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 * This file is part of
 * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with .  If not, see <>.
package org.transitime.db.structs;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Embedded;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Index;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.Temporal;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.Transient;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.annotations.DynamicUpdate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.transitime.applications.Core;
import org.transitime.configData.AvlConfig;
import org.transitime.db.hibernate.HibernateUtils;
import org.transitime.utils.Geo;
import org.transitime.utils.Time;

import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;

 * An AvlReport is a GPS report with some additional information, such as 
 * vehicleId. 
 * <p>
 * Serializable since Hibernate requires such.
 * @author SkiBu Smith
@Immutable // From jcip.annoations
@Table(name = "AvlReports", indexes = { @Index(name = "AvlReportsTimeIndex", columnList = "time") })
public class AvlReport implements Serializable {
    // vehicleId is an @Id since might get multiple AVL reports
    // for different vehicles with the same time but need a unique
    // primary key.
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    private final String vehicleId;

    // Need to use columnDefinition to explicitly specify that should use 
    // fractional seconds. This column is an Id since shouldn't get two
    // AVL reports for the same vehicle for the same time.
    private final Date time;

    // There is a delay between the time an AVL report is first generated
    // till the time it is actually processed. Therefore it is useful to 
    // also keep track of the time it was processed so that can determine
    // latency. Will be null if AVL report not yet being processed.
    // Need to use columnDefinition to explicitly specify that should use 
    // fractional seconds.
    private Date timeProcessed;

    private final Location location;

    // Speed of vehicle in m/s.
    // Speed is an optional element since not always available
    // in an AVL feed. Internally it needs to be a Float and
    // be set to null when the value is not valid so that it can be stored
    // in the database. This is because Float.NaN doesn't work with JDBC
    // drivers. Externally though, such as when calling the constructor, 
    // should use Float.NaN. It is converted to a null internally.
    private final Float speed; // optional

    // Heading in degrees clockwise from north.
    // Heading is an optional element since not always available
    // in an AVL feed. It is in number of degrees clockwise from 
    // north. Internally it needs to be a Float and
    // be set to null when the value is not valid so that it can be stored
    // in the database. This is because Float.NaN doesn't work with JDBC
    // drivers. Externally though, such as when calling the constructor, 
    // should use Float.NaN. It is converted to a null internally.
    private final Float heading; // optional

    // Optional text for describing the source of the AVL report
    @Column(length = SOURCE_LENGTH)
    private final String source;

    // Can be block, trip, or route ID
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    private String assignmentId; // optional

    // The type of the assignment received in the AVL feed
    public enum AssignmentType {
        UNSET, BLOCK_ID,
        // For when creating schedule based predictions

        // For when get bad assignment info from AVL feed

    @Column(length = 40)
    private AssignmentType assignmentType;

    // Optional. This value is transient because it is usually not set. 
    // Initially only used for San Francisco Muni. Therefore not as
    // worthwhile for storing in the database.
    private final String leadVehicleId;

    // Optional
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    private final String driverId;

    // Optional
    @Column(length = 10)
    private final String licensePlate;

    // Optional. Set to null if passenger count info is not available
    private final Integer passengerCount;

    // Optional. How full a bus is as a fraction. 0.0=empty, 1.0=at capacity.
    // This parameter is optional. Set to null if data not available.
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    private final Float passengerFullness;

    // Optional. For containing additional info for a particular feed.
    // Not declared final because setField1() is used to set values.
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    private String field1Name;

    // Optional. For containing additional info for a particular feed.
    // Not declared final because setField1() is used to set values.
    @Column(length = HibernateUtils.DEFAULT_ID_SIZE)
    String field1Value;

    // How long the AvlReport source field can be in db
    private static final int SOURCE_LENGTH = 10;

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvlReport.class);

    // Needed because serializable so can transmit using JMS or RMI
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 92384928349823L;

    /********************** Member Functions **************************/

     * Hibernate requires a no-args constructor for reading data.
     * So this is an experiment to see what can be done to satisfy
     * Hibernate but still have an object be immutable. Since
     * this constructor is only intended to be used by Hibernate
     * is is declared protected, since that still works. That way
     * others won't accidentally use this inappropriate constructor.
     * And yes, it is peculiar that even though the members in this
     * class are declared final that Hibernate can still create an
     * object using this no-args constructor and then set the fields.
     * Not quite as "final" as one might think. But at least it works.
    protected AvlReport() {
        vehicleId = null;
        time = null;
        location = null;
        speed = null;
        heading = null;
        source = null;
        assignmentId = null;
        assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        leadVehicleId = null;
        driverId = null;
        licensePlate = null;
        timeProcessed = null;
        passengerCount = null;
        passengerFullness = null;
        field1Name = null;
        field1Value = null;

     * Constructor for an AvlReport object that is not yet being processed.
     * Since not yet being processed timeProcessed is set to null.
     * @param vehicleId
     *            ID of the vehicle
     * @param time
     *            Epoch time in msec of GPS report (not when processed)
     * @param lat
     *            Latitude in decimal degrees
     * @param lon
     *            Longitude in decimal degrees
     * @param speed
     *            Speed of vehicle in m/s. Should be set to Float.NaN if speed
     *            not available
     * @param heading
     *            Heading of vehicle in degrees clockwise from north. Should be
     *            set to Float.NaN if speed not available
     * @param source
     *            Text describing the source of the report
    public AvlReport(String vehicleId, long time, double lat, double lon, float speed, float heading,
            String source) {
        // Store the values
        this.vehicleId = vehicleId;
        this.time = new Date(time);
        this.location = new Location(lat, lon);
        // DB requires null instead of NaN
        this.speed = Float.isNaN(speed) ? null : speed;
        this.heading = Float.isNaN(heading) ? null : heading;
        this.source = sized(source);
        this.assignmentId = null;
        this.assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        this.leadVehicleId = null;
        this.driverId = null;
        this.licensePlate = null;
        this.passengerCount = null;
        this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        this.timeProcessed = null;

     * Constructor for an AvlReport object that is not yet being processed.
     * Since not yet being processed timeProcessed is set to null.
     * @param vehicleId
     *            ID of the vehicle
     * @param time
     *            Epoch time in msec of GPS report (not when processed)
     * @param location
     * @param speed
     *            Speed of vehicle in m/s. Should be set to Float.NaN if speed
     *            not available
     * @param heading
     *            Heading of vehicle in degrees clockwise from north. Should be
     *            set to Float.NaN if speed not available
     * @param source
     *            Text describing the source of the report. Can only be
     *            SOURCE_LENGTH (10) characters long
    public AvlReport(String vehicleId, long time, Location location, float speed, float heading, String source) {
        // Store the values
        this.vehicleId = vehicleId;
        this.time = new Date(time);
        this.location = location;
        // DB requires null instead of NaN
        this.speed = Float.isNaN(speed) ? null : speed;
        this.heading = Float.isNaN(heading) ? null : heading;
        this.source = sized(source);
        this.assignmentId = null;
        this.assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        this.leadVehicleId = null;
        this.driverId = null;
        this.licensePlate = null;
        this.passengerCount = null;
        this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        this.timeProcessed = null;

     * @param vehicleId
     *            ID of the vehicle
     * @param time
     *            Epoch time in msec of GPS report (not when processed)
     * For when speed and heading are not valid. They are set to Float.NaN .
     * Since not yet being processed timeProcessed is set to null.
     * @param vehicleId
     * @param time
     * @param lat
     *            Latitude in decimal degrees
     * @param lon
     *            Longitude in decimal degrees
     * @param source
     *            Text describing the source of the report. Can only be
     *            SOURCE_LENGTH (10) characters long
    public AvlReport(String vehicleId, long time, double lat, double lon, String source) {
        // Store the values
        this.vehicleId = vehicleId;
        this.time = new Date(time);
        this.location = new Location(lat, lon);
        this.speed = null;
        this.heading = null;
        this.source = sized(source);
        this.assignmentId = null;
        this.assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        this.leadVehicleId = null;
        this.driverId = null;
        this.licensePlate = null;
        this.passengerCount = null;
        this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        this.timeProcessed = null;

     * For when speed and heading are not valid. They are set to Float.NaN .
     * Since not yet being processed timeProcessed is set to null.
     * @param vehicleId
     * @param time
     * @param location
     * @param source
     *            Text describing the source of the report. Can only be
     *            SOURCE_LENGTH (10) characters long
    public AvlReport(String vehicleId, long time, Location location, String source) {
        // Store the values
        this.vehicleId = vehicleId;
        this.time = new Date(time);
        this.location = location;
        this.speed = null;
        this.heading = null;
        this.source = sized(source);
        this.assignmentId = null;
        this.assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        this.leadVehicleId = null;
        this.driverId = null;
        this.licensePlate = null;
        this.passengerCount = null;
        this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        timeProcessed = null;

     * Constructor for an AvlReport object that is not yet being processed.
     * Since not yet being processed timeProcessed is set to null.
     * @param vehicleId
     *            identifier of vehicle
     * @param time
     *            epoch time in msecs since 1970
     * @param lat
     *            latitude in decimal degrees
     * @param lon
     *            longitude in decimal degrees
     * @param speed
     *            Speed of vehicle in m/s. Should be set to Float.NaN if speed
     *            not available
     * @param heading
     *            Heading of vehicle in degrees clockwise from north. Should be
     *            set to Float.NaN if speed not available
     * @param source
     *            Text describing the source of the report. Can only be
     *            SOURCE_LENGTH (10) characters long
     * @param leadVehicleId
     *            Optional value. Set to null if not available.
     * @param driverId
     *            Optional value. Set to null if not available.
     * @param licensePlate
     *            Optional value. Set to null if not available.
     * @param passengerCount
     *            Optional value. Set to the number of passengers on vehicles.
     *            Set to null if not available.
     * @param passengerFullness
     *            Optional Value. Fractional fullness of vehicle. 0.0=empty,
     *            1.0=full. Set to Float.NaN if data not available.
    public AvlReport(String vehicleId, long time, double lat, double lon, float speed, float heading, String source,
            String leadVehicleId, String driverId, String licensePlate, Integer passengerCount,
            float passengerFullness) {
        // Store the values
        this.vehicleId = vehicleId;
        this.time = new Date(time);
        this.location = new Location(lat, lon);
        // DB requires null instead of NaN
        this.speed = Float.isNaN(speed) ? null : speed;
        this.heading = Float.isNaN(heading) ? null : heading;
        this.source = sized(source);
        this.assignmentId = null;
        this.assignmentType = AssignmentType.UNSET;
        this.leadVehicleId = leadVehicleId;
        this.driverId = driverId;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.passengerCount = passengerCount;
        if (!Float.isNaN(passengerFullness))
            this.passengerFullness = passengerFullness;
            this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        this.timeProcessed = null;

     * For converting a RMI IpcAvl object to a regular AvlReport.
     * @param ipcAvl
    public AvlReport(IpcAvl ipcAvl) {
        this.vehicleId = ipcAvl.getVehicleId();
        this.time = new Date(ipcAvl.getTime());
        this.location = new Location(ipcAvl.getLatitude(), ipcAvl.getLongitude());
        this.speed = Float.isNaN(ipcAvl.getSpeed()) ? null : ipcAvl.getSpeed();
        this.heading = Float.isNaN(ipcAvl.getHeading()) ? null : ipcAvl.getHeading();
        this.source = sized(ipcAvl.getSource());
        this.assignmentId = ipcAvl.getAssignmentId();
        this.assignmentType = ipcAvl.getAssignmentType();
        this.leadVehicleId = null;
        this.driverId = null;
        this.licensePlate = null;
        this.passengerCount = null;
        this.passengerFullness = null;
        this.field1Name = null;
        this.field1Value = null;

        // Don't yet know when processed so set timeProcessed to null
        this.timeProcessed = null;

     * Makes a copy of the AvlReport but uses the new time passed in.
     * Useful for creating a new AvlReport when AVL timeout occurs
     * when vehicle on a layover.
     * @param toCopy
     *            The AvlReport to copy (except for the AVL time)
     * @param newTime
     *            The AVL time to use
    public AvlReport(AvlReport toCopy, Date newTime) {
        this.vehicleId = toCopy.vehicleId;
        this.time = newTime;
        this.location = toCopy.location;
        this.speed = toCopy.speed;
        this.heading = toCopy.heading;
        this.source = toCopy.source;
        this.assignmentId = toCopy.assignmentId;
        this.assignmentType = toCopy.assignmentType;
        this.leadVehicleId = toCopy.leadVehicleId;
        this.driverId = toCopy.driverId;
        this.licensePlate = toCopy.licensePlate;
        this.timeProcessed = toCopy.timeProcessed;
        this.passengerCount = toCopy.passengerCount;
        this.passengerFullness = toCopy.passengerFullness;
        this.field1Name = toCopy.field1Name;
        this.field1Value = toCopy.field1Value;

     * Makes a copy of the AvlReport but uses the new assignment info passed in.
     * Useful for creating a new AvlReport when a bad assignment is received
     * since one can simply create a new AvlReport with the new assignment info.
     * @param toCopy
     *            The AvlReport to copy (except for the AVL time)
     * @param assignmentId
     *            The assignment to use
     * @param assignmentType
     *            How the assignment was done
    public AvlReport(AvlReport toCopy, String assignmentId, AssignmentType assignmentType) {
        this.vehicleId = toCopy.vehicleId;
        this.time = toCopy.time;
        this.location = toCopy.location;
        this.speed = toCopy.speed;
        this.heading = toCopy.heading;
        this.source = toCopy.source;
        this.assignmentId = assignmentId;
        this.assignmentType = assignmentType;
        this.leadVehicleId = toCopy.leadVehicleId;
        this.driverId = toCopy.driverId;
        this.licensePlate = toCopy.licensePlate;
        this.timeProcessed = toCopy.timeProcessed;
        this.passengerCount = toCopy.passengerCount;
        this.passengerFullness = toCopy.passengerFullness;
        this.field1Name = toCopy.field1Name;
        this.field1Value = toCopy.field1Value;

     * For truncating the source member to size allowed in db. This way don't
     * later get an exception when trying to write an AvlReport to the db.
     * @param source
     * @return The original source string, but truncated to SOURCE_LENGTH
    private static String sized(String source) {
        if (source == null || source.length() <= SOURCE_LENGTH)
            return source;

        return source.substring(0, SOURCE_LENGTH);

     * Makes sure that the members of this class all have reasonable
     * values. 
     * @return null if there are no problems. An error message if 
     * there are problems with the data.
    public String validateData() {
        String errorMsg = "";

        // Make sure vehicleId is set
        if (vehicleId == null)
            errorMsg += "VehicleId is null. ";
        else if (vehicleId.length() == 0)
            errorMsg += "VehicleId is empty string. ";

        // Make sure GPS time is OK
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (time.getTime() < currentTime - 10 * Time.MS_PER_YEAR)
            errorMsg += "Time of " + Time.dateTimeStr(time) + " is more than 10 years old. ";
        if (time.getTime() > currentTime + 1 * Time.MS_PER_MIN)
            errorMsg += "Time of " + Time.dateTimeStr(time) + " is more than 1 minute into the future. ";

        // Make sure lat/lon is OK
        double lat = location.getLat();
        double lon = location.getLon();
        if (lat < AvlConfig.getMinAvlLatitude())
            errorMsg += "Latitude of " + lat + " is less than the parameter "
                    + AvlConfig.getMinAvlLatitudeParamName() + " which is set to " + AvlConfig.getMinAvlLatitude()
                    + " . ";
        if (lat > AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLatitude())
            errorMsg += "Latitude of " + lat + " is greater than the parameter "
                    + AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLatitudeParamName() + " which is set to " + AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLatitude()
                    + " . ";
        if (lon < AvlConfig.getMinAvlLongitude())
            errorMsg += "Longitude of " + lon + " is less than the parameter "
                    + AvlConfig.getMinAvlLongitudeParamName() + " which is set to " + AvlConfig.getMinAvlLongitude()
                    + " . ";
        if (lon > AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLongitude())
            errorMsg += "Longitude of " + lon + " is greater than the parameter "
                    + AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLongitudeParamName() + " which is set to " + AvlConfig.getMaxAvlLongitude()
                    + " . ";

        // Make sure speed is OK
        if (isSpeedValid()) {
            if (speed < 0.0f)
                errorMsg += "Speed of " + speed + " is less than zero. ";
            if (speed > AvlConfig.getMaxAvlSpeed()) {
                errorMsg += "Speed of " + speed + "m/s is greater than maximum allowable speed of "
                        + AvlConfig.getMaxAvlSpeed() + "m/s. ";

        // Make sure heading is OK
        if (isHeadingValid()) {
            if (heading < 0.0f)
                errorMsg += "Heading of " + heading + " degrees is less than 0.0 degrees. ";
            if (heading > 360.0f)
                errorMsg += "Heading of " + heading + " degrees is greater than 360.0 degrees. ";

        // Return the error message if any
        if (errorMsg.length() > 0)
            return errorMsg;
            return null;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + ((assignmentId == null) ? 0 : assignmentId.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((assignmentType == null) ? 0 : assignmentType.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((driverId == null) ? 0 : driverId.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((heading == null) ? 0 : heading.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((licensePlate == null) ? 0 : licensePlate.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((location == null) ? 0 : location.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((speed == null) ? 0 : speed.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((time == null) ? 0 : time.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((timeProcessed == null) ? 0 : timeProcessed.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((vehicleId == null) ? 0 : vehicleId.hashCode());
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        AvlReport other = (AvlReport) obj;
        if (assignmentId == null) {
            if (other.assignmentId != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!assignmentId.equals(other.assignmentId))
            return false;
        if (assignmentType != other.assignmentType)
            return false;
        if (driverId == null) {
            if (other.driverId != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!driverId.equals(other.driverId))
            return false;
        if (heading == null) {
            if (other.heading != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!heading.equals(other.heading))
            return false;
        if (licensePlate == null) {
            if (other.licensePlate != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!licensePlate.equals(other.licensePlate))
            return false;
        if (location == null) {
            if (other.location != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!location.equals(other.location))
            return false;
        if (passengerCount == null) {
            if (other.passengerCount != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!passengerCount.equals(other.passengerCount))
            return false;
        if (passengerFullness == null) {
            if (other.passengerFullness != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!passengerFullness.equals(other.passengerFullness))
            return false;
        if (speed == null) {
            if (other.speed != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!speed.equals(other.speed))
            return false;
        if (time == null) {
            if (other.time != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!time.equals(other.time))
            return false;
        if (timeProcessed == null) {
            if (other.timeProcessed != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!timeProcessed.equals(other.timeProcessed))
            return false;
        if (vehicleId == null) {
            if (other.vehicleId != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!vehicleId.equals(other.vehicleId))
            return false;
        return true;

    public String getVehicleId() {
        return vehicleId;

     * @return The GPS time of the AVL report in msec epoch time
    public long getTime() {
        return time.getTime();

     * @return A Date object containing the GPS time
    public Date getDate() {
        return time;

     * @return The time that the AVL report was received and processed.
    public long getTimeProcessed() {
        return timeProcessed.getTime();

    public Location getLocation() {
        return location;

    public double getLat() {
        return location.getLat();

    public double getLon() {
        return location.getLon();

     * @return Speed of vehicle in meters per second. Returns Float.NaN if speed
     *         is not valid.
    public float getSpeed() {
        return speed == null ? Float.NaN : speed;

     * Heading of vehicles in degrees. The heading can sometimes
     * be invalid. Though internally an invalid heading is stored
     * as null it is returned by this method as NaN so that can
     * return a float. If speed is below 
     * AvlConfig.minSpeedForValidHeading() then will also return
     * NaN.
     * @return Heading of vehicles in degrees. If heading not set
     * or if speed below minimum then Float.NaN is returned.
    public float getHeading() {
        // If heading not available then return NaN
        if (heading == null)
            return Float.NaN;

        // The heading is valid. If there is a valid speed available and
        // but  it is not high enough to make the heading valid  
        // then return NaN.
        if (speed != null && speed < AvlConfig.minSpeedForValidHeading()) {
            return Float.NaN;
        } else {
            // Heading is valid so return it
            return heading;

     * The source of the AVL report
     * @return
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

     * Returns how many msec elapsed between the GPS fix was generated
     * to the time it was finally processed. Returns 0 if timeProcessed
     * was never set.
     * @return 
    public long getLatency() {
        // If never processed then return 0.
        if (timeProcessed == null)
            return 0;

        return timeProcessed.getTime() - time.getTime();

     * For some AVL systems speed is not available and therefore cannot be used.  
     * @return
    public boolean isSpeedValid() {
        return speed != null;

     * For some AVL systems heading is not available and therefore cannot be used.  
     * @return
    public boolean isHeadingValid() {
        return heading != null;

     * Returns the assignment ID if it is set. If it is not set then
     * null is returned.
     * @return
    public String getAssignmentId() {
        return assignmentId;

    public AssignmentType getAssignmentType() {
        return assignmentType;

     * Returns true if AVL report indicates that assignment is a block
     * assignment type such as AssignmentType.BLOCK_ID or
     * AssignmentType.BLOCK_FOR_SCHED_BASED_PREDS.
     * @return true if block assignment
    public boolean isBlockIdAssignmentType() {
        return assignmentType == AssignmentType.BLOCK_ID
                || assignmentType == AssignmentType.BLOCK_FOR_SCHED_BASED_PREDS;

    public boolean isTripIdAssignmentType() {
        return assignmentType == AssignmentType.TRIP_ID;

    public boolean isTripShortNameAssignmentType() {
        return assignmentType == AssignmentType.TRIP_SHORT_NAME;

    public boolean isRouteIdAssignmentType() {
        return assignmentType == AssignmentType.ROUTE_ID;

    private static boolean unpredictableAssignmentsPatternInitialized = false;
    private static Pattern regExPattern = null;

     * Returns true if the assignment specified matches the regular expression
     * for unpredictable assignments.
     * @param assignment
     * @return true if assignment matches regular expression
    public static boolean matchesUnpredictableAssignment(String assignment) {
        if (unpredictableAssignmentsPatternInitialized == false) {
            String regEx = AvlConfig.getUnpredictableAssignmentsRegEx();
            if (regEx != null && !regEx.isEmpty()) {
                regExPattern = Pattern.compile(regEx);
            unpredictableAssignmentsPatternInitialized = true;

        if (regExPattern == null)
            return false;

        return regExPattern.matcher(assignment).matches();

     * Returns whether assignment information was set in the AVL data and that
     * assignment is valid. An assignment is not valid if it is configured to be
     * invalid. Examples of such include training vehicles, support vehicles,
     * and simply vehicles set to a special assignment such as 9999 for sfmta.
     * @return true if has assignment and it is valid. Otherwise false.
    public boolean hasValidAssignment() {
        if (assignmentType != AssignmentType.UNSET && matchesUnpredictableAssignment(assignmentId))
                    "For vehicleId={} was assigned to \"{}\" but that "
                            + "assignment is not considered valid due to "
                            + "transitime.avl.unpredictableAssignmentsRegEx being set " + "to \"{}\"",
                    vehicleId, assignmentId, AvlConfig.getUnpredictableAssignmentsRegEx());

        return assignmentType != AssignmentType.UNSET && !matchesUnpredictableAssignment(assignmentId);

     * Stores the assignment information as part of this AvlReport. If vehicle
     * is to not have an assignment need to set assignmentId to null and set
     * assignmentType to AssignmentType.UNSET.
     * @param assignmentId
     * @param assignmentType
    public void setAssignment(String assignmentId, AssignmentType assignmentType) {
        // Make sure don't set to invalid values
        if (assignmentId == null && assignmentType != AssignmentType.UNSET) {
            logger.error("Tried to use setAssignment() to set assignment to "
                    + "null without also setting assignmentType to UNSET");

        this.assignmentId = assignmentId;
        this.assignmentType = assignmentType;

     * Returns the ID of the leading vehicle if this is an AVL report for a
     * non-lead vehicle in a multi-car consist. Otherwise returns null.
     * @return
    public String getLeadVehicleId() {
        return leadVehicleId;

     * For containing additional info as part of AVL feed that is
     * specific to a particular feed or a new element.
     * @param name
     * @param value
    public void setField1(String name, String value) {
        field1Name = name;
        field1Value = value;

     * If this is a vehicle in a multi-car consist and it is not the lead
     * vehicle then shouldn't generate redundant arrival/departure times,
     * predictions etc.
     * @return True if non-lead car in multi-car consist
    public boolean ignoreBecauseInConsist() {
        return leadVehicleId != null;

    public String getDriverId() {
        return driverId;

    public String getLicensePlate() {
        return licensePlate;

     * Returns the passenger count, as obtained from AVL feed.
     * If passenger count not available returns -1.
     * @return
    public int getPassengerCount() {
        if (passengerCount != null)
            return passengerCount;
            return -1;

     * Returns whether the passenger count is valid.
     * @return true if count is valid.
    public boolean isPassengerCountValid() {
        return passengerCount != null;

     * Fraction indicating how full a vehicle is. Returns NaN if info not 
     * available.
     * @return
    public float getPassengerFullness() {
        if (passengerFullness != null)
            return passengerFullness;
            return Float.NaN;

     * Returns whether the passenger fullness is valid.
     * @return true if passenger fullness is valid.
    public boolean isPassengerFullnessValid() {
        return passengerFullness != null;

     * Updates the object to record the current time as the time that
     * the data was actually processed.
    public void setTimeProcessed() {
        timeProcessed = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

    public String getField1Name() {
        return field1Name;

    public String getField1Value() {
        return field1Value;

     * Returns true if the AVL report is configured to indicate that it was
     * created to generate schedule based predictions.
     * @return true if for schedule based predictions
    public boolean isForSchedBasedPreds() {
        return assignmentType == AssignmentType.BLOCK_FOR_SCHED_BASED_PREDS;

    public String toString() {
        return "AvlReport [" + "vehicleId=" + vehicleId + ", time=" + Time.dateTimeStrMsec(time)
                + (timeProcessed == null ? "" : ", timeProcessed=" + Time.dateTimeStrMsec(timeProcessed))
                + ", location=" + location + ", speed=" + Geo.speedFormat(getSpeed()) + ", heading="
                + Geo.headingFormat(getHeading()) + ", source=" + source + ", assignmentId=" + assignmentId
                + ", assignmentType=" + assignmentType
                + (leadVehicleId == null ? "" : ", leadVehicleId=" + leadVehicleId)
                + (driverId == null ? "" : ", driverId=" + driverId)
                + (licensePlate == null ? "" : ", licensePlate=" + licensePlate)
                + (passengerCount == null ? "" : ", passengerCount=" + passengerCount)
                + (passengerFullness == null ? "" : ", passengerFullness=" + passengerFullness)
                + (field1Name == null ? "" : ", field1Name=" + field1Name)
                + (field1Value == null ? "" : ", field1Value=" + field1Value) + "]";

     * Gets list of AvlReports from database for the time span specified.
     * @param beginTime
     * @param endTime
     * @param vehicleId
     *            Optional. If not null then will only return results for that
     *            vehicle
     * @param clause
     *             Optional. If not null then the clause, such as "ORDER BY time"
     * will be added to the hql statement.
     * @return List of AvlReports or null if an exception is thrown
    public static List<AvlReport> getAvlReportsFromDb(Date beginTime, Date endTime, String vehicleId,
            String clause) {
        // Sessions are not threadsafe so need to create a new one each time.
        // They are supposed to be lightweight so this should be OK.
        Session session = HibernateUtils.getSession();

        // Create the query. Table name is case sensitive!
        String hql = "FROM AvlReport " + "    WHERE time >= :beginDate " + "      AND time < :endDate";
        if (vehicleId != null)
            hql += " AND vehicleId=:vehicleId";
        if (clause != null)
            hql += " " + clause;
        Query query = session.createQuery(hql);

        // Set the parameters
        if (vehicleId != null)
            query.setString("vehicleId", vehicleId);
        query.setTimestamp("beginDate", beginTime);
        query.setTimestamp("endDate", endTime);

        try {
            List<AvlReport> avlReports = query.list();
            return avlReports;
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            // Log error to the Core logger
            Core.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return null;
        } finally {
            // Clean things up. Not sure if this absolutely needed nor if
            // it might actually be detrimental and slow things down.
