Java tutorial
/* * The University of Wales, Cardiff Triana Project Software License (Based * on the Apache Software License Version 1.1) * * Copyright (c) 2007 University of Wales, Cardiff. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of the software in source and binary forms, with * or without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, * must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes * software developed by the University of Wales, Cardiff for the Triana * Project (" Alternately, this * acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever * such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Triana" and "University of Wales, Cardiff" must not be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without prior written permission. For written permission, please * contact * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Triana," nor * may Triana appear in their name, without prior written permission of * the University of Wales, Cardiff. * * 6. This software may not be sold, used or incorporated into any product * for sale to third parties. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN * NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF WALES, CARDIFF OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Triana Project. For more information on the * Triana Project, please see. * * This license is based on the BSD license as adopted by the Apache * Foundation and is governed by the laws of England and Wales. * */ package org.trianacode.taskgraph.service; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.trianacode.enactment.logging.Loggers; import org.trianacode.enactment.logging.stampede.StampedeLog; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.*; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.clipin.ClipInBucket; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.clipin.ClipInStore; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.databus.DataBus; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.databus.DataBusInterface; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.databus.DataNotResolvableException; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.databus.LocalDataBus; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.databus.packet.WorkflowDataPacket; import; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.ser.TrianaObjectInputStream; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.tool.Tool; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.tool.ToolTable; import*; import java.util.*; /** * An extension to Task that allows the underlying OldUnit to be instantiated and run. * <p/> * * @author Ian Wang */ public class RunnableTask extends AbstractRunnableTask implements RunnableInstance, RunnableInterface, ControlInterface, Runnable { private static Log toolLog = Loggers.TOOL_LOGGER; // private static StampedeLoggerInterface stampedeLog = Loggers.STAMPEDE_LOGGER; private StampedeLog stampedeLog; // A internal string representing null private static final String NULL_STR = "#<---NULL->#"; // valid thread states private static final Integer NO_THREAD = new Integer(0); private static final Integer IN_PROCESS = new Integer(1); private static final Integer UNSTABLE = new Integer(2); // object to lock on - an instane variable private final Integer THREAD_LOCK = new Integer(-1); private Unit unit; /** * the thead the task is currently running in (or null if not running) */ private Thread thread = null; /** * if runAgain is > 0 then the unit is run again and runAgain is Ndecremented */ private int runAgain = 0; /** * The count for the number of data packets still not output */ public int packetsLeft; /** * An array of the essential nodes that have called but not activated the unit due to waiting for data from other * essential nodes. When the unit is finally activated (data received from all essential nodes), this array is * cleared. */ private ArrayList wakeups = new ArrayList(); /** * A hashtable of parameter updates that have not been passed to the unit; this is used when parmeter updates are * only commited to the unit at the start of its proceess method. */ private Hashtable paramupdates = new Hashtable(); /** * A bucket containing all the clip-ins currently attached to this task */ private ClipInBucket clipins = new ClipInBucket(this); /** * A hashtable containing the clip-ins for each data item input during the current process cycle. */ private Hashtable clipinbuffer = new Hashtable(); /** * A hashtable of all the queued clip-in objects keyed by name */ private Hashtable clipinqueue = new Hashtable(); /** * a flag indicating whether the unit has been initialised */ private boolean init = false; /** * a flag indicating whether the thread doesn't exist, is processing or is unstable. */ private Integer threadstate = NO_THREAD; protected RunnableTask(Tool task, TaskFactory factory, boolean preserveinst) throws TaskException { super(task, factory, preserveinst); if (getProxy() instanceof JavaProxy) { unit = ((JavaProxy) getProxy()).getUnit(); } if (unit == null) { throw new TaskException("Could not load unit for " + this.getQualifiedToolName()); } setDataInputTypes(unit.getInputTypes()); setDataOutputTypes(unit.getOutputTypes()); String[][] inTypes = unit.getNodeInputTypes(); if (inTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < inTypes.length; i++) { String[] inType = inTypes[i]; if (inType != null && inType.length > 0) { setDataInputTypes(i, inType); } } } String[][] outTypes = unit.getNodeOutputTypes(); if (outTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < outTypes.length; i++) { String[] inType = outTypes[i]; if (inType != null && inType.length > 0) { setDataOutputTypes(i, inType); } } } } /** * Initializes the unit associated with this runnable task. */ public void initUnit() throws TaskException { if (unit != null) { unit.setRunnableInterface(this); unit.init(); init = true; String[] paramnames = getParameterNames(); for (int count = 0; count < paramnames.length; count++) { if (!getParameterType(paramnames[count]).equals(Tool.LATE_INITIALIZE)) { unit.parameterUpdated(paramnames[count], getParameter(paramnames[count])); } } executionReset(); } } /** * @return the task interface for this runnable task. */ public Task getTask() { return this; } /** * @return the control interface to the scheduler (returns null if the task is not a control task) */ public ControlInterface getControlInterface() { return this; } /** * @return the current tool table */ public ToolTable getToolTable() { return TaskGraphManager.getToolTable(); } /** * @return the clip-in attached to this task with the specified name (null if not present). The flag indicates * whether the clip */ public Object getClipIn(String name) { return clipins.getClipIn(name); } /** * @return the clip-in with the specified name that came attached to the the specified data item (null if not * present). Only clip-ins for data that has been input in the current process can be retrieved. */ public Object getClipIn(Object data, String name) { if (clipinbuffer.containsKey(data)) { return ((ClipInBucket) clipinbuffer.get(data)).getClipIn(name); } else { return null; } } /** * @return true if a clip-in with the specified name exists in this task's clip-in bucket */ public boolean isClipInName(String name) { return clipins.isClipInName(name); } /** * Put the specified clip-in into this task's clip-in bucket */ public void putClipIn(String name, Object clipin) { clipins.putClipIn(name, clipin); } /** * Queue the specified clip-in to be inserted into the clip-in bucket when the task is next run */ public void queueClipIn(String name, Object clipin) { clipinqueue.put(name, clipin); } /** * Remove the clip-in with the specified name from this task. * * @return the removed clip-in (or null if unknown) */ public Object removeClipIn(String name) { return clipins.removeClipIn(name); } /** * @return a copy of the current clip-in bucket */ public ClipInStore extractClipInState() { return clipins.extractClipInStore(); } /** * Restores a previously stored clip-in bucket state */ public void restoreClipInState(ClipInStore store) { clipins.restoreClipInStore(store); } /** * Tells the Unit that an output node has finished sending the data. Here, we simply decrement the <b>packetsLeft * </b> variabe which is set to be equal to the number of non-blocking nodes wich are sending the data. */ public final void finished() { --packetsLeft; } /** * Tells a task to wake-up if data has been received on all of its essential nodes. */ public final synchronized void wakeUp() { boolean wakeup = true; Node[] nodes = getRequiredNodes(); // Check if wake-ups have been received from all essential nodes. for (int count = 0; (count < nodes.length) && (wakeup); count++) { toolLog.debug(Arrays.toString(nodes) + " are required. Awoken nodes are : " + wakeups); if (!wakeups.contains(nodes[count])) { toolLog.debug("Awoken nodes are missing node " + nodes[count].getName()); wakeup = false; } } if (wakeup) { startThread(); } } /** * Tells the Task to wake up if data has been received on all of its essential nodes. The parameter indicates the * node that received data to cause this wake-up. */ public final synchronized void wakeUp(Node node) { if (isRequired(node)) { // wakeups.add(node); Node scopeNode = node.getTopLevelNode(); wakeups.add(scopeNode); while (scopeNode.getChildNode() != null) { scopeNode = scopeNode.getChildNode(); wakeups.add(scopeNode); } wakeUp(); } else if (node.isParameterNode()) { receiveParameterValue(node); } else { wakeUp(); } } /** * @return true if data is required from the specified node */ private boolean isRequired(Node node) { Node top = node.getTopLevelNode(); return top.isEssential() || (top.isEssentialIfConnected() && top.isConnected()); } /** * @return an array of all the required nodes for the task */ private Node[] getRequiredNodes() { Node[] nodes = getInputNodes(); ArrayList required = new ArrayList(); for (int count = 0; count < nodes.length; count++) { if (isRequired(nodes[count])) { required.add(nodes[count]); } } return (Node[]) required.toArray(new Node[required.size()]); } /** * Receives the parameter value from the specified node */ private void receiveParameterValue(Node node) { if (node instanceof RunnableParameterNode) { Object parameter = getInput((RunnableParameterNode) node); String paramname = ((RunnableParameterNode) node).getParameterName(); if (paramname.equals(ParameterNode.TRIGGER_PARAM)) { return; } if (parameter instanceof Number) { setParameter(paramname, parameter.toString()); } else { setParameter(paramname, parameter); } } } /** * creates the thread to run the unit, or set a flag to re-run the existing thread */ public final synchronized void startThread() { boolean handled = false; wakeups.clear(); do { synchronized (THREAD_LOCK) { if (threadstate != UNSTABLE) { executionRequested(); if (threadstate == IN_PROCESS) { runAgain++; } else { runAgain = 0; threadstate = UNSTABLE; getProperties().getEngine().execute(this); } handled = true; } else { Thread.yield(); } } } while (!handled); } /** * @return true if there is data waiting on the specified node */ public boolean isInput(int nodeNumber) { if (nodeNumber >= getDataInputNodeCount()) { throw new OutOfRangeException("Node " + nodeNumber + " is out of range on Unit " + getToolName()); } Node node = getDataInputNode(nodeNumber); if ((node != null) && (node.isConnected())) { if (node.getCable() instanceof InputCable) { return ((InputCable) node.getCable()).isDataReady(); } } return false; } /** * Returns the data at input node <i>nodeNumber</i>. If data is not ready, NOT_READY triana type is returned. If * there is no cable connected to the input node the NOT_CONNECTED triana type is returned. * * @param nodeNumber the node you want to get the data from. */ public Object getInput(int nodeNumber) throws OutOfRangeException, EmptyingException, NotCompatibleException { if (nodeNumber >= getDataInputNodeCount()) { throw new OutOfRangeException("Node " + nodeNumber + " is out of range on Unit " + getToolName()); } RunnableNode node = (RunnableNode) getDataInputNode(nodeNumber); if (!node.isConnected()) {"Node is not connected at input:" + nodeNumber); return null; } Object data = getInput(node); String[] types = getDataInputTypes(nodeNumber); if (types == null) { types = getDataInputTypes(); } Class[] typecls = TypeChecking.classForTrianaType(types); if (!TypeChecking.isCompatible(data, typecls)) { // try and convert parameters or strings to consts /*try { if (data instanceof String) data = new Const((String) data); } catch (NumberFormatException except) { }*/ if (!TypeChecking.isCompatible(data, typecls)) { String errormsg = "Data type received at node " + node.getNodeIndex() + " on unit " + this.getToolName() + " is incompatible with unit specification.\n"; errormsg += "Received input types : " + data.getClass().getName() + "\n"; errormsg += "Allowed input types :"; for (int count = 0; count < types.length; count++) { errormsg += " " + types[count]; } throw new NotCompatibleException(errormsg); } } /* if (unit instanceof ProcessDoublesInterface) { // Convert data types if necessary : condition 1 : if ((Env.getConvertToDouble()) && (data instanceof GraphType) && (((ProcessDoublesInterface) unit).getCanProcessDoubleArrays())) ((GraphType) data).convertDependentDataArraysToDoubles(); // condition 2 : if ((data instanceof GraphType) && (((ProcessDoublesInterface) unit).getRequireDoubleInputs())) ((GraphType) data).convertDependentDataArraysToDoubles(); }*/ return data; } /** * Returns the data at the specified input node. If data is not ready, NOT_READY triana type is returned. If there * is no cable connected to the input node the NOT_CONNECTED triana type is returned. */ protected Object getInput(RunnableNodeInterface node) { InputCable cable = (InputCable) node.getCable(); if (!node.isConnected()) { return ConnectionStatus.NOT_CONNECTED; } if (node.isOptional() && (!cable.isDataReady())) { return ConnectionStatus.NOT_READY; } Object mess = cable.recv(); Object data; if (mess instanceof DataMessage) { data = ((DataMessage) mess).getData(); //Now this is always a URL so we can cast.... WorkflowDataPacket packet = (WorkflowDataPacket) data; // IAN T - gets the data by resolving the URL rather than just accepting the data as is. try { DataBusInterface db = DataBus.getDataBus(packet.getProtocol()); data = db.get(packet); } catch (DataNotResolvableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // insert the clip-ins attached to the data into the clip-in bucket if (((DataMessage) mess).hasClipIns()) { ClipInBucket messclips = ((DataMessage) mess).getClipIns(); clipins.insert(messclips, node); clipinbuffer.put(messclips, clipins); } } else { data = mess; } // if (data != null) { // if (LoggingUtils.loggingInputs(this.getProperties())) { //// logToSchedulerLogger(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.UNIT_INPUT) //// .add(LogDetail.TASK, getQualifiedToolName()) //// .add("NODE", node.getName()) //// .add("DATA", data.toString()) //// .add(LogDetail.WF, getUltimateParent().getQualifiedToolName()) //// ); // } else { //// logToSchedulerLogger(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.UNIT_INPUT) //// .add(LogDetail.TASK, getQualifiedToolName()) //// .add("NODE", node.getName()) //// .add("DATA_LENGTH", "" + data.toString().length()) //// .add(LogDetail.WF, getUltimateParent().getQualifiedToolName()) //// ); // } // } return data; } /** * b Outputs the data from the unit. This passses the given data set to the first output node and then makes copies * for any other output nodes. * * @param data the data to be sent */ public void output(Object data) { try { Object toOutput; RunnableNode node; packetsLeft = 0; // number of packets to output for (int i = 0; i < this.getDataOutputNodeCount(); ++i) { if (this.getDataOutputNode(i).isConnected()) { ++packetsLeft; } } boolean clonemultiple = ((data instanceof Serializable) && !isParameterName(OUTPUT_POLICY)) || (getParameter(OUTPUT_POLICY).equals(CLONE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT)); boolean cloneall = ((data instanceof Serializable) && isParameterName(OUTPUT_POLICY)) && (getParameter(OUTPUT_POLICY).equals(CLONE_ALL_OUTPUT)); for (int i = 0; i < this.getDataOutputNodeCount(); ++i) { node = (RunnableNode) this.getDataOutputNode(i); if (node.isConnected()) { // check output policy if (clonemultiple) { if (i != this.getDataOutputNodeCount() - 1) { toOutput = copyData(data); } else { toOutput = data; } } else if (cloneall) { toOutput = copyData(data); } else { toOutput = data; } output(node, toOutput, true); } } } catch (NotSerializableException except) { System.out.println("Object " + data.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " is not serializable."); // TODO except.printStackTrace(); //throw(new RuntimeException(Env.getString("serializeError") + ": " + except.getMessage())); } catch (IOException except) { // TODO except.printStackTrace(); //throw(new RuntimeException(Env.getString("outputError") + ": " + except.getMessage())); } catch (ClassNotFoundException except) { // TODO except.printStackTrace(); //throw(new RuntimeException(Env.getString("outputError") + ": " + except.getMessage())); } } /** * Makes a copy of the specified data. If the data is of TrianaType the copyMe method is used, otherwise the data is * serialized then deserialized. * <p/> * Note: this relies on all data types being serialisable Note2: this method uses ByteArrayInputStream and * OutputStream which are not optimised, they are synchronized (not needed here) and the buffer size and growth * factor could be tweeked */ private Object copyData(Object data) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { /* // TODO if (data instanceof TrianaType) return ((TrianaType) data).copyMe(); else {*/ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objout = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); objout.writeObject(data); objout.flush(); objout.close(); bos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); ObjectInputStream objin = new TrianaObjectInputStream(bis); Object ret = null; try { ret = objin.readObject(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } objin.close(); return ret; //} } /** * Outputs the data to the given node <i>outputNode</i>. If specified this method blocks until the data is * successfully sent, otherwise, if non-blocking, isOutputSent() can be used to poll whether the data has been * successfully sent. This method is used to set the data at each particular output node if this is necessary, * otherwise use output(Object data) to copy the data across all nodes. * * @param outputNode the output node you wish to set * @param data the data to be sent */ public void output(int outputNode, Object data, boolean blocking) { output((RunnableNodeInterface) getDataOutputNode(outputNode), data, blocking); } /** * Output the specified object on the specified node */ void output(RunnableNodeInterface node, Object data, boolean blocking) { toolLog.debug("RunnableTask.output ENTER with data:" + data); if (!node.isParameterNode()) { waitPause(); if (!getExecutionState().equals(ExecutionState.RUNNING)) { throw (new EmptyingException("Output Error: " + getToolName() + " is not running")); } } if (node.isConnected()) { ClipInBucket extract = clipins.extract(node); // IAN T - Need to map GUI choice of data sending to databus here: WorkflowDataPacket packet = DataBus.getDataBus(LocalDataBus.LOCAL_PROTOCOL).addObject(data, true); //HTTPServices.getWorkflowServer().addDataResource(packet.getDataLocation().getPath(), (Serializable) data); toolLog.debug("RunnableTask.output ENTER URL = " + packet.getDataLocation()); DataMessage mess = new DataMessage(packet, extract); // if (LoggingUtils.loggingInputs(this.getProperties())) { // logToSchedulerLogger(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.UNIT_OUTPUT) // .add(LogDetail.TASK, getQualifiedToolName()) // .add("NODE", node.getName()) // .add("DATA", data.toString()) // .add(LogDetail.WF, getUltimateParent().getQualifiedToolName()) // ); // } else { // logToSchedulerLogger(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.UNIT_OUTPUT) // .add(LogDetail.TASK, getQualifiedToolName()) // .add("NODE", node.getName()) // .add("DATA_LENGTH", "" + data.toString().length()) // .add(LogDetail.WF, getUltimateParent().getQualifiedToolName()) // ); // } if (blocking) { ((OutputCable) node.getCable()).send(mess); } else { ((OutputCable) node.getCable()).sendNonBlocking(mess); } } } private Scheduler getScheduler(TaskGraph taskGraph) { TrianaServer trianaServer = TaskGraphManager.getTrianaServer(taskGraph); SchedulerInterface scheduler = trianaServer.getSchedulerInterface(); if (scheduler instanceof Scheduler) { return (Scheduler) scheduler; } return null; } // private void logToSchedulerLogger(StampedeEvent stampedeEvent) { // getScheduler(this.getParent()).stampedeLog.logStampedeEvent(stampedeEvent); // } /** * @return true if the data sent with the non-blocking send call has reached its destination */ public boolean isOutputSent(int outputNode) { if (outputNode >= getDataOutputNodeCount()) { return false; } RunnableNode gn = (RunnableNode) getDataOutputNode(outputNode); OutputCable cable = (OutputCable) gn.getCable(); if (cable == null) { return false; } else { return cable.isDataSent(); } } /** * This over-rides the RunnableUnit's run method so that we can display the data flow indicators on the icons when * we are processing data. */ public void run() { thread = Thread.currentThread(); do { if ((isRunContinuously()) && (runAgain <= 0)) { runAgain = 1; executionRequested(); } if (getExecutionState() != ExecutionState.RESETTING) { beforeProcess(); synchronized (THREAD_LOCK) { threadstate = IN_PROCESS; } process(); synchronized (THREAD_LOCK) { threadstate = UNSTABLE; } afterProcess(); } } while ((runAgain-- > 0) && (getExecutionState() != ExecutionState.RESETTING)); finishProcess(); thread = null; threadstate = NO_THREAD; } private void finishProcess() { if (getExecutionState().equals(ExecutionState.RESETTING)) { unit.reset(); wakeups.clear(); runAgain = 0; executionReset(); } } /** * Order a unit to stop, resets the unit to its pre-run state */ public void reset() { super.reset(); getProperties().getEngine().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { boolean handled = false; do { synchronized (THREAD_LOCK) { if (threadstate != UNSTABLE) { if (threadstate == IN_PROCESS) { unit.stopping(); thread.interrupt(); } else { unit.reset(); wakeups.clear(); executionReset(); } handled = true; } else { Thread.yield(); } } } while (!handled); } }); } /** * Runs the specified task. * <p/> * If execution is paused then this method waits until execution is resumed, or throws a SchedulerException if * execution is reset. */ public void runTask(Task task) throws SchedulerException { waitPause(); TaskGraphManager.getTrianaServer(getParent()).runTask(task); } /** * Runs all the tasks within the group that this task belongs to. * <p/> * If execution is paused then this method waits until execution is resumed, or throws a SchedulerException if * execution is reset. */ public void runGroup() throws SchedulerException { if (getParent() != null) { waitPause(); Task[] tasks = getParent().getTasks(false); for (int count = 0; count < tasks.length; count++) { TaskGraphManager.getTrianaServer(getParent()).runTask(tasks[count]); } } } /** * Tries running the process() method. * <p/> * TODO: Better error handling */ public void process() { try { stampedeLog = getScheduler(this.getParent()).stampedeLog;"RUNNING " + getQualifiedToolName()); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("\""); for (String param : this.getParameterNames()) { stringBuilder.append(param).append(":").append(this.getParameter(param)).append(","); } stringBuilder.append("\""); // String hostname; // try { // hostname = Inet4Address.getLocalHost().getHostName(); // } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // hostname = "localhost"; // } Scheduler scheduler = this.getScheduler(this.getParent()); if (scheduler != null) { // logToSchedulerLogger(scheduler.addSchedJobInstDetails(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.JOB_START) // .add(LogDetail.STD_OUT_FILE, scheduler.runtimeFileLog.getLogFilePath()) // .add(LogDetail.STD_ERR_FILE, scheduler.runtimeFileLog.getLogFilePath()), // this)); stampedeLog.logInvocationStart(this); // logToSchedulerLogger(scheduler.stampedeLog.addBaseEventDetails(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.INVOCATION_START) // .add(LogDetail.UNIT_INST_ID, String.valueOf(scheduler.stampedeLog.getTaskNumber(this))) // .add(LogDetail.UNIT_ID, this.getQualifiedToolName()) // .add(LogDetail.INVOCATION_ID, "1"))); } long startTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; waitPause(); try { unit.process(); } catch (Exception except) { System.out.println(this.getToolName() + " : " + this.getExecutionState().name()); notifyError(except); toolLog.warn("Exception thrown invoking process() on Unit:", except); } if (scheduler != null) { // logToSchedulerLogger(scheduler.stampedeLog.addSchedJobInstDetails(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.JOB_TERM) // .add(LogDetail.STATUS, "0"), // this) // ); long duration = (new Date().getTime() / 1000) - startTime; if (duration == 0) { duration = 1; } stampedeLog.logInvocationEnd(this, stringBuilder.toString().replaceAll("[\n\r]", ""), startTime, duration); stampedeLog.logJobTerminate(this); // StampedeEvent invEnd = new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.INVOCATION_END); // scheduler.stampedeLog.addBaseEventDetails(invEnd) // .add(LogDetail.UNIT_INST_ID, String.valueOf(scheduler.stampedeLog.getTaskNumber(this))) // .add(LogDetail.INVOCATION_ID, "1") // .add(LogDetail.UNIT_ID, "unit:" + this.getQualifiedToolName()) // .add(LogDetail.START_TIME, String.valueOf(startTime)) // .add(LogDetail.DURATION, String.valueOf(duration)) // .add(LogDetail.TRANSFORMATION, this.getQualifiedTaskName()) // .add(LogDetail.EXECUTABLE, "Triana") // .add(LogDetail.ARGS, stringBuilder.toString().replaceAll("[\n\r]", "")) // .add(LogDetail.TASK_ID, this.getQualifiedTaskName() // ); stampedeLog.logHost(this); // logToSchedulerLogger(scheduler.stampedeLog.addBaseJobInstDetails(new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.HOST), this) // .add(LogDetail.SITE, "localhost") // .add(LogDetail.HOSTNAME, hostname) // .add(LogDetail.IP_ADDRESS, "") // ); // StampedeEvent endJob = new StampedeEvent(LogDetail.JOB_END); // scheduler.addSchedJobInstDetails(endJob, this) // .add(LogDetail.STD_OUT_FILE, scheduler.runtimeFileLog.getLogFilePath()) // .add(LogDetail.STD_ERR_FILE, scheduler.runtimeFileLog.getLogFilePath()) // .add(LogDetail.SITE, hostname) // .add(LogDetail.MULTIPLIER, "1"); if (!getExecutionState().equals(ExecutionState.ERROR)) {"FINISHED RUNNING " + getQualifiedToolName()); //// endJob.add(LogDetail.STATUS, "-1"); //// endJob.add(LogDetail.EXIT_CODE, "1"); // invEnd.add(LogDetail.EXIT_CODE, "0"); // } else { //// endJob.add(LogDetail.STATUS, "0"); //// endJob.add(LogDetail.EXIT_CODE, "0"); // invEnd.add(LogDetail.EXIT_CODE, "1"); } // // logToSchedulerLogger(invEnd); // logToSchedulerLogger(endJob); } } catch (OutOfRangeException ore) { notifyError(ore); } catch (EmptyingException ee) { } catch (NotCompatibleException nce) { notifyError(nce); } catch (OutOfMemoryError ep) { notifyError(ep); System.runFinalization(); System.gc(); } catch (Throwable e) { notifyError(e); } } private void notifyError(Throwable e) { StringWriter s = new StringWriter(); s.write("Error in:" + getQualifiedTaskName() + "\n"); PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(s); e.printStackTrace(p); p.flush(); notifyError(s.toString()); } private void receiveTriggerParameters() { ParameterNode[] params = getParameterInputNodes(); for (int count = 0; count < params.length; count++) { if (params[count].isTriggerNode()) { receiveParameterValue(params[count]); } } } /** * This function is called immediately before the unit's process() function is called */ public void beforeProcess() { // empty the clip-in bucket and buffer clipins.empty(); clipinbuffer.clear(); Enumeration enumeration = clipinqueue.keys(); String key; while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { key = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); clipins.putClipIn(key, clipinqueue.get(key)); } clipinqueue.clear(); receiveTriggerParameters(); executionStarting(); } public void afterProcess() { // notify unit of parameter updates if param update policy is start of // process (also default behaviour if no param update policy). if ((!isParameterName(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY)) || (getParameter(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY).equals(PROCESS_UPDATE))) { synchronized (paramupdates) { Enumeration enumeration = paramupdates.keys(); String paramname; while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { paramname = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); if (paramupdates.get(paramname).equals(NULL_STR)) { unit.parameterUpdated(paramname, null); } else { unit.parameterUpdated(paramname, paramupdates.get(paramname)); } } paramupdates.clear(); } } executionFinished(); } protected void notifyParameterSet(String name, String type, Object oldval, Object newval) { if ((unit != null) && (init)) { if ((threadstate != IN_PROCESS) || ((isParameterName(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY)) && (getParameter(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY).equals(IMMEDIATE_UPDATE)))) { unit.parameterUpdated(name, getParameter(name)); } else if ((!isParameterName(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY)) || (getParameter(PARAM_UPDATE_POLICY).equals(PROCESS_UPDATE))) { if (getParameter(name) != null) { paramupdates.put(name, getParameter(name)); } else { paramupdates.put(name, NULL_STR); } } } super.notifyParameterSet(name, type, oldval, newval); } /** * disposes of the running unit */ public void dispose() { if (unit != null) { unit.dispose(); } super.dispose(); } }