Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.trellisldp.http.impl; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap; import static java.util.Objects.nonNull; import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDFSyntax.TURTLE; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import static org.trellisldp.api.RDFUtils.TRELLIS_PREFIX; import static org.trellisldp.http.impl.RdfUtils.ldpResourceTypes; import static org.trellisldp.http.impl.RdfUtils.skolemizeQuads; import static org.trellisldp.vocabulary.Trellis.PreferServerManaged; import static org.trellisldp.vocabulary.Trellis.PreferUserManaged; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.IRI; import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDFSyntax; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.trellisldp.api.BinaryService; import org.trellisldp.api.IOService; import org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService; import org.trellisldp.api.Session; import org.trellisldp.http.domain.Digest; import org.trellisldp.http.domain.LdpRequest; import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.DC; import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.LDP; import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.RDF; import org.trellisldp.vocabulary.XSD; /** * The POST response handler * * @author acoburn */ public class PostHandler extends ContentBearingHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = getLogger(PostHandler.class); private final String id; /** * Create a builder for an LDP POST response * @param req the LDP request * @param id the new resource's identifier * @param entity the entity * @param resourceService the resource service * @param ioService the serialization service * @param binaryService the datastream service * @param baseUrl the base URL */ public PostHandler(final LdpRequest req, final String id, final File entity, final ResourceService resourceService, final IOService ioService, final BinaryService binaryService, final String baseUrl) { super(req, entity, resourceService, ioService, binaryService, baseUrl); = id; } /** * Create a new resource * @return the response builder */ public ResponseBuilder createResource() { final String baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); final String identifier = baseUrl + req.getPartition() + req.getPath() + id; final String contentType = req.getContentType(); final Session session = ofNullable(req.getSession()).orElseGet(HttpSession::new);"Creating resource as {}", identifier); final Optional<RDFSyntax> rdfSyntax = ofNullable(contentType).flatMap(RDFSyntax::byMediaType) .filter(SUPPORTED_RDF_TYPES::contains); final IRI defaultType = nonNull(contentType) && !rdfSyntax.isPresent() ? LDP.NonRDFSource : LDP.RDFSource; final IRI internalId = rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_PREFIX + req.getPartition() + req.getPath() + id); // Add LDP type (ldp:Resource results in the defaultType) final IRI ldpType = ofNullable(req.getLink()).filter(l -> "type".equals(l.getRel())).map(Link::getUri) .map(URI::toString).filter(l -> l.startsWith(LDP.URI)).map(rdf::createIRI) .filter(l -> !LDP.Resource.equals(l)).orElse(defaultType); if (ldpType.equals(LDP.NonRDFSource) && rdfSyntax.isPresent()) { return status(BAD_REQUEST).type(TEXT_PLAIN).entity("Cannot save a NonRDFSource with RDF syntax"); } try (final TrellisDataset dataset = TrellisDataset.createDataset()) { // Add Audit quads audit.ifPresent(svc -> svc.creation(internalId, session).stream() .map(skolemizeQuads(resourceService, baseUrl)).forEachOrdered(dataset::add)); dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, internalId, RDF.type, ldpType)); // Add user-supplied data if (ldpType.equals(LDP.NonRDFSource)) { // Check the expected digest value final Digest digest = req.getDigest(); if (nonNull(digest) && !getDigestForEntity(digest).equals(digest.getDigest())) { return status(BAD_REQUEST); } final Map<String, String> metadata = singletonMap(CONTENT_TYPE, ofNullable(contentType).orElse(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)); final IRI binaryLocation = rdf .createIRI(binaryService.getIdentifierSupplier(req.getPartition()).get()); dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, internalId, DC.hasPart, binaryLocation)); dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.modified, rdf.createLiteral(now().toString(), XSD.dateTime))); dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.format, rdf.createLiteral(ofNullable(contentType).orElse(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)))); dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.extent, rdf.createLiteral(Long.toString(entity.length()), XSD.long_))); // Persist the content persistContent(binaryLocation, metadata); } else { readEntityIntoDataset(identifier, baseUrl, PreferUserManaged, rdfSyntax.orElse(TURTLE), dataset); // Check for any constraints checkConstraint(dataset, PreferUserManaged, ldpType, TRELLIS_PREFIX + req.getPartition(), rdfSyntax.orElse(TURTLE)); } if (resourceService.put(internalId, dataset.asDataset())) { final ResponseBuilder builder = status(CREATED).location(create(identifier)); // Add LDP types ldpResourceTypes(ldpType).map(IRI::getIRIString).forEach(type ->, "type")); return builder; } } LOGGER.error("Unable to persist data to location at {}", internalId.getIRIString()); return serverError().type(TEXT_PLAIN) .entity("Unable to persist data. Please consult the logs for more information"); } }