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 * Copyright 2012-2015, the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.trpr.platform.integration.impl.messaging;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.trpr.platform.core.impl.logging.LogFactory;
import org.trpr.platform.core.spi.logging.Logger;
import org.trpr.platform.core.util.PlatformUtils;
import org.trpr.platform.integration.spi.messaging.MessagePublisher;
import org.trpr.platform.integration.spi.messaging.MessagingException;

import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP;
import com.rabbitmq.client.MessageProperties;

 * The <code>RabbitMQMessagePublisherImpl</code> class is an implementation of {@link MessagePublisher} that uses RabbitMQ as the underlying messaging
 * provider. This implementation is compatible with Java client API of RabbitMQ version 2.2.0. Backward/Forward compatibility with other versions 
 * requires verification.
 * This publisher will exhaust all {@link RabbitMQConfiguration} instances when trying to publish a message and fails only when every one of the
 * configurations fail to connect or fail otherwise.
 * This class implements the Spring {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean} and calls {@link #closeConnections()} method to 
 * cleanup connections when the application context is torn down. The dependence on Spring is justified by the need to close connections cleanly
 * during application shutdown.
 * @author Regunath B
 * @version 1.0, 28/05/2012
public class RabbitMQMessagePublisherImpl implements MessagePublisher, DisposableBean {

    /** Constant for the String literal UTF-8*/
    private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";

     * The Logger instance for this class
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogFactory.getLogger(RabbitMQMessagePublisherImpl.class);

     * List of RabbitMQ configurations available for this message publisher
    private List<RabbitMQConfiguration> rabbitMQConfigurations;

     * Array of RabbitConnectionHolder instances equalling the size of rabbitMQConfigurations.
    private RabbitConnectionHolder[] rabbitConnectionHolders;

     * Tracks total number of messages queued for each instantiation of this publisher class
    private long totNoOfMessagesQueued;

     * No-args constructor to initialize member variables.
    public RabbitMQMessagePublisherImpl() {

     * Interface method implementation. Does nothing 
     * @see MessagePublisher#initialize()
    public void initialize() {
        // do nothing as connections are created lazily

    /** == Start Spring DI style Getters and setters methods definition. */

    public List<RabbitMQConfiguration> getRabbitMQConfigurations() {
        return this.rabbitMQConfigurations;

    public void setRabbitMQConfigurations(List<RabbitMQConfiguration> rabbitMQConfigurations) {
        this.rabbitMQConfigurations = rabbitMQConfigurations;
        // just initialize the array. Don't create the connections yet
        this.rabbitConnectionHolders = new RabbitConnectionHolder[rabbitMQConfigurations.size()];

    /** == End Spring DI style Getters and setters methods definition. */

     * Interface method implementation. Converts the specified String to a UTF-8 encoded byte array and publishes it.
     * @see MessagePublisher#publishString(String)
    public void publishString(String string) throws MessagingException {

     * Interface method implementation. Converts the specified Object to a raw byte array and publishes it.
     * @see MessagePublisher#publish(Object)
    public void publish(Object message) throws MessagingException {

     * This method publishes the specified message in a round robin fashion. 
     * It tries all the rabbit-mq configurations provided.
     * If connection is successful it returns the index of the configuration to which connection was successful.
     * If connection to all provided configurations are unsuccessful then a Messaging Exception is thrown.
     * @param message Message that needs to be published
     * @return index of the configuration to which connection was successful.
     * @throws MessagingException
    protected int publishWithRoundRobinPolicy(Object message) throws MessagingException {
        int noOfQueues = rabbitMQConfigurations.size();
        int attempt = 0;
        RabbitMQConfiguration lastUsedConfiguration = null;
        while (attempt < noOfQueues) {
            int connectionIndex = (int) (totNoOfMessagesQueued % noOfQueues);
            RabbitMQConfiguration rabbitMQConfiguration = lastUsedConfiguration = rabbitMQConfigurations

            if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] == null
                    || !this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex].isValid()) { // don't synchronize here as all calls will require monitor acquisition
                try {
                    validateAndInitConnection(connectionIndex, rabbitMQConfiguration);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Error while initializing Rabbit connection." + "\n" + "Failed Configuration is "
                            + rabbitMQConfigurations.get(connectionIndex) + "\n"
                            + "Will try other configurations. Error is : " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    // continue to try with the next configuration
                    totNoOfMessagesQueued++; // increment the count though the connection create failed. Used in determining the configuration in round-robin
            try {
                publishToConnection(message, connectionIndex);
                return connectionIndex;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error while publishing message into queue. Failed Configuration is "
                        + rabbitMQConfigurations.get(connectionIndex) + "\n"
                        + "Will try other configurations. Error is : " + e.getMessage(), e);
                this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] = null; // the connection holder is not working. Remove from array
            } finally {
                totNoOfMessagesQueued++; // increment the count though the message publish might have failed. Used in determining the configuration in round-robin
        throw new MessagingException(
                "Error while publishing message into queue. All configurations failed!. Last failed configuration : "
                        + lastUsedConfiguration);

     * Validates the message to be published.
     * @param message Message that needs to be published.
    protected void validateMessage(Object message) {
        if (null == message) {
            throw new MessagingException("Message parameter cannot be null");

     * Checks if the connection for the configuration is null or invalid. 
     * If yes then creates a new connection as per the configuration.
     * @param connectionIndex Index of the configuration and the connection
     * @param rabbitMQConfiguration Configuration for which the connection needs to be validated
    private void validateAndInitConnection(int connectionIndex, RabbitMQConfiguration rabbitMQConfiguration) {
        synchronized (rabbitMQConfiguration) { // synchronized to make connection creation for the configuration a thread-safe operation. 
            // check after monitor acquisition in order to ensure that multiple threads do not create
            // a connection for the same configuration. \
            if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] == null
                    || !this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex].isValid()) { //Added code to check if connection is valid ... otherwise create a new connection 
                this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] = new RabbitConnectionHolder(rabbitMQConfiguration);

     * Publishes on a provided connection as per the connection configuration index. 
     * If the connection is null or if publishing fails it throws an Exception.
     * @param message
     * @param connectionIndex
     * @throws Exception
    protected void publishToConnection(Object message, int connectionIndex) throws Exception {
        RabbitMQConfiguration rabbitMQConfiguration = rabbitMQConfigurations.get(connectionIndex);

        if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] == null) {
            throw new MessagingException("Connection not initialized");

        boolean isMessageOfTypeString = (message instanceof String);
        byte[] body = isMessageOfTypeString ? ((String) message).getBytes(ENCODING)
                : PlatformUtils.toBytes(message);
        AMQP.BasicProperties msgProps = rabbitMQConfiguration.isDurable()
                ? (isMessageOfTypeString ? MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN
                        : MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_BASIC)
                : (isMessageOfTypeString ? MessageProperties.TEXT_PLAIN : MessageProperties.BASIC);

        if (rabbitMQConfiguration.isDurable()) {
            synchronized (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex].getChannel()) {
                // synchronized on the channel to avoid the below RabbitMQ client exception, caused in multi-threaded execution using the same channel:
                // java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot execute more than one synchronous AMQP command at a time
                        rabbitMQConfiguration.getExchangeName(), rabbitMQConfiguration.getRoutingKey(), msgProps,
                // Commit the message if it is durable and the commit count is reached. 
                // The channel should and would be in txSelect mode when it was created using the RabbitMQConfiguration details
                // increment totNoOfMessagesQueued by 1 and check as it is post incremented after publishing the message
                if ((totNoOfMessagesQueued + 1) % rabbitMQConfiguration.getDurableMessageCommitCount() == 0) {
                    if (rabbitMQConfiguration.isDisableTX()) {
                        // error out, as explicitly disabling TX will not make the message durable
                                "Configuration conflict. TX disabled for message publishing on durable queue. Message will not be published.");
        } else {
                    rabbitMQConfiguration.getExchangeName(), rabbitMQConfiguration.getRoutingKey(), msgProps, body);

     * Interface method implementation.
     * @see MessagePublisher#closeConnections()
    public void closeConnections() throws MessagingException {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.rabbitConnectionHolders.length; i++) {
            if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i] != null && this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i].isValid()) {
                // Commit any non-committed messages if it is durable and TX has not been disabled.
                // This is needed for persisting messages when configured commit count is not reached and the client closes connections
                if (rabbitMQConfigurations.get(i).isDurable() && !rabbitMQConfigurations.get(i).isDisableTX()) {
                    try {
                        // synchronized on the channel to avoid the below RabbitMQ client exception, caused in multi-threaded execution using the same channel:
                        // java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot execute more than one synchronous AMQP command at a time
                        synchronized (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i].getChannel()) {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        // Can't do much except log the error
                                "Error committing remaining durable messages. Messages will be lost. Continuing to close connection for this configuration : "
                                        + rabbitMQConfigurations.get(i));
                this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i] = null;

     * Interface method implementation. Returns the queue depth of the first usable configuration 
     * @see MessagePublisher#getQueueDepth()
    public int getQueueDepth() throws MessagingException {
        int noOfQueues = rabbitMQConfigurations.size();
        int attempt = 0;
        RabbitMQConfiguration lastUsedConfiguration = null;
        while (attempt < noOfQueues) {
            int connectionIndex = (int) (totNoOfMessagesQueued % noOfQueues);
            RabbitMQConfiguration RabbitMQConfiguration = lastUsedConfiguration = rabbitMQConfigurations

            try {
                if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] == null
                        || !this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex].isValid()) { // don't synchronize here as all calls will require monitor acquisition
                    validateAndInitConnection(connectionIndex, RabbitMQConfiguration);
                int count = this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex].getMessageCount();
                return count;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                        "Error while initializing Rabbit connection / getting message count. Will try others. Error is : "
                                + e.getMessage(),
                this.rabbitConnectionHolders[connectionIndex] = null; // the connection holder is not working. Reset it so that in can be recreated for the next call
            } finally {
                attempt++; // continue to try with the next configuration
                totNoOfMessagesQueued++; // increment the count though the message might have failed. Used in determining the configuration in round-robin               
        throw new MessagingException(
                "Error while getting queue depth. All configurations failed!. Last failed configuration : "
                        + lastUsedConfiguration);

     * Interface method implementation. Calls the {@link #closeConnections()} method
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean#destroy()
    public void destroy() throws Exception {

     * Gets ConnectionHolder instances for each of the RabbitMQConfiguration configured on this publisher
     * @return array of initialized RabbitConnectionHolder instances
    public RabbitConnectionHolder[] getRabbitConnectionHolders() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.rabbitConnectionHolders.length; i++) {
            if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i] == null || !this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i].isValid()) {
                try {
                    synchronized (this.rabbitMQConfigurations.get(i)) { // synchronized to make connection creation for the configuration a thread-safe operation. 
                        // check after monitor acquisition in order to ensure that multiple threads do not create
                        // a connection for the same configuration. 
                        if (this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i] == null) {
                            this.rabbitConnectionHolders[i] = new RabbitConnectionHolder(
                } catch (MessagingException e) {
                            "Error initiazlizing Rabbit connection. Connection not available for configuration : "
                                    + this.rabbitMQConfigurations.get(i),
        return this.rabbitConnectionHolders;