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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.trellisldp.test;

import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDFSyntax.TURTLE;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS;
import static org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils.getInstance;
import static org.trellisldp.http.core.HttpConstants.ACCEPT_DATETIME;
import static org.trellisldp.http.core.HttpConstants.MEMENTO_DATETIME;
import static org.trellisldp.test.TestUtils.getLinks;
import static org.trellisldp.test.TestUtils.readEntityAsGraph;
import static org.trellisldp.vocabulary.RDF.type;

import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Dataset;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.IRI;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDF;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.DC;
import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.LDP;
import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.SKOS;

 * Run Memento-related tests on a Trellis application.
public interface MementoResourceTests extends MementoCommonTests {

     * Build a list of all Mementos.
     * @return the resource mementos
    default Map<String, String> getMementos() {
        final Map<String, String> mementos = new HashMap<>();
        try (final Response res = target(getResourceLocation()).request().get()) {
            getLinks(res).stream().filter(link -> link.getRel().equals("memento"))
                    .filter(l -> l.getParams().containsKey("datetime"))
                    .forEach(link -> mementos.put(link.getUri().toString(), link.getParams().get("datetime")));
        return mementos;

     * Test the presence of three mementos.
    @DisplayName("Test the presence of three mementos")
    default void testMementosWereFound() {
        final Map<String, String> mementos = getMementos();
        assertFalse(mementos.isEmpty(), "Check that mementos were found");
        assertEquals(3, mementos.size(), "Check that 3 mementos were found");

     * Test the presence of a datetime header for each memento.
    @DisplayName("Test the presence of a datetime header for each memento")
    default void testMementoDateTimeHeader() {
        getMementos().forEach((memento, date) -> {
            try (final Response res = target(memento).request().get()) {
                assertEquals(SUCCESSFUL, res.getStatusInfo().getFamily(), "Check for a successful memento request");
                final ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(date, RFC_1123_DATE_TIME);
                assertEquals(zdt, ZonedDateTime.parse(res.getHeaderString(MEMENTO_DATETIME), RFC_1123_DATE_TIME),
                        "Check that the memento-datetime header is correct");

     * Test the presence of a datetime header for each memento.
    @DisplayName("Test the presence of a datetime header for each memento")
    default void testMementoAcceptDateTimeHeader() {
        getMementos().forEach((memento, date) -> {
            final String location;
            try (final Response res = target(getResourceLocation()).request().header(ACCEPT_DATETIME, date)
                    .head()) {
                if (REDIRECTION.equals(res.getStatusInfo().getFamily())) {
                    location = res.getLocation().toString();
                } else {
                    location = getResourceLocation();

            try (final Response res = target(location).request().header(ACCEPT_DATETIME, date).head()) {
                assertEquals(SUCCESSFUL, res.getStatusInfo().getFamily(), "Check for a successful memento request");
                final ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(date, RFC_1123_DATE_TIME);
                assertEquals(zdt, ZonedDateTime.parse(res.getHeaderString(MEMENTO_DATETIME), RFC_1123_DATE_TIME),
                        "Check that the memento-datetime header is correct");

     * Test allowed methods on memento resources.
    @DisplayName("Test allowed methods on memento resources")
    default void testMementoAllowedMethods() {
        getMementos().forEach((memento, date) -> {
            try (final Response res = target(memento).request().get()) {
                assertAll("Check allowed methods", checkMementoAllowedMethods(res));

     * Test that memento resources are also LDP resources.
    @DisplayName("Test that memento resources are also LDP resources")
    default void testMementoLdpResource() {
        getMementos().forEach((memento, date) -> {
            try (final Response res = target(memento).request().get()) {
                assertAll("Check LDP headers", checkMementoLdpHeaders(res, LDP.RDFSource));

     * Test the content of memento resources.
    @DisplayName("Test the content of memento resources")
    default void testMementoContent() {
        final RDF rdf = getInstance();
        final Dataset dataset = rdf.createDataset();
        final Map<String, String> mementos = getMementos();
        mementos.forEach((memento, date) -> {
            try (final Response res = target(memento).request().get()) {
                assertEquals(SUCCESSFUL, res.getStatusInfo().getFamily(), "Check for a successful request");
                readEntityAsGraph(res.getEntity(), getBaseURL(), TURTLE).stream()
                        .forEach(triple -> dataset.add(rdf.createIRI(memento), triple.getSubject(),
                                triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject()));

        final IRI subject = rdf.createIRI(getResourceLocation());
        final List<IRI> urls = mementos.keySet().stream().sorted().map(rdf::createIRI).collect(toList());
        assertEquals(3L, urls.size(), "Check that three mementos were found");
        assertTrue(dataset.getGraph(urls.get(0)).isPresent(), "Check that the first graph is present");
        dataset.getGraph(urls.get(0)).ifPresent(g -> {
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, type, SKOS.Concept), "Check for a skos:Concept type");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, SKOS.prefLabel, rdf.createLiteral("Resource Name", "eng")),
                    "Check for a skos:prefLabel property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.subject, rdf.createIRI("")),
                    "Check for a dc:subject property");
            assertEquals(3L, g.size(), "Check for three triples");

        assertTrue(dataset.getGraph(urls.get(1)).isPresent(), "Check that the second graph is present");
        dataset.getGraph(urls.get(1)).ifPresent(g -> {
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, type, SKOS.Concept), "Check for a skos:Concept type");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, SKOS.prefLabel, rdf.createLiteral("Resource Name", "eng")),
                    "Check for a skos:prefLabel property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.subject, rdf.createIRI("")),
                    "Check for a dc:subject property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.title, rdf.createLiteral("Title")), "Check for a dc:title property");
            assertEquals(4L, g.size(), "Check for four triples");

        assertTrue(dataset.getGraph(urls.get(2)).isPresent(), "Check that the third graph is present");
        dataset.getGraph(urls.get(2)).ifPresent(g -> {
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, type, SKOS.Concept), "Check for a skos:Concept type");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, SKOS.prefLabel, rdf.createLiteral("Resource Name", "eng")),
                    "Check for a skos:prefLabel property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.subject, rdf.createIRI("")),
                    "Check for a dc:subject property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.title, rdf.createLiteral("Title")), "Check for a dc:title property");
            assertTrue(g.contains(subject, DC.alternative, rdf.createLiteral("Alternative Title")),
                    "Check for a dc:alternative property");
            assertEquals(5L, g.size(), "Check for five triples");