Source code

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 * This file is part of
 * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
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package org.transitime.custom.missionBay;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.transitime.config.StringConfigValue;
import org.transitime.config.StringListConfigValue;
import org.transitime.db.structs.Location;
import org.transitime.gtfs.gtfsStructs.GtfsRoute;
import org.transitime.gtfs.gtfsStructs.GtfsShape;
import org.transitime.gtfs.gtfsStructs.GtfsStop;
import org.transitime.gtfs.gtfsStructs.GtfsStopTime;
import org.transitime.gtfs.gtfsStructs.GtfsTrip;
import org.transitime.gtfs.writers.GtfsRoutesWriter;
import org.transitime.gtfs.writers.GtfsShapesWriter;
import org.transitime.gtfs.writers.GtfsStopTimesWriter;
import org.transitime.gtfs.writers.GtfsStopsWriter;
import org.transitime.gtfs.writers.GtfsTripsWriter;
import org.transitime.utils.Time;

 * For generating some of the GTFS files for an agency by reading data from the
 * NextBus API.
 * @author SkiBu Smith
public class GtfsFromNextBus {

    /******************* Parameters *************************/

    private static StringConfigValue agencyId = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.agencyId", "missionBay",
            "Agency name used in resulting GTFS files.");

    private static StringConfigValue nextBusAgencyId = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.nextBusAgencyId",
            "sf-mission-bay", "Agency name that NextBus uses.");

    private static StringConfigValue nextBusFeedUrl = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.nextbusFeedUrl",
            "", "The URL of the NextBus feed to use.");

    private static StringConfigValue gtfsDirectory = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.gtfsDirectory",
            "C:/GTFS/", "Directory where resulting GTFS files are to be written.");

    private static StringConfigValue gtfsRouteType = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.gtfsRouteType", "3",
            "GTFS definition of the route type. 1=subway 2=rail " + "3=buses.");

    private static StringConfigValue serviceId = new StringConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.serviceId", "wkd",
            "The service_id to use for the trips.txt file. Currently " + "only can handle a single service ID.");

    private static StringListConfigValue validBlockIds = new StringListConfigValue("transitime.gtfs.validBlockIds",
            "Only the block IDs from this list will be process from "
                    + "the schedule from the NextBus API. Useful since NextBus "
                    + "doesn't always clean out obsolete blocks");;

    /******************* Members ************************/

    // Contains all stops. Keyed on stopId
    private static Map<String, GtfsStop> gtfsStopsMap = new HashMap<String, GtfsStop>();

    // Contains list of paths IDs for every trip pattern.
    // Keyed on shape ID.
    private static Map<String, List<String>> shapeIdsMap;

    /******************* Logging ************************/

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GtfsFromNextBus.class);

    /********************** Member Functions **************************/

    private static String getNextBusUrl(String command, String options) {
        return nextBusFeedUrl.getValue() + "?command=" + command + "&a=" + nextBusAgencyId.getValue() + "&"
                + options;

     * Opens up InputStream for the routeConfig command for the NextBus API.
     * @param command
     *            The NextBus API command
     * @param options
     *            Query string options to be appended to request to NextBus API
     * @return XML Document to be parsed
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws JDOMException 
    private static Document getNextBusApiInputStream(String command, String options)
            throws IOException, JDOMException {
        String fullUrl = getNextBusUrl(command, options);

        // Create the connection
        URL url = new URL(fullUrl);
        URLConnection con = url.openConnection();

        // Request compressed data to reduce bandwidth used
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate");

        // Create appropriate input stream depending on whether content is 
        // compressed or not
        InputStream in = con.getInputStream();
        if ("gzip".equals(con.getContentEncoding())) {
            in = new GZIPInputStream(in);
            logger.debug("Returned XML data is compressed");
        } else {
            logger.debug("Returned XML data is NOT compressed");

        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
        Document doc =;

        // Handle any error message
        Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
        Element error = rootNode.getChild("Error");
        if (error != null) {
            String errorStr = error.getTextNormalize();
            logger.error("While processing data in GtfsFromNextBus: " + errorStr);
            return null;

        return doc;

     * Processes XML data for route and extracts stop information. Adds the
     * resulting GTFS stop to the gtfsStopsMap.
     * @param doc
     *            Document for routeConfig data for a route
    static void processStopsXml(Document doc) {
        Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();

        Element route = rootNode.getChild("route");
        List<Element> stops = route.getChildren("stop");
        for (Element stop : stops) {
            String stopId = stop.getAttributeValue("tag");
            String stopCodeStr = stop.getAttributeValue("stopId");
            Integer stopCode = stopCodeStr != null ? Integer.parseInt(stopCodeStr) : null;
            String stopName = stop.getAttributeValue("title");
            String latStr = stop.getAttributeValue("lat");
            double lat = latStr != null ? Double.parseDouble(latStr) : Double.NaN;
            String lonStr = stop.getAttributeValue("lon");
            double lon = lonStr != null ? Double.parseDouble(lonStr) : Double.NaN;
            GtfsStop gtfsStop = new GtfsStop(stopId, stopCode, stopName, lat, lon);
            gtfsStopsMap.put(stopId, gtfsStop);

     * For each route gets routeConfig input stream from NextBus API and creates
     * and processes an XML Document object to read the data for the stops. Then
     * writes the stops.txt GTFS file.
     * @param routeIds
    private static void processStops(List<String> routeIds) {"Processing stops...");

        // Add all the stops for all the routes to the gtfsStopsMap
        for (String routeId : routeIds) {
            try {
                Document doc = getNextBusApiInputStream("routeConfig", "r=" + routeId);

            } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) {
                logger.error("Problem processing data for route {}", routeId, e);

        // Write the stops to the GTFS stops file
        String fileName = gtfsDirectory.getValue() + "/" + agencyId + "/stops.txt";
        GtfsStopsWriter stopsWriter = new GtfsStopsWriter(fileName);
        for (GtfsStop gtfsStop : gtfsStopsMap.values()) {

    private static GtfsRoute getGtfsRoute(Document doc) {
        // Get the params from the XML doc
        Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
        Element route = rootNode.getChild("route");
        String routeId = route.getAttributeValue("tag");
        String title = route.getAttributeValue("title");
        String color = route.getAttributeValue("color");
        String oppositeColor = route.getAttributeValue("oppositeColor");

        // Create and return the GtfsRoute
        GtfsRoute gtfsRoute = new GtfsRoute(routeId, agencyId.getValue(), null, title, gtfsRouteType.getValue(),
                color, oppositeColor);
        return gtfsRoute;

     * Reads from NextBus API all the routes configured and returns
     * list of their identifiers. Also writes the routes.txt file.
     * @return
    private static List<String> processRoutes() {"Processing routes...");

        List<String> routeIds = new ArrayList<String>();

        // For writing the routes to the GTFS routes file
        String fileName = gtfsDirectory.getValue() + "/" + agencyId + "/routes.txt";
        GtfsRoutesWriter routesWriter = new GtfsRoutesWriter(fileName);

        try {
            Document doc = getNextBusApiInputStream("routeList", null);

            Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
            List<Element> routes = rootNode.getChildren("route");
            for (Element route : routes) {
                // Read params from API for the route
                String routeId = route.getAttributeValue("tag");

                // Read in the route info from API and add resulting
                // GtfsRoute to routes file
                try {
                    // Get the routeConfig XML document
                    Document routeDoc = getNextBusApiInputStream("routeConfig", "r=" + routeId);

                    // Get GtfsRoute from XML document
                    GtfsRoute gtfsRoute = getGtfsRoute(routeDoc);

                    // Add the GTFS route to the GTFS routes file
                } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) {
                    logger.error("Problem processing data for route {}", routeId, e);

                // Keep track of routeId so list of them can be returned
        } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) {
            logger.error("Problem determining routes", e);

        // Wrap up

        return routeIds;

     * A direction from the NextBus API
    public static class Dir {
        String tag;
        String shapeId;
        String gtfsDirection; // Either "0" or "1"
        List<String> stopIds = new ArrayList<String>();

     * A path from the NextBus API
    private static class Path {
        List<String> lats = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> lons = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Gets list of all the paths for
     * the route document.
     * @param doc
     * @return Map of Path objects, keyed on the NextBus path ID
    private static Map<String, Path> getPaths(Document doc) {
        // Keyed on path ID
        Map<String, Path> pathMap = new HashMap<String, Path>();

        // Get the paths from the XML doc
        Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
        Element route = rootNode.getChild("route");
        List<Element> paths = route.getChildren("path");
        for (Element path : paths) {
            Element pathTag = path.getChild("tag");
            String pathId = pathTag.getAttributeValue("id");

            // Create new Path and add to list
            Path p = new Path();
            List<Element> points = path.getChildren("point");
            for (Element point : points) {
                String lat = point.getAttributeValue("lat");
                String lon = point.getAttributeValue("lon");

            pathMap.put(pathId, p);

        return pathMap;

     * Returns the trip ID to used. A concatenation of routeId, blockId, and
     * timeStr. Could use something shorter, such as just the blockId and time,
     * but it is nice to see the full context of the trip in the trips.txt file.
     * @param routeId
     * @param blockId
     * @param timeStr
     * @return
    private static String getTripId(String routeId, String blockId, String timeStr) {
        return routeId + "_" + blockId + "_" + timeStr;

     * Generates headsign info. Previously used "To " + name of last stop but the
     * last stop for trip is not available via the NextBus API.
     * @return The headsign to use for the trip.
    private static String getTripHeadsign() {
        return "to Mission Bay Loop";

     * Gets the list of path IDs associated with the route and direction ID.
     * @param shapeId
     * @return
    private static List<String> getPathIds(String shapeId) {
        if (shapeIdsMap == null)
            shapeIdsMap = MissionBayConfig.getPathData();

        return shapeIdsMap.get(shapeId);

     * Processes shape data for specified route
     * @param shapesWriter
     * @param routeDoc
    private static void processShapesForRoute(GtfsShapesWriter shapesWriter, Document routeDoc) {
        // Determine route ID so can use it to construct the shape ID
        Element rootNode = routeDoc.getRootElement();
        Element route = rootNode.getChild("route");
        String routeId = route.getAttributeValue("tag");

        // Get the paths that are used for the directions
        Map<String, Path> pathsForRoute = getPaths(routeDoc);

        // Get the NextBus directions, which specify list of stops for a trip
        List<Dir> directions = MissionBayConfig.getSpecialCaseDirections(routeId);

        // A shape can be for multiple directions but only want to process
        // a shape once.
        Set<String> shapesProcessed = new HashSet<String>();

        // Go through all the directions to get all the shapes
        for (Dir dir : directions) {
            double shapeDistTraveled = 0.0;
            Location previousLoc = null;
            int shapePtSequence = 0;
            String shapeId = dir.shapeId;

            // If already handled this shape, then continue to the next
            // direction
            if (shapesProcessed.contains(shapeId))

            List<String> nextBusPathIds = getPathIds(shapeId);
            for (String nextBusPathId : nextBusPathIds) {
                Path path = pathsForRoute.get(nextBusPathId);
                if (path == null) {
                            "The nextBusPathId={} was not found for " + "routeId={}. Therefore skipping this path.",
                            nextBusPathId, routeId);

                // For each point in the path
                for (int i = 0; i < path.lats.size(); ++i) {
                    String latStr = path.lats.get(i);
                    double shapePtLat = Double.parseDouble(latStr);

                    String lonStr = path.lons.get(i);
                    double shapePtLon = Double.parseDouble(lonStr);

                    // Determine shape distance traveled
                    Location newLoc = new Location(shapePtLat, shapePtLon);
                    if (previousLoc != null) {
                        shapeDistTraveled += previousLoc.distance(newLoc);
                    previousLoc = newLoc;

                    // For each path for the direction
                    // Create and write the GTFS shape
                    GtfsShape gtfsShape = new GtfsShape(shapeId, shapePtLat, shapePtLon, shapePtSequence++,


     * Processes shape data for all routes
     * @param routeIds
    private static void processShapes(List<String> routeIds) {"Processing shapes...");

        // Create the shapes file
        String fileName = gtfsDirectory.getValue() + "/" + agencyId + "/shapes.txt";
        GtfsShapesWriter shapesWriter = new GtfsShapesWriter(fileName);

        for (String routeId : routeIds) {
            // Read in the route info from API and add resulting
            // GtfsRoute to routes file
            try {
                // Get the routeConfig XML document. Use verbose=true so
                // that get path names.
                Document routeDoc = getNextBusApiInputStream("routeConfig", "r=" + routeId + "&verbose=true");

                // Process shapes for route
                processShapesForRoute(shapesWriter, routeDoc);
            } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) {
                logger.error("Problem processing data for route {}", routeId, e);

        // Done so wrap up the shapes file

     * Determines the direction for the route that best matches the stops
     * specified in the schedule for the trip. All stops from schedule must be
     * listed in the direction. If there are multiple matches uses the direction
     * with the fewest stops so that can handle case where a schedule trip could
     * match both a direction and a direction that contains additional stops
     * that are not in the schedule.
     * @param stopIdsInSchedForTrip
     *            So can determine if trip goes to calt4th stop
     * @param directionsForRoute
     * @param routeId
     * @param tripStartTimeStr
     *            Needed so can differentiate between morning and afternoon
     *            trips, which an be different for Mission Bay west route.
     * @return
    private static Dir determineDirection(List<String> stopIdsInSchedForTrip, List<Dir> directionsForRoute,
            String routeId, String tripStartTimeStr) {
        //      Dir bestDir = null;
        //      // This is a terrible hack to deal with the Mission Bay west route
        //      // where there is a different trip pattern in the morning and the
        //      // afternoon, but cannot determine the trip pattern from the stops
        //      // alone. Need to look at the schedule time as well.
        //      int tripStartTimeSecs = Time.parseTimeOfDay(tripStartTimeStr);
        //      String directionNameComponent = null;
        //      if (routeId.equals("west")) {
        //         if (tripStartTimeSecs < 12 * Time.SEC_PER_HOUR)
        //            directionNameComponent = "morning";
        //         else
        //            directionNameComponent = "afternoon";
        //      }
        //      boolean schedContainsCalt4thStop = 
        //            stopIdsInSchedForTrip.contains("calt4th");

        for (Dir dir : directionsForRoute) {
            // See if all stops in the schedule are in the current direction
            boolean allStopsAreInDirection = true;
            for (String stopIdFromSched : stopIdsInSchedForTrip) {
                // If stop from schedule is not in the direction
                // then skip to the next direction
                if (!dir.stopIds.contains(stopIdFromSched)) {
                    allStopsAreInDirection = false;

            if (allStopsAreInDirection) {
                // Handle caltrain route specially
                if (routeId.equals("caltrain")) {
                    // For caltrain route have two different directions with the
                    // same stops, but with a different start of the trip. One
                    // direction is for mornings and the other for afternoons.
                    // for special caltrain route therefore make sure that first
                    // stop of the trip matches the first stop of the direction
                    // for the direction to be used. But the calttown stop is
                    // an exception to the exception since a trip starts there.
                    if (dir.stopIds.get(0).equals(stopIdsInSchedForTrip.get(0))
                            || stopIdsInSchedForTrip.get(0).equals("calttown"))
                        return dir;
                } else
                    return dir;

            //         // If all the stops in schedule were in the direction then remember
            //         // this direction as the best if it is the direction with the
            //         // fewest stops
            //         if (allStopsAreInDirection) {
            //            // If need to deal with special "morning"/"afternoon" name in
            //            // direction, check it
            //            if (directionNameComponent == null 
            //                  || dir.tag.contains(directionNameComponent)) {
            //               // Need to get proper direction depending on whether calt4th is
            //               // a stop or not
            //               if ((schedContainsCalt4thStop && dir.tag.contains("calt4th"))
            //                     || (!schedContainsCalt4thStop && !dir.tag.contains("calt4th"))) {
            //                  // If this is best match with respect to number of stops 
            //                  // then remember it as such
            //                  if (bestDir == null || 
            //                     dir.stopIds.size() < bestDir.stopIds.size()) {
            //                     bestDir = dir;
            //                  }
            //               }
            //            }
            //         }

        // Never found matching direction
        return null;

     * Actually writes a trip to the GTFS trips file.
     * @param tripsWriter
     * @param tripId
     * @param routeId
     * @param blockId
     * @param tripStartTimeStr
     * @param directionsForRoute
     * @param stopIdsInSchedForTrip
    private static void writeGtfsTrip(GtfsTripsWriter tripsWriter, String tripId, String routeId, String blockId,
            String tripStartTimeStr, List<Dir> directionsForRoute, List<String> stopIdsInSchedForTrip) {
        // Determine which direction to use that best corresponds to
        // the stops specified in the schedule.
        Dir dir = determineDirection(stopIdsInSchedForTrip, directionsForRoute, routeId, tripStartTimeStr);

        // For the trip there is no headsign info available from NextBus
        // API. Therefore just use "To " + lastStopName.
        String tripHeadsign = getTripHeadsign();

        // Create the trip info
        String tripShortName = null;
        GtfsTrip gtfsTrip = new GtfsTrip(routeId, serviceId.getValue(), tripId, tripHeadsign, tripShortName,
                dir.gtfsDirection, blockId, dir.shapeId);

    private static class StopTime implements Comparable<StopTime> {
        String stopId;
        String stopTimeStr;
        int stopTime;

        private StopTime(String stopId, String stopTimeStr) {
            this.stopId = stopId;
            this.stopTimeStr = stopTimeStr;
            this.stopTime = Time.parseTimeOfDay(stopTimeStr);

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
        public int compareTo(StopTime o) {
            return new Integer(stopTime).compareTo(o.stopTime);

     * For the route that the scheduleDoc is for reads in all stop times and
     * puts them into map so that can determine trips.
     * @param scheduleDoc
     * @return map of stop times, keyed on block ID
    private static Map<String, List<StopTime>> getStopTimesMap(Document scheduleDoc) {
        Map<String, List<StopTime>> stopTimesMap = new HashMap<String, List<StopTime>>();

        List<String> validBlockIdsList = validBlockIds.getValue();

        Element rootNode = scheduleDoc.getRootElement();
        Element route = rootNode.getChild("route");

        List<Element> scheduleRows = route.getChildren("tr");
        for (Element scheduleRow : scheduleRows) {
            String blockId = scheduleRow.getAttributeValue("blockID");

            // If not one of the configured block IDs then ignore. This is 
            // important because sometimes NextBus leaves old block definitions
            // in the config.
            if (!validBlockIdsList.contains(blockId))

            // Get list of stops times for this block
            List<StopTime> stopTimesForBlock = stopTimesMap.get(blockId);
            if (stopTimesForBlock == null) {
                stopTimesForBlock = new ArrayList<StopTime>();
                stopTimesMap.put(blockId, stopTimesForBlock);

            List<Element> stopsForScheduleRow = scheduleRow.getChildren("stop");
            for (Element stop : stopsForScheduleRow) {
                String stopTag = stop.getAttributeValue("tag");
                String timeStr = stop.getText();

                // If stop doesn't have valid time then it is not 
                // considered to be part of trip
                if (!timeStr.contains(":"))

                //            // KLUDGE! Need west route to start with 1500owen stop instead of
                //            // the 1650owen one so that the stop at beginning of trip is only
                //            // once in trip. This way can successfully figure out when trip ends.
                //            // But the schedule API data only deals with 1650owen stop. So
                //            // if encountering stop berr5th_s stop, which is after the owen
                //            // stops, then use schedule time for the 1500owen stop instead
                //            // of the 1650owen 1500owen one.
                //            String routeId = route.getAttributeValue("tag");
                //            if (routeId.equals("west")) {
                //               if (stopTag.equals("berr5th_s")) {
                //                  StopTime previousStopTime = 
                //                        stopTimesForBlock.get(stopTimesForBlock.size()-1);
                //                  if (previousStopTime.stopId.equals("1650owen")) {
                //                     // Encountered schedule times for 1650owen and then
                //                     // berr5th_s so replace the stopId for the 1650owen
                //                     // schedule time with 1500owen so that it is for the
                //                     // stop for the beginning of the trip
                //                     previousStopTime.stopId = "1500owen";
                //                  }
                //               }
                //            }

                // Arrival stops are a nuisance. Don't really want them because
                // they are not GTFS, but if defined then still need the stop
                // to define the very end of a block. To do that need to use
                // the regular stop tag instead of the arrival one.
                if (stopTag.endsWith("_a"))
                    stopTag = stopTag.substring(0, stopTag.length() - 2);

                // Add this stop time to the map
                StopTime stopTime = new StopTime(stopTag, timeStr);

                // Turn out the schedule times from the NextBus API can be out 
                // of order so sort them. Yes, it is inefficient to sort every
                // time adding a new time but easier to do it this way.   

        return stopTimesMap;

     * Returns true if this specified stop is the first one of next trip.
     * @param i
     *            Index into stopTimesForBlock
     *            @param routeId
     * @param beginIndex
     *            So can determine first stop of this trip so can determine when
     *            wrap around
     * @param stopTimesForBlock
     *            The stop times for the block
     * @param dirsForRoute
     *            All of the Dirs for the route
     * @return True if first stop of trip
    private static boolean firstStopInNextTrip(int i, String routeId, int beginIdx,
            List<StopTime> stopTimesForBlock, List<Dir> dirsForRoute) {
        // If first stop of block then first stop in trip
        if (i == 0)
            return true;

        String currentStopId = stopTimesForBlock.get(i).stopId;

        // KLUDGE
        // For caltrans route can't determine first stop in trip effectively
        // for the morning routes. Therefore handle special case.
        // This is a terrible hack to deal with the routes
        // where there is a different trip pattern in the morning and the
        // afternoon, but cannot determine the trip pattern from the stops
        // alone. Need to look at the schedule time as well.
        //      if (routeId.equals("caltrans")) {
        //         String tripStartTimeStr = stopTimesForBlock.get(beginIdx).stopTimeStr;
        //         int tripStartTimeSecs = Time.parseTimeOfDay(tripStartTimeStr);
        //         if (tripStartTimeSecs < 12 * Time.SEC_PER_HOUR) {
        //            // It is morning caltrans trip so handle specially
        //            if (currentStopId.equals("calttown") || currentStopId.equals("trans390"))
        //               return true;
        //         }
        //      }
        // KLUDGE
        // The caltrain route is a mess. Need to simply hardcode which stops
        // indicate the end of a trip.
        if (routeId.equals("caltrain")) {
            String tripStartTimeStr = stopTimesForBlock.get(beginIdx).stopTimeStr;
            int tripStartTimeSecs = Time.parseTimeOfDay(tripStartTimeStr);
            if (tripStartTimeSecs < 12 * Time.SEC_PER_HOUR) {
                // morning trip
                if (currentStopId.equals("1650owen"))
                    return true;
            } else {
                // Afternoon trip
                if (currentStopId.equals("nektar"))
                    return true;

        // KLUDGE
        // east loop route is also messy. Need to always end trips at powell stop at bart station
        if (routeId.equals("east")) {
            if (currentStopId.equals("powell"))
                return true;

        // For simple route with only single direction look for first stop
        // of that direction
        if (dirsForRoute.size() == 1) {
            String firstStopId = dirsForRoute.get(0).stopIds.get(0);
            if (currentStopId.equals(firstStopId))
                return true;

        // If wrapped around to first stop of trip then return true
        String firstStopId = stopTimesForBlock.get(beginIdx).stopId;
        if (currentStopId.equals(firstStopId))
            return true;

        // If gap between times is greater than 2 hours then true
        if (stopTimesForBlock.get(i).stopTime > stopTimesForBlock.get(i - 1).stopTime + 2 * Time.SEC_PER_HOUR)
            return true;

        // Not one of the special cases so return false
        return false;

     * Does really complicated merger of directions and schedule times and
     * determines both the GTFS trips and the GTFS stop times.
     * @param tripsWriter
     * @param stopTimesWriter
     * @param routeId
     * @param scheduleDoc
    private static void processTripsAndStopTimesForRoute(GtfsTripsWriter tripsWriter,
            GtfsStopTimesWriter stopTimesWriter, String routeId, Document scheduleDoc) {
        List<Dir> dirsForRoute = MissionBayConfig.getSpecialCaseDirections(routeId);

        Map<String, List<StopTime>> stopTimesByBlock = getStopTimesMap(scheduleDoc);

        // For every block in route...
        for (String blockId : stopTimesByBlock.keySet()) {
            List<StopTime> stopTimesForBlock = stopTimesByBlock.get(blockId);
            // For every trip in block...
            int beginIdx = 0; // Index into stopTimesForBlock
            do {
                // Determine endIdx, the last stop of the trip. It will 
                // usually be the first stop of the next trip, but it
                // can also simply be the end of the trip if there is a
                // time gap or if the end of the block has been reached.
                int endIdx; // Index into stopTimesForBlock
                for (endIdx = beginIdx + 1; endIdx < stopTimesForBlock.size() && !firstStopInNextTrip(endIdx,
                        routeId, beginIdx, stopTimesForBlock, dirsForRoute); ++endIdx) {

                // Handle end of block properly
                if (endIdx >= stopTimesForBlock.size())
                    endIdx = stopTimesForBlock.size() - 1;

                // Handle timegap between trips properly
                boolean deadheading = false;
                if (stopTimesForBlock.get(endIdx).stopTime > stopTimesForBlock.get(endIdx - 1).stopTime
                        + 2 * Time.SEC_PER_HOUR) {
                    deadheading = true;

                // Handle special case where deadheading
                if (routeId.equals("caltrain") && stopTimesForBlock.get(endIdx).stopId.equals("trans390")
                        && stopTimesForBlock.get(endIdx - 1).stopId.equals("1650owen")) {
                    deadheading = true;

                // Get list of stops in schedule for the current trip.
                // Ignore arrival stops since they don't fit in with the
                // GTFS model
                List<String> scheduledStopIdsForTrip = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (int i = beginIdx; i <= endIdx; ++i) {
                    // If not an arrival stop indicated by stop ID ending 
                    // with "_a" then add it to list of stops
                    if (!stopTimesForBlock.get(i).stopId.endsWith("_a"))

                // Continue to process trip but only if it has more than just a single
                // stop. This is important to check because sometimes the schedule
                // will return just a single stop when it is just an arrival stop.
                boolean tripWithOnlySingleStop = scheduledStopIdsForTrip.size() <= 2 && scheduledStopIdsForTrip
                        .get(0).equals(scheduledStopIdsForTrip.get(scheduledStopIdsForTrip.size() - 1));
                if (!tripWithOnlySingleStop) {
                    // Create the GTFS trip
                    String tripStartTimeStr = stopTimesForBlock.get(beginIdx).stopTimeStr;
                    String tripId = getTripId(routeId, blockId, tripStartTimeStr);
                    writeGtfsTrip(tripsWriter, tripId, routeId, blockId, tripStartTimeStr, dirsForRoute,

                    // Determine the Dir that matches to the scheduled times for 
                    // the current trip in the schedule
                    Dir matchingDir = determineDirection(scheduledStopIdsForTrip, dirsForRoute, routeId,

                    // Find stop in the Dir that matches the first
                    // schedule time for the trip, since might be looking at a
                    // partial trip that doesn't start at beginning of the Dir.
                    int dirIdx; // Index into matchingDir
                    String firstScheduleStopForTrip = stopTimesForBlock.get(beginIdx).stopId;
                    for (dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < matchingDir.stopIds.size(); ++dirIdx) {
                        if (matchingDir.stopIds.get(dirIdx).equals(firstScheduleStopForTrip)) {

                    // Go through stops in the matching Dir and add all of them
                    // to the trip.            
                    int prevStopTimeIdx = beginIdx;
                    while (dirIdx < matchingDir.stopIds.size() && prevStopTimeIdx < endIdx) {
                        String stopId = matchingDir.stopIds.get(dirIdx);

                        // Find scheduled time for the stop if there is one. If there
                        // isn't one then timeStr will be null. Need to be careful here
                        // because a trip will often have a stop defined twice. For 
                        // example, if the trip loops around then the same stop will
                        // be at beginning and end of trip. And sometimes a trip
                        // covers the same stop twice due to a figure-8 configuration.
                        String timeStr = null;
                        for (int stopTimeIdx = prevStopTimeIdx; stopTimeIdx <= endIdx; ++stopTimeIdx) {
                            StopTime stopTime = stopTimesForBlock.get(stopTimeIdx);
                            if (stopTime.stopId.equals(stopId)) {
                                timeStr = stopTime.stopTimeStr;
                                prevStopTimeIdx = stopTimeIdx;

                        // First stop of trip is a timepoint stop, though of course
                        // that is automatically done anyways by the core system.
                        Boolean timepointStop = dirIdx == 0;
                        GtfsStopTime gtfsStopTime = new GtfsStopTime(tripId, timeStr, timeStr, stopId, dirIdx,


                // Continue on to next trip. If trip ended with timegap then
                // need to go to the next stop. If reached end of block then
                // done endIdx will point to last stop for block
                beginIdx = endIdx;
                if (deadheading)
            } while (beginIdx < stopTimesForBlock.size() - 1);

     * Uses NextBus API schedule command to determine trips and stop times
     * and create the corresponding GTFS files.
     * @param routeIds
    private static void processTripsAndStopTimes(List<String> routeIds) {"Processing trips and stop times...");

        // Create the trips and stop_times GTFS files
        String fileName = gtfsDirectory.getValue() + "/" + agencyId + "/trips.txt";
        GtfsTripsWriter tripsWriter = new GtfsTripsWriter(fileName);
        fileName = gtfsDirectory.getValue() + "/" + agencyId + "/stop_times.txt";
        GtfsStopTimesWriter stopTimesWriter = new GtfsStopTimesWriter(fileName);

        for (String routeId : routeIds) {
            // Read in the route info from API and add resulting
            // GtfsRoute to routes file
            try {
                // Get the schedule XML document
                Document scheduleDoc = getNextBusApiInputStream("schedule", "r=" + routeId);

                // Process trips and stop_times for route
                processTripsAndStopTimesForRoute(tripsWriter, stopTimesWriter, routeId, scheduleDoc);
            } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) {
                logger.error("Problem processing data for route {}", routeId, e);

        // Close the files

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> routeIds = processRoutes();
