotSection(Section s, int state) { double x = s.x; double y; for (int i = 0; i < s.branches.size(); i++) { y = ((Double) s.branches.elementAt(i)).doubleValue(); Point p = new Point(); p.set(x, y); setGridState(p, state); g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } } //0.00001 should be supplied as parameter void plot() { chooseAllSegments(); double t = 0; int index = 0; while (t + 0.00001 < 1) { t = t + 0.00001; Point p = this.getPoint(t); setGridState(p, -30000); } g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } void plotSegment(Segment s, int state) { int xl = s.xl; int xr = s.xr; int i = s.branchIndex; for (int x = xl; x <= xr; x++) { Point p = ((Section) sections.elementAt(x)).getBranch(i); setGridState(p, state); } g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } void plotSegment(Segment s, int state, int xlc, int xrc) { int xl = s.xl; int xr = s.xr; if (xlc < xl || xlc > xr) xlc = xl; if (xrc < xl || xrc > xr) xrc = xr; int i = s.branchIndex; for (int x = xlc; x <= xrc; x++) { Point p = ((Section) sections.elementAt(x)).getBranch(i); setGridState(p, state); } g2.drawImage(image, null, imageX, imageY); } //returns the segment (its branchIndex is set to 0) to which the screen x coordinate belongs Segment getSegment(int x) { int[] s = new int[2]; int i = 0; while (i < jumps.size()) { if (x < ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(i)).intValue()) break; i++; } if (jumps.size() == 0) { s[0] = 0; s[1] = gridWidth - 1; } else { if (i == 0) { s[0] = 0; s[1] = ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(0)).intValue() - 1; } else { if (i == jumps.size()) { s[1] = gridWidth - 1; s[0] = ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(i - 1)).intValue(); } else { s[0] = ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(i - 1)).intValue(); s[1] = ((Integer) jumps.elementAt(i)).intValue() - 1; } } } Segment segment = new Segment(s[0], s[1], 0); return segment; } //find segment nearest to the point clicked. Returns null if above the x-coord of p there is no branch of the det=0 locus. Segment getSegment(Point p) { Segment segment = getSegment(p.locX()); //need to find the branchIndex Section sec = (Section) sections.elementAt(p.locX()); double pd = 0, cd; Point sp; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sec.branches.size(); i++) { sp = sec.getBranch(i); cd = Math.abs(sp.realY() - p.realY()); if (i != 0) { if (cd < pd) { index = i; pd = cd; } } else { pd = cd; index = 0; } } if (sec.branches.size() == 0) return null; else { Segment s = new Segment(segment.xl, segment.xr, index); return s; } } Vector getSegments() { return segments; } //given a segment [x0,x1], the function returns the interpolated value, based on the class variable sections for //t between 0 and 1, where t=0 corresponds to x0, t=1 corresponds to x1. Point getPoint(Segment segment, double t) { double x = segment.xl * (1 - t) + segment.xr * t; int xi = (int) (Math.floor(x)); //next 4 lines to avoid numerical errors if (xi < segment.xl) xi = segment.xl; if (xi >= segment.xr) { Point p = ((Section) sections.elementAt(segment.xr)).getBranch(segment.branchIndex); return p; } double tau = x - xi; Point p1; Point p2; Section s1 = (Section) sections.elementAt(xi); Section s2 = (Section) sections.elementAt(xi + 1); p1 = s1.getBranch(segment.branchIndex); p2 = s2.getBranch(segment.branchIndex); p1.scale(1 - tau); p2.scale(tau); p1.add(p2); return p1; } //returns the point, parameterized by t, lying on the union of segments which are stored in the class variable segments Point getPoint(double t) { if (segments.size() == 0) return null; double ts = 1 / ((double) segments.size()); int i = (int) (Math.floor(t * segments.size())); //if (i==1){ // boolean letmeknow=true; //} double tau = (t - i * ts) / ts; //numerical errors control if (i == segments.size()) return getPoint((Segment) segments.elementAt(i - 1), 1); if (i == -1) return getPoint((Segment) segments.elementAt(0), 0); return getPoint((Segment) segments.elementAt(i), tau); } void addSegmentToIterate(Segment s) { segments.addElement(s); } } private class Section { double x; double epsilon; Vector branches; Section(double x, double epsilon) { this.epsilon = epsilon; branches = new Vector(); this.x = x; Point p = new Point(); Point tp = new Point(); tp.set(0, 0);//to get the real y-coordinate p.set(x, tp.realY()); int sign; int previousSign; double start = 0, end = 0; double det = evaluateDeterminant(p); if (det > epsilon) sign = 1; else { if (det < -epsilon) sign = -1; else sign = 0; } boolean insideZeros = false; if (sign == 0) { insideZeros = true; start = p.realY(); } previousSign = sign; for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { tp.set(0, j); p.set(x, tp.realY()); if (stopped) break; det = evaluateDeterminant(p); if (det > epsilon) sign = 1; else { if (det < -epsilon) sign = -1; else { sign = 0; } } if (sign != previousSign && previousSign != 0) { insideZeros = true; start = p.realY(); } if (sign == 0 && previousSign != 0) { insideZeros = true; start = p.realY(); } if (sign != 0 && insideZeros) { tp.set(p.locX(), p.locY() - 1); end = tp.realY(); add((start + end) / 2); insideZeros = false; } // -2 (and not -1) because of roundoff errors with Point if (sign == 0 && p.locY() == gridHeight - 2 && insideZeros) { end = p.realY(); add((start + end) / 2); } previousSign = sign; } } //adds a branch coordinate corresponding to x void add(double s) { branches.addElement(new Double(s)); } Point getBranch(int i) { if (i < branches.size()) { double a = ((Double) branches.elementAt(i)).doubleValue(); Point p = new Point(); p.set(x, a); return p; } else return null; } } private class Segment { int xl; int xr; int branchIndex; Segment(int xl, int xr, int branchIndex) { this.xl = xl; this.xr = xr; this.branchIndex = branchIndex; } } public void setPlotAttractor() { this.justClearedSet = false; this.plotAttractorSet = true; this.chooseSegmentsSet = false; this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet = false; this.hideAttractorSet = false; } public void setIterateChosenSegments() { this.justClearedSet = false; this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet = true; this.chooseSegmentsSet = false; this.plotAttractorSet = false; this.hideAttractorSet = false; } public void setHideAttractor() { this.justClearedSet = false; this.hideAttractorSet = true; this.plotAttractorSet = false; this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet = false; this.chooseSegmentsSet = false; } public void setChooseSegments() { this.justClearedSet = false; this.hideAttractorSet = false; this.plotAttractorSet = false; this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet = false; this.chooseSegmentsSet = true; } public void setJustCleared() { this.justClearedSet = true; this.hideAttractorSet = false; this.plotAttractorSet = false; this.iterateChosenSegmentsSet = false; this.chooseSegmentsSet = false; } public void resetSegmentsIteratesCount() { segmentsIteratesCount = 0; } }