Java tutorial
/** * Copyright(c)2015 IntelCorporation * * LicensedundertheApacheLicense,Version2.0(the"License"); * youmaynotusethisfileexceptincompliancewiththeLicense. * YoumayobtainacopyoftheLicenseat * * * * Unlessrequiredbyapplicablelaworagreedtoinwriting,software * distributedundertheLicenseisdistributedonan"ASIS"BASIS, * WITHOUTWARRANTIESORCONDITIONSOFANYKIND,eitherexpressorimplied. * SeetheLicenseforthespecificlanguagegoverningpermissionsand * limitationsundertheLicense. */ package org.trustedanalytics.atk.giraph.algorithms.cgd; import org.apache.giraph.Algorithm; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.AggregatorWriter; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.DoubleSumAggregator; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.LongSumAggregator; import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration; import org.apache.giraph.edge.Edge; import org.apache.giraph.graph.BasicComputation; import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex; import org.apache.giraph.master.DefaultMasterCompute; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context; import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; /** * Conjugate Gradient Descent (CGD) with Bias for collaborative filtering * CGD implementation of the algorithm presented in * Y. Koren. Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative * Filtering Model. In ACM KDD 2008. (Equation 5) */ @Algorithm(name = "Conjugate Gradient Descent (CGD) with Bias") public class ConjugateGradientDescentComputation extends BasicComputation<CFVertexId, VertexData4CGDWritable, EdgeData4CFWritable, MessageData4CFWritable> { /** Custom argument for number of super steps */ public static final String MAX_SUPERSTEPS = "cgd.maxSupersteps"; /** Custom argument for number of CGD iterations in each super step */ public static final String NUM_CGD_ITERS = "cgd.numCGDIters"; /** Custom argument for feature dimension */ public static final String FEATURE_DIMENSION = "cgd.featureDimension"; /** * Custom argument for regularization parameter: lambda * f = L2_error + lambda*Tikhonov_regularization */ public static final String LAMBDA = "cgd.lambda"; /** Custom argument to turn on/off bias */ public static final String BIAS_ON = "cgd.biasOn"; /** Custom argument for the convergence threshold */ public static final String CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD = "cgd.convergenceThreshold"; /** Custom argument for checking bi-directional edge or not (default: false) */ public static final String BIDIRECTIONAL_CHECK = "cgd.bidirectionalCheck"; /** Custom argument for maximum edge weight value */ public static final String MAX_VAL = "cgd.maxVal"; /** Custom argument for minimum edge weight value */ public static final String MIN_VAL = "cgd.minVal"; /** * Custom argument for learning curve output interval (default: every iteration) * Since each CGD iteration is composed by 2 super steps, one iteration * means two super steps. * */ public static final String LEARNING_CURVE_OUTPUT_INTERVAL = "cgd.learningCurveOutputInterval"; /** Aggregator name for sum of cost on training data */ private static String SUM_TRAIN_COST = "train_cost"; /** Aggregator name for sum of L2 error on validate data */ private static String SUM_VALIDATE_ERROR = "validate_rmse"; /** Aggregator name for sum of L2 error on test data */ private static String SUM_TEST_ERROR = "test_rmse"; /** Aggregator name for number of left vertices */ private static String SUM_LEFT_VERTICES = "num_left_vertices"; /** Aggregator name for number of right vertices */ private static String SUM_RIGHT_VERTICES = "num_right_vertices"; /** Aggregator name for number of validate edges */ private static String SUM_TRAIN_EDGES = "num_train_edges"; /** Aggregator name for number of validate edges */ private static String SUM_VALIDATE_EDGES = "num_validate_edges"; /** Aggregator name for number of test edges */ private static String SUM_TEST_EDGES = "num_test_edges"; /** RMSE value of previous iteration for convergence monitoring */ private static String PREV_RMSE = "prev_rmse"; /** Number of super steps */ private int maxSupersteps = 20; /** Number of CGD iterations in each super step */ private int numCGDIters = 5; /** Feature dimension */ private int featureDimension = 20; /** The regularization parameter */ private float lambda = 0f; /** Bias on/off switch */ private boolean biasOn = false; /** Maximum edge weight value */ private float maxVal = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** Minimum edge weight value */ private float minVal = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; /** Iteration interval to output learning curve */ private int learningCurveOutputInterval = 1; @Override public void preSuperstep() { CollaborativeFilteringConfig config = new CollaborativeFilteringConfiguration(getConf()).getConfig(); maxSupersteps = config.maxIterations(); featureDimension = config.numFactors(); lambda = config.lambda(); biasOn = config.biasOn(); maxVal = config.maxValue(); minVal = config.minValue(); learningCurveOutputInterval = config.learningCurveInterval(); numCGDIters = config.cgdIterations(); } /** * Initialize vertex, collect graph statistics and send out messages * * @param vertex of the graph */ private void initialize(Vertex<CFVertexId, VertexData4CGDWritable, EdgeData4CFWritable> vertex) { // initialize vertex data: bias, vector, gradient, conjugate vertex.getValue().setBias(0d); vertex.getValue().setType(vertex.getId().isUser() ? VertexType.User : VertexType.Item); double sum = 0d; int numTrain = 0; for (Edge<CFVertexId, EdgeData4CFWritable> edge : vertex.getEdges()) { EdgeType et = edge.getValue().getType(); if (et == EdgeType.TRAIN) { double weight = edge.getValue().getWeight(); if (weight < minVal || weight > maxVal) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Vertex ID: %s has an edge with weight value " + "out of the range of [%f, %f].", vertex.getId().getValue(), minVal, maxVal)); } sum += weight; numTrain++; } } Random rand = new Random(vertex.getId().seed()); double[] values = new double[featureDimension]; values[0] = 0d; if (numTrain > 0) { values[0] = sum / numTrain; } for (int i = 1; i < featureDimension; i++) { values[i] = rand.nextDouble() * values[0]; } Vector value = new DenseVector(values); vertex.getValue().setVector(value); vertex.getValue().setGradient(value.clone().assign(0d)); vertex.getValue().setConjugate(value.clone().assign(0d)); // collect graph statistics and send out messages VertexType vt = vertex.getValue().getType(); switch (vt) { case User: aggregate(SUM_LEFT_VERTICES, new LongWritable(1)); break; case Item: aggregate(SUM_RIGHT_VERTICES, new LongWritable(1)); long numTrainEdges = 0L; long numValidateEdges = 0L; long numTestEdges = 0L; for (Edge<CFVertexId, EdgeData4CFWritable> edge : vertex.getEdges()) { EdgeType et = edge.getValue().getType(); switch (et) { case TRAIN: numTrainEdges++; break; case VALIDATE: numValidateEdges++; break; case TEST: numTestEdges++; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown recognized edge type: " + et.toString()); } // send out messages MessageData4CFWritable newMessage = new MessageData4CFWritable(vertex.getValue(), edge.getValue()); sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), newMessage); } if (numTrainEdges > 0) { aggregate(SUM_TRAIN_EDGES, new LongWritable(numTrainEdges)); } if (numValidateEdges > 0) { aggregate(SUM_VALIDATE_EDGES, new LongWritable(numValidateEdges)); } if (numTestEdges > 0) { aggregate(SUM_TEST_EDGES, new LongWritable(numTestEdges)); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown recognized vertex type: " + vt.toString()); } } /** * Compute gradient * * @param bias of type double * @param value of type Vector * @param messages of type Iterable * @return gradient of type Vector */ private Vector computeGradient(double bias, Vector value, Iterable<MessageData4CFWritable> messages) { Vector xr = value.clone().assign(0d); int numTrain = 0; for (MessageData4CFWritable message : messages) { EdgeType et = message.getType(); if (et == EdgeType.TRAIN) { double weight = message.getWeight(); Vector vector = message.getVector(); double otherBias = message.getBias(); double predict = bias + otherBias +; double e = predict - weight; xr =; numTrain++; } } Vector gradient = value.clone().assign(0d); if (numTrain > 0) { gradient = xr.divide(numTrain).plus(value.times(lambda)); } return gradient; } /** * Compute alpha * * @param gradient of type Vector * @param conjugate of type Vector * @param messages of type Iterable * @return alpha of type double */ private double computeAlpha(Vector gradient, Vector conjugate, Iterable<MessageData4CFWritable> messages) { double alpha = 0d; if (conjugate.norm(1d) == 0d) { return alpha; } double predictSquared = 0d; int numTrain = 0; for (MessageData4CFWritable message : messages) { EdgeType et = message.getType(); if (et == EdgeType.TRAIN) { Vector vector = message.getVector(); double predict =; predictSquared += predict * predict; numTrain++; } } if (numTrain > 0) { alpha = / (predictSquared / numTrain + lambda *; } return alpha; } /** * Compute beta according to Hestenes-Stiefel formula * * @param gradient of type Vector * @param conjugate of type Vector * @param gradientNext of type Vector * @return beta of type double */ private double computeBeta(Vector gradient, Vector conjugate, Vector gradientNext) { double beta = 0d; if (conjugate.norm(1d) == 0d) { return beta; } Vector deltaVector = gradientNext.minus(gradient); beta = /; return beta; } /** * Compute bias * * @param value of type Vector * @param messages of type Iterable * @return bias of type double */ private double computeBias(Vector value, Iterable<MessageData4CFWritable> messages) { double errorOnTrain = 0d; int numTrain = 0; for (MessageData4CFWritable message : messages) { EdgeType et = message.getType(); if (et == EdgeType.TRAIN) { double weight = message.getWeight(); Vector vector = message.getVector(); double otherBias = message.getBias(); double predict = otherBias +; double e = weight - predict; errorOnTrain += e; numTrain++; } } double bias = 0d; if (numTrain > 0) { bias = errorOnTrain / ((1 + lambda) * numTrain); } return bias; } @Override public void compute(Vertex<CFVertexId, VertexData4CGDWritable, EdgeData4CFWritable> vertex, Iterable<MessageData4CFWritable> messages) throws IOException { long step = getSuperstep(); if (step == 0) { initialize(vertex); vertex.voteToHalt(); return; } Vector currentValue = vertex.getValue().getVector(); double currentBias = vertex.getValue().getBias(); // update aggregators every (2 * interval) super steps if ((step % (2 * learningCurveOutputInterval)) == 0) { double errorOnTrain = 0d; double errorOnValidate = 0d; double errorOnTest = 0d; int numTrain = 0; for (MessageData4CFWritable message : messages) { EdgeType et = message.getType(); double weight = message.getWeight(); Vector vector = message.getVector(); double otherBias = message.getBias(); double predict = currentBias + otherBias +; double e = weight - predict; switch (et) { case TRAIN: errorOnTrain += e * e; numTrain++; break; case VALIDATE: errorOnValidate += e * e; break; case TEST: errorOnTest += e * e; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown recognized edge type: " + et.toString()); } } double costOnTrain = 0d; if (numTrain > 0) { costOnTrain = errorOnTrain / numTrain + lambda * (currentBias * currentBias +; } aggregate(SUM_TRAIN_COST, new DoubleWritable(costOnTrain)); aggregate(SUM_VALIDATE_ERROR, new DoubleWritable(errorOnValidate)); aggregate(SUM_TEST_ERROR, new DoubleWritable(errorOnTest)); } if (step < maxSupersteps) { // implement CGD iterations Vector value0 = vertex.getValue().getVector(); Vector gradient0 = vertex.getValue().getGradient(); Vector conjugate0 = vertex.getValue().getConjugate(); double bias0 = vertex.getValue().getBias(); for (int i = 0; i < numCGDIters; i++) { double alpha = computeAlpha(gradient0, conjugate0, messages); Vector value =; Vector gradient = computeGradient(bias0, value, messages); double beta = computeBeta(gradient0, conjugate0, gradient); Vector conjugate = conjugate0.times(beta).minus(gradient); value0 = value; gradient0 = gradient; conjugate0 = conjugate; } // update vertex values vertex.getValue().setVector(value0); vertex.getValue().setConjugate(conjugate0); vertex.getValue().setGradient(gradient0); // update vertex bias if (biasOn) { double bias = computeBias(value0, messages); vertex.getValue().setBias(bias); } // send out messages for (Edge<CFVertexId, EdgeData4CFWritable> edge : vertex.getEdges()) { MessageData4CFWritable newMessage = new MessageData4CFWritable(vertex.getValue(), edge.getValue()); sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), newMessage); } } vertex.voteToHalt(); } /** * Master compute associated with {@link ConjugateGradientDescentComputation}. It registers required aggregators. */ public static class ConjugateGradientDescentMasterCompute extends DefaultMasterCompute { @Override public void initialize() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { registerAggregator(SUM_TRAIN_COST, DoubleSumAggregator.class); registerAggregator(SUM_VALIDATE_ERROR, DoubleSumAggregator.class); registerAggregator(SUM_TEST_ERROR, DoubleSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_LEFT_VERTICES, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_RIGHT_VERTICES, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_TRAIN_EDGES, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_VALIDATE_EDGES, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_TEST_EDGES, LongSumAggregator.class); } @Override public void compute() { // check convergence at every (2 * interval) super steps int learningCurveOutputInterval = getConf().getInt(LEARNING_CURVE_OUTPUT_INTERVAL, 1); long step = getSuperstep(); if (step < 3 || (step % (2 * learningCurveOutputInterval)) == 0) { return; } // calculate rmse on validate data DoubleWritable sumValidateError = getAggregatedValue(SUM_VALIDATE_ERROR); LongWritable numValidateEdges = getAggregatedValue(SUM_VALIDATE_EDGES); double validateRmse = 0d; if (numValidateEdges.get() > 0) { validateRmse = sumValidateError.get() / numValidateEdges.get(); validateRmse = Math.sqrt(validateRmse); } sumValidateError.set(validateRmse); // calculate rmse on test data DoubleWritable sumTestError = getAggregatedValue(SUM_TEST_ERROR); LongWritable numTestEdges = getAggregatedValue(SUM_TEST_EDGES); double testRmse = 0d; if (numTestEdges.get() > 0) { testRmse = sumTestError.get() / numTestEdges.get(); testRmse = Math.sqrt(testRmse); } sumTestError.set(testRmse); // evaluate convergence condition if (step >= 3 + (2 * learningCurveOutputInterval)) { float prevRmse = getConf().getFloat(PREV_RMSE, 0f); float threshold = getConf().getFloat(CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD, 0.001f); if (Math.abs(prevRmse - validateRmse) < threshold) { haltComputation(); } } getConf().setFloat(PREV_RMSE, (float) validateRmse); } } /** * This is an aggregator writer for CGD, which after each superstep will persist the * aggregator values to disk, by use of the Writable interface. */ public static class ConjugateGradientDescentAggregatorWriter implements AggregatorWriter { /** Name of the file we wrote to */ private static String FILENAME; /** Saved output stream to write to */ private FSDataOutputStream output; /**super step number*/ private long lastStep = -1L; private ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf; public static String getFilename() { return FILENAME; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public void initialize(Context context, long applicationAttempt) throws IOException { setFilename(applicationAttempt); String outputDir = context.getConfiguration().get("mapred.output.dir"); Path p = new Path(outputDir + "/" + FILENAME); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration()); if (fs.exists(p)) { fs.delete(p, true); } output = fs.create(p, true); } /** * Set filename written to * * @param applicationAttempt of type long */ private static void setFilename(long applicationAttempt) { FILENAME = "cf-learning-report"; } @Override public void writeAggregator(Iterable<Entry<String, Writable>> aggregatorMap, long superstep) throws IOException { long realStep = lastStep; int learningCurveOutputInterval = getConf().getInt(LEARNING_CURVE_OUTPUT_INTERVAL, 1); // collect aggregated data HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, Writable> entry : aggregatorMap) { map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } if (realStep == 0) { // output graph statistics long leftVertices = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_LEFT_VERTICES)); long rightVertices = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_RIGHT_VERTICES)); long trainEdges = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_TRAIN_EDGES)) * 2; long validateEdges = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_VALIDATE_EDGES)) * 2; long testEdges = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_TEST_EDGES)) * 2; output.writeBytes("======Graph Statistics======\n"); output.writeBytes(String.format("Number of vertices: %d (left: %d, right: %d)%n", leftVertices + rightVertices, leftVertices, rightVertices)); output.writeBytes(String.format("Number of edges: %d (train: %d, validate: %d, test: %d)%n", trainEdges + validateEdges + testEdges, trainEdges, validateEdges, testEdges)); output.writeBytes("\n"); // output cgd configuration int maxSupersteps = getConf().getInt(MAX_SUPERSTEPS, 20); int featureDimension = getConf().getInt(FEATURE_DIMENSION, 20); float lambda = getConf().getFloat(LAMBDA, 0f); boolean biasOn = getConf().getBoolean(BIAS_ON, false); float convergenceThreshold = getConf().getFloat(CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD, 0.001f); boolean bidirectionalCheck = getConf().getBoolean(BIDIRECTIONAL_CHECK, false); int numCGDIters = getConf().getInt(NUM_CGD_ITERS, 5); float maxVal = getConf().getFloat(MAX_VAL, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); float minVal = getConf().getFloat(MIN_VAL, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); output.writeBytes("======CGD Configuration======\n"); output.writeBytes(String.format("maxSupersteps: %d%n", maxSupersteps)); output.writeBytes(String.format("featureDimension: %d%n", featureDimension)); output.writeBytes(String.format("lambda: %f%n", lambda)); output.writeBytes(String.format("biasOn: %b%n", biasOn)); output.writeBytes(String.format("convergenceThreshold: %f%n", convergenceThreshold)); output.writeBytes(String.format("bidirectionalCheck: %b%n", bidirectionalCheck)); output.writeBytes(String.format("numCGDIters: %d%n", numCGDIters)); output.writeBytes(String.format("maxVal: %f%n", maxVal)); output.writeBytes(String.format("minVal: %f%n", minVal)); output.writeBytes(String.format("learningCurveOutputInterval: %d%n", learningCurveOutputInterval)); output.writeBytes("\n"); output.writeBytes("======Learning Progress======\n"); } else if (realStep > 0 && (realStep % (2 * learningCurveOutputInterval)) == 0) { // output learning progress double trainCost = Double.parseDouble(map.get(SUM_TRAIN_COST)); double validateRmse = Double.parseDouble(map.get(SUM_VALIDATE_ERROR)); double testRmse = Double.parseDouble(map.get(SUM_TEST_ERROR)); output.writeBytes(String.format("superstep = %d%c", realStep, '\t')); output.writeBytes(String.format("cost(train) = %f%c", trainCost, '\t')); output.writeBytes(String.format("rmse(validate) = %f%c", validateRmse, '\t')); output.writeBytes(String.format("rmse(test) = %f%n", testRmse)); } output.flush(); lastStep = (int) superstep; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { output.close(); } /** * Set the configuration to be used by this object. * * @param configuration Set configuration */ @Override public void setConf(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration configuration) { this.conf = configuration; } /** * Return the configuration used by this object. * * @return Set configuration */ @Override public ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration getConf() { return conf; } } }