Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Ali Ok (aliokATapacheDOTorg) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.trnltk.tokenizer; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.junit.Test; import org.trnltk.util.DiffUtil; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static; public class TextTokenizerCorpusTest { final protected TokenizationGraph graph; TextTokenizer strictTokenizer; public TextTokenizerCorpusTest() throws IOException { graph = TextTokenizerTrainer.buildDefaultTokenizationGraph(true); strictTokenizer = TextTokenizer.newBuilder().blockSize(2).graph(graph).recordStats().strict().build(); } @Test public void tokenizedFileForTbmmJournal_b0241h_shouldNotHaveDifferenceOtherThanWhiteSpace() throws IOException { // tokenize file every time // otherwise, we need to introduce test method ordering, which is not good final File sentencesFile = new File(Resources.getResource("tokenizer/tbmm_b0241h_lines.txt").getFile()); final File tokenizedFile = new File(Resources.getResource("tokenizer/tbmm_b0241h_tokenized.txt").getFile()); createTokenizedFile(strictTokenizer, sentencesFile, tokenizedFile, false); shouldHaveNoDifferenceOtherThanWhiteSpace(sentencesFile, tokenizedFile); } protected static void createTokenizedFile(TextTokenizer tokenizer, File sentencesFile, File tokenizedFile, boolean silent) throws IOException { createTokenizedFile(tokenizer, sentencesFile, tokenizedFile, null, silent, null); } protected static void createTokenizedFile(TextTokenizer tokenizer, File sentencesFile, File tokenizedFile, File errorFile, boolean silent, TokenizationCommandCallback tokenizationCommandCallback) throws IOException { int N = 10000; final StopWatch tokenizationStopWatch = new StopWatch(); tokenizationStopWatch.start(); tokenizationStopWatch.suspend(); // final BufferedReader lineReader = Files.newReader(sentencesFile, Charsets.UTF_8); // don't read the file into the memory // final int lineCount = lineCount(sentencesFile); // I want to know this in advance to make a ETA statement final List<String> sentences = Files.readLines(sentencesFile, Charsets.UTF_8); final int lineCount = sentences.size(); if (!silent) System.out.println("Number of lines in the file : " + lineCount); final BufferedWriter tokensWriter = Files.newWriter(tokenizedFile, Charsets.UTF_8); final PrintWriter errorWriter = errorFile != null ? new PrintWriter(Files.newWriter(errorFile, Charsets.UTF_8)) : new PrintWriter(System.out); int numberOfLinesInError = 0; int tokenCount = 0; try { // for (Iterator<String> iterator = sentences.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { // String sentence =; int index; for (index = 0; index < sentences.size(); index++) { final String sentence = sentences.get(index); if (!silent && index % 10000 == 0) { System.out.println("Tokenizing line #" + index); final long totalTimeSoFar = tokenizationStopWatch.getTime(); final double avgTimeForALine = Long.valueOf(totalTimeSoFar).doubleValue() / index; final double remainingTimeEstimate = avgTimeForALine * (lineCount - index); System.out.println("For file --> ETA : " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS((long) remainingTimeEstimate) + " So far : " + tokenizationStopWatch.toString()); } if (tokenizationCommandCallback != null && index % N == 0) { tokenizationCommandCallback.reportProgress(N); } tokenizationStopWatch.resume(); final Iterable<Token> tokens; try { tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence); } catch (Exception e) { // skip the line numberOfLinesInError++; e.printStackTrace(errorWriter); errorWriter.println(); tokenizationStopWatch.suspend(); continue; } tokenizationStopWatch.suspend(); final Iterator<Token> tokensIterator = tokens.iterator(); while (tokensIterator.hasNext()) { final Token token =; tokensWriter.write(token.getSurface()); tokenCount++; if (tokensIterator.hasNext()) tokensWriter.write(" "); } tokensWriter.write("\n"); } if (tokenizationCommandCallback != null) { //report the lines since last report tokenizationCommandCallback.reportProgress(index % N); } } finally { tokensWriter.close(); errorWriter.close(); } tokenizationStopWatch.stop(); if (!silent) { System.out.println("Tokenized " + lineCount + " lines."); System.out.println("Found " + tokenCount + " tokens."); System.out.println("Avg time for tokenizing a line : " + Double.valueOf(tokenizationStopWatch.getTime()) / Double.valueOf(lineCount) + " ms"); System.out.println("\tProcessed : " + Double.valueOf(lineCount) / Double.valueOf(tokenizationStopWatch.getTime()) * 1000d + " lines in a second"); System.out.println("Avg time for generating a token : " + Double.valueOf(tokenizationStopWatch.getTime()) / Double.valueOf(tokenCount) + " ms"); System.out.println("\tProcessed : " + Double.valueOf(tokenCount) / Double.valueOf(tokenizationStopWatch.getTime()) * 1000d + " tokens in a second"); final TextTokenizer.TextTokenizerStats stats = tokenizer.getStats(); if (stats != null) { final LinkedHashMap<Pair<TextBlockTypeGroup, TextBlockTypeGroup>, Integer> successMap = stats .buildSortedSuccessMap(); System.out.println("Used " + successMap.size() + " distinct rules"); final LinkedHashMap<Pair<TextBlockTypeGroup, TextBlockTypeGroup>, Set<MissingTokenizationRuleException>> failMap = stats .buildSortedFailMap(); System.out.println("Couldn't find a rule for " + failMap.size() + " distinct specs"); System.out.println("Printing missing rules with occurrence count:"); int countOfMissing = 0; for (Map.Entry<Pair<TextBlockTypeGroup, TextBlockTypeGroup>, Set<MissingTokenizationRuleException>> entry : failMap .entrySet()) { final Pair<TextBlockTypeGroup, TextBlockTypeGroup> theCase = entry.getKey(); final Set<MissingTokenizationRuleException> exceptionsForCase = entry.getValue(); countOfMissing += exceptionsForCase.size(); System.out.println("\t" + theCase + "\t" + exceptionsForCase.size()); int i = 0; for (MissingTokenizationRuleException ex : exceptionsForCase) { final String message = ex.getMessage().replace("\t", "\t\t\t"); final String contextStr = "..." + ex.getContextBlockGroup().getText() + "..."; System.out.println("\t\t" + contextStr + "\n\t\t" + message); if (i == 2) //print only 3 messages for each case break; i++; } } System.out.println("Couldn't find a rule in a total of " + countOfMissing + " times"); } } if (tokenizationCommandCallback != null) { tokenizationCommandCallback.reportFileFinished(tokenCount, numberOfLinesInError); } } protected static void shouldHaveNoDifferenceOtherThanWhiteSpace(final File sentencesFile, final File tokenizedFile) throws IOException { final List<String> sentenceLines = Files.readLines(sentencesFile, Charsets.UTF_8); final List<String> tokenizedLines = Files.readLines(tokenizedFile, Charsets.UTF_8); assertThat(sentenceLines.size(), equalTo(tokenizedLines.size())); final StringBuilder messagesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < tokenizedLines.size(); lineIndex++) { final String sentenceLine = sentenceLines.get(lineIndex); final String tokenizedLine = tokenizedLines.get(lineIndex); final String[] diffLines = DiffUtil.diffLines(sentenceLine, tokenizedLine, true); if (diffLines != null) { messagesBuilder.append("Have difference other than white space in line ").append(lineIndex) .append("\n").append("\t").append(Joiner.on("\n\t").join(Arrays.asList(diffLines))) .append("\n\n"); } } if (messagesBuilder.length() != 0) fail(messagesBuilder.toString()); } public class TokenizationCommand implements Runnable { private final TokenizationCommandCallback callback; private final TextTokenizer tokenizer; private final File sentencesFile; private final File tokenizedFile; private final File errorFile; public TokenizationCommand(TokenizationCommandCallback callback, TextTokenizer tokenizer, File sentencesFile, File tokenizedFile, File errorFile) { this.callback = callback; this.tokenizer = tokenizer; this.sentencesFile = sentencesFile; this.tokenizedFile = tokenizedFile; this.errorFile = errorFile; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Tokenizing sourceFile " + sentencesFile + " to " + tokenizedFile); try { createTokenizedFile(tokenizer, sentencesFile, tokenizedFile, errorFile, true, callback); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error tokenizing file " + sentencesFile); e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected class TokenizationCommandCallback { private final int lineCountOfAllFiles; private final StopWatch stopWatch; int numberOfTokenizedLines = 0; int numberOfTokens = 0; int numberOfLinesInError = 0; public TokenizationCommandCallback(int lineCountOfAllFiles, StopWatch stopWatch) { this.lineCountOfAllFiles = lineCountOfAllFiles; this.stopWatch = stopWatch; } public void reportProgress(int n) { synchronized (this) { numberOfTokenizedLines += n; final long timeSoFar = stopWatch.getTime(); final double avgTimeForALine = Long.valueOf(timeSoFar).doubleValue() / Long.valueOf(numberOfTokenizedLines).doubleValue(); final double avgTimeForAToken = Long.valueOf(timeSoFar).doubleValue() / Long.valueOf(numberOfTokens).doubleValue(); final double remainingTimeEstimate = (lineCountOfAllFiles - numberOfTokenizedLines) * avgTimeForALine; System.out.printf("Speed: %.6f ms/line ", avgTimeForALine); System.out.printf("TimeSoFar : %11s ", DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(timeSoFar)); System.out.printf("ETA: %11s ", DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS((long) remainingTimeEstimate)); System.out.printf("Speed: %.10f ms/token ", avgTimeForAToken); System.out.printf("Lines: %8d ", numberOfTokenizedLines); System.out.printf("Tokens: %10d ", numberOfTokens); System.out.printf("ErrorsSoFar: %8d ", numberOfLinesInError); System.out.printf("RemainingLines: %8d ", this.lineCountOfAllFiles - numberOfTokenizedLines); System.out.println(); } } public void reportFileFinished(int tokenCount, int numberOfLinesInError) { synchronized (this) { this.numberOfTokens += tokenCount; this.numberOfLinesInError += numberOfLinesInError; } } public int getNumberOfTokens() { return numberOfTokens; } } }