Java tutorial
/** * Copyright(c)2015 IntelCorporation * * LicensedundertheApacheLicense,Version2.0(the"License"); * youmaynotusethisfileexceptincompliancewiththeLicense. * YoumayobtainacopyoftheLicenseat * * * * Unlessrequiredbyapplicablelaworagreedtoinwriting,software * distributedundertheLicenseisdistributedonan"ASIS"BASIS, * WITHOUTWARRANTIESORCONDITIONSOFANYKIND,eitherexpressorimplied. * SeetheLicenseforthespecificlanguagegoverningpermissionsand * limitationsundertheLicense. */ package org.trustedanalytics.user.orgs; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.POST; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.DELETE; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.UUID; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController public class SpacesController { public static final String GET_ALL_SPACES_URL = "/rest/spaces"; public static final String GET_SPACES_OF_ORG_URL = "/rest/orgs/{org}/spaces"; private final CcOperationsOrgsSpaces ccClient; @Autowired public SpacesController(CcOperationsOrgsSpaces ccClient) { this.ccClient = ccClient; } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns list of spaces current user has access to.", notes = "Privilege level: Any consumer of this endpoint must have a valid access token") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = CcSpace.class, responseContainer = "List"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error, e.g. error connecting to CloudController") }) @RequestMapping(value = GET_ALL_SPACES_URL, method = GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public Collection<CcSpace> getSpaces() { return ccClient.getSpaces().toList().toBlocking().single(); } @ApiOperation(value = "Getting a list of spaces of given organization current user has access to.", notes = "Privilege level: Any consumer of this endpoint must have a valid access token") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = CcSpace.class, responseContainer = "List"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error, e.g. error connecting to CloudController") }) @RequestMapping(value = GET_SPACES_OF_ORG_URL, method = GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public Collection<CcSpace> getSpaces(@PathVariable String org) { return ccClient.getSpaces(UUID.fromString(org)).toList().toBlocking().single(); } @ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new space in organization", notes = "Privilege level:Consumer of this endpoint must be a member of organization the space is created in " + "with OrgManager role, based on valid access token") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = UUID.class), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad request"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error, e.g. error connecting to CloudController") }) @RequestMapping(value = GET_ALL_SPACES_URL, method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public UUID createSpace(@RequestBody NewSpaceRequest request) { return ccClient.createSpace(request.getOrgGuid(), request.getName()); } @ApiOperation(value = "Deletes space.", notes = "Privilege level: Consumer of this endpoint must be a member of organization the specified" + " space is part of, with OrgManager role, based on valid access token") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Space not found."), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error, e.g. error connecting to CloudController") }) @RequestMapping(value = GET_ALL_SPACES_URL + "/{space}", method = DELETE) public void deleteSpace(@PathVariable String space) { ccClient.deleteSpace(UUID.fromString(space)); } }